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BTEC 2012

Unit 1 The Online World

Name: .

Lesson 10 Data Exchange 2

(Student Book B Pg 14 - 16)

1. Explain what serial and parallel transmissions are.

The process of transmitting data one
bit at a time. All Communications
networks use serial transmission, and
the internal channels in computers
have switched from parallel to serial
data transfer.

The process of transmitting several bits
of data simultaneously using multiple
lines. The pathways between the CPU
and the memory are parallel and they
used to be parallel between the CPU
and peripheral devices.

2. What is bi-directional transmission?

A communication mode that is capable of transmitting data in both directions. It is also a printer port
Client side processing is the use of a scripting language to create code on web pages which provide
interactivity. An example of this is a rollover action; this is where some code is triggered when your
mouse is moved over a particular part of the web page.
3. What are the benefits of client side processing?
One benefit is it allows access for more interactivity by immediately responding to users actions.
4. What are the disadvantages of client side processing?
One disadvantage is, not all browsers support the scripts, therefor users might experience errors if no
alternatives have been provided.


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: .

Server-side processing involves the use of scripts which reside and are run on another computer on the
internet (the web server). Information is submitted to a server which processes it to provide results in the
form of a web page. A good example of server-side processing is the submission of a search through a
search engine. The search engine matches the word or phrase against an index of website content on
the web server using scripts
5. What are the benefits of server side processing?
One benefit is, it reduces the load on the users computer, as it does not require plugins or browser
scripting technology (such as JavaScript).
6. What are the disadvantages of server side processing?
One disadvantage is, it requires the scripting software to be installed on the server.
7. Explain what USB is and what it is commonly used for.
Universal Storage Bus (USB) is a small device that can have different amounts of data it can store. It is
commonly used for Backing up and/or moving file data to and from other computers.


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