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Configuring D-Link DSL 2730U for BSNL

This guide shows step by step guide to configure your D-Link DSL-2730U for BSNL
Broadband. This includes the normal setting which can also be applied to the other
routers. Just follow the few steps to configure your modem

Step 1: Open in your web browser and login using your username
password or by default it is admin(username) andadmin(password)

Step 2: Click on Advanced Setup > Layer2Interaface> ATM Interface> Click Add

Step 3 : Put the following values(As shown in the below image). and
click Apply/Save

Step 4: Now click on WAN Service and click add

Step 5 :Select the Layer2 Interface which you have created in the previous
step, Click Next

Step 5: Ensure the following Settings

Step 6: Write Your Username and password. In the PPPoE Service Name box put
the value "dataone", Click Next

Step 7 : Select the gateway ppp0, Click Next

Step 7: Now in the DNS Server Configuration page move ppp0 interface to the
"Selected DNS sever Interfaces", Click Next

Step 8 : Click Apply/Save

Now reboot your modem.

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