1385 Tourism

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~o~ www.rahema.com ‘www.touristconsult.mihanblog.com (#4) eto), Part A: Grammar and Vocabulary Directions: Choose the number of the answer (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes the sentence, | Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. Yo the paper by the time Professor Smith gets back. Ip will have finished 2) finish 3) will be finished 4) have finished in a foreign country you need to have a valid international driver's license. 1) Driving, 2) Te drive 3) That you drive 4) You will drive —-—— he is will never die. 1) Such aman as 2) What aman as 3) What aman that 4) Such @ man that The insurance company paid bim $2000 as -----—-- for the loss of his car even though he had not reported it to the police. , 1) subsidiary 2) convention 3) substitution 4} compensation Refer to the footnote on the page; yow'll find your answer there. 1) inherent preceding 3) widespread 4) subordinate Her new book ~ the essay you're looking for thoagh you might also find it as a separate piece in The Asian Journal of Sociology: 1) denotes 2) inserts 3}enhances 4) incorporates ‘The film provides us with great —----- into life as it was lived two hundred years ago. route 2) sphere 3) insight 4) coherence Wide tree-lined streets are without them. 15 precise 2) marginal 3) adjacent 4) intrinsic He was arrested by the police when he tried to a gun into the airport : 2)impose 3) emerge 4} obtain The government strongly supports the ~--——- of disabled people into the larger society. SY acquisition 3) integration 4) construction to the town’s character; it's not possible to imagine the town Part B: Cloze Test Directions: Read the following passage and decide which choice (1), (2), (3), or (4) best fits eack J blank. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet Researchers have found that written Engtish works in a very different way to spoken English. The phrase “say what you like” literally means “feel free (o say anything you want,” but in reality itis used, evidence sows, by someone to (11) the other persun (12) disagreement. The phrase is a question of” crops up on the database over and over again. It has nothing to do with (13) but it's one of the most frequent English phrases which has never been in a language jearner’s dictionary before: it is now. ‘The Spoken Corpus computer shows how inventive and humorous people are when they are using language by (14) ~ familiar phrases for effect. It aiso reveals the power of the pauses and noises swe use to play for time, (15) ——-—-- emotion, doubt and irony. 1) refuse 2) prevent 3) dismiss 4) disturb 1) voices 2) from voicing 3)0 voice 4) to be voiced 1) enquiry Dcontex: 5) function 4) assessment 1) imply 2} focusing 3) bwisting 4} achieving convey 2) to convey 35 that conveys 4) which is conveying Yanko ATO aS) eons genet Part C: Reading Comprehension Directions: Read the following three passages and answer the questions by choosing the best choice (1), (2), (3), oF (4). Then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet, 16- ae 18- 19- 20- PASSAGE 1: Worldwide tourism posted positive results in 1998, with international travel increasing 1.5% for a total 620 million arrivals. This compared with 2.8% growth in 1997 and 5.6% in 1996. Worldwide earnings from international tourism exceeded $450 billion. The lower growth rate for arrivals was mainly attributable to the Asian financial crisis, which resulted in five million fewer foreign tourists visiting East Asia and the Pacific during the year. The majority of the world’s destinations, however, continued 10 experience an upward trend in arrivals. In Africa devaluation of its currency allowed South Africa to offer competitive prices to tourists. Tanzania’s wildlife-based tourism surged by 30% as Kenya’s tourism operators sought government assistance to resuscitate an industry preoccupied with security. Arrivals in Morocco and Tunisia grew by wud 8%, respectively, and in West Africa, Cote d'Ivoire welcomed 10% more foreign visitors. Anticipating an end to UN sanctions, Libya prepared a five-year plan for tourism development. In East Asia and Oceania countries dependent on regional tourism were strongly affected by the aftermath of the financial crisis. They included Hong Kong (13%), New Zealand (10%), and Singapore (-16%). Civil unrest threatened Indonesia's five million-visitor market, Even in Bali, the country’s most popular destination, hotel occupancy was down to 30%. Australia and the Philippines also reported a difficult year but experienced declines of ‘only 5% and 1%, respectively, in overseas arrivals. Thailand, by contrast, reported a 6% increase in arrivals, a result of currency devaluation and a successful “Amazing Thailand” promotion, while in South Korea arrivals rose 7% as currency depreciation made shopping visits attractive. China welcomed 12% more tourists from overseas. Japan projected a 5% decline in overseas travel by its citizens, down to 16 million, In South Asia, India planned to introduce new lwvury tourist trains. In Myanmar (Burma) a new resort near Mandalay reflected the growing interest in ecotourism. Maldives tourism surged by 9%. In the Middle East the political situation continued to affect tourism. Israel began the year below 1997 levels, though Jordan reported a recuvery of 13% above the previous year. The opening in November of the new Gaza International Airport was seen as bringing tourism benefits to the Palestinian people. ‘The passage is mainly about —- 1) the amount of tourism revenues 2) the increase in international travel 3) tourism in three continents in 1998 4) the positive results of worldwide tourism ‘The word “attributable” in line 4 is closest in meaning to Vater 2) because of 3) at the time of 4) largely The comparatively lower rate of travels in 1998 was partly due to-——-—-. 1) the financial erisis in Asia 2) the politicat situation in East Asia 3) Asians’ lack of interest in visiting Africa 4) growing interest in ecotourism father than tourism Unlike tourism in the Middle East, tourism in -—-----—-. 1) Oceania rose by 7 percent 2) Oceania became more dependent on civil unrest 3) Africa declined because of currency devaluation 4) Africa was not negatively affected by political factors ‘According to the passage, it is NOT true that 1) tourism industry was comparatively more successful in 1996 2) Bali was the most attractive destination for Asian tourists 3) the number of foreigners visiting Australia in 1998 decreased by five percent 4) those visiting Jordan in 997 were smaller in number compared with travelers in 1998 a 2. 23- 24 25. Tanke OND 5) ads peal gs PASSAGE The latest trend in tourism is travel that combines preserving the natural world and sustaining the well-being of the human cultures that inhabit it, Known as ecotourism, the industry was unknown a decade ago, yet it now receives rave reviews from environmentally old won awh yd hu nd abe apne aout Unlike traditional tourism, ecotourism promotes environmentally responsible travel and seeks to ensure tbat visitors “take nothing but photographs and leave bel footprints.” Au equally important part of the ecotourism equation is “sustainable” tourism that enables local people to protect their natural and cultural resources and profit from them at the same time. The truly “green” traveler also emphasizes the necessity for tours that strictly timit group size, coordinate with native guides, and donate a percentage of tour profits to commanity projects or research. Varying interpretations and definitions of ecotourism currently exist. The ecotourism umbrella seems to shelter all kinds of outdoor travel-related products-from beach hotels that happen to be near a rain forest to a national park visit, guided bird-watching, or scientist-led Antarctic cruising, It also encompasses adventure expeditions, such as trekking and river rafting, as well as less rigorous trips to culturally exotic or archeologieally important locations. ‘The general concept of ecotourism arose when conservationists realized the potential benefits in combining people's interest in nature with their concern for the environment. Aa early model for ecotourism came from East Africa in the 1970s, when Kenya began collecting fees from safari-bound tourists heading into its national parks. Those revenues were ‘earmarked (o support conservation and park maintenance in its vast wildlife preserves. Sustainability and preservation 1) referto new concepts in traditional rourism 2) were first introduced by a green traveler 3) are the main concerns of ecotourism 4) are portrayed in many photographs Ecotourism concerns date back to ~- 1) the discovery of wildlife in Africa 2) conservationist realization 3) the attempts made by East Afriean countries 4) the suggestion made by the first safari-bound tourists ‘The word “it” (line 15) refers to ~ 2) Antarerie emising ) guided hird-watching ¥) national park visit 4) ecotourism umbrella Traditional tourism and ecotourism --—-——- 1) involve traveters and visitors 2) have various interpretations 3) share a concem for responsible travel 4) try to improve community projects and research ‘The author does NOT support the idea that -— }) ecotourism requires conscious travelers 2) guided bird-watching in covered in the definition of ecotourism 3) visiting A rican national parks were free before the 1970s, 4) traditional tourism is more beneficial to human cultures 26- 2 28. 29- 30- Fanke NTE AD) Gene ealBil gb 5 PASSAGE 3: In for-profit work, tbe primary function of management is satisfy a range of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing rewarding employment opportunities (for employees). In nonprofit work it is also important to keep the faith of donors. In most models of management, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and that board then hires senior management. Some organizations are experimenting with other methods of selecting managers (such as employee voting models) but this is very rare. Public, private, and voluntary sectors place different demands on managers, but all must retain the faith of those who select them (if they wish to retain their jobs), retain the faith of those people that fund the organization, and retain the faith of those who work for the organization. If they fail to convince employees that they are better off staying than leaving, the organization will be forced into 2 downward spiral of hiring, training, firing, and recruiting. Management also has a responsibility to innovate and improve the functioning of the organization. Jn all but the smallest organizations, achieving these objectives involves a division of management labor. People specialize in a limited range of functions so as to more quickly gain competence and expertise. Even in employee managed workplaces such as a Wobbly Shop, where managers are elected, or where Jatitude of action is sharply restricted by collective bargaining or unions, managers stiii take on roughly the same functions and job deseriptions as in a more traditional command hierarchy. The best title for the passage would be 1} How to Satisfy Customers 2) How to manage For-Profit Work 3) The Relationship between Managers and Stockholders 4) Demands on Managers Coming from Different Sectors In order not to lose their jobs, managers should 1) help fund the organization 2) be faithful to three groups 3) reduce the rate of hiring 4) fire those employees who are not trained The word “latitude” in line £8 is closest in meaning to —-—----. 1) diteetion 2) pace 3) type 4) range In contrast to the situation in larger organizations, in small organization: . 1) people have less specific specialty 2) a division of labor is more important 3) workers have to work more quickly 4) managers are elected According to the passage, it is NOT true that 1) non-profit work is based on donation 2) managers elect employees in Wobbly Shop 3) faithful management is common to three sectors, 4) managers should be both faithful and innovative Danis 52 Silas obeadl y aay oy saally Poss oF gle GT Sade 9 gal JT say che J ein death BO) Maes syajl valital Mi yo es be jl cailin (F Siysle Glassl; opeeS OF sleetehe 59504 stat CIELO Jas Sly late ag ala loads pl Joa Jal ynd y Cees onda cat (Y Ra S Las ily ow slaw cay jl JIS pane ond dT ect le aes CLA SAL lds 9 ST leds gee 2 Clune tegen (F See Gee BBO yo ge ait ae obese 98 CS HL GLE 59 pe Loe 5 S0 FO) ae cl cian lan I Vyane 6809 8 8 sy F SO pS Ee lay ol bbe a cal las 9 gulbe foo aa it {eylo Blan sinsey p90 2 WS alas Stead tes Glade ahs aly etee alae isle stale () aS eps ae SL yale ae BI ps Cb Ee op eey IT 2S ge Gans |p Sew gles pana S ak gunn yea sos) Bs ype lade a ake ep tatin F Sasa 998 AF 908, 8em cr 99 aba Sle ee SE cp ap by LI Se oF ue Jad gl lt a Las Cab a pa Sele, Sao S LT henry Spl Sea Sa gol ol Seal plas gS gf aasagt pale 70 IF ates A lastly one ey ee Send yells giles Ga ae LL F (eat Sioa 9 ge slnban a Vel plat pols cloaking, ltt ODER Sy Sete i TM I Se ely SB pte slnesa Vga () lets 95 hag (F Geol ial swan Fog ot Ahi! WS cgi 52,Silg 22 sage le eal GIP ee ta aly ams ad Ja OU Seb lye yp so ke iF Sat Sa gt SE ty al pote oy tale ha ie aly tease Sa ioe nea sate Jae Je ode pad asa sie igh yphF 6 0, sag gle Tb yy we ae caer wok Scola (Ute ated) igacad 53st gine ete ee ud Ste a ly Jey SU I Star sll Se bE 2 bp aa! saz sb Me Bae Ghar ate alts y aamial o Dpe cla pete Aa IT Sl el pion sie OF akg, ups p Wl Slice CA y gp Aly pole dam Shpall EE yo CF IN Sa0S hy matin eid paella coy abr lbs QUAGS SOS ly pats WF yaRiyla | alaae gf olay silt phe yl glne daa cl gi gata alia ly 528 ple talan (F Kip ales wit es ey eis DEN Sa LA ee JST ae 5 alge Se ah tangs GLEE Teh ie Se Aye 9 Se JS P Gana gli gibl oaad Ga ga 9 lel nd Gogne ype) Sp ge Sealy ee ad SIO Leas ALS aL Aakass gla Jin ple Od ISI CO D, s ausnce a ro ry TA 1 Fanke 5 golly obit g aenigl i saaliy Pe hays te gine) Sy IS) ghaad BAF La, pall 79 pj JRE a Ao S; wel poet scoel a ( ol a sol hte Bea pense po gy pene LUE CF foal ere Rog! BLS EA pyad 2 he plat el ET LE CY Sal LaF Ml ofa See gl en eg 0092 ite gag BT 83 Soa apt lla Sy Gehan i ge ite sage UT Soul gale Jam (ADR) ailjg, haugte Cy oad 32 yj Htjbee iP he plat SEE lel! oan bo gla gh JS adds pk 0) sage Sate em va Sst se tet ol a JF aula pk CT lige ody Jim la SL 9 ee I al pe oo oo gtk EF Teal te SE yg Slants Ro9 Sean le Sah 39 sb bat Seeder whole gale sles age oie Aled bets A alsa rma 9 J insane SK al Fy alect eS ada Crea JES gine aye Fase lw 5a EIB QF ably Na yey tale wal 9 18S 6) age POT ONQ Giype Aula ahi jf 99b Sy Lal ine Pee 5 gy SY la Spe ay hh she coats Pa¥oo -¥o oQ F Qeyoee ae Pt be o-FQ IT Per TO a algy Saat le ly! 22 all pla Saez cena gli bly gal oa obi sash Sig sha Sh0 SaaS go Ble gle globe Apunne 7915 Cand pail OT 95 gl peLE 5S plas ook U gbisolaast wind oane and aL OF lye Saad as el cad Gas OF Enea atl) Spgs pene S88 taal tally Sy yal fA ogo rd Lag Af plat es genes ge Sake tl Sh ke SLs geo, Ql ist ie Si 2 pile pay lat aul eel qo pho yF sia 90 nif ola siange Bere ale ee S208 A Vaart) ip SSE ian Bus gil fl Sb0 FF pape SIS iS go al on EAS LT siggy bye alge thay Jy eta F ole ghee NA 198 GAB Wage ple 1 ae aly ge ty Gata! jf Job lasal jo aiadins gblostacitl = tS TS pa ale ee di oF ul ob star GDP yo gh ote les (1 sl te GT pa lat el oP SNS gh Shas By Joa . 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