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October 16, 2015

To: SEIU Local 1107

From: Martin C. Bassick
Subject: Letter of Resignation
SEIU Local 1107 Executive Board:
I would like to extend my appreciation to SEIU Local 1107 membership for
allowing me to work on their behalf for the past two years. I have gained a vast
amount of knowledge, experience and expertise in collective bargaining and
legislative matters.
At this time, I would like to present my resignation effective today Friday,
October 16th 2015. My reason for resigning is due to an unhealthy and often
toxic work environment. Our members are facing real issues (SB 241s effect
on public employees, quality staffing issues in hospitals, and ongoing contract
battles) yet our organization often focuses on personal agendas instead of
what is important to our members.


3785 E. Sunset Road

Las Vegas, NV 89120
PHONE 702-386-8849
FAX 702-386-4883

I have spent more than 2 years trying to turn this organization around but to no
avail. This is our Union and it needs to be about our membership. The
deficiencies within the Local's Constitution and Bylaws dividing the local into
two divisions of Private Healthcare and Public Sector workers have continually
caused a merry-go-round effect of appalling infighting thus resulting in an
inability to properly self govern. If the leaders of our union are fighting each
other instead of organizing against employers and fighting for the middle class,
then they are in this organization for the wrong reason. I hope that my
resignation brings light to these issues that have been festering for well over a
decade and I hope that both SEIU International and the Local work together to
provide much needed fixes and solutions to the internally poisoned
Somehow the SEIU Local 1107 has lost sight of working for our members
common good and let internal politics take center stage. Playing politics with
our Union is not OK. The only one who benefits when our Board and
Leadership are fighting is the Employer. This Union is about our many
members working out in the workplace not just a handful of members that
hold officer positions and staff employees who carry personal agendas.
Although change and reconstruction can be a difficult process at first, it would
be my hope that our Union can emerge unified with a stronger focus and
capability to defend workers' rights to collectively bargain and grow the middle
class in the state of Nevada.
October 16, 2015

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Again, I would like to thank the membership for allowing me to represent Local
1107 as President for the past two plus years. At the present time though, I
feel that I can accomplish more positive change working for our Union at the
grassroots level trying to build power out in the shops rather than from within
where problems exist with the current structure and direction of our Union and
our Executive Board. It has been an honor serving you.

Martin C. Bassick
SEIU Nevada
Local 1107


3785 E. Sunset Road

Las Vegas, NV 89120
PHONE 702-386-8849
FAX 702-386-4883

October 16, 2015

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