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United Nations Children’s Fund

Committee: United Nations International Children´s Fund

Topic C: The Challenges Imposed on Infancy by the suffering of AIDS/HIV.

Sponsors: Mali,Hungary, China,Luxembourg, Haiti, Russian Federation,
Switzerland, Denmark

The United Nations on behalf the United Nations International Children´s Fund
that works to achieve children´s wellfare around the globe

1) Deeply concerned by the approximately 396,000 children that die

because of AIDS/HIV every year,
2) Keeping in mind the “International Declaration of Human Rights”, “The
Declaration of the rights of the child,
3) Taking into account the United Nations’ regional programs,
4) Emphazising the commitment and the responsibility of all delegations to
achieve the correct development of every child,
5) Further recalling that in previous HIV tests they recycled needles and
people became infected,
6) Fully aware that developing countries beneficiated from donations mostly
use the money in military equipment:

7) Further invites musicians and athletes to make benefit events so we can

gather money;

8) Trusts that the WHO will manage the money correctly, using it first, in the
most affected delegation then the second and so on;

9) Has resolved to suggest to the WHO to exhort the governments to spend

the money in medicaments, medical equipment, sterilized needles or any other
materials needed;

10) Notes that in case that the medicaments and medical equipment couldn’t
be given free, demands to sell it at low costs and let them pay it later when they
get the money;

11) Encourages to gradually implement the Prevention of Mother to Child

Transmission measures of using the anti-HIV drugs that prevent the
transmission of the virus, and later use an alternative to breast milk;

12) Approves the creation of hospitals specialized in the treatment of


13)Recommends all the governments to make educational programs (for

children of 12 years and over) that teach about how to prevent and the
consequences of AIDS/HIV;

14) Designates a law that forbids aborting babies affected with AIDS/HIV;
United Nations Children’s Fund

15) Confirms that we will make the HIV tests with sterilized equipment every
two years in the country we are working on so we can know if we are actually

16)Strongly recommends teaching children in schools not to exclude anyone

with AIDS/HIV.

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