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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 16, 2015

What are the mandatory sacrificial offerings (yajnas) that every human being
must undertake? Bhagawan lovingly reinforces to us today.

Five yajnas are prescribed as mandatory for every human being: (1)
Activities devoted to the study of scriptures (Rishi Yajna); (2) Activities
devoted to parents who confer your birth, foster and guide you (Pitr
Yajna); (3) Acts done as reverential homage to God who endowed
you with mind, intelligence, memory and consciousness, and who is
inherent in your every cell as Rasa, the vital energy (Raso Vai
Sah).Indeed, the right use of these instruments that God has given
you is Deva Yajna; (4) The fourth is adoration of guests. Everyone
must welcome the chance of entertaining a guest and treat them with
affection, and please them with sincere hospitality as if sent by God,
be it one's own kith and kin or strangers (Atithi Yajna); (5) The
finalyajna is unselfish acts done while dealing with trees, plants,
animals, birds and pets like cats and dogs (Bhoota Yajna). Remember
to make every act of yours from sunrise to the onset of sleep as a
- Divine Discourse, Oct 02, 1981

Acts by which you express your gratitude and affection, adoration and appreciation
are really holy yajna. Baba
16 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjbI tRWslySn
pRSn: auh ikhVI cIz hY ijhdI,mnu`K nUM X`g iv`c AwhuqI (ArQwq iqAwg) dyxI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hr mnu`K leI pMj iqAwg d`sy gey hn[(1) irSI Xjnw ArQwq Drm gRMQ pVHn dw kMm(2) ipqr Xjnw
ArQwq mW-bwp leI kIqy krm,ijnHW quhwnUM jnm id`qw hY,pwilAw hY Aqy quhwfw mwrg-drSn kIqw hY(3) Bgvwn
nUM Aripq kIqy krm,ijnHW swnUM mn,bu`DI,Xwdwsq Aqy smJ jW jwgrUpqw id`qI hY Aqy ijhVy quhwfy hr rom rom
iv`c r`s dy rUp iv`c vsy hoey hn Aqy ijhVy, rso vwey swhw ArQwq mu`K aUrjw idMdy hn[Asl iv`c,ieh h`iQAwrW
dw pRXog ijhVy h`iQAwr,Bgvwn ny quhwnUM id`qy hn,dyv Xjnw kuhWdy hn[(4) mihmwnW dw Awdr -sqkwr
krnw[hr iek nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh mihmwn dy sqkwr krn dy mOky nUM nw guMvwey,aunHW dw ipAwr nwl sqkwr kry
Aqy aunHW nwl Awpxy irSqydwrW vrgw brqwau kry Aqy ipAwr dI bOCwr kry ijvyN auh mihmwn,Bgvwn ny quhwfy
kol Byjy hn[ies nUM AiqQI Xjnw kihMdy hn[(5) AMiqm Xjnw nUM BUqw Xjnw kihMdy hn[ies Xjnw iv`c mnu`K nUM

cwhIdw hY ik auh,insvwrQ ho ky drKqW,pOidAW,pSUAW,pkSI Aqy pwlqU jwnvrW ijvyN ib`lI,ku`qy nwl ipAwr
kry[Xwd r`Ko ik qusIN ijhVw vI krm,sUrj cVHn qoN sUrj grUb Aqy sOx qweIN kro,Xjnw dy rUp iv`c kro[(02
AkqUbr,1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[
auh krm,ijhdy nwl qusIN dUijAW dw AwBwr ,kRiqGXqw,pRSMSw Aqy ipAwr drsWauNdy ho,auhI Asl iv`c piv`qr
Xjnw(X`g) hY[(bwbw)[

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