Reflection 4

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Theresa Forte

School Reading Problems Lesson Reflection


Lesson #6:
Student will be able to read
directions for our scavenger hunt
with the proper expression.

Teaching Strategy
I created a scavenger hunt in order to test
Frans fluency skills, such as reading with
expression, which we have been
reviewing. Fran was given directions or
clues to read, and these sentences had
phonics skills we had previously worked
on (long and short vowels, blends) to see if
he could apply these skills while reading
with the proper expression. I modeled the
first direction by reading silently, then
reading the clue and performing the action
on the clue. As Fran read each clue with
the proper expression and pace, he was
given a blended word, which would later
be used in our word sort. Some of these
directions included:
Oh no! The leaf fell off the wall!
Can you please put it on the desk?
Think fast! Catch the ball!
If youre having fun, give me
thumbs up.
I wanted to see if Fran would read these
sentences at the correct pace since there
were phonics concepts that he has
struggled with in the past. I also wanted to
see if he read with the proper
expression/inflection in his voice for
exclamation and question marks.


(Descriptive evidence objective was


The first two clues were read in a

monotone voice, even though they both
contained an exclamation or question
mark. Once Fran stopped and read the
sentence in his head before reading out
loud, the proper expression was read with
clue number three. If stopping was not
enough to understand the proper
expression, I would read the clue and
asked what sounded different when I read
it vs. when he read it; he then corrected
himself. Towards the end of the scavenger
hunt, he read with the proper expression.
He also read at the correct pace with each
clue. He mispronounced some of the words
in some of the clues, which was expected
because the clues contained phonics skills
that he struggled with and we went over in
the past. The mispronounced words were
as follows
erase was read as eller
drawing was read as dralling
soccer was read as scooter
tiny was read as Tina
Through the scavenger hunt and the words
he mispronounced, we need to continue
reviewing long and short vowels, and

eventually work on r-controlled words.

Lesson #7:
Student will be able to create a
story map for Barney Bird by Kate
Berical, by taking the events of the
story and putting them in their
proper order.

Lesson #6:
Student will be able to brainstorm
about topic/provide reasoning and
organize ideas before writing down
an answer to the prompt.
Student will write and answer a
writing prompt after organizing
ideas through a brainstorm.

I modeled how to create a story map with
the book Bat Helps Out by Ellen Dreyer; I
explained the difference between
"important and interesting details in a
story and used the important facts to make
the story map. Fran then read Barney Bird
by Kate Berical, and put different color
post its on pages to show the difference
between important and interesting
facts. I previously made facts to go along
with Frans story map, which helped Fran
sequence the events, in addition to
realizing what was important in the story. I
wanted to see if Fran could recall the
important parts of the story, and put these
events in their proper order.

I gave Fran the following prompt:
Think about an animal that can
move fast. Write about it. Tell how
being fast keeps animals safe.
I explained how a brainstorm worked and
together, we made a brainstorm about a
cheetah. We broke apart the prompt and
gave reasons as to why being fast kept

While reading, Fran would confuse

interesting and important events at the
beginning of the story; he believed the
story wouldnt be the same if little details
were taken out of it. Once I helped Fran
look at the big picture and see how specific
events affect the story, he was able to
identify the important events. For example,
Fran did not think Barney Bird wanting to
see his family was an important part of the
book, but I explained how this event
answered why Barney wanted to get out of
his egg. Frans story map was correct. All
of the events were placed in the right order.
If Fran had any difficulty, he would look
back at his important post its in the story,
and then would sequence the events. The
mispronounced words in this session
Barney read as Barry
Percy read as pacer
will read as can

Fran decided the animal he wanted to write

about was a cheetah, because he knew
cheetahs were the fastest animals on the
planet. Fran said cheetahs could escape
from their predators and run fast enough to
catch their prey, which would keep them
safe. This is the first time a brainstorm was
introduced, so I did a lot of guided practice

cheetahs safe. I wanted to see if we could

think of ideas to answer a prompt, and then
work together to put these ideas in order so
we could write a response.

Lesson #6:
Student will be able to sort words
from scavenger in the final blend
sound categories of mp, nt, nd, and
oddball categories.

Word Study
We have been working on blends, and this
lessons focus was on ending blends; these
blends ended in mp, nt, and nd. I reviewed
these blend sounds and together, we
though of words that followed these
patterns. With each direction he read
correctly from the scavenger hunt, a word
for our word sort was given to Fran. At the
end of the scavenger hunt, I read all of the
words in the sort and gave the four
possible categories: mp, nt, nd, and
oddball. I wanted to see if Fran would be
able to read the words, pronounce them
correctly/make the proper blend sound,
and sort the words in their proper

when it came to writing; Fran needed help

figuring the order of what to write. He was
able to formulate sentences and an order
once he figured out what reason he wanted
to write about. He misspelled hour as
howr, and said a animal as opposed to
an animal. He also wrote fastes as
faster and prey is brey.
All of the words he sorted were placed in
their proper categories on the first try. Fran
was also able to explain why these words
went in the category they were in. He
pronounced the words as follows:
pump was read as plump
trend was read as thrend
scent was read as skent
tempt was read as thumbed
R-controlled words, as well as the sc
sound need to be reviewed based on
evidence during the Fluency and Word
Study sessions.

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