Health Study Guide 1st Semester Finals

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Jack Lavey

Health Final Study Guide

Morning Final on 12/19/11
Aneurysm- The explosion of a blood vessel.
Balloon Angioplasty- Expansion of a blocked blood vessel by means
of an expanding stent.

Biopsy- Removing a small bit of tissue for testing.

Cerebral Hemorrhage- Bleeding in the brain.
Cerebral Thrombosis- An obstructing blood clot in the brain.
Atherosclerosis- Hardening of the arteries due to excess buildups of
cholesterol or others fats.
Benign- Not threatening.
Malignant- Will spread and cause damage.
Blood Pressure- The amount of pressure exerted on the walls of
blood vessels when the heart pumps (systolic-top #) and releases
(diastolic- bottom #).
Cancer- The uncontrollable growth of cells, causing tumors.
Bypass Surgery- A surgery in which blood flow is redirected around a
fully blocked blood vessel.

Coronary Thrombosis- An obstructing blood clot in the heart.

EEG- Electroencephalogram records brains electrical activity.
EKG- ElectrocardiogramMeasures the electrical activity of the heart.
STD- Any disease transferred by sexual activity.
AIDS-Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome The final stage of the
HIV virus, which attacks the immune system. Transmitted sexually, by
dirty needles, and by blood transfusions.
Antibodies- Proteins that attach to antigens and attack them,
preventing illness.
Bacteria- Prokaryotes that can either help/harm the body. Diseases
caused by them can be cured.
Host- The organism that receives a parasite.
Parasite- Any organism that requires a host to be able to live and
Saprophyte- Any organism that lives on dead matter such as fungi.
Proteins- Compounds of amino acids that catalyze all chemical
reactions in the body.
T-Cells- Lymphocytes that play a large role in immunity. Killed in
Toxins- Any poisonous substance made in/out of the body.
Virus- A living organism that replicates itself in the bodys cells.
Cannot be cured by medicine.
Infection- The reproduction of a bad substance in the body. Causes
Lymphocyte- Killer white blood cells.
Vectors- Things that transfer pathogens. Air, water, food, etc.
Jaundice- Yellowing of the skin/eyes caused by liver failure.
Pandemic- A worldwide outbreak of a pathogen.
Pneumonia- Fluid filling the lungs.
Mental Health Triangle:

Organic- Caused by an injury or disease.

Functional- Caused by psychological issues.
Neurotic- The person is aware of their mental condition (depression,
anxiety, etc.)
Psychotic- The person is unaware of their mental condition (Multiple
personality disorder, schizophrenia, etc.)
Suicide- Higher success rate in males, higher attempt rate in females.

Depression- Overwhelming feelings of sadness, low self worth, etc.

Stigma- General distaste of a particular topic, usually contains little
Panic Disorder- Sudden, horrifying panic attacks.
Bipolar Disorder- Having extreme highs or lows in personality and
Anxiety Disorder- Real or imagined fears prevent someone from
enjoying life.
Pregnancy Issues- Genetic conditions, stillbirth, miscarriage, etc.
Rape- Sexual assault of an individual resulting in unconsented
Episiotomy- Cutting the vaginal wall during labor to prevent tearing
during birth.
Fetus- A partially developed baby.
Embryo- The stage of development before fetus.
Labor- The three stages of time just before a baby comes out. 1contractions, 2-birth, 3-Ejection of the placenta.
Personality- What makes each individual unique.
Warning Signs of Cancer- CAUTION: Change in bowel or bladder
habits. A sore that does not heal. Unusual bleeding or discharge.
Thickening or lump in the breast, testicles, or elsewhere. Indigestion or
difficulty swallowing. Obvious change in the size, color, shape, or
thickness of a wart, mole, or mouth sore. Nagging cough or
Blood Flow of the Heart:

APGAR- Quickly tests the health of a newborn child.


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