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5169SS1 V4RIMO 06/09/99 10:07:04 Work with System Status - Help The Work with System Status display shows a group of statistics that depicts the current status of the system It displays: the number of jobs currently in the system * the total capacity of the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP) * the percentage of the system ASP storage currently in use © the amount of auxiliary storage for temporary objects and machine data currently in use + the maximum amount of auxiliary storage space required for temporary objects and machine data since the last initial program load (IP1) + the percentage of machine addresses used * statistical and reference information related te each storage pool that currently has main storage allocated to it. The statistical information is gathered during an identified time interval [shown as the elapsed time); the deta can either be updated by extending the measurement time interval, or it can be reset and a new time interval can be started to gather a new set of data. cpu used The average of the elapsed time during which the processing units Elapsed tine ‘The time that has elapsed between the measurement start time and the current system time. The current systom time (end of elapsed interval} is displayed beneath the system name. Jobs in systen he total number of user and system jobs that are currently in the system. The total includes © All jobs on job queues waiting to be processed. © All jobs currently active (being processed). © All jobs that have completed running but still have output on output queues to be produced. 4 addresses used The percentage of the maximum possible addresses for: © Permanent objects that have been used. © Temporary objects that have been used Auxiliary storage Auxillary storage is all addressable storage other than main storage. Auxiliary storage is located on the system's disks. The following capacity information is shown: © System ASP: The storage capacity of the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP 1). This value represents the amount of space available for storage of both protected and unprotected data. Print Key Output Page 1 5769SS1 VARIMO 970829 s44H1023 06/09/99 10:38:43 Display Device . . Movo0130a User... +. + ss ¢ PAAOOSECM Work with System Status 84441023 06/09/99 10:38:40 BCPU used. 2 ee 49.7 Auxiliary storage: Elapsed time... . 00:31:46 Systen ASP...) 16.776 Jobs in system. 1... 1619 & system ASP used . . : 72.7692 8 addresses used: Total... 2... 16.776 Permanent... - +! 009 Current unprotect used 331 M Temporary... 1. -021 Maximum unprotect . . : 335 M Type changes (if allowed), press Enter, system Pool Reserved Max Non-DB-~~ Pool Size (K) Size (K) Active Fault Pages Fault Pages 1 40004 22684 Hitt +0 10 2.5 2.6 2 27848 0 1200 -2.5 1S 5.1 11.3 3 2748 0 4 +0 +0 3 1S 4 191544 ° 18 ‘715 31 62 Bottom Command F3-Exit F4=Prompt FS=Refresh F9=Retrieve F10=Restart Fli=Display transition data F24=More keys Print Key Output Page 1 8769331 V4RIMO 970829 s44H1023 06/09/99 3247 Display Device ... .. : MOv00130A User»... ++ + + + +t PAAOOSECH Work with System status 84481023 06/09/99 10:43:44 Bcpu used. 2... et 47.0 Auxiliary storage: Elapsed time»... . . : 00:36:50 Systen ASP... 2: 16.77 G Jobs in system. . 2. 4: 1619 @ system ASP used. . : 72.7615 addresses used: Total... +e eet | 16.776 Permanent... 1s + +009 Current unprotect used : 334M Temporary... ss 2021 Maximo unprotect 338 6 ‘Type changes (if allowed), press Enter. System Pool Reserved Max Active-> Wait-> Active-> Pool Size (K) Size (K) Active Wait Tnel nel 1 42248 22664 tHHHt «19.6 +0 +0 2 32076 0 120 20.5 +0 +0 3 2620 0 4 10.6 20 +0 4 185200 0 1a 62.0 20 20 Bottom Command sa=> ait F4=Prompt FSeRefresh F9=Retrieve F10=Restart splay pool data Fl2=Cancel F14=Work with subsystems F24=More keys © ® system ASP used: The percentage of the system storage pool (ASP 1) currently in use. © Total: The total auxiliary storage (in billions (10(9)) of bytes) on the system. © Current unprotected storage used: ‘The current amount (in millions of bytes) of storage in use for temporary objects. © Max unprotected: The largest amount (in millions of bytes) of storage used for temporary objects at any one time since the last TPL. System pool ‘The system-related pool identifier for each of the system storage poole that currently has main storage allocated to it. The pool identifiers on this display are the same as those given on the subsystem display; the subsystem display can help you to identify to which subsystem (if any) the storage pools are currently assigned. These identifiers are not the same as those specified in the subsystem description. © Pool identifiers 1 and 2 always represent the machine and base storage pools. The machine storage pool (pool 1) contains highly shared machine and operating system programs. It contains the machine's pageable and nonpageable main storage. The actual size of pool 1 is specified by the system value QNCHPOOL. © The base storage pool (pool 2) is the shared system pool. Many operating system functions and some system jobs are run in the base pool. The base storage pool contains all of the main storage not allocated to all the other pools in the system. ‘The minimum size of the base storage pool is controlled by the system value QBASPOOL. Pool size (K) ‘The amount of main storage, in KB, in the pool To change this value for a pool (except the base pool), enter a value in the field and press the Enter key. If the pool being changed is a private pool, this new pool size and the activity Level shown in the Maximum Active column will both be used to change the subsystem description. Specifying *NOSTG for this field will set the pool size and activity level to zero With the exception of the base pool, this field will be input-capable for shared pools if you are authorized to the Change Shared Storage Pool (CHGSARPOOL) command. This field will be input-capable for private pools if you are authorized to the Change Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command. This field will never be input-capable for the base pool The page size is 4K. If a pool size is specified that is not a multiple of 4K, the system will round the allocated size up to the next 4K boundary. Note: These values may be changed by the performance adjust support when the system value QPFRADJ is set to 1, 2, or 3 Reserved size (K) The amount of storage, in KB, in the pool reserved for system use (for example, for save/restore operations). The system calculates this amount by using storage pool sizes and activity levels. More information is in the Work Management book. Maximum Active The maximum number of jobs that can use the processor concurrently. if the maximum number of jobs is too low, the jobs transition to the ineligible condition. If the value is too large to be displayed, '###' is shown; this is normal for the machine pool. To change this value for a pool (except the machine pool), enter a value in the field and press the Enter key. If the pool being changed is a private pool, this new activity level and the pool size shown in the Pool Size column will both be used to change the subsystem description. With the exception of the machine pool, this field will be input-capable for shared pools if you are authorized to the Change Shared Storage Pool (CHGSHRPOOL) command. ‘his field will be input-capable for private pools if you are authorized to the Change Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command. This field will never be Anput-capable for the machine pool. Note: These values may be changed by the performance adjust support when the system valuc QPFRADJ is set to 1, 2, or 3. DB faults and pages ‘The rate, shown in page faults per second, of database page faults against pages containing either database data or access paths. A page fault is @ program notification that occurs when a page that is marked as not in main storage is referred to by an active program. An access path is the means by which the system provides 2 logical organization to the data in a database file. The rate, pages per second, at which database pages are brought into the storage pool. A page is a 4096-byte block of information that is transferable between auxiliery storage and main storage. Non-DB faults and pages The rate, page faults per second, of non-database page faults against pages other than those designated as database pages. An explanation of page faults is in online help information for DB Faults. The rate, in pages per second, at which non-database pages are brought into the storage pool. Definition of a page is in the online help information for DB Faults 6 Pages.

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