Painting Inspection Grade, 2

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Painting Inspection Grade, 2

Question No. 1: What is IGESR 21 and write six safety considerations?
Question No. 2: If non-drying oils are use than what is the problem with paint?
Question No. 3: Write advantages and disadvantages of water borne paint?
Question No. 4: What is prohesion, Adhesion and cohesion?
Question No. 5: What is polymerization? Write its type and detail?
Question No. 6: What are two paints use for damp surfaces? Write application of that of any one?
Question No. 7: How shot and grit mix to give uniform surface profile?
Question No. 8: What are the four test done on paint performance in PA 9?
Question No. 9: What are the gauges use on ferrous and non-ferrous surfacesexplain their function?
Question No. 10: What is the DFT to WFT of 125 um and vs 60%?
Question No. 11: What is a pot life? If pot life is exceeded then what are theproblems?
Question No. 12: What is the process to make paint?
Question No. 13: What are the two catholic protection methods explain one of them?
Question No. 14: What is the non-conformance report? Write some examples?
Question No. 15:

advantages and disadvantages of water borne coating.

Question No. 16:

define rouge peak.

Question No. 17:

define blasting grades.

Question No. 18:

what is sspc.
Question No. 19:

write safty igesr21.

Question No. 20:

write test to detect the presence of millscale.

Question No. 21:

what is pigment,how we drive it.

Question No. 22:

write the five names of opaque pigments,with colours.

Question No. 23:

why we use anti skinning agents.

Question No. 24:

give five properties of solvent.

Question No. 25:

define anti settling agents.

Question No. 26:

if corrosion occurs at anodic areas why does steel corrod all over the surface.
Question No. 27:

why is it considered essential to remove millscale prior to painting.

Question No. 28:

what are other two assessments when the three grades are not appropriate.

Question No. 29:

describe the duplex system.

1.what is title of bs7079.
2.why are blast hose carbon impregnated.
3.what is meant by dead mans handle five methods of wet blasting.
5.what is meant by st2 and st3.
6.write open blasting safety.rules does bs 7079 define flame cleaning standards.
8.what are disadvantages of wet blasting.
9.what is meaning of ph. three methods of measuring and accessing profile.
12.what is purpose of mixing shot and grit.
13.write two theories of adhesion.
Q1: What kind of process is corrosion?
A: Corrosion is a process of elecrolysis.
Q2:What particular problem relate to the maintaining of an effective coating system inthe splash
A:Problem in the splash zone include growth of algae, never dries properly; water is
anelectolytic solution promoting corrosion plus added impurities.
Q3:What factors influence the rate of corrosion?A:Factors that influence the rate of corrosion

xygen content on the surface (wet or dry)2.

RH% (above 60% is critical)3.
Presence of impurities (salts)4.
Higher nobility (mill scale)
Q4:What is mill scale and why is it a particular problem when attempting to protectsteel?A:Mill
scale is formed during steel making and is a thin layer of oxidised iron, whichloosely adheres to
the surface and if painted over will flake off causing prematurebreakdown of the caoting; mill
scale is also higher nobility than steel.
Q5:What is the number of the swedish standard contained within BS7079 and listthe rust and
blasting grades together with their brief relevant titles?
A: S-05-59-00Rust gradesA:Mill scale with little or no rust
B:Mill scale and rust mixed
C:Rust and light pitting
D:Heavy rust and pitting
Blast gardesSA1 light blast cleaning

SA2 thorough blast cleaning

SA2 very thorough blast cleaning
SA3 blast cleaned to visually clean steel
Q6:Name three test for locating Hygroscopic salts and mill scale on a blast cleaned substrate?A:
1. Potassium ferrocyanide test for soluble iron salts
2. silver nitrate test for soluble chlorides
3. copper sulphate test for mill scale
Q7:What factors influence how clean and how rough the surface becomes after blastcleaning?A:
size,shape,hardness and density of blastSpeed,angel,distance and time of nozzle.
Q8:Regarding hand and power tool cleaning state what always concludes thisprocess and to what
standards?A:S-05-59-00 and finish with manual wire brushing surface must not be polished
orpoor adhesion will occur.
Q9:What three basic ingredients make up a traditional solvent carrying paint?A:Three main
ingredients are binder,pigment and solvents.
Q10:What are the functions of each of these three in a solvent carrying paint?
A:Binder-holds particles together,give finish, give adhesion, give flexibilityPigment-gives
colour,gives resistance to acids/alkalis and opacitySolvent-evaporating parts of process, thins
paint,washes equipment and can acts asdegreaser.
Q11:Name five items that can be included in paint to improve its performance or suitability for a
certain use?A: 1. Extenders-to make paint go furthur2. Anti skinning-to stop paint skinning over
in thin3. Stabiliser-to stop the ingredients separating in the tin4. Thixotropic agent-to enable high
build5. Dryer-to improve or enable drying
Q12:Identify six paints by their binder names?A: 1. Acrylic2. Cellulose3. Epoxy4. Emulsion5.
Q13:Name four binder/solvent conbinations?A: 1. Epoxy acetone2. Chlorinated rubber
xylene3. Alkyd resin white spirit4. Emulsion water
Q14:Name six opaque pigments together with their respective colours?A: 1. Red lead red

2. Zinc chromate yellow3. Titanium dioxide white4. Carbon black5. coal tar
blackQ15:Describe what a laminar pigment is?A:A laminar pigment is a pigment
that has leaf shaped particles and when drying theyinterlock and form a coating
which is highly impervious to waterQ16:Name an example of a non destructive
DFT gauge and destructive gauge DFT?A: A non destructive test gauge is a banana
gaugeA destructive gauge is a paint inspectors gaugeQ17:Name four artificial

weathering devices and say what they are designed tosimulate?A: 1. Water soak to
test permeability2. Cold box to test for cold cracking and contraction3. Salt spray
to simulate a marine environment4. Temperature box to test for flexibility
alternating hot and coldQ18:Name two drying curing tests and state how they are
Stylus test
a test block is painted and needles of differing tension are pulled along ascale
is on top in hours can test for wet, tack, hard and fully cured
Balltoni test
a test block is painted and tiny glass balls are dropped on at regularintervals can
test for wet tack and dryQ19:What does a cryptometer measure and give two
examples of a cryptometer?A: A cryptometer measures the opacity of paint two
exmples are1.
Hiding power charts2.
Pfund cryptomter

Q20:What determines the degree of gloss a paint may posses?A:The degree of gloss a paint
posses is down to the fineness of the pigment grindFine- high gloss course- dull
Q21:Name three adhesion tests and describe how one of them is carried out?A:The three
adhesion tests are cross cut, cross hatch, and dolly test To perform a dolly test1.
Paint a sample and let fully cure2.
Attach a dolly using regular aralidite and let harden for 24 hours at 25 c3.
Cut around dolly to isolate paint undrneath4.
Pull of dolly and record pulling force required also record if failure is adhesive orcohesive
Q22:State the conditions under which British gas allow painting to take place?A: Condition
required are1.
Substrate temperature must be 3 c above dew point
Relative humidity must be less than 90%3.

With manufacturers specificationQ23:Name eight duties of a paint inspector?A: See 20 chapter

of bookQ24:List eight contractor malpractices?A:1.
Using unqualified people2.
Unsafe working condition3.
Incorrect paint4.
Incorrect thickness applied5.
Reusing expendables abrasives6.
Incorrect storage of paint7.
Using paint after specified pot life
Incorrect use of thinners
Q25:Name three methods of applying paint and compare the advantages and disadvantages of
each in terms of quality and cost effectiveness?A:1.
BrushSlow and small coverage but good finish and works paint into substrate very well.Labour
intensive. Cheap cost of brushes and easy to clean2.
RollerProduces an uneven coat but can be used in areas out of reach by use of extensionpoles.
Faster than brushing and does not work paint into substrate. Coverage mediumsized areas3.
SprayFast and covers large areas not as much labour required, can cause explosiveatmosphere
due tp atomised paint and requires large reservoir of paint. Equipmentrequires regular cleaning
for best performance. Awkward areas may be better covereddue to paint being forced out at
pressure at substrate
Q26:What is BS 4800 and how is it used in the construction industry?A:BS 4800 is the specified
for paint colours for building purposes.
Q27:How do BGAS define the following?*long term protection app. 10 years*medium
term protection.. app. 5 years*short term protection. App.2-3 years*new galvansing..
shiney and no oxide layer*weathered galvanizing.. dull and oxide layer formed
Q28:What is the procedure for removing oil and grease from a surface before preparation

A:To remove oil and grease before preparation commences clean with solvent or forlarge areas
wash with 2% detergent low pressure wash and rinse with fresh water anddryQ29:What is the
procedures for removing oil and grease from a surface if found afterpreparation has taken place?
A:If oil and grease is found after preparation, clean with solvent wash with 2% detergentwash
rinse with fresh water and re-blast.
Q30:What is the procedure for removing algae and mould growth from pipework?A:To remove
algae and mould treat with a killer for 24 hours scrub with stiff brush orpower-wash rinse with
fresh water and dry.
Q31:Under what conditions must paint be stored?A:Paint must be stored as per manufacturers
conditions i.e. cool; in flameproof containers and in accordance with health and safety and cossh

What is T wash?

What is it used for?


What colour is it?


How is it checked for correct reaction when using it?A:1.

T-wash is etch primer2.
T-wash is used for priming zinc3.
T-wash is blue in colour4.
T-wash will turn black if used correctly
Q33:What two coats are applied at works?A:The two coats applied at works are1.
High solids solvent based epoxy primer2.
Epoxy MIO

Q34:What distance must be left at areas to be welded when painting?A: A distance

of 150mm either side of weld are must be left.

Q35:How much must new paint overlap on repaires?A: New paint on repairs must
overlap by 100mm on either side.
Q36:What is the maximum allowed time for priming to take place following
preparation and by what method is primer applied?A: The maximum time allowed
is 4 hours and applied by spraying.
BS 410 - Specification for test sieves.BS 2015 - Glossary of paints and related terms.BS 2569 Pt 2 - Specification for sprayed
metal coatings.BS 3900 - Methods of test for paints.BS 4800 - Schedule of paint colours for building purposes.BS 5252 Framework for colour co-ordination for building purposes.BS 5493- Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel
structures.BS 7079- Preparation of steel substrates before application of paintsand related products.BS 7079 Group A- Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness.BS 7079 Group B- Methods of assessment of surface cleanliness.BS 7079 Group C - Surface
roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel substrates.BS 7079 Group D- Methods for surface preparation.ISO 8501- Group
A as above.ISO 8502 - Group B as above.ISO 8503- Group C as above.ISO 8504- Group D as above.SIS 055900 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces.B6C PS PA 5 - Notes for guidance, painting inspection.B6C PS
PA 7 - Stoved paint finishing.B6C PS PA 8 - Internal coating for steel small bore pipe.B6C PS PA 9- Paint properties and
performance requirements.B6C PS PA 10 - New and maintenance painting at works and site for aboveground pipeline and plant
installations.1GE SR 21- Code of practice for safety during blast cleaning operations.B6C PS PWC1- Acoustic claddingB6C PS
PWC2 - Thermal insulation of above ground pipe work and equipment

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