Is 210 Grey Iron Castings

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\e UPDATED — |g 104107 Amds | = pag tase deters is 210: 1993 = fered ai ole a careat—fafafie ( star qrétert ) Indian Standard GRBY IRON CASTINGS— SPECIFICATION ( Fourth Revision ) Second Reprint MARCH 1998 upc 669.131.6-14 © BIS 1993 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 RAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI :i0002 December 1993 Price Groop 5 Pig Tron and Cast Tron Sectional Committee, MTD 6 FOREWORD ‘This Indian Standard ( Fourth Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Staadards, after the draft finalized by the Pig Tron. and Cast Tron Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgiea! Eogineering Division Counc ‘This standara was Girt published in 1950 and subsequently revised in 1962, 1970 and 1978. While reviewing this standard in the light of the experince gained during these years, the committee decided to revise to align with the present practices followed by the Indian industries and to bring it inline with the other overseas standards, jiamcters of test bar according to the section size of the castings have been replaced by a single size of text bar. Guidance on the effect of section size of the casting on the tensile sitengrh is, how: ever, given in Annex A. A comparison between grades is given in Annex B. “The production of castings ia the higher grades of grey exst iron often involves special trchniques, Tt is -cominended, therefore, that for “ther ?arge or intricate castings of « casting involving oth these condi- tions. or where the castings have to withstand exception conditions, the grade of grey cast iran selected and ‘any heat treatment involved should be ageee’ between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Ine hipuer feds of grey eat ion (tats, Grade P6800, F360 and FCAGN )prerentepeildiffcuie for seevon Foe the benef of the purcheser, typical properties of grey cast iron have been added in Annex C. Information to be supplied by the purcaaser while ordering grey iron cattings according to this specification is given in Annex D. In the formulation of this standard szsistance has been derived from ISO 185 ‘Grey Cast Iron — Specie cation? satued by International Organization for Standardization. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this stindard is complied with, the final value, obscrved or caleulatsd, expressing the result ofa test or analysis shall be rounded of in accordance with IS 271960 “Riles for’ rounding off numerical values (razed ). The sumber of signiScant places ‘retained i the rounded off valve should be the same as that of the specified valuefn this standard. et GREY IRON CASTINGS — SPECIFICATION id ES 210 : 1993, (Fourth Revision } 1 SOE ‘This standard covers the requirements for grey irom castings. 2 REFERENCES ‘The fullowiny Indian Standards are necessary sudjunete to this standard: US he. Tite 1387 : 1993 General requirements for the supply of metailuregies! material (Clecond revision ) 1500 : 1988 Method for Brinel! hardness test for metallic materials { sind vedision | 2078: :979 Method for tensile testing of ‘grey east iran (fist nation ) 4843 . 1968 Code for designation of ferrous castings 5139: 1969 Recommended procedure for repair of grey iron castings by ‘ovyacetylene and manual metal fre welding 1970 Deviations for untoleranced dimensions of grey icon castings (fast rension ) 13655 : 4903 Guidelines for heat treatmeat of east iron 3 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL General requirements relating 9 the supply of grey iron castings shall be ab Inid down in $5 1387 : 1998, 4 GRADES ‘There shall be seven grades of grey iron castings namely, Grades FG150, FG200, FG220, FC260, FG300, FG350 anu «400. 5 MAI FACTURE The castings shall be made by any process, as agreed between the supplier and purchaser, that Sill prodte eacinr rampiying with the require mente of this Indian Standard and shail bein Accordance with the pattern of working drawing as supplied by the purchaver. 6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 6.1 The composition of cast iron shall be lefi to the discretion of the manufacturer, but a maxi- mum limit for phorpharas andfor’sulptur may bbe specified by the puirchaver, i€ he 80 desires. 6.2 In case of specisl castings, the detailed chemical composition shall be as agreed to be- ‘ween the purchaser and the manufacturer, 7 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH 7.1 The castings shall be accurately moulded in accordance with the pattera or working drawings supplied by the purchaser, with the addition of such levters, figures or ruarks as may be specified 7.2 The parchaser shall ~specify tolerances, ‘machining location and allowances with reference (o all important digz-nsions On othes d.-icnsions wlerances specified in 183519 : 1979 shall apply 8 HEAT TREATMENT Castings oe generally eupalicd without Lavine any heat treatment, However, if -equired by the purchases, the heat weatment may be carried out in accoraance with 2 of 18 13688 : 1995 8 MICROSTRUCTURE Where so required, the microstructure of grey icon eastings and the location for taking “the ssarople shat be as agreed to between the jurcha ser and the manufarturer, 10 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS 10.1 The castings shall be sound, clean nad fee from porosity, blow holes, hard spots cracks, hot tears colds, storm, sand ‘and slag cae sions and other harmful detects. "They thall be well-dressed “and Tetted, and shall oe readily brachinable, 102 No weldiog oc repre shall be carced out without the prior peemision cf the purchaser Welting teerred to here. includes fuida welding in accordance with the common foundry race Iyermethod of cepais by weldiog. (see 1 3199: 1960°} and subsequent srewerelicring shal be as agrerd to between chev purchaser ard. the 18210: 1993 11 PROVISION OF TEST BARS 11.1 All tet bars shall be east separately in sand moulds and the sumber of tert hars required! eball be as specified ip I. They shall be cast at the same Gene ard trem the same melt as the casings ey represen’ 12 ‘The test bar material shall be dentifiable that of the eastings represented, 11,3 When castings are subjected to heat treate rent, the test hare shall be heattreated together withthe castings they represent ALA The teat bars shall be cast in dried, baked or chemically bonded moulds wade mainly of an Sgsregate. of siliceous sand with appropriste binders. ‘The averape grain size of the sand shal be approximate to tat of the sand in whic! the casinge are poured, Moulds for the test bars shall bbe approsimately at room temperatrre. when poured, More than one test bar may be cast iu a ingle mould, but each bar in the mould shall be Surrounded by a thickness of sand which is not Tear than the diameter ot the bar. 12 TREQUENCY OF TESTING 12,1 The number of teste required for sach melt fo batch of castings hall Be as laid down in Table 1, variovs classes of costings being divided into five representative groups accordizg to mass. 12.2 In the case of large tonnage of castings being "produced ceatnwenly the mia ramber of test bars to be provided shall be one tensile teat representing every two hours produe- tian from a melting furnace ‘Table 1 Number of Tests ( Clause 12.1 ) ‘Mase of Individaal “Test Requirements Gree a eat uh) Upto 12S ke ‘One tent for each $00 oF catngs or part thereat 20 Oval 125 be and One tat for very | tonne "sp to $0 bg 3tcatngs oF part thereat 9% Over £0 bg-aed vp to One test fr very 2 tonnes 00 "of atngs or pact thereat 9 Over 500 kg andup One tet for every vor tonne OF eestngs or pet thereat 5 Overt tonne (Ouest for every 4 tonnes ‘atings or pare thereot or bae tot forever sting weighing tonnes ‘fm addition Groupe ty 2s 3, ad al castings ted by one tv shal ba pared from the sa indie ‘SEime Bent atthe bar or bar envied for the i 15 SIZE OF TEST DARS Avtest Lar from which the tensile teat picee it fnachinct simll be eat asa unilovis eylindrieal har of 2U mm diameter, ‘The tolerance on the Miamneter slat be tem. ‘The minim tenes te teat bar shall he 23% sam, 14 TENSILE TEST The tens I be carried wut in accordance with T sing. ten pirce conforming te the dimensions in bie acid Table 2 The test piece shall be accurately. machined, with a good furtsce finish, ‘The transition between the ends And the paralle| length siall be smooth, sethout Uindeseuting oF « sudden step dose in ddarnrter NOTE— Seitahening geips are commended to Srsure axial load 15 TENSILE STRENGTH, When tested ip accordance with the requicoment (F 18, the test picce shall compiv with the mi mum reguements specified in T-sle. 3. ‘The {alle svength specified is that obsained from test avs cast separately from the castings to whieh, they refer. the teat values, represent, therefore, only the quality of the metal from which the casting have been poured. 16 HARDNESS TEST 16.1 The Brinell hardness test shall be carried fut in accordance with the method given in 181599 : 1963, Brinell Kardness values vor diffe- sent grades of grey iron castings shall be as specified in Table 3. 16.1.1 The hardness test shall be conducted at specific point on the castings. These specif points shall be such that they are amenable for hardness checking in routine procedure. 16.12 The cation of the soedic point on a ig. for hardness ‘measurement cull be as fagreed to between the purchaser and the ment facturer. 17 TRANSVERSE TEST Irrequired, the transverte test may be cadtied out by the manufacturer in accordance with the method given in Annex E, ‘The minismum test requirements shall be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order. 8 HYDROSTATIC TEST If specified atthe time of enquiry and order the castings may be tested. for the hydrostatic. tert preuure. The requirements for the test. presaure “hl be mutually ageeed to between the pach fand the manufacturer. noon a 15 atv + 1993 fo oop teceewen) E ‘ee toh} Pet het 1a ueiaises ronda neha oh 3 Dimensions of Mucha Tell Toe Pave Cease tt} ae a oS 5 — sea Hae ‘Table 3 Mechanical Tect Requirements (Clouser 15 and 16.1 ) ‘Grade ze inl (SSG v9) eta Hardnene hee Mpa (Himot) HB o o «6 FG 130 0 Be to 169 FG 200 "00 10 0226 G20 m0 oto 2) 02 0 1000230 3.350 v0 oreo FG 300 0 amo NOTE — Altougn mechanical properties ate apei= fed for Grade BG (30° the ater shall be ouly fed it sequiec bythe purchaser 19 RETESTS 18.1 41 on being vested any test piece shows ciivioms fignt of a casting” defect, the results of the test’ may be. dscwrded ant med further tet 19.2.1 any senna test piece fails, tee furhe esis shall be anade, should either of these tet pieces fail, the csstings represents: aiall mot Comply with the sequirementy of dis Indian ‘ard. 19.3. In the absesice of further separately east text she manuacsurer shall drwve the ojtion of submitting. test bars, sectioned from an’ agreed: posivow in the cavtinss. ‘The reqe-rements of the est shall be as agiercl to between the purchaser nnd the manulaccarer, Howeer,. the “gilance Einy heobtained from Avex A. 20 INSPECTION By agreement with the manufacturer, die pore Sacer or his representative. shall have_ atv! at tilensonable anes to rote pars tthe aan fcturers wordt engaged ot te order, he sha beat Rbery t inapect the mamulactre: at any age, to nitnem the rogured tars and erect Say materia that dsc not comply with this Standard. When te castings are ts be inpected during manufacture and tested sn the presence of the puichasor’s representative, ths shal be ttc on the enquiry and order, 21 TESTING FACILITIES 21.1 The manufactures in supplying the test faarpes at required for tig eC peSpare fet them the, neceamry text pacer cd pay te labour ned appiancts for faking” all ere’on his preiacr in accordarce with this ftandacd Lda Failiog facilities for carrying ‘out the prescribed tet at his ‘own, works the senate: rer shall cary out the teste eee 22 MARKING 224 Each castig, il feasible, shall be legibly tmarked with a mintir of ieaticaton athe which ic can be uace? tothe melt, art the match Cesar teatmens, AP dane fron whieh mae trade 22.2 By agreement between the parchater and the mronafocater, casings compsog wih. the te Givemente ot thie tndard chlo alter ns Jecton, leg masked with wo. acceptance mark ” 25 STANDARD MAP The castings muy also be marked wi Standard Afark 18 219: 1899, ANNEX A ( Fovevord and Cauze 19,5) APPROXIMATE VARIATION Of STRENGTH AcL The Indian Standacd grades of grey cast iron fare based on tne minimum tehsile strength 95- tained when metal ie catt into test bars af 50 ren Giameter, ‘The strength developed bya. given ‘metal shall wary with the roolingrate in the moul higher strengths veing obtained ifthe same metal ineast into. smaller bare than 30 may diameter and lower strengths if the metal is cast ints bars larger than 30 mm diameter. ‘Similarly, the cock. ing rate o1 a ilat plate i: slower shan that ol a bar whose diameter is equal to the thickness of the plate so that the strengt developed in the plate ‘vill be lower than that developed Sr the har. AcL-I The cooling rate of a casting in s mould (hence the strength devsloped i fevlar section t : manufacture ) is fnftenced. also Ly the presence of cores, changes in section thicknest, the presence ‘of botses projections and intersretions, such 35 the junctions of ribs and bosses. ‘Thus, in castings of ‘other than simple shape and uniform thickness the cooling rate of any part can be expected to differ from that ofa fat plate of similar section thickness soss-secr op ho i Exo £10 3 Ad Figure 2 gives a guide wv she |i ‘aston in tensile strength ‘in diferent. sectious “shen i given grade of grey iron is cast. nto a casting of simple shape and uniform -aiekness or containing cored holes where the cooling sate in the mould of a given section shall differ from that in a casting cof sample shape and. uniform thicknest, the dia- ‘provides only an approximate guide to the tensile strength in different. sections. and deagn should be based on the measure? tensile steength in evitical parts of the casting. AL2A Table 4 gives guidarce tothe Ukely va ties in tonal engi fr diferent casting sceion thicknowes when a yiven grade of prey eat iron ie can imo'a cauing of staple shape’ amen form thinknese. For casing. of nonuniform Setion of eattngs containing cored ler the {ble provides only so approxione guide ce the likely temile strength a cferea secon fn casing design “should. be based on the tmeasured tenolle Strength in critical pars of the casting. INAL THICKNESS, me 50.75 190s 50 BAR DIAMETER, mm “This diagram i for guidance and sould not be used for acceptance purpose. Fro, 2 Vaararion oF Tenstis Srmeora watt Gxost-Sxcrionat. Thickness oF Grey Taow Cast 1S 210 : 1998 Table 4 Anticipated Tensile Propertie= for the Castings ( for Information Only ) (Glau 421 Cade Canny Seen Thchnen Ome toa eri Fo 0 es ° ® 2 * m 2 A o 2 : Fy ro 2 10 e 3 ° ro. 0 ~ 2 2 ro 39 0 » > * 3 3 ANNEX B ( Foreword ) wre ree nave cainmt nave eT tae Fo m0. Fu 250 Foz Fo1s0 eenfren?s SION. FACTOR 1N/emm? 1Pa561020 bgt men? Y Counseye © Screen Gaabes IN Tins BOnios AND THE PRevios Barrios 1.0 ox Mision Ti seine Starsonit 1S 210; 1993 G11 The following information is givea for the guidance of en part of the standard and should not be used for ace~ptance pars" Properties “Tensile strength 001 percent pron Elestio straint ‘Tota mina lati ‘eeaie a fallure sein Sak Cocamerentat ‘teh, eadiog 93 prene ‘eter mm) Ccompreaneteengih rt perce prot OF oreo root Sear scength “Forsonal strength Shear tenia Moduiy of elasiciy Compression Modulos of rigidity Poiuoa's ratio aig imi ( Wobe vee Uanotehed (04 soci) Venotched.( Ciez ‘qunfereatia 22 Vinetch wih O25""mm Toot Sepeh er etch SPens Hardacs ANNEX C ( Foreword ) ‘TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF GREY CAST TRON, ‘Unte MPa ( Nfs? 9 MPa Nienae MPa (N/mm? ) Perce Perceat Mea (Njowm?) Ma (N/m) MPa ( N/mm®) MPs (Naa) MPa ( Sj» MPa (Nim?) MPa (Nino ) cre or. cra MP. ( Nyaomt) Ma (N/mm) neers and designers RGIS) FG200 FG 20 ee) 2% mw tas 6500790 O4B.067 o3e-0EH O57 O50 So” ow oom 05060 031.050 oz04 O37 OB m6 sD wo 20 mtn ee os MG, ro ee ee eT) asta ms 0283S Shh Upto wou ss leo a 135, 0 6 se Refer Table 3 for hardness ealaes 6 FG260 FG FCS) 1 does not form 350 ne 030 200 1690 196, 485 0s, «3 Uper He 36 Foam 0 260 0 40 400 Upres 1. fs 210: 1998"° Conficient of ther ‘nal ovpresson <1 wwe HK two) socio =x LK tro) (se Bt OC x 10-UIK 125) totes) smal candct ity 100% Wink, ses eae ass ae 200°. Wak rs a1 ato Ta seare wink ws ee) cor Wik es 47s 1 eee score Wink enw) GT a0 Specific heat copacity "°C 10200 ike mom 40am 20°C 0 300" kg 35485 cr ee) actos ae oo a5 3 Mo 8S 20°C m9 500" ike 2 SSIS SIS 2S GWG jig 5500 595585585 20°C te 70. Week 0385 es Sasa Relative deasity 705710 a a) Magnetic and clee- ‘et properties tawian 2h te pom emanent m-aae- 7 em Myscerran Ie Simst ie wits ‘6 0 09+ Hlets-al esis ae 07% oT oem Or Sores 1+ The ispi-al properties given this Anacx are. the properties ia» 30 mm diameter separately cas teat bar oF sa caning setion cree epee ta that givin other proper 2. Notched tase wrongs en “The values quoted for coefcleot of thermal expansion of Grade FG 40 are for material in pearlitic ion. Avnere sctieulr bon i ed forts page apbeopente values are 20°0 10 24 150 x 10K BOG 104006 16 « {oy iMbesite of cre bars Where the tsmslenrenst dock st sertespomd ‘Bay ir sity fren thore greens rene slightly as note severity ratio, notch radon, noth diameter, increae 17 Valves depend on the comportion of ion. ANNEX D ( Foreword) INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER D-l BASIS POR GRDER 1b) Any required fimits on the sulphur ave D.2-1 While placing 2m order for the purchase phosphors coatent oF grey iron “toting covered uy this siantand, the De Iron rasting covers ©) Drawing or teference number of the sorcsce should specify the #lloing pattern” (if supplied by the purchaser ', 8) Matcial specification: slone sith a copy of the drawing: 1s 21 993, 2) Tests required; fe) Whether the castings are to be inspected nd tested in the presence of the purcha- srs represeutative, £) Coneition of detiverys ANN 8) Any special requireme/t of the purchaser, for ezamole, hardness tests ana. locations (Of nonedestruetive” tes ing, quality” ass ance, ete; and 1b) Test reports if required. EX E ( Qlause 17) ‘TRANSVERSE TEST FOR GREY CAST IRON E-1 OBJECT OF THE TEST ‘The object of Us test is to determine the trans. verse bending strength of grey cast iron by apply ing constantly increasing single load at the centre ofa test bar arranged as a beam between supports nti fracture oceurs £2 TEST BAPS 2.1 The cast test nars shall ave ¢ given in Table 5. dimensions Table 5 Timensions of Transverse “Test Bare ( Glanses 2.1 and B.2.2 ) E-22 Test bar is normally tested unmachined. ‘The surface of the test bar thall be free Irom un: evennew and seams which may be removed by careful grinding. The diometer shall be measured. at the centre of the test bar in two directions per- radicular to one-anather. Thedliference between {wo messurements. shall not exceed 5 percant of the nmal diameter, ‘The mean value of the wo Giametars heii be the diemeter do. (see E-t) of = test bar. For its permisible variations from the nominal diameter and the sccaracy of ‘measurement of the diameter, the values indicated sm Tablet 5 and 5 thall apply. 3 PROCEDURE E-3.1 Place the 1a. end of the test bse on hori Zontei supprrts. The support andthe. point of spplicatoe’ of the lead shall be rounded vo a “Apply a single load werd fof the bat (see Fig. 4. 7.9.2 Incr he load uniormly_withoat shu! Toulahe bar Wactre "nc load sould be appl Ionuch wey Unt the meveos ore dott nat ‘reced § Mi persecond Tied. sv the eed at SE Tacure ike tat bar wid the aoe} usted ae E.3.3 Determine the defle-tion of the test bar froin the motion of the thrust relative to the fixed: supports or to the supportine table of the maci Inrder to eliminate any errors in my-astring the deflection, the measurement should be started after applying + smsiv preload as given in Tabk 6 Table 6 Testing Conditions anc ‘Aecazacy of Readings ( Clauses B22, B-3.2, B-3.8 and Fig. 4) 3 o ® © © © © 800) 102 S00 co Load POSITION Fro, 4 Taassvanse Teer Bar of Grey Cast Trois 8 Et TEST RESULT ‘The test report shall include: a) load at fracture in N; b) bending strength fy, to an accuracy of 05 MPs calculated from the formula: 8 Ply fe 15 210 + 1995 where P = maximur: load at fracturein N, Lg = distance between centres of supports in mm, and Jy = mean diameter in mm, and 6) deflection at fracture in mm, Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statt.ory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 tw promote harmonious development of the’ activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright LIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publ bre reproduced in any form ‘without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This Joes not procluce the fres use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, iype oF grade desi Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS, Review of h ian Standards ‘Amendmerts are issued to'standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates tha! no changes are nccacd; if the review indicates that changes are needed, itis taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standaras should ascertain thus they are in possession ofthe latest amendments or edition by relerring to the latest issue "BIS Handbook’ and “Standards Monthly Additions” ‘Thic Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. MTD 6 ( 3857 ) Amendments Issued Since Publication ‘KKinend No. Date of sue Tent Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: ‘Manak Bhavan, 9 Bakadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 ‘Telegrams: Manaksanstha ‘Telephones: 323 01 31, 323 3375, 323 94 U2 (Common to al offices) Regional Offices: Teleplione Central + Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 323.76 17,325 3841 NEW DELHI 110002 % Eastern; 1/14 CLT. Scheme VIM, V.LP. Road, Maniktola 337 84 99, 3378561 CALCUTTA 700054 337 86 26, 33791 20 Northern : SCO 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 6038.43 60 2025 Southern : C1.T. Campus, IV Cioss Road, CHENNAI 600113 235002 16, 235 04.42 235 15 19, 23523 15 Westen: Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East) 832.9295, 832 78 58 MUMBAI 400093 83278 91, 832 78 92 Branches : AHMADABAD. BANGALORE. BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. FARIDABAD. GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PATNA. PUNE. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Fry Repay

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