Minneapolis Alternative Scene, Issue 8, April/May 1989

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ANARCHY EQUALITY ie ‘e #8 = ©April-May’89 = $1.50 Pay no more. ee Inside: DISSENT, VEGAN REICH, MORAL CRUX, Chip {from Blind Approach), NAR (No Apparent Reason), 1934 Minneapolis Truckers Strike, Prisons: A Personal Account, Smoking {You Cough, They Profit), Opinion Columns, Scene Reports, Reviews, Contacts and more ETN EEN DEAR READERS, { HELO, MIS 1S DAV, FOUNDING EDITOR OF MAS AND | WANT To START THIS RL ISSUE WITH A SPECIAL LETTER FROM MYSELF MAINLY To GIVE Some THOUGHTS oN ACTUAL AND THEORETICAL NEW DIRECTIONS | WANT To “TAKE, WITH HELP FROM “ME STAFF, CONTRIBUTORS AND READERS, FOR FUTURE IssuES OF MLAS. Fest 1 WANT To SAN f& Few THINGS ABOUT OUR LAST ISSUE AND THE ISSUES BA PRENIOUS. TO START THIS, OUR LAST ISSUE HAD SomME VERN SHARP CRITIOS/MS 4 bBovt OUR SceNE, WHIcH BEING FRoM MY POINT OF VIEW OR OTHER PEOPLE'S, | Have TO SAY ARE VALID PERSONAL OPINIONS. | HAVE NEVER BEEN OPPOSED To SEL CRITIEISM WITHIN THE SCENE AND OUR PREVIAIs 1S5UES ATEST FoR “THAT? | HAVE AY NEVER SHIED FROM oPeNWG MY MOUTH OR LETTING OTHERS Do So. j THIS BRING ME TO Me POINT oF Now “THAT A FEW PEOPLE AND MYSELF RAVE {| StrteD UR GRIPES, 1 FEL IC 1S TE 0 Move ON To SoMETRING more Pos ITIVE IN] 8 THAT IT 1S TIME TO GIVE Some ALTERNATIVES. FoR BETTER oe WoRSE , A oT OF MUD WAS BEEN DUG UP AND NoW IT'S TIME To Do SomE REPAIRING OF DiIVisrouls EA AND BUILDING A MOVEMENT MUCH STRONGER AND MoRE Postrive THAN EVER (MAZWeED. Fox voi THAT MAS 15 AN ESTABUSHED Force IN THE SCENE, THERE IS Some CHMNes S| \ WoULD LIKE to MAKE GNCERNING HOW THIS ‘ZINE 1S SETUP, THE BIGGEST AND 3] Most MOR CHANGE IS THAT t WiLL STOP DOING LOCAL NEWS IN FAvoR oF PRWTING A MEA RLS and/or $T. PAUL SCENE REFoRTS. —HIS _ Be A MUCH BETTER WAY FoR f WITH THAT, THIS WILL ILIMWATE ouR ONE- SIDED REPORTING OF sHoWS AND Lou He Penns. | AM TIRED OF READWG yuST ONE oOPUON; MY OWN! SCENE Rete ARE NOT ee PoloTMER SMALL CHANGE 15 THAT AS AN EDITOR, IFEELYT UNNECESSARY To PRWTA 4 Reputtie /Resronse To AL LETTERS SUBMITTED FoR PUBLICATION. | FEEL CoMMUMICTIA Sq WITHIN THE SCENE 1S A BETTER WAY To DISQSS [DEAS AND PEOPLE SHOUD) RITE {THEIR OWN REPLIES To LerreRs, 1 FEEL “THAT SOME PEOPLE WHO MAY WANT 10 SAY THEIR OPN, Do NoT ¥e so UPON FEAR OF GETTING A WRITTA BLasr AS A RESPONSE BY MYSELF Now, AU SAID, 1 WANT To BRING HIS ‘ZINE ONTO A Moke Positive TRACK. HAVE “THE ABILITY To work OCETWER AS A UNIT AND (FEEL IT BENEFICIAL To E SENG 10 Sore Some oF OUR (MAS) PAST PRACTICES AND work FoR A MORE Sp VWABLE ALTERNATIVE SCENE. WITH ALL Nove HELP , MUTUAL RESPECT FOR EACH-OTHER ELAS THINKING RUMAN BEINGS, We CAN BUILD A Serer SCENE. WE MUST WoRK 3] TODETHER, EVENTUAUY [Row uy ouR DIFFERENCES AND BY USwG OUR INTELICENE Al ACHIEVE “We REAL GOAL OF PEACE AND FREEDOM; WITHIN QUR SCENE, OUR CoM- S| MUNITY AND OUR wioRLD. WE MUST REALIZE “THAT COOPERATION 15 CUR BEST WEAPON, | WITH LOVE AND HOPE, 7 WE SN on DAN + 6,10eci'94 DIRECTORY: We would iiketo start a directory of bands {0 print in MAS, That means that any bands can send as much info as you can fitinto a space 4” (across) x 4 1/2" {down) Stuff we would like to see a paragraph 0: two describing your band and aims, any artwork or logos and possibly a photo Your entry for the directory must be sent ready to print and be creative!!! ‘SUBSCRIPTIONS AND RATES: in North America, single issues are available for $2.00 ppd. A'sixissue. 1 year Subscription can be had for $12.00 issue are $2.50 ppd. ‘subscription is $15.00. For air mail outside US., add $50 for each issue, Assmali umber of each issue are | set aside for prisoners and people with no | income. These are free. ‘anda year [BACK ISSUES: ‘The only back issues stil available are MAS. #5 (containing interviews with GOVERNMENT ISSUE, IRON FIST, The LIBIDO BOYZ, and the Anarchist Youth Federation. Also includes a 12 page | anarchist primer. Is 40 pages, small size for $1.50 ppd.) and MAS #7 (with articles ‘on education and a look back on 1988, a | lengthy. interview with NAUSEA: Full size, 38 pages, for $2 ppd.). Both contain the sual stuff and are considered two of our Detter issues. For orders outside North America, pleasi#'ad $.50 for each issue For the rest of the world, single | MAS is a volunteer-run magazine formed withthe intent to start a regularly published communication with Paul area Alternative i.e Punk sceneas as well as communication wih tke-minded people around the world ‘earnedwill gotowards improvements in this magazine or to projects that will benefit the lecal scene. Although * voiced and strongly urge people to do sohere. WWe fee! it would be monotonus and limiting to cover jus ‘many different opinions get put forth within these pages | FANZINE AND DISTRIBUTION = eieine P.O. BOX 8722 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 U$A NEW ADDRESS! BROUGHT TO YOU WITH HELP FROM, MINNEAPOLIS A..F. (Anarchist Youth Federation) P.O. BOX 8585 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 ‘AD SIZES AND RATES: epage! (2 25x S'down) $10 Va page: (5"x5¥ or 2 1/2" x 10" down) $20, 1/2 page: (7 1/2" x 5"down) $30, Back cover: (7 1/2" x 8" down) $10 ‘We would like to trade ads win ‘other fanzines and we can also trade ad space for one of your products ete, The ew higher rates are only because our costs per page is going way up. Classified ads are also available and the rates are as follows: First © wards are” 235 eee y long. Yes, we are stil doing M.A.S. Distribution’ F you didn't get a list and info. sheet with ‘his, wnte us for a copy. OTHER-USEFUL LOCAL ADDRESSES: ISONIC WARP PRODUCTIONS, P.O. BOX 80045 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 (612) 822'- 3346 RABL (Revolutionar Anarchist Bowling Leage) BOX 10854 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55458- 3854 ANTLRACIST ACTION P.O. BOX 7471 -___| MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 3 Through communication of ideas and knowledge, we "ope better word anda brigher future, Smash the cliques! Communicate! "Freedom, peace and untys what al abo the Minneapol members of MAS ote ther own opinions on various subjects, we offer a eters section for those wo wish to have the "pion fons | ste ‘nt 1989. Allriots reserved, Reprinting of anything inthis zine is OK. all we askis that you give s+ [ @uux onDeRs: Get your friends together to order MAS at the same time or sell therm youtselt: we sell them 10 you for $1 10 ppd. each fo orders of § or more. We would ike the cast up ont for your order art please ada $1 perissue otdered outside ath America PAYMENT | ue woud preter any payments mode MAS T6 bem US. Gash To. make things easier for us. Be careful sending thous) | the mal and make sure Wis. Wel | sonceatea ‘if you must use. 9 cneck 0 | money order, please make tt payanie to DAN SISKINO andin US cclars ‘CONSPIRATORS: (Staff for Crusty Kids, ete.) MAS te DAN (slave, shitworker and _resider oudmouth, etc), FELIX (Kommissar ot Krunch, MAS. history dept. and one man Jammy), REV. JOHN” ost ina. stream consciousness with-out..), REV. PHIL (tis Holiness, King, icon..), MARK | [official MAS. homebrew taster and specialist in falling down in the mud) LYSSA (token female” currently on a workaholic hiatus), and KIRBY (Soy “and | Destroy” Boy from A. or is that N.Y.C.) J ACCOMPLICE: (Contributors and thar) ] |/SILL SIDS (MAS. indentures servant anc offical MAS. Saft Car Driver), GLEN 1 | rrom “HSIAWL" Fanaa), PAT R, | BACHE, JAKOB (Wit? & Danish fanzine” | Fant in Englsh?), DAN V .- IGGY et do a pene en), DAN'S MOM and he | "punk as Tce” computer). all-our families). ‘orthat matter, JASON (THO), CHIP and al the bands nierviewed, DAVE E. har for ‘the phato op!), JOHN CRAWFORD, zine’s | | wna have done aces with is, pele who writes, peopie who buy and Suppor: the GAA afd fast, but fot least, than to SORE THROAT for providing background | noise art inspration(?)imereating hi i anyone is forgotten, sorry | [iat | cover photo of Christania isting from | _ Darish newspaper Back cover fam Clas | war’? ®.0" Box 46? 7 London EBB 7 | Es ‘ertor” paste “ty Profane | xistence collective. Further help fram Iiguicreaad sc L ‘violence. When people get vioient, they; lose control, once you lose control someone else has it, Don't let otherss {control you. Before | go (as long as I'm: writing inhopes of getting a point across: Giron several topics..), | want 10 say’ SEE something on this substance problem we: seem to be having. Drugs. and alcohol alter your mind, as well as your body, ‘They make you lose control. Like | said before, if you dont have contro) = someone else does. An authority has: ‘control over yout Think about it! Thanks for your ime, space and listening PS. One thing they forgot to mention in the don't vote article, if these 70 milion eople had gotten off their asses. and! TE Voted in the 'B4 elections, just maybex= EEERonalt "ray gum" wouldn't have had the: “LETTERS! MAS: First off, let me say im very impressed with your ‘zine, Being from Baltimore I've never seen a local ‘zine (Well, O.K. Im exaggerating, maybe ‘once or twice). Anyway, about the “Don't Vote" crap, 'm surprised that you people who normally don’t conform to authonty, would fet scum sucking, money grubbing, business Republicans make any choices for you, Especially about who's going to make the rules. for the next four years. Now | realze that voting is part of a system we'd ike fo change, but admit it is a privilege and for’ right now, democracy is as good as it gets in this ‘world. n other countries we wouldn't be: tolevaied. We have a chance to get our: point across in the U.S. but wore not going to do it by letting conservative, Tightwing, “scared of communists,” men and women take control. | think you got my point (Do you). If we sit back and don't vote, they'll akways be in contra (they being the republicans, after all democrats are known to share more of: Our views on certain issues) So, pick up that ballot and go for it! We can do a fot more when we're in control (Topic change) Let's talk violence. | don't know about you but | hate violence. I hate hate (im a hateful Person but ina different way), Our scene, -seen through my eyes, here in Baltimore, MD is falling apart. Ya' know why? ‘cause of ail those dicks running around yelling who they hate and what they're doing to fiEthem. And for what? Because they IEE stepped on their toe in the pit? Gave IrEthem a strange look? | don’t know, but the point is,"well, the whole thing is pomntless, We're supposed to be a scene, people who hang out together, go 10 shows, pick each other up when someone falls. After all, these are the people we trust to catch us when we go for that dive! Why should someone be afraid to go to a show for fear of being ?? There's no reason for it. And Id lke to wring their ugly litle necks for doing that to people (Hal Hal just kiddin’, fEwe can just talk about itl). No, really, violence really Is pointless. It ‘doesnt solve anything. It just makes people hate more. You know what I've noticed? It's that a lot of violence is caused by E skinheads. I'm sure this won't be a shock to any of you, but I'm not talking about just Nazi skins, the American skins are violent too. Their whole process of communication is through their DMs. t'm not saying we should get rid of inheads, although | must say, hair is EErbillon the ray gun administration spent kiling innocent. people and destroying E schools and hospitals in Central America th prevented if 70 milion people had voted 2 ‘against ray gun! That's a real protest! : Before ! go into the purpose of EE this letter | would just ike to make two: comments. The first being that | realy dig 2 Fir the new format, i's a huge improvement EEAnd also, Dan, please please please EE withhold ‘from ' printing you personal comments after letters unless its to answer a question on the zine’s policy on who knows what, something we all need to know. But I don't want to read your ‘opinion to people's letters. | have my own TEx and want to feel free to think without the: EEhindrance of yours. if you have a T= comment to make to the writer, do what: Foz the rest of us do, write them, | don't like it when Tim Yohannon does it and | dont like it in MAS, Anyhow, enough constructive criticism, ‘As a few of you know | was recently in West Germany. And as quite a ew of you know there has been a huge EEE controversy over the band CONFLICT. To: EXE most of us on this side of the ocean itis. and fiction and ! personally have always held back a full judgement due to the lack PEEof a good source. When | was in to go inte this | want people to know that im wniling this into a fanzine because a) | dont want to repeat it $0 times and b) because | think people should know who sand what they are buying, After knowing that you can make your decision. I'm just fa reporter at this time and this is the truth, somry but itis. There's a band in Denmark jnamed L.U.L.L. | went on tour with them for awhile and they are very good friends, {very good people. Nille, the bassist and singer told me this when | sawa fiyer for a fig with CONFLICT, LU.L.L. and a few jother bands on the bill. So that's. your: source and their background. The Man who Booked and planned this show is a very well known promoter who puton a lot lof cool gigs in Denmark. When this man {was putting together the line up, he called "up CONFLICT to see if they would be interested in playing. 'm not sure who he talked to but | thinkit was Colin or atleast someone in the band, They said “sure we'llplay, just send 2500 quid and some: plane tickets and welll be there, no: problem.” They hang up a few months go By and the man hasn't heard a word from CONFLICT. The gig is coming closer and 3 closer and they haven't confirmed or anything so the man calls them again. This time he talks to he talks to thei manager. And the manager goes "What? | haven't “heard anything about _ this. :CONFLICThaven't played in months and don't plan to. They'e busy with other things, They ain't playing no gig in Denmark." Now luckily the promoter hadnt sent them the money yet. If he had they would have just told him to piss off. This of course screwed up everything yor al ke tne one | caw Aco sa CONFLICT dd trek Euopsan tout or pth pase ar say Somat, in aay to maka oat they ware sk Tey = The gig had already been promoted with anybody in Europe can tell you this, when: practically every other gig they would call Dut we got ina crash and we won't be able: skipped out on just about half of all their igs. And Colin doesnt just take: hammers to cops and skins, also to stagedivers. He wouldn't let anyone on stage or allow people to dive. The other thing | picked up over: there was the knowledge that YOUTH OF TODAY really are cool guys. They are not fascist edgers and are not anti-abortion, | saw them in Lubeck touring with the ‘alcoholics LETHAL AGGRESSION. When. they played here | had been told they were anti-abortion and so was one of those Krishna books they sell. | eR the: show at that point because | got really pissed off. No use shitling on your doorstep by starting a fight, anyhow. In Lubeck I was in a pretty good mood so | talked to Hay about ell after wacing through the Krishna muck we established tial to the body, But just stop the the fact that although Krishna does. not ee ae ua FEE advocate abortions. who does - Dut they eo mr ie = ry realize that it might be necessary and oe - Seen om a Searnerinasirien ocean as thus they are pro choice. 'm telling you all because | want people who were told ‘what | was told, what | know now. And the point about them being fascist edgers | made because that was real controversy ‘over there and some people did't think they should play because of some of the stories they heard. But really, if you're a. straightedge band touring with a bunch of ferazy alcoholics ke LETHAL |AGRESSION then i's pretty obvious you ain’ too strict about the people around you being into edge. Well that's my punk rock news from the other side of the ocean. | would love to voice my personal opinion about [CONFLICT but | highly doubt you care and | didn't write this to slag them off. | trust isthe truth and, like | said, | want people to know. If anyone wants to discuss any of this with me you know: where to find me and there's always the mailbox. | picked up quite a bit of other facts about things. Like the truth behind: 8.0.D.'s “Speak English or Die” LP . Talk ‘about a cliffhanger. See ya by the keg, cheers! Iggy / 1508 Parson Hill Dr. / Burnsville, MIN. 55337 / USA, DAN: The February issue of MAS. was very impressive. Congrats on the ‘expanded format. MAS. as always, Is a forwardlooking, well motivated mag. I've always felt this way and pieces. tke: "1988: A Look Back in Time to 1988" ‘confirm my belief. | am, however, confused and disheartened at your’ ;comments closing your review of the DAN record, "This record comes with a song book and is supposed to come with a sticker, but | think some fucker at! Norther Lights was trying to be clever: and stole i” What exactly does this: ‘comment mean? Do you think an employee, or a customer copped the: sticker? And, how would that be “clever”? Also, why didn’t you come back and ask: the ealesperson (me) why it was missing? 1'm sure it was just a misunder- standing at your intent, but just in case you feel a Northem Lights employee: ‘Coveted this sticker il offer you an ‘explanation: {O. | packaged and listened to the sale’ copy of that DAN record and saw no: ‘sticker; | also don't remember the cool ook either. Point being we wrap a lot of imports here and it could have been lost in the process, © Import records are shipped without # Plastic sleeves and go through quite a few hands before reaching your local —- ‘Tecord store, One of these many hands ‘may have lost the sticker or taken a liking toi © If orany other employee stole that slicker you would've seen it decorating the store (we're tacky cretins and do shit lke that). Dan this sort of trivial theft is ‘completely banal and below anyone knee Zyfight the real enemy. high toa bowel movement; so I seriously doubt any half-wit clepto would waste hiser time. 1 mean why not steal the ‘book and the album too? ea - Tumors. if anyone ean Tad any Soeetatonst cour Wreslae BREAK UPI if there ave stil. quest you nave about IRON Fist come and see! sive and tk fo bs. Find out for us fwhere we stand The only way to make hia scene stong isto stex togetner and the Naat fo that are tying to eorinate our scene hae IRON FIST / P.O. Box 3988 / Butler! Guarers bl, UN. 95403 = © Lastly, most people haven't heard of Hremiseeemecersee sy DAN (and this is sad) and probably wouldn't want this particular sticker, this includes both our employees and our customers, Dan, Idlke to reiterate that this {is most ikely a misinterpretation of your intention and I think more concise Wording would set my mind at ease, Keep up. the good work, everyone at Nonhem Lights has and wi ‘support your efforts, Pat Dwyer Pat, Sorry about any trouble or bad feelings this may have caused. Affer' spending brained numbing hours in front of a computer | tend to be extremely harsh to people about really petty things. it's realy not all that important anyway Dan PS. The OP. IVY 7” is great, thanks for’ the suggestion! ‘an open letter to the Mpls. punk scene torn IRON FIST For some time now there have been rumors going around that IRON FIST is eMna or act band. Ths is J COMPLETE BULLSHIT! NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! We have no idea why these rumors were started as they are completely unfounded and nothing associated with IRON FIST promotes Nazism or racism, In fact, IRON FIST ‘strongly opposes the Nazi / racist / fascist mentality as should any inteligent, free thinking person. RACISM iH We just want to clear up all the they were humans (violent humans ‘This isnt Zgranted), | just wanted to tet you know London, New York or Los Angeles. Our Zthat all of my experiences with. skins tumors once and for all ‘scene isn’ big enough to be torn apart by: rumors, lies and violence. Granted there. fare those who don't like IRON FIST and that’s OK We don't claim to salisty everybody. But if you don't lke us leave it at that. Dorit ruin it for those that are’ fans and do like us. If there are any {questions about our lyrics please write to us, We would be happy to send you ‘copies of, qui lyrics to help dispel the! Bae ‘skinheads you speak of but Ce eae alt ow zane ey nated wore a couple wp Ty reese 03278 Minneapolis Alternative Scene, Hows life? Things are alight nore in Nortnport (New Yorn. A couple of weeks ago we succaeded in stopping a...) deer hunt! Fre Island is. public seach = Type park where there's supposedly an x4 joverpopulation of deer So the scum who Zs unt park alowed for hunters to come Sz in and control the population in other words they wanted to slaughter a couple of hundred Innocent animals! Ihe opening day the hunters were grected by 0 peopte chanting and making’ shiload fof noise tO scare the deer away. Some: pepe ran through the grounds and. spread human hair, along. win. deer repellent. The firs weck only bows Were allowed. BUt folowing thet the Scum with shotguns came. Supposedly the hunt was going to be stopped by the park after; 100 oF so deer were slaughtered. about: :werekilled another 90 or so were saved! = 15 deer were were kiled. Although 18 Park officials claim that ‘animal sights people’ had nothing to do with their fdecision to stop the hunt but | feel that! did it. ‘Thanks for_your time, keep ‘active! Anarchy Peace Equality MAS: won't defend the fascist, racist dont condemn them alll At the RAMONES show, the skins helped me up: ‘when | fell in the pit. | would have been’ injured but they helped me. The only: gal etatng and that wasnt Decause they were skins it was because have been pleasant ‘Also, | hate the fact that people don't introduce themselves, | know a few. people who sit around complaining about: the lack of punks in N.H. Yet when we get intoa scene where there are punks they: put up this whole “anti-social” thing. ‘That's. fucking hypocritical guys! - I'm: ‘done now: Rachel / RRI Box 1498 / Warmer, NH: is more close-knit to get anything accomplished. So get rid of the slagging cliques and find out ‘who and what is out there. Personally | would recommena meeting people by mountain biking with (another plug) TEAM ROADKILL, because i's a blast and there's some good people involved and there's always room for more. Anyway, get in touch with me about joining up ‘and everybody out there, be aware and have a COLUMNS... ‘Well his month rather than just writing about ‘one topic, | thought I'd dredge up a couple of items from past issues and elaborate a lite bit. So | quess you're getting two subjects for the price of one, pretty neat huh? Well lets get started First off let's tak about the responses an and | received on his reply on a letter crticizing skinheads. It seems some people found his opinions a bit hersh, well ough! They were just opinions, observations he made from recent information coming in to us about skinhead violence. O:k. you have the right to be upset and grumble a bit but it seems that some people must have preity low self esteems if they fly off the handle, spout out trash, attempt to start fights at parties and make nasty phone calls to both of us (hell, | didn't even write the thing) over a respons placed 1n 2 iocal ‘zine: doesn’t anyone have Anything better to do than worry about their image? Face it, at least he was up front in ang out his gtipes rather than resorting 10 sagging people off behind their backs, a slague which has infested the scene recently |and has resulted in a slew of in-fignting. Look not everything you read is always going to be Xind, that’s just the way life 's, sometimes people have to be blunt to get the point out You have the right to be blunt and we have the right to be blunt and being honest is the only way we are ever going to get a good zine out, ‘evenifa few toes have to be stepped on, ©.K. now to something completely cifferent, TEAM ROADKILL! Yup, we're sti) around and waiting for the massive response we know is out there to join up and go for monster mountain bike ries with some pretty muddy punks. Come out and ride in the woods, rip down rocky hills you wouldn't walk down, put the tread mark an the hood of a lima, anything: \we want you! Now the reason I'm bringing up biking again is that its something to do as a group, Cutside of going to parties and drinking {though | enjoy these). Come on, if this scene 's to start progressing again, we've got to be loser than weekend dnnking buddies! Find some people you don't know too well and talk find a common interest, be it polities or making taffy, | don't care. Just get a project started, boning together groups of people you can trust and Count on, then do something productive. There are so many people in the scene | stil don't know and I'm trying to change lat for myself. | hope some others do the saine, I's time we all realize we have to be ‘good mont, ‘anyone wants to get in touch with Mark about TEAM ROADKILL, or anyone else on the staff or that matter, you can do so care of MAS. All personal mail should have the name of the intended recipient printed on the outside of the envelope. Greetings once again from Komrade Felix. In this issue | would like to address a few issues and ideologies present in our scene today. Specifically | would like to look at nationalism, racism, the class system and fascism. | hope this article can help to clarify some issue and ‘open people to views they may have ‘overiooked. It seems very popular these days to be vocal opponent of racism, yet a nationalist In my opinion these two beliefs cannot be tationalized with each other, First, what is the difference between saying “White people are the greatest people in the world” and saying “Americans are the greatest people in the world"?Sure this is a great and beautiful land. ‘America leads in the industrialized world in ‘aerospace, computers, military technology, household’ television and automobile ‘ownership, homelessness, adult ilteracy and institwionalized racism. Do we spheres of influence which they exploit for thei benefit. When their interests collide, wai results. Nationalism and racism keep the ‘opposing armies guns pointed at ordinary workers on the other side, This may sound simplistic and redundant to many readers bu obviously a lot of people haven't drawn these connections yet, Its also very popular these days te speak of the working class, Bands and youth groups describe themselves as “working class" ‘or representatives of “working class protest.” ‘The concept of working class and ruling class was popularized by Karl Marx, grandaddy of socialism and communism, (Let me state that | amet a Marxist and think Marts theories are flawed. I'm just tying to dispel some misconceptions) Indeed many people have adopted as their symbol the crossed hammers that appear on many communist countries flags and postage stamps. The Manvist concept of a working class was intended to show that al nations Rave more in common with each other than with their bosses, Therefore, class _is_intemational, whilst nationalism divides. This makes it very hard to be both nationalist and claim to be speaking for the working class. it is very. common. for movements of both left and ight to idealize the Working working class. This is similar to how Europeans idealized Native Americans as "Noble Savages." Middle class intellectuals like to romanticize the worker and pretend to be working class by dressing in work clothes and adopting working class culture. Usually they don't fool anyone. Indeed in a country ike the US. the working class is very small, Most ‘American workers are employed in service industries and enjoy a middle class standard of living. Indeed many persons who Marx would consider workers make more and live better than those he would consider middle class, The REAL working class are the laborers of Aftica, Asia, and Latin America who are toling so that we can enjoy such a high standard of living, Su to speak for the working class would be to reject nationalism and strive for the equality of all workers in all countries Last | would like to touch on fascism ‘tis very popular to refer to anything opposed to one's ‘viewpoint as fascist and draw a blindly accept our county right or wrong? Ordo. Pavallel to Nazi Germany. To do this is to over We stand ould the reaimrof USA’ number . Glen H One positive thing is that there are no fights at the shows, and the skinheads here are peaceful. However there is a lotof slamming at shows, including stage diving, Because of the stage diving at shows, two lights were broken at 7th Street Enlry ''m hoping that peopie will be careful, because | don't want First Avenue/Tth Street Entry to go out of business because of it, The Mankato scene has lost places to play because people were being careless. If you're part of this scene, have fun but be carefull ‘The LIBIDO BOYZ put out a 7” called Malicious Hooliganism. They're trom Mankato, which is about 60t0 70 miles, south of Minneapolis. The LIBIDO BOYZ play California style hardoore with positive lyrics. This type of hardcore is rare for anybody to play in Minnesota. You can get their EP tor $3.00 ‘ppd. from 1625 Commerce Drive #1/North Mankato, MN 56001 Another Mankato band, DEFORMED YOUTH has been active lately. Recently they opened for 7 Seconds at 7th Street Entry. They've just released a new demo tape, but | don’t know it the tile. 've heard their stuff, and they're gcod. 'm suggesting that you write to them. You can contact DEFORMED YOUTH at £204 Doiph RoadiMankato, MN 56001 IRON FIST put out a new cassette which is called Gun At My Head, IRON FIST are just your basic punk, and they're not hardcore thrash. You can get that by writing to 3018 Pilisbury Ave. So, # 304/ Minneapolis, MN 55408. The SWINGIN’ TEENS put out a full length LP called ‘Step Out_and Meet Allah. I've never neard their music, 80 1 Couldn't tell you what they are like. You can get the LP from Prospective Records at P.O. Box 6425/ Minneapolis, MN 55406. ‘A group called FALLBACK nas put out a cassette called ‘TheScene Is Back. ™m not sure why they used a title ike that, since the scene isn't back in Minneapolis, 've never heard them, ‘90 check them out if you want. You can get the tape from Skene! Records at P.O. Box 4522/ St. Paul, MN 55 104, ‘The DISTURBED will be releasing an album within the rne>« three weeks. The DISTURBED play metal thrash and they are known as a nasty band, They sound simiar t SLAYER in Some ways, but they'te not satanic. You can write to the DISTURBED through Earl Root at P.O. Box 8001/ Minneapolis MN 55408, HALO OF FLIES put out a 12" called Headburn. HALO (OF FLIES are your average speed metal band. You can get this, record trom Twin Tone Records at 2541 Nicollet Ave, So Minneapolis, MN 55404, NO PUN INTENDED put outa new single called ‘Sondemned/ Something Must Be Wrong. They sound lke melodic, hardcore, which is sort of like newer 7 Seconds material. You can ntact NO PUN INTENDED at 6804 Dovre Drivel Edina, MN 55436, LIBIDO BOYZ /p. Gien H! Another group that is really big in. the underground scene, but is not hardcore, is TRIP SHAKESPEARE. TRIP SHAKESPEARE plays positive upbeat pop, and they play live extremely wel. TRIP SHAKESPEARE recently put out an album called Are You Shakespearienced?. About a week after TRIP SHAKESPEARE put out their album, they signed with ABM Records. You can contact TRIP SHAKESPEARE at P.O, Box 8656) Minneapolis, MN. $5408, ExcHUSKER DU member, Grant Hart, made a solo 12" EP which is called 2541. Grant Hart plays a foikish style of rock. He plays the acoustic guitar on two of the three songs, You can get Grant Hart's record from SST Records. There are other bands that are active in the scene. ‘Some of those bands are MISERY, BLIND APPROACH, RUN WESTY AUN, MORTICIA, and COUP DE GRACE. These bands do shows every once in awhile, but that's about all they do, Not many people are puting out ‘zines right now. BJ Alouser is a poltcal ‘zine put out by tne Revolutionary Anarchist Bowing League. itis availabe free, but send one or two stamps to cover postage. You can get RABL Rouser at P.O. Box 108547 Minneapolis, MN 55458-3854, Anarchists everywhere should read this, My ‘zine, High School Is A Wasteland, mainly covers the national scene, rather than the Minneapolis scene, The latest sssve has an interview with the LIBIDO BOYZ, You can get 2 copy of High Shoo! Is A Wasteland from me for only 50 cenis, This is basically what is happening in the Minneapolis scene. If you think | missed a part of the scene, wrte to me anc lime about it, Hopefully our scene will start growing again soon Unt then, we must take what we can get. Glen Hirabayshi/ High School Is A Wasteland/ 9325 Garrison ‘Way/ Eden Pralrie, MN 55347 Editors’ note: We beg to differ on the state of the scene as well 23 many others. if you care to express your views on the local ‘scene, fee! free fo wnite a focal scene report for future issues. Minneapolis isnt that bad! ASL ae ALLL PRODUCTIONS BANDS! Any bands in the area or passing through ‘contact Sonic Warp for profit-free show production, They have the best venue and set-up in the Twin Cities area a DIRECTORY The Idea behind starting a directory is to give bands a chance to promote themselves and give readers a chance to see who 5 out there. If you are in a band, or are friends with a band, make a directory entry. To do so, simply write a paragraph descrtins, the band, aims, etc, and include it along wih anything else yo. can fitin a space 4” across by 5” down all entries should be sent ready to pint. If you need Ideas, iook at the two below No Pun Intended has been around for a couple of years, but has played few 7th Street Entry gigs. The band is young, and | has a variety of influences. Their obvious influences, jhowever, are HUSKER DU, NAKED RAYGUN, and 7 | SECONDS. NPI is planning a'short tour of the midwest this summer, and has a7” single available as wel as being | featured on the upcoming “It comes from the cold" | | compilation tape.No Pun Intended wall play for your show, | benefit, party, etc. We'd love to hear from you. please call or | write: NPI, 6604 Douvre Drive, Edina, MN 55436, (612) 936- | BORN, FED...SLAUGHTERED MISERY formed sn the summer of 1987 anal from the time of conception, to the present have gone through many changes. The last change and most drastic change came when their original vocalist left the band in the; winter ofthis year. Plans for a spit with New York's NAUSEA had to be scrapped as a new) set had to be made. Now, after a 4 month hiatus, MISERY 1s back, offering two singies lo be feleased in the coming months. They also have two tracks on the tape compiintion "It Came From the Cold". MISERY can be| contacted at 2443 Pillsbury Ave, S. #4 / Minneapolis, MN. S540 or 2926 Grand Ave, S./Minneapols, MN, 55408 (oy Dan MAS THE1934 MINNEAPOLIS TRUCKERS STRIKE Article by F.M. Felix V. Petropaviovsk (ret.) the rest of America . was sufte" from ine great depression. Workers were laid off by tne millions, “Those lucky enough to keep their jobs took pay uts and were forced to put up with poor working conditions, Across the country workers were tired of getting the short end of the stick and began to take direct action, "In the 30's, labor unions were much more radical than they are today. Unions were only made legal in 1933 as part of the “New: Dea’. Employers were deadly enemies of labor, which they suspected of being revolutionary threat to private ownership, lf the means of production. Minneapolis had a long history of radical unionism. The anarchist-syndicalist Industrial Workers of the World (IWW Wobblies) nad been very strong InMinneapols. The WW had lost much of i's strength as a result of the red scare after World War one. Unions in {general had been on the wane since the repression of the arly 20's, but the depression brought about a resurgence. ‘The 1934 Teamsters strike was just one of many strikes which racked the country during the depression Battles were being fought between workers and polic national guards, and right wing thugs. Many people felt th ‘America was on ne threshold of revolution, "In Minneapo: the Teamsters local 574 had been infiltrated by a group ‘communists, This. small group was the Communist Leagu a Trotskyist splinter group expelled from the Commun: Party. Despite he fact they were communists this group ‘about 40 were dedicated revolutionaries, good organizer land public speakers. All were self educated workers w embraced communism as a solution to the depression « the system that created it, During the strike they kept tt ‘communism iow key and concentrated on matters at hand a ‘opposed fo extending communist control for some diabolical purpose. Few of the workers who joined the strike shared the leaders views. Most were just fed up with the failing system and ready to fight for their rights. They were tired of {going cold and unary while the rich rode out the depression in style. Jn February of 1934, the then small local 574 i ead a stke among the oy’: ~ Granted the strikers most of telr demands and srorkers around the ety galned. ope. The coal comparios ia off the union Wodblemakers in the spring. They Urnwitingl created a smal nucleus of professchal union argarizers In Apri and early May lal $74 oxgarized large segments ofthe truckers, toaders, and other workers inthe transportation elds. They Grew up a lst of demands and tiveatened to ske. The employers were represented by a ‘foup caled the Minneapole Crizans liane. This gyoup fas composed of weathy Businessmen an ed by the cys bankers, the bosses rejected the demands and the union prepared to strike. Local 874. set about renting a strke Reacquarers, complete wth Kitchen, hospial and garage They also secured Suppor from athe union, farmers group, and the masses of unemployed inthe city, Onhay 16, 1994 the srke began, It was a maior svccess. Truck divers, loaders, packers, gas station ‘Kero, and cab divers all walked off the job. Mable stots went out to block the wse of seab vers. The iizens Allance prepared a backlash. They had plenty of ney and the ety goverment on thei side The pole, ways eager to bust some heads, leaped at the opportunity ‘crush the sirke. The. pole reorited $50 "spec: sputes* mosty fom the’ Ctizens Allance, and. t merean Legion ‘On vay 12a ightbroke out when picketers ted o ack a convoy of polite escorted sab tucks hauln ‘duce tothe cy market. (Most of the flowing actions conler around this area, oughly Fist Avenue between Nth and N 6th steels). The police beat ther way through But nly Stucke made Many ofthe unarmed piketers were Beaten and wounded, ony t0 be aested atthe hosp After his the workers deided to arm themeclves with soks and bas and meet the iizens Allance and ts stooges ona level they could understand. The slage was set for cass war in Minoeapols ‘On Monday the 21st, the pole and Ciizens Aliance ted to escort scab tucks from a warehouse on Tst andi Sin They were locked by a group of pckcters. One fhe cops slugged.a pcketer” Allhel boxe loose. Lite Sid tho cope know that 600 armed strikers were wating at @ union halon Nth only a block away. ‘They rushed into the fray and te street became a battefied. The ‘Deputless byoke and. fester being thrashed. by their one time ‘employees. "The cope drew thelr guns and threatened to shoot Just then a column of reinforcements aved from sirke headquarters. (AI 1800 Chicago). They drove right inl the midst ofthe cops and started swinging. The cops Covi shoot wtnout hing tei vm men. They flowed the deputies extinple and baled out. They took with them 20 wounded The Cops, Deputes, and th supporters se up Shop in the Radason Heel, leking thelr wounds, and planning their next move ‘Tuesday moming the workers of Minneapolis were cutin force. Thousands erowsed the chy market, ready for action. ‘The strike was gaiing massive suppor. The Bulging trades unions went on striee in sowsanty ther Unions contibuted money and volunteers, The. common workers of linneapots joined together to defend” ther sinking fellows from the paice and bosses, Around Sam. a {f0up of scabs, suroundee by poe, bogan loading a tuck ‘There wae a crash of windows breaking and fighting broke i ‘out. Within an hour the police and deputies had been « ut of the market. Thousands had clashed in the streets With bats and sticks. The fighting lef two membors of the. Citizens Aliance dead. One of them was a president of a major local bank. Hundreds on both sides’ were injured. However, it was a clear victory for the strikers. ‘After the battle on the 21st, the Governor Pressured the city government and Citizens Alliance to co- ‘Operate with the strikers, A truce was called and Negotiations began. The trucking workers of Minneapolis had taken their fate into their own hands and won. Workers in the city stood up and cheered while watching newsreels of the strike. For once they saw the worker putting the cops on, the run instead of the other way around, On July 6 a massive march and rally was held, The Teamsters, building trades, printers, brewers, streetcar workers, laundry and Upholstery workers, farmers and other unions marched down Nicollet Ave. They were joined by farmers, unemployed and student groups. Over 12,000 people gathered’ in the. auditorium, with more outside, They resolved to make Minneapolis a union town, smash the Citizens Alliance, and make the police accountable to the people. The bosses were undaunted and negotiations collapsed, The sirke resumed on July 16, ‘Once again every thing on wheels ground to halt.But this time the two sides viewed each other with more > hostity than ever.The governor had mobilized the national guard to counter the massive mobilization by supporters of the strike. A strike newspaper came out daily with a Circulation of 10,000. The police were given raises 2 ‘saved with rot shotguns. it was obvious that the bose {and their henchmen in the city hall were determined not recognize the unions demands. Friday July 20th, a sc truck was loaded on 3rd st and 6th ave. The truck w. ‘surrounded by 180 cops, armed with riot guns. 5,000 pick had crowed the area, unarmed to avoid provocation. As | truck pulled out the’ crowed jeered the scabs and poti Suddenly the police opened fire. Picketers and bystandi alike were shot down as they tried to run, The cops we berserk, even hitting one of their own men. Sixty sev people Were injured, two died of heir wounds. That evening 15,000 angry workers gathered at a mass meeting condemning the police riot. The divisi~ between rulers and ruled was never greater. Ironically one the workers kled had survived World War one as a front 1 soldier. He was buried with full military honors accompani by a march and funeral service attended by 40,000. petition demanding the resignation to the Mayor and poli Chief collected 140,000 signatures. Some policemen we even so disgusted with what their comrades had done th they turned in their badges. The Citizens Aliance, Americ Legion, Rotarians, Lions, and Kiwanis clubs all commend the police for their services “Fighting communism”. T situation was tense, the city clearly divided into hostile ‘camps with no hope of reconciliation, The govemor called in the national guard and declared martial law. Attempts to get negotiations going again were blocked by the. citizens Aliance Tho stikors organized a mass rally of 25,000 on July 25th, They decided to picket in defiance of martial law. that night the guard surrounded union headquarters. and arrested those present. In a series fo raids they arrested all the unions leaders and confiscated its property. The workers functioned fine without the leaders and continued to picket scab trucks. In one case a scab driver shot and wounded two picketers. With negotiations stalled and the union beheaded the strke showed every sign of continuing. Then intervention acme from outside. President Roosevelt nreatened to cut off depression relief funds to citizens liance businesses if they did not recognize the unions and low shop elections. Roosevelt was perhaps prompted by ne fact that radical sirkes were breaking out in San rancisco, Toledo, and Detroit. Would the government be bbe to keep the system going with the new deal, or would it e swept away by the angry people? As it happened martial wand the promise of elections in the trucking firms settled Je strike . When the elections were held the majority of the rms voted to go union and the bosses had to accept. Local 574 proclaimed its victory far and wide. Many important lessons can be leamed from these vents. First, i's the common working people who really run country. The bosses just own the property and rake in fe loct, When the workers are fed up and realize they are sing ground instead of slowly moving ahead, they have the awer to bring the cily to a hall Second the bosses, vernment, police, and many conservative . "civic ‘ganizations" will always be opposed to giving the workers. ty biggera share than they are forced to. and when a few 2ople start asking for more, they won't hesitate to use «med thugs, in or out of uniform, to crush them. The most inspiring fact of the 1994 strike was the fighting sp solidarity ofthe people of Minneapolis. They struck t in Jean times and fought it out against the rch Man wounded, two died, but in the end they won |Unite, fight back and win! SHUT IT DOWN! Strike Back’ PRISONS Commentary by Dan Van Lanen You might not realize or think about this, but i is very likely that whoevor is reading this zine right now and has bumped inte this piece. knows very litle about this grey subject. The Inuit of the matter \s that people in tree society and in the "scene" have a vague picture or a lack of understanding on what the countries penal systems are, in actuality, realy lke As an inetitulon, our penal and “correctional” system is an abject failure, ‘he conditions in American Jails and prisons virtually insure psychological impairment {and social deterioration for thousands of men and women feach year. Reformation and rehabilitation ie the rhetonc systematc dehumanization is the realty, Public attention ' directed only sporadically toward the subhuman Conditions that prevail in these instiutions. Usually aniy because the prisoners themselves have risked man, ‘months or more years in confinement and in some cases their lives, to dramatize their situation by protest and petitions for iigation to the courts,, 19 speak out on the ‘pressive inhuman daily element ‘Who's to blan dark dull realty? Well toa significant degree this country’s government and judicial system as well as tne corporate media(s). By virtue of accepted ignorance the pubic has been conditioned f9 be {clerant of our prison system, that incarceration is the method for punishment, This has been the case untty’s government, The picture that has teen painted oy the bureaucratic officiais has ieft_ out much of what the backdrop has appeared to be. A murky distorted picture results In this captaist society we've been influenced by the "hands off” doctrine of the judicial system as well as many presidential administrations in” an oppressive tradition. In assessing the development one must keep in ‘mind that it has been accompanied by the most massive prison population explosion ever experienced in the United States On June 30, 1986, our sentenced prison population was 528, 845, more than double what it was ten Years earlier. The current rate of increase of ten percent ‘annum represents a prison space demand of about one thousand new bed a week. far in excess of new beds being supplied. 4 statistic hard to swallow” The United States 1s ‘second in the industrialized world, next to South Attica, in incarcerations per capita than anywhere on the globe. The Soviet Union is next for third place, Inwasn't until the nineteenth century that the use ‘of prisons in America became widespread, Until the middle of the eighigerth century European penology was, ‘motivated principally by punishment ard retbution. Mast chines were dealt with by corporal punishment Imprisonment was thought to Be a deterrent to criminal activity (an idea prevalent today, although stil not established through objective erteria). What is. the ia? Well, rehabilitation ig the foundation in which a vast majonty of penalogical objectives are based ‘pon, even though prisoners do nat have any sel right 10 rehabilitation and the courts, for the most part, have either interest,” the institutions across the country mostiy will fonly meet court orders and requirements to the bare minimum, as required to implement, Deliberate indifference is the sad realty prison officials will perpetrate in their pathetic scandalous roles. Consider this: Many “correctional officers” were once in the miltary or were rejected by law enforcement agencies the attempted to be part of and were soon attracted to the big money enterprising industry of prisons Many of these rejects or ex Rambo John Wayne Specials have a fetish for authonty and here in the penitentiary, in the line of work, the act out their power trips. You should see some of them, it can be quite an interesting yet oppressive experience (I'l bet many of the MASS. readers know what I'm saying and can relate because it's also reality out there on the street with the ‘squads of local swine and the police farce who no doubt fess and harass the best of you). The ex-miltary correctional officer is a one of a kind and may have flash ‘backs or wil stil be stuck in his army boots and at times will forget they are now working ina prison setting, but just in case they werent able to in Vietnam or stateside, the now have captives to order and boss around. It is difficut to generalize about comparable prison conditions, however the system in the United ‘Sates is probably better than faclities of some countries but certainly worse than those of Westen Europe with very enlightened criminal justice and penal policies such as the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries, One thing is certain however, prison conditions in the United States suffer in great part because of the horrendous: ‘over-crowaing that has developed in the past decade and ‘which appears to be on a continuous dally increase. If you lake into consideration that the last eight years were years in which Reagan and his hierarchy; in which part of fis legacy for a number of years included an individual named Ed Meese. It should be reasonably understood the kind of effect and impact this bozo has had on the judicial system, all the way down to the local city and circuit Courts, as well as the police farces nationwide. But now the effects are blending in with the new Bush League of office that shouldn't be taken too lightly by all of you socially and politically aware sensitive alternative folks (out there who are ultimately in positions to override this “fresh new" old fashion approach of right wing oppression. In fact soon | myself willbe out there too after 45 months of incarceration to be a part of any movement or cefforts of activism directed at this right wing presidency. 1 haven't identified with a specific movement because there are quite afew |can relate and sympathize with, although tne thing is undeniably clear, the people in the scene should by now be more aware and conscious of ‘this Countries ways of institutionalization in the prison system and no matter where you are, you can bet that your state's prison system is grossly out of control and overpopulat {and for those of you out there who are interested and Concemed enough it would be important to direct and voice your thoughts and concem towards state senators. sent a message of “relaxed concert” of a “mixed bag” ruling on requirements they've set for education and rehabiltation. Even though there's a public created “liberty and legislators in your state capitol. That's What prisoners have todo also, as well as stick {ogether to pursue litigation in iaw suits except we dont have as much abilty to freely address, state, and in some cases federal officials as' one who's free with more resources to effectively use at their individual disposal There is an element of oppression in prison however that has existed for decades, ‘one of which will always be present unt the prisoners and convicts unienize and put their heads together towards solidarity to limit and minimize this disgraceful counter-productive reality an itis so old and lingering, t makes me sick. I's called racism. That term of human evil alone nas boen responsible for preventing and hampering just about any effort to unite prisoners together tobe one for one and one along for al, to deal with this systematic yet apparent bureaucratic right wing oppression. There are so may racial differences and hatred among the prisoners that it makes organizing next to impossibe. meng other problems prisoners have organizing is the presence of gangs which for the most part, all, whether black, Hispanic or white, share atthudes of racial cifferences among each other, With the presence of gangs. and the element of racism within groups of prisoners, organizing for change to make ANARCHIST Pee iaeeanrtas ae ae see a ay my PRISONE moon Oma gy ANARCHIST BLACK CROSS unpopular issue, there is one more thing | would like to mention, and that's the fact of there being no future being locked up. So my ABC T-shirts are available now, based on this design. They como in ‘white on black or red on black, in medium and large. Ali proceeds will, {90 10 the ABC. Order ttom the Toronto ABC for $10 each. advise to all you people reading this, whether youre a skin, punk, anarchist, yuppie, [ABC (Toronto), P.O. Box 6326 Sta A Toronto Ontario, MSW 1P7 Canada, tel: (416) 947-0808 SUPPORT Suburban spoiled child or squatter, just stay the fuck out of there or any prison anywhere! ‘Dan Van Lanen is a former prisoner in the Wisconsin penal system. Welcome to America By Rachel ‘The radio stations rule the kids We've got no ozone, or fossil tuels or honest people With their stylish "Benetton’ minds. Butwe've got acid rain and NUCLEAR! We've given Mr. Bush another chance Welcome to America! Home of the white (red & biue) To destroy what he and Feagan didn't! Don't dare be black! Because we've also go racism The world fs heating ip Welcome to America! We've got people dying too, Because multinationals cut down But you don't have to deal with it (if you're in the right "ciass") Trees in the rainforests to get. ‘Once the appropriate authorities pick them off your sidewaik Money... THE AMERICAN DREAM! Welcome to Americal Biff Rules here Welcome to Americal Land of opportunity, Biffhas a BMW (from Daddy), a skiing tan, sports awards, how can you speak you mind without And a coccaine which has just gotten out of hand Fear of the government (sometimes), Welcome! Punk Music is “offensive and “vile.” Thank GOD for Just the skinheads and the racists, ‘The wholesome programming on our precious TV ‘And the average person. Condemn the socially conscious. ‘And it won't make any difference how. Welcome to America - become part of the bullshit, Welcome to America, with “freedom of religion’ Soon you'll get used to it ‘Though we happen to be one nation under GOD Learn to cheat, lie, conform - Everyone does! And we'li condemn you if you don't believe We don't, FUCK AMERICA! You cough, they profit __sesesleesnierne ncaus ey arose to ke, Te taxpayer, smoker and nonsmoker, foots tne bil. By Fel '8) Taxes on cigarettes are very high and provide the government with a considerable amount of income. In the alternative music and cuttural scene we have become MThoSe who oppose paying taxes which are used on war, accustomed to a healthy ideological ferment which rejects oppression and coruption, should consider this area of various habits and lifestyles as destructive and oppressive. wagovernment revenue. Many young people are becoming vegetarians or vegans, 9.) Tobacco farming isa large industry. It wastes boycotting Coors, Coca-Cola and other corporations which land that could be used to grow food or left as forest. Support apartheid and the oppression ofthe third world, One | Tobacco farming is inefficient and depletes the soll with no area thats rareiytoughed on ané makes us ook hypocritical Teal benef to society. Tobacco farming isso inefficient tat is of course; SMOKING, I'm not going to spend much time Mit Is difficut to make money doing #. So once again, the Preaching and moralzing here. 'm ust going to give several ‘axpayer winds up subsiaizing it. easons why itis stupid to continue or even start - yr 18) Toe copra Taner ne sgt 1) Your heath. it's very Well documented that __.Most powerful mutinationals in the world, Those companies smoking causes cancer, high blood pressure, sleep “@2N4 their subsidiaries control thousands of acres of land in disorders, ack of appetite (.emalnutrtion) and. shorinese the third word for thei plantations. Their workers are denied of breath. Smoking complicates pregnancy and has been {he right to unionize and are thus explolted for our luxury linked to causing heart disease. Even someone who doesn't {heir iand and labors devoted to consumer products for us, ‘ate about the fest of the world and i's problems should ) |S 2PPosed to food for themselves. Much of Canada and the realize that they're only destroying themselves for someone! United States! tobacco is grown in South Africa, Turkey or else's prof Joiner repressive (oppressive) countries. The power of the 2, By its very nature, nicotine is addictive. This ultinationals| ensures American support for these makes cigarettes the ultimate capitalist product (at least goVer"ments as long as profit can be squeezed from their nti crack came along) "Buying into this unscrupuous PEPE maniouation of biology for profs paying into the hands of pay 4 1) With thelr wealth the tobacco corporations can capitalist scum who will stop at nothing to make a buck. T2-buy off and influence poiticians, This is the main reason 3) Carta ndverising is dogradhig: nest and et]!20A000 is stl cubscized and! at tore sirety reatiancs insults our inteligence. The Maribaro Man makes cancer .fMa"y tobacco corporations also are very right wing macho, The Virginia Slims ‘Liberated Woman’ makes slow 'vofintated in outlook and donate large sums of money to seath seem elegant and sophisticated, Advertising Olright wing politicians. They also donate money and other crs ta erp a> export oes HPP he Cao ane ca ha R ls Kan us death in a pretty package. The ads reinforce stupid sex 2st, cigar are. not role and make seeming conta smoke. way eel te OdDodegradatle. Milos of hem wil Skin ue ak contributes to peer pressure on youth to take up the habit. Te after the last human, smoker or non-smoker, hacks their way a inte oblivion 4)) Smoking destroys the health of those around . You know whexvsaie ' = : ‘you. Second hand smoke is up to ten times as aE ee er fat es pas oe Pea low tar. books and techniques exist to help quit smoking, endanger their heath. Athsmatics. are especialy at All reason argues against beginning. After reading salen See nate aac ere eee are ar ‘small children and pets. It has also been shown that car a ocr ae ese equ i on brag er es Feathermoon re EY See ead Filter difficult to muster the strength and will to make what restos ct ante cone 5,) Tobacco smoke is air pollution, What strength to stop ft 9 you got enougt Pe aerators : Pena eae ater Chemical polluting the air and cigarette smokes 6) Thousands of animals have been tortured in senseless experiments conducted to prove what we sreagyt 7 know; smoking ' bad for you I's also bad forthe rats, mice, ‘guinea pigs, eats, dogs, ete. who suifer in repetve tests ihseeme very difficult for anyone who takes animal rights seriously 10 justify smoking 1) Milions of dollars and some of the best medical minds have been devoted to medical research on smoking related inesses. This money and talent on a body of ailments which could be preverted by choice. Thousands of people taking up space in hospitals and clogging up the SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. ‘Kings: 8 mg ‘tar,’ 0.6 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. \g ee im WE Eee ent COMING SOON! New DISSENT LP! PS. On our Inst tour ve Lost a TiKASHER'SDIGEST | HARDCORE CASSETTES PR: ae, BAHG ea LAL Dee C/O CHIP_ PEARSON Fisk EY POSKSC nage {OSoreCNBLIAT pp. eae er carenLUESLL. 62418. 5510S Pri eT)3) UaMOcl AAUZIS CINW LI) =ILO Uel TIM LW 3ONGOHdSH “6R6L IHDIMAdOO-UNV @ — SALLOFTIOO YALSOd JONAISIXS INV4JOUd SHI AG NOA OL LHONOKS -datl YNOA FINY ANOANV 131 LNOG “IOHLNOO HNOA OLN! YAMOd LVHL AMVL SLASYLS HNO NO SYHSH LHDIY 3OWOS 3oM0d LSIOVY “LSIOVA SHL OL LNAWNYSAOD S.NOLLVN HNO NI SWS ONY SIVGNVOS SHL WOY4S “LdNYHOO NYO Y3MOd MOH NIVDV SLL GNV SWLL NMOHS N33 SVH LI Ny AGNOSTIC FRONT < UNITED BLOOD ep. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO “NO JUSTICE, JUST me LEGAL DEFENSE FUND LIMITED TO 1,000 COPIES. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 10: eeeeaolies MNVE CHECK or r10. T $10.00 pius $1.00 shipping Nuc NG. 1604 I POLER MIRE - pan PD. 8 eb ; x = oa) NC (S ees sane 5 T-shirts L/xt above stytes Pr 97.00 stad us § ipl =yploms Dincaline Rela over seas add $1.00 3 DEALING Wit NUCIEAR AWARENZSs, 1 Cash or Money order < NiWisecTiow 2 FRe=bom | Make M.0,% out to Eric Kite ~\ SASE for S Bs) Shekers ¢ en APO, Box 1516 ed S ONLY, CHADE gi eae ake WA > oR BOORINGS:612 622. 7289/612 674 7490 198837 SS a photo: Jason Parker “Okay, listen up everyone, we're going to tell you a littie story about a band called Dissent. We hail from the small village of Rapid City, South Dakota We have seen a lot of things since our beginning in October of 1985, including 2 bass players and 2 former singers. We've settled down to a 3 piece with the following line-up: Bob-guitar and lead vocals, Todd-drums and vocals, and Tim-bass and vocals..We think you'll enjoy us live and we'll guarantee that we're an honest, hard-working band out to have fun and spread a bitof our thoughts to the world. We don't want to get rich off this but just out to let you get to know us and for us to know you through this type of communication to make this world a little smaller. Thanks for taking the time to read this and we hope to visit your town soon’ The above was taken froma flys sent to us by the band DISSENT. Rerently, while in Minneapolis to play a show, with Neurosis and the Libido Boyz, they agreed to do an interview with us. All the questions were asked by Dan and here we go MAS: The first thing I noticed when | saw you live was the absence of Skip, your former singer. Why the reduction toa three piece? TODD: After we got back from our four in ‘86, ‘we just kind of realized we werent made for each other as far as him being with the band so We both went our separate ways. Now he's in Taiwan teaching English. We feel that we ‘sound a jot better now, we like our sound hetter oweven ifno one else does, We like being in the band a lot more now. BOB: With any line-up change in a band there's, kind of a period of whether t's going to work out ‘or not and skip worked out preity well but ne ever really contnbuted anything, he never wrote any songs. He was there to sing and that's all he really did. And on tour, your with a Person 24 hours a day so you get to find out it ‘you get along, It wasnt lke he left the band on bad terms, it was a mutual thing, MAS: Do you think you'l find a replacement? What other changes has the band gone through? How long have you been around? ‘TIM: We've been around for over three years, ‘not including me of course, Bob and Todd started the band and I'm their fourth bass player, Skip was the second and last lead singer. Bob is aur lead singer now but he's also our lead guitar. MAS: Seeing you live, | was surprised by the power of your music which does not come through on your studio recordings. Is this a newdirection or have you just had bad luck in the studio? TODD: (laughter) We really used to try to play wimpy allthe time, BOB: No, | think when Skip was with us we ‘were a litle more toned dawn TOOD: We did kind of have bad luck in the studio too BOB: Not really bad luck but we didn’t know What to expect, it was our first time there, and the guy who was engineering had in the back of his head that he was engineering for pop music. So it was kind of @ mixture. Our as recording came through nice and clear but acked a fot of power and punch TCDD. We're much better now live then we were back then bul even back then we were ‘much better ive thar ine recordieg GOB: think our vocals add a litle more power ‘now. Skip was more of a gameshow host and ke more than sang - sort of -1oa point. TODO Skip was good live but he didn't know how to caplure that in the studio BOB: So expect a npping, shredding new recora tho. MAS. When can we expect any new DISSENT viet? TODD: Hopefully i will be out by about May or a lite later MAS: Are you taking any new directions? TODD: Itwil just be better BOB. | think for new directions we're getting a litte more diverse, TODD: You'ljust have to listen to it and judge for yoursel, TIM: think you'l ike the Tiffany remake a tot BOB. | think we're going the ditection that is happening for us. Nothing is really influencing TODS: ..we're not intentionally fallowing any path. You saw us live and we piayed a lot of our Stuff that will be on the new album 20 you know ‘what to expect MAS: What isthe story behind the spit LP with Dead Silence? What is your relation with them? Purely sexual or just metaphysical? BOB: We've been friends with Dead Silence for Quite a while and played with them a lot TODD, We toured with thom in May, 8c t we toured with them last may for three weeks and they said there was a record label in West Germany that was interested in putting them on a. spit LP That was. first ‘Supposed to be with Life Sentence but | think when they were breaking up and iatever, wrote Reiner of Double A ie like our stuff and the rest is history.'tt's not just purely séxually, we love them a ot but MAS The Lymcs on DISSENT’s songs tend to be mote politcal than most U.S. bande? Tit: Well Bob writes most of the lyrics, Todd has been wrting some of them, | havent really Deen wating any but | m an excuse because I'm the bass player. | think our iyrics are about what most effects us. Different people are effected by different things so we just white about what effects us, | don't think we're really Political and we're kind of personal about Decause it's what makes us mad and glad anc what tems us on or off MAS: Why do you think a ict of U.S, bands stay away from poitical subjects? BOB: A lot of U.S. bands tend tend to stay away from talking about, guess you could say issues that are pertinent because | mean anytning could be Consicerad political because that's your own interpretation of that word | guess Like Tim said, we sing about what's going on around us and what effects us. A jot of bands adopt a style that's more commercial in the United States especially, Do you ever get any flack about being too senous? BOB: Not really. Sometimes people throw in a remark from the audience But that's coo! because to each his own opinion, We're wiling to, after the show, talk about whatever and explain ourselves. We try to take the time to be educated and do that. MAS: Are you involved in any political organizations or groups? What is the activist ‘scene like in your area? LONG pause ‘TODD: There's not really much going on here because this town is really small and isolated, Wewere involvedin a few political groups for a While, but after being involved ina poitical group for a while, they're exactly like whom they are against Even as far as getting ‘educated, we find that we have to do almost everything through the mail photo: Jason P. BOB: It's a pretty small town and most people are faiy conservative. There has been a lot of ‘cool things tho, We went to some discussions fon human rights in Central America and there was a non-violence conference that had people trom al over the world. Some things like that have happened but as far as right now there's ‘not a whole lot of active groups, especially in this community, MAS: Are there any particular interests you have as far as social - political think? BOD: I think that my personal interests, in our town one of the biggest things as far as like prejudice is the American Indian. When you Took at people that have ike the aboriginal fights fo their land, in any country, almost all of them nave been pushed off their land, mainly by white settiers, mainly for profit motives. in a the United States Indians are put or reservations, There's a reservation near here that's just out in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere an it’s shit ving conditions are terrible. That's something that concems us. A lot of things Cconcem us, whether it's a book we're reading that enlightens us or a personal experience lke driving through the town, seeing how the Indians live and how they're treated in the work lace, whatever. Just persanal things. TODD: Anything that we care about made things what we have to do. First thing is become as educated as you can, Second, make sure that you're not really a part of it because the thing that !'ve seen around here being involved with activist groups that go this Way or that way, that often times you’? find people are whole-heartedly dedicated to one thing, yet in every other aspects of thei lives, they perpetuate other things you're concemed about. I've been to meetings with people who would rather die than wear a square inch of leather in their body, yet, they're probably the same people in our town who won't hire an indian and i's really hard to get involved with People like that. Sometimes we kind of isolate ourselves because we really have become aware of a lot of different issues and not just ‘one, it comes out in the lyrics to; it might be irectly political or personal but it ali deals with things lke that. Sometimes its a tough enough cchore just to make sure you live your fife in a way that you fee! comfortable with when you think of ail these different things and you are ‘aware of all the different problems. MAS: Do you think that the Atomic bases in ‘South Dakota willbe shut down in your lifetime? TIM: | really doubt it. It seems here we live in fot such a rich state like California and we probably take all the money we can get, Including the government and the U.S. Ait Force. They'l probably will be here a long time because it's hard to fight it. BOB: A lot ofthe missile silos and missiles, as Part ofthe treaty with the U.S.S.R. will be dealt with, As faras the Air Force base, | don’ think it wll be done away with until people readjust their way of thinking. The U.S. Miltary wastes ‘so much money; we were one of the first military bases to’ get the 81 bomb(er), were they cost a billon to make, they cost $20,000 an hour to fly and all you hear about them is they don't work. It seems like an amazing waste of money and that's basically all it does, Air Force people here are not really treated well by the locals. It's kind of a weird situation because there's not a whole lot of opposition to the base here. Basically goes unchecked. Like Tim said, they support because of economic value. there's big billboards, “Rapid City salutes Elisworth Air Force Base, sister city for economic development,” and shit like that. That's more of how it's looked upon. MAS:Describe what utopia would be for you? TODD: That's a long question TIM: Actually i's a pretty short question Bob. i's short question but you could ramble ‘on for hours with an answer, TODD: Id guess you'd have a steady climate and always have enough rainfall. If you would Use money, there would be a really iow maximum wage, everyone would earn the same and everything would be a set price forever. | ‘Suppose everybody would have the chance to work if they wanted to survive, Existence would be very simple and there realy wouldn't be the oppertunty to accumulate “wealth, therefore power and status, BOB: Pretty much a cooperative system with nat much of modem anything it would be best because alt ieads to is desricion of the earth. A cooperative communi thi would be coo Alo ofan, ke teling sessions held daily and enough pizza and. beer for everybody. Homebrew. fs kind of along question So. MAS: Ifyou had one wish, what would it be? TIN: be a fairy wth my wish, Then | could do rice things to ther people TOOD: Let's see, somebody would get into alt the records and destroy all the records that show where the actual geographic location of countries boundaries are and then they would falsity al he maps s0 nobody knew where they ived anymore and nobody could take pride in ther stupid country anymore BOB: One wish. Make people care enough about their fellow human beings. If people did that there wouldnt be hardly any of the problems we have today MAS: Do you think humanity is inherently good or evil? Which side willbe the final victor? TODD: | don't know it's inherently goodtor evi but if evil was the vitor, they cay that to the victor belongs the spoils, but i evils the victor inere wont be any spoils because evil has already created the possible destruction of the earth and think fo tt win t would have to go anead.| think the only way evil would be the final vielor then there Would Be nathing left in which case it wouldnt mater. BOB: | think there's good and evil in all people and | think that in a lt of ways. how were brought up and how our environment dictates that. | beleve a it in people. If we can be the best that we can be and try fo influence others, thats a start. Like Todd sai, if evil wins that would mean the destruction of the earth and that would be an valy victory MAS" What do you think is better form of protestichange; pacifism, direct action, noting andor terronsmm? TODD: Pacifism is something that is kind of individual. There have been a few people that have influenced masses of people as far as pacifism goes but lke rcting fs something that just happens and i's really hard to control. The individval people involved in i dont plan it usually dont think, “Tm gonna go out and bust windows there's gonna be a riot” just kind of happens. Direct action can include. pacifism, You! could have astin protest, that would bea direct action and force reaction. Like the black people sat in restaurants that wouldnt serve them and boycotted bus lines, things like that That was a pretty direct action and it got a pretty drect reaction was all achieved winout violence. Terrorism hasnt really seemed to accomplish much of anything and terrorism is one man of a few people saying that ifs okay to take other peoples lives for their cause. Nothing’ far but for ife 10 exist everyone has to be considered sometime inthe future and terrorism doesn allow for that. BOB: When we think of ft situations in South Affca, they ve gone through a fot of changes in thinking. They tned a more Ghanian approach and then they starled rosorting to son of a terrorism. They destroyed things that would hurt the system, power plants aid that sort of thing. They were totally against any type of Violence towards humans and | think” that should be avoided at all cost. ina situation like that it would be hard not to suppor a f revolution MAS: Do you think that politics ana punk rock mix well? Is there a need to keep the two together? TOOD: Forus there is, TIM: It’s hard to tel for everybody, BOB: it depends on what you call punk rock too. People are in it for all different reasons For me, | thought it was trying to purvey more bands that had something to say may mean more influence than anything. | think the two ‘can mix and people can be informed and | think music is a good medium to communicate with W's fairly pure because a lot of i isnt profit motivated and the od do it yourseif thing stil stands for a lot bands so l'doesn’ have things fogain commercially so that in itself wil ake ‘ore of a good mediurn to communicate with TODD: think that the ones that are poilticaty involved are the ones wha overall have, | think if some people hadn't been politically invowed with punk rock that it) would've ched Everywhere we've been now we've seer a lor of places that the people wha set up the shows, the people doing ‘zines, whether they're ile or huge like MRR and the people that are in bands that continue to stay around and make things hhappen usually are a ile bit concerned somewhat. Otherwise a) youre left with is People who want to look different or maybe they don't like commerciat music but that's the extent of the altemaive aspect, then it would die because you cant live one the Exploited and Sex Pistols forever. Tikt: You cant? Hey don’ tell me things jike thatt MAS: Describe your local scene the best that you can, Do you think that coming from a small own has been beneficial? ‘Ti: | aWays answer this question so I do it again. The scene here is small but productive The most people we've had at a show was about 300 or aver 300, the average show is T sit alone and wonder why People today won't even try about 100. We have a lot of bands come through here, big and simail, We all preity much doit ourselves, we always have a place %o rent We have our own P.A. aad we atways doit mtn help from other focal bands. !think carving from small town is a eller an a iat of places that we've been TODD. We con't have the negative stutt Tid: Yeah, we don' hardly have any violence at all. dont remember the last ime we ve nat 2 fight. Everybody knows each other and it doesn’t matter if you have long hair or short hair, everybody gets along, MAS. Would you ever consider moving 10 2 larger ety? TODD: We've considered moving but we're not considering moving to where ali other bands move to like California. We ve considered just ‘moving to a piace a lat fke here that's less Isolated. Just the fact that we have to dive ‘almost 350 miles 10 play anywhere other than ur own town is probably tn worst thing about Inaing here. If thera was other towns closer, we might be able to just stay here forever but we though about moving and places that we've Considered are places that are maybe a litle Digger than here, as far as population, and are |ust more centraly located near towns where a 'ot of shows happen. That isolation has hurt us MAS: Any last questions, comments or dhiveling? TIM: Just think for yourself and don't let others do everything for you, be cool and write us, TODD: Yean itwould be coo! if youwrite us. We ley our hardest to answer all our mail ght away andwe answer it al ourselves. it doesn't [ake ‘much to write a fetter. If you want to write a band or anybody. you can just write a_short letter and you can be done with win about five or ten minutes. | know a fot of people think “| should wite a etter” and put i off Just do it and youl get response and you'l be amazed, There's nothing cooler than having a piece of mail in your mailbox with your namne on BOB: Keep supporting people that do "zines, that set up allerative shows, bands. that remain your trends and don't try to elevate themseives because that's what ths is. all about Actions I think about our world today and what our leaders have to say All the stupid lies that they tell they're making our lives a living hell ‘hey put us down for what is right so we've got to be determined to fight Actions not words or we'll never be heard Why can't all people see that apathy is killing you and me Don't you know the time for change is now the only question that remains is how dust talking all seems well and good but only through actions will we be understood we've got to know we're the ones who are right and so we've got to be determined to fight! w There's an ad for it e 3 8 g 2 3 8 2 & thanks guys for such a cooperative effort in abe), getting this done. If you want to write these i i of Amity Records ‘people ike do, send your mailto the address a ASSOC VEGAN REICH, from Orange County, have quite a following,catlea’ the Soy Boys/Giris. Sorry no bandmem ber names but anyways. ..How long have you been around? VEGAN REICH has been,and will al- ways be,around foreve 3 Sy We we x REESE if ih oene than a misical groupeits a move- ment.And if you get in our way Fa rete ce seers oar % scrambler! eA ANCL Nir SION REVI: The twin cities has a relatively low level ratio of blacks to ‘whites,coes it seem realistic to fight racism where simple rumbers dictate a smalier problem? CHIP; Yes, we hope that the twin cities can be used as a platform, a model for other cities, Unification of people of color fan spread and having the unification begin in the twin cities, because of iow level racial tension just makes sense. This is the ‘model and we can take it on, lke to Chicago for example, EV. J: Moving on to political ideas, what viable ways do you see to-change the government? CHIP: As itis now, to be a poltician you have to be a rich white man. {con't think change will happen through revolution, | don’ think anarchy will work either. Government reform is the way to 9. REV.J: Why won't anarchy work? CHIP. Cause peopie arent responsible enough to make it work. Most people wno are advocates of anarchy; who've thought about t could! make t work, they're responsible enough to se i happen. The majority of people, because they don't know what anarchy is, would support it cause they would think they could break into the T.V. shop and steal 5 T.V.s and there would be no ‘cops to bust them. Human nature, even people with the best ideas fuck up, Because people fuck up, | see America as having the potential of being one of the fairest countries. I'm not a blind flag waving patriot, but | think a system that provides an incentive, somewhere between socialism and capitalism would work. People need an incentive because people working in ‘groups work less hard if you can't tel if you're pulling your own ‘weight, a communal society where people care about each other would work, But the good of the people is not enough incentive for most people, individual incentive is, Capitalism has fucked People up, for sure, but at least there's incentive. REV: The system as itis: | figure realsticaly i | contribute as litle to fucking people over as possible, that's positive and realistic. To take part as litle as possible in the government; this is realistic. Anyway...on a more personal level...'ve heard you ‘say, on more than nie occasion, to leave your attitude at the door... problem is you cant leave your fashion at the door. atitude...fashion...how can we hope to deal with racism When we car't get beyond fashion?” CHIP. | wear what | feel comfortable with, | don't care what you wear, as long as i's comfortable and not a costume. | can look beyond it but a ot of peopie cart. People wil judge you by what ‘you wear, but | would rather wait and talk te you to judge you. Al Long is a good example, | think A\ is a goad example of a punk who looks ike a punk. But | would go anywhere with Al because he is a friend, not because of what he looks like. | go to Al's house and | can be comfortable, even in a room full of canvas jackets and charged hair, lis my friend, | go to other people's houses and | feel the tomp in the room drop a few degrees when | walk in, | see it because other people simply cont like me. | think people have misconceptions about me and my band People think we're rich, Wrong! We're poor, very poor. We're ‘$3500 in debt because of the seven inch and the van, but it is worth itto me because | believe in what I'm doing, REV.J: Soin terms of a commitment CHIP: Here's comes my tirade, the letter in MAS issue #7 that was signed name with held. Iwas misquoted as saying, “straight ledge and skin heads unite" Now | make a point of saying straight edge, skin heads, punks, blacks, whites, young, old male, female..whalever...unte. | was taken out of context, my 30 S WITH... words were taken out of context. 1 make a point of saying ‘everybody. | spend so much time thinking about this. {risk not being accepted by some of my fiends. You know, lke ,” he says punks should be part of this? Well fuck him. "Gis are as good as guys? what the fuck is going on here?" ‘I'm at risk of losing ‘some people. Every thing | do is a risk, well not everything, like silting here is not a risk, unless | said to you “blonde people ‘suck, you look like John Denver’. But | go out of my way. | sacrifice, I'm not a martyr, 'm just dedicated. | dor't want to be a starving artist. It may sound fucked up but | want respect, respect for what | do, | forego a lot of things | enjoy because | believe in what I'm doing. | work really hard at what I'm doing and even if you disagree with what I'm doing, you've got to respect me for my dedication, | mean | respect someone who works really hard on something they believe in and if | believe in it too, "i be one of your strongest friends, if | don't believe in what you're doing, I'can at least respect you, if you're dedicated. | Can't respect Hitler because what he was doing crossed my boundaries of what is wrong, so | have no respect for him. So if you're within my boundaries and you're working hard, | can respect you, and together we can do things that'l blow people away. |just won't put my name on something | don't believe in, REV.J: What keeps you going? CHIP: People I deal with as a spokes person for the band are the People who care, the people who could be anarchists, people Who give a fuck. People you can get along with very well because there is a common ground, People who are not intolerant, Cool people. What makes me angry is when | read these letters that say Blind Approach should put baldies only on their flyers. It's a small segment, !'™m not denying it happens. A ‘small group of skin heads who are gonna give punks shit and a ‘small group of punks who are gonna give skin heads shit because theirinsecure and are'nt happy with themnseives. | know this because I have been there, | would feel better by making ‘other people not look as good. Now, Id rather put myself on a higher level and bring people up with me. 'm a confident person, ''m happy and I ike my ife. People who don't feel this way are insecure REV.J: Do you believe in Karma? CHIP: believe in Karma heavily. | believe that what you put out will come back to you. Positive energy comes back too, when | ‘ee good, | will be reacted to wel REVJ: You want to mention the “beating up Crash” incident? CHIP: Aight, rumor clearance. Big Chip beats up litle Crash, Yes...the reason | beat up Crash. A bunch of friends had told me they saw Crash tipping our show flyers down. Now, | spend time, lots of time on those. That is so disrespectful. 'd talk to him and he'd say that it wouldnt happen anymore. Another thing...a promoter from out of town was told by Grash that we were assholes, | had to deal with that. And yet another thing..1 got shit from everybody when | put them on a show with us, mostly out of respect for my elders, but | got shit from my band, the club, the other bands and the audience. And then the drummer from Iron Fist gives me shit, Ido not need this. I's not Iron Fist asa Whole, but rather, it's Crash. He gives me grief about putting them at the bottom of the lst. AL that point, | heard more rurnors ‘about things he had said, so | asked him to go outside and ‘explain himsetf tome. Well. didnt explain anything to me, but at then he starts to say.“l think your band sucks..." So | jacked him. Irrational? Yes, But i's like the Solomon Rushdie thing when you believe in something so strongly, you become 31 irrational. Anyway...s0 he’s on the ground and he starts to get up and starts talking shit about my friends... hit him again. So as he starts to get up a third time...! pushed im dawn and walked away. That's it. (beat up Crash. | it him twice and pushed him down. It wasn't because he's a punk, it wasn't becalise he's an ‘old man, it was because he was fucking with my ile REV.J: Sowhatis it you want people to do? CHIP: ! want people tocome to me and be rational. if you con't like my band, fine. A lot of my friends don't ke my band, but they have rational reasons. If you're honest with me | won't beat your ass, 1! probably respect you more, AEV.J: What do you have that we missed? CHIP: IT you're wiling to do something with us, write us, cali us. If not, eave us alone. | will respond asap to those who want 16 help. REV.J: That's pretty simple, CHIP: Yes! I've said it before, i's not what you ar are. REV J: What youre wiling to do? CHIP: Yes, that too. REV.J: Last things? CHIP! im willing to work with a fot of leave their attitudes at the door BLIND APPROAC: H's who you eople i they re willing to I eant stress that enough BAHO P.O. Box 50139 St, Paul, Wn, 55105 ‘sat Phone (612)-228-0059 nOR ROIs wonderllcassete-nly catalog Includes, bute not ited Wo Burzoocks Bad Braine Fippoe ‘dian Shorwood 78 Mysiodane Giana Beanca Black Une Lounge Lizards Rancoats Yolownan Richard Holl Bush Teves us Dc Paco Far ‘Sax Gang Chon SG Alin se “King? Carasco Flshiones Durut Column | Shataites Eyed Soy Petor Gordon Muto Boat Nico Johnny Thunders Christan Death Television ‘suc ‘Simulaors Human Swetboard UK sib Dict ‘New York Dolls Dickies dames Chana AN MORE! ‘Our guaranoe: ROIR roleasas a0 avaiable only a2 cascatas ‘and wil ot warp, seraich or gather dust and groasy Aingorprins as you koow what wil. You can tnd ROR ‘@vrpuhore a sors that count WRITE FOR OUR FREE MAIL ORDER CATALOG. FROIR, 611 BROADWAY, SUITE 411, NEW YORK NY 10012 (212) 477.0563 NO APPARENT REASON This interview was conducted in River Falls Wisconsin, (ight across the border), by Rev. John, Present for the interview were MIKE and RON of NO APPARENT REASON. The siyle of music may or may not be the bag of the average MAS reader, but whatever the appropriate label, | will retract any that | may have put inete. NAR has gone from a 5 piece to a 2 piece to i's current line up of 3. The intensity of live shows seems to have attracted a small but mspectiully sized audience, They have a demo tape that can be attained by sending a blank tape and a SASE tothem. Call them for the address. Local tel: (612-729-2372 (lery) or In River Falls (715}-425-9174 (mikefton). These numbers may also be used for any out of town bands looking to play RF. or looking to have NAR play out of FF. MAS: give us a brief history of the band. RON: well, we played with several other people in the band for & year of so in 1986, but were down to a 2 piece in Sept, of 87. We hhad a 7th st. gig coming up and we needed a bass player, Jerry joined us for that show. We rehearsed a half-dozen times and were Surprised at how well it worked and ¢0 we just kept practicing anc writing stuft collectively MAS: what's your basic music content? RON: music or lyric? music, trying to...yrics are usually personal bitches...my world, .my view...both close and far, personal but not specific. MIKE: distribution of weatth is really sad. 1 of 5 people is impoverished in the U.S. social issues like that piss me off. MAS: any vinyl plans? MIKE: nol t costs money and we don't have any. MAS: why River Falls? why not the Mpls. MIKE: because we'te here, we're trying to be there...we practice there, RON: club overs aren't going to change their opinion if we move to Mpls. . we can do it from here MAS: does it satisty you that most of your gigs are in R. F,? MIKE: like to play in ALF. but | would like to play to mare people LF. is changing, more people that | don't know are coming to shows, t's breaking away from the point where you can look into the audience and know everybody there. | mean we play live cause we lke t, and maybe someone can get something from ft, sharing. RON: expressing MIKE: playing in front of people we dorit know has been good, ya int skate coverage, colons, nore oninions, artwork, and even nore vhot Pull of review: interviews, ovinior letter photos, conics, s, nore photos, 412 holly In. Vankato,!n 56001 apt. : Contribute anything! Yea dude! s all. know. we've never really had a negative response. RON: think people enjoy us cause we usually go all cut. whether thay can hear the lyrics or rot i's usualy a good response. MIKE: it may sound comy but we can get off on the 3 of us. even is the audience isn't into it..we lke to play...jt's hard to explain, MAS: what's the River Falis scene ike? RON: self-created mostly, spontaneous. whoever wants to get something going, things are usually responded to well, there's few inhibitions, MIKE; i's bigger than; if two people don't show there's no one there. there's a good staple of folks. like folks without cars who appreciate having something to do. it's an open scene too, | mean if a Rap movement suddenly sprouted up, it probably catch on it’s a college town. it's at least as good as it should be... if not more RON: i's crazy how this town has s0 much original music, in °82~ there was a scene but then there was a death, then since '87 or so Primitive Gesture and NAR were starting and people were getting remotivated MIKE: new people, new types of music but the same type of energy, i's regenerated again. MAS" is it only music? RON: no, but that's a lot of it. t's a vehicle at this point, a Contradictory mind set maybe going on but even if people are just taking about doing something politically or musically.even if i's lust talk-it’s at least a support system, MIKE: if people aren't into what's being played, they're usually open toi; they're there. is better than staying In their dorm rooms and watching Mort Downey Jr RON: as long as there is a comfrortable social atmosphere, people ‘can express. MAS: what about poitics? MIKE: we're in trouble RON: they don’t tum my crank. I don’ know enough, not enough people know enough. goverment holds information back. politics Used to be an entertainment form. now it's suppressed by big business. MIKE: look at the morality of the marketplace. Oliver North tying to congress; good example. no real issues come out anymore, the emphasis is on sex scandals, drug scandals, the media is shading the point. MAS: what's your poltical bent? MIKE: ron doesn't believe in money-so he's not a capitalist. RON: socialism has i's good points. being uninformed/ignorant sucks. MIKE: all political theories would work, in theory. all of them, ‘anarchy would work in theory but there's too many people who don't Understand what that means, RON: if anarchy happened tomorrow, you and | would be able to live, but what about the racist? who would protect the minorties? in 4a small system, yea, anarchy'd work. MIKE: maybe it's a chemical imbalance, | don't know. we've all done shit that appalls ourselves; broken our personal moral codes. anarchy's really a utopian society, which'd be great, but there's ‘always gonna be the person who fucks it up. human nature, RON: yea, at least a person from the society we know today. | need to be honest with myself. if total honesty were possible, utopia would work. people need to get intense with themselves first, betoreit can be realistic. self-betterment, i's just fucking working with people, not against them, MAS: list your top priorities. FON: being true to myself and others MIKE: awareness and self-improvement RON: consis MIKE: to be able to do what | want to do and stil have security RON: to eat MAS: ask me a question to end this. ION: i dig the zine. | don't agree with all of i, certain words can be taken differently in society. we're on a local level working towards a {global thing. MIKE: how big does the scene want to get? what are the real goals cof the scene? RON: small areas can be generated intially. then connected. this is possible. connecting scenes for an elevated consciousness, BOTH: thanks, .don't be shy...call us. (not collect please) ‘This is yet another chance for you to contribute fo MAS! We want lcalehow reviws fo print or ‘ise this section wil no Tongor exist. You hhave photos, send them, they wil be returned Wroquostod Febuary 16/ MURPHYS LAW, be RISING SUN, LOST CAUSE th Sra my - an Hebe ‘Some ot you hay tink $7 #98 MURPHY'S a eco, Thay are ie hareora band wha though ot dot Wis ita vests was agua ts ane, 2 ey yes abet such fps bour Amar son gang ‘or panty ris aha te tnt Sere th Sores fy payed ner "Anorce Puls, "Son ana that ow veron of" Wt Ting. MURPHEY'S LAW eet a toy lady nite to tow. Oh wal ne ‘iat hardzre clone sou bee, MURPHY'S LAW MURPHY'S LAW HE RISING SU Sra ice? a, nay 2am sen, NEUROSIS LG0 80r2/ ‘in Sra Eryn frabyesh tte Des, "Wi ine pr show! Butea 1 going 10 properod eres es & 6 3 NEOMORT Sri rd pots Tondo sry BACK SPOT wy na or san Bs yp tn swe 3s ERLE hang = Tyne xt (PY creel mints ostb y gnd nt wt see ‘Ftsan ty pa ah ege ting mi sppesan Geile vapipece s oe Bd Sum ene Boer ‘wd goes ut aa ie Roi at rele sn oer (eptic. Ighy recommand ts been to Cae a en nee en oera See ee 2, ox SO130/S, Paul MNOS HE Crea am at endear, bard hat be Ree Satna nes een eck ny ron” hare ro ‘Sum ope sos reton Ga Rough afd tt (ete dor Dewy ot Yohaibn WF 0A | Enso ia? sume speci a py wha hao ocd aa ‘etiteacnd peo Tol yo te buh eon ens Sah Sy an, Str yh 2 ar Cova sin Ofek anon sonkly enh ands ps Sst ult Kl toon oie ew a tne ws AoC deck arora onto, Paar fay nse sees Sea Zon eet Raw Yan 0016 LE CYCLE "yen an nae 7a Wes Racor, ‘Tene dnge trea edu pas talc ar sp Vos a usu ety ran is con tea eth esos haw ante sary oho zan'eoea Canoe wom cs toon. et we Etta wre gem some pop on ao) ae ag ver 24 Yowtand Pa Pray, Aras, ey hers sh ema teal merme tamer ome Heasetee ek cert re ee ome ipaety rates cout meer ed ee et bland tin EeeSuaormmrsteome kta iamecnoea te Sen wan a Sockst when tuaes yea, esplantons Sl vane opie wh ca ony ston ocr kind tre Ena ra cen one oa ey hat thd sone ron Gass Sa rm wn ranvmereale and eet gnaaring (what the fk Sov that bc eae ma oe regi amigo eer Ba row a) Sa SE ra mr es Mine anger guts player's 8 vegan o fet oh te bat hats ona postin bhutan sage Ros be emt Te tape aon wy soot rg (otc 1 ange eg we codes se er pl (C'eset Gua sauna goed oem cecal ee aS Lar nly god ml tomar hie apo ot eccrine eae ‘Rte nave son nce ean aloes st Singer wat sane ap ivi eee cee Saletan cos St eyo he sone wor tm ha rou So ta yan orenios sigh onerSoary Mae ee ete ee ee Sm relies ee tee en bo 2 Maat Boch CA R26 VA near Wort War For sarone WR ny th Ts CPE rene mot oy and he npg gry oa nea a heyy ets mt yuan get iduit Sea pax els ly Een a VA, hr Tea Here Tomonow (THE SECT / COWBOY ES 3 Wl a UX. wi much oot ‘Orban 17 Dewy. W. Yon Were Baa | Sierearare eae PES eae mame Parearauncrretona re ard sir ae hy mae ans pra ard Prince ae YEASTEGFRZ/ "Ovary At EF ecko ‘ee soe ue echoes wen blac Dacect Seprogrng dav ray ae f Wet 08 ia woo whch ons ponaal val sompitce We D1, Sy purge ot aking ad yor So {es Rareatanrgutnn pampitsnowsares Seo es oreo ipa 20 aoe |p onpeagr acer, ne ta ad mae Ae oS tee rhe Engen esa le ema scam FH A eee ky ae fee epocdytyo SOR ned manag eld a, Bb Sep Go Sare Gxt. 1908 EO F007 oso «onal ital Same 10/81 ea. Toman Sehr Pak nen oc as bs gcse te neat tcasn x or ‘Sitseain bene, ec re nya mph axed nak = Poa 3 ersmingr ti iy Un ge RM Ee Oz Tom son nronT TON CONFERENCE Gitte fortes” QO BESTIURL Vo ine'rEttiSees ca, SAN FRANCISCO Ramana NY Tete Sa eee ae iment, Well realized one thing ‘About something being great. PY It's never really known, Until it’s too late. The way Isee it, Allthis insanity. Wsjustanotnerword For the thing called humanity. i “< Grasping for the comet, Jonly catch dust. The fuse is tit, ‘The Explosion is a must 7 The wick smokes and burns, ‘! * es & 4 “ Y RECIPE! “i. Breaded Tofu Sticks open 1 V2 cups whole-wheat bread fs jicture has to go with what's on the page? Who ever said the fr soy sauce, and marinate tofu for an * hour. Put flour, oregano and basil in a dish, Combine Salt and eggs in a second dish, Place breadcrumbs in a third dish, Dredg each piece of tofu first in flour, er then in the ‘eggs, and finaly in. the Fe wr breadcrumbs. Place on a wellgreased fy “ baking sheet and bake at 360 for 20 fi minuets Serve with lemon wedges or gp = a ale ot ae “tol tater sauce (ecpe next issue) ee eee > 4 seme ; ie s pooling on ine foor : “next to the body * 5 Notes: when we tried tis one in the MAS kitchen we did a few variations. 1.) we oy Kraan Sasa woe tise the ‘equivelant amount of "ee to years of ag filled with adrunken rightious rage Butnowit's all over, emptied my cup, ‘cuz |just can't seem to get itup knowwhat’sright Iknowwhat's wrong Bush's right ase? inthe eee of ne the Bago, 2 reeeeeing ta vegan oan, 2) we Rone thought they were a bit mushy so we put , themvto the heat inva fry-pan fowa bit and ue tha zoved he role Yum, Gh yeah Mrvaete re reopen VEGETARIAN hes magazine : ‘cuz Bush's strong pote ead take rio shit ig oe we from wife orchild - CLASSIFIEDS... |. have ‘em both Y oat makes me smile econns, wen somiue as +1” " Butsometimes | getalite wild Sree ree scoroen menace “cuz its soft & won'tftin s wo cer eec cna eat E conceited tramp 30 ful of sin Sire erie erie here arm {gotta make her understand Beta See muse Show thatbiteh that maman us vamouvomeltajesvonseemectte Sowhatftkiled her ke acog mromounouormimeseisemenmorts Gali Suite tute ae, we naa Tame, afterallthisis Amerika cali aaa SRM eborrons.om teraerie' Gat home of the brave home of the free comme thats Silesiers ton leumemsStccrpg ees and amilon ightmen ust ike me See plaster cue ome Just no all so easy to see See page 3 for rates {aire A ‘Aieeeeaggghhnhhhnhh. 9 4901003 ou @ OVGAN ©3946 20 (uoTq98 pue Azteuejuods Fo yueweAoM e pTTnq 0} ynduy anof pest_pue e3vzs oTUOsaque ue ye TTT3S ome om “Wd9-F weenzeq SAVCIad PTeu e4e sHuTIoOR ZLES-SLb (ZLZ) OLZLL *ATN (340K mon (quoweseg) "3s ua6 3Sem PzE Pxvoqyoz Tas S,sTYOMLUY eyL 0/9 (OVGKN)e0URpuodsezz09 WOTJOy yoexTG YOK MON 93 FO SButze0w oy} 04 eUoo juoTyewsosuy AN Gb0e XO tox GOOOL AN wey} fedueyo Teer uT peqsedequy omy nod 5] *qavde sn pro yoTYA sweqsks pue seqze7s ey} Jo uOTzVAZOqUTSTP 9u3 ——-ynozy, = eTqoudowoy = pue = ‘uss ToToads ‘usjese ‘usTxes ‘usToet Jo saeTaaeq ey} yseus : nO SoS22 =e a~ § Yo. Y) < = — O Put away your petty little fights £ = ny N > @ = > w GC f= 2 © n eM eo anoqeT ano ySnoayz AtuQ *4epun peosoz Alqueserd ete em avez pue aoqysn(ut 043 woas eyes pTtom sexy ATNa, ev eyed uLO ON UOTYSeT eatzexedooo v uy eSueyo z0s SOTITITGe S3T/STY/TOY FO 380q 04} Buysn Tenpyatpuy yoee ySnorqz pue ‘sn U2TM $94e35 esueyo 3247 SNsuesuco 943 PTOY om 4nq petaea pue 4SeA exe spoyzeu uoyzOe 300IT¢ ‘uoTzeZeqTI pue UOTIeTOOSSL eax FO PT4om ev yZTH ueySds SutTqunao pue ydnazoo v FO qeezep ya pue ‘aBueyo TeTzULsNs sprvMoy UOTZOe Woertp oq¥ooape oyM (esueYD 0} pezuUoD oucdUE ST YINOA ¥)YZNOA ysTYOTEUe pue UeTIeZTAOYINE-TzUe FO eouRpuddsextoo = esooT.,sskSsiae 8, sygoaqeu ano 07 PPE pue euoo veya ‘(SUOTINITISUT pue szuaUUTEAOS sues 942 03 OBq sn peeT ATUO YOTYR)OBUeYyO 03 sTouueyo etqezdeooe ey; Jo peatz eae pue yaddnd ede & se osTT SBuTatT dn paz oae nok 3] *SOATT no [oa,U0D YoTYM suOT3NyTzSUT pue squouUIeAOS 2u3 Aq pes ueeq oa,om aoae7 4st0m ayy sdeysed st STUL *SBuTyI eBueyo 0} ssetromod ov. an erotteq 0} epeu ere em ‘yQeep TTquN YzATq WOAT z. of Wi Ola eee aan z 8 _ oa $2252 82 le: & plist £2828 cE aa]e ZW2S cate? SESG|:: N=>OQFL Besse SOVOlE SaNQlQ 28352 SO =|F: oF oO aeece -2 L222 RASS IC) O 33858 ef S5]z we WMrOF 2fo85 La05 as Og DOPy s2285 oP 2S]. @> toy sssee 28 Sal's EST 5 Gs base 2085) we OFZa ssesreserlis © Zycw tvefs Se ouiks* = BGR OoG BE ffs8 oi OF see's SS],° 2 UW ossde QO Z|? a m 2°8°5 5|28 WE HAVE FOUND NEW HOMES FOR THE RICH y D EXT! EXTRA! EXreal Hey, this is a special additional page to MAS #81 Due to few fuck-ups by the edtoral stat and_a_ temporary general breakdown’ of ‘communication, wo are including a page of additional stuff that wasn't in our hands. at press time. At any rate, al this realy has is a ‘Rew column, "Revolutions Per Minute,” which hopefully wil bea reguar feature in the column section in future issues. ‘As you may have noticed, this issue and the last issue have been almost a month late, Since it takes as about two months to put together each issue, it has been decided to just move the release fo the frst Week of the ‘Odd numbered months. This wil be no change really but dont be surprised when the next issue doesnt appear until around the end of June Incase you are wondering, the circulation ofthis issue is §00 copies. We want to increase this to 1000 for MAS #9! This wil ‘make our time seem better spent by reaching ‘more people. The major obstacle in doing this is that tis going to cost us hundreds of dollars to make such a big jump. Money is really tight around here now so the best way o help Us out is to subscribe. This wil get us the cash up front to enlarge our readership which wil help us to communicate our message to a greater number of people! Remember, if yOU do ‘subscribe and have to write a personal check ‘or money order, make t payable to Dan Siskind a8 we have no account at thia ime. = a ee an Ee Grease ND coors Z [emote awe czars a P Buns ‘Ferecrons, 1h pian eg ; peer ssvE) REPORTS ON REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE. {in2cits 2nd racists sympathizers. when i Comes to racism, sexism and homophobia refer to see the scene divided. | want the racists, sexists and gay-bashers on one side and the good people on the other, Then | want to see the racist, sexist, homophobes soundly This is myst catutnn for MAS. | want to use Ito raise sues that are importart for the punk and akemative scene to deal wth. | wil by unahamedly poltical, because that is snachee wnat {care about. (ama member of RABL, the Punk is, at i's best, a cuture of Revolsionary Anarchist Bowing League. | resistance, t begs togetier recplG we fot nave boon par oftheingoe of the soane for Src Toston erring ogee peonle who, for about TO tears, In that tne | have noticed ts seiey ial they conor’ Sesh areea Geran tendencies that |’ now regtrd 88 grup people. Sete poche Caye it permanent features of the scene. because they hate mainstream adic and ‘no isthe dynamic between old and ors becaie hey mason” 2S and naw members of the scene. When | was mperialimn Tying to. ante rece sued Istenng to te Dead Kennedys “Too Orink fo being purse ous F neces Fuck older punks woulask condescending. your fame of unty Kown ease ‘whore wore you in'772 Ten year later sil Jenerl ant heads, ialso Ofer ence seas hear 18year ld wo were 6 year ods in 7) excluding kh of realy good nenee ean complaining about poser 18 year olds from the most gosd people) suburb. was bulshtin 1978 and its bulshit|"""" "puns" not the only cutue of in 1988 If you wan the scane to grow, i you resistance In nis society Lots ot Sat at thing i has something to offer the word, Jou fighting back In lots of diferent Woeer it Ges sed oot Just accep, Ik encourage, Ad values that atrect lt of Uo pun alas ot embrace new people. This "9 personal freedom, of conmunty. of outage at tolerant of the effect that they dont know all he crimes commited againet te sacra the “rues” of the scene (and there are plenty of i's people: are going to become te varec nt niles) this world, we have bul unyt Somewhat related to this tendency is Te he eter harrow reaches of our own litle scene the tandeney to talk about how the scene has ‘The experiences of the Baidies are gone down the tlle. The factis that the scene very important to anybody wno is serous about seems alot more exciting when you are new to unty."The Baldios. have "done two “vary it, After a few years of watching gerbils with important things for the scene: they havve mace mohawks running on their wheels, drinking free racism an issue that everyone has to take beer and wating for somebody else to clean sides on, and thereby they have made ins ‘ut their cage, the novelty wears off. But that scene place whore more Afean, Nat doesn't mean the scene has gotten worse. | Latin and Asian Kids can feel comfortable, The ‘means that you have gotten smarter while you Baidles are known far beyond the scene as have been in the scene. determined fighters against racism. That is ‘Another tendency is to gripe a lotwhatbuiding Unity is really about. That ie why ‘about “unity” in the scene. Nobody is ever very the cops hate the Baldies more than anyone clear in what they mean by unity. There is no else in the scene, because the unity they have. such thing as unity unless ®t i unity around bult across color lines is a real threst to's ‘something, For some people unity means being system buit on racism. United against racism. For others it seem to have heard lot of complaints about mean being united arcund ear sping musicthe Baldes. Some of these are realy on the oe Mark, but ‘many are not. Accusations of conformity, of course, are grotesque coming trom an almost all-white punk scene, The Baldles are frequently accused of being macho. Its hard to deny (although a lt of them | are puppy dogs underneath that bald exterior), Gf; but anybody who thinks the punk scene is a liberated zone for wimmin Is out of his mind The Baldies have brought a lot of new people into the larger scene. A lot of these. people =, have never been confronted with the issue of 2, sexism. Baldies have made it possible to bring ¢33 these issues up with people who otherwise would never be confronted. This is a good thing. By drawing a firm line against racism the Bales intlated a process that opers the way for seriously confronting sexism, That is more Soin cangc Sou's, "Are 2f,zaM LEVI", than most of the rest ofthe scene can say. Wotie'onr, dew ey score cenneal The same thing can even be said BP zed gauminen Mul ino, core about proamercan skinheads who” have affliated with the Baldies. It's dtficult for me to Understand what is going on in the head ot someone who calls themself anti-racist and is pro-America. America is, after israel and South eae BS) ERE Bers wsact ove ange? OF PEF me rom ee probably the most racist county in the a te ime ine ee ae ae nn en ney gepeae (enecKs?’To "Bon 2) ee ae ee a ees AY ‘Mires ‘exclusive propery of the rich white men. Massacred Natives, lynched Africans and napalmed Southeast Asians pave the road to the white supremist Amerikkkan nightmare wwe live today. | think that any anti-racist pro- ‘American skinhead will eventually have to decide between being pro-American and anti- racist. It is a credit of the Baldies again that they have made anti-racism a credible choice for kids who otherwise would have grown up to become good old patriotic Klansmen, ‘The point is not that the Baldies are not god's gift to the scene. They arent, The ‘need to confront sexism and homophobia with the same ferocity they direct at racism (when they do though, don’t complain when they send few punks to the emergency room). The point is that seriously tying to change ‘this word ‘means building bridges of communication with ‘people who are.ifferent than you. The Baldies, ave done this to a certain degree and all of us should ask how we can leam from. this success. No amount of spray painting, window ‘smashing and lock gluing will bring down this system ifthe people remain loyal to the values of the system. It would be idiocy to think that Bunks alone can bring the system to i's knees, But that is what seems some people believe, Given their failure to try to build alliances with ‘other people who have reason to hate this system. We have an obligation to this planet ‘and to the people who live on it to increase the Pressure _on the shitheads who run this system, That means waging a persistent and Coordinated campaign of direct action against various institutions, it also means linking up our struggles with’ those of the rest of the World: Wimmin, people of color, queers. and working people. The first part is a lot easier than the second. But if we limit ourselves to direct action alone without building real alliances outside the scene, we will be rushed. if our actions ever pose a serious {threat to the system, the system will ring all of its repressive power to bear against us. The wave of police beatings against punks and skins after last spring's miltant demonstrations will seem like a tea patty When it happens, when we face the real power of the state, our survival wil depend on who we can call our allies. Our survival will depend on whom we have shown that will come to their defense, AYF DISTRIBUTION APRIL - MAY LIST All proceeds from AYF DISTRIBUTION is the first list ‘and hopefully itwill grow as more items arrive. We will soon have "Class War" and “Open Road” both excellent anarchist papers, Also we are expecting several 7 EPs by the WRETCHED, a hardcore band from Italy. We haven't bothered to work out postage rates so include some extra money or stamps. All payments ‘should be made with well concealed stamps or postal money orders with the| “pay to" space left blank. If you have literature that you would like distributed Send it to us and we'll make sure it reaches @ broad audience. If you have literature or music to distribute, we will gladly carry it on commission. Mail orders is AYE P.O. Box 8585 Minneapolis, MN 55408 MISERY, "Bomn..Fed...Slaughtered." 2 song 7"; $3 "The ALF is Watching, And There's no Place to Hide" benefit compilation, with TOXIC WASTE, BODY COUNT, PARANOID VISIONS, NATURECORE, POWER-AGE, ANTI-HEROS, BEEFEATER, CHUMBA WAMBA, Ol POLLOI, ‘STATEMENT, VEGAN REICH and MAN'S HATE. 12 song LP with booklet $7 NATURECORE, ‘With Love..." 5 song 1 5 APOSTLES, "Hymn to Pain” 17 song LP, with posters, eto; $7 "Resistance" issue 12; details actions of various direct action groups (mostly in Europe) such as; Revolutionary Ant-Racist Action, Rote Zora, Militant Cells, eto. Updates on bombings, arson attempts and trials of activists; $1.50 “Impulse” issue one; militant anarchist journal. Articles on anarchism, guerilla jwartare, and the Wisconsin music scene, Also includes documents and ‘statements from famous revolutionaries; $1 “impulse” issue two; continues the tradition of number one, Includes the /"Minimanual for the Urban Guerrilla” as well as articles and statements; $1 "RABL Rouser” #5; Minneapolis anarchist newspaper. Racism & imperialism, militarism, U.S. war on EL Salvador, all are covered as the bowling ball of anarchy knocks down all obstacles on it's path towards freedom. Free! send a few [stamps. FURTHER NOTES AYE Distribution ig an offspring off the Minneapolis AYF. As a regular source Contributions to MAS, we feel it fair to print their distribution list. In the future, the MAS list and the AVF lists will be presented together. MAS distribution has been put on the back-bumer temporarily due tothe fact we afe presently using all of our energies reorganizing and expanding tis fanzine, We will have alist ut in MAS #9 and will hopefully include records from the MEANTIME label from the U.K. At any rate, the CRIBDEATH tape and the ALF benefit tapes are stil available for $3 ppd. You'l Nave to wait ntl MAS #8 for a. complete lst of all our stuff so please be patient, DAN has a few things to say just for the record First, quite a fot of punks, mainly friends of mine, wonder why | have band interviews of bands | don't particularly listen to often, in my fanzine. For one thing, this is no longer soley my project, but the main reason is that if | Catered to my taste only, it would limit the number of people who would pick this up and read it. The bands and musical part of this is ‘one way for people to relate and thus find interest. What our intentions are now is to ‘come out with an intensely poitical fanzine aimed, in particular, at a readership of punks, and no longer deniable, the skins too. Think of it as a more aggressive version of “Northen ‘Sun News" with a punks and skins readership! ‘Aso, there has been talk in the past about doing a "Wimmins’ issue" of MAS. | think that would be great but a few people here would DEADLINE FOR #9 iketoco.a“sexial oppression issue.” it would ‘ag be aimed at more of an anti-sexist, anti ‘Since no deadline was given on the tile homophobia direction and would cover a wider Page, the deadline for staff contributions variety of subjects. We want your feedback as and ads has been set for May 15th, We to this and suggestions would be helpful plan on having MAS#9 to the printers by Maybe we could do this for a fall issue, #11 or June 1th and then out before July fst. 12 perhaps,

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