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Pe ‘Youre meteam physican or aNCAA ekision | eotegite fatal tam. Dung practice uetoe key gama, leas Staring quarteruack preset oyu complaining af ever, sote vas and malaise. On fyscal exam ju documere fever o 10° and nd seeallmpnadencpaty and slenamezay Amana Eputtsts postive. Youinfarm the player thathe needs to st autor afew weeks because ote possi Ufa plc rote. Me quaretbosk begs yout nottel ryane abouts Sagnoss, statng ate neces Pay erese eteam mighlose. Which ofthe falling is mest accurate? ig A The physician cust actinhe bast nterests af he pater and allow himia pay becauseithe {ose none col las a chance tay sateasionaly, 1 Teling the coach that he pve is not medical clear pyisavaltin ofthe patents pracy andi hese 4; © The patereutate mes 2 ceeonazauthi nesth ca athe pin must respect © ths deeson and nt orm fe team asmestaton 1. The phyeiors duty ee protect he heath a efey fhe pays, and esting 2 layin © corer to potect hen soley should nctbe saayedty fences such as te desis of he player, Coaches or spentators E Thepyscan shoud admis al propre eaten: butts nots plot resict a Payer rom competng fhe wshest compete Cee ere Pere ‘5. year-olf ale wo has ween apart of ous for sever years recently underent 0s) fr 3 possible bronzhogene caenama. He's cachecieandhas ls 9 pounds crates ran paras. Hs Ehsstraydemenshates a large neflung mass wth an asecited pleural fusion ‘He ver case wh his fai, and asks rat you rtm or isfy members any inermatin about his conten Dogs of veatment oatons. He stats that he iliv the rest off otarhame au eT Itererean. Whats te best respanse athe pabents request (© A ‘Imus ease te biopsy resus you" (© B "donot havetotlyouthe dagnoss but do haves et your family non" © G “Tear ony witmnod eroraton he dagnossis termine” (© D “Twllntreleas the rests to you or yur far.” “You i have fo name a surogat econ maker with whom can communicate” Cee ere Pee ‘848 yeas Hepa tera present o your ccs tothe iste asa new pale ate eoertymaung ies youreortmunty. Har medal hat melas abeny and ype cakes rae, Har cunt fcosytesnemagltn eel 08. chshaa nee ung nl mado fo ora hypog\cemie ‘Mediator te paste years. Whon you askher how sha fs ing wt her risuln sho replies, uss k (noein ale, but! eet ne Sol dart inkl need” Virich othe faving iste besten? ‘© "You Blood supis are natwel cooled. You shoul use nsun reauany (© B "esems tat you baad sugars are nat well eared, Da you hve cut ingctng nein? (C."Esoems that you have itl understanding about dabets ands complications. Let me plain © more about” 1. "tsoems that yourlood sugar are net wel caneled, Pease tl me what youundertand © Shoe itetes "Since you ae mat usnginsuin equa, ll add more ol medications and ext dan on your insu” Cee ere Pee ‘852. yea-o an presents athe emergency oom complanng of severe chest an. What shout prysicians2ynofgerto et he most mpartarenrmatan fom fis german? (© A Mhete's your pain caad® (© B "Have you everhad pan ide this before™ (© -"Doyou nave ay nstory of near ar Ung proves (© Ds tore he 3 crushing pan ora sharp pain” (© E "When i your pan begr™ (© F."Tel me mare about your ain” G "your pan assorted wennousea vemtng, & swesing” Cee ere Pee ‘ASyearold boy speaisin stances. He can ride a oye bu can notice abe He soles Spontaneaush tut can nat copy alia. He knaes name al ganar bu Goes not pay corpse _games. When af a falanng developmereal aspect sal detayea nis pant? @ A Seca © B Gross mater © Langunge © D Fine metsr © E Benard Cee ere Pee ‘ner emerging tom "smoke" nthe men's tom at a bar, 27-year-old le becomes agate and blige He dsplas mermitere clone ering ef his exbemaes and assaults s bounce wha es 10 calm _ne ntnacaton th fich othe folawang substances s mast? eau © B Tetiehydocennabnal © © Secoborta © 0 Hern (© E Phencyalne (PCP) © F Diazepam Cee ere Pere ‘Armalite s working on he reatent wads st 3 busy community Hossa Dung rounds, he eam frases shaw pert ha mes aorttedor sn sacerbaten of congestvehestfaute,Thepabents Pett ‘edialnstaryieucesaterascerosc coronary arty disease abetes metus andostearers The ‘Aerdng physician as the rian to stata beta adreerge anagorst on fis patient. Ar rounds, he irem recs tat suing meses Senoo she ares at eta an aera atogonsts c= tune Symptoms of ypeghema n a dabetc pare What isthe mat appropiate cause of ten? ‘Do ot simi the bes sreneige atagnst because he most impart princi © nese ito 'sonaharm: i B Discuss concerns sbuttheadrinsrain ofthis drug wth te pater, and it he patent decide ae take be ug orn, 9 © Discuss cancers abouts drug wth te rurss, as forthe iru, and ask mera kesp a © Slose eye onthe poet vad hypogveemia on hs dug (9 D.Admiistr the dug bacave the standing physician isin charge of te team anda underine hs auhorty sunetica) Dane admis the tug unl you have discussed your concerns wh the tending ysician © and ashes now to proceed Cee ere Pee |A2I-yea-o Caucasian woman presents to your oie for heat mantenence examination, she admits ‘ahamng ozcasnalneataches bu oblerwsehas no complants. Review ef sysoma notable fr Kear menses, She emake ane poco cigerets er doy and consumes lcchal afewes pet mann. Her Mig 254 koma. Pryical xa rveds eared and frm part gids biberaly.Examinatn of ht ‘eth revels eoted enamel. The remander of er exam, ncsng 3 pac exam Iz urrearkable. Which tne flowing he mest tel cause af hs pers candaca? (© A Hypathyradsm © 8 Primary ipeparanyrolism ©. Pregnancy (© D Chan pancreattis (© E Migraine headache © F Ong abuse © G Bumianenesa Cee ere Pee ‘3-year woman presets toner pomary care physi fran employment psi. Se sates hat ‘She 6 matted he ob but that she does ra sozaze wi ar poape athe war ad Tels uneasy wth ‘fam She was suppesedts scheaule hs apparent ane mort ag bra concerted thatthe ‘eeaptanst mig othe her ver he phone uss ve had bad sefasizm since igh Schoo” she Sas. The pabentnas never had ang term rome paier She otherwise Nas a nama acts Fespectulaf oer people, does net fel det trelened by conathersafaraly What se most Ika persnaiy dsarder? © AParanod © B Avcidart (© € Dependant (© 0 Onsesave-campushe © artsooit © F Schiead Cee ere ree ‘At year-old mals examined inthe emergency oom an fount have a nesemarcae round tum ‘markon is tn Wen asked atotthe bur he says, "Mat happens evry ume fm ad” Wich othe {alloning she best no sep inthe maragerent ot patent? (© A Contact child prtectensenices mmedatly © 6 Takinthe parents abou suspected chia abuse and ask for scplanatans (© C Askanatnerphysician ta winass the damage and Ite tthe patent try (© 0 Tyyta canine the cist improve is behavior E Seng ne patent nome and seule an appoinemecin one weak Cee ere ee ‘8.48 yea ran presenta your ace seeking potecton om a group f pele who ne says are nya to ham fim Hea feared fot salty for over fen yeas Hs vl apa that he as raver ected 29 Seu test ar ens actiainens The man as worked seats certo many year andes ne Meany Ufpaychatr: hooptaizatone ora. What ie the most ely agnoseintte aes? © A Schizephrena,pararoidipe © B Deusionl order (© © Paranoid personaly dsarder © D Bpalar disorder, manic episode (© E Schaaatecive dsorer, biplarpe Cee ere ee ‘Ayoung worn tusts it tears while deserting parr emotes of 3 chlahood sewalraume, to which her psychi responds “Yes hereal hua. Alot abused chaten Mate the same eachons" Wich _ane ofthe foloving techigies isthe paychamst employing? © A Faitatan © BEmpzty © © Refecton| (© D Cenitantaton © E Suppat Cee ere eee ‘AT. yea-08 an sous toe emergency foom ty Ns ite. She states Mathe's Deen act cry" for fe att esis: Hees rat let athe a dos, say up al non mscelaneaus projets staurd ‘he nome. Hs Eaugh several moussnd of delirs warn otnew power ost sesaplen tnens {eke, Whon qisetoned hi speech ie pecsurad and ne eaye he fee "pactac usr” What et mast terre ntl agertor Ueahna Us pale? © A Lorazepam © B Vaproae © ¢.Paraatne © D Cherdszepande © E Bupteion| Cee ere eee ‘Yau ae anna for numerous patents ons busy gate service at. regional Veterans Adminisaton spill ou ate cal aires oclack th marina by nursing sao tate that oreo your patents ‘aha was admit chest pains suerng fem ecute-onset watery area, When you gots seetn= ten ho sats tt al ofthis gan a eu hae aor he ranks juga ear ory att hohe hzse gave toni. In evening ns chart yu hd Mat you acide grescbeg an elecvahte Lonel Para for your patent wi chest pains her an for he neesed part wth 2 Gesotesin eet ‘nha's scheduled fara celorascopy inthe marnng. The patert sates mathe felsgaoa because ne aa hethad abowsl overt in he astra days. Whats he beet course of san? '& Inmedatelyinfrm the patent tat you mistakenly ordered bowel preparabn farm and 18 ‘ean wnat ras nappenes 7 9 B lrmeditiycal sk management and ask for advice on whether tnform the pate ofthis (© & Thete leno needto el ne patent couche ener because ne kenereatram he mterverton 5 D-The ees commie muse consults tofaciatea discussion of whether the pant has © ween named arrasbeneted tom Ps et E Ir te pent oft er messy and ote to compen im nancial orn © uteing Cee ere eee ‘A 2h. yea-o ales routine ER bye pola. He was ened at Ns arouse ot soyrsie behado tana hs ailiend. The patent appeats sole, dsaneted ana canted. Verical rytagrs ang ataca are present on peuraogical examination. taicelogcl Tests ae poste wich ofthe {along substances fsmast lyf be detaciedin span? © AFern © 8 Aronetamine © -Ceeane © D-Pheneyeline © E Dazepam orto © 6 Wanuana Cee ere cee ‘Zi. year-olt woman presets to er pomary are physician comslaning ot sevte wean fhe leg. The symptom began tee days ago saat acancee bake ther engagement She has no persanal orfamiyhstoy/o nutlogie disease. Pryscal exam reveas symmam 2 seep tendon exes, nema rruscle buk and tne. An MP of bran ard spinal cord ars umemarabe, 35 an EMG. Shs isnot Seeing aut eres ans does ra pateuay ey sng os nas he mos ek sagnoss! (© A Faitious deer (© B.Comarson dsorder © € Malrgering © D Hposnonarass (© E Somateatondiseter 9 F-Body dyemarpic disorder Cee ere eee ‘8.44. yea-o ales rou ote emetgency department ter vong 3 py. his determines tat Ne has ben darkghealy and has scule pancreatitis. He remains rlxcaed halons coh eel of 245 ‘gf (0.246% GAC). Heels youthathehatshosptas anda ne wl sue youtermuching hn. He says ‘athe does notwart any more of you wortess veabront” Whats the tet responce tots patan? © A Yount feet eave at any time (© B. We cannat rea you uilyau ate sober” © Cine youbeen areeteatorasona:ralstes ateneee the post” © 0 "Dayau namaly require an‘eye opener when yeu wake inthe maming?* *Doyauhavean alcoho peer?” Cee ere ee ‘ni nnis second peychanerapy session. 48-year man ang tse mers “Stop vetng me The a chi. by ane wesed me Ike 3 ch for years nd Ive evr been conden because fat" Th _puhents eehoocr ean sxe ot 6 A Acting out © 8 Regression © © Transference (© D Dieplacemert © E Projection Cee ere ere ‘Yau ae rng fora Teyew-old Caucasian mae ine caras|CU. He was aamteatrchestpan ana nis \dnssin cara: topanne nste luted, The erertonaleardalogat planning to take the pate for fnemergerecardac cametanzanen. While you are cacussng the dagrsis ana planned earmant with he Det he sates athe is afad of aig dting he procedure and asks you tprayfor hm. hich ofthe {atoning se moe porte ep? © & Tle hogar ocalaeranlan Tor vau Sr™ (© B “lam notreignus, tutityau ae thatcan be heh” ©. “Talleep youn thoughts and prayers" (© Weare netof he ame fat, samy prayers may rthalp you" ‘Praying ena, ut nas narbeen sserasly shawntabeetiscious Cee ere ere ‘82. year-ol femate comes to yout aly pracce cnc ask ote names of ood taste surgeons {he aoa “simply amy nose andl art anen one she stat The pert say that ar nose Nae Duara her far ela 7 ears. She spends 1-2 hours per oy nga “mprovher nose wih ferent courts. Upon your exa7 ou alive tho paterthas an uremarabl ase. This patent most the has ‘© A Manchausenssynéome © B Comerson asoraer © € Hypechondiass (© D Baty dysmuphic dor © E Malngerng Cee ere eee ‘Yau ae etna a 38. year- os Caucasin male wth psyctaherapy. During on of Your seal sts. Me Patent ais to authat every ume he gts toa a guere ith is fhe feels te nad to bes Eamatnngta Vert his anger” Hehas been rested mule bmes by armopadi surgeons or runes to his hand usted his punctingholsin vale” Which othe ing osfanse mechan the patent eens? © A Subimaten © 8 Displacement (© © Froecton (© D Reaction farmaton © E sping Cee ere ere ‘1880-0 mans bought lnc ty his mate fr Ineeashay bizare eho oer he past months Heisinhs fet semester of caleg, buthasrecerty stopped aendng classes anda lenger Sosalzes win france He spanse mast othistme alone m ne ram mumeing ts mest an germ a6 ‘poops arstaling then. Hae shoved anda teen eang very le. He has na gna pact ‘medialis, ands grisea examinations uvemankaue, What sts patents ogrosk? A Bi pyohote order © B Adusimeredsarder wh disturbance in behavior (© © Schizophrenia (© D Peranoipersonaity dsorder © E Scnopnrentarm disorder Cee ere eee ‘Yau ae on te patent sence sa communty hosp One of our patents is 37-year tican Zaveican ail wha you have st daghosed wth pneumonia, Se Nas apast media Nstry sania for sovereeoranay ace cessse soesten and canon Sack pan tam dagenersve jon sessee. She has baen homebound andbosiddn lr years. Youprosert her win her dagnesis and yur planta test het ‘wh stones and she retes tat sie Joes now oe ested. You ean at fis ecton nak. {eatedshelikey ce Fam an overanemna fechon. She voces understand che ness anahe Possible consequences af nr teatngf and she sil contrues a refuse eabrert Wha shou make the Secon sbout heer ornate adrnier anita to te pate? (© A Thepatents acu son © B-Thspatants spouse © © Ateseralusge © 0 Thepaten. (© E Thehasptal hice cammitee Cee ere eee ‘Aten year-l boy mss on touching he dooney wi his foot ve tes porto eavng nome. At schoo he washes hshands vee bmes ata singe balou and before ating he bus har. Pr to eang ‘alsa, he walks arcund he hause mutpetmes, malin sure al he doors and welows ae lacked aa hat ‘he stow and avan ate tured of. When asked ye doe these things, te boy states tat fhe dort Surating bad al Napben to fm ands tay. Wrtls Be most ikay darosis? © A Asm 9 B Obsessive-compulsve dsorer (© © Schizophrenia (© D Separation at dseder © E Tawetes sintome (© F Namal behaor for is 92 Cee ere ere ‘pain stanng We emergency room at n wan wauma ceteris ang fora mathe and ne 6-yaoK laughter vine were ah jued mn aaar vance acsdert The pans have bot been sencusl wounded Sustaning bunt azcomralrauma,andpertaealivapereveasboaain bam pater Bom patents have & ‘euded sensorsm and do notrespend appropri t questions, The hustand and tater of fe paterts ives tte nosptal the pats, and when the need operate on ua of We pate was DScussed ‘ath heme ses thats fe ands daughter canner race oad proacts becauseiticasanst het Felgcu Eelefs.‘Tnepryscian dscussea mers ef cperanng wthowtbiood progucts wen rustand at length butho conned to reuse stating hat sarily woul nat gotahaaer there products ware arin Thegrsic alae oat bot patents agressvaty wh cryetafldsoutns and srpropnatertcrverbns, tt shld te need fr loo products ase nat sth best couse a actin? 5 A Admins blond product auth he ear andthe daughtar because you cannot b sue Hat © sey share the raigus Els ofthe fae. 9 B Amine tid proaucts to te mover because she san aout buns father the store © fetathnforthe hig sate wanes mabe expected © ©. Sees cout order toast lod roduc tothe mehr andthe hie 1 The husbands wishes fr his wile must be respecte, but cout oder should be caught to istrane ants shi benat frit sang resmere Because the husband des nethave documents ttn that he isthe crate power of atone for neal caret eter these raters ris wisn ae relevart Treatment shuld be rendered. eee ‘8 Z3yea-of mans constarty red anstrequety fae asieep at aporpre nes. Over thes month hchas had several epsoces where ate bong stated texted eelto the gaund. Pach epsodelasied Vo mutee He does natesnts eofunan atewarssnd Sess ntloceconseiaveness, What he ost rpraprte disqnone? fe A Obetustwe sleep apnea © 8 Cepiey © € Hhpathrism © 0 Norcoepsy © E Slso paras Cee ere ere ‘82. yea-ol nurse presents othe doctor's ofice comply of recent welt gan, She says she nas bean eating mote an usualaely and feels quly and depressed aeout now. Despite wgotaus exc ‘his pas week, she has teen unabe to shed te oxra pounds. Further questonng reais het she hos had Sr esodes over te lst fe montis. ABhough te doctr plato her ha her neigh normal EM 2517) she insist Se avnwaght Shes most hey sung Far © A Fortous asoraer © B Body dysmarpic dsarer (© €-Anotenia renesa (© D Hypechondiass © E Wainozing 9 F Buima nervss Cee ere ere ‘nie tahngoveighcat satus courty nasal you admit a 76yes-od acan american male fra ‘rani ostuce purmerary dscase (COPD) sxacebatun. His past medcalhstoryis sniicart fa ‘sherosclrate corona arty disease, datetes meltus and abesty.Yauperorm ahisory ang prysial fram, corte home madesone fr ths testment of Sabetes and heart eases. and nas her ah Sugplomental owgen tronchodlawr,anibotcs an eysteme cortcosteros non ofthe foley SNe most estenaltpicta discuss ah tis patent at tus tne? (© A Edueaton atut he need tn incease eis to improve ayceric coral and eat heal Ensure prosence of ail sa tha porconal mates ar rgarzed shaulshe pass aay uring thshosptatcaon (Document nancial stats as paerthas a pote need for ame venta if ing disease Contes to worsen {© D ascatonatout qutng smahingts essen chances of dying fom heat rung disease © E Inaute abou presence at an atvance recive andne patent's wishes for end of re are ° Cee ere ere ‘3 yea- female wno you have eaten your office fr years presents fran annua pric exam Ding your etariaeronth he, she lates tha she wuld Meta undergo stra el hatin She aes noth shave chien an she ed a using eral corracetves. You krathat she hasbeen inareigenship wth and ivodwth her boytind fr over ten years, bth coupe Rave never Boon rmaned. Whats the best ay to adress ths stator” (© A Retr tne patent 3 pneco}gca surgeon fre procedure 5 Reviwthe risks ad beefs ofthis procedure and asthe patent she has scussedths © gue ner sna oer | ©, form the patent tat steizaton i gains your belies nd equcte ner about options such 36 ‘Hopton she worato become pregnant jo ©-Tellte paver that you cannot make rteral unl she trmashe sifcant ote tote ace Soall vee af you can dscuss ths ogee Tele patenta va ar manapause ashe lke stro underga that process wi te nest ve years © ° Cee ere ere You ate stata he e=ology cnc ata teaching nostaltat serves asthe tf career cee for ‘he suraunding aa the dine, you enceuret 2 Eyes Caucasian male who as ben elered by his pimany sre prover The gatantnashadtaa ean anacie nine natfve ear name hos bosn ae {you for management fis lec pressure. Upon evening to record, you fed the the pata has igh ‘dod pressure tras bean Veated wi only yerapam He abo ales 3 Gay 81 mp aeonn cet no a Stain The pavers HL and LDL ae itn the ested range Yau are suprised tat he ima pryscian has pat ternpted cer frst-ine an-rypeersves ata nacaean is patent, such as bre Hackers ani hzzde dureice. Wich of te floning is the mast pprogata store ta maka tote pater? = A Your pray care doctor notusing the best treatment for yourhyperenson and het © ease tis 3 ood ning Mat you came ta us" 5 "Sometimes rural doctors aan lta keep up win cumertmadeateachigs tls Undertandabe that yeur primary doco rt start these medcatons. We wl tat em now’ ("Yau primary doctor atin has done wlth your madeliesuee, nde was concerned © snougnteaekfarcur nop Lat ss nnatie san dots ome yur cure este” 1 "Your primary care doctor has done a great cb raragng your eter iskfators. Ihave roca Faw he fied to beat yur hypertension "Yourheart tacks may have besn prevent you primary doctor had been mars ficient ‘© mansam yaurblond prosere bv can make sme eranges now andr to revert» hndhoa| ata ee 8.2. year ran presents ahs orimary care physician comping of dye Skepiness. He save tat helen fs aseep during mechs, watchng TV, ad even nhie aang hs ca He does rat ee eshed ser Ns dame naps, and has nat experienced vied alushatore when fing ales or pan snakering, Hzhas occasional maming headaches ad is wo complain that he sometimes kesps er Up rian. Physical exam reveals 3 body massindes (BM o1313 kg? An ater lod 93816 hhamal. What ths pater’ mest el agnosis? © A Nacolpsy (© 8 bestyhypoventitin syncrome (© € Obstructive sep apnea © D Cena step aones © E Primay insomnia Cee ere ere ‘n18ye0- wornan was every aoe tothe psychi ward ane atempg to comm subi by ‘aking an overdose of acetaminophen. Whie he ward she dantfes a medal sudert 26th nly persanvinaundersiands me" andfese Pat lhe cher physicians nurses ae "hamble andmean* She Isexhbtng what dfonss mechaisr? © A Siting © B Proecton (© © Reaction frmaton © D Sublimation © E Actng out © Fimetectuazanen Cee ere eee ‘Yau ae anna fra eyed male vino was atmos for chest pan Hs caiac vopanins ae erated and acadaccaheterzatonisplamedtortha eveneg. When yau ate eng he pater’ foam ser Siecuseng he catnetrzanon fim au encumtr is we vino ist amved at hosp She {hichy seks whsthas happanes to her husband ans whats planned. What the moe pprapine cours razon? © A form the att’ wi ais candion because ene sis lega nes orn 1 Diss en fe care and “Da iat Resusctoe orders th he patents we because of is ‘eraus cand Dano scuss te patent's ests wth ne patent's wie because he pater has nt grates permision fori medcalca tobe discussed Wh Pe 1 Banat scuss the pater’ stats win me pan we because sna may sathave ne Patents best wenes nmi E Inform the patents wife hat the patert has had heart tack, but lo tlhe that she must A Resehon aratn 5 Projctan Repression 1 ssenahcasan Suppression F Distacement User ts24988 Explanation: FReactontmaton sh reslacemt ofan unpleasant or uneoceptble vant or dee whan emphasis fons opposhs That, rae han aig someting hat pate desres he ar she does he cory ‘his cag, the patet holy sl desres heron and fs his impulse by Reng ches wi the sare problem (Choice 8) Preston isthe transportation of one's unacceptable impulses ole orto aster person oF Staton, An example fs amare woman accusng er rustand of hang an afar nen fs she 0 as ‘elngatarsameane ae (choice ¢) Reoresion ithe uncansciaus removal of turing peycholgcal materi rom censceue Dworeness As oppossdto supresson represen s usaly2rsabvely rough removal & corse rample of rareatan woud ean ada waa abused 25's enlace anareness ove ul ahe£0H ‘moe fesung cis atuse {holes Dy lerfcatn refers to modclng one's behavior afr somone wo is percsved tobe more power The made! pfberavor maybe aumresle ornor-esmirase A pxrentwhavns abused os chid evaming an abuse parent's an oeample (Ghotee E) Supressonis he vountay wining of unpleasant theughts or fsings fom one's ming. E {fers am repression because itis consieus an plcaly mare temporary. A sunt cheosng naa ‘wary ateut an upcoming exam would be an exe eed 1 Heneabon © Supression F Displacement User 13254955 Explanation: Feacton frat is the eplacemant ot an unplesaré or unacceptable hougto desire whan emphasis fons oppose. That, rarer tn ain someting hat patert estes, he ot she does the cortay Ih ‘is cas, Te patent hey sl estes heron and Tams he mous oy Heng aes we sare problem (Choice 8) Projections the tansparaton otone's unacceptable impulses ofl rt anata person ot Stusten. An gaia amamiea woran s:cusng ner husband of hang an afar nen As she ha has feelngs or someone oe (hoiee 6) Repression the unconscious removal er suring psyotainxcal materia Tom conseaus Brereness. As cpposedto suppression, epressn usualy 3fably hau removal A clasic ‘ample ofrereetian veld bean adutwne nae abused ac chia lacingavarenees of te ul she eave Brow eoting ci atuse (Ghoiee Dp iercaton ers to moteing one's tenavor ater someone vs perved tobe more ppaserl The made of beravor maybe admiale orhon-simrale A partwha was used as 9 chid Becaming an abuse parents an eeample. (Ghoice E) Surressonis he volntay wtinoing of unpleasant theughisofeings rom one's mind. E Ses fom regression because t's consous ant cay mote temporary susentcnaosng nota ‘ory taut a upcoming gram woud be an example (hoiee Fy Displczment roars to he Wars fan imple or deste toward 2 "safer ese dstessng Dect An ecaple would be afustand yelig ats oy ater an argent Hs ve Educational Object Feactonfrmaton sth replacement ot an unplesare or unacceptable thought o desire whan emphasis nis opposts sie question corey Lestup pyighe USE a1 eee Js an 63-year-old ale no you na alowed you cic or years. Hels a vetted anser. and you have been falonng hi reauay fer management of Ns dabees and rypertension. Most ecet you cated farhim as aningabert ster sured a minor myacaraliraroan. He presertsta yur cin tay fr 3 posthosptatzatonfalleveup. Who speaking wah hime mentions tht Weis very grate fo rework ou have corer rover he years, adhe presents ou wa areaue wate as Wa se most Breropnate rea? ‘A "Ris inappropriate or yauto ler me agin an alata secure preferential senice™ 1 "Tank you for ti very ne a bute should keep tis ete you and me” (C.Tatis avery kind gesture; what cand for you return 1D -Thank yu vty mich tut am sme ging you the same are oul prow for any a my mers" "canna accept tis earavagant it because tis unethical to accept ats ram patents, tt thankyou frthe hour” User ts264as Explanation: Inthe vignstio yu are prosanted wih a pat who's attempting to xpress hic grate ta you for your Servoety presen youth a git oran antque watch Te paeice of wt akans common most futures a8 an gression of gauss burt presets a ungus pablo physcane nha nasa be mint ‘tne fattnt patents may seo be matwatedta give gts nan eff ta attain someting in ret, such 35 preferenal ueatmart by te physician. Addonaly, he mora status of parts and het soil sua {abe consdered. Fthegfis nersroprately extravagant such tht tis byundt racbal means of he Pentin quecton orth psi the ff preserts ahaGship the pater, he atc beyond what ‘soulsnarmaly be guen etesentna pespein a eaeua sash rreacton ar ne patent noun #02 Samant he oft shoul te plist rtused. On te char han ats not napropie valu, hen accepting the git te socal aproprate acton on te part the psc, retusrigan aporopate ac of ‘rau byte paenimay make he pet ee anlar of shumed by he physcan. Tha © astuaton lahere acceptance af a gb ne pyian ean carmbut toe coca pant elatonshp, nhl decinng {he gear harm. inal the physica should says act inte best tes of fe pater Inthis case, the paterts a retred inner and is resenting he phvsician vith a roduc otis trade of nen avavagat proprten. Ts best couse ofatan ita aeptthe oft be gail but eassure the patent eee Tbs considered. Fine itis nspopiyexavayar such that ts beyandthe races! means the Patein queston otha physi. the of praserts a hardships he pate, te fs beyond wat. ‘eouldnarmalbe gen between two peopleinacasua soci Rteracton or the patent roam tbe ‘ements, ne oft shauk be ply ruses On be ee ran. regis not napeonrie value, Pen scoping he ft be socal aproprat actan on te part ef the psc, rusian aporopnae ac cf (raise ty me pate may make he pane feel anvnard or shumed oy the physcan. Ths = a tusten “here accepanes of» byte physian con carn othe doci-patent eatonshn ne desing ‘ne ah oan ham. Ina eysican ehold aways act nthe best mares oe pater Intis case, the patertisaretred janser andi presenta the physician wth a product ofhis trae af nn. aravagat proprten, Ts best couse of atanis a accept the gt be gate but reassure the part ‘atts does nt ater haw you wou creer rnin comparsont ary of our ayer patents (Cholee D) (hoiees A and) Teting the patet at ne nas behaved n an napconie Mamet scores 3 bly sere tahar he dact-pabet elatansh. The pate aus tot appear tbe tempting a buy” "psc baimere tam the physician he fs simply srressig rau wha gi. tis considered arproprate te accert pgrptte gts om pants nen they we gven ou ct gratude. These gs can j ik ower, exceed Me means oe pater or ahyican. he pystian questons wee 21509 Caavagart probate (hoiee By Facing thatthe gt shoud bs hpt sere nscatoe that he physician fos hereis someting neal orang mh asepting the aft Ftereenohing rong wth necepong 2a, hen he pyscin Smuudfeeeontoratle win orice a or coleaques knowing abou the gt Ins case, Ue ais ey not bre exravagarcorsderngthe patent's trade (hoiee 6) The physician shou naver accept afts rom patents Ft he desis of the patento somshow betpretereal especial wesimere orth dotor Though thas become rare now, pysicians pevously ‘woul sept barter of gooes oserfces as payment thar madical services, nas cases, fe aie Ot "| ‘he baled tes o services shoud be porate forthe medica sevice ender Edueatonal Object His ethical ta acces tom patents those gis are net beyond the means fhe physician orpatere. ‘he at not made vn een 0 secure preferential wean te pt des not place Me pale or ‘Rerfamiyinfrancalharsshp and he paer isnot demented. GiRs con corm t 2 ponte soc ten rethnsh, shunning al waters with ais may make paints fee ankoard as oft is a ara prostee many cures wich USHA z008) /ORLDILLC. Bor ver 2000.2 Fe tom: 38 of 48 |A 2. yea-ot woman presets toner tay phsiin ater aking rtnto a neato pr twa days go. She ‘Says a she's depressed ar has hot bean racing wi her hushed The woman Masa sty pajchianc dsease and he pregrancy and devery were unrariable She dens sulndal estan or Sess tohutther chid_ Whats the most spprepaestaterent forthe physician to make? ’A We shoud srt an anbepressar © B "The narma ater gang ttn Plesse male an appartmenttortao eee rom not {C“ineeato repo msto Chis Protec Serces. maa you at nt tt crear youre rattan” (This is normal ater ang itn. We can see you again st your Bek low up apportent” ‘Have youhad any vagina bleeding?” F ‘emight be dangerous for youta have mare chieen” User 14254055 Explanation: Postpartum mod dstursances ae sity camman nd may bedded tote tres catego genin ‘he tle bebe Maternity Postoaraum | Postparium Postpartum) Slues | Depression | Psychos Tae 50 50% Tie 15% Ore. Aeroze Tadays, resokes | Twaeke to 12 | Variable fypicaly uration eatin f0 day ‘months daysto 4-8 Wook postpartum) ‘Symptoms | Tearuress, gue, | Depressedatert_| Desion, Gepressedfect, | ety, symptoms | confusion sleep tao forse atight, | aisurbarces, poor unusual bear, Eoneeritabon, | emebonal lily ecreasedtibido “Teaimare | Reaasuence, ‘racepressart | Anipayenate atetulwanna, _|mediestens, | mesiesions, tom: 38 of 48 SHIPONE] leauless, easue, | Ueplossev alec] oust, depressed tect, | anieny smptors | confision sleep tabi forse atch, | disturbances, poor unusuellbenaor, oneerraton, | emotion ait secreasedibido “Teamare | Reaasuence, “racapressart | Amipajenate wratciuleadna, | medieatens, | madieatons, 2D wofpanents wil |psyenatherspy | enndepressars, ‘evslop posipatum pessioy mpaort Cepression thin hosptlzeton “Tre pateeintis vignette mast kay has the matemiy blues. Her symptoms are eat mid and ‘ccuing ey wo dye afar going bth She denice sca or hora eatin tha wuld bende of Dostum poyetos nis case me most aprons acon wads beto reassure the tent an se ner Bzckin 12 weeis. Should she slave nese symptoms 2 necks postpatum,adagtoss of paxtpatum ‘epresson woul made ar he pater shoulsbegh wear. Wat sh weeks tareevause the patet(Cholee D) waudbo tos engin is cass (hoiee 9 Artcepressarts area mantay fr teatng poster depression tthe matry Dues (choice 6) 2th pict th ptt at atest taharsl are hid. A nthe sifting or postpartum ‘Seprassion ar psyehois neegs tbe evaluated carfly fer att carefarher hid Cortacang Chis Prtecve Seraces may be aproprat Fshe cot care forte chi (holes) Ths option sais te patents mood astutance ene ans ratreconmentea (choice F Parts wth prevaus episodes of maj deprssin at pastzarum depression ar at inezased "ior postpartum desresson afer ubsequertpregrancis. Such patients shouldbe waed ofthe risks ‘hng pregnancy but ony sisecrape rom beeaming pregnant rae stnons Educational object “Tre are oven estgines of poriarum mood ssturcances The ast comman the matey tues 9 berign sorted change ct that lasts upto (0 dave posizarum. is urate ith atc wating ant the nowedgehatup to 20% obese women wl develop postpatum depression. wich USHA pr ya009 /ORLDILLC. Bor ver 2000.2 eee ‘AZ yea woman presets to your cin comparing of fue. She sates that ar aigue nas ase Tar ‘ar yeas andar sn nt teen nape far the same curaton. She canmarnket ary enyatle aches tnd Geseroes nereet au wanmeae' en several accosan=. Se Sens sueval ester (oos ot apnete {changes her slseprg patems. Extensive woteup fr organic cases of her symptoms is agave. She Ismost mat suening tom ‘A Major Goressve soar 5 Bipdar! dsorer © Balan iar 6 O-Disthyme serder . Borderine pesonaty disader User 1264288 Explanation: [sey ders chan, lw eensty mood border characterize ty low enery, aeration ‘Skepng and eatngpatzms, lay st-esteem aid ahecaria. By denon the sympioms must ast are ‘hantwayearsDystnyma sponds equsly nel payensiagea and pheracangereenersone {tee sje depression i dagracod whan st ast five of ho faloning symptoms 3s presertin abye ‘22k pet inclu effi depressed mood a anhesons) Depresses oad, Step sare mses lefot (armedona, Gut(warthessness hapeessress feel) Energy doce Concent atun def ‘Anpettedisarder,Psychomatar easton ar sgatan,Suctcly (he “SIGECAPS" rmemon) (Choices 8 and ¢) Soar disorder is a mertaliness mnkedbyatetaton period of maria or hypomania Sant georesson. Symitoms ormanaineute grangosty devreased need or deep Myge-verbal Sse Fag thoughts, and increase n peasutleacbibes deci deletes consequereas. Me SympOmS ‘rustbe present or at ast ane week and sigan impacts te patents uncnonng. Hypamanias 2 ‘Sevan in mendithoutsefousy mpaing anes uncioning, Symptoms of depression are avan stove. Bipolar dsorce ter subdivide to two grouss. Pagers wah ave arioy of eset eee #6 O.Drstyme eserer Borderine pesonaty disater User 1264958 Explanation: [eenymo distdir, lw eens aad border characterize ty low enery, aeration Skepng and eatngpatuns, ay st-esteem at ahecaria. By denon the sympioms must ast are ‘hantwayeare Dystnyma sponds equsly nel pyensiageal and pheracange reenersone {hice msjor depression i dagrasod whan st east fre of ho floning symptoms 3s presortin abye ‘22k pet inclu eter depressed ood a anhesons) Denresses oad, Step dearer mest Sefot(arhedon); Gut (wathessness hapeessress feel) Energy detce Concer atun def ‘pete disarder,Psychomtar etardston ar sgtatan,Suctsaly (he “SIGECAPS" mnemonic) (Choices 8 and ¢) Spar dsorseris a mertaliness mahedby ateratin period of maria or hypomania Sant oeoresson, Symitoms ormanaineude grangosty dewreased needa deep Myer verbal Sse, Fag thaugtts, and increase n peasutleacbibes dec dleterusconsequeneas Me Sympoms ‘rustbe present or at ast ane week and sigan impacts te patents funcoonng. Hypamani is ‘Sevatonin mood ithot sefousy mpaing anes uncioning, Symptom of depression are aan stove. Bipot Goro ter subdivide to two rouss. Pagers wah bla iveaitoyof least tne mani episode, wth or hou map depressive episodes. Pater wah bala Unave alas on maar Sepraseveepaoge and st eet ona nypamans spends {hotee Bindu with berdetingpersoralty Scorer show apa of istatiy in elabonstips and Marked mpulsty “Tey swing wity between scoring a eating people wth cers consier26 Whol {204 ar holy bad phunamenan known a spina’) They tendo be mpusiv an echiees anim emanate Sutil er seF-mucstng benaver Fesings f anger and chron empaness ae cami Educational Objectiv Dystnyma is a veitnsty mood dsturtance lasing alessttao years, aes tom major denressive ‘garden gt and severity f sympioms Copsight Ushi eee ‘Ad. year Caucasian mal resents to your cnc asa npatert. He complains of sore teas ‘ough roach seat yl spf, cles nothes anda ve grad evr Atta and cf then te pocenereqisnts a peserptan or amctesta srs iaifacton, Physical sam vests aterparare ot 9° F and carse upper aay breath saunds. You ale tort that they dose rat reed aro, ant you educate rim stout your rationale Afr Istenng to you exlanaton, the patents its hath reads arnt etatng ny ol ctr sivas gave testi forthe" Which the along pone ‘he pest course of seton stn pat” ‘A Respect patent autaramy and presenbe artes as requested 5 Presenbeantiotics becausebendficencedtaes that ya actin the patents best iarets CC The placebo eects poner prescrbe ansbcticstoimprove the docter patent reltonshp 4 1 Danet presente aneites because the pares ey beng intuencad by pharmaceutical company averting | v.o.€ Donerpreserbe anibztes tecause ofthe poten iis of anit therapy. User ts264958 Explanation: ‘Antti resistance ic 2 serous issu for heath providers wards. Ovarus ofbroa-spectum riches use of orttinies for Seepses that are necbactnn tniogy ans merape se of ani by putes have al been ceed ae causes fr ani renatance,Unessas vera amici a oeneraly Improper prescnbed nave ween targeted by pryiians and sles, wo these coribans nue wal Uppareebratary tact nfecon and sete ete med 2 earetat may b batenal mong at Mpa ‘spontanenis}resoves who restment ‘The ptr desenbes inthis quesbon stems iy ser Fam auger respratay bast fecian Fever ar change te cr af he spam are yptaly observed hn puters senng for via arway nfactans. This cna scenara nat uncommon, an ti essential escrito patonts that abit traps natabiout ks. Abit drugs ae assacited wih huge hurr of averse reacins fom gatomiesina sete pheosensity to modReatan nthe fuetarng Gfine cyastrame pied enaymes en may cause tes Yom aber use Astana, abies Commonly cause aclsnpten afte gut fara a creat a scanana where Cletetum ate may prlferte Spd use colts (Choice A) Pair autonomy proves or patents to gute avn heath care by making decsions about Sccepungo efusng wegen This concept des et alow pater fo make Gemanas of he ysioan tat eee ‘Antti resistance is 2 seraus issu fo heath raiders wardnide Overs of braa-specium Srttatee use af arcbiae for deeoros tat are nocoactori in slog ans meraper vs anita by tens fave abeencted os cmses for ani resstance. nesses ere anc me pene Ireranetyrescced rave coon trgtes by ayisans ané sori. wo these coratane Mou al Upper espeatary tact ofactone and sete oie meds, a cease that may be batena ng at pea Spartaneaush resobes wihauteatrent. The paertdescibein his questo semis iy sufering fom tral urperresprtay act nfectan Fever ani change the exo fhe sptumare pay obser dn aes stern tom ral arway ncn. Ths sma Sceraro not uncommon and ts essential Sescnbe to pavers that artibe therapy sat mau sks. robb dus ae assacated wih huge humor of averse reacons fom gasmnceina sete phensensivty fo modfetanim ths funcanng Othe evostrome past enaymes whch may cause txts for aber ups. Adena, anbbiis Cummony cause drut ote gut ors and creas a scans where Closiatvn ame may prtteate snd cause colts (hoiee A) Pair atonamy provides for parts to quite avm eth care by making decisions about Dovepingor etna featmen Ths concept das nt allw pater tomate demands oe physisan tat Tustbe met Te ole of he prs s 9 educate te rate abou ther ness and te pot! ‘Tears ad slaw be patertto make decisions based en hanfarmaton (hoices 8 and c)Acinginthe patents bestnaess, the concepf benofcencs, mean tha physician [Shuudbe gudedtby whee bestor he paben nat whats bet forthe physon hospi farm members ‘fosters Thebes veatent othe agent hs questo sem sto ruse to press artuctcs anata plan the atenaeforths decison The doctor patert relaanshp sume best Serveaby dana what ‘enor tne pater. (Choice) vie ts not unessanate to nkthat patent may be influenced bythe numerous Brarmaccuca aovensemertsn soses taday. 1s iene proper regan reuse a prodde 9 catan ‘herapy. Fa pabent comes ta yaur fice askng/r a parca ugha ney san aavetaed athe dup is aroasonatl choice n your judgment ae fo phystian, tis completely accaplale eprescrbs the aug ‘hatte pase hes requests Educational object Presenpon or artsnts for cceases hata natboctnalin arg is nat proper process Tie poste onus tote eocetal rater of riba rseancs, and Epoossthe ptt st uresconate ike cue ‘aderse reactant mtb ergy wich USHA 20 (2009) /ORLDILLC. Bor ver 2000.2 ee ‘32. yea-ot woman presents wh generalizes ney Asoka ecurent pai aac. You htt ‘erapy uth paoutne othe pat requests 2 meccaen “hep me medley” fshe sans fo Rave ‘sympions. You dctto use abercodazepne wah the shatast haifa You select 0 A Aprazolam 1 Chiandareponde Clonazepam Diazepam E Lorazepam F Temazepam User taze4a55 Explanation: Benzedazepnes aoa cats of medications that workby increasing the oauancy of Hori chanel opening, teretyfolaing GABAA acwiy.Typaly used m arwety, ace sezures, ad alhal nara tey are doe mio sha, medum,ardlonghaf Me agers. Abrazolam nas rae less han ‘wale hours (hoices and F Lrazopam zrdtemazepamhavo haf Ives between 1D-1Shaus, (Choices 8, ¢ and D} CHordaxeposit, crazepar, ard dazepam have ng hates ofbetieen 25-100, rus Edueatonal objective: ‘Alrazalam i aha if fos thar tsk hour ni set for acute any, eS Copyight@® USMLEWORLD LLC. QBark ver 2000.02 Last untae: Pee ‘AZ. yea colle stunts ovr conceined abouts academic perfomance, wornng about Upcoming ame al day ong. His wary s0 iene tha keep hm rm concentrating on tera incu studying, Outi schon he wories oautnhemer is rencs uly ke im and whether he esses wo enough Heisconcemed atot hon his eceal performance wl afocthis ure ad eershe ‘may neve be aie to ge a good ob ert ameanngtulrltunsna. He table, nas duty deena nd ns cnet lve! is awe! han usa Ha reports that allthis symptoms have pages worsened fvertnslast’ manne. Whois the most ee agnosis? 1 Stustena anosty 5 Soci phobia © © Generalized ancy disorder 1 liso depresein Aajustmert disarder * Usertéze4a55 Explanation: “The OSM defines generalized ansety darder a5 excessive and unconalable wry sbaut mute sues ‘atic accompanied by taily, diturted sleep, poor cancertraion, muscle tension easy fatzaby, and restassness. Tree of moe of enon wary shpiom must be presenta ths diagnosis, ad soto Trust be present or atest sx mans Treat cf generalized ae dsorder uses benzcaepines (shareerm us], cenan SSRIs (paroiete,serralne. tusproe, and veltadne (hoice 9 arsety preceding a parcus stustin|sstuatonal ansety. 2 ype of spctc or siele chia Classe examples stuaoralanatyaclude tea offing er ntznng ah enclosed space Incas, he pater abave has wor leeds mule aspecs of his (Choice 8) Socal photia's persistent atone of perfrning in social stuntens. maybe qe Specie eg gn a public presentation) or mor geeraize (eg eat ofmost soca inwactons) contrast, ths patents wary edandswalleyand hs saci terachons. (Choice D) Generalized arsety dsoer and mar depressive order have many symptams in corron Wretgng lose catuances poor concenatan tor aneryanimatity, ‘Syngas annedana eprassed mand wad make maj depressive dseraer mare Ike Pee Soc probs 6 C Generalized aniety dearer 1 Majo depression Aquetmere disarder User ts264as Explanation: “The OSV defines generalized mety order as escessve and unconalate wry aout mule sues ‘nat sccomeaned ty tatty. ured sleep. poo cancer, usie tension 2364 atgabiy. and feslessness. Three of more one non vary spams must be preset fo ths diagnos, and symptoms Trustbe present or at ast sx mantns Treatment generaized aniely dsorderncuses benzodiazepines [shorter use], cera SSRs [paovete, serine: busproe, and verltaie (choice 9) Ansty preceding a patcul stuatunisstuatond analy, ype of spc or sole phabia Classe samples osmiatoal anaey luge fea offeg er entanng an enclosed space. Incas, the patent above has wory related to mupe aspects of hs We. (Choice B) Social pti is patsistet rationalea of pring in social stustons. maybe que Space g.ghing a pubic pesersion) or more genersizd (eq fear af most sacaimeractons) ‘erat, ths patan’s wary etandswallbyond fs saci iracton. (Choice B) Genctaized anzety dsater and mar sepressive disorder have many symptams in coriman Ireling sleep saticences poor concentston ine anery ansimsabty Cyrntors st anne eprassed meod woud make maj depressive dserdar mare I. (Choice ) Patents wih asjustrmetdsarderhae behavioral symptoms in response toa Sessar_ Symptoms develop win mort ofthe sressor’s onset and as consdered cessive rele {athe expected rsaponen. The patertin he abivs gnee hase cleorintng obese ara geveraized andety dander is excessive wary over several fret issues lasing atleast months. tis teted wih anidprecsans and bonzadiazspies sie question corey Lestup pymghe USWLEWORLD LLC. QBarkver 200002 i eee ‘You ate carma or a 3-year ican American mx he reatent wards of by community hosp He was aimite for shatness of breah and indaly Gagnosed wih 4 COPD sxaceeaton. A routine east crayrayaiet' lrge sr avs and CT scan corned tne pesence ofa far cent meter ‘mass nthe ig hur. While consenting the patent ra branchoscepy and biopsy, the patent als ou, ~ “Dos, aoe dove me wat ey tna tecause ts cancer | dnt want kaw "Wich ofthe floes ne mas poco repy os patent's eauest? 7 ‘e ‘A Tvl need to get psychi evalaton rat ta dace you ar coment make decors * 4 ¥ 6 B."Dovou nave ay fami memeers wna you nous Met make uthe decisions boxe your 2 haath care?" C "You ae competenta make alheath care decisions, solam ebicslyandlegaly bgsedto ‘hate your hea evormatan ih ya" = 1 "Fyou danatwantio naw the resus, then le ural odo he procedure because there a roportint™ Tellme more about your derosson za Usertdzstas 2 Explanaion: z Inn oss net ye resented wt ate, ty magna. ns» Sac chance ong preci taper ation nan etne ater. epee eneeres transed atau note esis fs wenchoscap an oye aerne cea, Tasia Cte i ins ead ers peisetenesie an eect Seat parts tne ite ede ae an tteban ey ws, coveted tes asters he (atta ene oc eda cera far mated cand flnyrsh Rego {este maybe uray ose tase on epes vues armay simpy rau apart far Starrs cgntas. Eos shoud be asec poeta Sagacer ands wre ae poet o totes creel feel een ee fc sujet eee on see ele tatoos ie elas lee ae ape a ator Stsaun mater epee somdeal cas en procers{Chake B} (hoiee A) Ensuring compotncy when apart refusing creo rtusing iscasurs of mada formation smoot, bu ths me ts paert isnot shina signs of aco understanding of hs a Shusion He's vot Ns hnaviedge Bat he may ptertaly have cancer aida clea ies hs meshes “eer {hoieeE) Ths response makes the assumption hat the patois depressed, an aesumptin that can rat, be substantiated wih he infrmabon proved nthe queson stem. The good thing abou thsresporse is ‘atti paced nthe format oan oper ended queston. Mars aprons responses ae "Tel me mate stout you dost want bese resus Vhs le your concer mayoe can ans sore quesbns for 2 your u dues x “ustas compete pais nave te gto reuse medic cate, ey algo Nave he ahs ruse knoe 35 ‘far aon medal iormaton ana dagrases. cases such as ese ts asserba to ensure hate Ea Patents walheformadbefar they make ther deci andfnd cut for the patert ho Ho surosats » Secisenmoker shouldbe his question corey Last updated (98/2008) /ORLDILLC. Bor ver 2000.2 Fe m= Sr er eer erage er ener eee ’ - Sere ee a ee ee eee ms iene fafa: Ceasar aan umea sin tonne tek - Ber a ee ce mi er as lle yet beep tre acre ln - pret oa petted eer ogee ame alee ak or eee tle aches centeneeatet ethernet i see louptat cium teuateran's re Sanstartl sats terete am Pace eet ae aera eee ncaa ee a Stree eee tae aha anit ai (enouem eeuny cana oan sn evan. wna dace aes ae eee ere ane ore paaaaptae eee rca ts a skied Ea ST ag A a eT | ee eee mn Se ee eee ae Sensi nav gars aemavion case coer a naan wich USHA tom: 44 of 48, ‘AS. yeaol! man win nsun-sependent saves metus WSs hs physisan far @roune low. HS hamagltin cis 119% sgnfcany above fs goal. Ano the patents restart to change his regmen the pajiiannereares ne Gore ainsuln ana sit an gtr set sonal. Fottne nea seve) ‘months, te pabert eiter aves It for Nis apparent or cancels the at helast minut. Ho's mei whch of te ftbang deterses? '8 tng out E leat Regression ¥ © 0 Pessie-saresson uns user 142649858 Explanation: Pose spressie behavior isa vay of exressingaagression towards ters by passat reusing to meet ‘et needs talons the invadul fo act ct Rosle ess an-corrntainal manner Hete the poten evpreases nosy verse prysesnin 4 paeehs mannerby mssng hs apparmert= {hoiee 9 Actoa cutis an immatueoeense mectansm ratnvaves expressing Uncanscaus wishes or impulses tvaugh score, or expe, oy dvoning a temper tanrum (choice B} atone a casing mechanism characteris by ssaraton of an idee ante accompanying fmotins, Paes usng isolation seperate ther stor eeings fam the underna sess stuaton| Fespanstle, alder deserting war ates fark nan-emcbonal ms isan example (hoiee ¢)Regrssian's an aterpt artim oan eae lve of unciingin oder ie avoid conc. For trample chide pater of etauermay emerge under perads of es ce soverelness (hotce E) Lnoing ivatiessymacaly mulying an unacceptable or gut provcking hough, ea er feing by corfssion or atanement Educational joes Pasone-egressie behavior isthe xpression of haste feelings na ran carrertatonal manner. tom: 44 of 48, hemagltin Ac is 11%, sqnfcanty above fs goal. alvough the patents essa to change his ‘gman the physician néresnes he doreoinssn ast on bar Gat ona Fat the nen Sea ‘onthe panet eer arves ite for hs appartments or canis them atPelast minute Hels, {heiingwtch of te foloning deerese? ' Acting out leaston Regression ¥ 0D Passiveagzresion E unsang User 13254055 Explanation: Passive apressive behav is avy of egressing aggression tavards thats by passhal refusing to mest ‘her needs allows the indvdal fo act cut Restle esings ra rarecortrntainalmamer. Here the pate expreaaes hot vata pyseanin passive manne by masng ie spparaments (hoiee A ctng cute an immature defers mechanism tstinvave expressing unconecaus wishes or Irpulsesthrcugh actors, er exarpe by tomng ater trum (choice 6} osston ea coping mechanism charactertedty sparsion can ides ana its accompanying Emutine, Pairs usngiedlaton separate ro svar feeling rm ths undering szeect stuaton| response. sider deserting vor brates fark, ron-emctona ms isan exe (Choice ¢) Regressions an aterpt ta rtum tan eae lve functiingin oder te aod canfct. For ‘ample chica pater of behavormay emerge under perade of ees osoves liners, (holes ) Undoing makes symoalcaly nuyng an unacestsle or gu provchng haugt e9or feng Bycaresson or aanemet. Educational objective Pasave-opessie Cenavor is he expression of ose feng in 3 ron-conontatol manner Lost upsets: (120200 /ORLDLLC Berk ver 20902 i oy eee ‘0 yeaa male rough ER by is mame because oie Sarge and raporceraetehavor. The rata eay that laughs aft and szsme overactive, When sshed in pve, the boy sats smakng ‘manana, Which ofthe folaving pric fect mast ely in be cbserved inthis patent? A Moss 14.6 B Connctal nection Brasjcards .Nyetagmus and ataia bypersavaton F Respratoy depression User té264206 Explanation: arjuanais one othe mest commany abused uss the Unted Sates, especialy in teanagers {ndsy anja 3 sannsnnd ter cata ne seve ngyadiantttranyersnnaena| (Thc) THE Siruats canabingiraceprs (CB and CB2 receptors) to produce eects on road perception, ard ‘emery nlabn by song's the preferred ote of every Once ale, eects ast ram (ob ours Narang reduces arid euthorawtn laughing terwor, slonedefeves, zane, mpares Conrinanan and shar ier memayy ls. Rapishear rate and canpctalmjectan ar the mia Most immediate physcal symptoms of maruana us. Chen use can ptenaly increase the isk or pEychosi imparts vbr a istry of schizophrenia arvana a metabot2eain eer ands nen dette and store nope tues and lant ‘elased. Thus eremarsinthe body or along me. Dzpering on araurt smoked ard nds tmatatolom Rean be deeetinthe unne up 30 day seruce. (Choice A) oss is commenyseenin ope use (Choices ¢ and F Bradjcara cn accu wth GH (Gamma hysrastutye a), pit, BerzoduzepneintsicanonIntoat gases, altiree CNS depressor can cals respratary depression tc (choles b) nystagmus and toa ars commen ysical efoctsinPCP abuse eee ‘ theron : F reso apres User td264356 Maruanais one a he mest commanl abused dus nthe Unted Sates, especialy in teenagers ‘sy anja = 3 santas sarin ne sty gradient ttenyerosnnanal (TH) THE Sales canabindraceptrs (CB and CBZ receptors] to protuce eects on mood percegn, ard ‘erry niaaton Gy song iste preter ote of delves Once aed, eects ast ram I hours Marana raduces rid euphanawth laugh bahar, slonedefeves dzaness, mpared Conrinanan and sha arm memary ss Rapihear rate and canuctalijectanarthe ava most immediate physcal symptoms cr maruans use Chron use con patently mcrese the isk or psychos Inpatets wth a istry ct schizoprena ” Marjanaicmetbched inf rans an tte nd sted nap sus ad tnt feeaea Thus eremarainte tas ea lnatme. Depanang on smaurtsmotes ars rea 2 metabote teanbedeleced te ue up 9 days erie 2 {Choice A Mois common seen nope use = {Cholees © and) Braycartacan crwth 8 (Gamera yoy: ac, pat or = Srensbzepe mooestin nto ores aloe CS osu ot caure spray Soerson o> % {Choice Nysagr and ati re comern physical ects nPCP abuse az {chee ypsatatn 3 pc ee Senwehne WHOA rece aapt ite C1] Educational Objective: mn Marjuana contains THC which stimuates cannabincid receptors ta praduce effects an mood, perception, and = memory. Marvane produces 2 mi eypona th aughng behavior, stowed rox, Gzzness, pared Courinian and shor erm memary es. Rapiheat ae ard conjctval jection are the hwo moat Immediate phyacal symptoms ct maruana uss remane inseeursforaigifcart amour ame ano abe ected up SD days afer use, sie question corey Lestup pymghe USWLEWORLD LLC. QBarkver 200002 i tom: 46 of 48, 5.48. yea ale presents to yout ofc as anew patent demanding tat you son 3 daly am so ne at cantnue calc a dsabiey bereft aauterking, When you askuhathis dsbitys, he sna ‘ators hats backs ras he slams his ably farm savin ant you, Yau fea yeurset becaring rove the paents eating baravor. Which of th folowing the most apropats course of poten? ‘form te patent athe mus respect you mn orderto contrue to se you a is psc Bitte erm room and cathe auhoris ta reprthis paints aero at sabi aud Cal efor he patent that yu can nt sign his form because youl beunaleto cae for hime oh abuse domesnor 1 Sign he patent's form because he is cleat sutlering am a pail and itn canton Cry what formation you nee fromthe patentin ede to lealy sign his form and a the Paterno tt yeu mare arcana tack User ts254955 Explanason: “The patee presented inthis queston stems presenting far signature ct sss fam. Disabityis 2 form ofineuraes nt United States eter adrintared by private rsurance carers bye Social Secu “Eamnistaton at proves assstnee fo norers wha ae nab comin wong tote general ‘matiealcandaion. Cenicaton of dss bya physican is usual requ by ese cabs betas he Bonet grates “This pate’ presenting aude is hose and restoring tsisaicut patent experiance" Onthe USWLE, he corect answer naficutpatent stuatons wl ost unversay Beto seek Turer oration ‘fom ths patent using open-ended questions. Ths pate’ may have been ected ar steady pacttners int pat aris maybe ny nels preseringta yau as a naw pare. 2s pore ne Iresractan you kro vary ee about i. The most apropite nx sep ths terion woud bot of he patert expan toh wht yur eical ar egal otigatons ae, ard nqure about hs Ezraton By vplaningyourea shiny alan ta understand ny you vl ned io ask question about fis cand, ana vl tke eocperte wath yur exam fhe understand hr yu are ting hm sera. (choiee A) Demanding rspact fam te ptsnt il aly only er to agate hm uth and wl rat hee ‘yout develop rapport wt Fm tom: 46 of 48, Explanation: “Tne paver presente ints uston stem is presenting or sanatute ot ssabity frm. Asai efor insurances nthe ed States ether assed by vate rsutance cares byte Sct Sec, “amynseaton at proves sates to nsrrs na oe unable sara working tots genaa ‘madealcandion. Cerfcaton of dstilty by 3 physician is usual requed by tse eis afore the Derefewibe aries “Tis pate’ presenting studeis hose and threatening this afi patent experience * On the USWLE, me corectansverinaficutpatent stustons wl most unersaly bet seek fuer iormation ‘romthe patent using opervended questions Ths pate may have been rected or misveated by pacthorers inte pet ards maybe wy Nes presen to you 3s 2a pater. a hs port ne Ieeractun you know very ee baat hn TRe ast apropie et sep ths rteracton wade ost he pater eiiainta hm whe yauretmcal ans aga abigatone 22 sna nguresoour hs Eendton Ey expaning yea arm you al ito undestans ny you wl nso aek eons abot fis canon, anane wath coooerte wth your exam ne undestangs ha yu aren hm sera 4 {hoiea 8) Demanding respect fam the patent wil hey ony ser 0 agate im futher and val rat hep Yyouta develop rapport wn Fm {Choice Contactngthe authors atthis pant n you irtewie would be nagproprite because you do hatkrow te isi oF nature ars pares sacty He may Buy have legate psa amen Mt Trt is ring. andyou can nat Geena that hee atempnga comm aud ortho petrmng st aperapnate istry and pial (Choice 6) Dismissing apatentirom yur core whoutfrdingapprprite medical care for hem elsewhere Isconstoeed abandonment. (Choice ) Yau cannot mals an assesamer vthat exring more azouthe patie, soit weld be Inapprosiat te sig is fam sts portin yourintren vith he pate Educational objectiv [ists 3a of assistance povided to workers who can no longer work dueto ter general mee Cconabor t resures craton a Seabieyy a pryscan. When itsracang Wn cut parts, ts est ‘a tyto cam them, expan your poston ardinqura mare about what wale them by using operand uestons wich USHA tsr7a009 eee ‘Az. yearot use vt feat o octarsaveats whenever she mess win het aeteara Physician Recently she has neced hat even seeing te pharmacist at he lca ugstre, wha so wears te cast, causes herto seat Ths san ample crunch fe folowing phenamena? 'A Post etforemant 7/6 B Classical constaning © Raonatzabon © Secilleaming React fermaton F Dispacement User té264206 Explanation: “Tiss apatere wah white coat syrarame’ an example of lasiclcandoanng. classical conatanng, 2 ‘es response namalyeleted by av unconaones sti becomes evactle by 2aacend formal) aur (condtioed)ssmuus. Ts condtering or unconscious tain, canbe achieved by repeatedly anng he constoned simu wth te uneanstaned reiexrespanse-ictngsimuus. Overtime Bassal condoning alan he conatones semis tne et hereto response “The dactor-feaengpatetdescrbed above gous arias whenever she's inthe presence of her piyician. Past encourtars with her his coat wearing phyian (te uncendoned srr) have Emnabonednerto sven (he rfes response) whenever she sees 2 nis come condone snus) frcnsinen li warm someune eran har acta Irecrestngystudes nave shaan wht cot syrame to acualy produce Hoc pressure nreases ‘ampare instances where the lad preseura fs measuredby an indvidal notin 3 nia coa. (Ghoiee In onerant condoning postive rerfocement (nara) can consiton noua 0 rpesta pateuaracton (Ghotce )Retenaisatan's an mrratue ega defense mechariam wheran one invents gical reasons ‘plain scons actually performed for aber reseons (sual bald se lane), eee User ts:264065 Explanation: “This is apart wth hte cost syirame' an earl of classical canting. lasscalconsanng, = ‘ese eeponce namalyelted by an uncondtoned etme became evoeale by 2 sacar, femal) reir [condtined) some. Ths constoning or uncanscius arin, cen be acvewe ty epemedy ang te constaned simdus ah bi uneondtones,reexresponse-etcng stmuus. Overtime ‘asscalcondbanig alane the conaboned simul sneto let hereto tespanse “Tne docto-featna patent descrbed above rons arsious whenever she is inthe presence of hr y piyscian. Past encourters with her hie coatweanng pyscon (he uncondone stra) have Earaoned ne to sweat he reflex response) whenever she ees ai coat he condoned srr) renner t's wammby someane ater that her doctor Iresrestngly,studes have shawn white coat syntare to actualy produce blood pressur inreabes Compare oinsances where the Bld pressure fs measuedby an india nt ma ne cost (hoiee In operant condoning, poste rerocement (xara) can conston novia 0 rpesta patauaracion (holes ¢)onalzatanisanimmaturs ega defence mechariam wharin one nents ic teasers 0 ‘plan netons stall perfomed far aher reasons osunly a avs se Slr) (Choice) Socializing a theary persnatydevlopmertthet emphasizes theimpatance ol ‘Sbserng and mist the oshavors, anus, and ematona recions far {hotee E)Featon formation ithe reiocon of an unaczsptable pulse nt ts oppaste for example, 2 ‘ecoverng aeahole who aie have alcool sales tamed, (choice Fn splacemere sn indvsi transtars emotions cause by aspect parson er stuatin ont @ ‘rental person orabject necinvoNed n eausngte eratons Educational Objectiv "White coat syntae [ott ary evoked by neacare workers dessedin white coats) 2 example felacscal cendtonng wren he nh cal serves 35a candied stimuli for ariel Copvight Ushi Lastupdatd (82000) LDLLC. Qbank ver. 2008.02 F tom: 48 of 48 ‘Ast yea-of woman sadmited oe hosptal mule Nacres ter a moor vice accient_Attne lime othe atedere she was ieiied an sung eckiessly. fer bang discharged he aber begs ‘voluteanng her sme lectunng abou af ring She also stars Vaurserng at We lac hice’ mosptal nd snag eather coms to various charles Which ofthe alloning beet describes her bshaviar? ’& Undorg 1 Susimaton v6 c.amusm 1 Reaction farmation E Inlectulzaton User ts264as Explanation: ‘Aivusmis a mature deterse macharism in which gly fesngs are aleistd trough sefess sence or png oners. Faced win gl over her drunk an, hs woman Nas chosen fo See hee Ome Safless causes. t's mpotat to nte hat she @achng bucalyn many aiferentseras, nat ust hose Feta ther pr vansgression {Choice 9 Unsng moves symtolcaly nultyng an unacceptable gut rowoking out, deo feng (eg. bycarfessanar atonement (hoiee ) Sutimaton cz mature defence mechanism thatcomaris unacceptable fangs or ves ita ror secaly a:ceptatle oes (choice b) easton tarmanon ete epacemant fan unpleasant unsecepttle aug ar dsr it Ee opoosts the pater above had amply start lactating spans unc dren, the mane an esarele (react famaion. Reaction formatan is sometimes proba 35a deense mechansm because (han be hard to susan ovr the long im (choles) intelecuststicn fe 3 dsfance mechaniam that imoher exces thinking tage ith ematona Issues. Eis common among patents receny diegrosed tha sna hess for example, a manrecerty ‘Sagnoced hung cancer wha bags fealng eansiely au te eease tom: 48 of 48 and donating te afherincome tovarius charles. hich athe falling best describes her beh? . ‘A Unoong .Subimaton v0 C Atuiem 1 Reactonfrmaton E tiel-tvaliaton User 1264288 Explanation: ‘vuismis a mature deferse mechanism in which gly feeing are aleited trough sefess sence or king to oners. Face win gui aver her runk atin woman Ras chosen fo deve er bme Sess causes. fis mponartto nate at she actng abusocalyn many afferent arenas nat just ase rested torpor ranegression (choice) unscing mvcessymzetcly mulfyng an unacceptable aut povekng oust, deo feing (eg, bycarfessan ar atanement (Choice 6) Sutimaton is 2 mature defense mechanism hatconsrs unacceptable felngs or ves ito mor sacialy ceptable ones (choice) Reacton formation ic the eplacemnt of sn unpleasant or unaccenttle haus or deste with eopposte Whe patere above hod smply started leering spans tn drag, hs mg he an esorple Ufregctonomaton. Reactor tomaton is sometimes proba 36a delense mecnansm because (an be hard sua averthe ong im, (choice) nelectunistin fs» defense mechanism that mohes excessive tnlng a death emckona Issues. is common among patents receny dgosed nts sus tess, fr exam, 3 ran racerdy Sdagnosed wth ung cancer wha begins reading tensiely eeuthe cease Educational objective _lvuiemisa mature deterse mechanism ta levees put eengs thraugh sess sence or ahha oa Last updates: 7222000 /ORLDILLC. Ber ver 200902 Pas 4.38 yey-o ran wt ang tw ot ps} ness i trout to We emergency com by ambuance, He lsimdodoraus dseveied and unkemst| During the mmc evs hi speech i inaerere ana ileal anche laughs mappropatey Later he urnates an rinse Hi preseesions mast consiter ah hich ofthe floning dagneses? © A Schizophreria, paranoid type (© B Schiophreia, catatonic ype © € Schizophrenia resitualtipe (© D Schizoprena, undterertst ype © E Schizophrenia, isorarized ype Cee ere sean a a ea ‘14 yea-od female comes fo yout oice ater re at nome pregancy testwas pose. A une pregnancy {astnyour ce salsa poste. Based on har lastmansud parod you eats that she athe week ftgestton The paver soes net waneher ethers makes tn necars She sie yeu Move" fer mathe norarte eat et” What hehe rsponee tothe pata? (© A cannotreat you wthout aproval fom your meter. (© 8 “Teannat teat youithout arava om your lgal gardin (© € “hall antrat you aera ermal court procedure declares you tbe an emancipated minor” (© 0 “twits you tout parental consent" "il svar yourtsby wna parent consent because hate conekfeed-an emergency” sean a a ea ‘833. yea-o ans hosptalze ater rs egos ca 811 and reports he nas been sngng oy an ayn laa allstar the las marth. When the hospal the ras moad fluctuates eave orn Jovalta sulen, He mates nappropate semua atvances ts some ofthe female nurses an clas Rarhis ‘Se aHiendic tying to communicate wih him tlepaticaly Records fom previous amissionndcat 3 long msory ot mental ness wiv several pascnosptaleains. During prevous nosptazators he repre heanng voces and eleved News beng chased the mafia. Haeever he as neve! experienced symptoms kz is curetsympsors tefee. What's the most ec agnosis? (© A Schzoaecve dsorer (© B Schcophreia,paranaistpe (© © Bolt dsrde, manic eisode wth psychotic features (© D Sehizopventorm dsarder (9 E Bardens persanatyceorder sean a a ea ‘874s. tues taught hs fay pico by his parents ate fatng savers casses in School The physician covers atthe pater has been azusrg mariana ard chal pon heaing is ifermaton th pysican whose teenage daupheer asa abuses drugs is upset and asks he patent's rther she ese he etppng har eon What Seenee machaviemis he vera? © A acing ot (© & Reacton tration © Regression © D Menifcaton (© E Projection © F sping sean a a ea ‘As. year-old man presents tate emergency oom complaining of one dof audonal pan and dlartes. He elise is answer futher questons aout hs medcalat soca hstaty and appears ery aptaed. Prysical exam reveals tachycaraa, narra, ara alate pups. You suspect me pert has been abusing substance andis xperencrg wihanal. What subetance does he abuse? © A Phencycicne © 8 Cocaine © Marjuana © D.Neatne © E Heron © F Alcona sean a a ea ‘nie an cal overnight you amit 823/208 male tee hosp. He le noncommunisave ana nas ‘tele comaridoes."The prognosis of presat statee vague He overdesigned #specfc pone! of ‘tumey an dsesnatnaveanasvence rectus on. swe tel youth ne nae mentaneston several fccasine not reeurciate Fie wes evar nar des “She sate tat ‘He dit ental te at, ‘nthval of hose mechs" Vinal woul the mos: ppronnate course acon be tthe patent reo erat ‘erticdar tenon on tka wb santana respratons cincaly? "A Immediately begin bag vabe nak espatons then acinar siping (© B Atminster vasopressin hen lace deferltr pads CAskthe patient's if i she has any documentation that he patet didnot watto be resuslated, an fs does na beg vesusotson 1 inform the rrsing staf tat the patents "do nat esuscte"staisandyau do nctnedtabe Caled or updates on nis conitan (6 E Aten the patent's confot and ensure that hs Fas present wthhimas he i yng sean a a ea ‘5.48. yea-o8 ran presents ais doctors once comlaning ot excessN ay Nands_ On pysica framinaon, his pats fe anthems th pean sh The an apasies thee aap ay clean, land washeshis hands each be hetauches samethng. Late he spends 4 outs per day washing NS Fads. The patent suspects tis might bs a prolem because he was ace red ram hsb ater rush (0 auch Keyboards sharedoy others. Whats be Mose dayr0ss7 © A Spectc phat © B Obsessive compute dsoner (© © Delusional ésorder © D Genersized aiety disorder © E Body dysmorthic dsaraer sean a a ea peti eletrl emulation fa comes aroun af neurons esuts n serine rease n erent pats ofthe bran. These news af mast kely pat af whch a he flowing swuctres? © A cleus crus (© 8 Rae muck © € Nucleus tesa of Meynet © D Redruckus © E Casdate mucus 9 F. Substaianirs sean a a ea ‘Az. yea-o Caucasian females posptalzed wih vertebral compression rctue ate an acide fain ‘gym ears shescateeeeraquary.Shehas 2 'Sanh htay cf amenanhea. Physics sxamnaton revi gen woman nth tne har het inner senemees and ensrged poems gande Wine tne falling isthe most key dagrosisin this pati? © ARickets © 8 Petaara © cscuny (© D Primary tary cithasis (© E babe toe! syrme © F Anorenanenose ea ‘ner seo malar vei acide a 72-ya-okt Aan American ales determinedto ken 3 \eguaine state hen hs we ates atthe hap she le gittrsken a enews. When asked aut Unhat ne pares wahes were wthespect ic f=-sueaning cee ths patert= wife snes nat fe pert ‘Requeny vias er that sot wan os he noodles moot fi and kes im jaive The patents chien ave ter and derang tat everthing be soe ta Keen Me patent ave. Inn far ta medate ts issue, you hol! 2 amy carfrence wath te eice tar fom your spt present. Despte ti a patents chleren aclnonteagrg that he patent dot wih a ve wth eedrg brbreating see” lini tht eveyeng be done to keep hee fatter ae, Whee tha new bose course saston? "© A Boning ad alow me patent to conan a v= wih no ater aaatona nerves 5 B lor re ie that i she doesnot want the patento be hep ave wth feeding tbe then she (© Remove me eeaing ue accong tome patents wishes as desorbed ty me pavents wre 5D Keep the feng tube nplace according to the cisre's wishes asthe chien are the patent's © loseat toad eaves © E Transtercareta anamerehysian vn is beter trae in handing en ot ie care sean a a ea ‘18 yea rouge to Be emergency rom Ly Ns patents. urn he ast mort e's been acting inereasra)y odd athame fen ang abut Gad an accusing he faa of sending him messages. Far the Iseeteadoye he's lashes mack ni raom eothat ne devil nctfna hm. ost epecoe er such bear was 2 age 7 ad equted hosptalzaton. At tat ime he was gona up Wat screed is white ood oal count. A une dug ote is nagave. The Mos pore eaten ots ates © A Cognit berawora therooy © B Lihum © € Rispedone © D.Venifaine © E Fumazeni 8 F Vaproate © G Closeine sean a a ea ‘4 12.yea-o8 ale pesents to your ace aecoranes bys mater ara rauine physical sam and Tole Upothtype | aces melt.s. Tha chil haran svn ate appears rite, andthe mane grsts Yyouasyouertrthe exam raam ty exclaiming ‘Here's ne deter he's garg tel you how bad youve Bsn dang” Laboratory tests shaw 2 random blood gucoss of 30 mgt ard an FEA of 9% (norris lesethan 4-78). hon sau act paort haw he sonavth hs tin tre maher ured shoes He ever remembers tousc Yau sek sbourie dat ands mater pls her ands on her ips, tng ther on rd fons Pizza and cola, pizza and cla.” What se ne best course of actan? (© A ineresse the patents maming and evenng lang ating nsuln ndrecheck in tree months 1 Calthe department of ch protecive senices to arrange a hare vst fr bey chi abuse and Nunchausen dearer prow C Talimepaterts maar tat you neato dacuss sme hinge wth har ean ane an asker ne mints aang he wang oom fora moment ° © D Telthe mother that she does not ste donn yu nil need oaskher to eave seen a a ea ‘823. year-old regnart eal resets to yau or regu écnedule prenatal pporiment. Yournerton ‘hatyou il need ado acne how gucesechalenge estan some bload work because shes athe begining of her tire nmester. She becomes eppreneniv when you anion tis and bag nase {qusstons about teats you plan to un. When yeu ask her about her concem, she cone in you athe ‘ts sot er fusbandsonid. Her hustandis asa pater ofyours, and se ask that you note Net husband asautthis because "Eval un everyting” Whats the mast poop fepy obs evelaon? 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Schizapienia asorganzea ype User ts264as Explanation: “Thee ate vs subtypes of etizoiveia,soch wih unique chractrision This pate demonstrates disorganzed venavor an speech ps appropri ect teatires of isargnzed schizoperens, Patents ‘ath dus sonzophrena sublpe ae too dsciganzed tate eae of themselves a perl acts of daly lnmgileshovenng,aresing ets. The onset cts aevasttng tins epics betes 292 25 (Ghoiee 9 Paral srizoprena is characteed by raminetdlusons and aust halucnabons. The fausins ae fen persecuayy innate Some pabnts wi pararad schzopveriaean aiequasy manage sessions tug he may emansiats tense puardecsuepious araven hose tahoe (Ghoice B) The haar cf catatonic schzorhrnias signficat disturbance of motor faction. 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