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ees ou FLORAL MOTIFS BACK RIDGE Work only in loops indicated ty arrows (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 TOP LOOP AND BACK RIDGE Work only in loops indicated by arrows (Fig, 4), Fig. 4 POST STITCH Work around post of st indicated, inserting hook in direction of arrow (Fig. 5). FRENCH KNOT Bring needle up at 1. Wrap yarn desired number of times around needle and inserl needle at 2, holding end ef varr: with non-stitching fingers (Fig. 6). Tighten knot; then pull needle through, holding yarn until it must be rele. Fig. 6 STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER [uses one ch-1 spl Ch 2, * YO, insert hook in same sp, YO and pull upa loop, YO and draw through 2 loops om hook; repeat from & once more, ¥O and draw through all 3 loops an hook, CLUSTER fuses one ch-1 spi * YO, insert hook in ch-1 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from * 2 tines more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on heals. With Yellow, ch 6; join with slip st te farm a ring, Bnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 4, (de in ring, ch 1) 11 times: join wa vat to thind ch ef begirmning ch-4, finish off: ch-| sps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: With right sice facing, join White with slip st in any che1 sp; work Beginning Cluster, ch 3, fwork Cluster in next ch ch 3} around; join with slip st to top of Begirming Cluster, finish off: 12 Clusters and L2 ch-3 eps. Rnd 3: With right side facing. join Green with se i ch-3 sp fsee Joining With Sc, page 1). ch 5, (sc in next ch dsp, ch 5) around; join with slip st to first sc. Rod 4: Slip st in first ch-5 sp, ch 3, in same sp work [de, ch lL. 2 de, ch 3, (2 cde, ch 1) twice), sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp, * in next ch-5 sp work [ich 1, 2 del twice, ch 3.12 de, ch 1) twice], se in next ch-5 sp, ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp; repeat from * 2 times more, cli 1, join wilt slip st to top of beginning ch-3, finish olf. Design by Dianne Bee. 99 FLORAL MOTIFS TO CROCHET Now you can “grow” a garden of spectacular blooms whether you have a green thumb or not! From the cheery smiles of sunflowers to the rich radiance of violets, 99 Floral Motifs to Crochet offers patterns for many of pour fresh-picked favorites. These hand-crafted blassorns can be used to embellish lots of projects. Including afghans, pillows, and pot holders! And no matter what your skill level, you'll find floral fancies to fit your needs, With this complete collection, life is destined lo be more than just a bed of roses! GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ABBREVIATIONS BPsc Back Post single crochet(s} chis} chairs) de double crachet(s} dtr double treble crochet(s) ex LSC extended Lang Single Crochet(s} FPdc Front Post double crochet/s} FPr Front Post treble crochet(s} hde half double crochetis} LTR Long Treble Crochet(s) Rndis} = Roune(s} Sc single crochet(s) spils) space(s) st{s} stitch{es} tr treble crochet(s) ¥O yar over * — work instructions following * as many more times as indicated in addition to the first time. +to # — work all instructions from first ¢ to second + as many times as specified. () or |] — work enclosed instructions as many times as specified by the number immediately following or work all enclosed instructions in the stitch or space indicated or contains explanatory remarks. colon (:} — the number(s) given after a colon at the end of a row or round denete(s} the number of stitches you should have on that row or round, GAUGE There is no gauge or hook size specified because each Motif can be worked in your choice of yarn ar thread to vary the size and appearance of the design. ©1997 by Letsure Ans. Inc., P.O, Box 55595, Lite Rock, AR 72215 I JOINING WITH SC When instructed to join with sc, begin with a ship knot on hook. Insert hook in stitch or space indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through both loops on hack, MARKERS Markers are used to help distinguish the beginning of each round being worked. Place a 2" scrap piece of yarn before the first stitch of each round, moving marker after each round is complete, BACK OR FRONT LOOP ONLY Work only in loopis) indicated by arrow (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 FREE LOOPS After working in Back or Front Loops Only on a row or round, there will be a ridge of unused loops, These are called the free loops. Later, when instructed to work in the free loops of the same row or round, work in these loops (Fig. 2a). When instructed to work in free loops of a chain, work in loop indicated by arrow (Fig. 2b). Fig. 2b Taare waa) SOvINK aie STITCH GUIDE DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated de Cluster) (uses one ch-5 sp] * YQ, insert hook in ch-5 sp indicated, YOuand pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat fram * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hank, TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated tr Cluster) {uses one ch-5 sp) * YO twice, insert hook in ch-! indicated, YO and pull up a loop. (YO and draw through 2 lecpss on hook) twice; Tepeal fren #& 2 dimes more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hoak. With Rose, ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 1, (se in ring, ch 3) 8 thes: join with slip st to first sc: 8 ch-3 sps, Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any slitech Leo mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2: « Ch 1, (slip st, sc, 2 de, se, slip st) in next ch-3 sp: repeat from * around: join with slips st tes first ch: 8 pe! Rnd 3: Ch 3, working behind petals, skip first petal, % slip st in next ch 1 sp, ct 3, skip next petal; repeat from % around: join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-3: 8 ch-3 sps. Rnd 4: * Ch 1, (slip st, sc, 4 de. sc, slip st] in next h-3 sp; repeat from * areund; join willt slip st oo Rad 5: Ch 4, working behind petals. skip first petal, * slip st in next ch-1 sp, ch 4, skip next petal; repeat from # around: join wath slip st ta st at base of beginning ch-4: & ch-4 spe, Bnd 6: * Ch 1, (slip st, sc, 5 de, sc, slip si) in next ch-l sp; repeat from * around: join with slip st to first ch. Rad 7: Ch 5. working behind petals, skip first petal, * slip stin next ch-1 sp, ch 5, skip next petal; repeat from * around: join with slip st to st at base of beginning chy, finish off: 8 ch-5 sps. Rad 8: With right side facin any ch-5 ch 1, sc in same sp, ch 4, work (de Cluster, ch 4, tr Clu 4, de Cluster} in next ch-5 sp, ch 4, * sc in next c. ch 4, work (de Cluster, ch 4, tr Cluster, ch 4, de Closter) in next cheat sp, ch 4: repeat from * 2 times more; join with slip st to fi finish off: 16 ch-4 sps. Rnd 9: With right side facina, join Ecru with slip st in any te Chuster; ch 4, ide, ch de} in sarne st, 4 de im each of next 4 ch-d sps, # 2 de, ch 3, 2 de} in next tluster, 4 dein each of next 4 ch4 sps; tepeat from more; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-3, toin Green with slip st in STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in ch-5 sp indicated, YO and pull up a lesp (4 loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loaps on hook 3 times. With Rese, ch 4: join with slip st to form a ying. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 1. 6 se in ring: join with slip st to lirst sc. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark End 1 as right side, Rod 2: Ch 1, 5c in same si around: join with slip st to f ch 2, (sc in next sc, ch 2] stsc: 6 ch-2 sps. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated ir} YO twice, insert hook in sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loops en hook) 3 times. DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated de Cluster) (uses one ch-t sp) * YO, insert hook in ch-4 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, ¥O and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook, TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER {abbreviated tr Cluster) (uses one ch-4 spl ® YO tudce, insert hook in ch-4 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook} twice: repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on heal: With Yellow, ch Rnd 1 (Right side}: (Slip : ting; join with slip st to fi rst pe 5; join with slip st ta torm a ring, tr, ch 3)6 Hres in 6 petals. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right sick Rind 2: Ch 4, working behind petals, (slip st in first slip st of next petal, ch 4) arounel: join with slip st te st at base of beginning ch-4: 6 ch-4 sps. Rind 3: * Ch 1, slip st in next ch-4 sp, ich 3. tr, ch 3, slip st) lwice in same sp; repeat from around: join wath slip st to first ch: 12 petals, Rnd 4: (ch 6, working behind petals, skip first 2 petals, # slip stin next ch-1 sp, ch 6, skip next 2 petals: repeal from & around; join with slip st ta st at base of beginning ch-é: 6 ch-6 Rnd 5: « Slip st xt ch-G sp, (ch 3, 2 tr, ch 3, slip st) Tawace In same sp; Tepe from #& arcund; jotri with slip st to first slip st: 12 petals Rad 6: Ch 4, working behind petals, skip first petal, slip st in next slip st. ch 4, skip next petal and next slip st, % skp st in next slip st, ch 4, skip next petal, slip st in next slip st. ch 4, skip next petal arc next slip st; repeat from around: join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-1. finish off: 12 ch-4 sps. Rnd 7: with: ice si acing, jann Green with slip st in cod sp, ha de Cluster} in ‘next cea SI ch 4) twice, work (de Chater ch 4, tr de Cluster} in next ch-4 sp. ch more; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 2() ch-4 sps. Bad 8: With right side facing, join White with slip st in any tr Cluster; ch 3. (de, ch 3, 2 de} in same sl. 5 de in each of next 5 ch-d sps, #2 de, ch 3, 2 del in next it Cluster, 3de in each of next 5 ch-4 at from & 2 times more; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-3. finish otf, at from * 2 times Design by Maggle Weldon. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in ring, YO and pull up a loop iS loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loops on heak) 3 times. MOTIF With Ecru, ch 4; join wath slip st to form a ring, Rnd 1 (Right sidel: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 11 de in ring: join with slip st to first de; 12 de, Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: Ch 3, dein same st, 2 de in next de ane in each de around: joir rina slips st a first de: 24 de, lip st in first ch-2 sp, ch 1, (se, 4 de, sc) samme sp and in each ch-2 sp around; jain with slip st to first sc; & petals. Rod 4: Ch 3, working behind petals, (slip st in first se of next petal, ch 3) aroun with slip s! to st at base of beginning ch 3, finish off: @ ch-3 sps, Rad 5: With right side facing, join Dk Rose wath se in any ch-3 sp fsee Joining With Sc, page 1): (5 de, sc} in same sp, (sc, 5 de, sc) in each ch-3 sp around: join with slip st to first sc. Rod 6: Ch 4, working behind petals, (slip st in first: af next petal, ch 4) around; join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-4, finish off; & ch-4 spe. Rad 7: With right side faci ch-4 sp; [6 dc, sc} in same ch-4 sp around: join with slip join Green with = in any rst sc: 6 es h S, working behind leaves, (slips st in first 5 eat, ch 5) around with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-5, finish off: 5 gps. Bnd 9: With right side facing, join Eeru wilt slip st in any ch-5 sp; ch 4, (2 tr, ch 3, 3 tr) in same sp, + ch 1, (3 de. ch 1, 3 ti in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, (3 ty, ch 1, 3 de) innext ch-5 sp, ch Lf, (3 1. ch 3, 3 chin next ch-5 sp, repeat from + to + ence: join with slip st te lop of beginning ch-4, finish off. Design by Cynthia Lark. STITCH GUIDE DOUBLE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated dir) ¥O S times, insert hock in ch-3 sp indicated, YO ard pull up a loop (5 loops on hook), 2O and draw through 2 loops on hack) 4 times. DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER {abbreviated de Cluster) (uses one dc} * YO, insert hook in de indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat fram # 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook. TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated tr Cluster) (uses one dc} * YO twice, insert hook in de indicated, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice: fepeat from & once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook, Rnd 1 (Right sic Mith Black, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hock: de net join, Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd | as right side. Rind 2: Working in Back Loops Only (Fig. 1, page 1), (3 se in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] 3 times. slip st in both loops af next sc; 15 sc. Rad 3: Ch 1, working in free loops of sc on Rnd | (Fig. 2a, page 1). (slip st, ch 6} twice in each se around: join with sip st to both leaps of first slip st, finish off: 12 ch-6 sps, Rand 4: With right side facing and working in both leaps of sc on Rnd 2, join Rose with slip st i ch 1, reame st, ch 3, skip nexc 2 sc, cho next 2 sc: repeal from & around: joln with slip st to first sc; 5 ch-3 sps. Rind 5: % Ch 1, (slip st, ch 4, 10 dit, ch 4, slip st) in next ch-3 sp; repeat from a around; join with slip st to first ch: 5 petals, Rind 6: Ch 8. working behind petals, skip firs! petal, ® slip st in next ch-1 sp, ch 8, skip nex! petal; repeat from * around: join wilh slip st to st at base of beginning ch-8, finish off: 5 ch-8 sps. Rnd 7: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in ary ch-8 sp: ch 3, 11 de in same sp and in each ch-8 sp around; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch 3: 5 sts, Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 3, skip next de, work ch Soir Cl T, ch 3, de Cluster) in next de, heat de, ch 3, skip next de) 6 pork (de Cluster, ch 3 tr Cluster, ch 3, de Cluster] more. Sac in “next deeb: next ct deh across: join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 36 ‘clr 3 spa. Rod 9: Wilt right side facing, join Ecru with slip st in any t Cluster; ch 3, (de; ch 3, 2 de) in same st, 2 de in each of next 9 ch-3 sps, * (2 de, ch 3, 2 de) in next tr Cluster, 2 de in each of next 9 ch-3 spe: repeat from + 2 thnes more; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-3, tinish off. Design by Maggie Weldon, STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one ch-6 spi Ch 2, * YO, insert hook in sp indicated, YO ane! pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from * once more, YO and driw through all 3 loops on hook. CLUSTER (uses one ch-6 sp} * YO, insert hook in ch-6 sp indicated, YO and pull up aloop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from # 2 times mere, YO and draw through all 4 loops an heal. With Gold, ch 4: join wath slip st to form a ring. Rod 1 (Right sidels Ch L, (sc in ring, ch 3) 8 wilh slip st lo first sc: & ch-5 petals. times; join Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch ta mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: Ch 3. working behind petals, skip first ch-5 petal, * slip st in next sc, ch 3, skip next ch petal: repeal from * around, join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-3; & ch-3 sps. Rnd 3: * Ch 1, slip st in next ch 3 sp, (ch 5, slip st in same spl baice: repeat from x around: join with slip st to first ch; 16 ch-3 petals, Bnd 4: Ch 4, working behind petals, skip first 2 ch-5 petals, * slip st in next ch-1 sp, ch 4, skip next 2ch-5 petals; repeat from # aroun i st at base of beginning ch-4: 8 ch-4 Rnd 5: * Ch 1, ship st in next cht sp. same sp} 3 thines: to first ch: 24 ch-5 petals. Rad 6: Ch 5, working behind petals. skip first 3 ch-5 petals, * slip st in next ch-L sp. ch 5, skip next 3ch-5 petals; repeal from w around: join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-3: 8 ch-5 sps. Rnd 7: « Ch 1, slip st in next ch-5 sp, [ch same sp) 4 ur repeal fran #& aroun to first ch; 32 ch-5 petals. Rnd &: Ch 6, working behind petals, skip first ‘4 ch-5 petals, x slip st in next ch-1 sp, ch 6, ship next 4ch-5 petals; repeat from #& around; join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-6, finish off: 8 ch-6 sps. Rod 9; With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch-6 sp; work (Beginning Cluster, ch 4, Cluster) in same sp, ch 4, (work Cluster, ch 4) cwice in each eh-G sp around, jain with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster, finish off. 5. slip stan : join with slip st Design by Maggie Welclon. SQUARE With Ecru. ch 27 loosely, Row 1 (light sides De in fourth ch from hook and in each ch across: 25 sts. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Row 1 as right side. Rows 2-13: Ch 3 (counts as first de), turn; de in next de and in each st across. Finish off. FLOWER (Make 2) Row 1 (Right sidel: With Blue, ch 4, 2 de in fourth ch fren hook: 3 sts. Note: Mark Row 1 as right side. Rows 2 and 3: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout). turn; de in sare st and in each st across: 5 de, Rd 3: Ch 3, 2 de in next de, (de in next de, 2 de in next de) around; join with slip st te first de: 36 de, Rad 4: Ch 3, de in next de, 2 de in next de, (ele ir eset 2de, 2 de in next de) around: join with slip st te first de: 48 de. Rnd 5: Ch 3, de in next 2de, 2de in mext de, (de in next 3 de, 2 dein next de) around: join with slip st tes first de. finish off. FLOWER (Make 3) With Lavender, ch 5; join with slip st to form a ring. Riad 1 (Right sidels (ch 4, 2 h 4, slip st) 5 times in Ting; do not } i H 1g along end for sewing. LEAF (Make 3) With Green, ch 8 loosely. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Slip st in second ch from hook, se in next ch, hdc in nex! ch, de in next 3 chs, ch 2, slip st in Jast ch, ch 2; working in free loops of beginning cli {Fig. 2b, page I), de in next 3 chs, hde in next ch, se in next ch, slip st in next ch: de mot join, finish off leaving a long end for sewing. FINISHING With Yellow, add 3 French Knots to center of each Flower (Fig. 6, page 2). Using photo as a guide for placement, sew Flowers and Leaves to right side of Motif. Design by Maagie Weldon. With Lavender, ch 4; join with ship sl to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right sidel: Ch 3, 3 de in ring, drep loop fram hack, insert hook in top of beginning ch-3, hook dropped loop and draw through, ch 3, ® 4de in ring, drep loop from hook, insert hook ir first de of 4-de group, hook dropped loop and draw through, ch 3; repeat from * 2 times more: join wilh slip st to top of beginning ch-3. finish off; 4 ch-3 sps, Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any clr3 sp. ch 3. (2 de, ch 3, Sde) in same sp. ch 1, * (3 de, ch 3, 3 de} in next ch-3 sp. ch 1; repeat from © 2 limes more; join with slip st lo lop of beginning ch-3, finish off Design by Carole Prior. STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one sc} Chal. * YO 3 times, insert hook in same st, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops or hook) 3 times: repeat from * once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook. CLUSTER (uses one sc) * YO S times, insert hook in sc indicated, YO and pall up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook} 3 limes: repeat from #* 2 times more, YO) and draw through all 4 loops on hook, With Yellow, ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring, Rind 1 (Right sidejs Ch 1. 8 sc in ring; join with slip st to first sc. Note: Loop a shor! piece of yarn around any stitch Io mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rind 2: Ch 1, 2 5c in same st and in each sc around: join with slip first sc, finish off: 16 sc. Rad 3: With right side facing and working in Back Loops Only (Fig. 1, page 1). join White with slip st in any sc; work Beginning Cluster, (ch 1, work Cluster in next sc} 3 times, ch 5, ® work Cluster in next sc, (ch 1, work Cluster in next sc) 9 dines, ch §; repeat from a 2 times more; join with slip st to tap of Begirming Cluster, finish off: 16 Clusters and 16 sps, Rind 4: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch-5 sp: ch 3, (2 de, ch 1, 3 de} in same sp, 3 de in al next 3 ch-1 sps, % (3 de. ch 1, 3 del in next 3de in each of next 3 ch-L sps; repeat fron join with slip st te third ch of beginning che3, finist off, Design by Maggie Weldon, Rnd 1: ch 5: join w turn; de in next de and in each de across, slip st to first de. Rnd 2: Ch 3, do not turn; de in same st, 2 de in each ol next 4 de and ireeach of next 3 first de, finish off leaving a long end f LEAF (Make 2) With Green, ch & loosely. Rid 1 (Right sidelt 2 De in fourth ch from hook, de in next 2 chs, hee in next ch, (2 sc. ch 3, slip st in third ch from hook, 2 se) in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 2b, page 1), hde in next ch, de in next 2 chs, (2 de, ch 3, slip sil in next ch, ch 11 tor stem: finish. off leaving a long end for sewing. FINISHING Using phote as a guide for placement, sew Flowers and Leaves to Square, Add Ecru accent lines to Flowers. Design by Maggie Weldon, STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one dc} Ch 2, * YO, insert hook in same st, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat fromm once more, YO and draw through all S loops on hook. CLUSTER (uses one de} % YO, insert hook in de indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hoak; repear from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook, With Brown, ch 4; join with slip st te form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right sidel: Ch 3. 11 de in ring; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ¢h-3, finish off: 12 sts. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any scitch to toark Rnd 1 as right side. Rad 2: With right side facing, join Gold with slip st in any dc; work Beginning Cluster, ch 2, (work Cluster in next de, ch 2) around; join with. slips st be lap of Beginning Cluster, finish off: 12 ch-2 sps. Rnd 3: With right side facing. join Green with sc in any ch-2 sp (see Joining With Sc, page 1); (sc, ch 3. 2 sc) in same sp, [2 se, ch 3, 2 scl in each ch-2 sp around: join with slip st to first sc, finish off, Design by Terry Kimbrough. STITCH GUIDE CLUSTER (uses one sc] * YO, insert hook in se indicated. YO and pull up a loop, YO and deaw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on Frock. With ‘Yellow, ch 8; join with slip st to farm a ring, Rind 1 (Right side}s Ch 1, 12 sein ring; join with slip st ta first sc. finish off. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2: With db side facing and working in Back Loops Only (Fig. 2 in Lavercler with slip st in any se: ch 2, de me st, ch 2, work Cluster in next sc, ch 4, work Chister i in next se, * (ch 2, work Cluster in next scl twice, ch 4, work Cluster in next sc; repeat from * 2 limes more, ch 2; join with slip st to both loops af first de. finish off: 12 sps. Rnd 3: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch-4. sp: ch 1. (sc, ch 4, scl in same sp, ch 4, {se in next ch ch 4 sc} in next ch-4 sp, fron * Design by Rena Stevens. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr} ¥O twice, insert hook in ch indicated, YO and pull up a loop [4 loaps on hook), (YO and draw through 2 leaps on hoak} 3 times. EXTENDED LONG SINGLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated ex LSC Cluster) (uses one ch 3 sp) » Insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through one loop on hock: repeat from # once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook (counts a5 one sc) TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER {abbreviated tr Cluster) (uses one st} * YO baiee, insert hook in st indicated, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on heok) twice: repeat fran once mere, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook ‘With White, ch 4; join with slip st to forrn a ting Rnd 1 (Right sidel: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), 2 de in ring, ch 2, (3 de in ring, ch 2) 3 times: join with alip st to first de: 12 de and 4 ch-2 sps Note; Loop a short piece of yarn around any mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: Ch 3, de in next 2 de, fde, ch 3, de) in next che? sp, a de int next Bde, tele 3, dc] in next ch-2 sp: repeat from * 2 times more; join with shp st le first de, finish off: 20 de and 4 ch 3 sps bt ka Rad 3: With right side facing, join Yellow with se in page 1): skip next 2 de. 3 next ch, ch 4. 3 tr in m : de, skip mext 2 de, 4 tr in next ch, ch 4. slip st in next ch, ch 4. 3c in next ch, skip next 2 de: repeat fren * 2 limes more; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 24 tr and 4 sc Rod 4: With right side facing, join White with slip st in same st as joining; ch 5, de in same st, ch 2, * + skip nest 3 tr, se in next ch, ch 3, sl xt.3 chs, working around next slip st, work ex LSC Cluster in ch-3 sp one td below slip st, < kip next 3 chs, sc in next ch, ch 2, skip next 3 tr +. ch 2) owice in next sc; repeat from * 2 times more, then repeat f tro f ance; jom wath ship st ta third ch of beginning ch-5, finish off: 20 sts and 20 sps_ Rod 5: With right side facing. join Green with slip st in 2 3 joining; ch 2, (2 hde in next ch-2 sp, hde in twice, ch 4, work tr Cluster in next Shuster, ch 4. hde in next se, w (2 hdc in next ch-2 sp, hde in next st} 3 tires, ch 4, work tr Cluster in next ex LSC Cluster, ch 4, hde in next se: repeat from & 2 times more, 2 hde in last ch-2 sp; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-#, finish off, Design by Tarmmy Kreimever STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) ‘WO twice, insert hook in de indic#ted, YO and pull up a loop [4 loops on honk), (YO and draw through 2 loops on henk}) 3 times. BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one ct-1 spl Ch 2, © YO. insert hook in same sp, YO and pull upa loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from # once more, YO and dew through all 3 leaps on hook. CLUSTER (uses one ch 1 sp} * YO), insert hock in ch-1 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and craw through 2 loops on hook; repent from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook. With Pink, ch 6; join with slip st to form a ring. Rod 1 (Right side}: Ch 4, de in ting, (ch 1. de in ring) 10 times, se in third ch of beginning cht to form last ch-l sp: 12 ch-1 sps, Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to tark Rnd | as right side Rad 2: Work Beginning Cluster. (ch 2, work Cluster in next ch-1 sp) twice, ch 3, tr in next de, ch 3, # work ‘Cluster in next ch-1 sp, (ch 2, work Cluster in next cle] sp) twice, ch 3, ir in next de, ch 9; repeat from 2 times more; jain with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster, finish off: 12 Clusters, 4 tr, and 16 spe. Rod 3: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in same slias joining; ch 4, (2 de in next ch-2 sp, de in next Cluster) twice, 3de in next ch-3 sp, 3 de in next tr and in next ch-8 sp, & de in next Cluster, (2 de in next ch-2 sp, de in next Cluster) twice, 3 de in next ch-3 sp, 3 de in next trarid in next ch-3 sp; repeat from * 2 times more; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-3, finish off. Design by Tammy Krelmeper STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET jebbreviated tr) YO twice, insert book in sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop {4 loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loops On her coke 3 br nes. FRONT POST TREBLE CROCHET fabbreviated FPtr) ¥O twice, insert hook from framt to back around past of st indicated (Fig. 5, page 2). YO and pull up a loop [4 loops on hook). (YO and craw through 2 Inops on book) 3 times. 10 Rod 1 (Right side}: With Eeru, ch 4, 11 de in fourth ch from book; jain with slip st to top of begirming ch-4; 12 sts. Note: Loop a shart piece of yarn around any mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2; Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 3, skip next do, * sc in > _ skip next de; repeat from # around; join with slip first sc, finish olf: 6 ch-3 sps. stitch to Rod 3: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch-3 sp; ch 5 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 3 de in same sp, ch 1, (4 de in next ch-3 sp, ch 1) around; join wath slip st to firs! de, finish off; 24 de and 6 ch-1 sps. Rad 4: With right side facing, join Ecru with slip st in any ch-1 sp; ch 3, de in next 2 de, work FPir around skipped de on Rnd | below same st, de in next 2 de on Rnd 3. # de in next ch-1 sp and in next 2 de. work FPor around skipped de on Rnd 1 below same sl, de in next 2 de on Rnd 3; repeal from & around: join with slip st to first de: 30 de and 6 FP, Rod 5: Ch 3, de in next 2 de, work 2 FPir around next FPtr, (de ext S de, work 2 PPir around next FPt} arcurud te 2 de, de in last 2 de: join with slip st te first de, finish off: 12 FPtr. Rod 6: With right side facing, join Green with sc in sp between any 2 FPar (see Joining With Sc, page 1): ch 4, skip next 3 sts, sc in mext de, ch 4, skip next 3 sts, * scin sp before next FPIr, ch 4, skip next 3 sts, sc in next de, ch 4, skip next 3 sts; repeat from & around: join with slip st to first sc: 12 ch 4 sps, Rnd 7: Slip st in first ch-4 sp, ch 4, (3 try ch 3, 4 tri in game sp, 4de in each of next 2 ch-4 sps, * (4 tr, ch 3, 4 thin next ch-4 sp, 4 de in each of next 2 ch-4 sps: repeal from * 2 times more; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-4, finish off. Rad 8: With right side facing, joln Ecru with slip st in any ch-3 sp, ch 4, (Sde,ch 2, 3 de, tr) in same sp, work FRir around next sc on End 6, skip next 5 sts on Rnd 7, 2 hde in each of next 2 de, work FPtr around next eon Rnd 6, skip next 2 de on Rnd 7, 2 Iuie in each of next 2 de, work FPtr around next sc on Rad 6, * fir, 3 de, ch 2., tein next ch-3 spon Rnd 7, work FPor around next sc on Rnd 6, skip next 5 sts on Rnd 7, 2 hde in each of next 2 de, work FPtr around next sc on Rad G, skip next 2 deon Rnd 7, 2 hde in each of next 2 de, work FPor around next sc on Rnd 6; repeat from * 2 times more, join with slip st to top of beginning ch-4, finish off. Design by Jan Hartfield. STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING PUFF STITCH {abbreviated Beginning Puff St) (uses one sc) Ch 2, * YO, insert hook in same sl, YO and pull up a loop even with loop or hook; repeat from # once more, ¥O and draw through all 5 loops on hook. PUFF STITCH fabbreviated Puff St) (uses ane sc} * YO) insert hook in se indicated, YO and pull up a loop even with loop on hook; repeat from © 2 times more, YO and draw through all 7 loops on hook. BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses ome Pull St) Ch 4, * YO twice, insert hook in same st, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on haek) tuiloe: repe im * 3 times mere, ¥O and draw through all 5 loops an hack, CLUSTER (uses one Pull St) + YO twice, insert hook in Puff St indicated, YO arai pull up a loop, (YO and draw threuah 2 loops on hook) twice; repeat from * 4 limes more, YO and draw threngh all 6 loops on heal. With Purple, ct Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 1, 12 sc in ring; join with slip st to first sc. : join with slip st ta form a ting. Note: Loop a short plece of yarn around any stitch Lo atk Rid 1 as right side. Rod 2: Work Beginning Puff St, ch 1, work Puff St in sc, ch 1) around; join with slip st le cop of Beginning Rnd 3: Work Beginning a Cluster, ch 1, skip next ch, * work Cluster in next Puff St, ch 4, + ip next ch; repeat swith slip st to top af ? Beginning 11 in. same sp ard in each ch-4 sp to first sc; 60 sc, Rind 5: Ch 3. de in next 3 sc, 2 de in next sc, ch 2, 2 de in next sc, & de in next 13 se, 2 de in next in next sc; repeat from *& 2 times more, join with slip st te top of beginning ch-3, finish off. any ch-4 5 around; Design by Cynthia Lane. STITCH GUIDE CLUSTER ® YO, insert hook in ring, YO and pull up a loop, ¥O and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from % once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook, With ‘Yellow, ch 4) join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 2, de in ring, ch 1, (work Cluster. ch 1) 7 ume att With slip st to first de, finish off: & ch-l sps. Note; Loop a shorl piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rad 2: With right side facing, join White with sli any ch-] sp; ch 2 {counts as first hde, now and throughout), 3 hide in same sp. 4 hde in each ch-1 sp around: join wilh slip st te first hde, finish off: 32 hde. Bnd 3: With right side facing, join Lt Green with se in any hde (see doining With Se, page 1), ch 2, skip nex hide, # sc in next hde, ch 2, skip next hde; repeat from + around: join with slip st te first hoff: 16 ch-2 sps. Rad 4: With right side facir ig. join Green with slip st in ary ¢ 2p ch 2, (2 hde, ch 5, 3 hide} i (sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 3) 3 times, (3 h in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, (se in next ch-2 s repeat from * 2 times more; join wilh sh finish off. ch 3) 3 times; pst to first hee, Design by Katherine Satterfield, STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (ebbreviated tr} YO twice, insert hook in ch-1 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loops on heal) 3 times. BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one st or spi Ch 2, % YO, insert hook in same st or sp, YO and pull up a logp, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from * once more, YO and draw through all 3 locps on heak. (CLUSTER {uses one sl or sp) * YO, insert hook in st or sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hoak; repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops an hook. With Lt Rose, ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring. Rod 1 (Right side}: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 11 de in ring: join with slip st to first de, finish off: 12 de. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rod 1 as right side. Rod 2: With right side facing, join Rose with slip st in any de; work Beginning Cluster, ch 1, (work Cluster in next de, ch 1) around; join with slip st te top of Beginning Cluster, finish off: 12 Clusters and 12 ch-1 spa. Rnd 3: With right side facing, join bk Rese with slip st inany ch-l sp; work Beginning Cluster, ch 1, work Cluster in next Cluster, ch 1, % work Cluster in next ch-l sp, ch 1, work Cluster in next Cluster, ch 1: repeut from w+ around; join with slip st to lop of Beginning Cluster, finish off: 21 ch-1 sps. Rnd 4: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch-L Spi ch 3, (de, tr, ch 2, or, 2 de) in same sp, ch 1, i ach 1) 5 times, # (2 de. tr, ch 2, tr, next ch-1 sp, ch 1, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1)5 limes: repeal frown a 2 times more; join with slip st to first de, finish off: 28 sps. 12 Rnd 5: With right side facing, join Ectu with slip st in any ch-2 sp; ch 3, (de, ch 2, 2 de} in same sp, de in next 3sts, 2 de in each of next 6 ch-1 sps, de in next 3 sts, %& [2 de, ch 2, 2 de} in next ch-2 sp, de in next 3 sts, 2 de in each of next 6 ch-l sps, de in next 3 ste: repeat [rom * 2 limes more; join with slip st to first dec, finish off. Design by duciy Bolin, Rnd 1 (Right sidel: With Lt Blue, ch 4, 11 de in fourth ch from hook; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-4, finish off: 12 sts. Note: Loop a shert piece of yart around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side, Rnd 2: With wrong side facing, join Blue with sc in same sl as joining (see Joining With Sc, page I), [ch 3, 6 sc in second ch from hook (petal made)], * se innext de, ch 3, 6 sc in second ch from hook: repeat from * around; join with slip st te first sc. finish off: 12 sc and 12 pelals. Rnd 3: With right side facing. join Green with sc in any sc between petals; ch 1, working behind petals, {sc in next sc between petals, ch 1) around: join with slip st to fi = 12 sc and 12 ch-1 ps. Bad 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, hde in next cho] sp, ide, ch 3, de} in next se, hee in next ch-1 sp. # se in next s¢ itt next ch-] sp and in next se, hele irr next ch-1 SP. (de, ch 3, de) in next se, heic in next ch-1 sp; repea x 2 times more, sc in next sc and in last ch-1 Sp; ini with slip st to first sc: 28 sls and 4 ch-3 sps. Rad 5: Ch 3, de in next 2 sts, ch 1, (de, ch 3, delin next ch-3 sp, ch 1, & de in next 7 sts, ch 1, de, ch 3, de) in nex! ch-3 sp, ch epeat fram * 2 times more, de in last 4 sts, join with ship st to top of beginning ch-3, finish off, Design by Anne Halliday. STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated Beginning de Cluster) (uses one spl Ch 2, & YO, insert hook in sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, ¥O and draw through 2 loops or hook; repeat from a once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook. DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER fabbreviated de Cluster) (uses one spl + ¥O, insert hook in sp indicated. YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook, TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated tr Cluster) (uses one ch-5 sp) * YO twice, insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice: repeal from * 2 times more. YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook. PICOT Ch 4, slip st in fourth ch from hook. a ea ee With White, ch 5; join with slip st to form a ring. Rind 1 (Right side}: Work Beginning de Cluster in ring, ch 3, work de Cluster in ring 5, work de Cluster in ting, ch 3, work de Cluster in ring, ch 5; repeat trom once more; join with slip st lo top of Beginning de Chister, finish off: 6 spe. Note: Loop a shor! piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. 13 Rnd 2: With right side facing, join Lt Green with slip st in any ch-5 sp: in same sp work (Beginning de Cluster, ch 4, o Cluster, Picot, ch 4, de Chastet}, ch 3, sc in next ch3 sp, ch 3, * in next ct-5 sp work (de Cluster, ch 4. tr Cluster, Pical, ch 4, de Cluster), ch 3, se in next ch3 sp, ch 3; repeat from * once more; join with slip st te top of Beginning de Cluster, finish off: 12 sts and 15 sps. Rad 3: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in ch-3 sp of any Picot; ch 3, (2 de, ch 3, 3 de} in same sp, * #4de in next ch-4 sp, de in next de Cluster, (3 de in next ch-3 sp, de in next st} twice, 4 de in next ch-4 sp +, (3 de, ch 3, 3 del in ch-3 sp of next Picot; repeat from once more, then repeat from f lo > once; jain with slip st to top of beginning ch-3, finish off. Design by Carole Prior STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER fuses one ch-1 spl Ch 2, * YO, insert hook in same sp, YO and pull up a loap, YO and draw through 2 lowps on hook; repeat from %* once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hack, CLUSTER (uses one ch-1 sp} * ¥O, insert hook in ch-1 sp indicated, YO ara pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 lneps on hook; repeat from w 2 times more, YC) and draw throuyh all 4 loops on heak. With Yellow, ch 4; join wath slip st to form a ring. Rad 1 (Right side}: Ch 4, (de in ring, ch 1) 11 times; join wath slip st to third ch of beginning ch-4, finish off: 12 chr] sps, Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch te mark Lind 1 as right sicle. Rad 2: With right side facing, join Purple with slip st in any ch-1 sp; work Begirming Cluster, ch 3. (work Cluster in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) around; join with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster. finish off: 12 Clusters and 12 ch-3 sps. Rnd 3: With right side facing. join Green with sc in any ch-3 sp (see Joining With Se, page 1), ch 5, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5) around; join with sli st to first sc, finish all. Design by Carole Prior. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET abbreviated tr) YO cwice, insert hook in st or sp incheated, YO ard pull up a loop [4 loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loaps on hook) 3 times. 2-TR CLUSTER (uses one de] x YO owice, insert hook in de indicated, YO and pullup a loop. (YO and draw through 2 loops on hack] twice: repeat from w once more, YO) and draw tbiraugh all 3 loaps on hook, BEGINNING 5-TR CLUSTER (uses one ch-2 spi Ch 3. % YO twice, insert hook in same ep, YO und pull upa loop. (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook] twice: repeat from 3 times more, YO and draw through all 5 leaps art beak. 5-TR CLUSTER (use: one c # YO twice, insert honk in ch-2 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops en hook) twice: Tepeat from a 4 times more, YO and draw through all 6 loops on hook. With Brown, Find 1 (tight sidels ring. ch 2) 3 times; fain wi ch-3: 16 sts and 4 ch-2 spr Note; Loop a shert piece of yarn around any stitch to nark Brai 1 as right side. Rnd 2: Ch 3. tr in same Het a ch 2) around; join w ch 4; join with slip st to term @ rind. Ch 3. Ade in ting, ch 2, (4 dein L slip st co top of beginning 2, twork 2ir Ch slip st to first tr, 14 Rod 3: With right side facing, joir: Gold wath slip st in any ch-2 sp; work Beginning 5-tr Cluster, ch 3. (work Str Cluster in next ch-2 sp, ch 5) around; join with slip st to top of Beginning Str Chustey, finish off. Rod 4: With right side facing, join Green with any ch-3 sp; ch 4, (3 tr, ch 1, 4 thin same sp, 4-de in next ch-d sp, 4 hde in next ch-3 sp, 4 de in next ch-3 sp, * (4c ch 1, 4 tr) in next ch-3 sp, 4 de in next ch-3 sp, 4 hde in next ch-3 sp,4 de in next ch-3 epeat from * 2 limes more: join with slip st to top of heginning ch-‘, finish off. slip st in Design by Nair Carsuseli, STITCH GUIDE POPCORN (lh 2, 3 hee in se indicated, craps lacy from haok, insert haok In top of beginning ch-2, hook dropped Joop and draw thrawgh, With Blue, ch 4: } with slip st toa farm a ting. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 1, 8 sc in ring; join with slip st to Front Leap: Cmily of first sc (Fig. I. page 1). Note: Loop a shart piece of yarn around any stiletto twark Rod | as right side. Rod 2: Ch 1, working in Front Loops Only, lec, work Popcorn, ch 2) in same st and i around: join with slip st to both loops it first sc. finish off: A Poneerms. Rad 3: With right side facing, join Green with sc in any sc [between Popeorns| fsee Joining With Se, page 1). ch 1. # working behind next Popcorn, sc in next sc, ch L: repeat fron & arene; join with slip st te fina se: A ogc. Rind 4: 00h 3. ide. ch 1,2 del in seme sl, ct 1, (2 de, ch U) twice in each se aruund; join with slip st to top of bententing ch, finish off, Design bu Mary Ann Sines, STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated Beginning dc Cluster) {uses ane ch- Ch 2, « YO. at hook in sp indicaled, YO and pull up a lop, YO and draw through 2 loops on heoak; repeat from * once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops an hook. DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER fabbrevieted de Cluster) {uses one ch-3 spi ae YO, insert hook in ch-3 sp indi . YO and pull up a Ioap. YO and draw through 2 loops on hack: repel from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on honk. BEGINNING TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER {abbreviated Beginning tr Cluster} Ch 3, * YO twice, insert took in ring, YO and pull up a toop, (YO and draw through 2 leaps on hook) tice; repeal fram once more, YO and draw through all 3 loaps ari hock. TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated tr Cluster) + YO badce, insert hook in ring, YO and pull up a boop, (YO and draw through 2 loops en heeak} bw repeat from * 2 ies more, YO and draw through all 4 loops an healt With Ecru, ch 6; join wiltt slip st to form a ring. ght sidels Work Beainning i Cluster, ch 3. (i E join with slip st to tap of Beginning tr Cluster, finish off; & ch 3 spe. Note: Loop » short piece of yarn around any stitch te mark Rid 1 as right side. Rnd 2: With right side facing, join 14 Green wat slip st in any cha sp: work (Begi in ing de Cluster, ch 3. cluster) in same sp, ba. 3, hde in next ch 3 sp hh au twice in next ch-3 sp, dein in. next ch with slip s! 12 ch-3 sps. 15 Rad 3: With right side facir sin, Green with slip st in first ch-3 sp work (Beginning de Cluster, ch 3, de Cluster) in same sp, ch 4. (work de Cluster in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) twice, w (work de. Chuaster, ch 4) twice in next ch-3 sp, (work de Cluster dev te: twice; repeat from * 2 times more; join tep of Beginning de Cluster, finish off. Design by Cynthia Lark. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) ¥O) twice, insert hook in ch- indicaled, YO and pull up a loop (1 loops on hook}. (0C and draw through 2 loops on hook 3 times. With Blue, ch 4; join. with slip Bad 1 [Right side}: Ch |, | with slip st tn first se: 8 eh-3 sps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any sh matk Rad 1 as right sicle. to form a rind. fing, ch 3) 8 dimes: join to ho, se insane st, ch 5, {se in next sc, ch 44 in with slip st to first sc: Bch xpos. Bad 3: Working in ch-3 sps on Rnd 1 and in fromt of ch-5 on Rn %, slits st in first ch-3 sp. ch 1, ch 1, tile ch 1) 5 dimes. sc] in same spiand in each ch-3 sp arounc join with slip sl to first sc: 8 petals Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 2, & f (skip next ch-l sp. sein next sl, ch 2) 6 times +, sc in next sc. ch 2 ref from + 6 times mare, then repeal fren + te + once; join with slip si le first sc, finish off. Rnd 5s With right side and working behind ' any ch-5 sp on Rnd 2; cin same sp, he 2, 3 tr} in next ch 6 sp, # Sade ly next ch-5 sp. [ 2) $3 lrdin next ch-& sp, repeat trom * 2 lines more, join with slip st ta top ol beginning ch-3, finish ott, Design by Terry Kimdronagt. STITCH GUIDE DOUBLE CROCHET CLUSTER (abbreviated de Cluster) (uses one stl + YO, insert hook in tr Cluster indicted, YO and pull up aloop, ¥Chand draw through 2 loops on hook: repedt from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook. TREBLE CROCHET CLUSTER fabbreviated tr Cluster) (uses one ch-3 spl * YO twice, insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook nwice: repeat from # once more. YO and draw through all 3 logps on hook. With Brown, ch 3: join with slits st le form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Front Loop Orly al Ch 1. 6 se in ring: joint with slip st ta irst sc (Fig. I, page 1). Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to rack Reel 1 jas right sirle. Rad 2: Working in Front Loops Only, (de, slip st} in t ing de to wrong side, (slip st, ch i st] int s¢ around pushing de to wreng side; join with tip st to joining slip st of Rnd 1, finish off. Rnd 3: With right side facing and working in free loaps of sc on Rnd 1 (Fig. 2a, page 2), join Yellow with any sc (see Joining With Se, page 1). : 2sc in each se around: joiti wath slip st Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st. ch 3, (se cl : around: join ws ith slip st to fi ist SC, - finish off: 12 tt Clusters, Rad 6: With right side facing. join Green with se in any t Cluster: ch 5, sc in next tr Cluster, ch 5, Kwork de Cluster, ch 5) twice in next tr Cluster, » (sc in next o Cluster. ch 5) twice, fwork de Cluster, ch 5) twice in Bi more: join wath slip st to fir Design by Mary Jane Protus. 16 STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one ch-5 spl Ch 2. * YO, insert honk in sp indicated, YO and pull up aloop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from * ance more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on mek. CLUSTER (uses one ch-5 spl + YO) insert hook in ch-5S sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops en hook; repeat from # 2 times more, YO andl draw through all 4 loops on hook. With Blue, ch G; join with slip st te form a ring. Rad 1 (Right side}: Ch 6, (de in ring, 7 times: join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-G: 8 ch-3 sps. Note: Loop a short plece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: Slip st in first ch-3 sp. ch L. (sc. ch 2, 3 de, ch 2, sc, ch 1) in same nd in gach ch 3 sp around; join with slip st te first lish off; 8 petals. Rad 3: With right side facing, join Green with sc In any ch-1 sp between pelals (see Joining With Se, page 1) ch S., working behind petals 1 sp between petals, ch 5) around: join with slip st lo first sc: &ch-3 sps, 5 sp, work (Beginning Cluster, é ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5, wework (Cluster, ch 3, Cluster Vine lat Leg , ch ie in Design by Kay Meodars, STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr} YO twice, insert hook in ch or sp indicated, YO and pull up 4 loop (4 loops on hook), (YO and craw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times. CHANGING COLORS Work the lasc stitch to within one step of completion, hook new yarn (Fig. 7) and draw through all laops on hook, Cut olel yarn. Fig. 7 With Black, ch 4; join with slip st to farm a ring. Rod 1 (Right side): Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), 2 de in ring, [ch 3, 3 de in ring) 3 limes changing le Yellow in last de: (Fig. 7). ch 5, sc around rir: between second and third de groups (Fig. 8), ch 5; jain with slip st to first de, finish otf, Fig. 5 17 Note; Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2: With right side facing, join Lavender with slip st in second ch-5 sp to right of joining: ch 1, in same sp work [sc, ch 4, de, ch 1, ft, ch 1) 7 times, de, ch 4, se] (large petal made}, sc xt sc, work larae petal in next ch-5 sp, skip next de, se in next de, * (5 de 5 de} in next ch-3 sp (small petal made), skip ni sc in next de; repeat from ® 2 times more; join wit slip st ta first sc: 5 petals Rad 3: * Ch 3, [sc in next sp, ch 3) 10 times, skip next se, sc in next se; repeat fram ® once more, leave 3 smal pelals unworked. Rnd 4: Ch 4, working behind petals, [sc in next sc between petals, ch 4) 3 times, (shir st in center tron Rnd 2 of next large petal, ch 4} twice: join with slip st to si at base of beginning ch-4, finish off: 6 ch-t sps. Rad 5: With right side facing. join Green with slip st in same st as joining: [ch 8 loosely, working in back ridge al chs (Fig. 3, page 2), sc in third ch from hook, de in next ch, tin last 4 chs (leaf made}]. slip st in nex! ch-4 sp, ch 3, slip st in next ch 4 sp, (work leaf. slip st in next ch-4 sp} twice, finish off: 3 leaves. Rod 6: With right side facing and working behind large petals, join Ecru with slip st in same ch-4 sp its last slip st: ch 1, 8 sc in same sp and in each of next 2 cb-d sps, working behind leaves, skip next slip sl, 5 a jn next ch-4 sp before next slip st, (working in next ch-4 sp. 4 sc on each side of slip st} twice (Fig. 9}; join with slip sl to first sc: 48 sc, Fig. 9 Rod 7: Ch 3, dein next sc and in each se around; jain with slip st to first de. Rnd 8: Ch 3, 2 dein next de, (de in next de. 2 de in next de) around: join with slip st to first de, finish off. Design by Terry Kimbrowgh. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in se indicated, YO and pull up a loop {4 loaps on hook}. (YO and draw through 2 Inops on hook} 3 times. BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses nex! 4 de} Ch 2, & YO), insert hook in mext de, ¥O and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat fram & 3 times more, YO and draw through: all 5 loops on hook. CLUSTER (uses next 5 de} * YO) insert honk in mext de, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from # 4 limes more, ¥O and draw through all 6 loops on hook. With White, ch 6; join with ship st to [arr a ting. ight side}: Ch 1,12 sc in ving: join wilh slip st hh ta Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any sti mark Rnd | as right side, Rod 2: Ch |, sc in same st, * ch 7, skip next sc, s¢ in > ‘epeat from % arc to last sc, 3 skip last > to form last ch-7 sp: G ch-7 sps. Rod 3: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), 1 de in same sp, ch 3: (5 de in next ch-7 sp, ch 3) arouncl: join with slip st to first de; 30 de. Rnd 4: Ch 3. de in next 4 de, ch 3, se in next ch 3 8p, cho Sa de in next 4 de, ch 3, s¢ in next ch: repeat from * around: join with slip st lof aval 12 ch-d sps. Rad 5: Work Begirming Cluster. ch 5, {sc in next oe 3sp. ch 5S) twice, * work Cluster, ch 1 36 sts rapeat from & around: j 15) tice; slip st to top of Begining Cluster, finish off: 18 ch sps. 18 Rad 6: With right side facing, join Green with sc in ch-5 sp to right of joining (see Joining With Sc, page 1); ch 5, (sc in next ch-5 with shp st to first sc. Rod 7: Slip st in first ch-5 sp, ch 3, (4 de, ch 3, 5 de) in same sp, ch 3, sc in next ch-S sp, ch 5, se in next ch-S sp, ch 3. # (5 dc, ch 3) twice in next ch-6 sp, se in next ch-5 sp, ch 5, se in next ch , ch 3: repeat from around; with slip st to first de, finish off ap. ch 5) around; join Wilh Yellow, ch 6; join with shp st te form a ring, Rad 1 (Right side}: Ch 1, 12 se in ring; join with slip st to first sc. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side Rnd 2: 1, sc in same st, ch 4, skip next se, % sein Nexe sc 4, skip next sc: repeat from # around: join with slip st to first se: 6 sc and 6 ch-4 sps. Rad Th 1, sc in same st, ch 4 around, join with slip st to first se, Rnd 4: With right side facing and keeping chs on Rnd 3 to back of ve join Lavender with slip st in any ch-4 sp on Rnd 2; [de. (ch L, de} 6 time slip st] in same sp. [slip st, ch 3. de, fch 1. de ir ch 3, slips st] in each ch4 spa around, join with slip st fe first slip st, finish off: G petals. Rod 5: With right side facing and working behind petals, join Green with slip st in any ch-4 sp on Rnd 3: ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), 4 dc in same sp, ch 2, (5 de in nest ch-4 sp, ch 2) around: join with ship st lo first de; 30 de. Rad 6: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 3 next de, ch 3, % 2 de in next de, de in next 3 next de, ch 5; repeat from ® arour first de. finish off. ac in next sc, ch 4} finish off. Design by Terry Kimbrough. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviaied tr) YO twice, insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook), (YO and draw thraugh 2 leaps an hook) 3 limes. DOUBLE CLUSTER Ch 3. de in third ch from heok, ch 4, de in third hele ch from Rnd 1 (Risht side]: With Yellow, ch 2, 8 se in second ch from hook; jain with slip st to first sc. Note; Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch Lo tack Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: Work Double Cluster. (slip st in next sc. wark Double Cluster) around; join with slip st lo st at base of fiyst Double Cluster, finish off: 8 Double Clusters. Rnd 3: With right side facing, join Lavender with se in center of any Double Cluster (see doining With Se, page I): ch 3, sc in same sp, ch 3, (sc, ch 3) tuace in center of each Double Cluster around; join with slip st ta first sc; 16 ch-3 spa. Rnd 4: Slip st in first ch-3 sp, ch 3, dein sarne sp, ch 1, sein nexi ch-3 sp, ch 1, * Sde in next ch-3 sp, chl next ch 1, ch 1: repeat from & around, join with slip st ta Lop of beginning ch-3, finish off: 48 sts anid La ch-1 spe. 19 Bind 5: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any sc; ch 6, de in same st, ch 3, skip next 2 de, se in next de, ch 3, skip next 2 dc, # (de, ch 3) twice in next sc, skip next 2 de, se in next ‘dc, ch 3, skip next 2 de: repeat from * around; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-6: 24 ch-3 SPs. Bind G: Slip st in first ch sp, ch 4, 6 tr in same sp, de in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, (sc in next ch _ch 3) 3 times, dein next ch a sp, * 7 trin nest ch-3 sp, de in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, (sc in mext ch-3 sp, ch 3) 3 times, dle in next ch-3 sp; repeat from & 2 times mere; join with slip st to top of beainnring cht, finish off. Design by Anne Halliday. Wilh Yellow, ch 1: join with slip st to form a ring Rind 1 (Right side}: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), 19 de in ring; join with slip st to first de, finish off: 20 de. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn aroursd ary stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2; With right sicle facing. join White any de; ch 4, [de in next de. ch 1) arournd: to third ch of beginning ch-4, finish off: 20 20 che] spe, Rad 3: With right side facing, join Green slip st ir any ch] sp; ch 3, 2 de in same sp, 3 dein each of next 3 ch-1 sps, ch 7, skip next ch-1 sp, * 3 de in each of next 4 ch 1 sps, ch ip next ch-1 sp; repeat from * 2 times moore; join with shy st to first de, finish ott, slip st in with slip = and StS Desian by Noir Carseell STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice. insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, ¥O.and pull up a loop (4 loops an hack), (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times. DOUBLE CLUSTER Ch 3, de in third ch from hook, ch 4, de in third ch from hook. Rnd 1 (Right sidel: With Yellow, ch 5, tle, ch 1) 7 times in fifth ch from hook: join with slip st to fourth ch of beginning ch-5, finish off: $ ch-1 sps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark End 1 as right side. Bod 2: With right side facing, join Pink wilh slip st in same stas joining: work Double Chu Jip st in next ch-1 sp, work Double Cluster, » slip st in next dc, work Double Cluster, slp st in next ch-1 sp, work Double Cluster; repeat fram * around: join wilh slip st to st at base of first Double Cluster, finish off- 16 Double Clusters Rad 3: Wilh right side facing, join Green with se in center of any Double Cluster (see Joining With Se. page I): ch 2, (sc in center of next Double Cluster, ch 2) twice, {sc, ch 3, sc} in center of nex! Double Cluster, ch 2 (sc in cenler of next Double Cluster, ch 2) 3 (sc, ch.3, sc) in center of next Double Cluster, epeat [rom * 2 limes more; join with slip sl to 20 sps. i st ch-2 sp. ch 1, se in same sp, ch 4, sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, skips mesct ch-2 sp, fo, ch 1}? times in next ch-3 sp, skip next ch-2 sp, w sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 4, sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, skip next cl? sp, (ty, ch 1) 7 times in next ch-3 sp, skip next ch-2 sp: repéat from %& 2 limes more: join with slip st to first se, finish off. Desien by Anne Halliday, 20 STITCH GUIDE CLUSTER (uses one sc} * VO, insert hook in se indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat frarn ® 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook. With Pink, ch 6 Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 2, 11 hee in ring; join with alip st to top of begirming ch-2: L2 sts. no with slip st te form a ring. Note: Loop a short plece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rad 2: Ch 1, se in samme st, ch 3, skip next hde, & sc in next hde, ch 3, skip next hdc; repeal from # around: join wilh slip st to first se: 6 ch-3 sps Rad 3: Slip st in first ch-3 sp, ch 1, (sc, 5 de, ae) in same sp and in each ch3 sp around; join with slip st to first sc: 6 petals. Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 7, [sc in first se of next petal, ch 7) around: join with slip st to first se: 6 ch-7 sps. Rnd 5: Slip st in first ch-? sp. ch L. tse, 7 de, sc} in same sp and in each ch-7 sp around: join with slip st to first sc. finish off: 6 petals. Rod @: With right side facing, join Green with se in center de of any 7-de group {see Joining With Sc, page 1), ch 3, work (Chuster, ch 5, Cluster] in first s¢ of nex! petal, ch 3, % s¢ in center de of next 7-de group, ch 3, work (Cluster, ch 5, Cluster) in first sc of next petal, ch 3: repeat from % around; join with slp st lo first se, finish off. 18 sps. Rnd 7: With right side facing, join Ecru with slip st in aty ch-S sp; ch 1, 5 se itt same sp. 3 se in each of next 2 ch-9 sps, (6 sc in next ch-5 sp, 3 sc in each of next 2 ch-3 sps) around: join wath slip st co first sc, finish off, Design by Terry Kimbrough. Row 1 (Right side}: With Pink, ch 4, 6 de ink from heok, drop loop from hook, insert hack in tirst de af G-de group, hock dropped loop and draw through, ch 3, slip st in ch at base of &-de group. Note #1: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Row 1 as right side. Rnd 1: Ch 1, se in same ch, ch < E Bes ch 3) tuice; join with ship st to first sc: 3 ch- 33 spa. Rnd 2: Slip st in first ch-3 sp, ch L. (sc, 5 de, se} in si sp and in each ch-3 sp aroured; jain wilt slips st be first se: 3 petals. Rnd 3: Chl ee 1 before working behind pet: als sc inched ap ort irsl sc, ch 3, skip next 7 sts, * sc in next sc, ch 3. skip next 3 ame ch 3 sp before next de, ch 3, skip next 4 pent from * once more; join will slip st to first se: 5 ch-3 sps, Rnd 4: Slip st in first ch-3 sp, ch L, (sc, od same sp and in each ch-3 sp arounel: jen with first sc: 25 de and 10 se. Rad 5: Ch 1, working behind Rnd 4, se in ch-3 spon Rnd 3 before first skip next } sts, * sc in next ch-3 spon Rod 3 before next sc, ch 3, op next 7 sls: repeat from # around, place marker sc made lar Leaf placement: join with slip st te first se, first off: 5 ch-3 sps. Rnd 6: With right side facing. join Lt Green wit first ch-3 sp (see doining With Sc, page 1) same sp) limes, * ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp. (c samme sp) twice; repeat fromm # around, ele irr first sc to form last ch-3 sp: 16 ch-3 sps. Rod 7: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughoui). ide, ch 2, 2 de) in same sp, hde in next fn next ch-3 sp. hde in next ch-S sp, & (2 de, ». hde in next ch-3 sp. sc in 3 sp: Tepeat from # 2 times slip st to 21 Rod &: Ch 3. in next de, (2 de, ch 2, 2 del in next -) ,% de in next 7 (2 de, ch 2, 2 de} in nent repeat from w 2 times more in last 5 sts: jain with slip st to-first de: 44 de. Bnd 9: ( dein next 4 de, (2 de, ch 2, 2 de) in next ch-2 sp, * dein next LL de. (2 de, ch 2, 2 de) in next ch-2 sp; repeal fram * 2 times more, de in last 7 de. join with st to first dc, finish off. LEAF With right side facing, join Green with slip st in marked scion Rnd 5: ch 5 loosely, working in back ridge of chs (Fig. 3, page 2), sc in second ch trom honk, de in last 3 chs; join with slip st to same st as joining, finish off. Design by Terry Kimbrough. Bad 1 (Wrong side}: With Rose, ch 2 times in second ch from hook; join wi finish eff: 1 -9 aps. 9) 12 slip st ro first 5c, Note: Loup a short piece of yarn around back of any stitch to mark right side. Rnd 2: With right side facing, join Green wilh ch-4 sp ee Joining With Se, page 1); chi ch sp, ch 1, tde, ch 3, de} in mext cho ir teh sp, ch 1) twice, fde, ch 3, del in next th-9 sp, cl Tepeal from * 2 limes more; joir will slip st to fi : 16 sts and 16 sps. End 3: (Ch 3, [de in next ch-1 (2 de, ch 3, 2 de) in next ch- 3 next ch-] i next ci) and in] ch-3, fir and in next st} heice, sp, % de in next de, {de in 3, 2 de} in p; repeat from ® 2 times more, de in next de ch-1 sp; join with slip st ta top of beginning all. Design bu Arne Halliciay. STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING POPCORN Ch 3, 2 de in se indicated, drop loop from honk, insert heok in top of beginning ch-3, hook dropped loop and draw through. POPCORN 3 De in se indicated, drop laap from hook, insert hook in first de of S-de group, hook dropped loop and draw through, BACK POPCORN - 4 Se in se indicated, drops lop from hook, insert hook fram back to front in first sc of 4-se group, hook dropped loop and draw through, ch 1 to close. PICOT (Se, ch 4, slip st in third ch from hook, sc} in st indicated. Rod 1 (Wrong sidelz With Yellow, ch. 2, 8 sc in second ch from hook: join with slip st to first sc, finish off. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around back of any stiteh ta mark right side. Rod 2: With wrong side lacing, join Lavender with se in any s¢ (see Joining With Sc, page 1); 2: in same st, 2 se in each se around; join with slip st to first sc: 16 se. Rnd 3: Ch 1. work Back Popeorn in same st. slip st in nex (work Back Popcorn in next sc, slip st in next sc} around; join with slip st to top of frst Back Popeorn, finish off: § Back Popearns. Rad 4: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any slip st; ch |, work Picot in same st, slip si in next Back Popeorn, fwork Picot in next sl Back Popearm) around; join with slip st to finish off: 4 Plevts. Rad 5: With right side facing, join Ecru with slip st in cettler ch of any Picot; ch 1, sc in same st, sh 5C, ‘de in next slip st, % sc in center ch of next Picot, skip next sc. 4de in next slip st: repeat from % around; joi wath slip st to first sc: 40 sis. 22 Rad 6: Work (Beginning Popeorn, ch 3, Popeorn) in same st, ch 1, de in next de, hde in next 2 de, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 de, de in next de, * work (Papeorn, ch 3. Papeorn} in next sc, ch 1, de in next de, hée in next 2 de, sc in next 3 sts, hde in next 2 de, de in next de; repeat from + 2 times more; join with slip st te top of Beginnitig Pepeorn, finish off. Design by Mary Ann Sipes. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in eh-2 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook!, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook} 3 thes. Rnd 1 (Right sidejz With Ecru. ch 5, (de, ch 1111 times in fifth ch from hook; join with shp st to fourth ch of beyinning ch-5, finish off: 12 ch-L sps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stiteh ta mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2; With right side facing, join Pink with sc in any chr] sp (see Joining With Se, page I); ch 1, (se in next ch-1 sp, ch 1) arcund; join with slip st lo first sc, finish olf. Rod 3: With right side facing, join Ecru with sc in any ctrl sp: ch 2. {sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2) around: join with slip st to first se, finish off Rnd 4: With right side facing, join Green with se in any sc: ch 2, (sc in next sc, ch 2) around: join with slip st to first sc, Rnd 5: Slip st in first ch-2 sp, ch 3, de in next sc, ch 1, ft. ch 3, ty in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, de in next sc, ch 1, ® (hide in next ch-2 sp, ch 1) twice, de in next sc, ch 1, (och 3. telin next ch-2 sp, ch 1, de in next sc, ch 1; repeat from » 2 times more, hde in last ch-2 sp, ch 1; join with slip st ta second ch of beginning ch-3, finish off. Design by Arine Halliday LEAF (Make 2) With Green, ch 7 loosely, Rnd 1 (Right side}: Be in fourth ch from hook and in next ch, hde in next ch, 3 s¢ in last ch; working in free loops of beginning (Fig. 2b, page 1), bec in ni dein next ch, (de, of ip st} in same ch as first de: finish off leaving a long end for sewing, Using photo as a guide for placement, sew Rose and Leaves lo right side of Motif. Design by Terry Kimbrough. MOTIF With Ecru, ch 6; join with slip st to form a ring. Bad 1 (Right side}: Ch 3 (counts. as first dc, now and throughout), (10 de, ch 2, 11 de) in ring, ch 1, sc in firet de te form last ch-@ sp: 22 de and 2 ch-2 sps. Note: Loop a short plece of yarn around any stitch to mark Roel 1 as right side. Rad 2: Ch 5. de in sare sp and in next 11 de, (2 de, ch 2, 2 dc} in next ch-2 sp, de in next 11 de, 2 de ir same spas first de, ch 1, sc in first de te form last ch-2 sp: 30 de and 2 ch-2 sps. With Brown, ch 4; join with slip st to form @ ring. Rnd 3: Ch 3, de in same sp and in next 15 de, (2 cle, Rad 1 (tit escarole nerage : (Right side}: Ch 3, 11 de in ting; join with slip st ch 2, 2 de) in next ch-2 sp, de in next 15 de, 2 de in tock aed ne facets Lo sme spas first de, hele in first de to form last ch-2 sp: p.fop:ob beginning eh ainishiots Lasts, 38 de and 2 ch-2 sps- Note: Logp a short piece of yarn around ary stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Bind 4; Ch 1, (sc, ch 5, sch in same sp, skip next de, lise, ch 3, se) In next de, skip riext ade] 9 times, (sc, ch 5, Rad 2; With right side facing, join Yellow with slip st in sc} in next ch-2 sp, skip next de, [lsc, ch 3, sc} in next de, same st as joining; & ¢ ch G, working in back ridge cf che skip next de] across; join with slip st ta first sc, finish off. (Fig. 3, page 2), sc in second ch from hook, de in last 4 chs 4, slip sl in next de; repeat from # 11) limes more. ROSE then repeat from + to F oree: join with slip st to first With Pink, ch 20 loosely. allp st, finish off: 12 petals. Row 1 {Right sidel: (Sc, ch 3, sc} in second ch from Rnd 3: With ight side facing, join Green with se in ch hook, * skip next ch, (sc, ch 3, sc} in next ch; repeat al tip of any petal (see Joining With Sc, page 1}: ch 4 from * across; finish off leaving a long end for sewir, isc in ch at tlp of next petal, ch 4) around; join with slip s With right side f 1 shy focst i to first sc: 12 ch-4 sps, ith right side facing and beginning with first sc, ral . wsdl piece tightly to form Rose. Thread yarn needle with long Rnd a: Slip sh itt first ch-4 sp, ch 1, 3 sc tn sane sp and end and stitch through hase several times to secure, innest ch] sp, (3 de, ch 2, 4 de) in nest ch- sp, * 3 ac : in each of next 2 ch-4 sps, (3 de, ch 2, 3 de) in next ch4 sp; repeat from %& 2 times more; join with slip st to first sc, finish off, Design bu Terry Kimbrough. 23 STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one ch 2 sp) Ch 2, * YO, insert hook in same sp, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook, CLUSTER {uses one ch-2 sp) *# YO, insert hook in ch-2 sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat front 3 limes more, YO and draw through all 5 loops on hook, With Yellow, ch 6; join with ship st to form a ring, Rod 1 (Right sidel: Ch 5 (counts as first de phos ch 2), (de in ting, ch 2) 7 times; join with slip st to first dc, finish off: 8 ch-2 sps. Note: Loop a short piece of varn around ary stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rod 2: With right side facing, join Green wilh slip st in any ch-2 sp: work Begining Cluster. ch S, fwork Cluster in next ch-2 sp, ch 5) around: join with slip st La lop of Beginning Cluster. Rod 3: Ch 1, sc in same sl, ch 2, working around ch-5. de in next de on Rod 1 below ch-5, ch 2. # se in next Cluster on Rnd 2. ch 2. working around ch-5, de in next de on Rind 1 below ch-5, ch 2, repeat [ram & ain wilh ship st to first sc, finish off, Rnd 4: With right side facing and working around on Rnd | (Fig. 5, page 2), join Yellow wath st around any de: ch 1, (sc, ch 5) twice around same md around each de around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off, Red 5: With right side facing, working around post of dame sts or Rnd 1 and behind sts of Rnd 4, join White around any de (see Joining With Sc, page 1), sargund next de, ch 7} around; join with slip st ta first se, finish off. Design by Carole Prior 24 STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one ch-3 sp} Ch 3. * YO twice, insert hook in same sp, YO and pull upa loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice: repeat from % 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook, CLUSTER (uses one ch-3 =p) * YO owice, insert hook incl indicated, ‘YO and pull up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 leaps on hook! twice; repeat from * 3 times more, YO and draw through all 5 loaps om hack, With White, ch G: join with slip st lo form a ring. Rad 1 (Right sidels Ch 1, sc in vin: Himes, de in first se ta fercn last J ch 3, se in ring) 7 : 8 ch-3 sps: warn around any stitch ta Note: |.oop a short piece of mark Rind 1 as right side. Rod 2; Work Begin: ning Ch next che 33 iter, ch A, trork Cluster in n with slip st lo top of th ea Side facing, join Green with slip stin ho, isc. & hide, 8c) in sarne sp and in each ch-4 sp around; join with sli St bea first ish off. Design by Terry Kinibrough. STITCH GUIDE LEAF Ch 3, 2 de in third ch fram hook, Rad 1 (Right side}: With Rose, ec from hook; join with slip st te first se. 8 sc in second ch Note: Loop a short piece of yarn arourul ary stitch to mark Rnd | as right side. Bad 2: Ch 1, sc in sare sl, ch next sc. ch 3, skip next join wilh slips st lo frst se: 4c Rod 3: (Slip st, ch 1, 1, shp st) in each ch-3 sp around; do not join: + petals. Rnd 4: Ch 3, working behind petals and in skipped sc on Rnd 1, {sc in next sc, ch 4) around, join with ship st to Grsi ch-4 gps. Rnd 5: (Slip st,ch 1, 7 de, ch 1, slip sthin each ch-4d sp around; do not join: 4 petals. Bad 6: Ch 3, working behind petals and in ch 4 sps on Rnd +1, skip first 3 de on Rnd 5, sc in sp before next de, ch 4. skip next 7 de on Rnd 4, sc in ap before next repeat from » 2 times more; join with slip st to ac, finish off: 4 ch-4 sps. Rad 7: With right side facing, join Green with sc in any ch-4 sp (see Joining With Sc, page 1): ch dose in 3, skip next se, & se in ‘peat from * 2 times more: Spas, same sp, work Leal in next asc, ch4, sc} in next ch-4 sp, wark Leaf, sc in next sc. work Leaf, repeat from * 2 thmes more, join wilh slips st te first sc finish off: 4 ch4 sps and & Leaves, Rind &: With right side facing, jain Ecru with slip st in any ch-‘] sp; ch 6, de in same sp, % } ch 1, worl tg behind next Leal, de in che-4 sp on Rnd 6 to left of sc, ch 1, se in nest sc on Rnd 7, ch 1, working behind next Leal, dein ch-4 sp on Rnd 6 to right of sc, ch L +, de, ch 3, de) in next ch-4 sp; repear from w 2 ines more, hen repeat fram + to f ones; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-6: 20 sts and 20 sps. 25 next de chi, (skip nex ch, de in next st, ch Lj4 ur _ch 3, de} in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, de in next de. repeat from % 2 Umes more next sl, cho], skip next ch) 3 tim third ch of beginning ch-4, finish « ip next ch, (de in in with slip st to Design by Anne Halliclay. STITCH GUIDE BOBBLE (uses one st) © YO twice, insert hook in ch indicated. YO and pull up a loop. (10 and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice; repeat from %& 3 times more. YO and draw through all 5 loops on hook. Push Bobble to right - Rnd 1 (Right sideis Blue, ch ode in fifth ch from hook, ch 3. tde. ch 1, de, ch 3) 3 times In same ch; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch 5: 8 sts and § sps. Lh Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2: Ch 4, turn; (de, ch 3, de} de in next de, work Bobble in ne: de, ch 1, (de, ch 3, de} in next .ch 1, de in next de. work Bobble in next ch, ch 1; repeal from # 2 times more, joln with ship st lo third ch of beginning ch-4, finish off: LO sts and 4 Bobbles. Rnd 3: With right side facing. join Green with slip st in any ch-3 sp; ch 6, de in same sp. ch 1, {de in next de, ch 1) 4 tim ide, ch 3, de} in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, ide in next de, li 4 times: repeat from * 2 times more; join with slip st to third ch of beginning eh-6, finish off. in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, ch 1, # dein next Design by Anne Halliday, STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in st or sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 Ioops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times, Push tr to right sic With Yellow, ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring, Rad 1 (Wrong side}: Ch 1, (sc, tr) 6 times in ring; inin with slip st to first sc, finish off: 12 sts. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around back of any stitch to mark right side. Rod 2: With wrong side facing, inin Pink with sc in ary st (see Joining With Sc, p age I) tr ir in each st around; join with slip st to firs Rnd 3: Slip st in next oy. ch 1, s¢ in same st, tr in next Tnext tr te ln mext st) around: join with shp st le End 4: Slip s next tr ch | next sc, # (5c. tr, se) in next or around: join with sl isc, tr, sc} in sare st, skip st; repeat from voll: 36 sts, Rod 5: With wrong side facing. join Green with sc in skip next 2 sc, © sc in next tr, ch 3, skip repeal from * around; join wi ast lo frst 3 dc} oi same =P, “3 de in next ch AE 3 de, chi 3 de} in next ch-3 sp, 3de in next ch-3 sp; repeat from © around; join with slip st ta top of beginning ch-3, Desian by Mary Ann Sipes 26 STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one sp} Ch 2, * YO. inser! hook in sp led, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * once more, ¥O and draw through 3 loops on hook. CLUSTER [uses one * YO), insert hook in sp indicated, YO and pull up a loap, YO and draw t through 2 loops on hook; repeat from & 2 times more, YO and draw th rough all 4 loops on hack. With Gold, ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Work Beg ch 2, (work Cluster in ring, ch 3 ta top of Beginning Cluster, finish off: Note: Loap a sl mark Rnd 1 n with slip at 8 ch-Z sps. orl piece of yarn around any stitch to ht side. Rnd 2: With right side facing, join Blue with slip st in any ch ; work (Beginning Cluster, ch 2, Cluster) in same sp, ch 2. (work Cluster, ch 2) twice in each ch-2 ap join with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster, 16 ch? sps. ith slip st in iter in $2 ane Sp, ch 1; in next ch-Z sp, ch 1, 1, work (Cluster, 1; repeat from # around: join o top of Beginning Cluster, finish off. en (Claster, ch 2, Cluster’ * work Cluster in next ch-2 a ster) in next ch-2 sp, c with slip si Besign by Sargh J, Green, Rad 5: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch 3 sp; ch 3, tde, ch 2, 2de}in same sp. # of 2 de in next ch-3 sp, 2 hde in next ch-3 sp, 2 sc in next ch-3 sp, 3 se in next ch-3 sp. 2 sc in next ch-3 sp, 2 hile in next ch-3 sp, 2 de in next ch-3 sp f, (2 de, ch 2, 2 de} jn next ch-3 sp; repeat from * 2 times more, then repeat from 7 to + once, join with slip st lo tap of beginning ch-3, finish off. Design by Martha Brooks Stein. STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING POPCORN Ch 3, Sde in sp indicated, drop loop from hook, insert hook in top of beginning ch-3, huok dropped loop iand draw through. POPCORN 4 Dc in sp indicated, drop loop from hook, insert hack in first de of d-de group, hook dropped loop and draw through. With Ecru, ch 6; join with slip st to form a ying, Rnd 1 (Right sidel: Work Beginning Popcern in ring, . (eed Sa aera sant STITCH GUIDE ch 3, (work Popeorn in ring, ch 3) 3 limes, join with slip st to top of Beginning Pupearn, finish olf: TREBLE CROCHET {abbreviated tr) 4 ch-3 eps. YO twice, insert hook in hdc indicated, YO and pull up a 3 . loop [4 loops on hook}, (YO and draw through 2 loops Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stile to on honk) 3 limes. mark Rnd 1 as right side. ricot Rnd 2: With right side facing, join Gold with slip st in Ch 1, slip st in top of tr just made, any ch-3 sp; work (Beginning Popcorn, ch 3, Popearn) in same sp, ch 3, work Popcorn, ch 3) twice in each ch-3 sp arourud; join with ship sl to top ot Beginning Popcorn, finish off: 8 ch-4 sps. FLOWER (Make 3) Rad 3: With right side facing, jxin Pink with slip st in ree a " : any ch-3 sp; works (Beginning Popcorn, ch 3, Popeorn) Rind 1 (Right side}: With Yellow and leaving a long end insame sp, ch 3, (work Popcorn, ch 3) twice in each for sewing, ch 3, 8 hde in third ch from hook: join with ch-3 sp around: join wilh slip st to top of slip st to first hdc, finish off: 8 hde, Beginning Popcorn, finish off: 16 chr3 sps. Nate: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to Rnd 4: With right side facing, join Dk Pink wath slip st toatk Rid 1 as right side. in any ch-3 sp; work (Beginning Popeorn, ch 3, Popcorn) in same sp, ch 3, bwork Popcorn, ch 3) twice in each ch-3 sp around; join with slip st to lop of Beginning Popeorn, finish off: 32 ch-3 sps. Rod 2: With right sicle facing, join next color with slip st in ary hde: ch 4, (or in same hee, work Picot) twice, ch 4, 4 slip st in sarne st and in next hde, ch 4, (e in same hek:, work Picat| twice, ch 4; repeat from * 6 Limes more, slip st in same st: finish off; 8 petals. Thread yarn needle with long end and weave threugh base af Rind 1: pull tightly te close and secure end. 27 LEAVES First Leaf: With Green, ch 9 loosely; working in back ridge of chs (Fig. 3, page 2}, slip st in second ch from hook, hele in next ch, de in next 5 chs, hde in last ch; do Second Leaf; Ch 11 loosely; working in back Ticlge of cha, slip st in second ch from hook, hde in next ch, de in next 7 chs, hde in last ch; do mot finish olf. Last Leaf: Ch 9 loosely; working in back ridge of chs, i cond ch from hook, in next ch, de in next in last ch. slip st in ch at base of last hde on First ‘Lest finish eff leaving a long end for sewind. BORDER Rnd 1: With right side facing and working in petals on Pink Flower, skip first tron any petal and jain Eoru with sc (see Joining With Se, page I) in next o (between Picots}: # ch 3, skip first or on next petal, de in next tr, ch 5, skip first tron next petal, de in next tr, ch 3, skip first 1 on next petal in nex! Ir with right side of Rlze Flower facin: WW pelal, sc in next tr, repeat fram + bo + crexe, ch: 3; with right side of Lavender Flower facing, skip first tr on ary pet next ty, repeal fram ¢ le f once, ch 4: with right side of Leaves facing, se in end of First Leal, ch 2; working in free loops of beain ning chon Second Leaf (Fig. 2b, page 1), skip first 7 chs, de in next ch, ch 5, skip first slip st and nest hde on sate Leal, de in next de, ch 2, se Leaf, ch 4: being careful mot to twist work, at ta first se: 16 sls and 16 spe. ch 3,2 i sp. de . next st) 3 times, (3 ce ch 3, 3 de) in nest de; repeat from + 2 ti 2 sp. de in next sc, 4de in last ched sp; join with slip st io lop of beginning ch-3, finish off. ch-5 sp, Using phola as a guide for placement, overlap Flowers and Leaves and pin in place. Measure across square and adjust placement of Flowers and Leaves as needed Lo maintain square shape. Thread yarn needle with long end on Last Leal and stitch Plowers and Leaves securely in Jace on wreng side. Design oy Terry Kuraibrovuih. 28 STITCH GUIDE BACK POST SINGLE CROCHET (abbreviated BPsc) Insert hook fror m7 back to front around post of sc indicated (Fig. 5, page 2), YO and pull up a loop, YO and claw throw igh both loops on hook, With Pink, ch 6; join with slip st te form a ring. Rnd 2 (ight side}; Ch 1, 12 sein ting; join with slip st bo first sc. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rind 1 as right side. 2st, ch, skip next sc, * sc in repeal from & around: join with slip st fo first se: 6 ch- Ssps. Rnd 3: Slip st in first ct-3 sp, ch L. [sc 3 times, sc] in sarne sp and in each ctr willt slip st to first sc: G petals. Rnd 4: Ch 1, working behind petals, work BPsc around sc on Rind 2 below same st as joining, ch 4, (work BPse around next sc on Rnd 2, ch 4) around; join with slip st to first BPsc: 6 ch-4 sps. Rad 5: : in first ch-4 sp, ch 1, [se, ch 1, (de, 5 times, se] ir sp and in each ch4 sp around with slip st to first sc: 6 petals. Bad 6: Ch 1, working behind petals, work BPsc around BPsc on Rnd 4 below same st as joining, ch 7, (werk BPse around next BPse on Rnd 4, ch 7) around: join with slip st to first BPsc, finish off: 6 ch-7 sps. Rad 7: With right side facing, join Green with se in any ch-7 sp (see Joining With Se, page I): ch 5, sc in sate sp, (ch 5, sc) twice im each ch-7 sp around, ch 2, de in first se to form last ch-5 sp: 12 ch-5 sps, Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in same sp. ch 5, (sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5} around; join with slip st ta first se, finish off, Desion by Terry Kimbrough. STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, YO and pull upa loop [4 loops on hook). (YO and draw through 2 loaps on honk) 3 limes. BACK POST SINGLE CROCHET (abbreviated BPsc} Insert hook from back to front around post of sc indicated (Fig. 5, page 2). YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through both loops on hank, BEGINNING DECREASE juses next 3 de) Ch 2, * YO, insert book in mext de. ¥O atl pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw throngh all 4 loops on heok. DECREASE juses nex! 4 de} * YO), insert hook in next de, ¥O and qull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat trom * 3 times more, YO and draw thraugh al! 5 logps on hook. With Lavender, ch 4; join wil Rind 1 (Right side}: Ch 1, [se in ring. ch 315 times: jer: with slip st to first sc: 5 ch-3 sps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stiteh to mark Rnd 1 as right side. islip st to form a ring A ip st} in each cbeS ep around: do not jo’ Rnd 3: Ch 1, werking behind petals s work BPsc. aru h and arourid se ot. Rnd 4: With right sire facinuy, join ‘ree with slip st in any ch-4 sp; ch 1, 4 se in same sp, 3 sr in eveh ch sp arnurid: join with slip st to first se: 16 sc. Bind 5: Ch 3. de in next 3 se, ch 4, te in nest 4 sc, ch 4) arsund; joln with slip st te top of beainmind ch-3; 16 de and 4 ch 4 aps. 29 Rnd 6: Work beginning decrease, ch 4, (de, ch 4) in next ched sp, * decrease, ch-L, (de, ch 4) twice in next che‘ sp; repeat from & 2 tines mor 1 with slip st to lop of beginning decrease, finish off Design by Maggie Weldon, STITCH GUIDE BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one sc} Ch 2. # YO tuice, insert hook in same st, Y'O and pull up a loop, WO and draw through 2 loops on beak) tice: Tapeal frome once more, YO and draw through ail 3 loops on hook. CLUSTER fuses one sc] # YO bate thook in se indicated, YO and pull up a loop. (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice: repeal Irom w 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 leaps an hook. Wath Yellow, ch 5; join wi Rnd 1 (Right side}: Chi 1, 8 sc in ring: join with slip st ta first se. finish off. Note: Loop a shart piece of yarn around arry stilch bo mark Rnd | as right side. Rind 2: Wilh right side facing. in any se, work Begi : rex Cluster, Rnd 3: \ any ch-4 sp; ch 3, (2 de, cl 3 dein nest ch sp, ch 1, * (3 ch-4 sp, ch 1, 3 de in next ch-4 5 2 times more: join will slip: st be top of be finish: eff. lips st be fori a at. join Lavender with slip st Design by Judy Balin, STITCH GUIDE BACK POST SINGLE CROCHET fabbreviated BPsc) Insert hook from back to front around post of st indicated (Fig. 5, page 2), YO and pull up a loop, ¥O and draw through both leaps on hook, BEGINNING CLUSTER (uses one ch 5 sp) Ch 2, YO, insert hook in sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * once more, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook CLUSTER (uses one ch-5 sp) * YO, insert hook in ch-3 sp indicated, YO and pull upa loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * 2 times more, YO} und draw through all 4 loops am. hexak. PICOT Ch 4, slip st in third ch fram hook. With Rose. ch 4: join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Ch 1, (se in ting, ch 3) 6 times: join with slip st lo first sc: 6 ch-3 sps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch to mark Rnd | as right side. Rod 2: Slip st in first ch-3 sp, ch 1, (sc, 3 de, se) in same sp and in each ch-3 sp around; join with slip st to first se: 6 petals. Rad 3: Ch 1, working behind petals. work BPsc around first se on Rnd 1, ch 4, work BPs: around next scon Rnd 1, ch 4) arounct; join with slip st to first BPsc: 6 ch 4 sps Radi 4: Slip st in first ch-4 sp. ch 1, (se, £ same sp and in each ch-4 sp around, join with first se: 6 petals. 30 Rod 5: Ch 1, working behind petals, work BPse around first BPse on Rnd 3, ch 5, {work BPse around next BPs¢c on Rrad 3, ch 5) around: jain with slip st to first BPse: 6 ch-S sps. Rod 6: Slip si in first ch-5 sp, ch 1, (sc, 7 de, se} in satne sp and in each ch-5 sp around: join wilh slip st to first sc: 6 petals. Rnd 7: Ch 1, working behind petals, work BPse arourid first BPse on Rind 5, ch 5, (work BPse around next BPse on Rnd 5, ch 5) around: jain with slip st to first BPse, finish off: 6 ch-5 sps. Rnd 8: With right side facing, join Green with slip st in any ch-6 sp: ch 1, (se, ch 5) twice in same sp and in each ch-5 sp arourtl: join with slip st lo first sc: 12 ch-5 eps. Bind 9: Slip at in first ch-5 sp, work (Begining Cluster, ch 3, Cluster) in same sp, work Picot, ch 2, sc in nex! ch-S sp, ch 7, sc in next ch-5 sp, work Pieot, ch 2, % Work (Cluster, ch 3, Cluster} in next ch-5 sp, work Picot, ch 2, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 7, sc in next ch-S sp, work Picot, ch 2: repeat from * 2 times more; join with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster, finish off. Design by Terry Kimbrough. Rnd 1 (Right side]: With Yellow, ch S, (8 de, ch 1) times in fifth ch froma hack, 2 de in same ch; join wiih ship st bo fourth ch of beginning ch-5, finish eff: 12 sts and 4 chs. Note: Loop a short Piece of yarn around any slilch to mark Rnd 1 as right sicle, Rod 2: With right side facing and working in Front Loups Only of sts and chs (Fig. 1, page 1), join White with slip st in aty ch; (ch 3, 3 de, ch 3, slip st} in same st, ® slip st in next 2 sts, (ch 3, 3 de, ch 3, slip at] in same st; repeat from a& around to last st, slip st in last st; join with slip st to st at base of beginning ch-3, finish off: 5 petals, Bad 3: With right side facing. working behind petals and in free loups of chs on Rod 1 (Fig. 2a, page 1), join Greer with slip st in any ch; ch 3, 4 de in same sl, ch 3, skip next petal, * 5 de in next ch, ch 3, skip next petal; repent from % 2 times more; join with skp st la top of beginning ch-3: 20 sts and 4 ch-3 sps. Bnd 4: Slip st in next 2 de, ch 6, de in same st, ch 2, 3 de in center ch of next ch-3, ch 2. & (de, ch 3. de} in center de of next Se group, ch 2, 3 de in center ch of next ch-3, ch 2; repeat from * 2 times more: join with slip st to third ch af beginning ch-6, finish off. Design by Mary Lamb Becker With Rose, ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring. Rad 1 (Right side): Ch 1. 8 se in ving: join with slip st to Front Loop Only of first sc (Fig. 1, page 1). Note: Loop a short pi mark End 1 as right 5 Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in Front Loop Only of same st and each sc around; join with slip st le both Ines ol first se. “2 of yarn areund any stitch bo fom Rnd 3; Ch 1, working in both loops, sc in same st, hde in next sc, fc in next sc, hde in next sc} around: jain with ship st ta first sc. Rnd 4: Ch 3, working in free loops af se on Rod 1 (Fig. 2a, page 1), slip st in first st, ch 1, 2 sc in same st and in each st around: join with slip st te Front Loop Only of first se: Lo sc. Rad 5: Ch 1. s¢ in Front Loop Only of samme st and each sc around: join with slip st to both loops of first Rind 6: Working in both loops, 4 hde in sarne t, skip next sc, slip st in nex! se, skip next sc, # 4 hde in next sc, skip next sc, slip st in nexl sc, skip next s; repeat from * 2 times more; join with slip el to first hde. Rnd 7: Ch 2, working in free loops of sc on Rrel 4, slip st in first sl, ch 1, sc in same st and in each st around; jain with slip st to Front Loup Only of first sc: Lb se. Rad §: Working in Front Loops Only, 4 tude in same st, slip sl in next sc, [4 hide in next se. slip st in nex! sc) around; join with slip st le first hde: 32 tde. sc. Rnd 9: Ch 2, working in free loops of sc on Rnd 7, slip st in first st, ch 1, 2 sc in same st ancl in each s arounel: join with slip st to Front Leap Only of first se: 32 sc. Rad 10: Working in Front Loops Only, slip st in next sc, skip next sc, 5 hde in next sc (petal made), * skip next sc, ship st in next sc, skip next sc. 5 hide tr next $c; repeal from * around; join with slip st to first ship sl, finish off; & petals. Rnd 11: With wrong side facing and working in free logps of sc on Rnd 9, join Green with slip sl in same st as any petal, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 4, skip next 3 sta, # 9c in next sc, ch 4, skip nex! 3 sts: repeat from & around; join with slip st ta Back Loop Only of first sc: 8 ch sps_ 31 Rod 12: Slip st in first ch-4 sp, in same sp work (hide, de, ch 2, sip st ln second ch from hook, de, hdel, slip st in Back Loop Only of next sc, * in next ch-d sp work thde. de, ch 2, slip st in second ch from hook, de, tele), slip st in Back Loop Only of next st: repeat from * around: qin with slip st to first hde, finish off. Design by Mary Ann Sipes. STITCH GUIDE CURLIQUE Ch 5. working under top loop and back ridge of chs (Fig. 4, page 2), 3 dein third ch from hook and in each of last 2 chs. Bnd 1 (Right side}: With Gold, ch 5, { in fifth ch fren hea beginning ch-s, fit ch 1) 7 times jain with slip st to fourth ch of voff: & sts and & ch-1 eps. Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch te mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rind 2: With wrong side facing, join Blue with sc in same st as jnining (see Joining With Sc, page 1); work Curlique, (se in next de, work Curlique) around; joln with slip st to first sc, Girish off. Rnd 3: Wilh right side facing, join Green with s sc between Curliques, working behind next Curliqu 9 dein ch-1 sp on Rnd 1, & se in next sc between Curliques on Rnd 2, working behind next Curlique, 2 de inch-l spon Rnd 1; repeat from ® around; join with slip st to first sc: 24 sts. Rnd 4; Ch 1, sc in same st arid in next de, hde in next de, (de, ch 3, de} in next se, hde in next de, sc in next ide, ch 3, de} in next se, hoe in next wat from * 2 times more, sc in last de; join with 28 sts and 4 ch 4 sps. cin next 3.sts, {2 de, ch 3, 2 de} in next | next 7 sts,, ch 3, 2 de} in next ch-3 sp: repeat from * 2 times more, de in last 3 51 join with slip st le top of beginning ch-3, finish off, de; rer slip st to first s::: Design by Anne Halliday

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