Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template

NEPF + Components of an Effective Lesson Hybrid


Crystal Clark

Grade Level

First Grade

Subject Area


Main Topic

Reading the assigned class book

CCSD Standard

Reading Literature.1.(1-3) Key Ideas and Details

RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text

**Be sure to include any strategies, resources, and/or technology that will be used to answer the question where
appropriate. You should have a technology tool integrated into each effective lesson component.**
Standard 1: Learning Purpose and Connections
What will the students be learning?
What are the big concepts for the lesson?
How will students know the objectives for the lesson? [Daily Objective]
How will students know the purpose and relevance of the lesson?
What resources/technology will help students make connections to previous learning? [Daily Review]
How will students receive feedback for their review?
How will students build their current knowledge?

How will the lesson be introduced? [Introduction]

The students will be reading The Giving Tree and learn how to ask in depth questions and
answer questions about the key details in the book.
The big concepts are for the students to learn how to answer questions and point out important
details from the assigned text.
The daily objective will be up on the Smartboard every day for them to see.
The purpose and relevance of each lesson will be explained underneath the daily objective on
the Smartboard every day.
I will give each student that contains a random reading passage and they will use what they
know to answer the questions about that passage. The resource I would be using is the paper

handed out to them.

The students will then talk about each of their passages in their group and talk about why they
chose those answers. After that, I will go over the correct answers and they will correct their
I will have the students read the book, then each student will take 3 quizzes, all with different
questions about the book to gain an in depth knowledge of the book and allow them to see the
multiple different questions that can come from one text
The lesson will be introduced through Kahootz, where they will play a game that consists of what
type of questions they can ask, how they can ask, and the different ways to analyze a text.

Standard 2: Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands

How are students supported in achieving the learning goals?
What Depth of Knowledge levels will students experience in the learning tasks?
How will students be supported to experience deeper learning? Address any SPED, Gifted or ELL students [Concept and Skill
Development and Application]
How will students be challenged to advance their thinking and skills? [Concept and Skill Development and Application]

Students will experience two DOK levels in this lesson:

o Level 1: Students will be able to read The Giving Tree and recall information from the text.
o Level 2: Students will be able to interpret and summarize information from the text and use
those abilities to answer questions about the text read.
Students will be supported to experience deeper learning through MobyMax. This is a website
that creates different lessons for the students, which would support SPED, Gifted, and ELL
students because lessons would be created to meet those students needs.
Students will be challenged by having to create their own quizzes on The Giving Tree. They will
have to read the book, then create at least 5 different questions that ask about key points in the
book and questions that make the students answer with more than one sentence. They will
create these quizzes using SurveyMonkey.

Standard 3: Engagement Strategies and Discourse

How will students engage in interactive dialogue and/or discussions? [Guided/Independent/Group Practice]
How will students develop their skills in argumentation, explanation, and critique, using logic/evidence to support or refute a claim or
How will students use multiple representations of concepts in their thinking? (i.e., graphic organizers, visuals, drawings, concept maps,
videos, simulations, data formats)
What opportunities will students have to use their personal experiences and knowledge to connect to the new concepts and skills?
How will students collaborate with each other?

Students will log onto TodaysMeet and log into their assigned groups. From there, they will each
talk about their findings in the book and discuss which key details they believe are important.
They can argue which details they feel are important or not and discuss what questions they can
come up with from the text.
Students will create a concept map using Cmap, and discuss the important components in The
Giving Tree. They will need to have at least three key ideas branching from The Giving Tree as
the main box, and at least three reasons for each key idea explaining why it is important. They
can also draw pictures representing the three key ideas and write a paragraph underneath each
picture why it is important to the story.
They will be able to use their new analytical skills and apply it to an event or activity that
happened at home. They can analyze what happened, explain why it happened, and ask
questions pertaining to that activity or event.
The students desks will be in groups and during the entire lesson, they will be able to discuss
with each other their thoughts and explanations and be able to help and correct one another.

Standard 4: Student Understanding of and Responsibility for Learning

How will students reflect on their learning progress through structured metacognitive activities?
How will students reflect on the learning goals, the performance criteria and purpose of the lesson?
How will students share their progress?
How will students be supported in revising their learning strategies based on their progress?

Students will create a Prezi, to show what they learned and explain the steps it takes to analyze
a story and be able to answer questions and point out key details. They will choose their own
story to present in the Prezi and explain how they analyzed it and come up with at least 5
questions, showing they understand how to read and answer questions from a text.

Students will share their progress by pairing up with another student, and showing their Prezi on
a Tablet, which is provided by the school, and discussing the book they chose and why they
chose those types of questions.
I will look over everyones project and correct their findings and explain how to fix them. If
someone is still having a difficult time understanding, I will reteach the lesson in a different way
to help the student understand.

Standard 5: Assessment Integrated into Instruction

How will student progress be assessed?
How were student pre-assessments or work samples used to plan this lesson?
What evidence of student learning will be generated during the lesson? (i.e., writing, one-to-one conferencing, discussions with peers,
instructional tasks)
How will students receive formative feedback?
How are instructional adjustments made based on student formative assessment results?
What homework will be issued to support the lesson. [Homework]
How will the lesson be closed? [Closure]
How will the lesson be reviewed? [Long-term Review]

I used the students work from the beginning of class to plan the lesson for the day. The
assignment helped me realize what the students already knew what to do and what they
needed to learn.
Their evidence of learning would be their Prezi and their discussions with their peers.
Students will receive formative feedback from their group discussions and from a final class
discussion of the book.
I will keep all of their assessments and take notes on where each student is at. From there, I will
teach the subject a different way, creating a new lesson on Zunal.
I will hand out a homework sheet that contains two different passages, each passage will
contain five multiple choice questions and one written question that asks the students to
summarize what they read.
The lesson will be closed with a final discussion on how to analyze a text and to point out key
details, then a final test on The Giving Tree.
The lesson will be reviewed with the students each creating a Voki that includes three important
things from the lesson. Then, we will all listen to everyones Voki and take final notes and have a
final discussion.

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