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AN INTRODUCTION TO DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY: THIRD EDITION 11 Solution: J. R. Holton PROBLEM SOLUTIONS ‘Neglecting the latimdinal variation in the radius of the earth, calculate the angle between the gravitational force and gravity vectors at the surface of the earth a5 a function of Jatinide, Let 9 be latimde and a the angle between g* and g. Then from the law of sines: gl, 248) lng 7 maa BY IR| = acos . 2 asi . sina = @ = Q% asing SSP = 2° asin2g lel 28 A a’R Fig. Li 1.2 Calculate the altitude at which an artificial satellite orbiting in the equatorial plane can be a synchronous satellite (i.e. can remain above the same spot on the surface of the earth). Solution: From (1.7) g*+ QR =0, but g* = -($) (rk) and R=r ‘GM for 9=0. = 42,2900 kan, z = r-a = 36,000 km. 1.3 1.4 = = ef Fe = e =~ = e = = oe = ee An artificial satellite is placed into a natural synchronous orbit above the equator and is attached to the carth below by a wire, A second sateilite is attached to the first by a wire of the same length and is placed in orbit directly above the first at the same smpalar veloc, Assuming thatthe wires hve zero mins, call de nonin maass of satellite. Could this tension be used to lift objects into energy? obit wid So additonal expends of Solution: Tension/unit mass = T = 0%, - © & where 7, is the distance of the outer satelite tom the center ofthe earth (71 = 78,000 km). .349 N kg-l. ‘This tension could be used once to lift a mass T= tess than F = 3.56% of the mass ofthe outer satellite into orbit — but only by displacing the satellites and wire further into space, (8 = Tm, where m, and m, are the mass to be lifted and the ‘mass of the ower satellive, respectively.) A tain is running smoothly along a curved wack at the rate of 50m s-!, A passenger standing on a set of scales observes that his weight is 10% greater than when the train is at rest. The track is banked so that the force acting on the passenger is normal tothe floor of the train, What isthe radius of curvature of the mack? Solution: From the force diagram 2» aa may? = (na)? + (™) re Lr Fig. 14 VURATVATATIVTAUTATANATITTITITTTTTTT Ls 1.6 LT If a baseball player throws a ball a horizontal distance of 100 m at 30" Jatitade in 4s, by how much is it deflected horizontally as a result of the rotation of the earth? Solution: Assume ball thrown eastward and w =x/t is constant. Then from 12) 2Qut(sin 9). Integrating in time gives 2 = -2n(6ing) or angst a ~5) (100)(4) ~2066Ing)> = (7.292 x 10 Se y=-146em. ‘Two balls 4 cm in diameter are placed 100 m apart on a frictionless horizonta) place at 43° N. If the balls are impulsively propelled directly at each other with equal speeds, at what speed must they travel so that they just miss each other? Solution: From problem 1.5 the lateral deflection for each ball is, bl 2aeae)e = 2cm for the balls to just miss each other. Solving for t: bl (2)(2)(107) (2Qsingx) (10) (50) = = = 6.25ms" Thus u = wus zs x _ (50m) t A locomotive of 2 x 10° ~kg mass travels 50 m s™ along a straight horizontal track at 43°N. What lateral force is exerted on the rails? Compare upward reaction force ‘exerted by the rails for cases where the locomotive is traveling eastward and west- ward, respectively. Solution: The lateral force on the rails is just the reaction to the deflection force due to the Cériolis effect. Thus for a locomotive of mass M : F =~-2Q (sing) Mu =—(10~) (2 x 10°) x (60 ms“) =-10° N (Girected southward for train moving eastward in Northern -Hemispheré). The upward reaction force is just the weight minus thevertical component of the Coriolis force (eq. 1-10). Thus Fypward = M (g- 22 cose). AF = Foestwart~Feastward = 4QcosplulM = 2x 10° N. & 1.8 Find the horizontal Uisplacement of a body dropped from a fixed platform at a height 4 at the equator neglecting the effects of air resistance. What is the numerical value of the displacement for A = 5 km? Solution: di From (2.11 we have abe equator (!} = 20», But 2 a so that w=—gr. su = wo r= ory =(4) isthe total time of the fall from height A. From these we get du a # & 2098; thus, u = Og? ==. a 2Ogr, thus, u = Qgr* z= ey Integrating again: 4.9 A bullets fired vertically upward with initial speed wo at latitude g. Neglecting air resistance, by what distance will it be displaced horizontally when it returns to the ground? (Neglect 2Qu cosd compared to g inthe vertical equaticn.) Solution: Now & =g sothat w= wy ~ gr =0 attop of trajectory. 2 Thus, total time of flight (upward + downward) is i = —2. 8 From (1.11) a = 22 cos w. ft 2 . w= -22 cosd woe 22) and since 25 awe But 1 = 2%. So x= 2.000( . ig” 1.10 A block of mass M = 1 kg is suspended from the end of a weightless string. The other end of the string is passed through a small hole in a horizontal piatform and a ball of mass m= 10 kg is atached. At what angular velocity must the ball rotate on the horizontal platform to balance the weight of the block if the horizontal distance of the ball from che hole is 1m? While the ball is rotating, the block is pulled down 10cm. What is the new angular velocity of the ball? How much work is done in pulling down the block? TEVTAGTITAAATITTTT THAR ERE RRRADAGY 4 VETATTITAIGGGAT Solution: Force balance for equilibrium: Mg = mwZa,, where @, is angular velocity of the ball, a, = 1m. % 4 @, = (2) = C3) = Us} Ifthe block f is pulled down ma 10 10 cm then the distance of the ball from the hole is 0.9 m. By conservation of angular momentum @a*,= «a7, where a, ay are final radii and angular velocity, respectively. Thus @, of) = 1.222. The rota work done is given by if the sum of the changes in kinetic and potential energy: AW = AK + AP. Now AK = (Z)llo) ~ (oa,)'] = 115 J; AP =Mgdh where Ah height change. -. AP = 1.98, W=115-0.98 =0.17 J. +S 6 MOe M wie Fig. 1.10 1.11 A particle is free to slide on a horizontal frictionless plane located at latinude ¢ on the earth. Find the equation governing the path of the particle if it is given an impulsive eastward velocity u=uy st ¢= 0. Give the solution for the position of the particle as a function of tim: 1.12 1.13 B/S 0 ? Solution: Lenting f = 20 sin 9, from (19) and aay sccinatine y vives 2! = 7 Eliminating v gives Ty = ~/'u. General solution is u =A cos ft + B sin f. du But =0, =U, VEO. 2 ut ar £=0, w= dg, v=. 2. a 4 Wsuigcos ff and v=—up in fi, But 7 = uycos ft, . Thus A=uy, B= 0. gives x= x) + (2) fr, and 2 = —Lpsin fi which gives y =y + (‘2 ooua Let x =y ‘Then trajectory is circle about origin with radius ? and period of rotation: zs ‘Trajectory is clockwise in Northem Hemisphere. Calculate the 100-50-kPa (1000-500 mb) thicknesses for isothermal conditions with temperatures of 273 K and 250 K, respectively. Solution: From (2.19) az= (2 )inf2 Ve) \ _ 28NQ73 (9.8) oar In2 = 5536m, dz = PEDESO) sn = sovom. (9.8) Isolines of 100-50-kPa (1000-500 mb) thickness are drawn on a weather map using a contour interval of 60 m. What is the corresponding layer mean temperature imerval? ghz _, (9.8)(60) 7 (m)) (287129 Cy) = 2.96 = 3°C. Solution: From (1.19) F = WINNT TTT ENTE T ETT RTTITaiTatetaseteteetiaes wsuevwrvevwvuevrvwvvwvvwrveweeeeeTeeerne™ 1.14 1.15 1.16 Show that a homogeneous atmosphere (density independent of height) has a finite height witich depends oniy on the temperature at the lower boundary. Compute the height of a homogeneous atmosphere with surface temperature Ty = 273 K and surface pressure 100 kPa. (Use the ideal gas law and hydrostatic balance.) Solution: Now & —pg so for p foro fom Dy _ Rly . (28710273) But pp = sozy = 2 Po = PoRTy ee (9.81) u constant. u Poste = 7.987 km. For the conditions of Problem 14 compute the variation of the temperature with respect to height. This is referred to as an autoconvective lapse rate. Solution: From problem (1.14) p = pp— pgz when py = surface pressure. But p__(Po~ ps2) (Po) (2) = (2) P= Po PR) pal (8), = 7 -(£ GR) BR er (a) (a)? temperature decreases with height at rate & = °C strongly super- adiabatic! a Show that for an atmosphere with uniform lapse rate 7| 7 = -<). the _ % geopotential height at pressure level p, is given by Z = (2) 1- (2) A where To and po are the sea level temperature and pressure, respectively. Solution: From hydrostatic equation and ideal gas law: ding = -(E-)az but, T=T)— 72 Tous, fen = Po VA4FI 8 = = A) Cene a P S So solving for z: oe “-@)"] = 1.17 Calculate the 100-50-kPa (1000-500 mb) thickness for a constant lapse rate atmosphere with y= 6.5 K km and y= 273 K. Compare your results with the results in Problem 12. Solution: From the result of problem 1.16: 237(6.5 x10) Tp A 273 Az=2|1-|20 = fi-2 9 | = 5187m. y| ba 65 x10 1.18 Derive an expression for the variation of density with respect to height in a constant lapse rate atmosphere. Solution: Now p= . Letting p, be density at height z; Pp. po. Tp. be surface values (z = 0) we have p= Taiz z) (from 1.16) [er ) ty Pon py = poll -% & ) bat ey Poe PI oo % 1.1 Denive an expression for wre aitiwde variation ut ine pressure change op waich ‘occurs when an atmosphere with constant lapse rate is subjected to a height independent temperamre change OT while surface pressure remains constant. At ‘what height is the magnitude of the pressure change a maximum? VAASAVEATTTTATTSHGINGI99ANGINGNIGG Solution: From problem 16 we get PV Getal T . ss 6, Zmax < 2 for € > 0 iLe., for realistic stratification. Y STS U STOUT VUES TSESSESCECSCSCSESCSSESESSSESCEECHEEECHEEEE: WAH 10 2 = \ Chapter 2 = = = a . 1 « e A ship steaming northward at arte of 10 km bl The surface pressure increases ge towards the northwest at the rate of 5 Pa kmé!. What is the pressure tendency recorded at a nearby island station if the pressure aboard the ship decreases at a rate Pa = of 100° h? ion: Dp Dp __ (100), 1 Solution: =—-V-Vp but —=-|—|Pah’, f PO De ( 3 2 a V- Vp =|V} |¥p}cosa, 2 a = ~33.33 ~ a0r0s¥. Fig. 2.1 (2:3) The temperature at a point 50 km north of a station is 3°C cooler than at the station. If the wind is blowing from the northeast at 20 m s~ and the air is being heated by radiation at the rate of 1°Ch~!, whats the local temperarure change at the station? ar . oT oF - OT _y.vr, . DT Solution: —=Q=1°CA olution: @ 3 Dr 5x <| °C V- VT = (20 [aaa]. .47 x 10, (20) WE 8.47 x s TT _ WC _ 305°C OT _ VC _ 305°C °C on h h b -_ - — —_ - = = —_ = =_ = = ee = F = = Yp = er = — e - e = = - = - e- Ee - e- eo = e = n Fig. 2.2 2.3. Derive the relationship @x (Qxr) = —2?R which was used in Eq, (2.7). Solution: |R}=1rl sine and R is perpendicular to Q, so by definition of cross product Qxr = Rxr =/QIIRIn, where n is unit vecior pointing into paper perpendicular to plane of Q and R. Then Qx(Qxr) = Axn |QIIRI, but Qxn = i Qx(Qxr)=-Q2R. t 2 R | Fig. 23 2.4 Derive the expression given in Eq. (2.13) for the rate of change of k following the motion. a Dk Now [| (3) Solution: 2% = tim|{ 128) Do ey yy Now Vel [5k| = and Sk is directed parallel to j, CECE F 12 By fimilar arguments 2 y gu x k+gk Fig. 2.4 wand Compare the magnitudes of the curvature term. and the Coriolis force for a a ballistic missile fired eastward with a velocity of 1000 m st at 45* latitude. If the missile travels 1000 km by how much is it deflected from its eastward path due t0 both these terms? Can the curvature term be neglected in this case? & ( zr + #4) where f = 2Qsing. Solution: From (2.20) — 2 2 urtand v -( -a\e Integrating twice: a 6 m 10ms! where ¢ = = 10's + io 6.37 x 10° 2 y= (et (1.03 x 0) ($) m = 130km. Suppose a 1-kg parcel of dry air is rising at a constant vertical velocity. If the parcel is being heated by radiation at the rate of 10-' W kg™, what must the speed of rise be to maintain the parcel ar a constant temperarure? DT Dp Solution: From (2:42) cy—~ - @— olution: From (2:42) cy ~~ a>" Applying hydrostatic equation: 2 =-ps. DT (2.42) can be rewiten as cy E> + HU VUVVVUN WVU BCREDCTTETGED VVV CVV GVV VV VU VV VV SSddsS Sd: 3 DT For constant temperature parcel [= = 0. (10) W kg Samet = 0002ms or | +1.02ems7 |. .8ms @) Derive an expression for the density p that results when an air parcel initially at — pressure p, and density p, expands adiabatically wo pressure p. Solution: For adiabatic expansion @ = (2h is conserved. Thus P e=T= 7(2). or substirutingT = 2, = Pp PR Ps or p= (2) " where we have used c, = An air parcel that has a temperature of 20°C at the 1000 mb level is lifted dry adiabatically. What is its density when it reaches the 500 mb level? Solution: From problem 7, p = (2/2) 10°Pa ay" “3 or p(500 mb) = atts) (3) = 0.725 kgm Suppose an air parcel starts from rest at the 80 kPa (800-mb) level and rises vertically to 50 kPa ( 500 mb) while maintaining a constant 1°C temperature excess over the environment. Assuming that the mean temperature of the 80-50-kPa layer is 260 K, compute the energy released due to the work of the buoyancy force. Assuming that all the released energy is realized as kinetic energy of the parcel, ‘what will the vertical velocity of the parcel be at 50-kPa? Solution: Using (2.44) to express r.h.s. of (2.51) in terms of T we get (Tr -T) buoyancy force / unit mass = but energy released/unit mass = force x distance. 4 Distance = Az = (#4) In @) where py = 80-kPa, Pa If all 135 J kg-} goes into kinetic energy, then 2 = 135 J kgo}. *. w= 16.43 ms“! at 50 kPa! 0) Show that for an atmosphere with an adiabatic lapse rate (i.t., constant potential ve temperature) the geopotential height is given by Z = Hf - (2 I + Where po \ Po. is the pressure at Z = 0 and He 8 is the total geopotential height of the atmosphere. Solution: In problem (1.16) let y =-2- apse sate of adiabatic amosphere ? and note that for py = 1000 mb Ty=@. ‘Then immediately o-nfi-(2)4 \ Po. Gud In the isentropic coordinate system potential temperature is used as the vertical ~~" coordinate, Since in adiabatic flow potential temperature is conserved following the motion, isentropic coordinates are useful for tracing the actual paths of travei of individual air parcels. Show that the transformation of the horizontal pressure gradient force from z 108 coordinates is given by f 2) Vp = Volt, where M= ‘pT + ® isthe Montgomery streamfunction. Solution: In equation (1.22) let s= 6 (2) = (2), + (2): op 1\(a ting 2 = pp vee 2)(2) (8 VUVAVTVTVATAATAAT ATTA T ATTA ATA TTT TATE AT TET rs eee eee eee eee eee CSU UTES SEES SUIT U SUITES where we have used gdz = d®. Now (3) (2), = m(2z2) Bot from equation (2.44) In = In ~ 4 Inp + constant, « (3), - EX), % OKs) on), (2), win ee (2)(2),=(26) ote we +0 16 Chapter 3 3.1 Am aircraft flying a heading of 60° (Le., 60° east of north) at air speed 200 mn moves relative to the ground due cast (90°) at 225 m s“'. If the plane is flying at constant pressure, what is its rate of change in altitude in meters per kilometer of horizontal distance assuming a steady pressure field, geostrophic winds, and falots!, = 2%, Thus, assuming thatthe wind 8 is geostophic we need the y component to compute the changein height in x-direction. Now | Vai |= 200 ms | Veroung ! = 200 m st, From diagram Vg =j- Vwind = -100 ms Solution: Late (%) 0ots)\(100ms) sm ~ (3), ~ O8ms a Vv * V wind V ground Fig. 31 (3.2° The actual wind is directed 30° to the right of the geostrophic wind. If the geostrophic wind is 20 m s~!, what is the rate of change of wind speed? Let felts, Solution: From (39) 2¥ = me. -(2)2. ® +s component of Vp | to V. ples’ 2 se But |Vp| = p/lVe\, swvtassmninsenansantnnattiaat nanan a =-f {Vel sinZ = -(10~s"\(20 ms(2) =-10? ms. VETAATTTAANS, CCSSSISSSEESESSSSCSE SETS SESESECTSESESESESESLSEIETT ee Ip a tt 7 P %, Po +P . v vp Fig. 3.2 3.3) A tornado rotates with constant angular velocity @. Show that the surface pressure org at the center of the tomado is given by P = Po oxo - 928, where po is the surface pressure at a distance rg from the center and T' is the temperature (assume constant), If the temperature is 288 K, pressure at 100 m from the center is 10 kPa, and wind speed at 100 m from center is 100 m s~!, what is the central pressure? Solution: Letting r be the distance form the axis of rotation of the tomado, equation (3.14) can be rewritten as ve la wT Or But p B * Jone Po or P = Pp exp| 2 (2RT), 2 2,2 2 since 2 cet, p= py [1 - 2B) — 94 kPa. 2RT 2RT (3.4 Calculate the geostrophic wind speed in meters per second for a pressure gradient of Taal and compare with all possible gradient wind speeds for the same pressure gradient anda radius of curvature of $500 km. Let p= 1 km mand f= 10+ s™ |

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