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October 2015


Sunbright Threes
Monthly Newsletter

Language and Literacy Awareness Month

Chief Editor: LaTresha Cox
This article explains the importance of early
literacy development in young children. At birth young
children began to develop the skills they need to
communicate effectively. From birth to age five is the
most crucial stage of the language and literacy
development process. The article suggest seven key
elements which lead to early language and literacy
This is an exciting month for us here at Sunbright.
We are celebrating Language and Literacy Awareness
month. All month long we will be promoting the use of
language, music, and books during lessons and play
activities. We would like children to know the importance
of language and communication skills as well as being
able to read and write.



1. Phenology-making and understanding sounds

Ex. A child says, A is for a a Apple or A train goes
choo choo.
Activity: Children may develop this skill by getting
familiar with the alphabet. Music Movement &
Magination's ABC's & Much More has a great song
which get children familiar with the sounds connected to
each letter. It can be found at
bcsongs/abcalphabetsounds.htm. The Story Chicka
Chicka Boom Boom written by Bill Martin Jr. and John
Archambault is also a great tool.

This months lesson plan will cover every day

places and routines. We will get familiar with ourselves
as individuals and as a class. We will also be getting
familiar with the routines of our home and school life and
get to know our communities. This topic is language rich
and the children will be exposed to many new words as
well as diversity. Statistics show that 10% of all children
experience some form of language delay. Here at
Sunbright we think that it is important to be proactive. Our
goal this month is to get our students excited about
speaking, reading, and writing by helping them to meet
early education guidelines and start on the right track to
literacy and academic success in the future.

Listed below are the seven key components to developing

early language and literacy skills. Provided is an example
of each along with ways to help stimulate growth in these
areas. Please join us in spreading the awareness and help
our students surpass language and literacy milestones.

Featured Article
Communication, Language and
Literacy from Birth to Five.
Brock, A. & Rankin, C. (2008).

2. Morphology-understanding words and word


Ex. A child points to a picture of a train and says, Train.

Activity: Site word flash cards are an excellent way to
introduce children to familiar things and get word
knowledge. Some useful picture card may be located at

Activity: The best activity to enhance language skills to

emergent literacy would be reading. Children should get
familiar with books, be read too often, and be allowed to
look at pictures to interpret a story for themselves.

3. Pragmatics- understanding the social rules of

Ex. Children know when a question is being asked and
now which situations call for using words like thank you
and Im sorry.
Activity: The best way to help children learn the social
rules of language is to engage in active roleplaying or

For more information you may also check out Arizonas

Early Learning Standards at:

We serve to provide our students

the best quality early education.

Remember to read with you child or children at least 20
minutes every night.
4. Semantics-meanings and definitions to
understand context
Ex. A child is bopping a friend over the head with a rolled
up piece of paper. The teachers says, Cut it out. A child
says, Can I have the red scissors? The teachers says,
Your friend might get hurt, cut it out means stop what
youre doing.
Activity: A great activity to help children understand
puppets are fun and very easy to make.

Fall is here. Dress your child for the weather.

5. Syntax-using proper grammar

Ex. A child uses words like me or I to refer to themselves
or using past tense like He biteted me. Reply is, He bit
Activity: To help children develop their grammar is to
recite riddles or rhymes.

October 31 Class Halloween Party

6. Voice-using correct speech and tone

Ex. A child can put together sentences, uses a more quiet
voice when inside versus outside, and can lead
Activity: Singing songs with young children helps them
to develop their voice and articulation. Singing lullabies
also helps them develop the ability to use different tones.

Have A Safe And Happy Halloween!

Up Coming Events
October 1-7 Student Assessments
October 17 Fall Festival
October 20 Annual Book Drive

Arizona Early Learning Standards.
http://www.azed.gov/early.../arizona-earlylearning-standards-3rd-edition.pdf. Accessed on
October 1, 2013.
Brock, A. & Rankin, C. (2008). Communication,
language and literacy from birth to five. Sage
Publications. London.

7. Emergent Literacy- understanding concepts of

print and reading
Ex. A child knows that letters form their names and are
used to convey messages. A child says things like, A is
for Allison or Brown starts with the letter B.

Images obtained from Office.com clip art. Accessed on:

October 3, 2013.
Music Movement & Magination's ABC's & Much More.
Accessed on October 2, 2013.

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