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QFD1 / CORA (Quality Function Deployment; Component Oriented

Requirements / Needs Analysis)

E-LEARNING PACK: IE655-FALL 2015-32-12
Statement of work: Kishore Padigireddy has solely done this work.
Introduction and Objectives of the Project
A brief Description of the Methodologies applied
Main Body of the Project
1. Customer Requirements based on Images
3. Critical Requirements
4. Main Solution Process
5. Analysis of CORA Results
6. Ranky-Taguchi Calculator
7. Collaboration
Further Work Proposed/needed
Social Networking Articles
Self Assessment
Introduction and Objective:
There are many aspects in this world that are yet to be discovered and
researched upon. Looking at the future there is going to be a great demand
for many more new generation machinery that can perform not only just
programmed work but also be able to self program them, that is, the
machines got to be intelligent artificially. Yes, this is what exactly our
company ROBOFUSION Inc. is all about.
Our company aims to build extremely intelligent robotic system for the future.
Looking at the current perspective of this particular area there arent many
companies who have actually set foot into this business as it involves a great
deal of research than business at present. Robofusion Inc. aims at designing
and manufacturing intelligent robots for electronic, telecommunication and
industrial sectors for high-speed picking and packaging applications. The
company operates under segments that include power products, power
systems, automation products, process automation and robotics. Robofusion
is the leading supplier of robots-also providing robotic software, peripheral

equipments, modular manufacturing cells and service for task as simple as

welding to complicated task such as handling, assembly, painting and
finishing, picking, packing, pelletizing and machine tending. Robofusion offers
complete capability in robotic solutions and supports its customers in
manufacturing all over the world. The company provides practical assistance
in the implementation of automation projects.
Methodologies Applied:
The methodologies applied by Robofusion Inc. for gaining a better edge over
Competitors in the market and to promote the company towards new goals
and milestones are:
1. To make use of a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).
2. Implementing Concurrent engineering for the entire process.
3. Our company focuses on less energy consumption, lubricant consumption
and durability in order to minimize lifecycle, cost and increase cost efficiency.
4. Maintain high standards quality for the product manufacturing.
5. Develop\Maintain good customer relationship.
6. Reduce the overall cost of the product and the services.
Main Body of the Project:
Customer Requirements based on the Images:

1) IMG_1122:
This image shows a propeller blade that is present in the boat. This blade has
been rusted due to the seawater. Choosing the correct material that opposes
corrosion and protects the blade from rusting can prevent this.
This image shows a connector part in the boat, where the connection is not
done properly and the metal has also started to rust. This clearly shows the
poor quality of material used and design. A better material, which is resistant
to rust, can be used to prevent this.
3) IMG_1145:
This image shows the outer coating of the boat that has been peeled off,
exposing the wood to the seawater. The image shows the poor maintenance
and the material used for painting the boat can be changed to avoid regular
4) IMG_1148:
This image is very similar to that of the previous image (IMG_1145). The paint
coating is been peeled off and the bare wood is exposed to seawater. The
material that is used for coating process can be changed and a material that
is resistant to seawater can be used.
5) & 6) IMG_1150 and IMG_1151:
The image shows the front part of the boat. There are two issues in this
image. First, the paint is peeling off and then in some places the wooden part
is broken. The problem can be resolved by using a different material for the
coating process of the boat to have better withstand capability. The quality of
the wood can be improved to avoid poor quality in the future. The IMG_1151
is nothing but the enlarged image of IMG_1150.
7, 8 & 9) IMG_1157,IMG_1158 and IMG_1159:
These images show the boats deck. The boats have been placed next to each

other with only small gap. This image shows rusted steels in the walking area
of this deck, because the steel sections of the structure are being degraded
due to corrosion and rust. The manufacturing and engineering process of type
of structure requires the use of the TQM and PLM concepts at all stages. Most
docking decks use wood or wood-like materials in the entire structural outlay
to avoid this type of structural breakdown due to corrosion and rust. The
IMG_1158 and IMG_1159 also shows the docking are of the boat.
10) IMG_1171:
This image shows the motor of a boat which is in very bad condition and
almost worn out. The motor was not designed perfectly and the product was
not checked properly before rolling out. This shows the negligence in the
manufacturing process and as a result the lifetime of the product degrades
making the customer to go for a new one within a short span of time.
11) IMG_1172:
This image shows some parts of the boat, which has been separated due to
some issues in the product and is not in use. As seen, some of the parts has
been degraded due to corrosion and rusting of steel due to the exposure of
seawater. This shows the poor quality of the product thats designed. This
problem can be solved if a high quality material is used which is resistant to
corrosion and rusting rather than steel in the design process.
12) IMG_1174:
This image is an enlarged image of the previous one. The parts shown are
degraded and are not in use anymore. The poor quality of the product can be
easily depicted from the image. By using high quality material in the design
stage, this type of issue can be solved.
The CORA is integrated into four modules:
1. User requirements: Identify the customer requirements and is ranked
based on the importance.
2. Engineering solutions: The engineering solutions are created to satisfy
the customer requirements.
3. Parameter calculations: Understanding the critical parameters and
calculating the parameters together.
4. Benchmarking: Comparing the product to the competitors product and
understanding how the competitors satisfy the customer requirements.
User Requirements:
The user requirements are listed below and are ranked from 1 to 5 with 1
given the least importance and 5 given the at most importance.

1. Design parameters
2. Raw materials selection
3. Reduced Cost
4. Quality control
5. Energy Consumption
6. Use of natural resources
7. Customer service
8. Ergonomics
9. Product life
10. Biodegradability.
Engineering Solutions:
The Engineering solutions that satisfy customer requirements are listed below
1. CAD/CAM design
2. Batch quality inspection
3. Flexible manufacturing
4. Capital management
5. Supply chain and logistics
6. R&D
7. Sustainable green PLM
8. Services and products from Collaborative companies.
9. Optimum Utilization
10. Quality and safety standards.
Analysis of CORA Results:
After analyzing the CORA spreadsheet, we will be focusing on the higher AIR
(Absolute Importance Rating) values. The higher values are more important
than other requirements that satisfy the customers. From the CORA
spreadsheet, the Higher AIR values are:

CAD/CAM Design: 342

Batch Quality Inspection: 222
R&D: 255

CAD/CAM Design (AIR Value: 342)

The first and important phase for producing a product is the design phase.
The design engineers design the product using software tools present and
simulate the product on how will it work, will it be user friendly to all. This has
a higher AIR value compared to other solutions, as this is the first step in
producing a product. If the design is not proper, the product will not be
recognized and will not satisfy the customers.
Batch Quality Inspection (AIR Value: 222)
Quality checks and inspection at every stage is very important to maintain

high quality standards of a product. The high quality should be maintained in

order to satisfy the customers, as customer satisfaction is a primary criterion,
which decides the companys prospects.
R&D (AIR Value: 255)
The companys R&D department has a lot to do with how the company will be
structured in the future and in the present. The R&D develops products that
increase the production of the company. Our Company Robofusion Inc. invests
more money in the R&D department, for better functioning of the company.
This should be one of the prime factors every company will have for their own
Ranky-Taguchi Calculator:
Ranky-Taguchi Calculator is used to determine the signal-noise ratio for
quality control factor in the spreadsheet. Ranky-Taguchi calculator performs
certain tests and derives the results based on the tests. We have performed
the experiment and the results can be seen in the spreadsheet attached
Collaborative Companies:
Safari Ltd: Safari Ltd is the only American family owned manufacturer and
distributor of educational animal, fantasy, and human figurines. Safari Ltd
toys are inspired by nature, fueling the imagination and speaking to the
innate curiosity in all of us. They had a vision to share the unique beauty of
wildlife with children and a passion to educate through the joy of play. Each
figure is designed to have museum-quality authenticity to ensure they are as
lifelike as possible. With new scientific data always emerging, this means the
products are also continually being updated.
Interroll: Interroll offers the most efficient drives, rollers, conveyor modules
and sorters as well as pallet and carton flow modules: a truly global product
platform with highest availability for individual applications. Working as an
expert team of Consultants, System Integrators and OEMs, they turn complex
tasks fast into smart, scalable solutions for airports, CEP, food processing,
warehousing & distribution and various kinds of industries.
BMW Motorrad: BMW Motorrad is the motorcycle brand of the German
company BMW. The Company manufactures a variety of engine
configurations and gear parts. These products are designed with high
precision and efficiency. The emission of carbon and its by products are very
less compared to other products resulting in a green environment.

G-Technology: G-Technology powered by Hitachi is a premium storage

solution for audio/video production, photography and the professional content
creation market. This storage device provides a high data transfer rate
making the workflow simpler, better and faster. It has been built for
professional environment where performance and reliability are paramount.
I have learned the concepts and strategies that have been discussed in the
above chapters and in the 3D e-book. By CORA analysis our company was
able to understand the customer requirements and the solutions to satisfy the
customer requirements. This will help improve the standard and quality of
products of our company. The CORA analysis was helpful in determining the
strength and weakness of our competitors in the industry. The weakness will
be analyzed and engineering solutions will be used to overcome the
Further work Proposed:
From the CORA analysis, the customer requirement was analyzed and
engineering solution was used to satisfy the customers. Customer satisfaction
is the primary goal of our company. Customer feedback will be taken on a
regular basis and based on this the products will be manufactured to ensure
satisfaction from the customers. Our company will focus more on R&D,
production process method and to maintain a sustainable green environment.
Social Networking Articles:
Water overtakes soda
The Bottled water consumption is expected to rise and will be higher than
soda consumption by 2017 in the US. This signifies that the people are
drifting to healthier options rather than spoiling their health by drinking soda,
which has high percentage of calories that affects the body. Even though the
use of plastics increases the pollution rate and waste. Recycling the plastics
using certain methodologies, thus creating no harm to the environment also,
can reduce this.
Autonomous Driving not a technology
Autonomous driving will be the future in the next few years with smartphone
playing a major role in it. The smartphones GUI is compatible with the car HMI
that helps with parking assistance, navigation services. This vehicle of the
future will drastically reduce the number of accidents happening now and
with the integration of traffic network infrastructure it will automatically brake
and stops the vehicle if any mishaps happens if a vehicle crashes ahead. But

the biggest question, which rises, who would be responsible if any damage
occurs using this technology -the software vendor? Or the car company?
SMART Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing is a key information technology approach to unlocking
energy efficiency in manufacturing. Department of Energy is putting up to
$70 million in funding into smart manufacturing. This will reduce the cost and
increase the energy productivity and efficiency. The government is providing
grants for this initiative. By smart manufacturing, a green environment is
created and helps better planning and scheduling.
1. Paul G Ranky Concurrent Engineering 3D e-book and videos

I would give myself a 10/10; this assignment has been one great task, as it
covers various aspects. I have analyzed the CORA spreadsheet and calculated
signal-noise ratio using ranky-taguchi calculator. I have completely covered all
the areas required.

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