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The Use of Verbs

The w ord interests exercises the fatal attraction so that the journalist
writes The area . . . have shrunk instead o f has shrunk. And just as the
plural noun interests lures the w riter astray there, so the singular noun
subject lures the w riter astray below.
The tensions among naval intelligence staff inside the building known as
the Citadel was the subject of a recent report.
Surely the tensions w ere the subject o f a report. Here the w riter m ight
urge that he strays w here the great have strayed in that the King James
Bible includes the m uch quoted sentence The wages of sin is death.
Perhaps the attraction towards the incorrectly singular verb is at its
m ost subtle w hen the verb is made to precede the subject.
On the evidence available there does not appear to be any legal grounds for
In saying there does not appear, the w riter fails to anticipate that w hat
is to come is a plural noun, grounds. It may seem less natural to say
there do not appear, but that is w hat is needed to introduce any
grounds. And it is presumably out o f a desire not to sound too stilted
that a journalist writes:
Also in the redheads hall of fame is singer Belinda Carlisle and actresses
Shirley Maclaine and Julia Roberts.
Over-formal as it may sound to begin Also in the redheads hall o f fame
are . . ., that is the correct w ording.

Plural Terms in Singular Units

W here the subject of a verb contains a plural noun but nevertheless
represents a singular entity as a whole, the grammatical rule accords w ith
com m on sense. The m ost obvious instance is in the case of titles. W e say
The Two Gentlemen of Verona is one o f Shakespeares early plays. It w ould
be absurd to say The Two Gentlemen of Verona are one o f Shakespeares early
plays, making the verb plural because Two G entlem en are included in
the subject that governs it. But that represents the m atter very starkly.
Consider the following sentence about some ancient standing stones in

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