Total Percentage of ET Expenditure Over Total Expenditures: ND RD ND

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Total Percentage of ET Expenditure over total Expenditures

1971-1981: 2nd & 3rd Malaysia Plan. Slowdown due to accelerated

expansion during 2nd Malaysia Plan (Alatas, 1972)
1981-1991: New Economic Policy (NEP). Preferential treatment towards
Bumiputera (Ong, 2012)
1997- 2002: Financial crisis & Education Act 1996 (MOE, 2004)

2006- 2010: Education

Development Master
Plan. Focus on
development of
teachers (MOE, 2006)

Total ET Expenditure from 1970-2014

2010: Malaysia
Teacher Standard and
revamping of teacher
education system
(Jamil, 2014)

E/T Operating Expenditures (RM mil)

E/T Development Expenditures (RM mil)


Post 2010: OE
continues to increase
due to Malaysia
Education Blueprint
(MOE, 2013)

Education & Training one of the biggest
expenditures in the government budget
Adopts the theory of commodity egalitarianism
E&T has helped boost the countrys quality of
human capital
Brain drain problem, but initiatives such as
TalentCorp to curb this

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