October 17 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 17, 2015

What is the purpose of following various forms of worship? Why is it necessary

to follow prescribed procedures? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us in crystal
clear terms today.

Normally people are drawn to sense objects, for they are

victims of instincts. Instincts easily seek sense objects they come along with the body and arent derived by any
training. The infant seeks milk from the mothers breast,
and the newborn calf naturally nestles at the udder.
However for the infant to walk and talk, some training is
necessary, because these actions are either socially
prompted or learnt by example or picked up by imitation of
others. Training is essential even for the proper pursuit of
sense pleasure, for wild untrained search for such
pleasure promotes anger, hatred, envy, malice and
conceit. Hence to train the senses along salutary lines and
to hold them under control, certain good disciplines like
repeating Lords
Name (japa), meditation (dhyana), fasts(upavasa), worship
at dawn and dusk, etc. are essential. Though sense
pleasures are natural at first, by constant practice,
training and listening to the wise, slowly the greater and
everlasting bliss derived by divine adoration is grasped.
- Bhagavatha Vahini, Ch 1

Exulting in praising the Lord is the real hallmark of the good. Baba
17 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjbI tRWslySn
pRSn: hyT il`KIAW vK`-v`K iksm dIAW pUjwvW dw kI mnorQ hY?ieh ikauN jrUrI hY ik v`K-v`K qrHW dy d`sy
FMg,swnUM Apxwauxy cwhIdy hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:Awm qOr qy lokW dw iDAwn,ieMdRIAW nUM mohx vwlIAW cIzW v`l iK`icAw jWdw hY ikauN jo auh ieMdRIAW dy
gulwm ho cuky huMdy hn[mnu`K dI ivRqI,jldI hI ieMdRIAW vl iK`cI jWdI hY Aqy ieh ivRqI,SrIr nwl hI AwauNdI hY
Aqy iksI tRyinMg nwl nhIN AwauNdI[nvW j`imAw b`cw,AwpxI mW dy du`D dI qlwS kr lYNdw hY Aqy gW dw
b`cw,AwpxI mW dy QxW nUM l`B ky aus iv`coN duD pIx lg pYNdw hY[pr b`cy nUM clx Aqy bolx leI,ku`J tRyinMg jrUrI
hY ikauN jo ieh ikirAwvW jW qW smwj iv`coN AwauNdIAW hn jW auh b`cw vyK-vyK ky is`Kdw hY[ieMdRIAW dI KuSI

leI,Kws tRyinMg lYxI jrUrI hY ikauN ik ibnW tRyinMg qoN,ieMdIAW dI ie`CwvW pUrIAW nw hox iv`c,aus iv`c gu`sw,nPrq
,hsd Aqy DoKwDVI vrgy mwVy gux Aw jWdy hn[ies leI, ieMdRIAW nUM TIk FMg dI tRyinMg dyx leI Aqy aunHW au`qy
pUrw kwbU pwaux leI ,kuJ cMgy AnuSwSn jrUrI hn ijvyN,Bgvwn dw nW jpxw,swDnw krnw,aupvws rKxw ,svyry
Aqy Swm nUM Bgvwn dI pUjw krnw Awid[BwvNy,ieMdRIAW dw Bog kudrqI hY pr lgwqwr A`iBAws krn Aqy bu`DImwnW
dIAW nsIhqW suxx qoN bwd, hOly-hOly au`qm Aqy sdw rihx vwlw idvX AwnMd pRwpq ho jWdw hY[(Bwgvd vwihnI
,A`iDAwey ie`k)[
Asl iv`c A`CweI auh A`CweI hY ijhdy iv`c mnu`K,Bgvwn dI ArwDnw(guxgwx) krdw hY[(bwbw)[

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