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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 18, 2015

What should we do to transform our daily living into a sacrificial offering?

Bhagawan clearly explains to us the method and the result.

Jnana Yajna is specially recommended by scriptures for

all. Jnanadoes not simply mean knowledge gained from scholars and
books, but actually conducting in accordance with that knowledge.
Knowledge can never ripen into wisdom so long as the ego persists in
craving for results to satisfy its desires. When ego fades away,
knowledge shines as Wisdom. When yajnas are performed solely for
the peace and prosperity of the world (Loka-Kalyan), they reach God.
Jnana reveals that in every sacrifice, God is the Prompter, the
Promoter, the Sacrificer, the Sacrifice, the Product achieved and the
Recipient of the product. God is the consumer of every sacred
offering (Yajnabhuk); He is guardian of the yajna (Yajna-bhrith) and its
performer (Yajna krith).He is all; it is only when He is all that the act
becomes a genuineyajna. If this attitude can soak into every activity, it
will sanctify every moment of your life and make it a yajna.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2, 1981

Exulting in praising the Lord is the real hallmark of the good. Baba
18 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,Awpxy roz Br dy jIvn nUM ikvyN iqAwgBwv iv`c bdlxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies dy qrIky
Aqy nqIjy bwry dsdy hn[
au`qr:Dwrimk ikqwbW ny ,igAwn X`g,swirAw leI krn nUM ikhw hY[igAwn dw ArQ kyvl ieh nhIN hY ik
ivdvwnW Aqy ikqbW qoN igAwn hwsl krnw pr ies dw ArQ hY ik ijhVw igAwn qusIN hwsl kIqw hY,aus au`qy
Aml kro[igAwn,au`nI dyr qweIN bu`DImqw iv`c nhIN bdldw ij`nI dyr qweIN,quhwfy iv`c hMkwr rihMdw hY Aqy
AwpxIAW ie`CwvW pUrIAW krn dI lwlsw bxI rihMdI hY[jd koeI vI X`g,SWqI Aqy lokW dy kilAwx leI kIqw
jWdw hY,qW auh kIqw X`g Bgvwn kol phuMc jWdw hY[igAwn,ieh dsdw hY ik hr iqAwg iv`c,Bgvwn hI krvwaux
vwly hn,auhI krn vwly hn,auhI iqAwg krn vwly hn,auhI iqAwg hn,auhI aus dy Pl nUM hwsl krvwaux vwly
hn Aqy auhI aus nUM hwsl krn vwly hn[Bgvwn hI aus hr cIz nUM kbUl krn vwly hn ijhVI aunHW nUM ByNt

kIqI jWdI hY[Bgvwn hI X`g dy mwilk hn Aqy auhI aus nUM krn vwly hn[auhI swrw ku`J hn Aqy jd ,auhI
swrw ku`J krn vwly huMdy hn qW hI auh X`g,AslI X`g huMdw hY[jy quhwfy swry Su`D ivcwr,quhwfy v`loN kIqy swry
krmW iv`c Aw jWdy hn qW quhwfy jIvn dw hr lmhw,piv`qr ho jWdw hY Aqy auh krm X`g bx jWdw hY[(02
AkqUbr,1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn dI aupmw iv`c msq mnu`K hI,Asl iv`c cMgw mnu`K huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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