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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 08, 2015

What should be our goal in life? Bhagawan directs us lovingly today.

Joy is your birthright; peace is your innermost nature. The Lord

is your staff and support. Do not discard it; do not be led away
from the path of faith by stories invented by malice and
circulated by spite. Take up the name of God; it could be any
one of His innumerable ones that appeals to you the most, and
also chose the form appropriate to that name, and then start
repeating it from now on - that is the royal road to ensure Joy
and Peace. That will train you in the feeling of brotherhood and
remove enmity towards fellowmen. When you sow seeds in the
field, they can be eaten away by ants or washed off by rains or
picked on by birds or destroyed by pests, still some seeds stave
off all these and grow as strong and sturdy seedlings. Similarly,
you must do everything to uphold the privilege of this birth and
strive to return to the Lord.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1960.

To the person who has completely surrendered, every experience (good or bad)
is a gift from God. Baba
08 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:jIvn iv`c,swfw kI lkS hoxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:KuSI quhwfw jnm AiDkwr hY[SWqI quhwfI AMdr dI SWqI hY[Bgvwn ,quhwfy swQI Aqy mddgwr hn[mwVy
lokW v`loN suxweIAW khwxIAW au`qy ivSvwS nw krdy hoey,Bgvwn au`qy Awpxw ivSvwS pUrw r`Ko[Bgvwn dy keI
nwmW iv`coN,AwpxI mn-psMd dw koeI nW cux lau Aqy aus dy rUp au`qy Awpxw iDAwn tkwau Aqy aus dw nW
lgwqwr jpo[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwnUM KuSI Aqy SWqI pRwpq hovy gI[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwfy iv`c BweIcwry dI
Bwvnw pYdw hovy gI Aqy Awpxy swQIAW nwl quhwfI duSmxI dw nwS ho jwvy gw[jd qusIN KyqW iv`c bIj bIjdy ho qW
keI bIj,kIVy Kw jWdy hn,keI bIjW nUM,pwxI roVH ky lY jWdw hY,keI bIj pMCI Kw lYNdy hn Aqy keI bIjW nUM
kIVymwr dvweIAW nSt kr idMdIAW hn pr ies dy bwvjUd,keI bIj DrqI iv`coN aug ky bwhr Aw jWdy hn[ausy
qrHW,quhwnUM vI ies jIvn iv`c,hr musIbq dw swhmxw krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy koiSS krnI cwhIdI hY ik Bgvwn
nwl quhwfw imlx ho jwvy[(23 nvMbr,1960 dy idvX pRvcn)[

ijhVy mnu`K ny Awpxy-Awp nUM Bgvwn nUM pUrI qrHW smripq kr id`qw hY,aus leI ,mwVy jW cMgy AnuBv,Bgvwn
v`loN id`qy qohPy hI huMdy hn[(bwbw)[

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