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Verbe care nu pot fi folosite la forma continu

1. Verbele de percepie: to feel, to taste, to smell, to see, to hear

Excepii: to feel, cnd exprim o reacie fizic
I am feeling tired.
to taste, cnd are sensul de a controla, a evalua
He is tasting the milk to see if it is good.
BUT The milk tastes good.
to see, cnd are sensul de a se ntlni
He is seeing a beautiful woman these days.

2. Verbele de cunoatere: to know, to remember, to understand, to forget, to

think, to believe, to suppose
Excepii: to think, cnd are sensul de a lua n considerare o idee
I am thinking of moving to Paris.

3. Verbele de sentiment: to love, to hate, to like, to dislike, to enjoy

Excepii: atunci cnd sentimentul este limitat la o perioad scurt de timp
I am at the seaside and Im loving every minute of it.

4. Verbele care arat posesia: to have, to own, to owe, to possess

Excepii: to have, cnd nu are sensul de a avea - ex. to have a good time, to have
breakfast, to have a shower
Im having a shower. (Fac un du.)
BUT I have a shower. (Am du.)

5. Verbele de existen: to be, to exist

Excepii: to be, cnd arat o stare de moment
You are being rude. (acum, de moment)

6. Verbele de nevoie i dorin: to need, to want, to wish

7. Verbele de aparen: to seem, to appear, to resemble
Excepii: to appear, cnd are sensul de a avea o apariie scenic
She is appearing on this stage tomorrow night.

8. to belong, to mean

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