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J erusalem
Auctions center
Judaica . Antiques . Art

.343 ,
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: : , , , ,

' " | 27.7.2015

| 3


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: 052-4519769

" | 2015

" | 2015

Auction 3
Monday, July 27 2015
At 17:00

2015 27 , " ",'

The auction and the viewing will be held at our

office, 2 Maimon st. Jerusalem

, ,2



July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23
July 27





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Phone number during viewing

Phone numbers during auction
972-58-7752752 972-58-7752753


For online Bidding (pre-registration is required):

: ,)( |

To watch the online catalogue and for more images:
02-570-4377 : | 02-5877771 :
Email: |

3 |




There was a Righteous Man

Rabbis Letters
Books with Seals and Autographs
Mullah Or Shraga
Banknotes and Coins
Medals and Pins
Means of Paymen
Zionism and the State of Israel
Reliefs and Paintings
Art and Judaica Objects

2015 " |


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Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem was the teacher of Rabbi Adam Baal Shem, who was the
teacher of Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov. Rabbi Yoel headed a group of the hidden
tzaddikim. Rabbi Yoels son, Rabbi Uri Baal Shem, learned from the Taz and the
Magen Avraham. He served as the Rosh Yeshiva at the Beit Midrash of his father,
Rabbi Yoel. When his father passed away, he assumed his position and headed
the group of holy men.
Bringing this holy item into ones home is certainly a blessing and a privilege.
We designated a special section for Chabad items. Worthy of mentioning is a
large poster, impressive and very rare, announcing the arrival of the Rebbe, Rabbi
Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch, in Jerusalem in 1929.
In the Judaic items section, we present Shabbat lamps, candlesticks, chanukiot,
besamim holders and more many of which are exclusive items.

The catalogue concludes with a large section dedicated to the history of Israel
and Jerusalem over the past generation. Here you may find important autographs
and interesting documents. Worth mentioning is a group of documents dealing
with the Jewish settlement at Nachalat Yisrael Rama at the tomb of Shmuel the
prophet. In addition, we bring you fascinating, rare stamped items connected to
the land of Israel, the Jewish National Fund and Jerusalem. Among all of
these there is an original, very rare copy of the draft of the text for Israels
Declaration of Independence, written by Moshe Sharet!
We hope that you enjoy perusing these beautiful items, and that you will enhance
your collections with these significant and captivating pieces of history.


The Jerusalem of Gold Staff

As always, we continue to bring you Jewish art prints. Here, you will find Shiviti
prints, lithographs by Monzon Printers, and many other items.
The second part of the catalogue begins with a special collection of gold coins.
We have also dedicated a significant portion of this section to Israeli bills from
various periods and sources: Mandate, Anglo-Palestine, Bank Leumi and Bank of
In addition, a variety of medals, pins and Jewish symbols tell the story of the
nation and the various communities through art and intricate designs, especially
the history of Israel in the new age. Many of these are very rare.
On display in this section are many important collections of various different
means of payment. For example, you may find here several travel tickets for
Palestine. If you run quickly, you may catch the train from Alexandria to Israel
Or perhaps you would like to use your entrance ticket to attend a special musical
concert on the morning of the opening of Hebrew University of Jerusalem? You
may prefer to enjoy the strong voice of the king of all cantors, Yossele Rosenblatt

2015 " |

To our dear friends,

We are happy to present you with our third sales catalogue.
This catalogue has two parts. The first part offers religious items.
A highlight offered this time is the only manuscript which exists in the world of the Torah
insights of Rabbi Mula Or Shraga.
Rabbi Mula Or Shraga was an amazing miracle maker, and his tomb became a place of worship
and pilgrimage for thousands of Jews from the communities of Persia, Yazd and Shahedieh.
Nothing remained of his writings except for two letters discussing public matters. Until now,
not even one word of Torah in his handwriting was ever found. However, a great light finally
illuminates the world: a manuscript filled with Torah insights written by the holy Rabbi Mula
Or Shraga!
We are offering this amazing item at an opening price of $50,000.

What else is for sale this time?

It is a known fact that many great Torah scholars tended to write themselves
notes which they would keep with them at all times, containing arousing words of
We bring you two very rare notes, written by tzaddikim of the generations, who
wrote themselves words of encouragement regarding anticipating the redemption.
The first note is written in the holy handwriting of one of the first and greatest
rabbis to arouse the idea of the redemption, Rabbi Eliyahu of Greiditz. Rabbi Eliyahu
was known for his anticipation of the redemption, which motivated him to take
action at the beginning of the settlement of the land of Israel, along with Rabbi Tzvi
Hirsh Kalisher. The note discusses the building of the Beit Hamikdash and restoring
the service of the sacrifices.
The second note is written in the holy handwriting of the Jerusalemite tzaddik,
Rabbi Aryeh Levin. In the note, he copied down for himself the laws of mourning the
destruction of Jerusalem and the Beit Hamikdash from the book Peat HaShulchan,
ending with a prayer that the Beit Hamikdash will be built speedily in our days.
Also on sale are additional rare items connected to Rabbi Aryeh Levin, including a
handwritten rhyming poem that he composed for a bride and groom on occasion of
their wedding.

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In the rabbinical letters section, we present you with over 150 important letters.
The authors of these letters include: Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, Rabbi Yosef
Chaim Zonnenfeld, Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank, the Kehillot Yaakov, Rabbi Elazar
Menachem Man Shach, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rabbi Yosef Shalom
Elyashiv and many others.
We even bring you several letters by great rabbis who perished during the terrible
Holocaust, may their blood be avenged.
In the communities and synagogues section, we would like to point out the large,
original plan for the huge chandelier in the Great Synagogue of Szeged.
The Great Synagogue of Szeged is the fourth largest synagogue in Europe, an
enormous building which is as lavish as a palace, furnished opulently. Miraculously,
the building survived the Holocaust and still stands today. At the center of the
synagogue, there is a huge, elegant chandelier hanging from the ceiling, which has
been hanging there for over a hundred years. The original plans for this chandelier
have surprisingly survived. The plans were drawn by a famous Jewish artist and
signed by him. This famous artist was the architect of the Great Synagogue of
Szeged and of over twenty additional synagogues, as his tombstone attests.
In the religious books section, we bring you a wide selection of important books,
including: single editions, first editions, books which belonged to the libraries
of great rabbis, books with dedications, books with handwritten notes inside,
Chassidic books and books with special stories.
Here we have a historic, unique item, apparently the only one of its kind in
the world, a relic from the holy Baalei Shem rabbis, who were active in early
generations and founded Chassidut.
The book Michlal Yofi includes the signature of Rabbi Uri Baal Shem Heilperin,
son of Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem of Zamosc, and father of Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem the

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| There was a Righteous Man

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| There was a Righteous Man

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| There was a Righteous Man

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" | 2015

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There was a Righteous Man |

At the bottom of the page, there is a line handwritten

by Arye Levin in which he confirms what is written
above and summarizes the sum he has received
for the teachers. He signs: Arye Levin. On the other
side of the page, there is a handwritten line: "I have
received for the above 21.7.1942".

6. Poster announcing the sixth anniversary of Rabbi

Arye Levin's death 1975

The list mentions about 34 rabbis who taught at the

Etz Chaim Talmud Torah and Yeshiva, all great Torah
scholars in Jerusalem. Among them, the following
are mentioned: Rabbi Avraham Chaim Heckleman,
Rabbi Yesha'ayahu Cheshin, Rabbi Chaim Mann, and
Rabbi Arye Levin himself.

Size: 50X60 cm.

Size: 23X18 cm.

"During Elul and until Yom Kippur, Rabbi Arye Levin

will give a sermon every second Sabbath on matters
of Mussar at the "Zoharei Chama" Beit Midrash in
Machane Yudah"

Condition: Very Good. Creases.

Added are five small notes sent in 1911 to Rabbi
Eliyahu Mordechai Eisenstein, the secretary of Rabbi
Shmuel Salant. Most of them are phrased "it should
be given on behalf of so and so the amount of ". The
notes are signed by the rabbis of Etz Chaim. Rabbi
Chaim Berlin is mentioned in one of the notes.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $90

A large poster announcing the sixth anniversary of

Rabbi Arye Levin's death, published by the Union
of Etzel Soldiers and the Association of Lechi
Memebers, 1975.

Condition: Very Good, several folds.

Opening Price: $30

7. Announcement about a sermon by Rabbi Arye Levin

"Zoharei Chama" synagogue is one of the ancient

synagogues of Jerusalem. Rabbi Arye Levi and his
son, Rabbi Refael, were among those who regularly
prayed at the synagogue with dawn every day (the
synagogue is near his house and 'Etz Chaim' Yeshiva
where he taught). The announcement reveals that
he also gave there Mussar lessons during the High
The announcement is probably from the years 19201930.
Size: 14X22 cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $50


3 |

When she was severely sick during World War I, the

name Tzipora was added to her name, according to
Rabbi Kook's advice.
At the opening of the book, Rabbi Arye wrote in
square letters an interesting list of psalms to be read
during the month of Elul. It seems that Rabbi Arye
himself prayed using this book!
Additional ownership signatures: Chaim Hirschberg
(probably Rabbi Chaim Hirschberg, the son-in-law of
Rabbi Shmuel Salant). An earlier ownership signature
of "Reb Yisrael Ya'akov" and an additional one
appear on the title page.
On the cover there is a weak carving of the Star of
136 pp.
Condition: Very good. The original cover is slightly
worn out. Some of the pages are also slightly worn

out. Few pages have moth holes.

Unique item!
Opening Price: $300

4. Wedding Invitation sent to Rabbi Arye Levin, with

a reply in his handwriting
At the back of th einvitiation, Rabbi Arye signed his
name and wrote: "With God's help I have reached
old age". It might be that he could not come to the
wedding due to his age and therefore wrote the
sentence on the invitation, for the sender or for
himself. The wedding was held on 27.11.1950.
Condition: Very Good. Few stains.
Opening Price: $40

5. Signatures of the rabbis of Etz Chaim on documents

related to the teachers' salaries with the signature of
Rabbi Arye Levin
The institutions of 'Etz Chaim', almud Torah and
Yeshiva, founded by Rabbi Shmuel Salant, were a
center of Torah in Jerusalem. Among their walls, the
greatest rabbis of Jerusalem had studied. The teachers
there were the best and among the prominent figures
of the old Yishuv.
Before us are several pages related to the salaries
received by the rabbis of 'Etz Chaim', confirming
their receipt. Among them is Rabbi Arye Levin,
who served as a Mashgiach (spiritual supervisor)
at the yeshiva. The pages demonstrate that he was
also responsible for the transfer of the salaries and
scholarships to the rabbis of the yeshiva.

A. Three typewritten pages with the names of the

teachers and the sums of their salaries, under them,
the signatures of the teachers.
One page, from 3.10.1951 conformation of the
rabbis that they have received their salaries. Among
the signatures is that of Rabbi Arye Levin, who
signed for himself and three times on behalf of
other teachers. There are also the signatures of Rabbi
Chaim Shvadron, Rabbi David Mendelson, Rabbi
Refael Levin, Rabbi Avraham Ze'ev Yanovsky and
A second similar page from 29.7.1942. Among the
signatures, those of Rabbi Alter Yabrov and Rabbi
Eliyahu Nachum Porush (Glikman) and more.
A third similar page, undated. Among the signatures,
those of Rabbi Eliyahu Nachum Porush, Rabbi Moshe
Rivlin and more.
Size: 22X28 cm.
Condition: Excellent.

There was a Righteous Man |

mentioned his good deeds, he used to repeat "I am

nothing compared to her". he used to say that his
virtues came from her strength. In his will, he wrote
her virtues "were not of a temporal or local value, but
of eternal and constant value". In a letter describing
her warm and generous treatment of others, he
wrote: "she was unique a truly great woman". Her
son, Rabbi Chaim Ya'akov Levin, wrote: "this great
woman is worthy that her great deeds and many
acts of kindness be written in special memorial
book, which undoubtedly would have served as a
book of morals of a pure and noble soul who did
her duty in life and returned to her Creator pure and

B. Lists of salaries and scholarships received by the

rabbis of Etz Chaim institutions, handwritten by
the secretary of the institutions from 21.7.1942. The
sums are summarized and signed in the handwriting
of Rabbi Arye Levin
A handwritten page (2 pages) written by the
secretary of the yeshiva with detailed calculations
of the payment of the salaries of the students and
teachers of the yeshiva. At the margins, there are the
signatures of important rabbis and teachers at the

2015 " |


There was a Righteous Man |

There was a Righteous Man

Rabbi Arye Levin (1885-1969) was a genius and righteous
man, a pillar of grace. He was ordinated by his rabbis, Rabbi
Kook and Rabbi Chaim Berlin. He served as a Mashgiach
(supervisor) at the 'Etz Chaim' Talmud Torah. He was
known for his righteousness and virtues and his many acts of
kindness, which he did with total devotion.
During the struggle for Israel's independence, he
wholeheartedly supported the fighters and prisoners. He
was known as "Father of Prisoners" due to his 25-yearold- custom to routinely visit prisoners in order to encourage
them, as well as the patients at the hospital for lepers.

1. Note written by Rabbi Arye Levin the laws of

ripping one's dress when seeing the place of the Temple
A note on which Rabbi Arye Levin had written the
Halachot of ripping one's dress when seeing the place
of the Temple, probably so that they will be available
to him when he goes there. The creases imply that he
used to carry the note in his pocket.
At the head of the page there are letters that signify
that the Halachot were taken from the book "Pe'at
Shulchan" of Rabbi Yisrael of Sheklov, chapter 3,
Halacha 1. Actually, the Halachot on the note are only
a summary of the Halachot in the book, with slight
The note ends with the prayer "May the Temple be
rebuilt speedily in our own days".
Rabbi Arye Levin (1885-1969), known as "Father
of Prisoners" due to his weekly visits of prisoners,
was also known for his yearning for the rebuilding
of the Temple. He was one of the pious during the
generation of national revival, who wholeheartedly
supported the building of the country and saw the


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establishment of the State as an important stage in

the redemption of Israel.
In this context, a typical story should be mentioned:
a few hours before Rabbi Arye's death, the journalist
Eliyahu Amikam approached him. Rabbi Arye
pointed at the book of Psalms in his hand and at
the verses: "For God will save Zion and will build
the cities of Yehuda and they that love his name
shall dwell there". Rabbi Arye explained: "First, He
will save Zion first the Biluyim came and then their
descendants. Now we are at the second stage we
must build the cities of Yehuda. Only then will the
third stage arrive the love of His name it shall
also come".
Size: 10X18 cm.
Condition: Very Good, stains.
Opening Price: $50

2. Short Rhymed Poem for Bride and Groom in the

handwriting of Rabbi Arye Levin, written in a book
given to them on their wedding day Rare
Rabbi Arye used to take part in the grief and joy of
others. Our Sages praise the mitzvah of rejoicing
with the bride and groom and Rabbi Arye observed
this mitzvah wholeheartedly. Before us is a most
interesting item: a book on whose first page Rabbi
Arye wrote, in his handwriting, a rhymed poem he
wrote for the bride and groom on their wedding day:
"Eternal blessings on your wedding day/ with his
dear acclaimed bride/to build a house full of merit/
on a good and paved way/and be happy all days with

the blessing of God on them/for many generation

wishing them the best with all my heart, Arye Levin.
13 of Nissan, as the days we came out of Egypt and
saw great miracles---".
Opening Price: $100

3. Slichot Book Vilna 1862 the copy from which

Tzipora Levin, Rabbi Arye Levin's wife, used to pray,
with important notes handwritten by Rabbi Arye
Slichot book according to the custom of Lithuania,
Reisin and Zamoth, Vilna 1862 and Slichot book
according to the custom of Lithuania with
Ashkenazic translation in square letters. The Slichot
for Yom Kippur were omitted in the original copy.
At the end of the Slichot, there are special Slichot for
the 15th of Kislev "as is the custom of the Chevra
Rabbi Arye added in his handwriting on the page
before the title page: "God owns the earth, Tzipora
Chana wife of Rabbi Arye Levin".
Before us is a rare and unique item the personal
prayer book from which the righteous woman, Mrs.
Tzipora Chana Levin, prayed during the month of
mercy and forgiveness. Mrs. Tzipora Levin was a
symbol of grace and humility. After her death, her
brother-in-law, Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank, wrote of her
that "there is no one like her these days, and she is
like one of the Matriarchs: Sara, Rivka, Rachel and
Leah". Like her husband, Rabbi Arye, she was also
known for righteousness and many acts of kindness.
Rabbi Arye used to praise her greatly. When someone

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, .
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28X21 :".

.36 ' '


$70 :

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| Rabbis Letters

.40 -"

.42 -"

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$120 :

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" | 2015

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$50 :

.46 " -
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" . ' " ,
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| Rabbis Letters


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| Rabbis Letters

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.48 " -
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$90 :

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.53 -"
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| 3


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" ("-")
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: . .
$40 :

$290 :

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.54 -"

26X21 :".

, " :
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.58 ' ' -

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21X13.5 :" 16 ..
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$40 :

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| Rabbis Letters

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1514X :".
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| 3


| Rabbis Letters

15X16 :".


:- . .

: - . ,

$150 :

.62 - 1848
, - , .
25 , :
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38X24 :" , .
: . .
$30 :

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20X16.5 :".
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17X11 :".
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$80 :

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22X14.5 :".
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'' .
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" ' ' . " .

: . .
$100 :

.70 ,
" " -"
" , ,
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" . " "

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, ' ' " .


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| Rabbis Letters

" ,
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$150 :

.71 , ,
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$35 :

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48.5X35 :".

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20X14 :".
: . .
$100 :

.78 , ,
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| Rabbis Letters

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" ' , '.

47 .76 ,

. .

, .
, " .
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$750 :

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| Rabbis Letters

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, .
16X10 :" .

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27X21 :".
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" " . "
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, ' " .
" ,
, .

16X18 :".
: . , .
$80 :

.85 " "

" ,
, .

| Rabbis Letters


.83 "
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" , .
" . ,
" .

- ("-"),
- .
, .
" "
. ,
, .
28X21 :".
: , .
$50 :

" -"
" "
" . .
" " "
("-") , ,

$80 :

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

, .
, " '
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" .
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16X20 :".
$80 :

.87 "

" " , -" .
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25X20 :".
$80 :

" "
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, .


" | 2015

.88 "
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.90 "

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24X17 :" 12 ..
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$200 :

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" "
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" .
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27X21 :" 15 ..
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21X21 :".
$90 :

.95 -"

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28X21.5 :".
: . .

.94 - "
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$360 :

- "

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60 .
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27X21 :".
$380 :


( ) , "
" , .
("-") ,
" , 30
28X21 :" 21X14 ,".

| Rabbis Letters


" , .

'' " .
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' .
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" ' '
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" '
' .
" ".
. '
' " .
$400 :

$60 :

" , ,

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

.97 -"
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("-") ,
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$80 :

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("-") ,
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$100 :

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27.5X21.5 :".

$150 :

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$30 :

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27X21 :".

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. :

.104 " "

" " " ,
" " . ,
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" ("-")

" , .

, .
25X20 :".
: .
$50 :

| Rabbis Letters



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.105 -
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| Rabbis Letters

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$250 :

.109 "

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: . .

$40 :

30X20 :".

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" " . "
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.108 "
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$130 :


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$70 :

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" .

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" . .

13X16 :".

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27X22 :".
: .
$80 :

.111 "
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: .
$150 :

.113 " -"

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" " "
" . ,
16X11 :".

" ," ".

$180 :

" .

.114 " " -


," -" ("-

") " .

" " " ,
" .

28X18.5 :".
$100 :

.112 "
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10 , "
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, ' ' ,
( ' ') . "
. "

: .
$40 :

.115 " ' ' -"

" ' ' ,"
' ' ,
, .
: .
$180 :

| Rabbis Letters

, ,

" , " ' ("-"),


. " ,

.116 "
" " "
, ' '
" ("-") ," -
, .
22X14 :".
$100 :

.117 "
," ",
( ,
' ) .
" , .
," ( ") ,
' ' . "
, .

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

("-") ,
, '' ' '.
21.5X13.5 :".
: .
$90 :

.118 - "
' " ,
" .
," " ("-"),
. ,
" .

" . ,
. .

" " '

" ' . .
: . .
28X17.5 :".
$100 :

22X13 :".

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," ,
, " ' '.

$700 :

21X15 :".

.119 " "

: . . .

. " "
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" -' ".
$100 :

.120 " ' "
" "
" .

" | 2015

" .
. "
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" "
" .

.121 "

$150 :

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" ".


, "
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$50 :

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$120 :

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, " " " .
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$180 :

.126 " ,"

- -"-"
," " ,
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" .
. ' '
' ' .

15X10 :".
$200 :

.127 -
' ' -"
, ,... ,
' . " "" (
' ' ") , 35
" ".

| Rabbis Letters

," :
" "".

28X21 :".

, , "
" ," ' ' '.

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" , .
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, , ,
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) , , ,
" . 13
. .
' ' ".
, "
. .
25X20 :" . .
$30 :

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

.128 -
" -"

.129 ,
" - "

.131 , '- -


, ,
,1912 .

, ' , .
. .
, .

"" ( ) .
, ,
, .
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$50 :

Ritchernwalde ( ) ."
" ("-")
, , . '
. ' .'Judische Turnzeitung
" ( )
" . '
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, " ).

23X14.5 :".
: . .
$100 :

: . .
$50 :

" " ) , ,
" , .

.130 '
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" -
" .
" ("-")
" .
' ' . .
" .
" ' '
, " ,
' ' ' .
28X22 :".
$100 :


" :
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.132 -"


" | 2015

, .
. .

" ,
19X15 :".
$120 :

" ,
" " ' ' ,
. .

. .
" .
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" .
("-") ,
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$50 :

.134 "
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$80 :

. .

.135 " "


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21X15 :".
$100 :


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- .

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| Rabbis Letters

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| 3


| Rabbis Letters

" ("-")

" " ("-")

. .
. "
, ' ' ,
" . ' ' '
' . .

" ("-") ,
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14X9 :".

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$120 :

$60 :


.139 ,
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, . ".

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. .


("-") ," ',

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$150 :


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" | 2015

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| Rabbis Letters





.13 -

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.10 -

.15 -
," $40
.14 -


" | 2015

.12 -

" "
- " $30

.16 "
, "

.17 100$

| Rabbis Letters

" ["] | $120

.18 " ' ' -" | $700

.22 " ''

" $30

- -


- ,
, | $30

" - | $40

.25 ,
! $60
- $150

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

.29 -
-" $30

.27 " -
-" $70
-" $120
() " " $60

.32 $70

.30 -" .31 $170

-" $570


" | 2015

.33 "
, -" $100

.36 ' '

-" | $100

.37 -
| $70

| Rabbis Letters

.35 ' '

-" | $50

-" | $50

.41 "
-" | $100

| $120

.39 -" | .40 $40 -" | $100

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

-" | $30

.43 ' | $100

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.47 - ["] | $30

.46 "
-" | $30


" | 2015

.48 "
-" | $60

.45 -
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" $50

-" $100

.55 "
" ["] $50

.52 "
-" $90

.56 ,

.53 -
" $290

.57 -"

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

.61 - $150

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.65 '
-" $300

.62 -
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| Rabbis Letters

.67 " -
" $180

.68 ,
" -" $180

.69 " -
" $100

.70 ,
" " -"

-" $35

.71 ,
" -" $140

.73 -
" -" $60

.74 " -
" $40

.75 -" - $750

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

47 .76 ,
" $400

.79 $40
.77 -
.78 ,
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" $30

" '' - $40


" | 2015

" -" $100

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.83 "
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| Rabbis Letters

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.85 "
" $50

.87 "

.91 " $150

.88 "
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.89 "
-" $50

" -! $220

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

- " $380

-" $90

.96 $400

.97 -" $80

" | 2015

.94 "
" " -" $60

-" $100

.95 -
" $360

-" $150

| Rabbis Letters

.101 '
' -" $30


.103 $80

.100 -
-" $30

.104 " " $50

.105 -
- $40

.106 -
" " $120

" $130

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

.109 "
- $70

.108 "
- ! $250

.111 " ,
" -" $100

.110 "


.114 "
" -" $40
.112 "
-" $150


" | 2015

.113 " -
" $180

.115 " ' '

-" $180

| Rabbis Letters

.116 "
-" $100
.117 " $90

.120 " ' "

-" $100

" -" $200

.118 .119 - " " $100

" -" $150

, -

" -" $50

| 3


| Rabbis Letters

.126 ",
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.127 -
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.124 .125
" -" $120
-" $180

.128 -
" -" $50


" | 2015

.129 ,
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" $50

.130 .131 , '-

-" $100
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| Rabbis Letters

.132 -" $120

-" $50

" "
-" $80

.137 -
" $150

.135 " "

-" $100

.138 " "

-" $60

.136 $120

| 3


| Rabbis Letters
, -" - $80

.140 $100

.141 " $600


" | 2015

Rabbis Letters |

behalf of a widow, requesting to admit her to Kefar

Saba Kibbutz (Chafetz Chaim to be).
Rabbi Shmuel Halperin (1876-1959) was the first
rabbi of Zichrin Meir neighborhood in Bnei Berak
and before that a rabbi in Amsterdam.
E. Letter from Rabbi Shmuel Be'eri. 1969.
The letter is addressed to Avraham Marmurstein, of
the heads of 'Bnei Akiva' and the chairman of the
Religious Council in Petah Tikva. In the letter, the
writer announces that he has left an amount of money
for 'Bnei Akiva' with Rabbi Nerya in Kefar Ha'Ro'eh.
The letter is written on the official stationery of
Rabbi Be'eri.
Rabbi Shmuel Be'eri (1921-2010) was the rabbi of
Hague and before that, the rabbi of Helsinki.
F. Letter from Rabbi Baruch Leizerovsky. 1954.
The letter, on Rabbi Leizerovsky's official stationery,
is addressed to Rabbi Shimon Mordochovitz, rabbi in
New York and the secretary of the Rabbis Association
in USA and Canada. The letter is about the Rabbis
Rabbi Baruch Leizerovsky was the rabbi of Munich
and a rabbi in Lodz amd Philadelphia. The author
of 'Ta'am Baruch'. Deputy Chairman of the Rabbis
Association in the USA.
G. Letter from Rabbi Rabinowitz, Rabbi of Kensington
Community in Johannesburg. 1946.
The letter appeals to the Social Help Enterprise of the
Haredi Jewry in Jerusalem.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100


3 |

141. Collection of letters, rabbis from abroad

Collection of about eighty letters of rabbis and
organizations abroad written to the Land of Israel,
on a variety of subjects especially public, rabbinical,
religious and charity issues. The collection reflects
the relationship between the Jewry in Israel and the
Jewry of the Diaspora, when the Yishuv in Israel was
supported by donations from abroad and out of Zion,
the Torah shall go forth.
The collection includes letter from all around the
world: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Mexico,
London, Milano, Paris, Amsterdam, Ireland, Australia
and Johannesburg.
Several examples:
Letter of the Chief Rabbi of London for the
fundraising campaign for the "The Committee for
Jewish Defense" 1948.
Letter from the Rabbi of Livorno to the Minster of
Education Abba Even with a request to allow the
teacher David Pelled, who was sent by the Jewish
Agency, to remain there.
Power of appointment to marry a woman in Israel by
a Jew from San Paulo, December 1958.
Letter of Rabbi David Sharhabani, Rabbi of Bogota,
Colombia, to Zerach Varhaftig with a request to
recommend him for the position of Chief Rabbi of
Tel Aviv, November 1966.
A partial list of rabbis: Rabbi Hillel Medalya [there
are many of his letters, including one from 1933,
when he was in Manchester and one from when

he was a rabbi in Leeds], rabbi Shneur David Walt

from San Paulo, rabbi Yesha'aya Schneiblag Bnei
Re'em, Rabbi Yerachmiel Blumfenfeld Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, Rabbi Yitzchak Greenwald Munich,
Rabbi david Muller Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Rabbi Nechemya Berman Uruguay, Rabbi Ya'akov
Weinstein Port Elizabeth, rabbi Ya'akov Avigdor
Mexico, Rabbi Yosef Lipman Gorewitz Melbourne,
Rabbi Chananya Yom Yov Amsterdam, Rabbi
Yehufa Leib Zlotnik Johannesburg, Rabbi prof.
Shabtai Alfredo Tuaf Livorno, Rabbi Yosef Apple
Belgium, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Mirvish Cape Town,
Rabbi Ya'akov Shechter Belfast, Rabbi Yisrael
Ya'akov Yaffe Manchester, Rabbi Binyamin Atlas
Glasgow, Rabbi Ya'akobowitz Chief Rabbi of
England, Rabbi Aharon Schuster Chief Rabbi of
Amsterdam and more.
There are also various letters from Jewish
organizations, among them a letter of greeting to
Rabbi Unterman on the occasion of his becoming the
Chief Rabbi, several letters from the Jewish Agency,
several letters from and to Knesset member Avraham
Verdiger and more.
Size andCondition: Varying
Dates: 1920-1970.
Opening Price: $600

Reply to Rabbi Yehoshua Orenstein in which the

writer apologizes for not replying earlier since he
was sick and bedridden. November 1903.

Afarsemon'. He died during the Holocaust.

Size: 9X14 cm.
Condition: Excellent.

Rabbi Binyamin Arye Weiss (1843-1913) rabbinical

judge of Knihitsch and Tschernovitch, one of the
most important rabbis of his generation. Due to his
genius and his rare talents, he was admired by all
circles Hassidim (he was among the close students
of the author of 'Ateret Zvi' of Ziditschov) and
intellectuals, who appreciated his wide scientific
knowledge, alike. He wrote several books, but was
most known for his responsa boom 'Even Yekara'.

Opening Price: $60

5 lines.

In the letter, Rabbi Levin expresses his gratitude for

help in various matters. Hand-signed by him.

Condition: Excellent. Folding mark in the middle.

Opening Price: $150

138. Postcard handwritten by Rabbi Moshe

Tenenbaum rabbinical judge of Mildoi 1911
Most of the letter is written in German. It starts and
ends with a greeting in Hebrew.
The letter is to Rabbi Broinschwiger of Germany
(Wirtzburg?). Rabbi Tenenbaum thanks him for the
help he has received from him.
Rabbi Moshe Tenenbaum (1886-1945) served as the
rabbi of Mildoi. Was one of the outstanding rabbis
of Hungary. In 1924, he visited the Land of Israel,
published the book 'Masot Moshe' and received the
enthusiastic approval of Rabbi Chaim Zonenfeld.
He also wrote the books 'Imrei Meir' and 'Naharei

139. Letter from the Rabbi of Moscow Rabbi Yehuda

Leib Levin, with his signature 1971 Rare
Letter addressed to the heads of the Jewish
Federation, Rabbi Moshe Natan Shik (1895-1974), the
rabbi of Mischkoltz, and the chairman of the Rabbis
Council and the leader of the Jews in Hungary and
Rabbi Shalga.

Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin (1894-1972) was the rabbi

of Moscow under the communists. He was a student
at Volozhin and Salbodka Yeshivas and a student of
Rabbi Baruch Dov Leibowitz of Kamnitz. He acted
for the Russian Jewry and did all he could under the
restrictions of the government. For this purpose, he
was in contact with the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Size: 21X30 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $80

The letter was sent from Belfast to Tel Aviv to the

"wise Yitzchak Alfasi", the famous historian and
Hassidism researcher Dr. Alfasi, who wrote more
than a hundred books. The letter was written during
the War of Independence and refers to the relishious
aspect of the war. The writer also mentions various
interpretations of Aggadot.
Rabbi Ya'akov Shechter (1887-1972), the Chief rabbi
of Northern Ireland, was an important 'Mizrachi'
B. Postcard from Rabbi Ya'akov Shecter from Belfast
to Tel Aviv

Rabbis Letters |

137. Postcard handwritten by Rabbi Binyamin Arye

Weiss 1903

A request for help in copying articles from libraries

for a study on the MAHARATZ Chayut, a study
after which Rabbi Shechter published his book
'Mavo Ha'Talnud' of MAHARATZ Chayut with an
introduction and comprehensive commentary.
C. Letter from Rabbi Yirmiya Ilai. 1973.
Letter of condolence on the official stationery of
Rabbi Ilai to Rabbi Avraham Yagel from Ramat
Gan, the son of Rabbi Shabtai Yagel, head of Slonim
Yeshiva and a member of Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah.
The letter contains words of condolence after the
death of his mother.
Rabbi Yirmiya Ilai, rabbi in Johannesburg and
rabbinical judge there.
D. Letter from Rabbi Shmuel Halperin. Mid-Thirties.

140. Collection of seven letters of Rabbis of the

A. Letter from Rabbi Ya'akov Shechter. 1948.

Letter on the official stationery of the rabbinate of

Amsterdam. The letter is addressed to Rabbi Ya'akov
Landau, of the heads of 'Poalei Agudat Yisrael', on

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

by Rabbi Kook Institution. He writes in length about

the technical details of the printing and asks about
Rabbi Yechezkel's health.
The letter notes that Rabbi Piness intended to publish
several volumes about Maimonides. Finally, in 1954,
his book 'Panas Shlomo' was indeed published and
Rabbi Sarna wrote its introduction. The book was
published after his death and Rabbi Weinberg wrote:
"Outlines for the Image of the Author".
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Piness (1874-1955) was
born in Minsk in Lithuania. During World War I, he
moved to Zurich. He was most knowledgeable in
the Torah and was of great depth, an attribute that
was manifested in his many books and mostly in
his masterpiece 'Mussar Ha'Mikra Ve'HaTalmud'.
He was in close contact with Rabbi Kook and their
correspondence about Kiddush Hashem is especially
known. His grandson, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch serves
as head of rabbinical court of the Haredi community
in Jerusalem.
Size: 15X21 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

136. Collection of 8 letters of rabbis

A. Letter from Rabbi Reuben Katz. 1936.
Letter to the Chief Rabbinate of Tel Aviv-Jaffa about
marriage registration. Handwritten and signed, on
the official stationery of the Petah Tikva Rabbinate,
by Rabbi Katz.


3 |

Rabbi Reuben Katz (1880-1964) was the Chief Rabbi

and rabbinical judge of Petah Tikva, a member of
the Chief Rabbinate Council and the author of 'Degel
B. Letter from Rabbi Arye Leib Ha'Levi Grossnass.
Letter to Rabbi Aharon Bialostotzki, head of 'Ohel
David' Kollel, about a donation he had arranged
through the Yeshivas Council. Typewritten and
signed by Rabbi Grossnass.
Rabbi Arye Leib Ha'Levi Grossnass was head of the
Rabbinical Court of London.
C. Letter from rabbu Efrayim Greenblat.
Letter handwritten by Rabbi Greenblat about
honoring one's father when he instructs you to
disobey the Halacha. Rabbi Greenblat mentions an
answer from 'Yabi'a Omer'.
Rabbi Efrayim Greenblat (1932-2014), the author of
'Rivevot Efrayim', was one of the most important
adjudicators in the USA.

are staying at the Sha'ariya Transit Camp near Petah

Rabbi Yehoshua Shacklar is the author of 'Kovetz
Mefarshim', 'Yalkut Perushim' and 'Divrei Yehoshua'.
In his youth he was active in the Torah Camp, which
placed immigrant youth in the institutions of the
religious education.
F. Letter from Rabbi Yekutiel Azrieli. 1964.
Handwritten letter to a member of the Torah Camp
(Ha'Machane Ha'Torati) about a donation of the
members of the Persian community in Zichron
Rabbi Yekutiel Azrieli (Koshlevsky) (1900-1993) was
the rabbi of Zichron Ya'akov.
G. Letter dedicating the author's book to Rabbi Isar
Yehuda Unterman when he was the Chief Rabbi of
Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
Rabbi Isar Yehuda Unterman (1886-1976) was the
Chief Rabbi of Israel.

D. Letter from Rabbi Bonem Yoel Toisig.

H. Note from Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Sholzinger.

Handwritten letter, request for Kimcha DePischa.

Handwritten letter from Rabbi Sholzinger about the

purchase of the book 'Bikurei Ha'Aretz' of Rabbi
Avraham Yitzchak Toker.

Rabbi Bonem Yoel Toisig (1923-2008) was the Rebbe

of Matersdorf- Batei Ungarin, the son of Rabbi
Yisrael Toisig, the rabbi of Batei-Ungarin, called the
Beit Yisrael of Matersdorf.
E. Postcard from Rabbi Yehoshua Shacklar of Bnei
Berak. 1955.
Postcard to the active members of the Torah Camp
(Ha'Machane Ha'Torati) about a boy and girl who

Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Toker (1941-2010) was

the author of 'Mishmar Ha'Levi' books and a Magid
(preacher) at the 'Yarchei Kala' Brit Midrash.
Condition: Very Good-Excellent.
Opening Price: $120

134. Letters signed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the

Mashpi'a Rabbi Pinchas Leibusch Herzl
Two letters signed by Rabbi Mencham Mendel
Schneerson of Lubavitch:

Opening Price: $100

The letter was sent on 1/7/1969 and describes Rabbi

Bravda's vacation with his family and the hotel
beside the sea where they stayed. Rabbi Bravda
mentions that on this day, he stops saying Kaddish
for his late father, Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak. He also
mentions his visits to various hospitals in London.
Rabbi Bravda asks about his brother-in-law and
about Rabbi Meir Belsky, the head of the Yeshiva in
Tennessee, Memphis. At the end of the letter, he sends
regards from his wife and family members.

132. Letter of Rabbi Meir Zvi Dushinsky 1934

The letter is hand-written and signed by Rabbi


The handwriting is exceptionally nice and the letter

opens with poetic writing: "To you the open-hearted
I shall call for help from the bottom of my heart I
shall beg you".
Size: 14.5X23 cm.
Condition: Very Good, slight tears at the margins.

Letter from Rabbi Meir Zvi Dushinsky (son of Rabbi

Yitzchak Michael Dushinsky, head of rabbinical
court of Rakushpalota) to his rabbi, Rabbi Shmuel
Ha'Cohen Greenberg, among the heads of the Beit
Midrash for Rabbis in Berlin. In the letter, he tells his
rabbi about his appointment as the Rabbi of Tyrnau
and his engagement to the daughter of Rabbi Meir
Stein, who served as the Rabbi of Tyrnau until his
death earlier that year.
Size: 15X19 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $120

133. A letter from Rabbi Shlomo Bravda to his brotherin-law Rabbi Efrayim Greenblat
A letter from Rabbi Shlomo Leib Bravda to his
brother-in-law Rabbi Efrayim Greenblat, the author

Rabbi Shlomo Bravda (1931-2013), one of the greatest

Ba'alei Ha'Mussar in our generation. He studied in
Lakewood and Mir Yeshivas. When he immigrated
to Israel, he started studying the doctrine of Hagra
(the Vilna Gaon) and gave lessons on this subject. He
wrote several books, among them 'Amala shel Torah'
(The Work of the Torah). In 1958, he traveled to
London to receive medical treatment. That was when
he wrote the letter before us. Since 1988, he divided
his time between the USA and Bnei-Berak.
His brother-in-law, Rabbi Efrayim Greenblat (19322014), an adjudicator and the author of 'Revavot
Efrayim' Responsa. One of the greatest adjudicators
of our time and the student of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein.
He corresponded with many of the greatest rabbis of
our time.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

A) A greeting letter from 18.2.1960 to Rabbi Pinchas

Leibusch on the occasion of "the Bar Mitzvah of the
yeshiva boy Mordechai Yehuda" and a blessing for
B) A letter from 16.9.1967 to Rabbi Mordechai
Yehuda, son of Rabbi Pinchas Leibusch. A greeting
on the occasion of his engagement. At the margins
of the letter, there are words of support for the daily
learning of Torah, Psalms and Tanya.

Rabbis Letters |

of 'Revavot Efrayim' Responsa, about his stay in


In this touching letter from 1878 he implies his grave

situation and states that he is a Torah scholar. The
letter was written in Karley. It is plausible that during
his travels, he had reached faraway Hungary.

Rabbi Pinchas Leibusch Herzl (1923-2015) was

among the oldest of Chabad Hassidim in Israel. He
served as a Mashpi'a at the Chabad synagogue "Ba'al
Ha'Tanya" in Jerusalem.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $80

135. Letter of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Piness from

Zurich to his friend, Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna, about the
printing of his books 1954
Letter of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Piness to Rabbi
Yechezkel Sarna, head of 'Hebron' Yeshiva, who
probably took care of the printing of his books.
Rabbi Piness asks Rabbi Sarna to arrange the
printing of his books about the Maimonides and
appoints him messenger to deal with the printing of
the books in Israel. He mentions his previous book
'Mussar Ha'Mikra Ve'HaTalmud', which was printed

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

the many steps to the library and the fact that many
people come to the library to find shelter from the
extreme cold. He then presents the various versions
he has found and writes that he will continue in his

he also published a special edition of the Onkelos


130. Three Letters of the Rabbi of Helmtz, the author

of 'Taharat Yom Tov' 1979

Condition: Very Good.

At the end of the letter, he asks Dr. Berliner to

send him the Book of Mitzvahs (Sefer Ha'Mitzvot),
probably for additional research.

129. Letter to Rabbi Baruch Mendel Auerbach

from his son the journalist Dr. Yisrael Auerbach
Constantinople, 1912

Three letters about the activities of the Rabbi in

matters of ritual baths (Mikveh) addressed to Rabbi
Alter Eliezer Kahana, the Rebbe of Spinka-Ziditchov
and Rabbi Yissasschar Dov Goldstein, the Rabbi of
the Chatam Sofer circle.

The letter is handwritten by Rabbi Hirschzon on a


Rabbi Baruch Mendel Auerbach was the rabbi of

Ritchernwalde in Germany (Poland of today). In 1890
he moved with his family to Berlin.

Rabbi Yitzchak Hirschzon (1845-1896), the founder

of the Printing House and the newspaper 'Hatzvi' and
a researcher of ancient and rare manuscripts. The son
of Rabbi Ya'akov Mordechai Hirschzon, the founder
of a yeshiva in Zefad and 'Sukat Shalom' Yeshiva in
Jerusalem, which he managed with the help of his
son, Yitzchak. In his journeys, he collected a rare
library of manuscripts. He wrote many books on
Jewish Studies. During his stay in Europe, he thought
of the idea to establish a national academy for Jewish
studies which will teach advanced Jewish studies
and ancient languages. Due to his connections with
Eliezer ben Yehuda and rabbis from Germany, he was
boycotted in the Old City of Jerusalem so he moved
to London and lived there until his death.
Dr. Avraham Berliner (1833-1915), a theologist and
historian from Germany. He became known for
his essays on literature and the Jewish magazines
he published in Germany together with David
Zvi Hoffman. His most famous composition is an
academic edition of Rashi to the Torah, based on the
study of more than a hundred manuscripts. In 1884,


3 |

Opening Price: $50

Dr. Yisrael Auerbach (1878-1956) was an important

and accomplished personality in all fields of Jewish
life in Europe at the time. He was a respected German
educator, editor, journalist and Zionist activist. He
was the president of "Bar Kochva" in Berlin and the
president of the Union of Jewish Athletes in Germany.
He was the editor of the "Judische Turnzeitung"
journal. He was sent to Constantinople in 1908 (as
the representative of the Organization for Helping
the German Jewry) and was the principal of the
Organization' school until 1919. He was the secretary
of "Bnei Brit" Lodz and published many articles about
Germany and Turkey in the movement's newspaper.
In the letter, written on a postcard of the Austrian
post with its postmark, Constantinople 1912, the son
writes to his father in Yiddish that he is healthy and
Condition: Good, few time stains.
Opening Price: $50

Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Deutsch (1903-1991)

was on eof the greatest rabbis in the USA. In his
youth, he studied Torah with the Rabbi, author of
'Levushei Mordechai'. After the Holocaust, he lived
in Cleveland and Brooklyn. He did much for kosher
ritual baths in the USA and around the world. With
the cooperation of the Rebbe of Satmar, he founded
the 'Taharat Yom Tov' Kollel in Jerusalem and had a
correspondence with rabbis from all over the world,
which was printed in his series of book 'Tahrat Yom
Tov' 20 volumes.
Size: 22X28 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

131. Letter of Rabbi Yosha Krahn, the Rabbi of

Berchov-Kraley, 1878, Rare
Rabbi Yosha Krahn, the rabbi of Berchov, experienced
much suffering. After escaping Russia to Poland, he
was caught and sat in prison for a year and a half
for a false blame. His wife died and left him with
young children to take care of. When he finally found
refuge at his son Yitzchak's house in Lvov, the house
burned down.

A Postcard from Rabbi Yechiel Ya'akov Weinberg,

the author of 'Sridei Esh' Responsa to Rabbi Yisrael
Porat. In the postcard, Rabbi Weinberg expresses his
gratitude to Rabbi Porat for his book. He praises the
book and notes that it is "full of Torah and science as
well as literary beauty".
Rabbi Yechiel Ya'akov Weinberg (1884-1966) was
one of the greatest students of the Lithuania Yeshivas
and a great rabbi. Headed the seminar for rabbis in
Berlin. A fertile author, most knowledgeable in Torah
and science. He survived the Holocaust and after it,
published his writings as responsa named "Sridei
Rabbi Yisrael Porat (1886-1974) was a Torah scholar
in Jerusalem, of the students of Rabbi Avraham
Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook. For more than fifty years,
he served as a rabbi in Cleveland, Ohio. He edited his
book "Introduction to the Talmud" at the request of
Rabbi Kook in order to systematically compare the
Babylonian Talmud with the Jerusalem Talmud. The
book is notable for its knowledge and deepness as
well as its literary style. It made an impression on the
religious world.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $180

126. Two postcards from Rabbi Zvi Afigdor Fish,

Rabbinical Judge of Nir-Adani 1943-1944
The two postcards were sent during the years of rage
1943 and the beginning of 1944, before their writer

died on Kiddush Hashem.

Words of support to those who turned to him and a
request that they pray for him Zvi Avigdor son of
Rachel Pearl.
Zvi Avigdor Fish was amongst the most important
rabbis of hungary. He was also admired as the
grandson of the author of 'Bnei Yissasschar' and
'Ateret Zvi'. He himself was a pious and righteous
man. He met with several of the righteous of his
generation, the Rebbe of Satmar and the Rebbe of

The letter is written in Yiddish and the writer

admonishes his brother for not hurrying to marry off
his daughter. He notes the saying of the Sages: "When
your daughter has matured, release your slave" and
then suggests the Shiduch.


Rabbi David Ha'Cohen Rappaport (1890-1940), a

genius and prodigy. As the letter notes, his father,
Rabbi Akiva Rappaport was the grandson of Rabbi
Akiva Eger and his mother, Sara Chaya Charlotte, a
descendent of HAGRA. Already at the age of 13, he
was known as a prodigy with great knowledge of the
Torah. He was also famous for being knowledgeable
in math and foreign languages. He became famous as
the author of 'Tzemach David' about the Talmud. He
served as a teacher at the Bernowitz Yeshiva beside
Elchanan waserman. He died during the Holocaust.

Opening Price: $200

Size: 25X20 cm. 4 columns on both sides of the page.

127. Rare, interesting letter Shidduch proposal to

Rabbi David Rappaport, the author of 'Tzemach
David' 1928

Condition: Excellent.

Size: 10X15 cm.

Condition: Excellent.

Rare and most interesting letter in which Chaim , a

Jew from Bernowitz suggests that his brother take as
a husband for his daughter Rabbi David Rappaport,
the author of 'Tzemach David'. He notes that he is
a teacher at Bernowitz (at 'Ohel Torah' Yeshiva of
Rabbi Elchanan Waserman), that he 35 years old and
the he is the grandson of HAGRA and Rabbi Ya'akov
The writer adds that Rabbi Elchanan Waserman
greatly admires the young man, who already wrote
one book ('Tzemach David') and is about to publish
another ('Mikdash David').

Rabbis Letters |

125. A postcard from Rabbi Yechiel Ya'akov Weinberg

to Rabbi Yisrael Porat 1956

Opening Price: $30

128.Correspondence between the Greatest Researchers

- A letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Hirschzon to Dr.
Avraham Berliner
A letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Hirschzon to Dr.
Avraham Berliner from 1881.
In the letter, Rabbi Hirschzon describes his search for
manuscripts in the library of Parma, Italy, in order
to identify the most precise version of the Onkelos
translation of the word "Dashen" from Leviticus 1:16.
He describes his difficulties, the opening hours of the
manuscripts library, the physical location including

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Rabbis Letters |

contains a personal note, when Rabbi Grodzinski tells

his nephew about his illness. The letter is addressed
to the Rabbi's nephew, Rabbi Avraham Pinchas, the
author of "Me'Beit Avraham". Undated, probably
written between the years 1925-1929.

Jerusalem safely. She probably regrets her approval

of the agreement". To clarify the matter, he asks the
rabbinical judges to send him the woman's address
in Tel Aviv, in order "to speak to her face-to-face and
hear unambiguous things, yes or no".

Size: 13X22 cm.

The letter was written by another person and at its

end, Rabbi Ha'cohen added a line in his handwriting
and signed: "Avraham Ya'akov, son of Shlomo

Condition: Very Good. Folding Marks. The head of

the page is cut out without damage to the content
of the letter (it is possible that the date was written
Opening Price: $700

123. Postcard from Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov Ha'Cohen

of Vilna to Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank 1936
Postcard sent by Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov Ha'Cohen of
Vilna to the rabbinical judges of the Chief Rabbinate
in Jerusalem, headed by Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank.
Rabbi Ha'Cohen visited Israel for a short period of
time and lived in the Zichron Meir neighborhood
which was close to the young settlement of Bnei
Berak in the house of the builder of the neighborhood,
Ya'akov Halperin. During this visit, he wrote the letter
before us, which refers to a divorce certificate sent by
his rabbinical court in Vilna to a woman living in Tel
Aviv. According to her, she could not make the trip
to Jerusalem, to Rabbi Frank's court, to receive the
certificate due to the dangers of the roads (the 1936
Arab Revolt, which started several months before).
Rabbi Ha'Cohen notes that in his opinion, this is not
the real reason "and what attests to it is that she had
not come to receive the divorce certificate before the
Revolt had begun, when she could have travelled to


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Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov Ha'Cohen (1869-1941) was

a rabbi and teacher in Vilna. He studied Torah with
his father, Rabbi Shlomo Ha'Cohen, the author of
'Cheshek Shlomo', rabbinical judge of Vilna. After
his father's death in 1906, he replaced him as rabbi.
He was a member of the Rabbis Council in Vilna and
the charity collector of the central charity fund in
Vilna. The charity deposits were entrusted to him as
well as the salaries of the town's rabbis. In the midthirties, the Chazon Ish sent him a letter from Israel
suggesting Ya'akov Halperin's daughter as a wife to
his son, Shlomo Ha'Cohen, who was a close student
of the Chazon Ish. Rabbi Ha'Cohen accepted the offer
and in 1936 visited Israel with his wife to participate
in the wedding. His son remained in Israel; yet he
and his wife returned to Vilna. In 1940, he was taken
by the Nazis to prison. There he was tortured and
became severely ill. He died a short time after his
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $50

124. Handwritten answer of Rabbi Mordechai Dov

Aidelberg, the Rabbi of Plotzk 1938
Letter from Rabbi Mordechai Dov Aidelberg to
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Ha'Levi. Rabbi Aidelberg refers to a
divorce certificate sent from Plotzk to Jaffa by mail
and asks not to rely on it since the names in it had not
been written properly. He writes in detail about the
names in a divorce certificate.
Rabbi Mordechai Dov Aidelberg (1881-1942) studied
at Volozhin Yeshiva. In 1928, he was appointed
Rabbi of the Plotzk community, which was a large
and important community. He was a member of the
executive committee of the Rabbis Association in
Poland and helped raise money for the Lithuanian
yeshivas. He sent three of his sons to study Torah in
the Land of Israel and in 1930, visited it and met with
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook. He became
famous after wrting his book 'Chazon La'Moed' about
the situation of the USSR Jewry. He died during the
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Ha'Levi (1874-1960) was the son-inlaw of Rabbi Naftali Hirtz Ha'Levi, the Rabbi of Jaffa
and close by settlements. After Rabbi Hirtz's death, he
even replaced him as Rabbi until the appointment of
Rabbi Kook. Later, he served as rabbinical judge of
Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
Size: 21X28 cm.
Condition: Very Good. Filing holes and an
insignificant tear that had been glued.
Opening Price: $120

Size: 13.5X21.5 cm.

Condition: Very good
Opening Price: $90

118. Letter from the Monthly Mishnayot Project,

signed by the Grand Rabbi of Tolne, 1994
The letter is addressed to MK R' Menachem Porush,
requesting aid for the Torah-enhancing projects of
the Tolner Rebbe.
Rabbi Yochanan Twersky, the Rebbe of Tolne (19261999), was the 4th Grand Rabbi in the Tolne dynasty.
He was born in the Ukraine, immigrated to Israel in
1953, studied under great Torah giants in Jerusalem,
and later returned to New York. He founded the Tolne
Hassidut in Israel when he returned again in 1955.
He lived for a while in Rechavia, and then led the
Hassidut from his home in Bayit Vegan. He expended
great efforts in widely disseminating Torah.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $150

119. Invitations to Weddings, with handwriting by

A. Invitation to a wedding, with an addition (a line
and a signature) in the handwriting of the Rebbe
Rabbi Leibush of Peshvorsk.
B. Invitation to a wedding, with an addition (three
lines) in the handwriting of the Rebbe Rabbi Yaakov
Mordechai Twersky of Loiev-Chernobyl/

Rabbis of the Diaspora

120. Letter of Rabbinical Judge in Lodz to Rabbi
Moshe Avigdor Amiel about the appointment of a
rabbinical judge in Tel Aviv 1939
Letter of Rabbi Moshe Menachem Yosef Segal to
Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel. After the death of Rabbi
Shaul Moshe Zilberman, who served as rabbinical
judge in Tel Aviv, Rabbi Segal suggests to choose his
son, Rabbi Yehoshua Zilberman, the author of 'Zecher
Yehoshua', to replace his father. He was indeed
chosen as a member of the religious council of Tel
Rabbi Moshe Menachem Yosef Ha'Levi Segal of Lodz
served as head of rabbinical court of Lodz until the
Holocaust. He was known for his unique ability to
release Agunot. Died during the Holocuast.
Condition: Good. Wide filing holes.
Size: 17.5X28 cm.
Opening Price: $100

121. Letter of Rabbi Avraham Naftali Hirtz Yaner

Head of Rabbinical Judge of Krakow 1876
Letter authorizing the butcher Shmarya Shmerl
Liberman of Rupshitz by Rabbi Yaner.
Rabbi Avraham Naftali Hirtz Yaner Head of
Rabbinical Judge of Krakow, of the greatest rabbis in
his generation, was the author of 'Tzlota De'Avraham'
Size: 15X21 cm.

Condition: Very Good. A tear at the head of the page.

Nice and clear handwriting.
Opening Price: $200

122. Letter of Rabbi Avraham Grodzinski, the head

of Slabodka Yeshiva, of the heads of the Musar
Movement, most rare
Rabbi Avraham Grodzinski (1884-1944) was one
of the greatest heads of the Lithuania Yeshiva and
the Musar Movement. He served as a Mashgiach
(supervisor) of the "Knesset Yisrael" Yeshiva in
Slabodka. In the few years before the Holocuast, he
was also the head of the Yeshiva.

Rabbis Letters |

in Yated Ne'eman.

Rabbi Grodzinski was known for his special

education method and his sensitive nature. In 1925
he was sent by the management of the Yeshiva to
establish a branch of the Yeshiva in the Land of
Israel together with Rabbi Yechezkel Serna. After
establishing the Yeshiva in Hebron, he stayed in
Israel for a few months and from 1927 served as its
spiritual manager.
During the Holocaust, he moved to Vilna and although
he was severely ill, operated there to save the Jews.
He also helped yeshiva students and Torah scholar
who escaped to Vilna. On 13.7.1944, the Nazis moved
the remaining Jews of the city to a concentration
camp near the city. Rabbi Grodzinski was in hospital
due to his illness. On 18.7.1955 the Nazis set fire to the
hospital, burning its patients alive, including Rabbi
Grodzinski. His sons-in-law served in key roles in
the Torah and Yeshiva world after the Holocaust.
The letter is about Musar matters, although it also

Opening Price: $100

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Rabbis Letters |

Condition: Very good.

flourished in the city.

Opening Price: $150

The document before us demonstrates that

fundraising campaigns were held in Tel Aviv for
building a Beit Midrash and court for the Rebbe. For
this purpose, the "Fund for the building of the Beit
Ya'akov synagogue and the house of Rabbi Ya'akov
Yisrael Rabinowitz of Kherson" was founded.

113. A hand-written letter from the Rebbe of Slonim,

A letter hand-written by the Rebbe of Slonim to
Knesset Member R` Menachem Porush (1916-2010).
Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the third) (1888-1981), the
Grand Rabbi of Slonim, authored Birkat Avraham.
He was one of the heads of Yeshivat Ohr Torah in
Tiberias, and one of the founders of hareidi-religious
education in Eretz Yisrael. Only after the death of the
Rebbe Rabbi Motel Slonimer in 1954 did he agree to
take on the position of Rebbe.
He then moved to Jerusalem, and led his followers
for 27 years.

Before us is an official receipt of the Fund, on the

amount of ten Liras, collected for this purpose at
the "Ohel Mo'ed" Synagogue (the first Sephardic
synagogue in Tel Aviv) by "Rabbi Chai Uziel", the
rabbi of the synagogue and the rabbi of Tel Aviv
Jaffa, the would-be Chief Rabbi.
The receipt is from 9.11.1938 and is signed by the
Size: 13X16 cm.

Size: 11X16 cm.

Condition: Very Good.

Condition: Good.

Opening Price: $40

Opening Price: $180

114. Receipt to Rabbi Uziel signed by the Rebbe of

Kherson, 1935
Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael of Kherson (1880-1952) was
a Rebbe in Kherson and later in Odessa, the author
of "She'erit Ya'akov", a descendant of Rabbi Gedalya
of Linitz (the author of "Tshu'ot Chen"). In 1923, he
immigrated to Israel with his mother and lived in Tel
Aviv. Thus, he was the first Rebbe to live in Tel Aviv.
During the following years, several others Rebbes
also moved to Tel Aviv and several Hassidic courts

115. Invitation to the wedding of the Gerrer Rebbe,

author of the Pnei Menachem, 1946
Invitation from the Gerrer Rebbe Imrei Emet to
the wedding of his youngest son, Rabbi Pinchas
Menachem Alter, author of the Pnei Menachem, who
married Tzipora, granddaughter of his uncle Rabbi
Moshe Betzalel.
The name of the bridegroom is written in abbreviation
and rhyme.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $180


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116. Invitation to a festive Hilula meal at the Rebbe of

Spinka-Jerusalem, 1964
With the joyous (Aramaic) words Ulu v'hitkanshu,
"Arise and gather for the Hilula of Rebbe," the
Rebbe invites his followers to a Hilula feast for his
grandfather, the Imrei Yosef, the Rebbe of Spinka.
Rabbi Yosef Meir Kahane (1910-1978), the Rebbe
of Spinka-Jerusalem, headed his Hassidic court in
Meah She'arim, and was famed for his piety and
Size: 14X22 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

117. Condolence Letter from the Rebbe of Erloi

A letter of condolence written by Rabbi Yochanan
Sofer, the Grand Rabbi of Erloi, shlita, to journalist
Yisrael Shpiegel upon the death of his father (David
Moshe Shpiegel, the main gabbai of the Tchortkov
Beit Medrash in Meah She'arim).
The letter is written on the Rebbe's official stationery,
in his handwriting and with his signature.
Rabbi Yochanan Sofer, b. 1923, a direct 5thgeneration descendant of the Chatam Sofer, is the
senior member of the Council of Torah Sages of
Agudath Yisrael. He established the Erloi Hassidut
in Eretz Yisrael in 1953, re-establishing the Erloi
Yeshiva in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem.
Yisrael Shpiegel (1934-2011) was a hareidi journalist
and writer, editor of Hamodia and a weekly columnist

Condition: Good
Opening Price: $250

109. Two letters handwritten and signed by the Rebbe

of Slonim-Tel Aviv, to his sister-in-law, Rabbanit
Perel of Gur
One letter is a New Year's blessing just before Rosh
HaShanah, and the other deals with personal issues.
Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel Weinberg
(1898-1975) became Grand Rabbi in 1928. He made
Aliyah to the Holy Land in 1935 and established a
Beit Medrash in Tel Aviv. He and the Gerrer Rebbe
Rabbi Yisrael Alter (1895-1977), author of the Beit
Yisrael and rebuilder of the Gerrer Hassidut after the
Holocaust and President of the Torah Sages Council
of Agudath Yisrael married sisters, daughters of
Rabbi David Weinfeld.
4 pages
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $70

110. A letter from Rebbe Chanoch of Sochatchov and

Rebbetzen Freidl about the rescue of their relatives
during the Holocaust
A letter of the Rebbe of Sochatchov, Rabbi Chanoch
Henoch Borenstein (1897-1965) was born in Poland
to his father Rebbe Shmuel Borenstein, the author
of "Shem Me'Shmuel. In 1925, he immigrated to
Israel and settled in the Bayit Va'Gan neighborhood
in Jerusalem. He was an enthusiastic lover of Zion

and even edited the Zionist journal "Ha'Hed". After

the Holocaust, where his brother, Rabbi David
Borenstein, was murdered, he became Rebbe of
Sochatchov. He established the Sochatchov Beit
Midrash in Jerusalem.
His wife, Rebbetzen Freidl was the daughter of the
Rabbi of Krumlov, Rabbi Nathan Nachum Ha'Cohen
Rabinowitz of Krumlov, of the Hassidic dynasty of
Radomsko, son of Rabbi Yissachar Ber Ha'Cohen, the
author of "Chessed Le'Avarahm".
The letter was probably written during World War II
to his nephew in Europe. The Rebbe tells his nephew
about his efforts to receive a certificate for him.
He also offers to send him money or provisions.
In addition, he mentions another relative named
Avremali and asks that his details be sent to New
York so that the Radzin Hassidim will make efforts
to save him (he might be referring to Rabbi Avraham
Borenstein, the son of the "Shem Me'Shmuel" who
lived in Kutno, Poland and was murdered during
the Holocaust and who might have been connected
somehow to the Radzin Hassidim).
The letter opens with the Yiddish words of the
Rebbetzen and then the Hebrew words of the Rebbe.
Undated, probably 1939-1941.
Size: 22X27 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $80

111. A letter from Rabbi Chanoch Bernstein - the

Rebbe of Sochachov and his wife, to their nephew
the Rebbe of Radzhin. 1962
A hand-written letter by the Sochachover Rebbe
Rabbi Chanoch Henech Bernstein to his wife's
nephew, the Radzhiner Rebbe.
On the other side of the page, the Rabbanit added a
long letter of her own, in Yiddish, to the Rebbe and
his family.
Rabbi Avraham Yisachar Englard (1909-2006), the
Rebbe of Radzhin in the United States, was the 6th
Rebbe of the Izbitzeh-Radzhin Hassidut.

Rabbis Letters |

A very interesting historic document!

An air-letter (aerogramme) written on both sides.

Size: 18.5X28 cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $100

112. A letter from the Rebbe of Chernobyl, Rabbi

Meshulam Zusia Twersky 1964
A letter hand-written and signed by the Rebbe of
Chernobyl, Rabbi Meshulam Twersky, to Knesset
Member R` Menachem Porush (1916-2010), asking
for support for a family in his community.
Rabbi Meshulam Zusia Twersky (1917-1988), a
scion of a dynasty of Rebbes, a descendant of the
Maharshal, the Rama, Rebbe Heschel, Chakham Tzvi,
the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch. He
escaped from Russia and immigrated to the Land
of Israel in 1935. After the Holocaust, he rebuilt the
Chernobyl Hassidic court.

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Rabbis Letters |

Yitzchak Yaakov Vachtfogel.

commentaries and novellae in Halakhah. This
page is a rare item of Torah notations that Rabbi
Wachtfogel wrote for himself on official stationery
of Yeshivat Meah She'arim, which he headed. The
comments revolve around the words of mitzvotcommentators such as the Hareidim, the Minchat
Chinukh, and others. Among the topics discussed
are the kid-goat sent to Azazel, ir hanidachat (a
city of idol-worshipers), helping a passerby whose
animal is suffering, the Priestly Blessing, exile for an
accidental killer, and that a king may not acquire too
many horses.
2 pages.
Condition: Good. Tiny rips on the edges.
Opening Price: $40

106. A remnant plucked from the fire A page of

Torah novellae by Rabbi I. Zebonkin, son-in-law of
HaGaon Rabbi Meir Karelitz
A letter with Torah thoughts from Rabbi Isser
Zebonkin, may G-d avenge his blood, to his brotherin-law Rabbi Shmuel Shlomo Karelitz.
The renowned Rabbi Isser Zebonkin, son-in-law of
Rabbi Meir Karelitz, was a tremendous Torah scholar.
He served as rabbi-teacher in Yeshivat Beit YosefNovardok in Ostrovitze. Perished in the Holocaust
and left behind not a trace.
Size: 18x30 cm.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $120


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107. A letter in Torah study from the Gaon Rabbi

Tzvi Hirsch Zvuldover to the Gaon Rabbi Chaim
Heller, regarding the latter's commentary on the Sefer
A letter from the Gaon Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Zvuldover
replete with Torah comments on the work by the
renowned Rabbi Chaim Heller: Beiurei HaGrach
Heller on Sefer HaMitzvot. At the end of the letter, he
relates to a Halakhic dispute between Rabbi Heller
and Rabbi Y. Abramsky and expresses his opinion.
At the end of the letter he writes, "Enclosed are
announcements regarding the Agudat HaRabbanim
rabbis organization the actions of P. who of
late has been blackening the eyes of Israel and
desecrating their honor among the nations, thus
almost [certainly] causing the shechitah[ritual
slaughter] decree."
The great scholar Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Zvuldover (18711942), head of the Rabbinical Court in Klaschov, one
of the greatest Torah giants in Poland, an Amshinover
Hassid. He corresponded prolifically with the other
Torah giants of his generation, including with the
The great scholar Rabbi Chaim Heller (1879-1960)
was one of the leading rabbis of his generation. He
published tens of Torah works. Rabbi Joseph Dov
Soloveitchik eulogized him and called him, "the
'Shmuel HaKatan of our generation.'"
Condition: Very good. Was refurbished.
Size: 20X30 cm.
Opening Price: $130

Hassidic Rebbes
108. Protocol of Chief Rabbinate law committee,
signed by Rebbe of Sadigura, 1948. Historic,
important and interesting!
A protocol of a subcommittee session of the Chief
Rabbinate, dated Adar Bet 19, 5708 (March 30, 1948).
"Session of Chief Rabbinate subcommittee regarding
the establishment of a codex of monetary law based
on Israeli law and the Shulchan Arukh Choshen
Mishpat." Signed by Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef
Friedman, the Rebbe of Sadigura-Pshemishel.
The committee was part of a comprehensive Chief
Rabbinate effort - which never came to fruition
to prepare a Constitution for the newly-established
State of Israel. Dr. Zerach Varhaftig, who chaired
the Constitution Committee of the Vaad HaLeumi
(National Council), submitted to the Chief Rabbis
a draft of the Constitution being formulated, and
received their comments. Present at the session were
the Rebbe, Committee chair Rabbi Aryeh Karlin, Hon.
Dr. Yitzchak Kister, and Attorney Yeshayah She'altiel.
Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef Friedman (18961979) was the 4th Rebbe of the Sadigura Hassidic
court. He was very active in Agudath Yisrael sessions,
and was an enthusiastic Zionist. In 1925 he began
sending followers to establish communities in the
Land of Israel, and in 1939 he made Aliyah himself
and settled in Tel Aviv. During the Holocaust years,
he shook heaven and earth on behalf of the Jews of
Europe. In 1956 he traveled to the United States for
health reasons, and established a Beit Medrash there.
He returned to Tel Aviv in 1962.

33 pages.
All pages complete and in a good condition.
Opening Price: $100

103. Halakhic Responsum by Rabbi Dov Ber Eliezrov

that was not included in his published works
A responsum by the renowned Rabbi Dov Ber
Eliezrov, regarding ritual slaughter.
Rabbi Eliezrov (1908-1997) was a famous rabbi and
Halakhic decisor. He was born in Hevron to a family
descended from the Rabbanit Menucha Rachel,
daughter of the Middle Grand Rabbi of Chabad. He
served as the Rabbi of the Latrun detention camp
during the British Mandate, and was the Rabbi of
the Katamon neighborhood in Jerusalem. He wrote
several books, including his three-volume work of
responsa, Shaali Tzion.
10 pages.
Size: 21X27 cm.
Condition: Very good. Clear handwriting.
Opening Price: $80

104. Religious lesson in the handwriting of Rabbi

Ya'akov Moshe Harlap
A page with Torah innovations in his handwriting
about the matter of "swearing on the Torah". This is
probably a lesson he had taught that he wrote down
on page.
Undated, probably the twenties.

Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Harlap (1882-1951) was born

in Jerusalem and became one of the greatest rabbis
in Israel. He was taught Torah by Rabbi Zvi Michl
Shapira and then from Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak
Ha'Cohen Kook.
He taught Torah in various frameworks, was the
rabbi of "Sha'arei Chessed" neighborhood, the head
of Merkaz Ha'Rav Yeshiva, the president of the "Beit
Zvul" Beit Midrash and the president of the Sovlak
and Lomza Kolel. He wrote many books on religious
He was admired by rabbis from all circles. He lived
modestly and purely and never left the country. For a
time, he used to study with the Rebbe of Gur.
Size: 20X25 cm. One page, three columns.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

105. The renowned Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Vachtfogel

A signed book and a page of Torah novellae in his
handwriting. Rare
The great scholar Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Vachtfogel
(1887-1978) was one of the great rabbis and builders
of Jerusalem. He was a rabbinic leader in HaMizrachi.
Born in Mezritch, he learned in Yeshivot Telz,
Slabodka and Volozhin. He made Aliyah to the Holy
Land in 1909, and married Bluma Rachel, daughter of
Rabbi Zerach Braverman, one of Jerusalem's leading
He was very active throughout his life in building
the Land, and was a partner to the founding of

several modern Jerusalem neighborhoods outside

the walls. Among them was N'vei Yaakov, whose
Rabbi he was between 1926 and 1929. From 1929 and
on he was a rabbi, teacher and director of Yeshivat
Me'ah She'arim. He was a member of the Ashkenazi
Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem.
A. Imrei Yitzchak, by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir HaCohen.
Munkatch 1912. A one-time edition. A copy from the
library of Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Vachtfogel.
Short explanations and commentary on all the
weekly Torah portions (Part I), by Rabbi Yitzchak
Meir HaCohen.

Rabbis Letters |

A ruling about a financial dispute.

This is the only edition; in 1988, a photocopied

edition was published.
An ownership notation appears inside, in the
handwriting of the renowned Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov
Rabbi Yitzchak Meir (son of Naftali) HaCohen
Schwartz (1866-1936) was the son of a family of
Rabbis: His father was Rabbi Naftali of the city
of Madd, author of responsa Beit Naftali, and his
grandfather was Rabbi Avraham Yehuda HaCohen,
head of the Rabbinical Court in Bregesaz, and
author of responsa Kol Aryeh and other works. He
was a Halakhic decisor in the city of Dragmirfala
(Dragomirs) in the Mamoros district.
73 pages
Condition: Excellent
B. A page of Torah novellae by the renowned Rabbi

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Rabbis Letters |

Shabbat KHilchata, which was accepted by all of

the Jewish communities worldwide. He was known
for his great dedication to the community. Aside
from his contribution to future generations with
Shemirat Shabbat KHilchata, he established yeshivas
and taught many students, and was very involved in
charity and helping others. His outstanding behavior
was a shining example for many.
Condition: Excellent
Opening Price: $30

Writings, Manuscripts and Study pages

102. Collection of letters of Rabbi Natan Zvi
Rabbi Natan Zvi Friedman was a Torah scholar, rabbi,
adjudicator, author and researcher. He was born in
Hungary; there he studied at various yeshivas. At the
age of 22, he started giving lessons to the public. After
World War II, he served as the rabbi of the surviving
remnants at Fernwald Camp in Bavaria. He was a
member of the council of released Jews in Munich
and the representative of the surviving remnants at
the 22nd Zionist Congress. He immigrated to Israel in
1952 and became the rabbi of Shikun E in Bnei Berak,
a position he held for about forty years.
Rabbi Friedman was a member of the education
committee of the Chief Rabbinate. He was an
enthusiastic supporter of Zionism and the State of
Israel, a fact that influenced his religious work, which
deals with current and policy affairs. His essays
and researches were published by various public
bodies. He is the author of "Otzar Ha'Rabbanim" an


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encyclopedia containing biographic details about

the various rabbis and Torah scholars who lived
during the years 970-1970.
A. The Eichmann Trial in light of the Halacha
A Halachic answer about the famous Eichmann Trial
which was held in 1961 against Adolf Eichmann.
Rabbi Friedman addresses claims of bleeding hearts,
which were afraid the trial might not be fair. "The
wide world which had not been outraged by the
execution of millions of innocent people, is now
outraged because of the punishment of the murderer
of those millions" he writes painfully. He addresses
each of the claims presented by Eichmann's defense
and refutes them according to the Halacha. He also
discusses matters of faith and philosophy. The pain
and sorrow of the writer, who himself is a Holocaust
survivor, are evident throughout the letter. 3 pages.
B. Greeting letter to Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Landau on
the occasion of his becoming the rabbi of Bnei Berak
A typewritten document hand-signed by Rabbi
Friedman in which he congratulates Rabbi Landau
on his new position as the rabbi of Bnei Berak.
February 1986.
C. Essay in honor of the 40th anniversary of the city
of Bnei Berak
In the lengthy essay, Rabbi Friedman praises the
special nature of Bnei Berak as a religious city and
addresses question and challenges of the future. 6
D. Essays on matters of religion and state
Population Census according to the Halacha, 3 pages.

The State and the Halacha, 2 pages.

The Torah and the State, 4 pages.
Halacha and Democracy, 5 pages.
E. Literary review
Essay on the book "Beit Aharaon" on the Talmud by
Rabbi Aharon Magid.
Essay on the book "Esh Dat" about the love of God by
the Rebbe of Ozarow Rabbi Moshe Yechiel Epstein.
F. Letters to Rabbis
Letter to Rabbi Issar Yehuda Untermann, the
Chief Rabbi a Halachic question about a Divorce
Certificate which is signed only by the Chief Rabbi,
although according to the writer, all rabbinical
judges should sign the certificate, 2 pages.
A letter on the same matter to Rabbi Zvi Pesach
Frank, 2 pages.
A Halachic question to Rabbi Yechiel Ya'akov
Wienberg about the reading of the Torah on Chol
Ha'Moed, 1 page.
A letter about religious matters to the Rebbe of
Ozarow Rabbi Moshe Yechiel Epstein.
G. Letters on public matters
Letter to the Bnei Berak Municipality about an
apartment in Shikun Hei whose tenants disregard
their neighbors' feelings.
Letter to certain personas in the municipality about
"the scandal of the humanely and religiously dubious

Letter of recommendation on the official stationery

of the Ponevezh Yeshiva for Rabbi Yisrael Meir
Zachrish, signed by Rabbi David Povarsky.

was the Rosh Yeshiva of Ohel Torah in Bnei Brak

and a student of the Chazon Ish. During the period
that these letters were sent, he was a rabbi at the
Chachmei Tzarfat Yeshiva in Aix-les-Bains, and later
as the Rabbi and Rosh Kollel in London.

Rabbi David Povarsky (1902-1999) was a very diligent

scholar and Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh for over fifty
years. He wrote Yeshuat David and Chiddushei Rabbi
David on the Talmudic tractates typically studied in

Condition: Excellent

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Zachrish (1934-2011), a student

of the Chazon Ish, taught at the Yarchei Kalla Beit
Midrash in Bnei Brak.

Letter written by Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Karelitz to

Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Written on Rabbi Karelitzs official stationery.

Condition: Excellent

The letter mostly discusses Kashrut problems

which arose in the Jewish communities of Brussels
and Switzerland, and especially in organizing the
Kashrut in the kitchens of non-Jewish ships, on
which some of the staff members were Jews from
those communities.

Opening Price: $80

98. Two letters from Rabbi Shaul Barzam, son-in-law

of the Steipler, from the last year of his life 1964
Letters sent by Rabbi Shaul Barzam to Rabbi Refael
Yitzchak Wasserman. One letter deals with halachic
maters and in the other letter, he tells of his difficult
situation. He ends with the words: I will not forget
all of the good that my Creator and Maker has done
for me, because the yetzer easily makes us forget
Rabbi Barzams father-in-law, Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael
Kanievsky the Steipler, is mentioned in the letters.
Rabbi Shaul Barzam (1927 -1964) was a student of
the Chazon Ish and the son-in-law of the Steipler. He
passed away as a young man.
Rabbi Refael Yitzchak Wasserman (1924-1903)

Opening Price: $100

99. Important letter handwritten by Rabbi Shmaryahu

Yosef Karelitz 1964

Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Karelitz (1918-2001),

nephew of the Chazon Ish, was one of the founders
of the Chazon Ish Kollel in Bnei Brak and the first
Rosh Kollel.
3 pages.
Size: 21.5x27 cm
Condition: Excellent
Opening Price: $150

100. Ketubah Signed by Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer

Mishkovsky 1960
Ketubah from a marriage officiated by Rabbi Eliyahu
Eliezer Mishkovsky in Petach Tikva, signed by him.
Witness who also signed the ketubah: Rabbi Shimon
Asher Goldberg, dayan on the Beit Din HaGadol in
Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Mishkovsky (1929-1981),
grandson of Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer, left his parents
home at the age of 12 to travel afar to learn under
Rabbi Shimon Shkop in Grodno. He later learned
under the Birkat Shmuel and at the Mir Yeshiva. He
immigrated to Israel, and after the death of his fatherin-law, the rabbi of Kfar Chassidim, he assumed his
position. He was later appointed as Rosh Yeshiva
there and transformed it into an important Torah

Rabbis Letters |

97. Recommendation signed by Rabbi David Povarsky


Condition: Very good. A small tear and holes.

Opening Price: $30

101. Letter from Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth, author of

Shemirat Shabbat KHilchata 1973
Thank-you letter handwritten by Rabbi Yehoshua
Neuwirth to the gabbai of the Migdal synagogue on
Hapisga Street in Bayit Vegan in Jerusalem, for his
help with matters related to charity, led by Rabbi
Rabbi Yehoshua Yishaya Neuwirth (1927-2013), rabbi,
posek and Rosh Yeshiva, the main student of Rabbi
Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and author of important
halachic works, the most famous being Shemirat

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

settlement in Israel. Rabbi Shmuel Heller, the previous

rabbi of Tzefat, is also mentioned in the letter.
In the margin of the letter, Rabbi Refael Zilberman,
Rabbi of Tzefat, added two handwritten sentences of
his personal recommendation and his signature.
There are also short notes from the organization
marking that they received the letter.
Rabbi Refael Zilberman (1839-1918), known by
the name Rabbi Refael Dayan, took Rabbi Shmuel
Hellers place as the Chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazi
community in Tzefat. After his death, his son and
grandson assumed this position.
Size: 21x21 cm
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $90

94. Two letters Correspondence between Rabbi A.L.

Zilberman of Tzefat and the Sephardic Chief Rabbi,
Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Chai Uziel 1941
Letter dated the 11th of Tammuz, 1941, handwritten
by Rabbi Avraham Leib Zilberman to the Sephardic
Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Chai Uziel. The
letter includes a list of Torah scholars and widows
whose names were drawn in a lottery and won the
annual support of the Sir Montefiore Hekdesh fund.
On the letter itself, Rabbi Uziel handwrote his
response, and it is typed (with minor changes) in the
second letter that we have, dated the 13th of Tammuz,
1931, signed by Rabbi Uziel. He responds that the
division of the funds is no longer under his authority,
and he suggests that Rabbi Zilberman contact those


3 |

responsible for the support funds, located in London.

Condition: Excellent. Filing holes.

Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai Uziel (1880-1953) was the

Rishon LeTzion and the first Sephardic Chief Rabbi
of Israel.

Opening Price: $360

Rabbi Avraham Leib Zilberman (1849-1948), was the

grandson of Rabbi Refael Zilberman and the Chief
Rabbi of Tzefat for 30 years.

A letter, handwritten by the Steipler, Rabbi Yaakov

Yisrael Kanievsky, to a Torah scholar. The Steipler
blesses the scholar on the occasion of his wedding,
expresses his sorrow that he will not be able to attend
the wedding, and tells him that he will send him a gift
by mail.

Size: 21x28 cm, 14x21 cm.

Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

Rosh Yeshivas
95. Letter signed by Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man
Shach 1972
Letter from Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man Shach
to Rabbi Shneur David Wald in Sao Paulo, Brazil
regarding a request for assistance with a fundraising
campaign for the independent religious school
system (Chinuch Atzmai). The system faced financial
difficulties after accepting 700 Jewish children who
had immigrated from Georgia.
The letter was typed on a typewriter and is signed by
Rabbi Shach.
Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man Shach (1898-2002), one
of the greatest rabbis of the generation, was the Rosh
Yeshiva of Ponevezh Yeshiva and President of the
Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah for about thirty years. He
was a diligent, devoted Torah giant.
Size: 21.5x28 cm

96. Letter handwritten by the Steipler

The envelope is enclosed, also handwritten by the

Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky (1899-1985)
was born in the Ukraine to a family of Chernobyl
Chassidim. As a child, he already stood out as a very
diligent learner and a prodigy. His main years of
study took place at the Novardok Yeshiva. At some
point, he taught as a rabbi at the Beit Yosef Novardok
Yeshiva in Pinsk. After his marriage to Rebbetzin
Miriam, the sister of the Chazon Ish, he immigrated to
Israel in 1934 and was appointed Rosh Yeshiva of the
Beit Yosef Novardok Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. When the
Chazon Ish passed away, he was recognized as one
of the greatest Torah scholars of his generation and
a leader of the Litvak community, together with his
friend, Rabbi Shach. He was known for his extreme
holiness, and many people experienced miracles
due to his blessings. His books, Kehillat Yaakov on
the Talmud, became important assets to the Yeshiva
Opening Price: $400

In the letter, from 24.1.1963, he congratulates rabbi

Elyashiv and his wife on the occasion of the marriage
of their son, Rabbi Moshe.
Condition: Excellent.
Size: 21X27 cm. 15 lines.
Opening Price: $50

90. A tax form filled in by Rabbi Elyashiv with his

personal details Rare!
A form for income tax from 1978, on which Rabbi
Elyashiv wrote his name, his date of birth, his date
of marriage, and his occupation. He mentions that he
was a dayan on the Beit Din HaGadol until October
15, 1972, as well as additional details.
From the document, it becomes evident that Rabbi
Elyashiv got married the night before his twentieth
birthday apparently because of the saying by the
Sages: Twenty years old and has not married a
woman blasted be his bones.
Condition: Very good.
Unusual item!
Opening Price: $220

91. Collection of letters of various rabbis to Rabbi

1) Greeting letter from Rabbi Issar Yudah Untermann
(1886-1976), the Chief Rabbi, on the occasion of the
marriage of Rabbi Elyashiv's son 11.8.1958. Printed

and hand-signed by him.

condition. Some are in agood condition.

2) Letter from Rabbi Rueben Katz (1880-1963), the

rabbi of Petah-Tikvah, the author of "Degel Reuben"
Responsa, about a certain decision. Rabbi Katz asks
Rabbi Elyashiv to wait with his decision till after the
holiday [a short while afterwards, Rabbi Elyashiv
became a rabbinical judge in the regional rabbinical
court of Jerusalem. It is possible, that this is what the
letter refers to]. 11.9.1950. Printed and hand-signed
by him.

Opening Price: $150

3) A letter from rabbi Avraham Yisrael Moshe Salmon

(died in 1957), was known as "The Rabbi of Charkov",
of the greatest rabbis of Russia and Jerusalem. The
letter was added to compositions published by the
school under the rabbis' presidency. Undated. Printed
and hand-signed by him.
4) A letter from Rabbi Shmuel Baruch Werner (19111993), head of rabbinical court of Tel Aviv, on
the occasion of the marriage of Rabbi Elyashiv's
daughter. 1955. Handwritten and signed by him.
5) Greeting letter from Rabbi Yosef Farber, the head
of "Heichal Ha'Talmud" Yeshiva, on the occasion of
the Bar-Mitzvah of Rabbi Elyashiv's eldest son, Rabbi
Shlomo 1953 [assumed].
6) A letter added to a halachic question about a
widow without children marrying a stranger 9and
not her late husband's brother) from rabbi Arye Leib
Grossnass (1912-1996), one of the most important
students of Rabbi Baruch Bar of Kemnitz and head of
rabbinical court of London. 3.7.1969.
Condition: Most of the letters are in an excellent

Rabbis of Tzefat
92. Document with a handwritten note by Rabbi
Shmuel Heller Tzefat 1866
A financial contract from the Beit Din of Tzefat from
1866. In the margins of the document, there are a few
lines which were handwritten by Rabbi Shmuel Heller,
as well as his signature. In addition, the members of
his Beit Din also signed the contract: Rabbi Yitzchak
of Bucecea and Rabbi Mordechai Segal.

Rabbis Letters |

became the chief rabbi of the city and a member of

the Chief Rabbinate.

Rabbi Shmuel Heller (1803-1884) was one of the

geniuses of his generation, a very righteous and lofty
Kabbalist. He immigrated to Israel after the Chozeh
of Lublin advised that he do so. He was the rabbi and
leader of the Ashkenazi community in Tzefat for 60
years. Many miraculous stories are told about him,
including stories of him asking the heavenly Beit Din
questions and receiving answers.
Size: 21x27 cm
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $380

93. Letter with a handwritten note and signature from

Rabbi Refael Zilberman 1885
Letter from Rabbi Yona Goldzweig of Tzefat,
grandson of the Chacham Tzvi, asking for a donation
from the Clerks and Administrators Organization
in Amsterdam, which raised money to support the

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

In the letter, he reminds Rabbi Elyashiv that he sent

him a question that has not yet been answered: Is it
allowed to rub a table with wet wipes on Sabbath?
Size: 21X28 cm.
Condition: Excellent, small stains.
Opening Price: $50

86. A long letter on Torah matters from Rabbi Yisrael

Grossman to Rabbi Elyashiv
Rabbi Yisrael Grossman (1923-2007) was born
in Jerusalem and headed the system of Haredi
institutions. He taught Torah all his life. When he was
young, Rabbi Yochanan of Karlin appointed him the
head of the Karlin Yeshiva in Jerusalem. In 1955
he became head of "Tomchei Temimim" Yeshiva
of Chabad in the city of Lod. He continued in this
position after the yeshiva moved to Kefar Chabad.
He wrote several books on the Talmud and Halacha.
In the letter before us, from 29.10.1962, the close
relationship between Rabbi Grossman and Rabbi
Elyashiv is most obvious. At the beginning gof the
letter he thanks him "for the excessive payment"
he had sent him for his book. He then remarks, as
an answer to Rabbi Elyashiv, about a stolen and
borrowed Sukkah. To this he adds a long letter about
other halachic matters,
3 pages. 20X12 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $80


3 |

87. Collection of letters to Rabbi Elyashiv from Rabbi

Aharon Yizchak Zaslansky
Rabbi Aharon Yitzchak Zaslansky (1886-1977) was
a scholar and public personality in Jerusalem, the
editor of the religious journal "Sha'arei Zion". He was
a secretary at the Chief Rabbinate and the Religious
Council of Jerusalem. He was a fertile author and
editor. He had close relationships with rabbis and
notable persons in Jerusalem, who appreciated him
for his love of the Torah as well as his faithful dealing
with the needs of the public.

the geniuses of Jerusalem. In his youth, he studied

at Slabodke Yeshiva and was sent to Israel to be
one of the ten excelling students chosen to establish
Hebron Yeshiva. After marrying the daughter of
Rabbi Avraham Noah Peli, he continued to study at
the Yeshiva, where he continued to teach Torah until
his death. Many of the great scholars of the Torah
in Israel were among his students. His compositions,
"Har Efrayim" are characterized by sharp, clear
thought and explanations.

Before us is a collection of letters sent to Rabbi

Elyashiv from the years -1971-1976. The letters reveal
that they had a deep and continuous relationship.

In the letter he sent to the in-laws on the occasion

of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's marriage he describes
the groom as "the excellent prodigy Rabbi. Chaim"
unusual titles for a man his age.

Size: 7 pages, 20X25 cm.

The letter is from 5.12.1951 the day of the wedding.

Opening Price: $80

Size: 17X24 cm. 12 lines.

Congratulatory Letters to Rabbi Yosef

Shalom Elyashiv

Condition: Excellent, folding marks.

A collection of congratulatory letters sent to Rabbi

Yosef Shalom Elyashiv in honor of his childrens
weddings (including for the wedding of Rabbi
Yitzchak Zilberstein and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky).
Some of the greatest rabbis sent him these letters.
From the letters, the admiration and esteem of
the great rabbis of Rabbi Elyashivs generation is
apparent, even when he was still a young man.
88. Greeting letter to the Steipler and Rabbi Elyashiv
on the occasion of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's marriage
Letter from Rabbi Efrayim Ze'ev Garbuz (1900-1959),
head of the Ohel Torah Kolel in Jerusalem. One of

Opening Price: $200

89. Greeting letter on the occasion of the marriage of

Rabbi Elyashiv's son, from the rabbi Of Haifa, Rabbi
Yehoshua Kaniel
Rabbi Yehoshua Kaniel (1896-1970) immigrated
to Israel as a child from Belarus. He studied at Etz
Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He was a student of
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook and one of his first
students at his yeshiva in Jaffa. He was close to Rabbi
Kook and even studied alone with him. During Rabbi
Kook's funeral, he read a touching eulogy about
Rabbi Kook's love of the Israel. He moved to Haifa
in 1920 and after the death of Rabbi Baruch Marcus,

Even at an old age, Rabbi Elyashiv continued to tend

to the needs of the public and the generation with
halachic rulings and leadership.
81. Torah insights on the laws of Chanukah,
handwritten by Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv 1939
Torah insights of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, when
he was about 30 years old. The topic discussed is The
prohibition of lighting one candle from another.
Large page, 2 pages
Condition: Excellent
Opening Price: $100

82. Halachic letter regarding the Sukkah, handwritten

by Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv
Halachic insights on Tractate Sukkah page 9,
regarding the prohibition to benefit from the walls
and schach of the Sukkah, and regarding the Sukkah

phenomenal knowledge of the Talmud (when he

was only 20, Rabbi Avraham Dov Kahan Shapira,
the author of "Dvar Avraham", wrote about him
that "among the exiles from Poland, there is a
yound man about 22 years old who is a wondrous
prodigy, a real genius, who knows by heart the
complete Talmud with the Tosafot and most of the
Rambam and he understands and has wonderful
new interpretations"). When he became head of the
rabbinical court in Antwerp, he became famous all
around the world as a great genius and as a brilliant
lecturer. Rabbi Chaim also engaged in act of charity
and kindness, supporting hundreds of widows and
orphans. The greatest rabbis of the generation liked
him, which is expressed in the letter before us.
The letter, from 14.11.1971, is an answer to a request
made by Rabbi Elyashiv asking Rabbi Chaim to
help him in a certain matter and arrange a meeting
between Rabbi Roitman and himself. Between
the lines, one can see the love between these two
The letter is printed and hand-signed by Rabbi Chaim.
Size: 21X27 cm.

Size: 10x16cm

Condition: Excellent, creases.

Condition: Good

Opening Price: $80

Opening Price: $80

83. Letter of Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth, head of

rabbinical court of Antwerp to Rabbi Elyashiv
Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth (1918-2001) was known
in Galicia as the "Prodigy of Krakow" due to his

84. Torah letter from Rabbi Eliezer Palchinsky to his

brother-in-law Rabbi Elyashiv
Rabbi Eliezer Palchinsky (1912-2007) was a great,
sharp genius. In his youth, he studied at Mir Yeshiva.
He was sent to Israel in 1937 by the head of Mir

Yeshiva together with a group of excelling students

to establish a branch of the Yeshiva in Israel, which
later became the largest yeshiva in the world. In
Israel he became very close to Rabbi Yitzchak Ze'ev
Ha'Levi Soloveitchik, whom he knew from Brisk.
He became famous and married Rabbi Arye Levin's
daughter. He taught Torah, wrote essays and served
as the head of various yeshivas and kolelim in Israel
and abroad. The correspondence between him and
the Chazon Ish about matters of Eruvin serves as the
basis for the Halacha in these matters.
In the letter before us, which is an answer to Rabbi
Elyashiv's letter to him, Rabbi Eliezer discusses the
matter of artificial Halizah, whether "I want" should
be said like in the procedure of a divorce. At the
head of the letter, he wishes Rabbi Elyashiv a quick
recovery. Undated.

Rabbis Letters |

rabbis, Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bangis, Av Beit Din of

the Eida Charedit, and Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi
Herzog, Chief Rabbi of Israel.

Size: 18X16 cm.

Condition: Excellent. Creases. A small stain.
Opening Price: $80

85. Halachic question from the Rabbi of Chichenov to

Rabbi Elyashiv
Rabbi Shalom Yechezkel Shraga Rubin-Halberstam
(1913-1986), a descendant of the Sanz-Sieniawa
dynasty. From a young age, he had many
correspondences with the greatest rabbis of Europe
about Halachic matters. After the Holocaust, in the
USA, he was known as "The Great Asker", sending
thousands of Halachic questions to various rabbis
from all circles.

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

to a certain person who is ill, and regarding his

recovery, notes: In any event, I will hurry with this
letter because of the amulet which we were already
promised by one Kabbalist, a student of Rabbi Y.L.
Diskin, who showed it to his rabbi and he agreed
to it, and also to Rabbi Naftali Hertz, Av Beit Din of
Yafo, who wrote the Siddur of the Gaon of Vilna
and used it. He adds, And this already healed my
relative Eliashoff. He gives instructions regarding
the amulet: The written parchment must be rolled
from the end to the beginning, and placed inside a
small box [boxasha] made also of firm paper, to be
worn on his heart.
Several rabbis are mentioned, including the Chafetz
Chaim, his son in law, Rabbi Aharon Hacohen of Yafo,
and Rabbi Naimark (perhaps this is Rabbi Avraham
Yaakov Naimark, who immigrated to Israel in 1924).
He writes at length about a woman who is the wife
of the holy Rabbi Shlomo Eliashoff, and she asks for
mercy to hear news of her two sons. Rabbi Shlomo
lives in Meah Shearim in the Naitan courtyard. This
line touches on an interesting detail that is not known
to the public regarding his teacher, the greatest
Kabbalist of his generation, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv,
author of Leshem, Shvo VAchlama: at the end of his
life, he remarried.
He asks for mercy for Avraham Abba ben Chaya
He ends his letter: He should request of A.C. that he
mention me in the blessing of Refaenu because
middat hadin is pursuing me everywhere I go both
in terms of my soul and my body.


3 |

Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarovich (died in 1929) was a

famous Torah scholar who was close with many of
the great rabbis of the generation. He corresponded
frequently with his contemporaries and was
especially close with the great rabbis of the Mussar
movement. He was also close with Rabbi Shlomo
Elyashiv, the Baal HaLeshem. From his home in
London, he was very active in promoting keeping the
laws of Shmitta in Israel by distributing booklets and
writing letters to encourage keeping Shmitta. At the
end of his life, he settled in Israel.

Size: 18x32cm

5 pages.

Rabbi Elyashiv was born in Lithuania, and as a child

immigrated to Jerusalem to be near his righteous
grandfather, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv, the Baal
HaLeshem. When he was 20 years old, he married
Shayna Chaya, the daughter of Rabbi Aryeh Levin.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook assisted in making
the match and also was the Mesader Kiddushin
(officiated at the wedding).

Size: 13x22cm.
Condition: Very good.
In addition, handwritten copies of two letters written
by the Kabbalist, Rabbi Menchin Halperin, 1923.
The letters are interspersed with divrei Torah and
Kabbalistic ideas, and were sent to convince the
recipient of the importance of designating a minyan
of Torah scholars from the Or Chadash Yeshiva to
study the Kabbalah. He hints that this will speed up
the redemption, and expresses his discern about
those who criticized the idea.
Rabbi Menachem Menchin Halperin (1844-1924)
immigrated to Israel from Grodno in white Russia,
in 1901. Known for his holiness, and especially for
his ability to work miracles. He wrote several books
about the Kabbalah, the most famous being Kvod
Chachamim, written in defense of the book Chemdat
Yamim which follows Lurianic Kabbalah.
4 pages.

Condition: Very good

Opening Price: $40

Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv

Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv (1910-2012) was an
example for the entire generation of diligent Torah
study, a pillar of halacha, an authority for all Jews in
all areas of the Torah. He was one of the giants of the

During the early days of the establishment of the

State of Israel, Rabbi Elyashiv was appointed as Rabbi
of the city of Ramle. In November of 1950, he was
appointed as a Dayan at the regional rabbinical court
of Jerusalem. Later, he was appointed as a Dayan at
the supreme rabbinical court, and he served in this
position until 1972. Rabbi Elyashiv was also the head
of the examining committee of the Chief Rabbinate
of Israel overseeing the certification of Dayanim.
While serving on the rabbinical court, Rabbi Elyashiv
stood out for his ability to decide complex cases
involving agunot and mamzerim. His rulings from
those days are considered fundamental in these
topics. He learned his method of ruling from his

In the letter written by Rabbi Todrus about the

kashruth of the wineries in Rosh-Pina, he describes
his meticulous efforts regarding the matter. Among
others, he writes, "your honor knows that for several
years the winery has been under my supervision.
since the vineyard has been planted I myself have
taken the trouble and have not relied on any other
person and have gone myself to the vineyards to
supervise matters such as Orlah and Kilayim and
later the matter of Harkava and I sit each and
every year for several hours every day to supervise
any small or big matter so that everything will be
The letter is addressed to Rabbi Yosef Ha'Levy. Rabbi
Todrus refers to Rabbi Ha'Levy's father, Rabbi Naftali
Hertz Ha'Levy. Rabbi Naftali Hertz became the rabbi
of Jaffa and the settlements by the great rabbis of
Jerusalem, Rabbi Shmuel Salant and Rabbi Yehoshua
Leib Diskin and constituted a supreme rabbinic
authority in the settlements, especially in matters
concerning the Jewish laws and customs of the land
of Israel. This can be seen in the letter before us also
when Rabbi Todrus writes to his son, "I have sent
your late father, Rabbi Naftali Hertz, several letters
concerning the laws of Harkava (grafting) and other
matters of the Jewish laws and customs of the land of

Israel and he has agreed with me".

Condition: Excellent.

Rabbi Ha'Levy (1874-1960) immigrated to Israel

from Poland in 1886 and after several years, when
he was 19, became the rabbi of the winery in RishonLe'Zion. He occupied the position for dozens of years,
during which he published articles and researches on
the Jewish laws and customs of the land of Israel. He
also managed the Talmud Torah in the settlement.

b. The signature of Rabbi Yoel Ha'Levy Hertzog.

In his letter, Rabbi Todrus mentions Ze'ev Gloskin,

who requested a Kashruth certificate for the winery
in Rosh-Pina. Gloskin was a Zionist activist, the
founder and manager of the "Carmel" Company,
which marketed the wines of the settlements, and the
chairman of the "Vine-growers Union".

A signed authorization handwritten by Rabbi Yoel

Ha'Levy Hertzog to Mrs. Beracha Rakliss from
3/9/1912. The authorization was written in Paris and
hand-signed by Rabbi Hertzog.
Rabbi Yoel Leib Ha'Levy Hertzog (1865-1934), the
father of the Chief Rabbi, Yitzchak Isaac Ha'Levy
Hertzog. Served as a rabbi in Poland, Britain and
France. Wrote various books, among them "Imrei
Yoel" ("The Saying of Yoel") which contains
interpretation on the Torah.
Condition: Good.

Condition: Good. Folding marks and tears.

Opening Price: $40

Opening Price: $40

80. Letter from Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarovich

regarding an amulet from the Maharil Diskin (Rabbi
Yehoshua Yehuda Leib) and the Baal HaLeshem and
his family rare and interesting!

79. A collection of rabbis letters

a. A letter from Rabbi Unterman to Poalei Agudat
A letter from 6/8/1965 from Chief Rabbi Isser
Yehuda Unterman to Poalei Agudat Yisrael in TelAviv on the occasion of laying the corner stone
and bringing a new Torah scroll to the synagogue
and the dedication of the campus of Poalei Agudat
Yisrael. Rabbi Unterman blesses the addressees that
they continue in their work of "strengthening the
foundations of our religion and spreading the light
of the Torah".
The letter is hand- written and signed by Rabbi

Rabbis Letters |

holy Torah and religion and the Jewish nationality

only then will they receive civil rights". The members
of the settlement invited Rabbi Yosef Arye Ha'Cohen,
who was the rabbi of the city of Moinesti in Romania
and who immigrated to Israel in 1854, to serve as the
rabbi of Rosh-Pina. After his death in 1891, his son
replaced him.

A letter written by Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarovich

in response to his friend, the bibliographer Eliyahu
Eliezer Skulsky, who lived in Vilna, and in a different
period was one of the heads of the Adat Yisrael
community in London (died in 1951).
The letter is dated 8th of Menachem Av, which
will transform to a day of happiness and joy and
the words Hashem, builder of Jerusalem will be
fulfilled. The year is not noted, but the content of
the letter suggests that it was written between 1921
and 1926.
The letter addresses several topics. One topic relates

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

Rabbi Avraham David Rosenthal (1903-1999), Av Beit

Din of Jerusalem and Rabbi of the Shaarei Chesed

conformation of their attendance. Before us is a

collection of 47 postcards with their answers and

Size: 35x48.5cm

An important and rare collection!

Condition: Good.

Condition: Very good

Opening Price: $750

Opening Price: $400

76. 47 Postcards with signatures of rabbis, among

them the Steipler and the Rebbe of Gur

77. Letter from Rabbi Shaul Moshe Zilberman of

Wirshov Tel Aviv and Rabbi Yisrael Nissan Kark
of Kovna, to Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Chai Uziel 1936

Forty seven postcards each confirming the

attendance of various rabbis and rebbes at a party
of 'Ezrat Torah' Organization, from October 1969.
On each of the postcards appears a hand-signature
of one of the rabbis or rebbes, among them the
signature of the Rebbe of Gur and the president of
Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah Rabbi Pinchas Menachem
Alter, the author of 'Pnei Menachem', and Rabbi
Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler.
The 'Ezreat Torah' Organization was founded in 1915
in order to economically support Torah scholars,
rabbis and yeshiva students. During the World Wars,
the years of the economic crisis in the USA and the
years of austerity in Israel, the organization acted
to support all those learning Torah. During most
of its years, the organization was headed by Rabbi
Yosef Eliyahu Henkin. Since its establishment, the
organization collected vast amount of money to
support the world of Torah.
In 1969, the greatest rabbis were invited to a party
organized by the organization. They were sent
postcards and were asked to return them with


3 |

A letter of Semicha and a recommendation,

handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shaul Moshe
Zilberman for his student, Rabbi Moshe Chaim
Slavaticki, who served as the Rabbi of the Nachalat
Yisrael neighborhood in south Tel Aviv. Rabbi
Zilberman requests that Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Chai
Uziel issue an official certificate that will validate
Rabbi Slavatickis role as Rabbi, so that no one else
will come and try to take his domain, as sometimes
happens today.
On the other side of the page, there is a handwritten
letter of recommendation written in a similar style
from Rabbi Yisrael Nissan Kark.
Rabbi Shaul Moshe Zilberman (1850-1939) was one
of the greatest rabbis of Poland and a student of
the Avnei Nezer. He served as the rabbi of several
communities in Poland, and is primarily known for
his service as the Rabbi of Wirshov. He also served
as a rabbinic judge in Tel Aviv. He was connected to
the Gerrer Rebbes and even recognized as the Rebbe
of the Gerrer Chassidim in Israel.

Rabbi Yisrael Nissan Kark (1863-1938) was the head

of the Kovno Kollel and one of the rabbis of the city
of Kovno. He was one of the main students of Rabbi
Yitzchak Elchanan Spector, head of the Mizrachi
movement in Lithuania and a delegate at the 12th
Zionist Congress. At the end of his life, he immigrated
to Israel and was one of the rabbis of Tel Aviv.
Size: 14x20cm
Condition: Very good. Wide filing holes.
Opening Price: $100

78. A letter from Rabbi Todrus Ha'Cohen, the rabbi of

Rosh-Pina, to Rabbi Yosef Ha'Levy
An interesting letter hand-written by Rabbi Todrus
Ha'Cohen, the rabbi of Rosh-Pina, to Rabbi Yosef
Ha'Levy, the manager of the kashruth of the wineries
in Rishon-Le'Zion and the son of Rabbi Naftali Hertz
Ha'Levy, who served as the rabbi of Jaffa and the
In the past two hundred years, since many Jews
came to settle in the Land of Israel, they returned to
practice the Jewish laws and customs of the Land
of Israel. With the establishment of the settlements
by the immigrants of the first Aliyah in the late 19th
century, the rabbis of the settlements had to deal
with new halachic questions related to the work
of the land. Among the first settlements was RoshPina, which was founded in 1882. Most of its settlers
were religious Jews and therefore, the settlement
had a distinctly religious nature. The regulations
of the settlement determine that "all settlers of the
settlement are required to behave according to our

depths of Torah and Torah philosophy, and would

engage in general studies as well. He viewed this
Yeshiva as an important step on the way to fulfilling
his vision of combining Torah with practical life and
the building of the Land.

The letter was printed with small changes at the

beginning of the book.

Very surprisingly, hardly any historical evidence

has survived regarding this Yeshiva. This is why the
document before us is so important and rare, and
especially in that it says that the student in question
is one of the most diligent students of the generation
indicating the high level of the students in the

Size: 3 pages, 23X28 cm. On the official stationary of

Merkaz Ha'Rav.
Condition: Very Good, creases, little tears.
Opening Price: $60

74. A letter from the Rabbi Zalman Shach, a rare

remnant from Rabbi Kook's yeshiva in Jaffa
A letter of recommendation in the holy handwriting
of Rabbi Zalman Shach about a student in Rabbi
Kook's yeshiva in Jaffa, Shaarei Torah. Rabbi Shach
taught there.
In the letter, Rabbi Shach recommends and praises
his student "the outstanding youth who bears this
letter R' Yaakov Leib, may he live, who learned here
with great diligence, and it is a mitzvah to reach out
to him both materially and spiritually, for it is very
rare these days to find such a diligent student as he.
Handwritten material by Rabbi Zalman Shach is very
Yeshivat Shaarei Torah was the first yeshiva
founded by Rabbi Kook in the Holy Land. Rabbi Kook
dedicated much thought to establishing a Yeshiva
in which talented students could study Torah and
Jewish Law, and would also delve into the inner

Rabbi Zalman Shach (1867-1929) was born in

Lithuania to an important family, descendants of the
Vilna Gaon. He studied directly from the Torah giants
of the generation, and came to be known himself as
one of the great Torah scholars. At the same time, he
also engaged in business.
In 1904 he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael, and settled in
the N'vei Shalom neighborhood in Jaffa. He worked
for a living and concealed his Torah greatness
from others. When Rabbi Kook arrived in Jaffa, he
immediately noticed Rav Shach's excellence, and
convinced him to serve as a judge on the Rabbinical
Court of Jaffa and the Moshavot. He also named him
a Rabbi-teacher in his Yeshivat Shaarei Torah.
Every year, Rabbi Shach would rest and vacation in
Kfar Motza near Jerusalem, and would visit Rabbi
Kook and discuss Torah with him. In the summer of
1929, while staying at the Maklef home in Motza, Rav
Shach fell victim to the Arab pogroms of that period.
He was laid to rest in Mt. of Olives.

In Rabbi Kook's eulogy for him, he said that Rav

Shach was "one of the special ones, one of the crown
stones of the beauty of Israel."
Size: 13X20 cm.
Condition: Very good. Tiny rips at the top of the page.
Opening Price: $40

Great Rabbis of the Land of Israel

75. Ketubah of Rabbi Shlomo Goren 1945
Signatures Rare
The ketubah of Rabbi Shlomo Goren, from his
marriage to Rabbanit Tzfiya (daughter of Rabbi
David Cohen, the Nazir, loyal student of Rabbi
Avraham Yitzchak Kook). Signed by the witnesses:
Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg and Rabbi
Avraham David Rosenthal.

Rabbis Letters |

expresses his mixed feelings about the book: on the

one hand, he is pleased that Rabbi Kook's lessons
are being printed; on the other hand, he gently
admonishes Rabbi Frankel for not proofreading
what he has written.

On the ketubah are the logo of the Chief Rabbinate

of the Land of Israel and illustrations of Jerusalem,
Maarat Hamachpela, Kever Rachel, Kever Shimon
Hatzaddik, the Kotel and verses.
Rabbi Shlomo Goren (1917-1994) was a Torah genius,
one of the most diligent scholars of the generation.
When he was just a young man, Rabbi Kook remarked
that he would later be one of the greatest rabbis of
the generation. He founded the Military Rabbinate
and established Jewish halacha throughout the IDF
system. He was also the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and
later, the Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg (1915 2006), one
of the most important authorities in his generation,
author of the responsa work, Tzitz Eliezer.

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Rabbis Letters |

book there are agreements of Rabbis and Rebbes

from Poland and Russia as well as a letter from
Hertzl. The 'Mizrachi' movement decided to use the
book as propaganda in favor of the movement and
asked people to buy it in order to spread the Mizrachi
idea among the Haredi Jews.
On this background, one can understand his desire to
work at Bikur Cholim Hospital, an institution which
played an important role in the building of the Land
of Israel. In the letter, he notes his acquaintance
with various noteworthy people of the time, Zionist
activists and Mizrachi members such as Prof. Chaim
Pik, Reb Pinchas Grayevsky and Rabbi Yehuda Leib
Fishman Maimon and offers their recommendation.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook (18651935) was born in Latvia and served as a rabbi in the
cities of Zoimel and Boisk in Latvia. He immigrated
to Israel in 1904 in order to serve as the rabbi of Jaffa
and the settlements. In 1920 he was chosen to serve as
the rabbi of Jerusalem. In 1921, he founded the Chief
Rabbinate and was the first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi.
In 1923 he founded the 'Merkaz Ha'Rav' Yeshiva in
Condition: Good. A small hole in the center of the
Opening Price: $150

71. Last will of Rabbi Shlomo Eliach, secretary of

the "Kolelim Council", with the signature of Rabbi
Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook
Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Eliach (1860-1941) was an
activist in Jerusalem.


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In 1895, he was sent to the USA by the "Kolelim

Council" to manage their office in New York and
raise funds for the Kolelim and Torah and charity
institutions in Israel. In 1899, he returned to Israel
and was appointed the secretary of the "Kolelim
Council". He then founded the "Eliach Soup Kitchen
and Charity".
Rabbi Shlomo acted for the benefit of the Jews and
even travelled to India to help the Jew, who suffered
from a severe disease.
When there was a lack of drinking water, he
organized trains to bring water to Jerusalem. He
was the one who brought the first ice machine from
France to Israel.
Before us is his last will, which transfers the
management and ownership of the place to his
grandson, Yitzchak Ya'akov Eliach: "since a man
does not know the time of his death and I do not
want my work to be lost".
The will is confirmed by the Chief Rabbinate, with
the signature of its president, Rabbi Avraham
Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook and its general secretary,
Rabbi Shmuel Aharan Weber [Shazuri].
Written on the official stationary of the "Eliach Soup
Kitchen and Charity", 6.1.1929.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $140

72. A subscription form for the books of Rabbi Kook,

handwritten and signed by future Chief Rabbi Herzog,
After Rabbi Kook died in 1935, his students
established The Association for the Publication of
all the Book of HaRav" for the purpose of printing
the tremendous treasure of writings that he left.
The association recruited subscribers who would
contribute to this goal.
The paper before us is a subscription form filled
out by the renowned Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac HaLevy
Herzog, who succeeded Rabbi Kook as the Chief
Rabbi. The form states: "I hereby sign and subscribe
to all the books that you will publish, as detailed in
the brochure that you sent me. I am transmitting the
sum of one Eretz Yisrael lira to you as first payment
of the entire sum of 15 lirot."
An interesting item.
Condition: Excellent
Opening Price: $35

73. Letter of Rabbi Ra'anan about the printing of

lessons given by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen
Kook during the third Sabbath meal
Especially interesting letter of Rabbi Shalom Natan
Ra'anan (1900-1972), the son-in-law of Rabbi Kook
and one of the heads of Merkaz Ha'Rav Yeshiva, to
rabbi Kalman Eliezer Frankel. In the letter he refers
to the book "Shmuot Reaya" which Rabbi Frankel
published from what he had heard from Rabbi
Kook during the third Sabbath meal. Rabbi Ra'anan

C. An envelope imprinted with the logo "Avraham

Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, the Chief Rabbi of the
Land of Israel and President of the Rabbinical
Court Jerusalem." With an English notation in his
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $50

67. A letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Kook.

A letter of recommendation in the holy handwriting
of Rabbi Kook, to the directors of Hadassah Hospital
in Jerusalem, regarding a woman who requires an
"inner photograph." Dated 8 Tevet 5691 (late 1930).
Written on Rabbi Kook's official stationery, with a
seal and signature of the Rabbi.
Size: 14.5X22 cm.
Condition: Good. Filing holes
Opening Price: $180

68. A letter of recommendation for an Aliyah

certificate, signed by Rabbi Kook, 1933
A letter of recommendation by Rabbi Kook, asking
that the granddaughter of Rabbi Elimelech HaCohen
Rubinshtein from Rachov be included in the next list
of Aliyah certificates.
Written on Rabbi Kook's official stationery, in his
handwriting and with his signature.

The letter is directed to Yehoshua Heschel Farbshtein

of the Mizrachi movement, who was elected in 1931
to the Jewish Agency's board of directors.
The certificates, which enabled Aliyah to Eretz
Yisrael during the British Mandate period, were
distributed according to quotas set by the British in
negotiations with the Zionist leadership. Rabbi Kook
was one of those responsible to decided who would
receive a certificate.
Size: 14.5X22 cm.
Condition: Good. Filing holes
Opening Price: $180

69. A letter from Rabbi Kook about the honor of the

A letter with an excited appeal of the Chief Rabbi of
Israel, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Coehn Kook, to
the council of the Jewish community of Haifa. In the
letter, Rabbi Kook protests against the words of scorn
written about his friend, the rabbi of Haifa, Rabbi
Baruch Markus, and asks the council to prevent the
publication of such words in the future. The letter is
typewritten and hand-signed by Rabbi Kook.
In 1906, Rabbi Baruch Markus (1870-1961) was
nominated rabbi of the city. Rabbi Markus was born
in Lithuania and studied at the Slabodka Yeshiva
and with the Alter of Kelm. After his marriage, he
immigrated to Israel and served in several public
roles, among them, the manager of 'Or Chadash'
Yeshiva and a teacher at 'Torat Chaim' Yeshiva.
While he served as the rabbi of Haifa, he constituted

a central figure in managing religious matters all

around the country and even participated in the
"Rabbis Journey" organized by Rabbi Kook and Rabbi
Zonnenfeld. He was a member of the council of the
Chief Rabbinate of Israel and served as an honorary
president of the Mizrachi Movement.
Condition: Very good. Filing holes.
Opening Price: $100

70. A rare letter from 'Hovev Zion' Rabbi Mordechai

Ashkenazi with a handwritten addition by Rabbi
Avraham Kook, 1925

Rabbis Letters |

B. A business card of the great scholar Rabbi Yaakov

Moshe Charlap, Dean of Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav.

A letter handwritten by Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi,

one of the first Zionist Haredi, to the executive
committee of 'Bikur Cholim' Hospital. In his letter,
Rabbi Ashkenazi asks to receive a position of
manager at the hospital. At the margins of the letter,
Rabbi Kook added in his handwriting three lines in
which he praises Rabbi Ashkenazi and urges the
hospital to accede to the request. "I am acquainted
with the above old gentleman and I ask you to
consider his request favorably".
Mordechai Ashkenazi (1863-1928) was born in
Warsaw, Poland and immigrated to Israel in 1923.
He was enthusiastic Hovev Zion (Lover of zion) and
wholeheartedly supported Zionism. He was one of
the important people of the 'Mizrachi' Movement. He
was the son-in-law of the Kotzker Rebbe, who was
also an enthusiastic supporter of Zionism.
Rabbi Ashkenazi wrote a book named 'Geulat
Ha'Aretz' (The Redemption of the Land) about the
importance of settling the land. At the head of the

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Rabbis Letters |

members (Aharon Mordechai Chaitalik, Ya'akov

Moshe ben Shmaryahu Ha'Cohen).
9 pages.
Size: 16.5X20 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $180

65. Bill of Sale of Seats at the Synagogue of the

Ruzhin Community 1880
A. Document from the synagogue of Ruzhin from
8.10.1880 in which the managers of the synagogue
state that they are selling a seat to Yehoshua ben
Chaim Moshe.
Nine of the managers of the synagogue signed the
document. The seat is "close to the shpigil bank
standing beside the bimah on which the Torah is
The second page is a handwritten document from
1880 by the previous owner of the seat, admitting that
he has sold his seat to Moshe ben Refael Bilipilskin.
Signed by two witnesses (Alter ben Shalom Shachne).
2 pp.
Size: 17X21.5 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
B. Bill of Sale of a seat at the Kloiz (Hassidic Beit
Midrash) for Rabbi David ben Menachem Zion from
"To serve as evidence for Rabbi David ben Menachem


3 |

Zion that we, the managers of the synagogue and the

proprietors of the Kloiz, have sold him the seat"
Nine signatures of the managers and heads of the
Kloiz (the signatures of Nachum Titivsky, Shalom
Yosef ben Levi Ha'Levi, Yitzchak ben Ya'akov
Ha'Cohen, Efrayim ben Gershon, Matityahu ben Zvi,
Efrayim Ze'ev ben Eliyahu can be identified).
Size: 11X17 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $300

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook (18651935) was the spiritual leader of his generation,
giant in Halakhah and Kabbalah, holy of holies. The
renowned Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer wrote about
him that he was the only one in his generation to
fulfill the commandment of "adhering to Him". A
Halakhic giant of his generation in all areas of Torah,
he paved the way for the Torah of the Land of Israel
and the Land-dependent commandments. He was the
teacher of the generation, and future generations, in
Laws of Nation and Redemption.
He immigrated to the Land of Israel in 1904 and
became Chief Rabbi of Jaffa and the Moshavot. In
1920, he was chosen Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, and
a year later he founded the Chief Rabbinate of the
Land of Israel and became the first Ashkenazi Chief
Rabbi. He founded Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav in 1923,
with the goal of producing Torah scholars who could
provide the Land of Israel-building generation with
the high-level Torah it required.

66. Collection of documents and signatures of Rabbis

of Merkaz HaRav and Rabbis who were close to Rabbi
A. A contract between Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav and
Rabbi Kook, signed by Rabbi Kook's son and two
sons-in-law and another relative. 1942
The signatories include Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaCohen
Kook and Rabbi Shalom Natan Raanan-Kook. The
seal states, "In the name of the Central Universal
Yeshiva, Merkaz HaRav, Jerusalem." The payment is
to be to R. Yisrael Shimon Rabinovitz-Teomim, their
brother-in-law, the director of Merkaz HaRav. On the
back are signed Rabbi Avraham Moshe RabinovitzTeomim, representing his brother R. Yisrael Shimon.
The great Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook (18911982), was son and student of Rabbi Kook. He was
the Dean of Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav and the guiding
light of Religious Zionism for decades.
Rabbi Shalom Natan Raanan-Kook (1900-1972) was
a rabbi in Merkaz HaRav and a director there. He was
Rabbi Kook's son-in-law and added Rabbi Kook's
name to his own.
Rabbi Yisrael Shimon Rabinovitz-Teomim (18831968), son of the Aderet (Rabbi Eliyahu David
Rabinovitz-Teomim). A founder of the city of Bat
Yam and its first elected mayor. He married his
niece, daughter of his sister Elta Bat-Sheva and her
husband Rabbi Kook.
Rabbi Binyamin Avraham Moshe RabinovitzTeomim (1879-1965), another son of the Aderet, was
Rabbi Kook's secretary.

In the state of Atwilla (a district in Yemen, south of

San'a, called also Al-Machuyat).
Condition: Divided into two with a part missing. Nice
and very clear handwriting.
F. Ketubah of the groom Daud Ebn Sa'id. Al-Mahara,
Yemen. 1755.
One of the witnesses is Yehuda ben Yosef. At the
head of the Ketubah appears a verse from Proverbs:
"House and riches are the inheritance of fathers; but
a prudent wife is from the Lord".

Size: 24X38 cm. thick paper.

Condition: Good. Few tears due to folding marks.
Opening Price: $30

63. Collection of official letters from communities in

Europe in various languages Historical
a. Official letter in German by Rabbi Shlomo
Bamberger - -Hanoi, Germany 1916. Rabbi Shlomo
Bamberger (1831-1918) was the rabbi of Zenheim an
dth eauthor of several books, among them "Limud
Aruch" on the book "Ha'Aruch".

Opening Price: $150

b. Official letter in Russian by Rabbi Yosef Elchanan

Melamed Vitebsk, USSR 1914. Rabbi Yosef
Elchanan Melamed (1858-1931) was a rabbi in the
city of Vitebsk, a noticeable Zionist activist (was
a representative at the Third Zionist Congress), the
author of several history books, among them "Shivtei
Yisrael" and "Raban shel Bnei Ha'Gola".

62. Protocol of Meeting of Heads of a Community

Hungary 1848

c. Official letter by the "Hebrew Community

in Kamman-Kash" [a Soviet commune called
Kazshiriskim in Russian], 1935.

Size: 16X15 cm.

Condition: Fair-Bad. Tears at the side of the page that
damage the content.

The content, written in eleven lines in Yiddish, notes

the main points. It was probably about organizing a
large meeting of all the members of the community.
It is interesting that the letter notes only the Gregorian

d. Birth certificate by the office of the Jewish

community in Lublin, 1920.

The document is signed by 25 people, among them

the following can be identified: Chaim Leib Guttman,
Yosef Friend, Yedul Palatcheck, Michel Palatcheck,
Baruch Goldberger, David Freenwald.

Condition: All documents are in a Very GoodExcellent condition, some have slight tears yet they
are complete and readable.

e. Official letter in Hungarian by the orthodox bureau

in Pest, 1892.

Opening Price: $120

64. Correspondence about biblical discourse and

Judaism written in Soviet Siberia Rare and
A rare and interesting correspondence between
the members of the Kuybyshev community and
the Rebbe of Sverdlovsk about community matters
as well as biblical discourse and words of support.
Kuybyshev is the city of Samara, the sixth largest city
in Russia. Sverdlovsk is the city of Yekaterinburk in
the Ural Mountains. Their names had been changed
during the Soviet Regime, in the name of Soviet

Rabbis Letters |

head of the Ketubah appears a verse from Proverbs:

"House and riches are the inheritance of fathers; but
a prudent wife is from the Lord".

Some of the letters are from "Menachem Yehuda

Leib Epenstein[?], rabbinical Judge of Sverdlovsk.
They were sent to the city of Kuybyshev. Their
content is mostly biblical discourse and words of
support. Among others, the writer writes about the
upcoming High Holidays and praises the community
for having a Minyan for everyday prayers. In a letter
from 1960, he pleads them to fix the synagogue. He
also expresses his sorrow on the death of three of the
comers of the Beit Midrash. In a letter form 1962, we
find words of Mussar and Aggadah.
In one of the letters from the members of the
Kuybyshev community to the above rabbi, the head
of the community "Yehuda Leib Sakkushin" explains
that the community cannot accept the rabbi's offer to
serve as the Chief Rabbi of Kuybyshev.
Most of the letters from the Kuybyshev community
are signed by the head of the community Yehuda
Leib. Some are also signed by other community

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Rabbis Letters |

Levin writes that "a time of rest for the working man
is an essential need and already during the days of
the Talmud it was customary to take a month off
from work in order to study Torah. And if this is true
for adults, it is even more so for youth".
The letter is typewritten and hand-signed by Levin,
Yitzchak Meir Levin (1893-1971) was the son-inlaw of the Rebbe of Gur, the author of ' Imrei Emet'.
In 1930, he was chosen as the chairman of 'Agudat
Yisrael' in Poland and in 1937 as a member of the
management of the worldwide 'Agudat Yisrael'.
He founded the elementary education network of
'Agudat Yisrael' and 'Beit Ya'akov' for girls. In 1940,
he immigrated to Israel and was active in the attempt
to rescue the Polish Jews. He was a member of the
provisional government of Israel and signed the
Scroll of Independence. He serves as the Welfare
Minister of the temporary government and of three
more governments until 1952. He resigned his post
due to the objection of Agudat Yisrael to the idea
of national service and women in military service.
He was among the founders of the independent
education and a member of the Knesset until the
seventh Knesset.

At the head of the page, it was written in a different

handwriting: "we have received your letter and
since we have not had the time to read it, we have it
still before us"
As customary among the Yemen scholars, the answer
was written on the reverse side of the question letter.
The signature at the end of the letter is missing as
well as the date [it can be assumed the letter was
written in 1890].


Rabbi Mari Yichye Kapach (1850-1932) was one

of the greatest Yemen Torah scholars and even
served as the Chacham Bashi of the Yemen Jewry.
He was known for his struggle to return the Yemen
Jewry to rule according to the Maimonides and his
rejection of the customs that became customary
after the completion of the Talmud. He was famous
for his rational attitude. He was the grandfather and
educator of Rabbi Yosef Kapach.

61. Yemen Jewry Collection of Writings and Ketubot

Size: 11X28 cm.

A. Long halachic answer from rabbi Mari Yichye


Condition: Fair. Several tears along the page, with

almost no damage to the content. Nice, dense

Condition: Very good. A slight tear due to filing holes.

Opening Price: $40


The answer is addressed to "the rabbi and all who

accompany him". The writer addresses a variety of
issues, among them: fear of marriage due to talk
about buying one's daughter; whether someone who
left a position of authority and then returned can
receive back his position; circumcision on Sabbath
for a baby who was born at dusk; the soaking of bean
son a holiday and more. Regarding one of the issues,
he mentions the books 'Chayei Adam' and 'Shulchan

3 |

B. Answer from Badatz San'a
The question was asked by Rabbi Yichye Ya'ish and
he addresses his question to "our rabbis of Badatz
San'a" and it concerns three matters: whether a person
can sign a divorce certificate when he is related
to the divorcee; a woman who wants to divorce
her husband since she does not want to immigrate
to Israel and he curses her mother and father; and
whether a boy who is an expert writer can write a
divorce certificate. On one side appears the question
and on the reverse side, the detailed and reasoned
answer as well as an unidentifiable signature.
Size: 13X9 cm.
Condition: good. Has gone through professional
C. Ketubah. Al-Mahara, Yemen. 1755.
The groom is Yichye ben Daud and the bride is
Rumiyer daughter of Salam Ebn Niath Ha'Levi. One
of the witnesses is "Yehuda ben Moshe Yosef".
Size: 14X15 cm.
Condition: Good. Small tears with no damage to the
D. Part of an old Ketubah
The first part of the Ketubah, indicating the place and
date, is missing.
E. Fragments of the Ketubah of Suliman ben Yichye
ben Avraham [Alarabi]. [1701].
One of the witnesses is Yehuda ben Yosef. At the

Condition: Good, tears due to folding marks.

Opening Price: $40

Agudat Yisrael
58. A letter of Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah of 'Agudat
Yisrael' signed by Rabbi Zalman Sortzkin
A letter of Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah of 'Agudat
Yisrael' to the conference of 'Poalei Agudat Yisrael'
signed by Rabbi Zalman Sortzkin.
'Agudat Yisrael' is an organization identified with
the leadership of the Haredi Jews in Israel, headed
by Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah. The organization was
founded in 1912 and its main goal was "to solve
according to the Torah and its commandments all
the problems that might arise daily in Israel". In 1924,
from within 'Agudat Yisrael' an additional Haredi
organization was founded called 'Poalei Agudat
Yisrael' which was characterized by a more Zionist
orientation with an emphasis on working Haredi
In the interesting letter before us, the ideological
gap between the two organizations can be seen.
Rabbi Zalman Sortzkin, who served as the chairman
of Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah of 'Agudat Yisrael' sent
a letter to the conference of 'Poalei Agudat Yisrael'
which took place on 8/8/1956 in which on the one
hand, he expresses his appreciation and respect of
them and on the other, specifies the demands of
Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah in spiritual matters: the
'Ezra' youth movement founded by 'Poalei Agudat

Yisrael'. He writes that "there should be no mixture

of boys and girls in the movement" and about the
schools of the kibbutzim he writes "we ask you
to transfer them to the network of independent
education". In addition, there is a general demand to
comply with the obligation given by 'Poalei Agudat
Yisrael' to accept the authority of Moetzet Gdolei
Ha'Torah in matters of religion, state and policy".
The signature of Rabbi Sorotzkin appears at the end
of the letter.
Rabbi Sorotzkin (1881-1996), the rabbi of Lutsk
in Ukraina before the Holocaust. He learned in
Slavodka, Volozin and Telz Yeshivas. Immigrated
to Israel in 1940. Served as the chairman of Moetzet
Gdolei Ha'Torah and the independent education and
was one of the heads of the Yeshivas committee.
Condition: Very good. Few stains and tears.
Opening Price: $40

Yisrael'. "It is the time to remove all the obstacles

standing on the way to peace and unity among us".
He suggests to establish a joint committee for the
two movements, which will discuss the matter of the
unity and promote the process.
The letter was written on 26/5/1948 and indeed
during the first elections for the Knesset in 1949, both
movements joined forces in a 'united religious front'
with the other religious parties.
Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin (1893-1971) the leader of
'Agudat Yisrael'. One of the signers of the Declaration
of Independence. He served as a Knesset member for
seven terms and was the first welfare minister. He is
the grandson of the Gur Rebbe, the author of 'Sefat
Emet', and the son-in-law of the Rebbe the author of
'Imrei Emet'.

Rabbis Letters |

Size: 36X23 cm.

Condition: Very Good. Tears following filing holes.

Folding marks.
Opening Price: $40

59. A letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin about

the unity between 'Agudat Yisrael' and 'Poalei Agudat
In 1924, an additional Haredi organization was
founded from within the 'Agudat Yisrael' Movement.
It was called 'Poalei Agudat Yisrael' and was
characterized by a more Zionist orientation with an
emphasis on working Haredi settlements.
The letter before us is hand-written by Rabbi
Yitzchak Meir Ha'Cohen Levin, the leader of 'Agudat
Yisrael'. In the letter, Rabbi Levin calls for enhancing
the unity between 'Agudat Yisrael' and 'Poalei Agudat

60. Letter signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin building a convalescent home for religious working
youth combining Torah and Work 1949
A letter from Yitzchak Meir Levin, the Welfare
Minister, to HaPoel Ha'Mizrachi Histadrut, to the
'Bnei Akiva' movement and to the 'Ha'Noar Ha'Oved
Vehalomed' movement. 23.8.1949.
In his letter, Levin congratulates the activists from
the above movements on the idea of building a
convalescent home for religious working youth, on
the occasion of laying the cornerstone of the home.

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

The Rabbi's signature appears at the margins of the

The Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri (1899-2006)
was a great Torah and Kabbala scholar. His was
known for his purity and piousness and as a miraclemaker. He was known as the "Eldest Kabbalist".
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $290

54. Ruling of Hakham Bashi (Chief Rabbi) Rabbi

Nachman Batito 1909
A court ruling handwritten and signed by Ha'Rishon
Le'Zion and Hakham Bashi of Jerusalem, Rabbi
Nachman Batito (1847-1915). He served as the Rishon
Le'Zion and on eof the leaders of the Sephardic
community in Jerusalem. Together with Rabbi
Hizkiya Shabtai he published the book "Me'Am Loez"
in Ladino. 23.2.1909.
The ruling is about the confiscation of land about
which there is an inheritance dispute and therefore,
cannot be sold or rented. The letter is signed by the
Rabbi with his official stamp.
Size: 13.5X21 cm. 16 lines.
Condition: Excellent. Creases and a tiny hole.
Opening Price: $100

55. Letter of Recommendation to the Shadar (emissary

of the Rabbis) Rabbi Shlomo Ochana, the Committee
of the Sephardic Community Signed by the Rishon
Le'Zion Rabbi Ya'akov Meir

Size: 21X26 cm.

The Committee of the Sephardic Community is

an ancient institution which, by tradition, was
established by Nahmanides. Ha'Rishon Le'Zion,
whose office was united, since the forties of the 19th
century, with that of "Hakham Bashi" (Chief Rabbi)
headed the committee and was acknowledged as the
representative of the whole Yishuv by the Ottoman
authorities and as the supreme religious authority.
The Committee also treated the poor and the elderly
and used hundreds of public properties for the

56. Letter signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhatzira of

Ramla, the Baba Chaki

The letter before us is a letter of recommendation

to the Shadar, which specifies the activity of the
Committee: "the committee which includes fourteen
Sephardic communities, elderly people and widows
from the new immigrants and from the residents of
Jerusalem . who are actually hungry for bread
thirteen thousand people"
The following signed the letter: the head of the
Committee, Ha'Rishon Le'Zion and Chief Rabbi,
Rabbi Ya'akov Meir (1856-1939), the president of
the committee, Rabbi David Abulafia (1893-1953), a
lawyer and public personality in the Yishuv, and his
"deputy" (possibly, Rabbi Yosef Mordechai Ha'Levi, a
member of the first Chief Rabbinate).
Undated (probably from 1932, during which Rabbi
Shlomo [Avraham] Ochana travelled to Western
countries on a mission of the rabbis).


3 |

Condition: Excellent. Creases. Filing holes.

Opening Price: $50

Letter sent by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhatzira to Rabbi

Eliyahu Meir Kovner, the founder and head of "Porat
Yosef" Yeshiva in Rehovot, in which he expresses
his wish to assist the yeshiva and sent an emissary
to Rabbi Kovner. The letter is typewritten and handsigned by Rabbi Abuhatzira. 5.12.1958.
Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhatira (1895-1970) was the Chief
Rabbi of Ramla and Lod. One of the greatest rabbis
and head of the Sephardic community in Israel. He
was tragically killed in a car accident and thousands
of people came to his funeral.
Condition: Excellent. Filing holes.
Opening Price: $100

57. Letters from Rabbis of Yemen 1910

A page with three letters from the Rabbis of Yemen.
It was customary among the Rabbis of Yemen to
reuse the pages, probably due to shortage in paper.
Correspondence between Rabbi Sa'id ben Sa'id
Awatz and Rabbi Yitzchak ben Yitzchak Gavra about
the question of an Agunah and more. The letters are
written in a most interesting style.
On the other side of the page there is a letter in Arabic
from rabbi Sa'id ben Chaim Mantzur.

As usual, Rabbi Uziel wrote his answer on the

margins of the letter and on its back side. He writes
that he has received the letter only now on 2/7/1948
and therefore "there is nothing do to about a question
whose time has passed". He adds that in his opinion,
all the religious organization should unite "in order
to work together to strengthen and base the Torah
of Israel". The letter is hand-written and signed by
Rabbi Uziel.
Condition: Very Good. Filing holes, folding marks.
c. A letter from Rabbi Uziel to Rabbi Shlomo Ish
Emunim (Globerman) about political unity
A letter from Rabbi Uziel to Rabbi Shlomo Globerman
from 16/4/1949.
In 1949, elections were held for the constituent
assembly, which were actually the first elections for
the Knesset. In these elections, a 'United Religious
Front', composed of representatives of the 'Mizrachi',
'Ha'Poel Ha'Mizrachi', 'Agudat Yisrael' and 'Poalei
Agudta Yisrael', stood for election for the time.
This letter is an answer of Rabbi Uziel to Rabbi
Globerman from 16/4/1949, a day after the elections.
The letter is typewritten and hand-signed by Rabbi

Rabbi Uziel notes that "me and my friend Rabbi

Hertzog were the first to initiate and act for the united
religious front". He then describes his efforts to add
Sephardi Jews to the United Religious Front a move
that eventually did not succeed. Later, Rabbi Uziel
refers to the question of whether an independent
Sephardi party is a good thing. He writes that the
fact that eventually, two parties remained, Sephardi
and Ashkenazi, "is not separating into two nations,
but the opposite, unifying the nation with its various
communities in a united Knesset".
He goes on to mention Rabbi Globerman's offer
that the Haredim remain outside the Knesset unless
it announces the rule of the Torah and in any case,
the Haredim will announce that they are not about
to share the obligations of the citizens of the State
(taxes and recruitment to the army). Rabbi Uziel
objects to this attitude of rebellion and war and
supports his approach with the acts of the greatest
rabbis of the past. He writes that we should behave
in the manner of "left rejecting and right bringing
closer" by joining the government and influencing
from within.
Rabbi Shlomo Globerman (1864-1950), a famous
Kerlin Hassid, grew up in Pinsk an was head of the
Chevra Kadisha there. In his old age, he immigrated
to Israel and corresponded with the greatest rabbis
of the time.
Condition: Very Good. Filing holes. A small tear.
Opening Price: $90

52. A letter signed by the Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Rabbi

Ovadya Yosef, to Defense Minister Ezer Weizman
A greeting letter for Passover sent by Rabbi Ovadya
Yosef to the heads of the State. Printed on the official
stationary of the Chief Rabbi and hand-signed by
Rabbi Ovadya.
Rabbi Ovadya (1920-2013) the Sephardi Chief Rabbi
of Israel. Was famous for his vast knowledge of the
Torah and his clear adjudication. He was considered
one of the greatest adjudicators of our generation
and a spiritual leader with unique influence. He
headed Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah and led and guided
the Worldwide Shas Movement. He left a vast literary
body including his major books: 'Yabia Omer'
Responsa (10 volumes), 'Yecheve Dea' Responsa (6
volumes), 'Chazon Ovadya' (18 volumes) and many
other books.

Rabbis Letters |

protests "the discrimination against the 'Nonpartisan

Religious Union' regarding the composition of the
temporary council of the state". Shachor asks to add
Haredi representatives to the temporary council of
behalf of the Religious Union since "the power of the
Haredim in the Yishuv is decreasing and should be
strengthened in any possible way".

Ezer Weizman (1924-2005) was a warrior and

politician, the commander of the Israeli air force,
Minister of Defense and the seventh president of the
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $90

53. Letter of the Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri

signed by him 1989
Document related to the "Dor Yesharim" Yeshiva
under the presidency of Rabbi Kaduri: An instruction
to the bank not to give information about his account
without his consent.

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

50. Large collection of different letters and documents

from the archives of Neturei Karta and the editorial
board of 'Hachoma' 19501980

A. The Disagreement between 'Mifal Ha'Torah' and

'Va'ad Ha'Yeshivot' letter of Rabbi Tukachinsky to
Rabbi Uziel.

A bundle of Writings that include documents related

to various enterprises of the Neturei Karta movement
in Israel: 'Torah Veyra' Yeshiva, different flyers, a
Kollel, historical documents and personal letters to
the leaders of the Neturei Karta.

The magnificent Yeshiva world of Europe was

destroyed together with the destruction of the
European Jewry during the forties. Thus, the Old
Yishuv saw the need to rebuild the ruins by founding
new yeshivas in the developing State of Israel.

Among those letters, can be found some that were

sent by famous rabbis and activists: Yerahmiel
Israel Yitzhak Domb, Rabbi Elyakim Schlesinger and

At first, it were the heads of 'Ha'Mizrachi', headed

by Rabbi Meir Bar Ilan, who founded in 1941
an organization named 'Mifal Ha'Tora' (Torah
Enterprise) whose aim was "to support all existing
yeshivas, to found new yeshivas, especially small
ones, instead of those which were destroyed and to
transfer large yeshivas from Europe to Israel". The
activities of the organization were not accepted
by some people of the Old Yishuv, who belonged
to 'Agudat Yisrael' and in the same year, another
organization was founded named 'Va'ad Ha'Yeshivot'
(Council of Yeshivas), headed by the Chief Rabbi,
Rabbi Yitzchak Ha'Levi Hertzog and the chairman of
'Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah' of 'Agudat Yisrael', Rabbi
Zalman Sorotzkin.

Also some manuscripts of articles published in the

Journal of Neturei Karta, 'Hachoma', and various
letters addressed to Rabbi Aharon Katzanelboigen
and Rabbi Amram Blau.
About 200 different documents.
Opening Price: $50

Rishon Le'Zion and Sephardic Torah

51. Collection of Letters about unity and peace
between parties the Rishon Le'Zion Rabbi Ben Zion
Meir Chai Uziel
Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai Uziel (1880-1953) was the
first Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel. He
was born in Jerusalem, served as a rabbi in Jaffa and
then in Salonika. In 1923, he returned to Israel to serve
as the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv-Jaffa and
in 1939, with the death of the Rishon Le'Zion Rabbi
Ya'akov Meir, became the Chief Rabbi of the State.


3 |

The item before us is a letter documenting the

disagreement between these two organizations,
which was sent by Rabbi Yechiel Michl Tukachinsky,
the head of 'Etz Chaim' Yeshiva in Jerusalem to the
Rishon Le'Zion, Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai Uziel.
The letter, from 16.7.1942, which is an answer to a
previous letter of Rabbi Uziel, describes the concern
of these two personalities regarding the great
dispute between the two organizations and their
hope to make peace between the two organizations

and maybe even to unite them. Rabbi Tukachinsky

complains about this matter "which does not lead to
greater respect of God nor the Torah or the yeshivas
and reduces their image and needs".
In addition, Rabbi Tukachinsky describes the
difficulty of making peace between the two
organizations, which derives from their insistence
on their position and criticizes 'Mifal Ha'Torah' for
"being founded in order to ruin not to build".
The letter was typewritten and hand-signed by Rabbi
Rabbi Yechiel Michl Tukachinsky (1872-1955) was
the head and manager of 'Etz Chaim' Yeshiva, the
father of 'The Calendar of the Land of Israel' and the
author of many halachic books.
Condition: Very Good. Filing holes. Few stains.
b. A letter to Rabbi Uziel from the chairman of the
'Nonpartisan Religious Union' in the Land of Israel
about the discrimination against the Haredim and
Rabbi Uziel's answer
'Nonpartisan Religious Union' (founded in 1944) was
identified mainly with 'Agudat Yisrael'. Its members
objected to leaving the Knesset; yet on the other
hand, did not want to unite with the Zionist 'Mizrachi'
On 20/4/1948, towards the putting together of the
temporary council of the state, the chairman of
the Union, Rabbi Efrayim Shachor, wrote a letter
to the Rishon Le'Zion, Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Chai
Uziel (whose content was sent also to the Chief
Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Ha'Levy Hertzog) in which he

48. Proclamation request for donations to Yeshiva of

Mea Shearim 1899

A printed paper with a request to donate a MAHATZIT

HASHEKEL, on behalf of the 'hospitality house' Eshel
Avraham, and the General 'stew House' Mea Shearim
in Jerusalem. [1900].

A Newsletter with letters of the sages of Jerusalem

and Lithuania. Apparently the newsletter was used
by the emissary of the Yeshiva of Mea shearim to the
surrounding towns of Lithuania.

The words on the paper describe the activities of the

Hospitality house Eshel Avraham and the stew house,
as the right places to take in, all the Travelers and
wandering people and provide them with all their
needs. Recommendations for these institutes are on
the sides of the issue. The recommenders were the
rabbis of Jerusalem in those days: Rabbi Shmuel
Salant, Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer and Rabbi Chaim
Berlin, and recommendations of the Ridvaz and
Rabbi Eliyahu M. Panigil, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of
the Holy Land.

The letter was signed by the rabbis of the yeshiva:

Rabbi Shaul Chaim Horowitz, founder of the yeshiva;
Rabbi Zerch Reuven Braverman; Rabbi Aryeh Leib
Dayan; Rabbi Menachem Nachum Hacohen (agent);
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lewi; Rabbi Yosef Chaim
Sonnenfeld; Rabbi Avraham Kretzmer.

The Ad was printed by Rabbi Menachem Nachum

Katz. At the bottom of the page, in German
inscription, it tells that he and his wife worked
with great dedication for the improvement of the
hospitality house.
Attached is a reception "at the expense of the store
wages" for mister Yosef Shalom, dated 5 Dec 1934,
signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Goldberg, a
butcher shop owner in Mea Shearim.
Condition: the Ad in excellent condition and the
receipt in good condition. Small tears and folding
Opening Price: $30

Letters from: Rabbi Diskin, Rabbi Chaim of Brisk,

Rabbai Mohilever, Rabbai David Menachem
Regensburg, Rabbi Jonathan Alisberg, Rabbi
Avraham David Rozowski of Grodni, Rabbi Shabtai
Volach of Reznai, Rabbi Avraham ein Harine of
Sohaooala, Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman of aorsezah,
Kovna rabbis - Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Shapira, Rabbi
Shaul Elhanan and Rabbi Aryeh Leib, and Rabbi
Naftali Hertz HaLevi, head of Jaffa beth din.
The letter reflects the difficulties encountered by the
first settlers outside the walls. The letter described
the difficulty of the "many colonies" (the new
neighborhoods outside the wall) to reach the Talmud
Tora in the main part of town, and weak Kids of
young ages, when they walked a long distance back
and forth, may be, God forbid, exposed to many
terrible diseases teeth ... even with obstacles boys
generally available to people on their way to the
devil. "these dangers were spared thanks to the PBC
in the new neighborhood of Mea Shearim.

4 pages
size: 23X26 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

49. Letter signed by Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank

appointment of manager for the Eliach Soup Kitchen
The organization "Eliach Soup Kitchen and Charity"
was founded by the mythological Jewish activist
Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Eliach as a result of the hunger
that prevailed in the Holy Land. The president of the
organization was Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen
Kook. The Soup Kitchen was located in Sha'arei
Pina neighborhood. After his death, his son Rabbi
Avraham managed the place, and after his premature
death, the court appointed Rabbi Yitzchak Rivlin as
its manager. In the letter before us, from 26.10.1947,
the court returns the management to the founder's
grandson, Rabbi Pinchas Eliach.

Rabbis Letters |

47. A Request for MAHATZIT HASHEKEL (half a

Shekel donation) - Mea She'arim [1900]

The letter is typewritten on the official stationary of

the Chief Rabbinate and signed by the head of the
rabbinical court Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank, thehead
of the Sephardic rabbinical court - Rabbi Chizkiyahu
Shabtai and a member of the rabbinate council
Rabbi Eliya Mordechai Ha'Levi Valkovsky.
Condition: Good, folding marks.
Opening Price: $40

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

Rabbi Nissan Tikuchinsky asks the then Minister of

Religious Services, Dr. Zerach Warhaftig, to enable
the yeshiva to return to its location in the yard of the
Hurva Synagogue by giving it financial assistance.
In addition, Rabbi Tikuchinsky requests to receive
the area of the synagogue itself in order to rebuild
it since, so he claims, the 'Etz Chaim' Yeshiva was its
guardian before it was bombed.
The letter is signed with the stamp of the Yeshiva and
the hand-written signature of Rabbi Tikuchinsky.
b. A letter from the management of 'Sha'ar
Ha'Shamayim' Yeshiva to the Minister of Religious
Services Dr. Zerach Warhaftig.
A letter from 'Sha'ar Ha'Shamayim, the Yeshiva of
Kabbalists, hand-signed by Rabbi Avraham Dov
Auerbach to Dr. Zerach Warhaftig with a request to
transfer the yeshiva back to its original location in
the Old City of Jerusalem.
'Sha'ar Ha'Shamayim' Yeshiva was located in the
Old City of Jerusalem yet was forced to move after
the fall of the city in the War of Independence. The
letter before us, from 13/6/1967, several days after
the release of Jerusalem during the Six-Day-War, was
written by the representative of the management
of the yeshiva, Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach, the
son of the founder of the yeshiva. In his letter, he
describes to the then Minister of Religious Services,
Dr. Zerach Warhaftig, the decision of the rabbis of
the yeshiva to return to its original location in the
Old City and requests his help. "Thus, we turn to your
honor to ask for his help in restoring the yeshiva and
building its ruins so that the voice of the Torah will


3 |

be heard from it once again and the noble prayers of

the Kabbalists will break through the gates of mercy
and grace".
The Kabbalist Yeshiva 'Sha'ar Ha'Shamayim' (Gates
of Heaven) was founded in 1906 by the Kabbalist
rabbis, Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach and
Rabbi Shimon Zvi Horowitz. It was the most famous
yeshiva among the Kabbalist yeshivas in the Old
Yishuv. Rabbi Auerbach, who became a rabbi when
he was only 18 and was Rabbi Horowitz' student,
founded the yeshiva together with his rabbi and
invested in it all his energy. The Yeshiva was under
the presidency of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen
Kook and he spoke highly of it in his missives.
Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach (1926-2008) learned
in his youth in 'Etz Chaim' Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
During the sixties, he was nominated as the rabbi
of the 'Baka' neighborhood in Jerusalem and led
his community with much devotion and influence.
He was the head of 'Or Sameach' Yeshiva for ba'alei
tshuva and the head of 'Chacham Lev' Kolel near
'Sha'ar Ha'Shamayim' Yeshiva. His older brother was
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, the head of 'Kol
Torah' Yeshiva, who served as the president of 'Sha'ar
Ha'Shamayim' Yeshiva after his father's death.
Condition: Very Good. Filing holes.
Opening Price: $50

46. A letter by Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana

donation for strengthening the Jewish community in
the Old City 1942
A letter signed by Rabbi Shlomo David Kahane to R.

David Miller of San Francisco. 1 Mar 1942.

In his letter, on his official paper as rabbi of the Old
City in Jerusalem, Rabbi Kahane requests from the
philanthropist a contribution to strengthening the
Jewish community in the Old City. Rabbi Kahane
says: "After I was saved... during the war, when I
emigrated from Warsaw to Israel, I accepted upon
myself with God's will, the role of being the Rabbi of
the old city, with a clear intention to revive this holy
place, and have the voice of Jacob be heard again
Rabbi Kahane was seeking extra help for the teacher
seminar, 'Achiezer', which among others, was
teaching war refugees, scholars who came recently
to our holy land with nothing and penniless". He asks
Mr. David Miller to "influence the local federation,
the synagogues Gabays, to establish a support on
behalf of this institution."
At the end of the letter Rabbi Kahane's signature and
stamped: "Old City Yeshiva for teachers, in Jerusalem
- Courtyard 'Or Hachaim'".
Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana (1865-1948) was head
of the Warsaw Beth-Din and then rabbi of Jerusalem's
Old City. He Freed thousands of Agunot as head of
the Office of Agunot. President of the Polish rabbis
in Israel.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $30

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $30

43. A handwritten Page by Rabbi Avraham Moshe

A page in english by Rabbi Avraham Moshe Luntz
(1854-1918), a Tora scholar, writer, publisher,
journalist, researcher and geographer of the land of
Size: 20X15 cm.
Condition: Good, page torn where there is no writing,
a small hole in the middle of the letter erasing some
Opening Price: $100

44. An official document of the nomination of Rabbi

Elazar Menachem Man Shach as a member of the
United Charities
The protocol of a members' meeting of the United
Charities from 30.9.1965, which describes, among
others, the election as a member of the Association
of Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man Shach. In addition,
the protocol specifies the names of senior members
of the Association, among them Rabbi Shlomo
Zalman Zelzenik (who was appointed head of
Etz Chaim Yeshiva a year later), Rabbi Nissan
Aharon Tukatchinsky, head of Etz Chaim Yeshiva,
Rabbi Yitzchak Arieli, rabbi of the Bezalel and
Knesset Yisrael neighborhoods, author of 'Einayim
La'Mishpat' and the supervisor of Merkaz Ha'Rav

Yeshiva; a teacher and adjudicator for 'Bikkur

Cholim' Hospital.
The document also describes the election of an
executive committee for the United Charities,
which included three representatives of each of the
The document, which is typewritten, is signed by
the executive committee: Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
Zelzenik, Rabbi Nissan Aharon Tukatchinsky, Rabbi
Avraham Ya'akov Zelzenik, Rabbi Yitzchak Arieli,
Rabbi Aharon Cohen and Rabbi Shimon Bookshpan.
Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man Shach (1898-2001)
was born in Lithuania. He was only 23 when he was
appointed Ram in a Yeshiva. Ever since, he served
as a teacher and head of Yeshiva in many yeshivas
in Lithuania and later, in Israel. During the sixties,
he became a public figure and for three decades he
constituted the supreme halachic, spiritual and public
authority of the Haredi-Lithuanian community. He
served as the head of Ponevezh Yeshiva and the
president of Moetzet Gdolei Ha'Torah of Agudat
Yisrael and Degel Ha'Torah.
The United Charities is an institution that brought
together the largest Torah and medicine institutions
of the time in Jerusalem: Talmud Torah Etz Hachaim
(established in 1840) and the Bikkur Cholim
Hospital (established in 1855). These institutions
were established by Rabbi Shmuel Salant (1816
1909), the Rabbi of Jerusalem, who conceived the
idea to unite the United Charities and headed it. The
"United Charities" were active for over a hundred
years, even after the establishment of the State.

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $40

45. Two letters Rehabilitation of the Jerusalem old

city institutions - the Six Days War 1967
a. A letter from 'Etz Chaim' Institutions to Dr. Zerach
Warhaftog about the Hurva Synagogue.
In 1841, the 'Etz Chaim' Talmud Torah and Yeshiva
was founded in Jerusalem by Rabbi Shmuel Salant,
the rabbi of the Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem.
It was the central Torah institution of Jerusalem
those days. At first, the institution moved from one
location to another in the Old City of Jerusalem
until eventually, it moved in 1857 to the yard of the
Hurva Synagogue. Upon his death, Rabbi Yechiel
Michl Tikuchinsky replaced Rabbi Shmuel Salant
as head of the yeshiva and its manager. In 1908, the
yeshiva acquired another plot of land in the center
of the city on Jaffa Street in order to build there
additional institutions that will serve as branches
of the yeshiva. Among the graduates of the yeshiva,
one can find many of the greatest rabbis including
Rabbi Pesach Frank, Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Harlap
and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. After Rabbi
Tikuchinsky's death, his son Rabbi Nissan Aharon
Tikuchinsky replaced him.

Rabbis Letters |

Size: 16X11 cm

In 1948, during the War of Independence, the Hurva

Synagogue was bombed by the Jordanians and 'Etz
Chaim' Yeshiva had to move elsewhere. Before us is
a fascinating letter from 21/6/1927, approximately
two weeks after the release of Jerusalem during the
Six-Day-War, in which the manager of the Yeshiva

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

Tiktin, his wife's brother.

40. Letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Arieli 1943

Rabbi Porat asks his brother to recommend to "Mr.

Shachar" to visit several important personalities in
Israel, among them Rabbi Kook and Rabbi Ya'akov
Moshe Harlap and "to support Rabbi Harlap, since
he lives in great poverty". He also recommends that
he be among the first fifty buyers of the lands of
Bayit Va'Gan in Jerusalem and Bayit Va'Gan in Jaffa,
Achuzat Nachala in Motza and Achuza in Hertzliya.

A letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yitzchak

Arieli to the Sephardi Chief Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai
Uziel, 1943.

His wife, (Pasha) Miriam added several words at the

margins of the letter and she too signed it.
Rabbi Yisrael Porat (1886-1974) was a Torah scholar
in Jerusalem, one of the greatest students of Rabbi
Kook. For fifty years he served as a central rabbi in
Cleveland, Ohio. He received his rabbinical ordination
by Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Chaim Berlin and the RIDBAZ.
In addition to his knowledge of the Torah, he was
knowledgeable in sciences and knew several foreign
languages. Therefore, he served as the representative
of the Ashkenazi community before the government.
He travelled several times to Istanbul; there he met
with ministers and with the Pasha. Due to his public
activity, in 1911, he was a candidate for the role
of Chacham Bashi, despite his being of Ashkenazi
origin an unprecedented case. At the request of
Rabbi Kook, he edited his monumental book 'Mavo
Ha'Talmud' (Introduction to the Talmud), which still
receives a place of honor in Torah institutions.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $40


3 |

In the letter, which is written of Rabbi Arieli's official

stationary, he asks the Chief Rabbi to exert his
influence so that the 'Zion-Blumental Orphanage or
Diskin Orphanage will accept a young orphan boy.
Rabbi Yitzchak Arieli (1896-1974), one of the greatest
students of Rabbi Kook and a supervisor at Merkaz
Ha'Rav Yeshiva. The rabbi of the Knesset Yisrael
neighborhood in Jerusalem. He was known as one of
the greatest adjudicators in Jerusalem and became
famous with the publication of his book 'Enayim
La'Mishpat' on the Talmud. He participated in the
printing of several of Rabbi Kook's compositions.
Condition: Very good. A slight tear at the margins of
the page.
Opening Price: $100

41. Letter from the Kabbalist Yesha'aya Asher Zelig

Rabbi Yesha'aya Asher Zelig Margaliyot (1894-1969)
was a Kabbalist and Torah scholar in Jerusalem. He
published about thirty books (most of them, material
taken from other books with the addition of his
comments). His book "Amudei Arazim" deals with
the duty of growing a beard and marriage at a young
Before us is a letter sent by Rabbi Margaliyot from
Jerusalem to Rabbi Zvi Dov Eisner on 8.12.1932. The

letter was probably added to a copy of the book

"Amudei Arazaim". In the letter, Rabbi Margaliyot
expresses his hope that his addressee enjoy the book
and notes that he has prayed for him and his family
during the Mussaf prayer in Meron on the High
At the head of the letter there is the logo of Rabbi
Margaliyot in Hebrew and English as well as a picture
of the Western Wall with quote "behold, he stands
behind our wall" from Song of Songs.
The letter is signed by Rabbi Margaliyot.
Size: 13.5X22 cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $100

42. An interesting document of the Kollel Aostrich

Galicia 1913
Certificate of the Kollel of Aostriic (Galicia, Austria)
to Rabbi Moshe Chaim Korech, signed by him and by
Rabbi Naftali Zissel Shtigle from the Kollel. 24 Sep
There is a stamp on both sides of the note: "This
bill was given to high Rabbinical Court to Rabbi
Tzvi Pesach Frank and Rabbai Zeev Mintzberg and
Rabbai Yeruham Fishel Bernstein According to the
law of arbitration, and will not be collected Without
upholding of the ruling given to both sides." The
Kollel stamp is on the certificate.
On the other side there is the detailed bill of debt
repayment, which was done in a few payments. It
had a Stamp saying "paid".

Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg (1916-2007),

a member of the Supreme Rabbinical Court and
prominent jurists of his generation. His book, 'TzisEliezer', is one of the most important halachic
ruling books in our generation. Was Rosh Yeshiva
of 'Shaarei Zion', and rabbi of the Shaare Zedek
Medical Center. Was known for his clear learning and
writings, in all facets of the Torah. Went the paths
of the genius of Jerusalem, he served some of them:
Rabbi Avraham Kook and Rabbi Frank. Was one of
the first to deal with the laws of the Torah and the
state, and the ruling in matters of renewable issues
in our generation.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

36. Letter with words of Torah by the 'Tzis-Eliezer' in

his handwriting and signature 1983
A long letter from Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg,
on his official paper about Severities and vows. Also
mentioned in the letter are the Chafetz Chaim and
Rabbi Israel of Salant.
3 pages
Condition: Excellent .Folding marks.
Opening Price: $100

37. A letter from Rabbi Menachem Nathan Auerbach

the twenties

community. He left behind many assays, most of

them have not yet been published.

A letter on official stationery of Rabbi Menachem

Nathan Auerbach, in his handwriting and signature,
with an emotional appeal to the Chief Rabbinate for
an aguna woman where her husband slanders her
and refuses to divorce her. Rabbi Auerbach testifies
that he personally knows her and that she is his
wife's helper.

Condition: Very good, filing hole marks out a letter.

After signing, he adds that, contrary to the printed

paper and the stamp, he is no longer rabbi of Zichon
Moshe, but in Ruhama neighborhood.
Rabbi Menachem Nathan (Neta) Auerbach (18581930) was a great genius all parts of the Tora, and
was known as a great person in the holy city of
Jerusalem. As a child he stood out as a brilliant child,
and when he was Bar Mitzvah, he was sent by his
father to Jerusalem to be taught by his grandfather,
Rabbi Meir Auerbach Rabbi of the Ashkenazi
community in Jerusalem. In 1885 he was ordained by
the Rabbi Joshua of Kutna.Was among the activists
founding neighborhoods and Yeshivot in Israel. One
of the founders of the Chief Rabbinate 1921. Served
as a speaker for the Association of Rabbis and
teachers in Jerusalem. Served as rabbi of Mazkeret
Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem and then of
Ruhama neighborhood. Was accepted by all sectors
of the public, secular, too. Would often hold marriage
ceremonies for these pioneers. Was a close friend
and frequent visitor to the house of Rabbi Abraham
Isaac Kook, and was also popular among the ultraOrthodox Agudat Israel, he also was the in-law of
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, Rabbai of the haredi

Size: 21X28 cm
Opening Price: $70

38. Reception the handwriting of Rabbi Menachem

Nathan Auerbach
Interesting document with a Reception signed by
Rabbi Menachem Nathan Auerbach, confirming he
had received a sum of money from Rabbi Shmuel
Salant, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, money that came
from the estate of Rabbi Gedaliah Tikatin, to study
Torah in his memory on the date of his death. The
studying was done in the evening and the morning
in a group of learners.

Rabbis Letters |

volume of his book, which was then published. That

volume is attached, which thanks to it Rabbi Eliezer
Waldenberg was revered as one of the geniuses of
the generation.

Rabbi Gedaliah Tikatin (II) (died 1886), son of Rabbi

Shlomo Zalman Tikatin and descendant of rabbis of
Tikatin. He served as the rabbi of the community of
Breslau (Wroclaw) in Poland.
The letter was written in the nice handwriting of
Rabbi Eliyahu Mordechai Eisenstein, secretary of
Rabbi Shmuel Salant.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $120

39. Letter of Rabbi Yisrael Porat 1925

Letter of Rabbi Yisrael Porat to his brother Noah and
his wife Nechama, who were living in or visiting
Israel. The letter mentions the widow of Rabbi David

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

revered even by the Hasidic circles. In 1906, at the

age of 75, he moved to Jerusalem. There he served
as chief rabbi of Jerusalem beside Rabbi Shmuel
Salant and also after his death in 1909. Despite his
old age he did great things for Jerusalem and for
religious and grace institutions. Was appointed head
of the financial division of the 'General Committee
of the Knesset Israel'. He would receive each person
with a warm welcome, and was admired by all the
The letter showed that Rabbi Chaim Berlin acted in
favor of the General Committee in Jerusalem, years
before he immigrated to Israel and was elected its
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $570

32. A collection envelopes signed by important Rabbis

Six envelopes, signed in handwriting of important
Five envelopes addressed to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak
Tucker, author of books, 'Bikurei Eretz', signed by
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (1910-1995), main
halacha ruler, author of 'Maadanei Eretz' and head
of Yeshivat Kol Torah; Rabbi Zevulun Graz(19031991), head of the Beth-Din of Rehovot; Rabbi Dov
Yafe, Rabbi for moral affairs at the Yeshiva of Kfar
Hasidim and member of Council of Torah Sages;
Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, Rabbai of Ramat Elchanan
neighborhood in Bnei Brak, and head of a kollel in
Holon; The Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Halevi Segal
(1924-2001), rabbi of Kiryat Shalom neighborhood in


3 |

Tel Aviv.
Another envelope, addressed to Rabbi Zelig Reuven
Bengis (1864-1953), head of Beth-Din of the ultraOrthodox community in Jerusalem, sent by Rabbi
Chaim Shechnovitz, Rabbi at Kaminitz Yeshiva in
New York and later a Rabbi in Chicago, author of the
book 'Totsaot Chaim'.
Condition: Fair-Very good.
Opening Price: $70

33. Recommendation from Rabbi Pinchas Epstein

head of beth din of the ultra-Orthodox community,
signed by him 1968
A letter of recommendation on official stationery
by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein for a Health clinic for
yeshiva students headed by Rabbi Mordechai Tzvi
Sheinberger , with his handwritten signature.
Rabbi Pinchas Epstein (died 1970), headed the BethDin of the ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem
since 1948 until his death. Wrote the books, 'Mincha
Chareva', 'Oryan Tlitay'. Founded and established the
Kashrut system of the Badatz of the ultra-Orthodox
Rabbi Mordechai Tzvi Sheinberger (1928-2011)
served as head of Yeshivat 'Leflagot Reuben'
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

34. Letter ordination from Rabbi Yosef Gershon

Horowitz and Rabbi David Tiktin 1924
A paper of Ordination for Rabbi Isaac Weinstock, on
official paper of the Yeshiva of Mea-Shearim, in the
handwriting of Rabbi Yosef Gershon Horowitz. On
the document a stamp of Rabbi Horowitz, as well as
his and Rabbi David Tiktin signatures.
The other side of the paper there is a stamp of the
Chief Rabbinate.
Rabbi Yosef Gershon Horowitz (1869-1951) was the
Rabbi of Mea Shearim and head of Yeshivat Meah
Shearim. Was head of some public institutions
in Jerusalem: the General Committee, the city
committee for Jews of Jerusalem, the religious
council, and Ashkenazi community committee, head
of the Mizrachi branch, Jerusalem, and more.
Rabbi David Wolf Tiktin (1866-1925) was the director
of Yeshivat Etz Chaim and teacher at Knesset Israel
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

35. A letter in the handwriting of 'Tzis-Eliezer'

regarding the first volume of his book -1945
A letter on official stationery of Rabbi Eliezer
Waldenberg writer of 'Tzis-Eliezer', in his own
handwriting. The letter, written when he was a
yeshiva student 29 years old only, addressed to Rabbi
Shimon Cohen, principal of the religious Sephardic
Talmud Tora 'Doresh Tzion' in Jerusalem. In the
letter the 'Tzis-Eliezer' grants Rabbi Cohen, the first

Jungreis and Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund . Jun 1 1969.

Condition: Very Good, small tears.

Rabbi David Halevi Jungreis (1898 - 1972), born in

Jerusalem, was a founder of the ultra-Orthodox
community. Was head of the Beth Din of the
community from 1968.

Opening Price: $30

Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund (Died in 1986), immigrated

to Israel after the Holocaust, in which he lost his
wife and ten children. In 1979 he was appointed to
serve as a head of the Beth Din of the community
as the representative of Satmar. In Jun 1989 he was
appointed Gava"d chief expert of the beth din of the
orthodox community.

Call for the help of R. Zvi Euless, grandson of Rabbi

Avraham Sha'ag (1801-1876), head of Beth-Din of
Kobersdorf, Rabbi of Rav Sonnenfeld.

Rabbi Avraham Zvi Shor l (1917 - ?), author of the

book 'Minchat Avraham' and a Q & A book 'Svivey
Esh'. Was the Publisher of the weekly religious
magazine 'Machzikey hadat'.

Size: 14X22 cm.

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinski (1867-1949) was the

Rabbai of the ultra-orthodox community in Jerusalem
after the death of Rabbi Sonnenfeld in 1933.

Opening Price: $120

Condition: Fair. small tears and foldings.

Rabbi Avraham Chaim Ipp, served as rabbi and

teacher in San Francisco. After he immigrated to
Israel he served as a BADATZ Dayan for many years.

29. An exciting story of a Marriage in Jerusalem - an

interesting letter to the rabbinate in Jerusalem 1920

Opening Price: $170

A typewritten Verdict on official Jerusalem Hasidim

Badatz . Jul 1934
At the document's margins a BADATZ stamp and
signatures of the Dayanim: Rabbi Avraham Zvi Shor,
president and head of the Beth Din; and the Dayanim
Rabbi Avraham Chaim Ipp, and Rabbi Meir Dawid.
Badatz Hasidim in Jerusalem was founded in 1888
by Rabbi Shneor Zalman of Lublin, writer of the book
'Torat chessed', as a counterpart to the old Pharisees
Beth Din.

Condition: Very Good. Filing holes and some folding

Opening Price: $70

28. Letter from the ultra-Orthodox community, with

signatures of Rabbi David Jungreis and Rabbi Moshe
Aryeh Freund 1969
A recommendation letter from the Badatz of the
ultra-Orthodox community, on behalf of the the
'Tiferet kehilat Yaakov' Yeshiva, under President,
Rebbe Shmuel Shmelke Robin from Solitza-parkway,
signed by the congregation Dayanim: Rabbi David

Condition: Excellent.

A letter about a marriage of a man to a divorcee,

where his family opposes the marriage. The marriage
was held in secret. The marriage was arranged by
Rabbai Asher Sussman, one of the 'Etz Chaim' rabbis,
and a leader of the 'General Committee of "Knesset
Later on a re-marriage was held with the participation
of the family, by the instruction of Rabbi Zalman
Kahane Shapira.
In this letter the writer, Chaim Grasesshtien, is
protesting, the "great and terrible scandal that Is
highly detrimental to family life and purity."

30. A letter signed by Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinski


The letter is printed on official paper, stamped and

signed by hand.

Rabbis Letters |

27. A Jerusalem Hasidim BADATZ Verdict

signitures of the Dayanim 1934

31. Handwritten letter by Rabbi Chaim Berlin and

signed by him, to the General Committee in Jerusalem
A letter from Rabbi Chaim Berlin, while serving as
rabbi of Kobrin, to 'General Council' in Jerusalem.
1895. The letter mentions Rabbi Shmuel Salant,
Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and head of the General

Rabbi Chaim Berlin (1832-1913), son of the Netziv of

Volozhin, was rabbi of Moscow, and then replaced
his father as head of the Volozhin yeshiva. After
that he Served as Rabbai of Kobrin, where he was

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

Rabbi Reuben Shlomo Yungreis (head of the Zealots

and the father of Rabbi David Yungreis, head of
rabbinical court of the Haredi community). There
are also stamps of the city council and the rabbinical
The Zealots in Jerusalem founded a separate
committee called "The City Council of the Ashkenazi
Community". The Council was acknowledged by the
Mandate authorities. Later, its name was changed to
the "Ha'Eda Ha'Haredit" (The Haredi Community).
Condition: Fair, tears in several places, folding marks.
Opening Price: $150

25. A document signed by Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank

certifying Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank is an honest man!
1927 rare
A Document of the Ashkenazi Beth Din of Jerusalem,
signed by Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank and Rabbi Eliyahu
The letter is evidence of the birth of Lev Ben
David Starik in 1906, and that he and his mother
Esther are Ottoman subjects (probably for having
British authorities recognizing their citizenship).
The document is handwritten on the official paper
of the Beth Din of the Ashkenazi community in
Jerusalem, and at the end a stamp of the BADATZ and
handwritten signatures of the head of the Beth Din
Rabbai Frank and the Dayan Rabbi Re'em.
At the bottom of the document there is printed, a rare
and interesting addition: confirmation of the honesty
of Rabbi Frank, apparently to validate the document


3 |

for the gentile authorities.

Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank (1873 - 1961) was one of the
greatest Halakhic arbiter of the previous generation.
Served as a member of Rabbi Shmuel Salant Beth
Din from 1908. Was one of the founders of the Chief
Rabbinate, a member of the Chief Rabbinate extended
Council, and chief Rabbai of Jerusalem from 1941.
Parts of his many writings were published dozens of
volumes of books 'Shut Har Tzvi','Mikraei Kodesh',
'Mikdash Melech' and more.
Rabbi Eliyahu Re'em, one of the geniuses of
Jerusalem, became famous shkida He later served as
head of the Jerusalem Beth Din, head of the shov"im
in Jerusalem.
Size: 14X22 cm
Condition: Very Good, has Filing holes.
Opening Price: $60

26. Diploma Certificates for the slaughterer Rabbi

Menachem Mendel Hazan (Singer) from Rabbi Frank
and rabbis of the BADATZ
a. A certificate that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hazan
(Singer) received that he is authorized to serve as a
A big Certificate (50X35 cm), fine paper, artfully
decorated with various types of ink and letters.
The upper part of the certificate is a certificate from
his grandfather the butcher, Rabbi Yehuda Chazan
Singer, the SHO"V of Mazkeret Moshe neighborhood,
indicating in detail how he tested his grandson on
the art of slaughter and knowledge of its laws. The

certificate is printed, and the signature of Rabbi

Yehuda Singer at its end. 1949.
After that, is printed a recommendation from his
uncle, the slaughterer, Rabbi Chaim Reuven Hazan,
and his signature.
Then a confirmation (six lines) by handwriting, with
signatures of members of the BADATZ of Jerusalem,
Rabbi Yoseph Gershon Horowitz, Rabbi Eliyahu
Re'em and Rabbi Avraham David Rosenthal, and the
BADATZ stamp (Sep 1949).
Finally Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank's Certification (six
lines) in handwriting and his signature (Oct 1949).
b. A smaller certificate, which includes only the text
of the authorization of Rabbi Yehuda Singer.
c. A Certificate handwritten by Rabbi Eliyahu Re'em
to slaughterer mentioned above.
About 12 lines of handwriting and signature and
stamp: "Dayan and teacher and head of the shobi"m
of Jerusalem. Aug 1949.
Pages handwritten by Rabbi Re'em are rare.
d. Two printed copies of the certificate above signed
by Rabbi Eliyahu Re'em in handwriting.
e. A certificate from the BADATZ regarding the
checking of the Slaughtering knife of the above
Signature of Rabbi Avraham David Rosenthal in the
name of the BADATZ. 1949.
Condition: Very Good-Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $40

22. Two documents from beis midrash 'Achva'

regarding the marriage of Rabbi Shmuel Rozowski to
the daughter of Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank
The two documents are from 9 Nov 1942.
a. Protocol from the meeting of the Association
handwritten protocol, on the official paper of the bet
midrash. At the meeting it was decided to publish a
congratulatory letter in the daily paper of Hatzofeh,
for the occasion, and also to support Rabbi Frank
"Since the Rav is in a difficult situation". It was
decided to "send a gift to the Rav out of the Beit
midrash account a total of 10 Israeli pounds", along
with a congratulatory letter, the document is Signed
by the heads of the Association Committee - Rabbi
Yehuda Aharon Weiss, R. [Alter] Dov Visnetzki,
Rabbi Shlomo Ozer Bodek, all prominent officials of
b. A congratulatory letter (mentioned above) from the
Committee of 'Achva' beis midrash to "Our Rabbai
Rav Hai gaon, Rabbai Tzvi Pesach Frank".
Was printed with a Typewriter.
Beit Midrash 'Mishkan Yaakov and Israel', belonged
to the secret society, brotherhood, founded in 1895

where the leading rabbis and notables of Jerusalem

were members of it. Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank prayed
for decades in this place. On the chair adjacent to the
Ark until this day, there is a modest Iron plate, stating
that a place is reserved for Rabbai Frank.
Condition: Good. Filing holes, small tears in margins
of the page
Opening Price: $30

23. Protocol of a meeting of the Union of Yeshivas

[of the Haredi Community] in the Land of Israel with
the signatures of the members of the rabbinical court
headed by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein
"The Union of Yeshivas in the Land of Israel" was an
organization of the yeshivas and institutions of the
Haredi community and was meant to counterbalance
the "Committee of Yeshivas". During the years, the
Union's activity ceased.
The document, from 3.3.1954, includes a decision
received about the person who will manage the
monetary matters of the Union. It is signed by the
members of the management: Rabbi Dov Sokolovsky
[ the founder of the "Mazhirei Shabbat" Company
and a member of the Haredi Community until he
joined Natorie Karta due to the conflict regarding
the marriage of rabbi Amram Bloi], Rabbi Eliya
Zlotnik [ Rabbi and head of a Jerusalemite Yeshiva,
a rabbinical judge of the Haredi community], Rabbi
Hillel Shlezinger [an activist of the Haredi community
and one of the founders of the old Beit Ya'akov in
Jerusalem], Rabbi Avraham Chaim Rota [a member
of the management of the Haredi community and

the founder of the Kashrut Committee of the Badatz],

Rabbi Yitzchak David Tzimnet and Rabbi David
At the margins of the letter, there are a few lines in
the handwriting of one of the rabbis of the Badatz [
probably, Rabbi Pinchas Epstein] an dteh signatures
of the rabbis Head of rabbinical Court Rabbi Pinchas
Epstein, Rabbi Yisrael Yitzchak Reisman and Rabbi
David Ha'Levi Yungreis.
Size: 22X28 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

Rabbis Letters |

Tiferet Yerushalaim Kollel, for the American Pupils

is one of the veteran Kollels in Jerusalem. The kollel
America. The kollel granted Subsidies and grants to
American pupils.

24. Marriage certificate signed by Rabbi Yosef Chaim

Sonnenfeld Rare
An official form of the "City Council of the Ashkenazi
Community" a marriage certificate given to the
groom Mordechai Bezalel Ganzel and the bride
Rachel Weissenstern on 25.1.1920. The form includes
the names of bride and groom, the date and place
of birth [Batei Ungarin], their occupation and their
parent's occupation [merchant, Yeshiva student],
place of residence [Batei Ungarin, Jerusalem], date
and place of marriage [26.12.1919].
The certificate was signed by the Rabbi who arranged
the marriage, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld as well
as the witnesses "Mendel Cohen, Merchant" and
"Baruch Bilitzer, Torah Scribe".
The form is also signed by Rabbi Moshe Bloi (who
later left the Haredi community and was among the
heads of Agudat Yisrael) and the chief secretary

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

At the end of his answer he added after some time, a

scholar note of several lines, and then signs with the
words: "and there's nothing to look into here". The
paper is unsigned , but the handwriting is definitely
his handwriting, compared with his other letters.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Levi Baharan (1834 1909),
a leading Rabbi of Jerusalem and a main activist.
Genius humble and holy, he served as head of the
Yeshiva at the 'Ra"n Yeshiva', that he founded in
memory of his father, Rabbi Nahum Shadik. Rabbi
Shlomo Zalman used to go to Jaffa at the end of
the summer, where he handled the picking and
purchasing of etrog citrus fruits from the orchards
owners. During this season he had more time to
learn, and most of his written innovations were from
these times.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $120

20. A Lease for an apartment in the Knesset

Israel neighborhood - the signature of the tenant
Rabbi Yechiel Michael Horowitz, the rabbi of the
neighborhood, 1929
A lease for an apartment in the Knesset Israel
neighborhood. The landlord renting the property is
the 'General Committee of Knesset Israel', which was
responsible for all the kolels in Jerusalem and head
of the city's old yishuv. This Committee initiated
and built the first neighborhoods outside the walls.
One of the signatories on the contract on behalf of
the committee, was R' Gedaliah Nachman Broder, a
known activist in Jerusalem. He was a Gabay in the


3 |

'Etz chaim' synagogue, author of "The Jerusalem

garden" and 'Spirit of the garden' and was a member
of the General Committee.
The tenant is Rabbi Yechiel Michl Horowitz, who was
the rabbi of the Knesset Israel neighborhood.
The contract is written on a double page folded into
four pages in three languages: Hebrew, English and
Arabic. The terms of the contract were printed, and
the signatures in handwriting. The contract is valid
for three years, as that was the custom, from 1929
until 1932.
Rabbi Yechiel Michal Horowitz (1862 - 1941), which
is called by all: R. Michl the Dayan, was one of the
outstanding students at Yeshivat Etz Chaim in
Jerusalem. Accredited teaching by Rabbi Shmuel
Salant,Rabbi of Jerusalem. In 1892 he was appointed
Dayan and teacher in Jaffa. After more than a decade
he came to Jerusalem and became there a Dayan.Was
involved in public leadership in the city. Served as
rabbi of the Knesset Israel's neighborhood. Maharil
Diskin said about him, that he was "an important
Teacher, one of those teachers we used to have in the
past." Was the Author of "Giduley Zion" (crops Zion).
Size: 40X27 cm.
Condition: Very Good, has three folding.
Opening Price: $30

21. A form signed by Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Harlap

Kollel America in Jerusalem
Support Request Form from Tiferet Yerushalaim
Kollel, for the American Pupils for Rabbi Yaakov

Yosef Wolf. Rabbi Wolf lived in Rehavia, near the

Rav Harlap's home, and was greatly appreciated by
him. He wrote as a consent for the book 'Songs of
moral by Rav Hai Gaon' published by Rabbi Wolf, Rav
Harlap refers to him as: "Pious distinguished rabbi
who does righteousness and kindness".
As a close neighbor, has signed on the support
request, confirming that all the things written about
Rabbi Wolf are correct.
Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Harlap (1882 - 1953) was
born in Jerusalem and was raised to be one of the
luminaries and of the leading rabbis of Jerusalem
and Israel, studied Torah from all aspects, at first
from Rabbi Tzvi Michl Shapira, and then from his
distinct Rabbai, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen
Kook, and was ordained by him.
Taught Torah in various educational frameworks,
was the Rabbai of the Shaarei Chesed and Rehavya
neighborhoods, Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav,
president of the Beit Midrash for Talmud, 'Beit Zvul',
and President of the Kollel Suwalki and Lomza. Author
of the books 'Kuntres acharon latzits hakadosh', 'Beit
Zvul' (two parts), 'Echo of the Israeli life', 'Igeret kria
ltsirei hayshivot',' Zvi Latzadik','open letter ',' Tovim
Meorot','El am hashem'.'Mei Marom'.
Was admired by the sages of Israel from all circles.
He had never left the land of Israel. Lived his life
in purity and holiness. For some time had the Gere
Rebbe as studying partner.
Includes glory of Jerusalem exported to America is
the veterans that includes Jerusalem. The

Size: 22X27 cm, 24 lines.

b. A letter supporting Agudath Israel in Galicia,
handwriting, by the Rebbe of Czortkow, Rabbi
Nachum Mordechai, and his brother Rabbi Dov Bear
of Vienna 1934.
Size 20X17 cm. 13 rows.
c. Proclamation handwritten by Rabbi Yitzhak
Aogenstein, secretary of the Rebbe, Rabbi Nachum
Mordechai of Tchortkov Tel Aviv.
Words of Torah about the half shekel, Integrated in
them a covert message requesting money for some
purpose. Apparently it was a request to help some
Czortkow proponents in Jerusalem, as it is written at
the end of the letter, "writing in honor of Tchortkov
proponents (chasidim) in Jerusalem".
Size 29X44 cm.
d. Two cards of the Presidium of the Galician town
Boritzlob kolel.
The cards are about the way of how the distribution
of funds is done. Addressed to "the Pious Governor
... Rabbi Avraham Chaim Shpigal". The signature and
date are unclear. Probably the postcards were written
by Rabbi David Schreiber, whose name is printed on
the card.
e. A postcard with a letter from Rabbi Shalom Fogel,
the Belze Rebbe, addressed to Rabbi David Solomon
Eichler. 1954.

A certificate confirming the receiving of his donation

and the slip he sent and the Rebbe's blessing.
f. A recommendation of the Chatam Sofer Yeshiva
for Rabbi David Eichler.
Signed by the Rabbis Pinchas and Yitzhak Hacohen.
g. A postcard with a letter of Rabbi Zvi Preminger of
Vienna, the publisher of the book 'Ismach Israel', to
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky.

added handwritten.
The agreement includes two parts: A - the
establishment of the Yeshiva. B - Acquisition of the
structure of the 'Leflagot Reuben' Yeshiva on David
Yellin Street in Zichron Moshe. The agreement signed
by the Rebbe and Rabbi Mordechai Tzvi Sheinberger.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $700

The card deals with the matter of distribution of

the 'Ismach Israel' books, and the health of the "holy
Rebbe". It could be meaning the holy Tchortakov

Jerusalem its scholars and its institutions

Other letters are attached.

About Rabbi Baharan, you may look at item no. 264.

Condition: Very Good.

A letter from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Baharan to

his son, Rabbi Israel Chaim Baharan, and to the
other students who were at his home in Jerusalem.
The letter was written in Jaffa, on the eve of Rosh
Hashanah [1888].

Opening Price: $100

18. Contract signed by the 'Barech Moshe' Rebbe of

Satmar 1977
A written agreement between the Satmar Rebbe
Moshe Teitelbaum (1913 - 2006) and Rabbi Mordechai
Tzvi Sheinberger (1928 - 2011), Rosh Yeshiva of
'Liflagot Reuben' in Zichron Moshe neighborhood, in
Jerusalem. An agreement, for the establishment of a
Yeshiva, in memory of his father, the Rebbe Rabbi
Chaim Zvi Teitelbaum of Sigot (1879 - 1925), author of
the books 'Atzey chaim'. The agreement was written
during the time he served as Head of the beth-din
of Sigot, before becoming the Rebbe of Satmar. The
Rebbe specifies who will serve as members of the
association - among others his sons, family members
and dignitaries of the Satmar Hasidism. Some were

Rabbis Letters |

headed the advocates for the appointment. A long

letter flavored with halachic reasons, bringing the
positions of other rabbis.

19. Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Baharan [1889]

At the beginning of his letter, Rabbi Baharan tells a

story about a case from a law of the Torah discussion
that came before him in Jaffa, "and I had to ... that it is
never my way, and I said to write to you to keep the
commandment of teaching your children ...".
The judgment deals with the laws of Loan and
business permit. Rabbi Baharan wrote the question
with a thick pen, and the answer with a fine pen.
From the letter we learn just how much he was
appreciated, that even at a place where he visited like
Jaffa, residents asked for him to be the dayan (judge)
and not the local rabbinical court in Jaffa.

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

Shfeya, one of the founders of Shfeya, immigrated

to Israel at a young age after the death of his father,
and studied at Etz Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He
worked as a shochet in Shfeya and was the head
mashgiach at the winery in Zichron Yaakov. He was
very active and dedicated to advancing the national
renaissance while adhering to religion. He was also
a member of the Mizrachi movement and a close
friend of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, taking part
in the Moshavot tour which Rabbi Kook initiated. He
also participated in the establishment of the Chief
Rabbinate, as well as organizing a program to save
orphans in the Ukraine by bringing them to Israel.
A. Invitation sent to Rabbi Chaim Dov, handwritten
by Rabbi Aryeh Boyarsky, Shochet in Binyamina.
Invitation to attend [as a Mohel?] the Brit Mila
(circumcision) of a baby boy born to a man named
Yehoshua who works for the butcher, Mr. Zach.
B. Touching letter of condolence from his friend,
Moshe Yevzerov, following the murder of his son in
law, Rabbi Nachum Weissfish.
Moshe Yevzerov was the manager of Carmel
Mizrachi in Haifa, and the son of the famous Maggid,
Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Yevzerov, one of the greatest
Chovevei Zion.
On July 3, 1938, Rabbi Nachum Weissfish set out early
in the morning for work at the grove at the border
of Zichron Yaakov, where five Arabs assaulted and
murdered him. He was one of the top students from
Etz Chaim Yeshiva.


3 |

The letter is written on the formal, official stationary

of The Cooperative Winemakers Union of the
Rishon Lezion and Zichron Yaakov Wineries
Carmel Mizrachi.
C. Handwritten contract for a building on the
Moshava, between Rabbi Chaim Dov and Choneh
Weissman, one of the founders of Shfeya, 1926,
signed by two witnesses.
D. Letter from Rabbi Moshe Hameiri Ostrovsky. 1924.
In his letter to Rabbi Chaim Dov, as a member of
the Zichron Yaakov branch of the Mizrachi, he asks
for confirmation of his upcoming attendance at the
Mizrachi Council Convention, where Rabbi Meir
Berlin will be speaking.
Printed on a typewriter and signed by Rabbi
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $40

Satmar Chasidish community

16. The power of attorney handwritten by Rabbi
Mordechai Tzvi Schwartz of Cleveland, Rabbi of
Satmar Rebbe in his youth - the sale of land in Petah
The Lokats brothers from South-Africa, wanted to
sell the property they inherited from their father,
and chose Rabbi Israel Abba Citron, head of the Beth
din in Petah Tikva, as a delegate to make the sale.
The power of attorney was signed by the heirs and
witnesses. The letter states that the deceased, Shalom

Lokats, died in Petah Tikva in 1916. The letter was

written by Rabbi Mordechai Zvi Schwartz, head of
the Beth din of Hull, England 1926.
Rabbi Mordechai Zvi Schwartz, was born in Hungary
And studied in his youth in by Rabbi Chanayah Yom
Tov Lipa Teitelbaum of sigot, who took him to tutor
his son Joel, who grew up to be the Satmar Rebbe,
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum. Rabbi Mordechai Tzvi had a
wonderful talent, and was sent to serve as a Rabbi in
one of the communities in London. Then he moved
to serve as a Rabbi in Hull. There he served in the
rabbinate until a dispute broke out between him
and the official Rabbinate of England, where he was
against the construction of a synagogue on land that
was once a Christian cemetery. As a result, he had
to leave to the United States. He came to Cleveland
where he continued to serve in the rabbinate until his
death in 1962. He left behind many essays, including
books, amongst them "Avodat tamid", "Doresh tov
leamo", "Drushey Chochma vadaat".
Size: 20X26 cm
Condition: Very Good, Filing holes
Opening Price: $80

17. A collection of historical letters

a. An historical Letter from Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Leib
Teitelbaum head of the Beth din in Fotnak, regarding
a dispute about appointing the Satmar Rebbe Yoel
Teitelbaum to be the Rabbi of the city 1929.
The letter was addressed to Rabbi Chaim Freund,
the head of the comunity in the city of Satmar, who

Another document titled "Content term of contract

deed that was given to the lawyers Yom-Tov Amun,
and Tawfiq Ades, is a land rental contract by Nahalat
Israel to the Arab, by the association's president,
Rabbi Yitzchak Zvi Rivlin, and ends with " Approved
by the notary Jerusalem 12/12/1923 ". On the other
side of the page a letter in Arabic, presumably the
Arab source then translated into Hebrew.
b. Three documents signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Zvi
Rivlin, rare!
Three official documents of Nahalat Israel Rama
union signed by the Chairman, Rabbi Yitzchak
Zvi Rivlin: A Notice to all the friends, from Feb
1926, regarding the appointment of Mr. Aaron Alba
to become secretary of the association, and two
receipts, from 31 Aug 1921, Attesting to the purchase
of land, "one hectare with some of the spring" and "
one or two hectares with some of the spring".
Rabbi Yitzhak Zvi Rivlin l (1857 - 1934), grandson
of Rabbi Moshe Magid (Rivlin) Shklov, who served
as head of the Ashkenazi beth-din in Jerusalem, was
born in Lithuania and during his youth he studied

in Volozhin. Immigrated to Israel in 1884, where he

became famous for his immense genius. He stood
out even among the greatest Sages of Jerusalem, and
especially his knowledge of the Talmud and Jewish
law, until they called him "the living Talmud ".
He was a great expert on the theory of the Vilna
Gaon and his seizure of the redemption, and in the
light of this he acted with all his heart and soul for
the sake of settling the land and bringing closer
the redemption. Wrote the essay "Kol hator" of his
grandfather Rabbi Hillel Rivlin of Shklov, disciple
of the Vilna Gaon. Founded the "Mizrachi" branch
in Jerusalem, and was one of the biggest builders of
the New Jerusalem outside the walls. Participated in
the purchase of land for establishment new colonies
around the country and new neighborhoods outside
the walls of Jerusalem. He saw this as the way to
redemption. Was admired by all departments in the
country, and for about 20 years, until his death, was
the Rabbi of Zichron Moshe neighborhood and the
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $100

14. The building of Jerusalem an interesting letter to

Rabbi Shmuel Salant about Rabbi Nathan Bamberger
the rabbi of Wurzburg
Rabbi Nathan Bamberger (1842-1919) was the Chief
Rabbi of Wurzburg and Bavaria in south Germany;
there he headed a seminar for teachers. His heart,
however, was always with Jerusalem. Although he
was among the heads of the rabbis in Germany, he

retained personal relationships with the members

of the old Yishuv and with Rabbi Yosef Chaim
Sonnenfeld. He made many efforts for supporting
the old Yishuv. During his years as the Chief Rabbi,
he collected 2,475,000 German Marks for important
institutions in the Land of Israel such as Sha'arei
Tzedek Hospital. He used to publish the list of donators
from south Germany in the "Israelite" newspaper.
He had great influence also on the other Kolelim in
western Europe, especially the "Amsterdam Kolel".
Before us is an interesting letter written to the rabbi
of Jerusalem, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, in which his son.
Rabbi Simcha, asks the rabbis of Jerusalem to honor
his great father and participate in a party marking
the 25th anniversary of his being the Cgief rabbi. At
the end of the letter, he suggests to award him the
title "President of the Land of Israel". The letter from
1905 was written on the official stationary of the
Rabbi of the city of Wurzburg.

Rabbis Letters |

sold 43 hectares to the company of Nahalat Israel

Rama... And are committed to giving the contract
bill to the company without any buts or arguments ...
and the company will give to the Miryam widow of
Eli Pe'er the sum of ... ". Signed on 29 Nov 1926 here
in the Holy City of Jerusalem with the signature of
Ahmed Shachda (in hebrew) and a stamp in Arabic.
Ahmed Shachda as an intermediary to Nahalat Israel,
his name appears in various documents in regard of

At the margins of the letter, a rabbi or activist had

added in pencil that a similar suggestion had been
made by "Amsterdam Kolel" and that he offers to edit
a joint letter of all the large institutions in Jerusalem.
Size: 14X22 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
An interesting and rare document.
Opening Price: $50

15. Four letters Rabbi Chaim Dov, the Shochet of

Rabbi Chaim Dov Cantor (1865-1944), the Shochet of

2015 " |


Rabbis Letters |

and banana groves owned by Mr. Moitner from

Dr. Eichenberg was apparently in charge of the
agricultural work in the Petach Tikva area.
Condition: Very good. Two filing holes. Postage
B. Postcard in Romanian, with his official stamp,
written to Mr. Roger. 1916.
The letter begins with the words From the depths, I
called (aus der enge rufe ich), and continues with a
request for Mr. Rogers assistance in a certain matter.
Condition: Excellent. Includes postage stamps.
Opening Price: $180

11. A letter of recommendation by Agudat Israel to an

orthodox girl coming on Aliya alone to Israel during
World War II
A letter in German from Agudath Israel of Arad,
Transylvania, during World War II - 25 January 1940.
Written on official stationery of "Agudat Israel Arada
- Central Transylvania". Agudat Israel branch of Arad
was very important and was the center for all of
Transylvania as written on the page head.
The letter was written in German, and the content
is a recommendation to froiling [Miss] Berger, who
is travelling to the Holy Land but has no financial
The recommendation is directed to Mr. Biinar from
Constanta, a port city on the Romanian Black Sea


3 |

coast. Apparently that was where the girl had sailed

away to Israel from, and therefore sought help from
one of the governors of the city.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $30

12. Surviving Remnant interesting certificate

describing a person before immigrating to Israel from
the " Mizrachi committee for Torah and Avoda"
Krakow 1949
The certificate lists the many virtues of Mr. Sinai
Schuldenfrei and his contribution to the Committee
and the Jewish community in Krakow, and asking
all Mizrahi institutions to help him and take into
account his old age when he immigrates to Israel.
The Mizrachi Movement was founded in 1912 by
Rabbi Isaac Jacob Reines as a national religious
Zionist union. The basic idea of the Mizrahi is that
national and religious perspectives are one. The
Torah is the soul of the life of the Israeli nation. The
purpose of the return to Zion, is to build a kingdom
of priests and a holy nation. The organization had
a large influence on Jewish life in Poland before
the war, and took an important role in handling the
Surviving Remnant and the displaced people camps
in Poland.
This letter has a beautiful description of the religious
and Zionist virtues of one of its activists.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $30

13. Nahalat Israel Rama company an Experimental

settlement of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem, near the
tomb of the prophet Samuel a documented evidence
of buying the land - a historical item! And documents
signed by Rabbi Yitzhak Zvi Rivlin
The Nahalat Israel Rama, Association was founded
in 1886, in order to establish a Jewish settlement
near Nebi Samuel. Founders of the Association were
Rabbi Jacob Mandelbaum, Rabbi Yitzhak Rubinstein
and Rabbi Yitzchak Zvi Rivlin. The 60 founders were
mostly members of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem.
The idea repeatedly encountered many difficulties,
and although managing to sell the land to the Russian
Jews, they failed to take the matter into practice;
World War I interrupted the legalization efforts of the
settlement. Only in 1906 the houses were legalized,
and 15 members of the association settled them
(Yemeni and Ashkenazi Jews). The members received
arms for protecting the buildings, and association
went on and bought another 1,500 hectares in the
area. The riots of 1929, forced the settlers to leave the
place, and their Arab neighbors destroyed the houses
and removed the border stones away. After the War
of Independence, Jewish settlements were built, and
today, Ramot neighborhood is situated there.
Here we have a bundle of documents that are an
historical evidence of this enterprise.
a. Purchase and lease contracts.
One document "to be Evidence for the comity of
Nahalat Israel Rama company, that placed in my
hand is the deed of the land" Charkat al-Arab " how
the Gentiles Abdal Kadar and Eli Pe'er from Beit Tiksa,

Expectation for salvation, emigration to

the Land of Israel and settling in it
8. A unique and exciting note about the building of
the Temple expectation, handwritten by one of the
arousers of the dawn of salvation, Rabbi Eliyahu
Guttmacher from Graditz
A note from 1870, handwritten by Rabbi Eliyahu
Guttmacher from Graditz. Out of his eagerness
and expectation for the redemption of Israel and
the building of the Temple, Rabbi Eliyahu used to
write verses and Midrashs with the matters of the
redemption of Israel and the ingathering of the exiles.
In this note, Rabbi Eliyahu quoted a rabbinic
midrash (The Order of Tzav), which deals with the
deep expectation to the building of the Temple
and sacrificial service. The Midrash describes the
sacrifices in the Tabernacle in Sinai and the longing
for the sacrifices in the Temple.
Further on Rabbi Eliyahu added to the note the
words of the prayer of Saturday's Musaf prayer for
the building of the Temple and the Restitution of
Rabbi Eliyahu Guttmacher a Student Rabbi of Israel
Rabbi Akiva Eiger. And a Classmate of Rabbi Zvi
Hirsch Kalischer, wrote: "The Holy Genius Rabbi
Guttmacher, who sole stands against thousands
of soles of the people of Israel, in knowledge of
the Torah in Hassidism, in Kabbalah, and he was a
Was known amongst all Jews, for the might of His
Holiness, and many flocked to him and were saved

by his blessings. He became famous as a miracle

worker. Was first and foremost to arouse the idea
of the redemption dawn. He devoted his life for the
beginning of the settlement of the Land of Israel.
Wrote calls to come to Zion, to build and be built by
it, and established institutions for helping settlement
and immigration to Israel.
In those years, when the land was desolate, without
any Jewish agricultural settlement, Rabbi Eliyahu
predicted that the beginning of the redemption will
be in a natural way of Ingathering of the exiles and
the settlement of the land of Israel: "For me it is clear
that if people of Israel will begin work in the holy
land totaling 130 families, it will be the beginning of
the Redemption".
Size: 9X14 cm. 17 lines handwritten.
Condition: good, 2 tears on the fold line and a small
hole in the top right corner, with no damage to text.
Unusual item!
Opening Price: $300

9. Letter by Rabbi Yitzhak Rubinstein from Vilna in

connection with the approval of immigration to Israel
A request letter to the Jewish Agency to grant an
additional certificate to R. Abba Borovnik who is
raising in the house his orphaned niece Sep 10 1935.
Rabbi Yitzchak Rubenstein l (1880 - 1940) was the
last chief rabbi of Vilna by the Mizrahi, and one of
the leaders of the movement. As part of his activity
in the Mizrahi movement, he established a network

of religious Hebrew schools and yeshivot in Poland

and Lithuania. Was a spokesman for the Jews to
the authorities and served as Minister for Jewish
Affairs in Lithuania, and in this role he fought
for the rights of Jews in Europe. Since 1922 to the
outbreak of World War II was a member of the Polish
Sejm(parliament). In 1941 emigrated to the US with
the help of the American-Zionist Rescue Committee.
In New York he became the Rosh Yeshiva named
after Rabbi Isaac Elchanan, and worked there for the
benefit of the Polish Jews.
Size: 21X29 cm.
Condition: Excellent

Rabbis Letters |

Rabbis Letters

Opening Price: $100

10. Letters from Rabbi Gershon Stern, author of

Yalkut HaGershuni request for assistance for his son
who immigrated to Israel
Two postcards, in Hebrew and Romanian, written by
Rabbi Gershon Stern (1861-1936), one of the most
important rabbis of Hungary. He was the Rabbi of
Ludas, a famous lecturer and gifted speaker. His
books, Yalkut HaGershuni, were widely distributed
among Torah scholars.
A. Postcard sent from his city, Ludas, Romania,
asking for assistance for his son who immigrated to
Israel. 1928.
To the respectedDr. David Eichenberg, please
heed in your mercy to a father begging for his son
Yechiel Stern, who immigrated to Israel and lives in
Petach Tikvato arrange a job for him at the orange

2015 " |


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Religious Books |

Penciled in the calendar are different events,

appointments etc.
Size: 10X7 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
C. Calendar, similar to the above, 1948, Lodz.
D. Colorful Calendar, JNF, 1949
A colorful calendar of JNF. The cover page "B for the
freedom of Israel". Throughout the calendar the story
of the establishment of the state of Israel in retold,
with colorful maps of the UN's plan of division.
Was in use, so has remarks.
81 pages.
10X7 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
E. Two calendars, Hatchiya printing house, Jerusalem,
1950, 1951
10X7 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $30

2015 " |


Religious Books |

occurrences in the Jewish community in Israel. Also

listed a summary of recent events from the past year.
Some of the events, as recorded in the author's diary
are interesting and unknown. Amongst other stories
the author describes his meeting with Einstein.

E. Luach Shana Chagigi,1941, JNF

178 pages.

A festival calendar commemorating the 20th

anniversary of the JNF. At the beginning a list of the
actions of the JNF, and monetary reports.

Deferential condition: good-very good.

At the end blank pages for listing phone numbers.

263. Five rare calendars

Approx. 80 pages.

A. Luach Shana,

233 pages.

Condition: Excellent.

1940, Galicia

Condition: Very Good. Book cover slightly cut.

F. Luach Kis Shvu'I, 1946

B. Luach Hageulah, 1922

Published by Beit Mischar Herzl, Moriya printing


With candle lighting times for 28 cities and Jewish

towns in the areas of: Brody, Krakow, Peshmishel,
Belz, Dokla etc.

At the end: adds for hotels, public institutes, doctors


Contents mostly alike the 1924 one.

128 pages.
Condition: Good. Cover page torn.
C. Luach Hageulah, 1926, with a map of Israel.
Contents mostly alike the 1924 one. In addition
news from the 14th Zionist convention, and plenty
interesting information about 1925 events.
240 pages. Added is a folded map of the Land of
Israel, with geographic details, and Jewish lands
Condition: Good.
D. Luach Shana, 1940, JNF.
Throughout the calendar geographic details and
statistics of Jewish agriculture, settlements and about
the JNF. Graphs illustrations beside the statistics.
64 pages.
Condition: Excellent.


3 |

Opening Price: $40

62 pages.

At the beginning warnings about observing the

Shabbat in Yiddish, at the end - laws and rituals in

Condition: Excellent.

Size: 10X 13 cm.

Opening Price: $100

Condition: Good. Missing a page or two at the end.

Edited by Arye Kimelman.

262. Four booklet calendars, Eretz Hatzvi, Jerusalem,

Four identical booklets (different book covers):
Luach Eretz Hatzvi, for the year 1930. Published by
"Kolel Shomrei HaChomot". An illustration of the
tomb of the matriarch Rachel, another of the psalm
"Lamnatzeach" in the shape of a Menorah, pictures
from that era, a list of death dates of important
figures. Sheinbom printing house, Jerusalem 1930.
A letter from Torah luminaries, like Rabbi Yosef
Chaim Sonnenfeld is glued to the beginning of
each booklet, also mentioned the words of Rabbis
from previous generations about the importance of
donations from the diaspora to the Kollel.

B. Tashen Calendar, 1947, Lodz, interesting add of the

JNF rare!
Published by "Va'ad Kehilot Ha'Kedoshot of Polin",
edited by Shlomo Riechman, of Tarnopol.
At the end six pages describing the activities of the
The last page consists of a very interesting add
of JNF. The add, in Yiddish, urges the Chassidic
public to donate to the JNF, stating that the Rebbe
of Drohovitsch was a fan of JNF, and declared that
he who donates to them will take part in the world
to come. The rebbe Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of
Drohovitsch (1864-1924) was a Chassidic Rebbe that
was a fan of Zion.

140 pp. At the end, 10 more pages of Shir Ha'Yichud

and Seder Nesiat Kapayim.

According to the custom of Poland. With Yiddish


Condition: Excellent.

On the title page, a lovely embossment of Moses and

Aaron. On the various title pages, under the name of
the book and the names of the printers, there are the
following embossments: on the title page of Sukkot
a family sitting for a meal in the Sukkah, for Shavu'ot
the receiving of the Torah, for Passover Passover
sacrifice. The embossments are signed by the artist
Frantz Nicholas Rolfson (1719-1802).
At the end of the book there are 'El Male Rachamim'
prayers that are not said today. The prayer was said
for the rabbi of the community and all other victims
of the 1648, 1649 and 1696 Riots and all those who
died on Kiddush Hashem.
On the title page there is a handwritten ownership
signature from 1824 of Rabbi Matityahu ben Rabbi
Zalman Segal.

Opening Price: $50

260. Yahrzeit and Memorial Prayer Three Booklets

A. Matzevet Zikaron, Liste Fon Yahrzeit. Jerusalem,
A list of yahrzeits of 'synagogue managers and
activists' of 'Otzar Ha'Chessed Keren Shmuel' in
Jerusalem. At the opening of the booklet appears the
portrait of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook,
who died the previous year.
32 pp.
Condition: Good. Water stains.
B. Prayer Book for the Mourners. New York, 1917.
Prayers for the mourners, precepts and prayers for

About 500 pp.

This edition does not appear in the National Library.

Condition: Good.

57 pp.

Opening Price: $50

Condition: excellent.

259. Machzor for Shavu'ot Zoltzbach 1827

C. Yahrzeit Booklet (Romanian and Hebrew). The


"A precise and nicely interpreted machzor, translated

to Ashkenazic".

Prayers for Yahrzeit with translation and explanations

in Romanian.

Several stamps. On the title page, a faded stamp of

"Chevra Kadisha of Paris". At the opening of the
book, an embossment of Mount Sinai.

8 pp.
Condition: Excellent.

261. Six Israeli calanders important and Rare
Six calanders, pocket edition, a great source of
information about the life in the old and new Jewish
settlement in the Land of Israel, in the twenties of
the 20th century, in the cities and settlements. Rich
information for researchers and fans of modern
Israeli Jewish history.
A. Luch Ha'Geulah, 1924, an interesting and rare
piece, that sheds light over life in the new Israeli
settlements of the time

Religious Books |

258. Machzor for the three pilgrimage festivals

Hamburg 1783 Rare

Published by Eliezer Shachor Schwartz

Many prayers and songs of Zion appear in the
calendar, amongst them is the prayer "HaNoten tshua
la'melachim" for the king George the fifth, titled "The
custom in the land of Israel is to bless the king every
Shabbat and festival".
At the beginning of the calendar a letter of
appreciation from the British commissioner and his
son to the publisher.
At the end of the calendar many interesting
additions: A prayer in memory of the martyrs of
recent pogroms; Song of faith by Rabbi Kook; Some
hints from holy scriptures that 1924 is the year of
the redemption; Other interesting songs from the
editor; A phone directory (only 3 pages long); Names
of new Jewish settlements; Important dates in the
history of the Jewish revival in the Land of Israel
from the Zionist conventions through the Balfour
announcement, British mandate, and details about

Opening Price: $40

2015 " |


Religious Books |

Zalman Londen, notes that the printing of the prayer

book was done " since some of our brothers find
it necessary to travel afar to find food for their
household and they find it a burden to carry several
prayer books in their bags".
Ownership stamp of Meir Auerbach.
386; 232 pp.
Condition: Very Good. Title page missing. Original
cover. In its original box.

255. Slichot Ashkenazi version France 1765

Slichot book that was printed in Metz, France.
Ashkenazi version. First part. With Ashkenazic
commentary (in Hebrew letters). Stamps and
signatures of ya'akov Dombrover. Signature of "Meir
Stern" and a long note in his handwriting in Yiddish.
Has not been examined (probably an important
personality). A more ancient signature erased by a

On the ttile page it is written (in Yiddish) that the

commentary is presented throughout the Machzor
so that simple people and women will be able to
understand and atone for their sins.
With the stamp of 'Ohel Sara' Beit Midrash in
Jerusalem, and an ownership stamp of Sara Leah

In the copy before us, like in some of the copies of

this edition, there is no illustrated title page.

Some of the title page is in red ink.

253. Hagra Prayer book Jerusalem 1895 First


18, 152, 69 pp.

Condition: Good. Original cover, slightly detached

from the book.

Includes the commentary of HAGRA. Published by

Rabbi Naftali Hertz Ha'Levi (1853-1902), the first
Ashkenazi rabbi of Jaffa, an expert on HAGRA.

Condition: Very Good. The front cover is falling

apart. Some detached pages.

Opening Price: $200

Many stamps of the HAGRA synagogue in Sha'arei

Condition: Good. Tear on the first title page.
Opening Price: $90

254. Slichot Venice 1712

"Slichot Book according to the custom of the
Ashkenazi community in Italy".
268 pp.

Height: 26 cm.

Opening Price: $100

256. Machzor Korban Aharon (five volumes) and

Machzor Hadrat Kodesh
A. Korban Aharon. Lemberg 1867.
Machzor for the Jewish festivals, with 'Mate Levi',
'Beit Levi' and 'Ma'ase Oreg' commentary. Complete
set, five volumes.
Ownership stamps.

Condition: Very Good. Renewed cover.

Most rare: the National Library has only the third

volume (sukkot).

Opening Price: $200

Condition: Excellent. Original leather covers.

B. Hadrat Kodesh. Vilna, 1857.


Machzor for Rosh Ha'Shana and Yom Kippur. With

commentary and explanations in Yiddish.

3 |

Opening Price: $100

257. Mahzor for the Prayer Leader, Yom Kippur

Vienna 1811
An especially large machzor (probably for the prayer
leader) for Yom Kippur, according to the custom
of Poland, Mahern, Fihem and Hager. With many
additions, including Yoma tractate and the complete
book of Psalms.
54, 118 pp.
Size: 20X34 cm.
Condition: Good. Few moth holes. On the last pages,
a significant hole along the pages. The title page is
Opening Price: $40

249. Two copies of a prayer book Karlsruhe 1805

Psalms with commentary of Mendelson
Two copies of an Ashkenazi prayer book (the custom
of Poland) with commentary and various additions
of Rabbi Yechiel Michl Epstein and with many
prayers and precepts translated to Yiddish.
The book opens with the morning-prayer and the
rules and precepts of praying, in Hebrew and Yiddish,
column beside column.
Two title pages. On the first one, embossments of
Moses and Aaron.
On the first pages, agreements of rabbis.
On pages 73-166, with a special title page, the book
of Psalms, ordered according to the days of the week
with Ashkenazic translation by Moshe Mendelson.
Mendelson's commentary sparked much controversy.
On the one hand, the commentary served many Jews
who identified with the Enlightenment; on the other,
it caused much objection of rabbis, headed by the
author of 'Noda Bi'Yehuda'.
192, 166 pp.
Condition: A. Very good. Newly covered. Some of
the pages went through professional restoration,
Ownership signatures.

250. 'Tefila Yeshara' Prayer book, Ha'ARI version,

with Keter Nehora commentary Berdychiv 1891
unregistered edition
'Tefila Yeshara' Prayer book, Ha'ARI version,
with Keter Nehora commentary by Rabbi Aharon
With agreements of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of
Berdychiv, the Maggid of Kozhnitz and the Chozeh
of Lublin as well as the agreement of Rabbi Azriel
Ha'Levi Horowitz of Lublin, the rabbi of Lublin, who
was a great opponent of Hassidism and confronted
the Chozeh on the matter. It is interesting that his
agreement appears beside those of the rebbes.
A most rare edition. Does not appear in the
bibliography enterprise nor in the National Library!
On the two title pages there are stamps of the owners
"Yoseg Chaim Mutschnik-Bloi" and various notes
related to his and his death in 1916.
472 pp.
Condition: Fair. The cover is falling apart and some
pages are loose. The margins of some of the pages
are cut.
Opening Price: $30

251. Kos Yeshuot Prayer book Prague 1892

unregistered edition

B. Fair. The cover and some of the pages are detached.

Some of the pages were restored.

Prayer book for the days of the year and the holydays.
The prayers are in Hebrew with a German translation,
column beside column.

Opening Price: $100

On the page opposite the title page there is a nice

print of Moses, Aaron, David and King Solomon and

of a Melamed under which appears the verse "And
you shall teach them your children". At the end of the
book there is a booklet named 'Chinuch La'Nearim'
(Education for Boys): explanation in German on the
prayers and holydays and the prayer for travelers.
Ownership signature from 27.12.1940 (it might be of
a citizen of Mauritius Island).
The prayer book was first printed in Prague in 1861.
This edition is rare since it contains the booklet
'Chinuch La'Nearim' (the booklet was first printed in
the 'Iyun Tefila' Prayer Book, Prague 1878, and here
is was printed for the second time) which does not
appear in the National Library and the bibliography

Religious Books |

Prayer Books and Machzorim (Prayer

books for the high holidays)

400; 15 pp.
Condition: Fair. Several pages at the beginning and at
the end of the book are torn and detached from the
spine. One page in the middle is torn. Detached spine.
Opening Price: $40

252. Prayer Book for all days of the year Amsterdam

1765 Miniature prayer book in its original box
Prayer Book for all days of the year (including the
three pilgrimage festivals and the high holidays)
according to the custom of Ashkenaz and Poland.
With Hosha'anot, Yotzrot, Slichot for Monday and
Thursday and public fasts, Passover Haggada, the
book of Psalms (with commentary), seder ma'amadot.
Hirtz Levi Rofe and his son-in-law Kashman Print.
In the introduction, the compositor, Rabbi Shlomo

2015 " |


Religious Books |

246. Proverbs - Ofenbach 1905

Condition: Very good. Leather book cover.

418 pages.

"Proverbs with German commentary and translation

[in Hebrew letters], as was printed in the holy
communities of Berlin and Wien together with
Rashi's commentary and the book Michlal Yofi [by
Rabbo Shlomo Ibn-Melech] in addition "Leket" and
"Shichecha" added by Rabbi Ya'akov Avendana".

Opening Price: $30

Condition: Excellent. Non-original book cover.

248. A few Sidurim and Chumashim

E. Sidur Va'ani Tefilah, published by Sinai, Tel Aviv,

British mandate era.

Two parts. In the pre cover page an interesting

painting of a woman giving charity, inscribed "Her
hand she gave to the poor".
13, 142 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $90

247. Holy Scriptures with translation and commentary,

the Five Scrolls, Wien, 1917, the Enlightenment
The 19th volume of the bible edition with a
commentary and translation by Moshe Mendelson
and pupils. Includes Rashi's commentary, Hebrew
letter German translation and their commentary. A
cover page and a preface by Yehudah Lieb ben Ze'ev
to each one of the scrolls. Commentary by Aharon
Ben Wolf.
In the cover depicted a portrait of David Friedlander,
the translator of Ecclesiastes, one of the extremists in
the Enlightenment Movement, and of the leaders of
the Jewish community of Berlin.


Some miniature.
A. A small good year book. Printed by Idan Cohen and
Tzaban, Djerba, 1945 (approx.), sole edition, rare.

A small prayer book for the New Year festival prayers

and commandments. Hebrew and Jewish Arabic.
17 pages.
Condition: Good. Renewed book cover. Double cover
page. Some pages detached.
B. Seder Tfilat Yisrael. Published by Schlizinger, Wien,
1913, rare!

A small prayer book for week days, Sabath and

festivals, Ashkenaz version. The mourners Kadish
transliterated in Latin letters.
468 pages.
Condition: Good. Many moth stains, on book cover
C. Sidur Zichron Yerushalayim, published by Shlush and
Avikatzitz, Jerusalem, 1935.

432, 32 pages.
Condition: Fair. Book cover partly falling apart. Moth

Elegant print on blue paper.

D. Sidur Avodat Yisrael, by Dr. Michael Zaksh, published

by Schlizinger, Wien, 1929.

348 pages.

With German translation.

3 |

208 pages.
Condition: Very Good.
F. Sidur Sfat Emet Hachadash, published by Naftali
Tzeilingold (Rows of Gold), Jerusalem, 1926

Decorated black book cover. Ownership inscriptions.

480 pages.
G. Condition: Very Good.
H. Sidur Hashalem

Decorated book cover inscribed: "A gift from the

Rebbetzen of Satmar" (In Yiddish).
826 pages.
Condition: Very Good. Pages 1 through 25 missing.
I. Chumashim. Published by Yosef Schlizinger, Wien, 1923

Black hard cover. Ownership stamp.

Condition: Excellent.
J. Chamisha Chumshei Torah, published by Yehudiah,
Warsaw 1930

Book covers aligned with leather.

Condition: Fair. Book covers detached for no existing
Opening Price: $100

Including a word of Torah on Midrash Rabbah on the

book of Exodus by the author.
It has ownership signatures.
Pages: 9.
Condition: Very Good. Without a Front Cover, and
Some glosses throughout the book.
Opening Price: $30

242. 'Di Falgen fun Unmaral' Jerusalem, 1928 Yiddish polemical pamphlet written by a woman
Book name (translated from Yiddish to English):
Results of immoral behavior: diseases and corruption
as a result of abnormal relations between genders,
and a Song about the days of the messiah. Written by
Deborah Fried.
An interesting booklet containing various allegations
regarding marital and gender. The booklet is
written in blunt language. Among other things, the
writer expresses its position in favor of polygamy
and bigamy and in favor of ending the Rabeinu
Gershom's boycott.
A rare and unusual booklet, both because it was
written by a woman and because it was written and
printed in Yiddish.
Pages: 32.
Hight: 23 cm.

Condition: Good. Some of the pages are torn at the

Opening Price: $50

Bibles and Chumashim

243. Bible, Venice 1638 With Ladino translation
supplements in handwriting
A bible with Ladino translation (i.e. in Hebrew and
"foreign Spanish") by Ya'akov Lombruzu.
Includes a letter of appreciation from Rabbi Yehudah
Arye of Modina (1571-1648), with a song of praise
to the proofreader, the typesetter and commenter,
Ya'kov Lombruzu.

An interesting anecdote is that this edition was

used by the Yerushalmi Tzadik Rabbi Arye Levin to
perform the famous draw of the Vilna Gaon. He used
the draw to identify the corpses of the 35 martyrs
assassinated on their way to Gush Etzion.
310 pages. At the end a list of the weekly portions
in the Torah and prophets, a list of the words that
are read differently than they're written, and special
words with punctuation letters.
Condition: Excellent. Apparently missing the first
decorated page.
Opening Price: $100

245. A few rare Bibles in different languages

The Bible was printed in four volumes. We have

the last two volumes bounded together Later
Prophets and Writings. At the beginning of the book
of Isiah there are a few pages missing, they were
supplemented in handwriting in print letters. The
same occurred at the end of Chronicles.

A. "Ararat" Bible in eastern Armenian, Constantinople,

1906, Limited Edition of 5000 copies.

231 pages (238-469)

Condition: Very Good. Original book cover.

Condition: Fair. Book cover missing. Pages worn out.

B. First volume of Bible with French translation.

London, 1846, rare.

Opening Price: $100

244. Bible in pocket edition Bivlia Hebraica

Amsterdam 1701
At the beginning of the first part a preface in Latin
by Georgius Desmarestz. At the end a song in Hebrew
praising the Torah and its learners by Jon Henricus
Lederlin. Very fine print, small print but clear and
sharp, no punctuation, cover page decorated as are
the end of the book of kings and chronicles.

Religious Books |

defense for the book 'Lev Haivri' written by his sonin-law Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger, against the
written attack on him in the 'Ketav Yosher' pamphlet,
with serious allegations leveled against him.

Published in a limited edition of 5000 copies only by

the British and Foreign Bible Society.
1348 pages.

The first part of the bible, the Pentateuch, with French

translation page for page. This is the first volume,
rare, the second one seemingly never printed!
Stamp of ownership.
130 pages. Condition: Good. A few small tears in
inner book cover.
Opening Price: $100

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Religious Books |

The answer was printed later on, in the book of

"Sridei esh" chap. 100.

240. 'Nachala LeIsrael' - Vienna 1853 - First Edition

- a rare copy with consents - Handwritten Glosses

57 pages.

An inheritance ruling written by Rabbi Israel Moshe

Hazan, in connection with the inheritance of Jacob
Gallico - a conflict that stirred the Halacha world.

Condition: Good. Front cover detached and damaged,

back cover is missing
Opening Price: $50

239. Mixing courts (Eiruv) and Expenditure - New

York 1907
An attempt to make an eiruv in the city of Manhattan
in New York, caused a major uproar among the
rabbis. Prohibiting and permitting books were
published regarding the related issue. This book,
written by Rabbi Joshua Sigal "expose his fist of
permission" (allowing the eiruv) and in addition he
provides answers of rabbis that allow the carrying of
an object, including Maharasham of Berzen.
The book was printed and published by Wolf
Hirschprung. The picture at the beginning of the
book is the eastern part of New York City, which was
the subject of the book.
Signature of Rabbi Yitzchak David Kaner of Sanok
(also lived in Chernobyl) that his forefathers were the
leaders of Hasidic Judaism in Sanok.
54 pages.
Condition: Good. First pages are detached
Opening Price: $30

At the beginning of the book, there is a letter written

by the Rabbi to the pope's court. The book has many
Consents from rabbis of some important cities of the
Jewish world: Saloniki, Istanbul, Prague and more.
In the book there are many comments regarding
the rabbi's response. In this edition, some of the
forms are missing these Consents! Also, some of the
Consents are by Christian sages.
Rabbi Israel Moshe Hazan (1808-1862), a member of
the Beth din of Rabbi Yaakov Pinchi in Jerusalem,
the chief Rabbi of Rome, Corfu and Alexandria, a
Kabbalist, and an author.
A stamp of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kohen. Served as rabbi
in Jerusalem and later the United States. One of the
founders of the colony of Raanana.

241. 'Maskill El Dal' by Rabbi Hillel of Kolomyia

- Ungvar 1867, a pamphlet about Repentance out
of love - a Statement of defense for the book 'Lev
Haivri' written by his son-in-law Rabbi Akiva Yosef
a. 'Maskill El Dal' Parts A and B. 1867-1868. First
By Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein of Kolomyia, a disciple
of the Chatam Sofer and head of the fighters against
the reform movement. This book (printed in four
parts) laid the foundation for Hungarian rabbis for
their war against "corrections" to the communities
and synagogues. Here we have the first two parts
bound together.
Condition: Fair. Page edges damaged.
b. Volume containing three books bound together:
1. 'Zichron Yehudah'. Ungvar, 1867. First edition.

54 pages.

A book about ethics and behavior by Rabbi

Menachem Ash [Eisenstein] regarding ethics and
legends, a will and right way of behavior, and other
matters, from his father, Rabbi Meir Ash. With an
Approbation of Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfreid.

Condition: Very Good.

ownership signature and stamp.

Opening Price: $30

Pages: 69

Throughout the book, numerous corrections and

handwritten glosses.

2. 'Maskill El Dal' Part A 1867

3. Repentance out of love. Ungvar, 1865. Only edition.
The pamphlet was written by Rabbi Yehoshua Baruch
Reinitz' head of Beth Din at alkane. a Statement of


3 |

Condition: Very Good.

one edition.

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $50

B. Ra'ayot Machriot Neged Vellhausen (Decisive

Evidence Against Wellhausen), by Rabbi David Tzvi
(Radatz) Hoffman. Jerusalem, 1922.


A discussion of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Epstein (18881949), rabbi of a Congregation in Brooklyn, regarding
the possibility of alleviating by the religious law
and permitting Agunot due to the large number of
them, and since no solution was given they remarry
without a divorce (a get).

The book relates to the hypothesis of Julius

Wellhausen (primary researcher among the first
Bible critics), of which one of its main "findings"
was that Leviticus was the youngest book of the
Pentateuch, written during the Second Temple period
by the Priestly leadership. The Radatz here shows
his great prowess in tearing down Biblical criticism
by using its own arguments against it. He then also
"builds magnificent buildings" by perfectly and
simply explaining verses and passages.
Attached is an article of admiration of the personality
and scientific work of the Radatz by Ra"m Lifshitz.
151 pages.
Condition: Good.
C. Memoirs of Glickel, edited by the writer Azar (E. Z.
Rabinovitch). Tel Aviv, 1929.
Autobiography of Glickel of Hamlin (1647-1727).
Offered here is the first edition in Hebrew, with
an introduction by editor Azar (Alexander Ziskind
Rabinovitch), the elder of the country's writers.
This is a particularly interesting and important
book, and includes rare and important illustrations
and drawings related to the events mentioned in the
160 pages

237. Insult of the Torah, the author Shafan (editor of

Vilna Shas) Berlin 1929
A polemical book by the author Shafan (Rabbi
Shmuel Shraga Figenzon), published in Berlin by the
Zvi Hirsch Itzkovski print.
The purpose of the book, was to prove that Christians
printers changed some Talmudic legends, prayers
and poems with disruptions and blasphemy, to cause
hatred between Jews and the gentiles.
One of the far-reaching conclusions of the author
was that, the idea of "Messiah ben Joseph" is fake
and was deliberately inserted to the Shas. On this
conclusion, of course, many disagreed.
Rabbi Shmuel Shraga Figenzon, who used the
pen name "shafan hasofer", is one of the greatest
Bibliographers of the Jewish people. He edited the
known edition of the Vilna Shas during the years
1880-1886, which are the basis of all editions of the
Talmud that followed them to this day.
86 pages.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $30

238. Two rare brochures

a. Suggestion for a regulation for the sake of Agunot,
by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Epstein. New York, 1930. Only

Rabbi Epstein calls to other rabbis to examine his

proposal detailed in this book, whether his solution
stands within the boundaries of Jewish law.
His proposal sparked angry reactions among
Orthodox rabbis in the US, and at a meeting of the
Association of Rabbis, held in New York in 1935,
with the presence of three hundred rabbis, a boycott
was declared on anyone who will use Rabbi Epstein's
proposal - the rabbi, the bride and groom and the

Religious Books |

535 pages.

39 pages.
Condition: Excellent.
b. Removal of dead bones, Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov
Weinberg. Berlin, 1926. Single edition and very rare!
Halachic response of Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg
(1884-1966) to the question of whether they can
transfer the bones of their relatives buried in Silesia
cemeteries, from where Jews left following the First
World War, to where they live in a different city in
Poland. The reason for the question was because the
State of Silesia is separated from the rest of Europe
and from their homes, and they will be unable to visit
the graves of their relatives on the yahzrteit day.

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63 pages.

published beforehand, when he lived in Peremyshl.

Condition: Good. The title page is missing, as are a

small amount of pages in the beginning and end.

An important and interesting book!

Opening Price: $50

Condition: Very good. The first page is partially torn.

Eulogies and Biographies

Opening Price: $30

233. Vayekonen David, Peremyshl, 1896. Including

words from the great Hassidic giants. Singular edition

234. Chazon Ish Pamphlet of eulogies, memories,

and notes from his family members. circa. 1960

A book of elegies by Rabbi David Uri, author of Kol

Dodi, later to become the Av Beit Din of Kripatsch.
The book is about his grandfather, Rabbi Avraham
Goller, who was Rabbi of Kripatsch for 76 years and
passed away at age 106.

A most rare pamphlet dealing with the person that

was the great Chazon Ish, Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu
Karelitz (1879-1954). Published just a few years after
his death.

The book has approbations from the author's relatives,

namely the Rebbe of Bukobesk, Rabbi Meir Yehuda
Shapira; the Rebbe of Dzhikov, Rabbi Yehoshua
Horowitz; and the Rabbi of Peremyshl, Rabbi Moshe
Meisels. It includes a chapter on Halakhic matters,
the rabbi's last will, and a homiletic speech regarding
Rabbi Avraham Goller of Kripatsch (1793-1896) was
a grandson of the holy Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira
of Dinov, author of the Bnei Yisaschar, and merited
to host him in his home.
The book also includes words of Torah by other
Hassidic giants including the Bnei Yisaschar, which
were apparently never published elsewhere. There is
also a eulogy about Rabbi Avraham's son.
The title page has an insignia of the author from when
he served as Av Beit Din of Kripatsch; the book was


32 pages.

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Edited by Rabbi Shmuel Zeinoil Zharetsky and Rabbi

Moshe David Schiff.
The book features 102 short biographies, with rare
pictures, of the rabbis and their addresses. The pages
are high-quality chrome. At the end of the book
appears a nice picture of the editorial board.
The book was printed in 1940, on the verge of the
Holocaust , and it is the last testimony we have
regarding several of the rabbis in it, who were
murdered in the Holocaust.
In recent years, a photocopy edition was published.
Condition: Very good.

The pamphlet includes: A biography of the Chazon

Ish; a eulogy that he delivered during the week of
mourning for the Ponovezher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef
Shlomo Cahaneman; a eulogy he delivered for
Rabbi Shmuel HaLevy Vozner; and stories, talks and
Aggadic discourses told by the Chazon Ish.

Opening Price: $30

The pamphlet was printed in "stencil" format, and its

pages were stapled together.

A very interesting book of a choice selection of

the writings of Rabbi Zeliger: Essays on Torah and
science; policy, society and time; plans and programs;
stories and poems; and more. His biography is also
included. Words of admiration also appear by HaRav
Kook, Ze'ev Yaavetz, and others. The book was edited
and published by his wife Leah.

21 pages.
Size: 20x30 cm.
Condition: Good. The title page is missing.
Opening Price: $30

235. Anshei Shem an international rabbinic lexicon.

Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1940. Singular edition
Lexicon of the great Torah giants in Europe, the Land
of Israel, and America.

236. Three books of research and biography

A. The writings of Rabbi Dr. Yosef Zeliger. Edited by
Leah Zeliger. Printed by "HaIvri", Jerusalem, 1930.
Singular edition.

Rabbi Yosef Zeliger (1872-1919) was a singularly

special figure: A Torah scholar, philosopher, poet,
journalist, and teacher. He was a senior teacher in
the Tachkemoni school in Jaffa, and was a frequent
visitor in the home of HaRav Kook, who called him
"knight of knowledge."

Opening Price: $50

230. Avnei Chefetz. Special Edition by the Rescue

Committee, Munich 1947. She'erit HaPletah
(Surviving Remnant)
Responsa Avnei Chefetz by Rabbi Aharon Levine,
may G-d avenge his blood, on the four sections of
the Shulchan Arukh.
The book was published in a special edition following
World War II in the Feldafing Camp in 1947. This is a
photocopy edition.
At the beginning of the book is a special page
recounting the chronicles of the author, Rabbi
Aharon Levine (1880-1941), who was murdered for
the sanctification of G-d's name in the forest near
In general, the Rescue Committee published photocopy editions of old, fundamental Jewish texts, for
the benefit of the Displaced Persons in the camps.
The book offered here was published again because
its author was murdered in the Holocaust.
204 pages.
Condition: Good. The cover is slightly worn.
Opening Price: $30

231. Sefer Zikaron Memorial Book of the 1929

A memorial book for the martyrs of the Hevron
Yeshiva. Jerusalem, 1930, on the first anniversary of

the massacre.
This book was published in the month of Av, 1930, a
year after the brutal Arab slaughter of 24 students of
Yeshivat Knesset Yisrael (and 45 other Jews) in the
1929 pogrom in Hevron. It was edited and published
by a group of students from the Yeshiva.
The book includes short biographies of each of the
victims, including their pictures and descriptions of
their virtues, and words of eulogy and weeping by
the Rabbis of the Yeshiva: Rabbi Moshe Mordechai
Epstein, Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna, Rabbi Shabtai Yagel
(speaking about his son, one of the victims), and
others. It also includes a shocking description of the
pogrom itself.
131 pages.
Condition: Good. Front cover and title page partially
detached, and the margins of the covers are worn.
Opening Price: $40

232. A Yizkor memorial book and a pamphlet for the

victims of the 1929 pogroms, bound together
A. Yizkor Am Yisrael et Kedoshei Av Tarpat (May
Israel Remember the Holy Martyrs of the Summer of
1929), by Rabbi Abba Tzvi Berzin. Av (summer), 1930.
A memorial book for the victims of the pogroms of
1929, published on the first anniversary thereof.
The book includes photos and short biographies of
the 133 murdered victims of the Arab pogroms of
1929 throughout the Land of Israel in Jerusalem,
Motza, Hevron, Tel Aviv, Be'er Tuviah, Huldah, Haifa,
Safed and Ein Zeitim.

The author, Rabbi Abba Tzvi Berzin (1898-1868),

was a noted writer, who authored many books and
articles on the history of the Nation of Israel and the
Land of Israel.
271 pages.
Condition: Very good. The spine is missing.
B. Special issue of the weekly journal "Jerusalem",
Dr. Eliyahu Blank. Av (summer), 1930. Crucially
important testimony regarding the Pogroms of 1929.
A special issue of the journal "Jerusalem
Independent, Useful, Non-Partisan." Year I, Issue 12,
23rd of Av. Published at the end of the "Week of
Bloodshed" (Av 17-22, 1929).

Religious Books |

Condition: Good. The back cover is detached from

one side.

The pamphlet includes eye-witness testimony

about the pogrom, lists of the wounded and dead,
newspaper articles, and a very sharp article by the
editor, entitled, "The Day of Judgment."
Dr. Eliyahu Blank (1887-1955) edited the weekly
journal "Jerusalem" as an independent, non-party
newspaper in 1929-30. Because the newspaper Doar
HaYom so severely criticized the British government
policy during the 1929 Pogroms, the authorities
closed the paper, leaving the Jews of Jerusalem with
no newspaper to inform them of current events.
Dr. Blank gave over his newspaper and its license
to Doar HaYom, printing there at the same time the
daily news from the "front" regarding the pogroms,
public opinion about them, and apportioning
responsibility to those who were to blame. These
issues of "Jerusalem" are today a critically important
source of information about those events.

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Principles of Faith as formulated by Maimonides, in

Ladino, and also a Moda'ah in Ladino.
The prayerbook was published after World War II
for Holocaust survivors, by Dr. Daniel Zion, then the
Chief Rabbi of Bulgaria, and it was named for him.
Dr. Daniel Zion (1883-1979) was the second Rabbi
of the Sofia community, and later became Chief
Rabbi of all Bulgarian Jewry. During World War II, he
fought against the Bulgarian regime that persecuted
Bulgarian Jewry, and was arrested and imprisoned
in the Somobit concentration camp. After he
immigrated to Israel, he was appointed Chief Rabbi
of the Bulgarian Jewish community in Jaffa but was
later found to have converted to Christianity, and
was deposed.
Only 3,000 copies of the prayerbook were printed.
495 pages.
Size: 15 cm.

B. Seder Selichot (Penitential prayers), Ashkenaz

liturgy. Ferenvald, Yafeh Print, 1946.
Penitential prayers (selichot) in accordance with Lita
(Lithuanian) custom. Published by the Joint (AJJDC).

52 pages.

Opening Price: $50

Condition: Good

228. Four pamphlets published after the Holocaust

D. Ohel Elimelech. Yitzchaki Publishers. Landsberg,


A. Passover Haggadah. Printed for survivors by

Tze'irei Agudath Yisrael. America, 1947.
A special printing by the Safra Foundation and
Tze'irei Agudath Yisrael. With an introduction
containing words of consolation and encouragement
to the survivors for whom the Haggadah was printed.

24 pages.

3 |

Condition: Good.

Condition: Good

Opening Price: $70

Second edition of letters from the Gerrer Rebbe.

Was first published in 1937, and later republished by
his students who survived the Holocaust and were
located at the time in the Landsberg refugee camp
in Germany.

[6], 228, [1] pages

C. Otiyot D'Rabbi Akiva, Marghita, Romania, 1947.

Condition: Good.

A. Collection of letters and remarks, by the Gerrer

Rebbe. Gerrer scholars and Hassidim, Augusberg,
Germany, 1947

"Published in a limited number of samples for the

children of Israel in the Displaced Persons camps in

87 pages.

The drawing on the cover is not the same on all the

copies printed in this edition.

227. Two books for the Surviving Remnant


Condition: Good. The covers are partially detached.

Condition: Good.
B. Mevo HaMikra. Munich, 1948
by Prof. Moshe Tzvi Segal
Published by the Joint (AJJDC). "Approved by the
Directorate for Education and Culture of the Sh'erit
HaPletah (surviving remnant) in Germany, the Central
Committee for Displaced Jews in the American
Sector, the Jewish Agency for Israel, and the Joint."
Photocopy edition. On the last page is written:

Torah novellae, talks and tales of Rabbi Elimelech of

Lizhensk. Photo-copy edition.
72 pages.
Condition: Good. Dissembled cover.
Opening Price: $60

229. Two Books of the Surviving Remnant (She'erit

A. Mivchar HaPninim, with the Rav Pninim and
HaMaspik commentaries. Landsberg, 1948.
Photocopy edition.
124 pages.
Condition: Good. Original cover.
B. Tanna D'vei Eliyahu. Bergen-Belsen, 1946.
Photo-copy of the Warsaw, 1874 edition, with the
Yeshuot Yaakov commentary.
160 pages.

Dov Barish, Av Beit Din of Oyhel, murdered by the

Nazis together with his townspeople. It also has an
approbation from Rabbi Shlomo Halbershtam of
Babov, the author's grandson.

227 pages.

The book was published in both soft-cover and

(black) hard-cover format both of which are
offered here.

Condition: Very good. The spine is partly detached.

96 pages.

Opening Price: $30

Condition: Very good. The soft cover is slightly


223. Ayalah Shluchah Budapest, 1943. Printed

during the Holocaust. Both soft-cover and hard-cover
Torah novellae by Rabbi Naftali of Rofschitz, and
also Likutei Maharam by his father, Rabbi Menachem
Mendel of Liska.
The inner title page is unique and colorful, picturing
a Torah crown and lions on a tree, and above them
the Biblical words "Naftali Ayalah Shluchah {Naftali,
a deer running free}" and a drawing of a deer.

Opening Price: $100

224. Five books from the Holocaust years and from

survivors of Bergen-Belsen
A. Sur MeRa Va'Aseh Tov. Pesht, 1942
by the Rebbe Tzvi Hersch of Ziditchov. With additions
from the Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov.
Published by Rabbi Michael Dov Yost.
B. Tanna D'vei Eliyahu. Bergen-Belsen, 1946

The book was published in Budapest by Rabbi Hillel

Greenfeld, at the height of the Nazi Holocaust. The
destruction and murder in Budapest began only
in 1944, shortly after this book was published. The
blessings the publisher bestowed upon the donors
were not the usual wishes for wealth, long life and
pleasure from their children but rather, in the spirit
of the times, for "salvation from the terrible plight of
these times and the pangs of the Messiah, in the merit
of the holy author."

Printed in Bergen-Belsen, Bloc 52, by the young Kollel

student Nissan Lazer of Brigel. Photocopied edition
of the Warsaw edition of 1874.

This edition has an approbation from Rabbi David

Published by Rabbi Tzvi Schick. Includes seal of the

C. Mishna Berurah, vol. 5. Grossvardin, 1942

D. Netzer Chessed. Grossvardin, 1943
A work on Tractate Avot (Chapters of the Fathers) by
the Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac Safrin of Komarna (18061874), the second Rebbe of Komarno.

E. Neviim Rishonim, First Prophets (Bible). Published
by the Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $100

225. A letter from the holy scholar and man of G-d,

Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli. Galante, 1945,
following the Holocaust
A pamphlet-copy of the famous letter regarding
the Ten Plagues, as it was printed in the Passover
Haggadah with the Kol Yehuda commentary from
1938 (Satu Mare, Romania). Yosef Tzvi Veiner had
the book printed immediately after the Holocaust for
the public benefit, in memory of his family members
murdered in Auschwitz in 1944.

Religious Books |

" The footsteps of the Messiah and the labor pangs

of Messiah are seen in every crook and cranny, but
there appears to be no strength left for the actual
birth, and it is dependent on nothing other than
repentance" The hope still fluttered that repentance
would stop the horrors of the period.

Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli (1600-1648) lived in

Poland and was killed for the sanctity of G-d's Name
in the Chmielnitzki pogroms. He was a Kabbalist and
known as a very holy man.
4 pages.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $40

226. Tefilat Daniel prayerbook, in Bulgarian and

Ladino. Printed for Holocaust Suvivors. Sofia, 1946
Includes the prayers for all year round, according to
the Sephardic liturgy, with facing-page Bulgarian
translation. A few instructions appear in Ladino
throughout the prayerbook. At the end appear The 13

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C. HaBaim Yashresh Yaakov, 1938.

A book in memory of Rabbi Yaakov Freiman (18661934), Rabbi of Helshoi, published the Pachad
Yitzchak encyclopedia together with the Meikitz
Nirdamim company.
Published by the Jewish community in Berlin, 1938.
D. Report cards from the Orthodox school in
Frankfurt, 1920s.
Packet of dozens of report cards from the Orthodox
Jewish school in Frankfurt de Main. From the
subjects studied, the communitys outlook is evident:
languages and secular subjects are studied along
with Jewish studies.
Opening Price: $50

220. Two rare items of the Chevra Kadisha Adat

Yisrael Berlin
A. Refuat HaNefesh. Hamburg, 1864.
Order of the confessionand all of the requests of
the ill person and prayers of the visitorsand laws
of aninutand added to these are the prayers and
requests of the members of the Chevra Kadisha on
their day of fasting on erev Rosh Chodesh Adar.
Signed by Lipman son of the gabbai R Shemaya
(?)1881, gabbai of the Chevra Kadisha Adat Yisrael
of the Berlin Jewish community.
Two pages are added to the book, written in especially
beautiful handwriting, on which the prayer after the
soul leaves the body is written, as well as the prayer
Anshei Emuna Avdu. These pages apparently were


3 |

meant to complete the prayers included in the book

(pages 47, 63). At the end of the book, there is a
handwritten list of a few burial places of people in
the community, as well as the date: 7th of Tammuz,
B. Seder 7th of Adar for the members of the Chesed
shel Emet of Adat Yisrael, Berlin.
H. Itzkowski Publishers, Berlin, 1900.
2 pages.
Condition: Good. A tear runs along the length of the
page, without damaging the text. Folding marks.
Opening Price: $100

221. Collection of books in German

A. Atarta Shalom VEmet. Leipzig, 1857.
This book is a compilation of the opinions of the
Rishonim regarding reciting piyutim during the
regular prayers. By Rabbi Dr. Avraham Alexander
Wolf (1801-1891), Av Beit Din of Copenhagen and
Chief Rabbi of Denmark for 62 years.
The book was part of an in-depth discussion
regarding the recitation of piyutim.
76 pages.
Condition: Good. Front cover is missing. Back cover,
as well as the first and last pages, are loose. Small
B. Set (four volumes) of Jewish history, in German.
Leipzig, 1860-1869.
Printed by the Institute for the Advancement of

Jewish Literature in Germany, an institute established

in 1855 by Dr. Yehuda Ludwig Phillipson, founder
and editor of the General Newspaper of Judaism for
German Jewry.
287; 407; 332; 335 pages.
Condition: Fair Good. Spines are loose, specific
pages are torn or loose, stains due to old age.
Opening Price: $30

Books printed during the Holocaust and

books for the "Surviving Remnant"
222. Or LaYesharim, Budapest, 1942, printed during
the Holocaust. Especially colorful title page, with
approbations in accordance with the bitter spirit of the
A book of talks on homiletics and ethics, by Rabbi
Zerach Eidlitz, with a particularly beautiful and
colorful title page.
First published in Prague in 1785, and again in the
edition offered here: Budapest, 1942, by Rabbi Hillel
Greenfeld of Veitzen.
To this edition were added approbations and letters
from nine contemporary Torah giants, including the
Rebbe Shalom Eliezer Halbershtam, founder of the
Ratzpert Hassidut; Rebbe Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich;
Rabbi Yehoshua Buchsenbaum; and others. All nine
of them were murdered a year later in the Holocaust
The approbations reflect the horrors of the times,
with deep hope and anticipation for an end to the
difficult pangs of Messiah:

In 1993, a facsimile edition of this book was printed.

B. Rishon LeZion, Or HaChaim HaKadosh. Jerusalem,

1915. Second edition.

318 pages.

Explanations and chiddushim of Rabbi Chaim Ben

Attar on Tractate Avot and another six tractates from
Seder Moed. In addition, there are shorter essays
on various halachot from Yoreh Deah, Sfek Sfeka,
explanations of Rambam and commentaries (short)
to some of the books of the Neviim and the Megilot.
138 pages.

Condition: Good. Front cover

disconnected. Slight moth damage.



B. Beit HaBechira. Livorno, 1875. Single edition.

The book combines the laws of the month of Nissan,
the holiday of Pesach, Sefirat HaOmer, and Shavuot
with the machzor of the prayers for the holidays and
the Haggadah. By Rabbi Avraham Hamawi.

Printed in Livorno

Rabbi Avraham Hamawi (1839-1885) was a rabbi and

great kabbalist, author of dozens of books, only some
of which were printed. He wandered many countries
in order to fund the publishing of his works (Niflaim
Maasecha, Abia Chidot, Beit HaBechira, and
many more).

217. Two books printed in Livorno

The facsimile edition was printed in 1988.

A. Maaseh Avot. Livorno, 1864. Single edition.

There is handwriting and signatures in half-Sofer

Stam script which has not yet been researched.

Condition: Good. Some of the pages are worn at the

edges and connected loosely to the spine.
Opening Price: $30

Book of commentary on Tractate Avot by Rabbi

Yitzchak Parchi. Brought to print by his son, Rabbi
Yosef Shabtai Parchi, with additions of his own

4, 305 pages.
Condition: Very good. Last page is very worn. Cover
is not original.

The recommendations from the great rabbis

of Livorno are an expression of their desire to
immigrate to Israel.

Opening Price: $30

Rabbi Yitzchak Parchi (1782-1853) was a rabbinical

emissary from Israel, born in Tzefat. In his many
books, he praises the land and its institutions, and he
would distribute these books on his journeys. Author
of the books Imrei Bina, Matok MiDvash, Hadarat
Zekenim, and more.

Chumash Sefat Emet, by Rabbi Eliyahu Benamozegh.

Printed at his printing press in Livorno.

218. Chumash Sefat Emet Livorno 1854

Alongside the translation of Onkelus, the Mesora and

Rashi, including the Chumash, the commentary Siftei
Chachamim and a shortened version of Torat Moshe

by the Alshich (some of which was copied from the

book Kitzur Alshich on the Torah, and some was
compiled by the publisher himself). Also includes a
commentary called Panim LaTorah, combining short
commentaries from the greatest commentators and
the chiddushim of the publisher himself.
The title pages include a few ownership inscriptions
and signatures.
Four volumes: Bereshit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar.
Condition: Fair. Some of the volumes have detached
Opening Price: $40

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a few pages are worn.

German Jewry
219. Orthodox Judaism in Germany Rare items
A. Youth newsletter, Agudat Yisrael. Frankfurt, 1915.
Bltter der agudas jisroel jugen-dorganization
(Agudat Yisrael youth newsletter), Issue no. 2.
Frankfurt, Agudat Yisrael, 1915.
Very rare, not found in the National Library.
14 pages.
Condition: Very good.
B. Hinn woauhel. Heilbronn, 1918. First edition. Rare.
About the Jewish home. By Rabbi Dr. Yona Ansbacher.
First, rare edition, not found in the National Library.
Condition: Good. Cover is disconnected from the

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A lofty work on the secrets of the Torah which made

a big impression on the greatest Kabbalists when it
was published. Rabbi Kook wrote the book in London,
and Rabbi Charlap commented that a pipeline of pure
air was transferred from Israel to the Rabbis location
in London when he wrote this book.

Condition: Very good. Igeret HaTahara in fair


There are many stories circulating in Jerusalem

about the power of the segula of the first edition of
this book.

214. Padeh et Avraham, Rabbi Avraham Palagi

Izmir Single edition

140 pages.
B. Igeret HaTahara, Jerusalem, 1930.
Attached to the booklet Taharat Yisrael by Rabbi
40 pages.

Books by the Sephardic Scholars First

and Single Editions

Book of responses, halachic decisions and drashot

(sermons) for Shabbat and special events.
Rabbi Avraham Palagi (1810-1899) was the son of
Rabbi Chaim Palagi, the Rabbi of Izmir (Turkey, the
Ottoman Empire), and inherited this position from
him. He authored dozens of books.

C. Mishnat HaRav. Jerusalem, 1936. Single edition.

In recent years, a facsimile version of this book was


Philosophical ideas collected from the works of

Rabbi Kook by Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Nerya.

27;115;10 pages.

98 pages.

Condition: Good. The books cover is partially

disconnected from the spine and damaged.

D. Orot HaTorah. Jerusalem, 1940. First edition.

13 chapters about the value of Torah, its study and
teaching it, edited by Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook.
89 pages.
E. BeMaagalei Chug HaReiya. Jerusalem, 1946. Single
A booklet of Rabbi Kooks teachings, published on
the occasion of ten years since his passing, and in
honor of five years since the founding of the chug
(study group to learn his teachings).


Opening Price: $70

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Opening Price: $80

215. Levona Zaka Na Amon (Alexandria) 1929

First edition
A book on the Talmud, based on the commentaries
of Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira on the weekly parasha.
On the back side of the title page, a blessing is printed
a gift from Rabbi Shalom Abuhatzeira, grandson
of the author. The introduction to the book is also
written by him.
Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira (1806-1880) was one of

the greatest rabbis of Morocco, grandfather of the

Baba Sali, rabbi of Tafilalt. He left Morocco with
the intention of immigrating to Israel, traveling via
Algeria, Tunis, Libya, and continuing on to Egypt,
where he passed away while still on his way to Israel.
105 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $30

216. Two books by Sephardic scholars, printed in

A. Zaro Shel Avraham, Rabbi Avraham Hagag, Part 1.
Jerusalem,1884. Single edition.
Commentaries, explanations and chiddushim about
most of the tractates of the Talmud. Tannenbaum and
Uziel Printers.
The book is unique because it seems not to have a
title page: for some unknown reason, on the first
page of the book, designed like a title page, a long
letter of recommendation from Rabbi Refael Aharon
Ben Shimon (the Tzuf Dvash) was printed, praising
the author (whose name is emphasized), the donors
and the printers. There is also an introduction in
flowery language, written by the proofreader.
Rabbi Avraham Hagag (1810-1880) was born in Tunis
and was one of the greatest rabbis in the city and in
the country.
In recent years, a facsimile version was printed.
192 pages.
Condition: Good. Title page is partially missing, and

212. Important collection of books and journals by

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, or written about him
A. Eder Hayakar, Rabbi A.Y. Kook, Jerusalem, 1906.
First edition. Very rare.
Ideas and impressions of the history of that
righteous figureRabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz
(the Aderet).
78 pages.
Condition: Very good.
B. Rabbi Eliezer Meir Lifschitz. Jerusalem, 1938.
Letter of esteem with a powerful description of his
character as a religious individual, learned scholar
and public figure.

D. Life of Rabbi Kook, Efraim Tzoref. Jerusalem-Tel

Aviv, 1961.
Biography about the life of Rabbi A.Y. Kook by
Efraim Tzoref (1903-1950). Amended and printed
in this third edition by Dr. Tzvi Harichbi, including
comments by Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook. Includes rare
192 pages.
Condition: Good. Spine is worn at the top and the
book jacket is torn.
E. The Rav The Way of Life and Teachings of Rabbi
Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook. Jerusalem 1968.
Two identical booklets by Meir Chovav. Stories and
photographs of Rabbi Kook.
32 pages.

12 pages.

Condition: Good.

Condition: Excellent.

F. Chazon HaTzimchonut HaShalem from a religious


B. Rabbi A.Y. Kook One hundred years since his

birth. Jerusalem, 1966. Rare!
Catalogue of the exhibition marking 100 years
since the birth of Rabbi A.Y. Kook. Edited by
Rabbi Yishayahu Hadari. Description of items in
the exhibition: his life story, his religious world,
his thought, his books and more. Including rare
photographs, photocopies of his writings, a portrait
of Rabbi Kook, Niggun HaRav, a map of his journeys
and more.
56 pages.
Condition: Very good. Spine is partially worn.

Booklet of excerpts from articles on the theme of

vegetarianism by Rabbi A.Y. Kook which appeared
in Afikim Banegev and Talelei Orot. Edited by
Rabbi David Cohen, the Rav HaNazir.
Condition: Good. Stains due to old age and slight
moth damage. The spine is partially worn.

16 pages.
Condition: Good.
H. HaHed Central religious monthly journal of
Judaism and building the land of Israel, Issue no. 1.
Jerusalem, 1934.
Including an important, interesting article by Rabbi
Kook about his friend, the Chafetz Chaim.
32 pages.
Condition: Good. First and last pages are torn and
worn. The rest of the pages are in good condition.
I. Sinai Monthly Journal of Torah, Science and
Literature. Volume 17, June-September 1945.

Religious Books |

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook

A few important articles marking 10 years since the

passing of Rabbi Kook.
J. Sinai, Volume 20, September March 1947.
Including an important article about Rabbi Kook
by his secretary from the period in London, Rabbi
Shimon Glitzenstein, manager of the Chabad yeshiva,
Torat Emet.
K. Sinai, July September 1965.
The entire volume is dedicated to Rabbi Kook, with
many important articles.
Opening Price: $90

G. HaTor the weekly magazine of Mizrachi.

Jerusalem, 1929.

213. Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook Five rare


Issue no. 31 (May 1929) of the HaTor magazine.

Includes articles about Rabbi Kook.

A. Rosh Milin the segula. London, 1917. First


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Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

209. Collection of Kabbalistic Works

Letters of recommendation from great rabbis at the

beginning of the book.
260 pages.

208. Matan Torah Booklet and Ha'Aravot Booklet,

Ba'al Ha'Sulam Tel Aviv 1933

A. Shaarei Kedusha by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Kapost,

1837. Very rare!

Two booklets in Kabbalah by Rabbi Yehuda

Ashlag, the author of 'Ha'Sulam'. "Dedicated to
distributing knowledge about the soul of Judaism,
religion and Kabbalah among the people". Yehuda
Ve'Yerushalayim Print, Tel Aviv, 1933.

In 1837, a total of six, almost identical editions of

this book were printed in Kapost, varying only in the
number of pages and a few other small details. This
book is one of the rare editions not found in the
National Library.

All in all, three booklets were printed in 1933. Each

contained several essays on a variety of issues, such
as "The Essence of the Kabbala", "Matan Torah Essay
on Shavu'ot", "The Essence of Religion and Its Aim"
and more.

24 pages.

B. Sefer HaKavanot and Maaseh Nissim. Tzefat, 1866.


211. Shaar Gan Eden, Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Lifschitz

Lemberg 1854

Before us are two of the booklets:

A. Matan Torah Booklet. 26.5.1933. 8 pp.

Including Shivchei HaAri, Minhagei HaAri, Kavanot

HaAri and Pshatei HaAri.

B. Ha'Aravot Booklet. 8.6.1933. 8 pp.

Printed by Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Rabbi of Tzefat.

Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (1884-1954) was a famous

Kabbalist. He was a rabbi in Warsaw until he
immigrated to Israel in 1922 and was appointed by
Rabbi Kook as the rabbi of Givat Saul in Jerusalem.
Evemtually he became the Rebbe of a large group of
his Hassidim. His most famous composition is the
'Sulam' on the 'Zohar'.

The book begins with letters of recommendations

from rabbis in Jerusalem, Tzefat and Tiberias.

78 pages.

A Kabbalistic work about the creation of the world

and various tikkunim in the world and in the Jewish
nation, from the Kabbalah of the Arizal and the Baal
Shem Tov. Author: Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Lifschitz.
The Baal Shem Tov greatly praised the book
Shaar Gan Eden. At the end of the book is a letter
of recommendation from Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of
Berditchev, in which he writes that this book is the
gateway into the inner shrine, into the writings of the
holy Arizal.

Condition: Good.

Stamps of owners.

Condition: Good.

C. Chok LYisrael, Vayikra. Kapost, 1816.

99 pages.

Opening Price: $60

The book of Vayikra from the only edition of Chok

LYisrael printed in Kapost, at the printing house of
Rabbi Yisrael Yaffe, the famous printer of Kapost.

Condition: Good.

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Condition: Good.

On page 15, there is a unique, interesting illustration

of Maarat Hamachpela.

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $70

210. Raziel HaMalach Mezibuz 1824

48 [1], 51-52 pages. Blue paper.
Condition: Good. Some of the pages are slightly
damaged. Title page is restored.
Opening Price: $50

Opening Price: $50

The Order of the Hakafot as they were said in the Beit

Midrash of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. Published by
his great-grandson, Rabbi Shimon Shif of Lizhensk
(died in the Holocaust).
30 pp.
Condition: good.
Opening Price: $60

1874), who was one of the first settlers in Hebron at

the beginning of the Jewish settlement of the town.

206. Ateret Yisrael Booklet, Rabbi Yisrael of

Chortakov Warsaw 1904 Special edition

B. Tikun Ha'Klali. Warsaw, 1930.

Biblical discourse of the Rebbe, Rabbi Yisrael

Freedman of Chortakov from his first days as a
rebbe. 1904. Second edition.

The date on the title page is unclear and deliberately

defective. At the margins of the title page: "Shevat
1935 printed the 24th time, 1000". This edition is not
registered in the bibliography enterprise and does
not exist at the National Library.
This edition includes pieces of advice in Hebrew and
Yiddish and "a terrible prayer for the days of Elul".
At the end of the book, there is a special 'Yizkor'
(memorial) prayer "for the holy souls from Ukraine,
who died during the years of riot".

At the same year, the composition was printed in

Husiatyn, yet the things that were printed in the
name of the Rebbe were too personal and radical in
his eyes; therefore, the edition before us was printed,
which included more subtle words.

Opening Price: $60

The Rebbe of Chortakov, Rabbi Yisrael Freedman was

the grandson of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. He was the
president of 'Agudat Yisrael' together with the Rebbe
of Gur. Thousands of Hassidim flowed to his Hassidic
court in Chortakov. He supported the settling of the
Land of Israel and planned to immigrate to Israel
himself to build a settlement.

40 pp.

205. Kol Simcha, Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pshischa

Breslev 1859 First Edition

The Hassidic dynasty of Chortakov, which was one

of the largest Hassidic courts in Eastern Europe, was
almost completely destroyed during the Holocaust.

Tzeda La'Derech (Provisions for the Journey).

Warsaw [1874].

Commentary on the Torah and new interpretations

of the Talmud.

16 pp.

Munk print.

Sefer Ha'Chaim (The Book of Life) (Hassidism).

Warsaw, 1878.

Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pshischa (1765-1827), one of

the greatest Hassidim, the student of "The Holy Jew"
of Pshischa. His Hassidic court was the cornerstone
of many Hassidic dynasties Kock, Izhbitza, Warka,
Alexander, Gur and more.

Munk Print.

28 pp.

33 pp.

Condition: Very Good. Damaged title page. Unoriginal

cover, restored.

204. Five Hassidic Books Breslev and others

A. Four books bound together:
Likiteu Etzot (Collection of Advice) by Rabbi
Nachman of Breslev, Kama edition and Batra edition.
Warsaw, 1875.
Netanel David Zisberg Print.

64 pp.

The three latter books were written by Rabbi Moshe

ben Rabbi Chaim Wartman of Kozienice (died in

38 pp.
Condition: Very Good.

Opening Price: $80

Religious Books |

203. The Order of the Hakafot as they were said in

the Beit Midrash of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk
Lizhensk 1925 Single edition

Condition: Excellent. Hardcover.

Opening Price: $50

207. Minchat Elezer Responsa Munkatsch 1930

The book of the Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Elazar of
Munkatsch (1872-1937), the rabbi of Munkatsch. The
book includes agreements of the greatest rabbis in
Israel and abroad, among them a rare agreement
(with comments) of the Saba Kadisha, Rabbi Shlomo
Eliezer Alfandari.

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200. Three volumes of 'Chok Le'Yisrael' Zhytomyr

Stamp of Rabbi Moshe Graph, one of the greatest
builders of Jerusalem
A. Chok Le'Yisrael Genesis. Zhytomyr, 1865.
On the title page appear the stamps of Rabbi Moshe
Graph, among the builders of Jerusalem outside
the walls. There is also a stamp: "Beit Yehuda asher
Be'Veit Ya'akov". At the opening of the book there
are many inscriptions regarding the 'Beit Yehuda'
310 pp.
Condition: Fair. The covers are old and completely
detached from each other and from the spine. Many
moth holes throughout the book. The part from
Parashat Va'Yishlach onward is missing.
B. Two copies of Chok Le'Yisrael Leviticus. Zhytomyr,
In one of the copies there is the stamp of the
Beit Midrash "Beit Yehuda Be'Veit Ya'akov Be'Ir
Ha'Kodesh Yerushalyim". and various stamps of
Rabbi Moshe Graph.
471 pp.
Condition: Fair. Many moth holes throughout the
book. Damage to the original covers.
Opening Price: $30

201. Ma'or Enayim, Rabbi Menachem Nachum of
Chernobyl Polonnoye 1816
Commentary and interpretation of all the Parashot
of the Torah and several tractates of the Talmud.
This book is one of the basic books of Hassidism,
written by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Nachum of
Chernobyl (1730-1798), who joined the Ba'al Shem
Tiv and his follower, the Maggid of Mezritch. One of
the first distributors of the Hassidic Movement.
On page 103, an ownership stamp.
Blue paper.
114 pp.
Condition: Good. Unoriginal cover. The cover, spine
and the last four pages are slightly detached. A small
number of pages have tears. Few moth holes. Due to
the bounding of the book, several pages have been
cut at their head with slight damage to the text.
Opening Price: $580

202. Hilchot Rav Alfas Copy from the Beit Midrash

of the Maggid of Mezritch and Babylonian Talmud
Kapust Print Rare!
A. Hilchot Rav Alfas, second part. Shaklow, 1799.
With stamps of the great Beit Midrash of Mezritch.
On the title page and the first page there are stamps
fancy stamps of "The Great Beit Midrash of Mezritch".
At the center of the stamp, there is an illustration of
the Beit Midrash.


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This book was used by the learners of the Beit Midrash

of Mezritch, headed by the Maggid of Mezritch, who
died about twenty years before the book before us
was printed (it is possible that the stamp is from his
After the death of the Ba'al Shem Tov, the Beit
Midrash in Mezritch, headed by the great Maggid,
became the center of the Hassidic Movement.
There are no other books with the stamps of the Beit
Midrash of Mezritch!
174, 25 pp.
Condition: Good. Unoriginal cover with moth holes.
The title page has a few small tears, mostly restored.
Few moth holes at the margins of the pages.
B. Sabbath Tractate. Kapust Print, 1817.
Talmud books of this printing house are most
rare. The edition before us is not registered by
the bibliography enterprise. Several signatures of
"Ze'ev ben Rabbi Zvi Kavlantz". Several correction
of mistakes in various handwritings (ancient),
especially on the words of the Tosafot.
160, 39 pp.
Condition: Good. Unoriginal cover with moth holes.
Several small tears on the title page, most of them
restored. Few moth holes at the margins of the pages.
Opening Price: $100

195. Pe'at Ha'Shulchan Zefat 1836 First Edition

Author: Rabbi Yisrael of Shklou, the author of 'Taklin
Chadtin' and the student of the Vilna Gaon. Was
one of the heads of the Jewish community in Zefat
and in the introduction to the book before us, he
describes the hardships the Jewish community, and
he personally, had gone through during the famous
Farmers' Revolt in 1834.
This is one of the first books printed by Yisrael Beck
in the land of Israel (in Zefat).
109 pp.
Condition: Good. Has been re-bound.
Opening Price: $60

196. Minchat Ya'akov Zefat 1914 Printed at the

pioneering printing house 'Ha'Gallil' in Zefat, which
printed only a few books
A book of mussar sermons for Sabbath, holidays and
various events, by Rabbi Ya'akov Fordon. Includes
the agreements of the RIDBAZ, the rabbi of Zefat,
who died before the book was printed. Printed at
'Ha'Gallil' Printing House in Zefat. Single edition.
Before, 'Minchat ya'akov', only four other books were
printed by the printing house, so it was still infamous.
All in all, the printing house printed about 29 books,
employed 15 workers and existed for 15 years only.
At the opening of the book, there is a nice
advertisement for the printing house, indicating its

104 pp.

the Ba'al Shem Tov.

Condition: Good. A colorful and decorated cover.

Tears in the title-page and the last pages. The back
cover is missing.

At the end of the book, the booklet 'Likutei Imrot

Tehorot' was printed. The booklet was written by the
author's brother, Rabbi Baruch of Medzhybizh. This
is the first edition of this composition, which is fourpages long.

Opening Price: $30

Zhytomyr Print
197. Machatzit Ha'Shekel Zhytomyr 1855
Commentary on the 'Divrei Avraham' in Shulchan
Aruch Orach Chaim by Rabbi Shmuel Kalin. The part
before us is from chapter 1 to 128.
Shapira Brothers Print. Part of the title page is in
red. Etchings on the first and last pages. Signatures
of owners and an inscription: "Machatzit Ha'Shekel
belongs to Feiwel Horowitz" maybe Rabbi Shraga
Feiwel Horowitz, rabbinical judge of Paks and Papa,
one of the greatest fighters against the reforms in
Hungary. Throughout the book there are several
handwritten notes.

At the beginning of the book there is a handwritten

inscription: "Friday, the eve of Sabbath, Parashat
Vayera, 1885, this holy book Degel Machane Efrayim
I have bought with my money in honor of Yisrael
Rabin". Rabbi Yisrael Rabin was the supervisor of
Volhynia Kollel and one of the managers of 'Chaye
Olam' Yeshiva.
100 pp.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $580

199. Levushei Srad Zhytomr 1854

Condition: Good. Dampness stains. Five pages are


A composition about Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaimby

the Rebbe, the author of 'Arvei Ha'Nachal', Rabbi David
Shlomo Eybeschutz (1775-1814), of the students of
Rabbi Yechiel Michl of Zlotschov. He immigrated to
Usrael and lived in Zefat until his death. Before us is
the first edition in which the second part of the book
was printed, from chapter 149 onwards.

Opening Price: $90


112-5 pp.

198. Degel Machen Efrayim First edition of 'Imrot

Tehorot' Booklet Zhytomyr Print
One of the basic books in Hassidism, written by Rabbi
Moshe Chaim Efrayim of Sudilkov, the grandson of

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Printing Houses of Zefat

158 pp.
Condition: Very Good. Renewed cover.
Opening Price: $220

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erected in Zion On a new printing press which was

established in Zion, our home of life! The publishers
took this sentence and printed it in large letters on
the title page of the second part of the book. Under
this sentence, they added an impressive illustration
of the printing press.
The book includes two parts which were bound
130 pages.
Condition: Good. A few pages are disconnected.
An important, rare collectors item!
Opening Price: $60

192. Iggrot Shalom Booklet by Rabbi Menachem

Man of Minsk Jerusalem 1875
Iggrot Shalom, a booklet by Rabbi Menachem Man, as
copied down by his student, Meir Ben Zion of Ludza.
The booklet is in response to letters sent to the rabbi
by his brother and his brother-in-law.
Printed by Yoel Moshe Solomon.
Rabbi Menachem Man was the Rosh Yeshiva in the
city of Minsk. He was a great scholar in both Torah
and Kabbalah. Students flocked to him from all over
the country.
In the letters, he describes the learning at his yeshiva,
noting the tractates and pages studied. He offers
advice on how to avoid wasting valuable learning
time (and also clarifies that one should not immigrate
to Israel), as well as discussing matchmaking issues.
His writing is interspersed with insights from the


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Torah and the Talmud.

impressive woodcut of the Temple Mount.

16 pages.

60 pages, and another three title pages and


Condition: Good. Slightly worn pages.

Opening Price: $90

193. Chibat Yerushalayim Jerusalem 1844 First

Author: Rabbi Chaim ben Dov Berish HaLevi
The book praises the land of Israel and shares the
history of the land based on the words of the Sages
and traditional stories, regarding cities in Israel and
tombs of tzaddikim. The book is known to be one
of the sources for researchers regarding the period
before the first wave of immigration. The title page
includes an illustration of the Temple Mount, which
is different than the famous illustrations of the
Temple Mount.
On the title page, Yisrael Beck writes the printing
press, gift of Moshe and Yehudit, as a token
of appreciation for the generous gift of Moshe
Montefiore, who provided him with one of the most
sophisticated printing presses in the world.
The book is first edition, from 1844, but for some
reason, the first three pages were added to it from
the later edition, from Lemberg 1858, which the
printer forged so that it would seem it was printed
in Jerusalem.
At the end of the book, there are two pages in an
unidentified handwriting and a bibliographic list of
the books mentioned in the book. The title page is an

Condition: Good. Worn. A few pages are missing the

corners. The last page was damaged by moths and
was restored.
Opening Price: $40

194. Toldot Aharon UMoshe Jerusalem 1866, with

a copy of Tomer Devora Jerusalem 1870
A book on kabbalistic topics printed in Jerusalem by
the Kabbalist, Rabbi Aharon Refael Chaim Farira, one
of the greatest Kabbalists in Jerusalem.
Published by Yisrael Beck.
First, special edition.
The author printed the book in 1870 at Yisrael Becks
publishing house, as is written explicitly on the title
page of the book Tomer Devora. However, the first
title page and the page after it ([2] pages), as well
as pages 51-52, which include the end of the book
Toldot Aharon UMoshe and the indexes, were added
years later. According to Shoshana Halevy, these
pages were added in about 1888.
[2], 52, 8, 30 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

45 [35] pages.
Shovavim Tat. Jerusalem, 1957.
Published by Rabbi Tzvi Moskovitz.
[2], 36, [2] pages.
Shulchan Aruch of Rabbi Eliezer HaKattan, with
additions, including the booklet, Zichron Avi, by the
compiler Rabbi Alexander Aharon Rosenberg. Lublin
Stamp of Rabbi Avraham Yosef Chanoch Kleinman,
Shochet and Moreh Tzedek.
61 pages.
Condition: Good-Very good.
Opening Price: $40

190. Booklet Divrei Mordechai 1912

Chapters describing issues related to settlement of the
land of Israel and the establishment of the moshavot,
in great detail. Written by Rabbi Mordechai Diskin,
one of the founders of the moshava of Petach Tikva.
Frumkin Publishing, second edition, 1912.
The booklet dedicates an entire chapter to issues
related to Shemitta, also addressing the issue of
Heter Mechira, with comments by Rabbis of that
generation first and foremost, Rabbi Shmuel Salant,

Rabbi of Jerusalem.
We will now speak about the seventh year, our dear
readers will know that I will not speak about the laws
of Shemitta, because this is not my intention, because
I am a simple famer, and the issue of Shemitta is one
of the most important issues in Judaismbut first of
all, I will ask that the readers not judge me harshly if
I cause any damage to the honor of any one of them,
because this is not my intention, God forbid, to hurt
any person. I will only relate the issues as they are
Rabbi Mordechai Diskin was a Torah scholar and
one of the Chovevei Tzion. He immigrated to Israel
in 1882, after hearing about the establishment of
the moshava, Petach Tikva. He was involved in
agriculture and settling the land, exhibiting great
bravery and perseverance in his struggle with the
Arabs in the country, and he built his home in the
moshava. In his booklet, Divrei Mordechai he relates
the story of the establishment of the moshavot, and
includes the story of his own life in Israel. The story
is written in great detail and relates to the idea of
working the land and the contribution of the famous
benefactor, Baron Rothschild.
In 1912, the year this edition was printed, the author
published a continuation booklet called Maamar
Condition: Very good. There are a few pages which
are slightly cut, damaging the text.
Rare and interesting!
Opening Price: $50

Early Publishes of Jerusalem

191. Shevet Mussar Jerusalem 1863 Beginning of
Publishing by Yoel Moshe Solomon
Author: Rabbi Eliyahu HaCohen of Izmir. The book is
known as one of the most widespread mussar works.
Printed in various different editions.
This edition constitutes a landmark in the history
of publishing in Jerusalem. Yisrael Beck was the
only publisher until 1862, when two of his former
partners, Michel Hacohen and Yoel Moshe Solomon,
along with Yechiel Brill, began to work in printing
as well. The two were Jerusalemites who returned
from overseas. During the two years they spent
overseas, they studied in yeshivot and prepared for
rabbinic ordination, until one day they decided to
learn a trade so that they would not need to use their
Torah knowledge to make money. They traveled to
Konigsberg and studied the art of printing there.

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Adra Kadisha, a book by Rabi Y.A.Z. Margaliot.

1973. Published by the Chessed LAvraham - Rashbi
Yeshiva and Talmud Torah. Includes matters related
to the hilula of Rashbi, a prayer by the Rashash and a
response from Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum.

This book was chosen to be the first book printed

by the new publishing house, in order to sanctify
their business, as they wrote in the introduction: to
sanctify our new publishing house with this holy
book. Therefore, they put in effort to obtain letters
of recommendation from the Rabbis of Jerusalem
for this edition. Their recommendations essentially
serve as a general recommendation of the right of
the owners to establish their own publishing house.
However, it turned out that they printed a different
book first, due to various considerations.
The letter of recommendation reads, as a paraphrase
of the famous words: A new mizbeach will be

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printed in Venice in 1762)and now, God has aroused

us to print it again

188. Yesod VShoresh HaAvoda Grodno and Vilna


The title page bears a handwritten inscription:

Belongs to my fatherthe famousRabbi S. Segal
of Leipnik apparently referring to Rabbi Shmuel
Zanvil Segal of Leipnik, father of Rabbi Baruch Segal,
the author of Zera Shmuel.

A kabbalistic mussar book composed of 12 parts. A

fundamental work about serving God, instructing a
person regarding his everyday behavior, in holy and
mundane matters, related to mans relationship with
God and his relationship with his fellow man.

Signature of owner: Shimshon Kolka of Leipnik.

Author: Rabbi Alexander Ziskind of Grodno (17391794).

11 pages.

The book includes signatures and names of owners:

Yosef Horowitz, Yosef son of my deceased father
Rabbi Yissachar Dov Horowitz Segalcity of Karlin.
In the back cover, it is written: Belongs to the
famous maggid, Yosef Horowitz, son-in-law of the
Rabbi Eliyahu Wolfson; Belongs to RabbiYosef

B. Volume which includes a collection of booklets:

Stamped by the owner: Rabbi Yona Leib Kaplansky,

son of Rabbi Meir of Luninetz and son-in-law of
Rabbi Reuven of Slobodka. He studied at Novardok
Yeshiva and was one of the prominent figures among
the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Tel Aviv.

Reprinted by his grandson, Yechezkel Shraga

Lifschitz-Halberstam of Stropkov, later the Rebbe of
Stropkov (1908-1995).

[1], 142 pages.

Condition: Very good. New binding.
Opening Price: $120

187. Maginei Eretz Amsterdam 1754 Rare

Commentaries of the Magen Avraham and Magen
David (Taz) on the Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim. In
this edition, the books Pri Chadash, Even HaOzer and
Knesset HaGedolah were added for the first time.
Printed by the printing house of Yosef and Yaakov
Proops, sons of Rabbi Shlomo Proops.
Large format. The edition has two title pages; the
first is decorated with a very impressive etching of
Moshe, Aharon, David and another female figure. In
addition, the page includes several erased signatures.
At the end of the book, an old stamp reads: Moshe
Bunim Sofer, and his signature also appears on one
of the pages of the book.
672 pages.
Condition: Good. New binding. Part of the title page
is missing but has been restored. The inside portion
of the book is in very good condition.
Opening Price: $50


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On the title page of the book, there is a stamp of the

owner: David Shmaya Wein, son of Rabbi Dov, Rabbi
of the south Agrobank neighborhoods, Tel Aviv.
Rabbi Wein served as the rabbi of the Agrobank
neighborhood of southern Tel Aviv, and later as the
rabbi of the city of Holon (the neighborhood later
became a part of the city) for 32 years.
119 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $70

189. Collection of Old Books

A. Imrei Shefer, Lublin 1873. Rare.
A book of Techinot (supplications) in Yiddish,
including six prayers on various topics.
Second edition, rare. Not listed in the Institute for
Hebrew Bibliography.

Condition: Excellent.

Order of the Hakafot for Shmini Atzeret and Simchat

Torah, the Korbanot to be read during the 13 Middot
and the Ushpizin for Sukkot. Rare.
According to the nussach of Sanz, recited at the Beit
Midrash ofRabbi Chaim Halberstam

Printed in approximately 1950. At the beginning of

the book, there is a reference to the Holocaust.
Rare edition, not listed in the Institute for Hebrew
Bibliography and not in the National Library.
50 pages.
Chapters from the Life of Rashbi
Published by Chessed LAvraham Institutes in
Meiron, and written by Rabbi S.A. son of Rabbi
Y.A.Z. Margaliot. Includes pictures of the Chessed
LAvraham Yeshiva and Talmud Torah.

Chapter 26 about the prohibition of going to a nonJewish court is missing. It was left out for fear of the
The place and year of printing are missing from the
title page. In addition, there are a few obvious spelling
mistakes, like in the name of the author: Aryeh Leib
son of the deceased [deceased is spelled wrong in
Hebrew] Rabbi Yosef HaCohen, etc.

students, and wrote everything down in his book,

Pnei Yehoshua.
Signatures of the owners: Mordechai Ulman this
might be Rabbi Mordechai Ulman, son of Rabbi
Avraham Ulman, Av Beit Din of Lackenbach (17911849). One of the greatest rabbis of his generation in
Hungary, he was close with the Chatam Sofer and his
son, the Ktav Sofer.
Additional signature: Kalman Falk

54;26;24 pages.

153 pages.

Condition: Excellent. New binding.

Condition: Good. Spine and covers are worn.

Opening Price: $50

Opening Price: $90

183. Pnei Yehoshua, Part 3, Rabbi Yaakov Yehoshua

Falk Furth 1779 Second Edition

184. Commentary of the Alshich on the Five Megillot

Zhovkva 1755

Insights on Tractates Bava Kama and Bava Metzia

by Rabbi Yehoshua Falk. The book was accepted as
one of the basic works for Talmud study by the entire
Jewish world. Published by Rabbi Isaac, Furth 1779.

Commentary of Rabbi Moshe Alshich on the five

Megillot. The author gave different names to each
part of his work: Shoshanat Haamakim on Shir
HaShirim, Maset Moshe on Megillat Esther, Devarim
Nichumim on Megillat Eichah, Einei Moshe on
Megillat Ruth, Devarim Tovim on Kohelet. The title
page includes the name Shoshanat Haamakim. The
other titles of the different parts are at the tops of the
pages, without their own title pages.

Rabbi Yehoshua Falk (1680-1756) was one of the

greatest of the Achronim. The Chida (Rabbi Chaim
Azoulay) wrote that he saw him, and his face was
like the face of an angel. Following a disaster which
took place in his city, during which he was buried
under the beams of his home, he swore that if God
saved him from the rubble, he would teach students
to understand the topics of their study in a clear
way, like his grandfather, the Maginei Shlomo, who
dedicated his life to clarifying the topics and Rashis
commentary. He was then miraculously saved,
and he fulfilled his oath and taught Torah to many

A letter of recommendation from Rabbi Naftali Hertz

Halevy Horowitz is included.
Condition: Fair. Cover is not original. Some of the
letter of recommendation is missing. The opening
pages are slightly torn. The title page is damaged and
partially restored.

185. Yam Shel Shlomo, Maharshal Altona 1740

Yam Shel Shlomo on Tractate Yevamot. The book
includes a decorated title page which mentions
that the manuscript was passed down for many
generations until it reached Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
from the city of Greiditz (descendant of the
Maharshal), who put in great effort to publish it.
Letters of recommendation from Rabbi Yechezkel
Katzenelbogen (Rabbi of the Altona, Hamburg
and Wandsbek communities), Rabbi Yaakov Katz
(Rabbi of Frankfurt) and Rabbi Tzvi Ashkenazi (the
Chacham Tzvi) are included.
There are Torah insights by Rabbi Aharon Katz,
publisher of the book, at the beginning and end of
the book.

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brother of the author.

The title page includes an impressive etching of

our forefather Yaakov, Moshe Rabbenu, Aharon the
Cohen and King David.
The words Kodesh LMidrash Sukkat Shalom
appear on the title page in old handwriting, as well as
the owners name in Sofer Stam style lettering:
Refaelof blessed memory.
96 pages.
Condition: Fair. Moth damage.
Opening Price: $120

186. Shita Mekubetzet on Tractate Bava Kama

Zhovkva 1810 Signature of Rabbi S. of Leipnik
Second edition of the Shita Mekubetzet on Bava
Kama, as noted on the title page: Which was already

Opening Price: $100

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and Rosh Yeshiva in Minsk.

[2] 46 [1] pages.

9;56;89;18 pages. Blue paper.

Condition: Fair. Moth damage. The title page is


Condition: Good. Pages are worn at the edges. The

title page is missing, and part of the introduction is
cut at the edge. Page 12 of the final part of the book
is torn, and pages 13-18 there are missing. Cover is
C. Chiddushei Maharivan (Beit Yehuda), Rabbi
Yehuda ben Rabbi Nissan of Kalish. Dasvia, 1698.
Insights of eight tractates of the Talmud from
Rabbi Yehuda ben Rabbi Nissan, Av Beit Din of
several cities, including Kalish. There are letters of
recommendation at the beginning of the book from
rabbis in four countries.
262;92 pages.
Condition: Good. New cover. The first page is
slightly torn at the edge. The title page, letters of
recommendation and the first part of the book (10
pages, an addition of the authors son, Moed David)
are missing.
Opening Price: $60

179. Two rare books

A. Yesh Nochalin, Amsterdam, 1701.
A mussar book by Rabbi Avraham ben Rabbi Shabtain
HaLevi Horowitz of Prague, father of the Shlah and a
student of the Rema. With the will of his grandson,
Rabbi Shabtai Shaftel, son of the Shlah.
Previous ownership written on the title page of the
book: YissacharRabbi Aryeh; Refael.


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B. Shaar Hahachana and wills, Rabbi Naftali HaCohen

Katz. Zhovkva, 1848.
Rabbi Naftali HaCohen Katz (1649-1719), author of
Semichat Chachamim. He was one of the greatest
and earliest Kabbalists of Ashkenaz.
Name of the owner written on the title page of the
book: Avraham
34 pages.
Condition: Fair. Cover is missing.
Opening Price: $30

180. Letters from the Rashba with a letter from the

Badrashi Lvov 1809
The famous letters written by the Rashba to the sages
of Provence against the study of philosophy, printed
together with a letter from the Badrashi written by
Rabbi Yedaya the Badrashi in defense of those who
studied secular subjects. This letter was first printed
in the responsa of the Rashba, and here was reprinted
with the comments of the editor, Rabbi Shimshon
Bloch HaLevy.
The letter from the Badrashi includes
recommendation from Rabbi Yaakov Orenstein.

It is stamped with the stamp of the Galicia Kollel,

and Beit Knesset Zion Hametzuyenet of the Kollel
of the people of Estreich, which was in the Galicia
Courtyard in the Old City of Jerusalem.

On page 20, there is a dedication: Given to the Beit

Midrash of the Galicia Kollel from the estate of
Yehoshua ben David of Chernevitz
[3] 25 pages.
Condition: Good. No cover.
Opening Price: $40

181. Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat Amsterdam

Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat with commentary
of the Rema. Printed by Hertz Levi Rofeh and his
son-in-law, [Moshe] Kashman. Printed according
to the Amsterdam edition of 1749, with letters of
The stamp of the owner appears on the title page and
has not been studied.
396 pages.
Condition: Very good. Cover is torn at the edges. New
half-leather cover.
Opening Price: $90

182. Ktzot HaChoshen Zhovkva 1831 Missing the

chapter about non-Jews due to censorship
This book is one of the most scholarly and complex
works in Torah literature. Author: Rabbi Aryeh Leib
Chapters 1 132.
Chapters 1-96 include the text of Shulchan Aruch.
With the Kuntres HaSfikot by Rabbi Yehuda HaCohen,

Printed in the same format as the first edition from

Venice, 1600.
Rosenberg Publishers, New York.
Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modena (1571-1648) was
a great Torah scholar. He was a dayan in Italy and
also studied various other subjects. He wrote several
works, and is well known for his book Ari Nohem,
in which he attacked the Kabbalah, in an attempt to
refute mystical Christians who used the wisdom of
the Kabbalah for their own nonsense.
92 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

176. Two rare books bound together

A. Chayei Olam, Warsaw, 1866. Rare.
A mussar book. Author: Rabbi Dov Berish Zeitlin
(1841-1913), Rabbi of Russian and Polish expatriates
in Lodon. At the same time, he was active in matters
related to the settlement of Israel, and even mentions
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Kalischer in his letters several times
during the years 1860-1870.
The author did not reveal his name.
About this book and its author, see the online article,
A bibliographical mystery and its solution, by
Eitam Henkin.
There is a stamp on the books title page which reads:

Yonatan HaCohen Lapin. This was Rabbi Yonatan

Meir HaCohen Lapin, who was one of the best
teachers at the Etz Chaim Talmud Torah, and one of
the top bibliographers in Jerusalem, a book dealer. He
was also a relative of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook.
After the introduction, there is another stamp, of
Rabbi Moshe Mond, the Av Beit Din of Mykolaiv, one
of the greatest Torah scholars of Belz.
[2], 30 pages.
B. Breita DMelechet HaMikdash, Warsaw, 1867.
14 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $60

177. Baruch Sheamar [Minkovitz] 1820

178. Three books, early editions

A. Beit Avraham on Choshen Mishpat, Rabbi Chaim
Avraham Yisrael. Livorno, 1786. First edition.
The book begins with letters of recommendation from
rabbis in Livorno and a letter of recommendation
from the Chida.
Rabbi Chaim Avraham Yisrael (1708-1785) served
as the Rabbi of Alexandria, and in 1766, moved to
Livorno, Italy. In 1774, he began to serve as the Rabbi
of the city of Ancona. He was known to be a great
scholar of righteous character who was even well
known among the non-Jews.
303 pages.
Condition: Good. Some of the pages are stained at the
edges. New cover.

Author: Rabbi Shimshon ben Rabbi Eliezer, one of the

Rishonim, about the laws pertaining to a Sofer Stam.
The Beit Yosef, in the Shulchan Aruch, relies on his
instructions. Including a commentary on the images
of the letters according to the hidden meanings.

B. Seder HaDorot, Rabbi Yechiel Heilprin. [Kopust,


Edition is identical to the first edition, printed in

1804 in Shklov.

The book is divided into parts: introduction, Seder

HaDorot, Tanaim and Amoraim, names of all of the

Owner of the book (written in Hebrew block letters)

was Rabbi Efraim Sofer Stam from Tzefat, grandson
of the Beer Mayim Chaim, who passed away in 1938.
32 pages.
Condition: Good. Edges of the pages are worn. New
Opening Price: $80

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175. Tzemach Tzaddik, Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Modena,

with illustrations New York 1899

The famous work by Rabbi Yechiel Heilprin, the

history of the Jewish nation (beginning from Adam),
based on religious sources.

Based on the division in the book, it seems that this is

the Kopust edition from 1810.
The signature of Rabbi Yerucham? Leib ben Tzvi
Hirsh (Berlin?) appears in the front cover.
Rabbi Yechiel Heilprin (1660-1746), a descendent of
the Maharshal and of Rashi, who served as the Rabbi

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the author of 'Leshem, Shvi Ve'Achlama'. When he

immigrated to Israel, he settled in Kefar Uriya in
order to observe the commandments related to the
Land of Israel. He was on eof the first members of
the Association that bought the lands of Kefar Uriya.
After a certain period, he was asked by Rabbi Kook,
the rabbi of Jaffa, to move to Jaffa. Rabbi Kook also
advised him to be a shoemaker.
He became famous as a Kabbalist and many came
to him to receive a blessing. The Chazon Ish used
to send people to him to be blessed saying "this
requires someone greater than me". Rabbi Arye
Levin eulogized him: "I heard from Rabbi Kook that
Rabbi Ya'akov was undoubtedly one of the 36 hidden
In 2004, the book was printed in a new edition.
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $100

Rare and Early Editions

171. Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer Halberstat 1861
with all three title pages Impressive and rare
Two parts. With a signature: Eliyahu ben Meir
Tanchum Fischer.
The book has three title pages. The first title page is
on very thin paper, which was used as a temporary
page which was usually removed at the time of the
binding, but still remains. It is very rare to find a copy
with this title page. The second title page is beautiful
and impressively illustrated.
A fine, especially high quality edition on white,


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elegant paper.

an early edition.

211;116 pages. The book Pri Chadash is included at

the end of the book, 17 pages.

The signature of the owner appears on the title page

of the book: Eliyahu Tzvi.

Condition: Excellent. Original cover.

Condition: Excellent. Cover is not original.

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $50

172. Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Amsterdam 1779

Very rare edition

174. Igeret Bikoret Rabbi Chayut Pressburg 1853

In 1743, Hertz Levi Rofeh, the expert and experienced

printer, and his young son-in-law, Moshe Kashman,
printed the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah. Many years
later, in 1779, after his father-in-law had passed away
and the son-in-law became the experienced printer,
he did not forget his father-in-laws merit and reprinted the printers poem written by his father-inlaw for the first edition in 1743. This entire story is
printed in poetic, beautiful language at the beginning
of this edition.
The title page depicts an impressive woodcut.
Not found in the National Library and not listed in
The Institute for Hebrew Bibliography. Very rare!
352 pages.
Condition: Very good. New cover.
Opening Price: $170

173. Chayei Adam Zhovkva 1838

The book Chayei Adam was the fundamental halachic
work during the years before the Mishna Berura was
published. At the synagogues, this book was taught
daily. The book was printed in many editions. This is

Igeret Bikoret is a book which is a study of

translations and midrashim by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh
Chayut. With additions, glosses and comments by
Rabbi Yaakov Brill, Rabbi of the Katyn community.
Includes a recommendation letter from the author.
There is a handwritten dedication in the inner side
of the cover (in Latin letters). The dedication was not
researched, and was possibly written by the author
or the editor.
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Chayut (1806-1856) was one
of the geniuses of his generation. Aside from
his righteousness and devoutness, he also had a
broad general education. He served as the Rabbi
of Zhovkva and later as the Rabbi of Kalish. He
corresponded frequently with the Chatam Sofer.
Rabbi Chayut wrote many books, many in defense
of the Torah and Jewish tradition. He was known for
his commentaries on the Babylonian Talmud and
his work, Mevo Hatalmud, which was printed in the
Vilna edition of the Talmud.
43 pages. Soft cover.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $40

At the beginning appears an insignia of Rabbi Tzvi
Hirsch Cohen of Jerusalem.
16; 23; 48 pages
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $30

169. Babylonian Talmud, Berachot, with translation

to German Berlin 1842 Single edition of historical
Babylonian Talmud, Berachot, with Ashkenazi
(German) translation by Efrayim Moshe Finner,
Berlin 1842, single edition.
Before us is an attempt to translate the Talmud
into German as continuation to Moshe Mendelson's
enterprise to interpret the Torah. Mendelson's goal
was double: to translate the Torah into German
and add commentary which is based on the literal
meaning of the verses. Actually, Mendelson only
started the project and his students completed it on
the additional books of the bible. Already during this
first work on the Torah, heaven and earth moved:
translating the Torah into German, the language
of the Enlightenment, immediately raised the
comparison of translating the Torah into Greek. No
less was the fear of commentary based only on the
literal meaning of the verses.
Dr. Finner wanted to continue the project and apply it
to the Talmud as well. His intention was also double:
to translate to German and to interpret according to

the literal meaning. The commentary demonstrates

Finner's studying ability. He uses various previous
commentary although he does not hesitate to offer
his own original interpretation if he believes it to be
closer to the literal meaning.
The author dedicated about ten years to this project.
His plan was to publish a German translation of the
Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud in twenty eight
Here too, heaven and earth moved. At first, he
received the approval of the greatest rabbis; but,
when they understood his intentions, they withdrew
their approvals.
Amazingly, Finner succeeded in receiving the
agreement of one of the greatest opponents of the
Enlightenment the Chatam Sofer. The tale goes that
this happened when he visited the Chatam Sofer and
told him about the translation which, according to
what he said, was the joint effort of many Rabbis who
were knowledgeable and proficient in German. Their
intention was to show the gentiles the great treasure
of the Sages. The Chatam Sofer was delighted. His
approval of the project shocked many Rabbis and
they wrote to him to tell him about the mistake he
had made. The Chatam Sofer hastened to write a
public letter in which he withdrew his approval and
attacked the book. Eventually, the Chatam Sofer's
attack succeeded and Finner did not continue to
work on the rest of the tractates.
The author reached kings, ministers and emperors. At
the head of the tractate, he printed the greeting letters
that he had received from the Russian emperor, the

King of Prussia, the King of Belgium and more.

The author dedicated this volume to Nikolai the First,
the Russian emperor.
From his close surroundings, the author had not
succeeded in receiving approval. The volume is
decorated with the agreements of several German
rabbis and agreements from afar, from the greatest
Sephardic rabbis, but not with the agreements of the
rabbis of the Lithuania and Poland.
About this affair, see the essay of Rabbi Y. Goldhaber,
"Yerushatenu", 3, 2009, pp. 210-233.
An extremely important and rare item!

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367 pp.
Condition: Very Good. New cover.
Opening Price: $180

170. Likutei Moshe Ya'akov, the Holy Shoemaker

Tel Aviv 1969 Most rare
The book of the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Ya'akov
Ravikov, called "The Shoemaker Rabbi". Published
by his son, the author and translator Yosef Ravikov.
The book is based on the outlines the Shoemaker
Rabbi himself wrote. "Was published in a hundred
copies, which are like manuscripts", was written on
the inner cover. The pages were printed on stencil.
The picture of the author appears on the introduction
The Shoemaker Rabbi (1873-1967) studied in his
youth with the Kabbalisy Rabbi Shlomo Elyashuv,

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The volumes before us are the beginning of the

enterprise which Rabbi Zelkind did not get to
complete the printing of the six sections of the
Mishnah with their translation and interpretation.
This project was much appreciated due to the precise
translation and clear commentary with the addition
of many diagrams and illustrations. In practice,
Rabbi Zelkind printed only four volumes.
Before us are the volumes of the tractates that had
been printed in this special edition (except for the
first volume Berachot): Peah, Dmai, Kilayim.
The volume on Kilayin includes diagrams, maps
and illustrations (of various plants and animals
mentioned in the Mishnah).
On the title page of Peah there is a handwritten
dedication of the author in Yiddish.
In the volume of Demai, there is a large folded map
(40X54 cm.) of the Land of Israel with geographic
and demographic details. The copy before us
includes another, detached, page with a list of the
book's subscribers. This page does not appear in all
the copies that had been printed.
Rabbi Dr. Ya'akov Meir Zelkind (1875-1938) was
an important author. He was born in Poland and
learned in his youth at the Volhozin Yeshiva. He also
studied linguistics and philosophy in universities in
Germany, France and Switzerland.
He served as the rabbi of the Kardif community in
Wales. He was active in Zionist organizations and
was among the founders of Karkur. He published
many articles in various languages about current


3 |

and religious issues. He was also among those who

renewed the Hebrew literature for children.
86; 126; 162 pp. 31 pages with illustrations.
Condition: Very Good-Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

167. Chumash Torat Gabriel, Leviticus Jerusalem

1926 Impressive lithography
Leviticus with the Torat Gabriel and Nachal Gevim
commentary by Rabbi Gabriel Ze'ev Wolf Margaliyot,
a rabbi in Boston, the author of 'Agudat Ezov'.
Jerusalem, Zion Print.
The title page includes an impressive colorful
lithography of the Tomb of Rachel, the Western Wall,
the Tomb of Zechariya and the Cave of Machpela.
At the head of the page there is a crown and under
it the Ten Commandments. It is rare to find such
lithography in a book that was printed those days.
The book is bound with 'Ginzei Margaliyot'
commentary on the Song of Songs, New York 1921
(the joint cover was done by the publisher. There are
copies that include also the commentary of Ruth).
With prayers for the Sabbath, table of the first day of
the Hebrew months from 1912 to 1920, Yotzrot, table
of amendments and a concluding essay.
Rabbi Gabriel Ze'ev Wolf Margaliyot was a Torah
teacher in several cities in Europe, Horodna among
them, where his father-in-law, Rabbi Nachum of
Horodna, lived. In 1907 he moved to the USA with
his family. He was the rabbi of the 'Adat Yisrael'
community in New York. Although he lived in New

York, most of his books, as is the book before us,

were printed in Jerusalem with the assistance of his
son-in-law Azriel Goldberg.
In the introduction to his book 'Charuzei Margaliyot'
he explains the reasons that brought him to move to
the USA: he "can improve the situation of Judaism
in America" and "he greatly feared the revolution
that took place in Russia those days and the many
pogroms". In his introduction to the second part of
the book before us he also refers to these events and
to World War I.
416 pp.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $30

168. Shevet Mishor pamphlets. Hungary, 1934-1937

Three pamphlets (four parts) bound together, of
Mussar talks delivered by the Goan Rabbi Meir Leib
Frey, the head of the Rabbinical Court in Shuran.
One of the leading rabbis in Hungary, he headed the
Shuran Yeshiva, one of the largest yeshivot in the
The Shevet Mishor pamphlets were published
regularly up until the Holocaust began.
The talks are interesting, and also relate to the events
of the day, the passing of contemporary
Torah leaders, and more. He relates that although he
had a certificate to go to Eretz Yisrael, he remained
with his community. He was killed in Auschwitz in

Three books bound together:

'Otiyot Machkimot', Rabbi Ya'akov Baruch Gefen
(Weinstock). Jerusalem, 1906. First edition.
"Includes the leaders of the nation from Moses
to Rabbi Ashi . and the disagreement between
Tana'aim and Amoraim and Halacha to Moses
from Sinai and many Torah lessons and coins
and weights and measures of the Talmud and time
schedule and almost two thousand rules and tongues
of the Talmud".

Jerusalem and served as a melamed (teacher) at the

'Meah Shearim' Talmud Torah.
Agreements of Rabbi Kook, who mentions the
author's father-in-law, Rabbi Meir Michl Rabinowitz,
the author of 'Meir La'Olam', who was most admired
by Rabbi Kook. There is also an interesting agreement
of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (who describes the
author as "among the eldest if the Torah scholars of
112 pp.
Condition: good.

49 pp.

Opening Price: $30

'Berurei Ha'Midot', Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Maharil,

Jerusalem 1923. Single edition.

164. The history of Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Chassid

Mukacheve (Munkatsch) 1929 Single edition

" Halachot according to the Talmud and the Poskim

and their logic and secret according to the Zohar
with little explanation" The entries are ordered

An interesting book in content and shape, which

binds two compositions:

rabbi Aharon Shlomo Maharil was a Kabbalist in

Jerusalem, a student of Rabbi Shlomo Elyashuv, the
author of 'Leshem'.

His life, method and actions. Copied from the book

'Chassidim Rishonim' (printed in 1917) of Rabbi
Yekutiel Arye Kamlher (without mention of his

86 pp.
Ha'Melamed, Rabbi Eliyahu Pinchas of Reina,
Tzuckerman print, Jerusalem, 1921. First edition.
The book was meant to help teachers and students to
learn how to reach halachic conclusions. The book
is divided into three parts: the melamed, head of
Yeshiva, and teaching.
The author was head of yeshiva in Villna, moved to

'Toldot Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Chassid'.

30; 40 pp.
Condition: Very Good. The front cover is almost
completely detached.
Opening Price: $30

165. Emunat Ha'Tchiya Berdychiv 1894 First

edition handwritten comment
The author: Rabbi Moshe Netanel Pochovsky.
The book clarify matters related to the resurrection
of the dead and strengthen the belief in it.
Agreements of Rabbis, among them Rabbi Yitzchak
Elnatan of Kaunas and Rabbi Eliyahu David
Rabinowitz Teomim (the ADERET).
At the end of the book there are comments by the
On the title page there us a long and interesting
handwritten note, which has not yet been studied,
probably about the subject if the resurrection of the
20 pp.
Condition: Fair. Detached cover.

"Machbarti al Midrah RIHA"

Opening Price: $40

Commentary on Sefer Chassidim by Rabbi Chaim

Sunig of Munkatsch with agreements by Rabbi Yosef
Zvi Dushinsky, rabbinical judge of Chost, Rabbi
Moshe Eichenstein, the Rebbe of Zidtchov-Munkatsch
and Rabbi Menachem Weiss of Munkatsch.

166. Talmud in Yiddish [three volumes] London

1929 Single Edition - with illustrations and the map
of Israel the author's dedication

A short handwritten note.

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Condition: excellent.

Three volumes of the Talmud in Yiddish with the

translation and commentary of Rabbi Dr. Ya'akov
Meir Zelkind.

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Condition: Very Good. Single moth holes at the end

of the book. Especially thick pages.
Opening Price: $120

160. Three rare books bound together

27 pp.

A. 'Sova Smachot' Commentary on the book of Job,

written by Rabbeinu Behaye, with commentary
of the Geonim (probably Rabbi Meir of hamburg).
Amsterdam, 1768. First edition.

Several pages have been reconstructed. Several pages

are slightly cut at their edges due to the binding of
the book. One page is probably missing from the end
of the book.

Ownership stamps.

Opening Price: $120

21 pp.
Few loose pages.
B. 'Imrei Shefer', Rabbi Moshe Hoizen. 1803. Single
Includes eulogies for rabbis of Copenhagen, the city
of the author.
The author was a lord in Copenhagen and founded a
Talmud Torah there.
106 pp.
The title page is missing.
C. 'Milot Higayon of Maimonides' "with sufficient
commentary which has never been" [punctuated].
With the two first arguments from the second book
of the Kuzari, composed by Rabbi David Nitto. Berlin
The "sufficient commentary" was actually written
by Moshe Mendelson. What is written on the title
page "which has never been" is not precise, since
it had already been printed for years previously


in Frankfurt de Oder. There too, Mendelson was

not mentioned as the author of the commentary.
Mendelson's commentary is considered an important
interpretation of the book.

3 |

161. Two books bound together

a. 'Tov Ayin' Responsa of the CHIDA, Hossiatin. 1904.
Previously printed only once, together with the book
'Shem Ha'Gdolim'. Here is the first time the book was
printed as a book of itself. With the signature and
stamp of Menachem Mendel Shlezinger of Sosnowiec
(a relative of the Rebbe of Gur, the father of Shmuel
Ha'Ramati, a prominent activist and among the
founders of 'Ha'Poel Ha'Mizrachi').
66 pp.
b. 'She'erit Yehuda'. Lemberg 1909. Single edition.
Most rare.
"Way of life and Mussar from Rabbi Yehuda Zvi of
Startin", the founder of the Startin Hassidism.

162. 'Dibuveu Chen' Consantmiklush 1933 Single

"Commentary on and explanations of the literary
meaning of the verses of the Torah and the Midrashim
of the Sages and few new halachot". By Rabbi Dov
Lablovitsch of Kishkarash. Single edition.
Only few Hebrew books were printed in the
Consantmiklush printing house.
356 pp.
Condition: Very Good. The cover and several pages
at the beginning of the book are slightly detached.
The print and letters are of especially high quality. Th
ettile page is in red ink.
Opening Price: $40

163. Four rare books printed in Jerusalem

A. 'Pi Ha'Be'er', Rabbi Yitzchak Shrim. Jerusalem,
1906. Single edition.
The book is the commentary of Rabbi Eliyahu
Mizrachi, the RE'EM, one of the important interpreters
At the beginning of the book there is a dedication:
"Dedictaed by Mrs. Sa'ada, the widow of Yichye
Malichi to the synagogue of Rabbi shalom Shabazi".

62 pp.

Rabbi Yitzchal Shrim was among the rabbis of Aram


Condition: Excellent.

In 1992, a facsimile edition was printed.

Opening Price: $40

406 pp.

In the introduction to the book, the author explains

the background for writing it.
The book discusses the matter at length and was one
of the first books to deal with it in a comprehensive
Rabbi Yehonatan Abelman (1854-1903) became a
rabbi in Chorntz in 1875 and in 1884, a rabbinical
judge in Bialystok. He was the nephew of the father
of the Mussar movement Rabbi Yisrael Salanter. His
writings were published only after his death in the
book 'Zichron Yehonatan', which includes this book
'Torat Yehonatan'.
45 pp.
Condition: Good. Front cover falling apart.
Opening Price: $30

158. Three rare books bound together

A. The history of Don Yitzchak Abravanel, Shimon
Rabbi. Prague, 1900. Single edition.
The book is divided into two parts. The first

describes the history of Don Yitzchak Abravanel

(1437-1508, a Torah genius, Jewish philosopher,
Torah commentator) his books and descendants.
The second part "tells stories about the horrific
32 pp.
B. 'Panim Yafot' on Psalms, Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz.
Warsaw, 1912. First edition.
Commentary on certain chapters of the book of
Psalms by Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz, rabbinical judge
of Frankfurt.
27 pp.
C. "Hod Malchut', Dovarush Tursch, Warsaw 1905.
Single edition.
This unique book was published as support of the rule
of the Czar, Nikolai the Second, of Russia, and against
the revolutionists who wanted to rebel against him
(many Jews among them). The book opens with the
verse "Let us make Mankind in our image", supports
the command to do as the king asks of you and
reviews the failed attempts of Jews throughout
history to rebel and the disasters that became them
as a result. The book ends with a poem in honor of
the Czar and his wife. The book was supposed to be
a chapter in a larger book named 'Heichal Ha'Melech',
which probably was not published.
The book opens with agreements of Polish rabbis.
The author, Dovarush Tursch is an especially
interesting image. He wrote several educational and

polemic books, some of which received the approval

of Rabbis and rebbes. He owned a printing house in
Warsaw, where he printed most of his books.
It should be noted that the Hebrew year of publication
"does not match the Gregorian year (1904) nor
the year of the agreements to the book.
20 pp.
Condition: Very Good. The cover is damaged.
Ownership stamps ("Yitzchak Weiss") and various
other stamps.
Opening Price: $50

Religious Books |

the generation: the NATZIV, Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever

and Rabbi Mordechai Eliashberg. The question
was whether to sell the lands of the settlements to
a gentile, for a predetermined amount of time, so
that the land could continue to be worked during
the Shmita. The NATZIV did not permit to sell the
land. Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever and Rabbi Mordechai
Eliashberg supported the selling of the land, yet
wanted the agreement of Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan
of Kaunas. Rabbi Yitzchak joined the Heter as well as
other Polish rabbis.

159. 'Sha'arei De'ah', Rabbi Elazar ben Arye Leib of

Filtz Vienna 1821 First edition
Commentary of Rabbi Elazar ben Arye Leib (17581837) on the Shulchan Aruch, Yore De'ah, chapters 1
to 162 (first part only).
The author was a genius and wrote many books. He
served as rabbi in six communities in Poland and
An interesting point in the structure of the
composition is the titles the author wri=ote on the
sides of each page.
Printed in Vienna. Includes an introduction and a
table of changes.
The book includes two scholarly comments as well
as several marks and highlights, some in ink and
some in pencil.
140 pp.

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102 pp.


Condition: Good. tears at the margins of the first few


96 pp.

'Issur Ve'Heter Ha'Aroch', Rabbi Yonah Ha'Girondi

(should be - Ashkenazi). Vilna, 1891.
One of the basic books about the laws of Issur
Ve'Heter. 60 chapters on these issues.
The title page notes that this book was attributed
by the RAMA to Rabbi Yonah Ha'Girondi of Spain,
the student of Rabbi Yisrael Iserline, the author of
'Trumat Deshen'. This is probably a mistake and the
book should be attributed to Rabbi Yonah Ashkenazi,
son of Rabbi Yisrael of Regensburg, who indeed was
the student of Rabbi Iserline.
The edition before us includes for the first time the
commentary 'Zer Zahav' by Rabbi Avraha, Moshe
Broin of Ponevezh.
Includes agreements of rabbis. among them Rabbi
Yosef Zecharya Stern and the ADERET.
292 pp.
Condition: Good. Many pages are worn out at their
edges and tend to crimble.
'Mafik Margaliyot', Rabbi Dov Horowitz. Vilna, 1890.
Gematria, explanations of the meanings of the letters
of the Hebrew alphabet in the Torah.
agreements of rabbis, among them Rabbi Yitzchak
Ya'akov Reines, Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Rabbi Yitzchak
Blaser and more.
Second edition. Does not appear in the National


3 |

Condition: Very Good.

Opening Price: $50

156. 'Givat Saul' Vienna 1893 Single edition

The author is Rabbi Saul Harnstein of Vienna, who
was known as an artist and painter. His works of
art describe holy places and tombs of Tzadikkim in
the Land of Israel. He made the paintings after he
had travelled to the Land of Israel in 1893. Among
his famous works are 'Mizrach' (East) in the image
of a carpet on which are embroidered graphic
descriptions of places in Israel, among them the
Tomb of Rabbi Meir Ba'al Ha'Nes, the Western Wall,
Jerusalem, Jaffa, the Tomb of the prophet Elisha, the
Cave of Machpela, the Tomb of Rachel and many
He composed the book before us immediately after
his journey to Israel and it is full of fascinating
material which is important to researchers of Israel
at the time and is cited as a reliable source for the
history of Israel and its holy places.
From the title page of the book: "The books divides
into three, the first part explains the names of
mountains in Israel. The second describes seas, lakes
and rivers in Israel. The third part describes the
judges and kings who ruled the land since Joshua
until our days and the customs of the land and of the
Arabs and a table of the rulers and kings from the
exodus from Egypt until our days".

The book was written in light of the awakening of the

'Chibat Zion' movement in Russia as is explained in
its introduction and agreements.
There are two agreements, of Rabbi Yosef Dov Ber
Cohen of Vienna: "Many are the Chovevei Zion who
wish to travel to the Land of Israel and the book will
be most useful for them" and of Rabbi Shalom Kutna,
rabbinical judge of Izenstat.
At the end of the book there is a title page and two
agreements in German, of Dr. Yelenik of Vienna and
Dr. D. Brol. There is also an introduction and a poem
about the love of Zion and Jerusalem in German.
101 pp. in Hebrew
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $80

157. The Shmita Polemic 'Torat Yehonatan' 1889

First edition
A halachic book in favor of Heter Mechira by Rabby
Yehonatan Abelman. The book includes a letter to
the author from Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spector of
Kaunas in which he supports selling the land of Israel
to a gentile during the Shmita so he can continue to
work it.
With the increase in the number of Jewish
settlements, towards the Shmita of 1889, the question
of observing the Shmita arose. Observing the Shmita
could lead to the weakening of the Yishuv and
maybe even to mortal danger. The clerks of the Baron
Rothschild turned to the greatest Torah scholars of

The stamp of Rabbi Mendel Ha'Cohen of Jerusalem

appears in the book as well as that of Rabbi S.
Bergstein of New York.
167 pp.
Condition: Fair. The covers are almost completely
detached and the spine of the book is mostly missing.
Wear and tear of some of th e pages. The title page of
Genesis is missing.
B. 'Chut Ha'Meshulash' Etz Avot, Rabbi Shlomo
Sofer, Paks, 1887. First edition.
A Biographic book about the history of Rabbi Moshe
Sofer, the Chatam Sofer, the son-in-law of Rabbi
Akiva Iger and his son, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel
Binyamin Sofer, the 'Ketav Sofer'.
The author of the book is Rabbi Shlomo Sofer (18531930), the son of the Ketav Sofer. He was a rabbi in
Beregsaz, Hungary.
At the opening of the book, there is a dedication to the
groom from Rabbi Mordechai Bronstein-Noibauer.
56 pp.
Condition: Very Good. The pages are in a breakable
Opening Price: $40

155. Collection of rare books

Six rare books, three of them bound together
A. 'Mate Aharon', Rabbi David Aharon Wishenweitz.

Vilna, 1909. First edition.

original cover.

The author explains the words of the Sages from

several tractates, which are incomprehensible and
do not make any sense and all the sayings of Rabba
Bar Bar Chana. To the book was added an essay
that presents evidence from the Babylonian and
Jerusalem Talmud about the finding of the Ten Lost

C. 'Shemen Sasson, Rabbi Yitzchak Sasson. Vilna,

1859. Single edition.

The title page and the introduction note that

the author is from the area of Kaunas and lives
sorrowfully alone in Johannesburg, where he arrived
to find living as a physician. In his explanations, he
actually goes against those who mock the words of
the Sages.

At the end of the book there is a eulogy for Rabbi

Mordechai Zakheim, rabbinical judge of Pinsk.

94 pp.

D. Three books bound together:

Condition: Good. First and last pages detached.

'Halachot Psukot min Ha'Geonim', Yoel Ha'Cohen

Miller. Krakow, 1893.

B. 'Zikaron Ba'Sefer', Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shatz

Zinger, 1900. Single edition.
Commentary on Parashot Ha'Shavu'a and the
tractates of the Talmud. At the end of the book
appears the chapter 'Imrei Bina' stories and tales
of various rabbis and rebbes as well as the pamphlet
'Yishuv Eretz Yisrael' about the polemic concerning
the immigration to Israel.
The author was a rabbi in Buffalo, USA.
Printed by the printing house of the Brother and
Widow Re'em.
172 pp.
Condition: Very Good. Tears in single pages. Non-

Commentary on unclear Aggadot of the Talmud,

ordered by the tractates.
Rabbi Yitzchak Sasson was one of the greatest rabbis
of Horodna.

The first title page is uniquely decorated.

100 pp.

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and after his father's death in 1903, replaced his as

the rabbi of Paks.

Condition: Good.

The composition was first published in Constantine

in 1516. The edition before us was edited by Rabbi
Yoel Ha'Cohen Miller (1827-1895), a rabbi and
researcher at the Beit Midrash for Rabbis in Berlin.
To this edition, Rabbi Miller added an introduction,
comments and key.
It was printed by Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Fuchs
(1862-1895) who was also a researcher and journalist
and who founded (with others) the 'Beit Yisrael'
Association for spreading Hebrew and its literature.
He published articles in the journal 'Ha'Magid' and
also edited it. He was an expert in Medieval Hebrew
Title page in Hebrew and one in German.

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'Otzar Ha'Torah' and the editor of the journal 'Kvutzei

A. Sde Bochim. Krakow, 1901.
Eulogy and biography of Shimon Binyamin Wolf
Rothschild (Wilhelm Carl), the Baron from Frankfurt,
the grandson of Meir Anschel Rothschild, the
forefather of the family. Including a title page in
German. At the opening of the book there is a (rare!)
picture of Rothschild. The eulogy is full of praise and
admiration of the baron.
The baron was known for his love of the Torah and
its learners. He supported some of the greatest rabbis
of the generation so that they will be able to write
important books.
32 pp.
B. 'Chukei Chaim', Rabbi Chaim Zvi Winkler of
Morghita, Munkatsch, 1897. Single edition.
29 pp.

8 pp.
G. 'Mishlei Shu'alim', Rabbi Berachya Ha'Nakdan.
Warsaw, 1875.
21 pp.
H. 'Sifrei Chachmei Yavan', Munkatsch, 1905.
16 pp.

several tractates, most of which were printed for the

first time here.
In the volume of Kodashim there is a most detailed
illustration of the Temple.
This edition was printed in Horadna and Vilna, by the
joint printing house of Menachem Mann and Simcha

I. 'Taharat Ha'Nefesh', the Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo

Aharon Auerbach of Menistrisch. Chernivtzi, 1874.
Single edition.

There are faded and erased ownership stamps on the

title page of Nezikin. There are stamps of various
synagogues in Israel and abroad on the title page of

16 pp.

Six volumes.

J. 'Chupat Chatanim' Rabbi Refael Milodila, Tarnow,


Condition: Some of the volumes have many moth

holes and wear and tear of the first and last pages.
There are water stains on some of the pages.

152 pp.
K. 'Kerem Shlomo' Responsa, Rabbi Shlomo Hess of
Dreznitz, Munkatsch, 1900. Second edition.

C. 'Sha'arei Pdut', Rabbi Shabtai Lifshitz of Yelnitza,

Munkatsch, 1902. Single edition.

37 pp.

The rules of Pidyon Ha'Ben.

Condition: Most books in excellent condition. 'Mishlei

Shu'alim' in good condition. Reconstructed cover.

Height: 19 cm.

Opening Price: $1100

154. Collection of books by Hungarian Rabbis

A. 'Yalkut Sofer', Rabbi Yosef Yehuda Leib Sofer.
Paks, 1894-1895. Single edition.

D. 'Sefer Yira Le'Rabenu Yonah'.Munkatsch, 1905.

Opening Price: $100

A volume with two parts (Genesis and Exodus) from

the composition 'Yalkut Sofer' on the Torah. There
are also sermons for Brit Mila, Bar Mitzvah, wedding
and eulogy.

24 pp.

153. Mishnah Books Horadna (Grodno) Vilna 1818

First edition of HAGRA commentary

Single edition. Recently, a facsimile edition has been


Six sections of the Mishnah with the commentary

of Rabbi Obadiah of Bartenura, Tosfot Yom Yov,
Tosfot Chadashim, Tosafot Rishon Le'Zion. To these
was added the commentary of HAGRA of Vilna on

Rabbi Yosef Yehuda Leib Sofer (1861-1918) was one

of the greatest rabbis un Hungary. The son of Rabbi
Eliezer Zussman Sofer, the son-in-law of Rabbi
David Yehuda Polak. He was the rabbi of Darteshka

44 pp.

E. 'Sefer Nechmad Le'Hamabit', Munkatsch, 1905.

First edition as a book of its own.
Commentary on a chapter of poetry.
27 pp.


F. 'Orach Mishor', MAHARI Chagiz. Munkatsch, 1899.

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Opening Price: $150

148. Mayim Chaim Dyhernfurth 1690 Single

A book of homilies on the Torah written by Rabbi
Chaim Segal Horowitz.Printed at the printing
house of Rabbi ShabtaiMeshorer [Bass] of Prague,
the author of 'SifteiChachamim' on RASHI.Single
Edition. Recently, a facsimile edition was printed.
The book contains many agreements of Polish
On the title page there is the signature of Rabbi
ShabtaiNigrin (citizen of Corfu Island) and
additional ownership signatures.
140 pp. Condition: Significant moth holes in the first
and last pages. Two pages in the middle are missing.
Opening Price: $40

First and Single Editions

149. Sifri, Bamidbar Devarim, - with the Commentary
of HAGRA Vilna 1866 First Edition
Midrash Halacha for Numbers and Deuteronomy
with commentary attributed to HAGRA (the Vilna
Gaon) and at its end, commentary of an unknown
Sephardic scholar.
The publication of the book was funded by
Shemaryahu Tzukerman of Mohileve. Shmuel Yosef

Finn and Avraham Zvi Rosenkrantz Print.

The book contains ownership stamps, among others
of "Ya'akov de Pinto".
272 pp.
Condition: Good. Front cover is detached. Moth
damage on the page before the title page.
Opening Price: $50

150. Chidushei Bnei Aharon Munchatch 1970

Single Edition
New interpretation of the Talmud by Rabbi Eliezer
ben Aharon, rabbinical judge of Schwabach and his
son, Rabbi Moshe, rabbinical judge of Trier.
Single edition. Recently, it has been printed as a
facsimile edition.
Rabbi Eliezer, rabbinical judge of Schwabach in
Germany was the son of Rabbi Aharon, author
of 'Minchat Aharon' and Ha'Aroch Meshech', a
descendent of the holy Shakh (Rabbi Shabtai Cohen).
The book was published by the author's grandson.
Most of the commentary is about the Pesachim
tractate but also about Berachot, Shabbat, Eruvin,
Betza, Rosh Ha'Shana and Sukka.
At the opening of the book appear the agreements of
the Hungary rabbis.
106 pp.
The frame of the title page was painted purple. The
captions and place of print were painted red.
Condition: Good. Reconstructed cover.

151. Teshurat Yitzchak Pamphlet, Rabbi Yitzchak

Shapira Chernivtzi 1938 Single Edition
Important and interesting composition which
discusses common names in Ashkenaz (especially)
and the East, from Alef to Tav: the source of the
names, the way they are written and their various
variations in Europe and the East.
The precise writing of each name is an important
issue in the writing of a divorce certificate (Get).
Rabbi Yitzchak Shapira was the rabbi of Galatzi in
Agreements of the greatest rabbis including Rabbi
Meshulam Rata, Rabbi Nachum Weidenfeld and
Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel.

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Condition: Good. Rare original cover. Thick wood

covered with leather. The back cover is missing. The
margins of the pages are worn out, without damage
to the text.

40 pp.
On the left cover, an additional title page in German.
Size: 23X30 cm.
Condition: Good. Soft cover. The first two pages and
the last one are detached from the book.
Opening Price: $30

152. 'Sde Bochim' Pamphlet Eulogy for the noble

Shimon Wolf Rothschild bound with eleven rare
Collection of eleven rare books bound together. About
half are single of first editions. Most of the books
were printed in Munkatsch and include a stamp of
Rabbi Efrayim Landau of Bucharest (the author of

Opening Price: $50

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Religious Books
The 16thand 17thcenturies
142. Sefer Ha'Aruch Soncino (Pizarro) 1517 with
handwritten completion

243 pp.

'SeferHa'Aruch' by Rabbi Natan Bar YechielMaromi.

Printed by the Soncino Print during the first days of
the Hebrew print.

Condition: Very Good. Few moth holes. The title

page is missing as well the back cover and the six
last pages.

Theprinting house of the Soncino family was

the first Hebrew printing housewhich survived
for dozens of years. It was known for its
meticulousness and the preciseness of its books and
it greatly affected the development of the Hebrew

B. Keter Shem Tov. Venice, 1596. First edition.

An ancient wooden cover.

The title page and first two pages are missing as
well as pages 132-139, which were completed by
hand. The handwriting is clear and is similar to the
font of the rest of the book.
In several places there are handwritten notes. At the
ned of the book, there is an ownership signature of
"Ha'ZairAkiva ben Arye".
177 pp.
Condition: Good. Tattered cover. Some of the pages
are loose.

The introduction contains a poem in honor of

the author by the proofreader, Rabbi Yehuda
AryeMudina. This attests to the author's greatness.
The first few pages and the title pages, including the
above-mentioned poem, are missing from this copy.
136 pp. (The title page, 6 first pages and last page
are missing).

145. Marot Ha'Tzovot, AkshichHa'Kadosh, Yasnitz

The chapters are numbered in Latin letters.
160 pp.
Condition: Good. Front cover missing.
Opening Price: $40

146. Torat Moshe, AlshichHa'Kadosh Amsterdam

1710 Rare
Torat Moshe on the Torah.Shlomo Katz Props Print.
Ownership stamps on the title page.
155; 159 pp.
Size: 20X33 cm.

Opening Price: $120

Condition: Very Good. The first pages have been

restored. Especially thick cover, antique style with a
metal bracket.

144. RHASHI Commentary on the Torah and the Five

Scrolls Venice 1591
ZoenDegara Print, Venice.
181 pp.

Opening Price: $1000

143. Two books the 16th century

Opening Price: $80

3 |

The 18thcentury

Condition: Very Good. Moth holes.Missing pages.

Condition: Fair-Good. Moth holes. The title page is

missing as well as Ecclesiastes and Esther at the end
(13 pp.).

A. The commentary of RabbeinuBehaye on the

Torah. Venice, 1544.


Zuani de Farri and Brother Print, Venice. This is one

of the first editions of the book, which was printed
hundreds of times afterwards.

Opening Price: $120

147.Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpatwith

'MeiratEnayim' Book Zolkowa 1739 interesting
On the cover page there are handwritten notes
in a foreign language on the 'MeiratEnayim' and
additional rabbis. Have not been studied. It is
possible that they are the history of the author's

| Religious Books

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(;Christian Knorr von Rosenroth :

1689-1636 , , ,
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$80 :

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.268 - " -
| $350


" | 2015

.265 -" ,
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.269" - " -
| $90

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.267 - " -

. | $100

.271 - " -
- | $40

| Religious Books

.272 " - " -

| $60

.276 | $40

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.277 - " -
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" | $30

.279 - " - .
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.280 , --
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.284 - " -
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" | 2015

- | $50

.285 , - ".
" . | $200

.282 , "
" - . | $40

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.283 , -
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.287 - ".
| $70

| Religious Books

.288 - " .
| $150

.289 - .290" -
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| $200

.292 , -
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.293 ,
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.294" " -
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| $30

.295 , ,
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. | $150

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| Religious Books
.296 - " -
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.300 , -
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| $180


" | 2015

" | $60

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.301 - , " -
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.299 - " -
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.302 ,
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| $150

.303 - " -
| $40

| Religious Books

.304" - " -
| $50

.308 - "
| $120

.305 , " -
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| $90

.309 - " ,
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.307 - " , -
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.310 ,
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' ' | $200

.311 - " -
" | $40

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| Religious Books

.312 - " -
| $40

.313 - " -
| $100

.316 , .317 - '

" - ( .) ," , | $40 | $120


" | 2015

.314 , -
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In the beginning of the book letters of appreciation

from Torah luminaries, amongst them: Rabbi Eliyahu
Haim Miezel of Lodz.
Stamped Rabbi Moshe Fievelovitz and his son Rabbi
Shlomo Zalman.
49 pages.
Condition: Good. The books are bound together.
Some moth stains on the first pages.
Opening Price: $100

340. Erchei Hakinuyim Dyernfurth 1805 first

edition with signature of the Rabbi Natan Neta
Mintz, Judge in Tiktin
This remarkable book was created in the course of
three generations. The basis of the book was written
by the great Rabbi Yechiel Halpren, author of "Seder
The book reveals the hidden gems of the Hebrew
language, when the same word can have different
meanings, and the same object can have different
names. The book is a treasure of gems, including
some secrets in the Torah, novelties in linguistics,
and many interesting issues from the Talmud and
In the beginning of the book, letters of appreciation
from Torah luminaries, such as: "Rabbi Tzvi Levin,
judge and Yeshiva head in Zehlihabi, Pinsk, and
Barditshov" The famous Rabbi Levi Yitschak of

In the cover page the signature of the Rabbi Natan

Neta Montz, judge of Tiktin, one of the Torah
luminaries of his generation, son of Rabbi Shlomo
Mintz, judge of Slonim.
The signature is rare!
85 pages
Condition: Excellent. Some moth stains. Non-original
book cover.

342. Two booklets with pictures of famous Rabbis,

New York about 1950, small format
A. An album of Torah Luminaries
About 18 paintings of Torah luminaries: The
Rambam, The Besht, The Gra, The Malbim, Rabbi
Mohliver, Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Zonnenfeld, Rabbi Haim
Ozer etc. each picture on a separate page, and on the
back a synopsis of his life story in English.

Opening Price: $50

Was a gift to the donors of the yeshiva "Chafetz

Haim" in New York.

341. Baruch Ta'am Warsaw 1906 remarks from

Rabbi Yeshaya Shneilberg and an invitation to the
wedding of his daughter with the Rebbe of Toldot
Avraham Yischak

B. Paintings of Torah Luminaries

Baruch Ta'am on the Talmud, from the Rabbi Baruch

Frenkel-Teomim. In it the signature of the Rabbi
Yeshaya Shneilberg, judge of Bnei Re'em and later in
the court Mahzikei hadat of Belz sect. Passed away
Inserted in the book is an invitation to the wedding of
Rabbi Shneilberg's daughter with the Rabbi Shmuel
Ya'akov Kahn Shlit"a, today the Rebbe of Toldot
Avraham Yitschak.

An album similar to the one above, with paintings

starting from the era of the Rishonim such as the
Rif, Rashi and the Rosh and through the era of the
Achronim: the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Akiva Eiger etc.

Religious Books |

The author identifies the American diaspora to be the

dessert, a stage on the way to land of Israel.

A gift frim "Beit Tomchei Torah Ve'Ziknei Yisrael".

Both 8X11 cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $60

Also inscribed in the book "Ya'akov Ya'akobovitsch

who follows the saintly Rebbe here in Unsdorf".
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $80

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Religious Books |

339. Geu'lat Ha'aretz, Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi,

the fundamental book for Ultra-Orthodox Zionism!
Two books bound together:
A. Geu'lat Ha'aretz, Warsaw, 1904, First edition.
By Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi, an outstanding
Zionist activist, at the first years of the Zionist
movement, and one of the prominent Rabbis that
joined them.
The author extensively explains the importance of
subsiding in the land of Israel, ideas of redemption
from sources of the Torah and the sages. At the
beginning of the book letters of appreciation from
leading Rabbis and Chassidic leaders in Russia and
Poland, A letter from the committee of the Zionist
congress, signed by its president Dr. Binyamin Ze'ev
(Theodor) Herzl, foreseer of the state.
In the book there are several articles about the
redemption and settling Israel. Verses and statements
from the sages, outlooks of Torah luminaries on
the subject, Rishonim and Acharonim, letters from
renowned Rabbis, stories about actions they took
towards settling Israel, and discussions of current
A fundamental book for Ultra-Orthodox Zionists at
that time.
Also in the book: Extensive articles about the sanctity
of Israeli Etrogim and wine, fruit of the Jewish
farmers in Israel. The author promoted sales for these
in his own shop in Warsaw.
The book opens with a large variety of Torah


3 |

luminaries in all generations (Rishonim, Kabbalists,

philosophers, Chassidic leaders and Achronim) who
stated that the redemption will be natural.
Very important letters of appreciation from great
Rabbis and Chassidic leaders: Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil
Kleppich of Warsaw, Rabbi Yitschak Ya'akov Rienis,
founder of the "Mizrachi", and Chief Rabbi of Lida.
Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana Hy"d of Warsaw, Rabbi
Yitschak Zelig Moregnstern of Sokolov, and many
more great and famous Rabbis.
Rabbi Yona Mordechai Zakratshien writes in his
letter that the author is "of the great Chasidim and
righteous of our country that set out to prove the
righteousness of his Zionist way according to Torah
and Chassidut".
Many unknown stories and facts about the longing
and actions taken by many great Rabbis and
Chassidic leaders appear in the letters and in the
book. Amongst the Rabbis: the Pnei Yehoshua, the
Rebbe of Lublin, Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pshisha,
Rabbi Yehoshua of Kutna and more.
Also in the book, a list of tens of leading Rabbis that
supported the settling the land of Israel and even
supported Zionist movement up to actually taking
part in the Zionist conventions.
The "Mizrachi" movement used the book as
promotion for their ideas, and these are the words of
Rabbi Yehudah Leib Kovalski, one of the leaders of
the Mizrachi in Poland, in an add they distributed: "I
am hereby requesting that all the "Mizrachi" groups
in every city, and every individual that is a prominent
member, to buy this book and assist it's distribution

in order to spread the Mizrachi's ideas amongst all

orthodox Jews".
The author, Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi (18631928) was born in Warsaw, and immigrated to Israel
on 1923. Was a great lover of Zion and fan of the
Zionism. He was one of the prominent members of
the "Mizrachi". Son in law of the Chassidic leader
of Kotzk, Rabbi Yisrael (Moergenstien) of Pilov,
who was the son of the founder of the sect, Rabbi
Menachem Mendel of Kotzk. His outlook on Zionism
was influenced very much by his father-in-law,
himself a supporter of Zionism and settling the Land
of Isarel.
Stamped in the cover page and in the last page Rabbi
Shlomo Zalman Shragai (Fievelovitz) (1900-1995),
a religious Zionist leader and philosopher, Mayor
of Jerusalem between 1950-1952, of the founders
of the "Torah Ve'Avodah" and "HaPoel Hamizrachi"
movements, and manager of institutions of the
Israeli state to be.
Also stamped in the book, his father, Rabbi Moshe
Fievelovitz, and honorable torah scholar, of the
Radzin sect of Chassidut, one of the first members
of the "Mizrachi".
Inscribed in handwriting: David Burnstien, and a list
of Rabbi Rienes' books.
A rare and special book!
40, 18 [5] pages.
B. Ha'Geula o Ikveta De'Meshicha, by Avraham
Kaminetzki, Krakaw, 1891

Vital, the Rabbis of Hebron, the Rabbis of Tiberius

and Rabbi Shlomo Hazan fron Safed.

chapter 119, an acronym of his name. On the next

page a song in rhymes from the proofreader.

156 pages [9]

The cover page is stamped: "proofread", another

undecipherable ownership inscription and a long
inscription in foreign language.

The author's grandson, The Hid"a, wrote in his "Shem

Ha'Gedolim", that the Amsterdam edition of his
grandfather's book is full of mistakes. In "Ha'Tor"
(1929, volume 17) Rabbi Yehudah leib Maymon wrote
in length how the Zoltzbach edition was complete
and correct and was printed from the manuscript
(achievable in the National Israeli Library) as
opposed to the more common Amsterdam edition,
which is incomplete and full of mistakes.

At the beginning there is long handwriting. At the

end a Sepharadi Rabincal stamp: "Haim Za'afrani".

76 pages, including Kabalistic diagram.

Condition: Good. Original cover page missing,
substituted by a photocopied page. New book cover.
Opening Price: $80

336. Responsa "Yoru Mishpatecha Le'Ya'akov",

Jerusalem 1885, first edition
Halachic responsa by the kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov
Abu'hatzira. Published by his son, Aharon. The book
includes 145 responses, most of them dealing with
monetary laws and some in the laws of mourning
and divorce.
Letters of appreciation from Rabbi Rephael Meir
Panizil, the Rishon Le'tzion, and his pear Rabbi
Ya'akov Saul Elyashar, the "Yisa Bracha" (later the
"Rishon Le'tzion"). More letters from Rabbi Yosef

At the end of the book there is an image of the tombs

of the kings of David's dynasty.

Rabbi Ya'akov Abu'Hatzira, "Abir Yaakov" was a

scholar of Torah and Kabbalah. Rabbi and Judge in
Tafillat Jewish community. One of the prominent
Rabbis in Morocco. A heavenly person, who worked
miracles. Many miraculous stories were told of him,
and he merited meeting Prophet Elijah. Pased away
on his journey to land of Israel and was buried in
Egypt. Many hymns of praise were song in his honor
by the Jews of Morocco. Many Jews in Morocco and
today in the Land of Israel put up in their homes
the famous picture of him sitting with legs crossed,
holding a book. His son was the famous "Baba Sali",
Rabbi Yisrael Abu'Chatzira.
Condition: Good. Book cover slightly torn. Some
moth stains on cover and inside.
Opening Price: $40

191 [1], 8 pages. Numbering of pages distorted.

Condition: Good. non-original book cover, falling
Opening Price: $200

338. Toldot Yitschak, Livorno 1761, First edition

The first book published by the scholars of Djerba
New insights and pilpul on the Talmud and Tosafos,
by Rabbi Yitschak Hadad/
Rabbi Yitschak Hadad was a great and saintly Rabbi.
He was head of court in Djerba, and the first of the
famed Hadad dynasty of Rabbis.
Stamped great hall of study "Ohel Yitschak U'Veit
Yosef De'Chasidiei Tzsanz De'Kollel Ungarin BIh"k
Yerushalayim Tuvv"a". Also stamped: "Shmuel
Goldenberg", "Moshe Sheinberger", and two
signatures in Sephardic handwriting: "Ya'akov
Yosef" and "Ezra An"l"

337. Tikun Olam, 1651, Virona sole edition

185 pages.

A commentary on Isiah, by Rabbi Shlomo Merini.

Condition: Good. Book cover worn out. First two

pages nearly detached.

The Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo Merini, Rabbi and Judge

in Padua, a student of Rabbo Shlomo Mildola, one of
the most prominent Rabbis in Mantova.

Religious Books |

efforts made by Christian Knorr von Rosenroth"

(1689-1636, a German Christian scholar, a Poet,
Orientalist, a researcher of Kabbalah and Judaism).
This may explain why the book was printed without
letters of appreciation from great Rabbis, as opposed
to the custom at the time.

Opening Price: $40

On the first page a column of verses from Psalms

2015 " |


Religious Books |

Emunim") in Satmar. He worshiped G-d feverously.

His path was to believe plainly in G-d, and accept all
that happens to one as a gift and a test from G-d. He
lit the path of worshiping G-d for his followers and
many others.
At the end of the book it is inscribed "proofread" in
the author's handwriting, and there is a short note in
his handwriting at the beginning.
125, 55, 34, 43 pages
Condition: Good. Illustrated original book cover. The
binding to the top of the cover slightly detached.
Opening Price: $80

Chafetz Chaim
332. Two volumes of Mishna Berurah, with handwritten glosses by Rabbi Shmuel Houminer
Two volumes of Mishna Berurah that were owned
by Rabbi Shmuel Houminer, with his glosses and
comments on the margins of the pages, and his
signature at the beginning of the book.
Rabbi Shmuel Houminer (1914-1977) was one of the
holy pious men of Jerusalem, and the author of a
summary of the main laws of the Chafetz Chaim [a
work on the laws of gossip and slander].
Condition: Good. Cover is slightly dissembled and
Opening Price: $100

333. Mishna Berurah, four volumes Warsaw

and Pietrikov, 1907. First edition. Volume 3 says
"Mugeh" (reviewed, corrected) in the Chafetz Chaim's
The author, the great Chafetz Chaim, made sure to
check every book that he published for sale to make
sure there were no printing mistakes, to ensure that
he would not be stealing the buyer's money. Every
book that was thus checked merited the word Mugeh
written in his handwriting on the title page. He
would check the books himself and write that word
himself, for fear that other workers would not check
All the volumes are with the seal and signature
of R. Yitzchak Binyamin Mendlowitz, head of
the Rabbinical Court in Fishepick-Ladani; he was
a Hungarian rabbi who spent his last years in
Williamsburg, New York. In one of the volumes is a
note with two lines of Aggadic material, apparently
in the handwriting of R. Mendlowitz.
Condition: Very good. Rebound.
Opening Price: $50

334. Sifra Torat Cohanim Pietrekov 1911 Copyedited in the holy handwriting of the editor, the
Chafetz Chaim
One volume with two parts. A commentary on
the Sifra Torat Cohanim, compiled from several
commentators (Raavad, the Rash of Shantz, of Vilna,
and others) by the Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir
HaCohen of Radin (1838-1933).
On the title page is the word mugeh (reviewed,


3 |

corrected) in the Chofetz Chaim's handwriting. He

would review every book that he published and sold,
to avoid printing mistakes and the fear of resulting
over-payment by the purchasers. He would write
mugeh in each book after he verified that there were
no mistakes.
On the title page of Part I is a seal from Rabbi
Yekutiel (Azrieli) Kushelevsky (1900-1993), the rabbi
of Zikhron Yaakov.
210; 188 pages
Condition: Very good, cover is marred.
Opening Price: $100

Various Jewish Books

335. Hesed Le'Avraham, Zoltzbach, 1685, first
edition, very significant
This is one of the principal books of Kabbalah, that
deals with issues of reward and more.
The book's author was Rav Avraham Azoulai (15701644). Born in Phes, Morocco, immigrated to the Land
of Israel, and studied by Rav Haim Vital. Lived in
Jerusalem and in Hebron, where he was buried. He
published the book when he lived in Gaza. He stressed
the importance of residing in the Land of Israel and
especially in Hebron. He was the grandfather of the
Hid"a. Other books he wrote: "Ahava Be'Taanugim",
"Zohorei Chama", "Knaf Renanim", "Kiryat Arba"
three parts, and more.
In the book "Kohelet Moshe" it is stated that this book,
"Hesed Le'Avraham" was published "thanks to many

At the beginning of the book are some handwritten

signatures, including that of Rabbi Yerachmiel
Yisrael Danziger, son of the Rebbe of Aleksander who
wrote Akedat Yitzchak. Both died in the Holocaust
and did not leave descendants.
The Aleksander Hassidut was founded in Poland
around 1880, and was second in size only to the
Gerrer movement. Nearly all the members were
murdered during the Holocaust, including the Rebbe
and his family. The movement was re-established
after the Holocaust, growing in small communities
in America, Europe and Israel.
Condition: Good. The page before the title page, on
which are the signatures, is torn. Moth damage on
most of the pages. Original cover, though refurbished;
with moth damage.
Opening Price: $50

329. Chidushei HaRashba to Tractate Shabbat

[Brin] 1799. Bound together with Meginei Shlomo,
Lvov 1816. Important seals
A. Novellae of the Rashba, Tractate Shabbat, [Brin]
Yozef Rosman Print, 1799
[1] 58 pages
B. Meginei Shlomo, Lemberg 1816
[1] 57 pages
The covers are replete with notations, including

seals that can be clearly identified as those of Rabbi

Meir Reich and the Rebbe Rabbi Yaakov Leifer of
Nadborne-Debricin. The book apparently belonged
to R. Meir Reich of Reishe, and was inherited by his
son-in-law R. Aharon Moshe of Zhelin-Lantzut, and
from him to his son, the above-mentioned R. Yaakov.
On another page there is a long handwritten note by R.
Yaakov's son: "This holy book I acquired via halifin
from my father and master the righteous and holy
R. Yitzchak Leifer shlita." On the title page of Meginei
Shlomo appear additional ownership notations.
At the end of the book are additional interesting
notations that have not yet been deciphered.
Condition: Very good
Opening Price: $80

330. 3 Books with Rebbes' Signatures

A. Mishnayot Z'raim and Moed (two volumes).
Lemberg, 1869. Rare edition. Beautiful title page.
Both volumes have seals of "Asher Rosenbaum of
Nadborne" the Admor of Cleveland-Strozhnitz,
third-generation to the Admorim of Nadborn.
Condition: Good
B. Mishnayot Seder Taharot. Lemberg, 1869. Rare
edition. Beautiful title page.
Seals of Rabbi Yitzchak Meshulam Zalman Reinmann
from Naral. The Naral Hassidut is a Hassidut in Galicia,
founded in 1831 by Rabbi Avraham Reinmann, leader
of the Ziditchov Hassidim. Rabbi Yitzchak Meshulam
Zalman was the third generation of Naral Admorim
( Rebbes). Other ownership notations include that of

Pinchas son of R. Zev.

Condition: Good. Moth holes. Rehabilitated pages.
A. Zikaron Tov. Pietrekov, 1892. Stories by Rabbi
Yitzchak from Neschiz.
With a signature by Rabbi Yochanan Twersky, the
Rebbe of Talna, from when he lived in Rechavia,
Jerusalem. The Admor Twersky was the 4th Rebbe
in the Talna Hassidut. He founded it in the Land of
Israel when he moved here in 1943. After living in
Rechavia for a while, he led his Hassidim from the
Bayit Vegan neighborhood. He died in 1999.
Condition: Good

Religious Books |

328. Tractate Sanhedrin, Vilna, 1796. With signature

of Rabbi Yerachmiel Yisrael Danziger, son of the
Rebbe of Aleksander

Opening Price: $50

331. Shomer Emunim, Rabbi Aharon Rata,

Jerusalem, 1942, first edition, "proofread" and
comments handwritten by the author
The book is divided into two parts. The first part
intended to "strengthen harts in belief of G-d,
redemption and assurance, happiness, guidance
and accepting the reign of G-d, to strengthen weak
hands". The second part delas with the redemption,
and reward. Each part is divided into chapters
("Guidance", "Strive for Belief") every chapter
divided into subchapters. In his preface he hints to
the current events (The Holocaust, and to Zionism).
At the end of the book a part named "Love of the
creator" songs of longing in Yiddish.
Rabbi Aharon Rata was born in Hungary, studied
in Munkatsh, and founded a group named "Yir'ei
Hashem" (later changed the name to "Shomrei

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Religious Books |

324. Notebooks by Rav Noach Gad Weintraub with

his signature, bound together by the author himself

325. Noam Elimelekh New York, 1942 Notes and

Glosses Handwritten by the Rebbe of Ziditchov

Tractate Ketubot. This copy of the work is missing

that section.

A collection of notebook/pamphlets by Rav Noach

Gad Weintraub. Published between 1942 and 1951,
the author collected and bound them in chronological
order. This volume was in his personal library. The
title page of the first notebook has the author's
signature. There are also two notebooks, separate
from the others and published in 1942-3.

On the title page are seals of the Rebbe of SpinkaJerusalem, Rabbi Yosef Meir Kahane, one of the
leading Rebbeim of Jerusalem. The title page and
inside the book are totally full of glosses, notes, and
interpretations of abbreviations by his scholarly son
Rabbi Alter Eliezer Kahane - the Rebbe of Zidichov
and a member of the prestigious Otzar HaPoskim
editorial board. On the back of the title page is also a
family lineage listing that he wrote.

The book has an introduction and a nice poem in

honor of the author, R. Yaakov of Lisa, by the printers.

The great scholar Rabbi Noach Gad Weintraub

(1888-1954) was the son of Rabbi Yaakov David
of Radomsk, author of Biy'shishim Chokhmah. He
was a follower of the Strikov Hassidut and a wellrecognized personality who was connected with
many Rebbeim (Rebbes) and Hassidic groups, as well
as with rabbinical greats such as Rabbi Yosef Chaim
Sonnenfeld. He published much of what he heard
from the Rabbis in dozens of books and notebooks.
He was active in Batei Varsha in Jerusalem, and, inter
alia, worked to market the idea of acquiring property
in the Land of Israel for the purpose of founding a
religious moshavah, via the Zikhron David Company
that established the community of Migdal Eder (on
which Kfar Etzion currently stands).
22 notebooks bound together, each one of 16 pages.
Condition: Good. The cover and some of the pages
have water damage.
Opening Price: $40

14, 231 pages

Condition: Excellent
Opening Price: $120

326. Beit Yaakov on Shulchan Arukh (Even HaEzer),

by Rabbi Yaakov of Lisa. First edition, 1823 an
important copy
Rabbi Yaakov Lorberbaum (1770-1832) was one
of the greatest of the Acharonim (later Sages), and
authored the classic works Havat Daat and Netivot
This book contains ownership notes handwritten by
R. Avraham Tzvi of Lask (1831-1902). His son, Reb
Pinchas Zelig Glicksman, wrote a biography about
his father entitled Tiferet Adam. Rabbi Avraham Tzvi
was connected with the Hassidut of Gerrer and of
Alexander, yet still was inclined towards Zionism,
and even met and corresponded with Herzl in an
attempt to sway Zionism towards a religious bent.
The book was printed with a second part: novellae on


3 |

Condition: Good. Margins are slightly worn, and a

water stain at the top of every page. The spine of
the binding is partially detached. The cover is not
original. Individual moth holes.
Opening Price: $100

327. Sefer HaHasidut, Yitzchak Werfel-Rafael

1947. With a dedication by the author
The book contains photos of Torah Study Halls and
Rebbes, facsimile pictures of manuscripts, musical
notes of famous niggunim, bibliographical notes,
and an index of names.
At the beginning of the book: A dedication by the
author to his friends.
Yitzchak Rafael (Werfel) (1914-1999) was among
the leaders of HaPoel HaMizrachi and the National
Religious Party. He was a Member of Knesset and the
Minister of Religions. He had a doctorate in Judaic
Studies and engaged in Torah research, winning the
Bialik Prize and the Rav Kook Prize.
Condition: Very good. Slightly loose cover. Tears in
the spine of the binding and light stains.
Opening Price: $30

Condition: Very good. Title page is missing, as are

pages at the beginning and end. New cover.
Opening Price: $50

321. Tiv Gittin, by R' Tzvi Hirsch Heller. Zolkava,

1844. First edition. The copy of Rabbi M. D.
Veintrenitz, Av Beit Din in Satmar
On the title page and at the end of the book are
handwritten notations showing that the book belongs
to "the great Gaon Rabbi Moshe David Veintrenitz,
head of the Satmar Beit Din." He was the son-in-law
of Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Mandelboim, the first Rabbi
of the city of Satmar. One of the leading rabbis in
Hungary, he was murdered in the Holocaust at age
Additional ownership notations.
78 pages.
Condition: Good. A few moisture stains. The cover is
in very bad condition, and the first pages are falling
apart. The title page is refurbished. A few spots of
moth damage.
Opening Price: $40

322. Chidushei HaRashba to Tractate Eruvin Warsaw 1895 a copy from which Sochatchov
Hassidim studied on their way to the Rebbe
Commentaries by the famed Rashba on Tractate
Eruvin, published from a manuscript that arrived

from Jerusalem. The Rashba's authorship of this

work was confirmed by Rabbi Avraham Bornstein,
the Rebbe of Sochatchov (18391910), as appears
in his long approbation. The approbation of Rabbi
Yitzchak Feigenbaum is also printed here.
Notations in pencil on the title page (both sides)
and on the approbations page show that the book
belonged to followers (Hassidim) of the Rebbe: "This
book belongs to the Hassidim traveling to our holy
teacher, the light of Israel, the divine Gaon from
Sochatchov," " traveling to Sochatchov, in Lodzh,
on Kamenia St. 16," "This book belongs to the house
of the Hassidim who are gathered the Rebbe," and
other similar notations. In addition, there is a seal
that says, "Hassidim of Sochatchov in Wilke, here in
84 pages
Condition: Good. Damage from moth holes on the
covers and the first pages. Loose binding spine.
Stains on the front cover. Edges of the pages are
slightly eaten away. The cover is not the original.
Opening Price: $50

323. Urah Shachar Premishlan 1882 Singular

edition with author's seal, and a signature of Rabbi
Menashe Eichenstein, the author of Alfei Menashe,
son-in-law of the Ateret Yehoshua from Zhikov
The book has several parts including commentary
on Aggadic material for Parashat B'reshit, a family
lineage of famous rabbis, and a lexicon of Biblical

This is a lone edition a photocopy edition printed

in 1969.
Rabbi Natan Neta Segal Landau (1841-1906) is known
also by the name of Rebbe Neta'leh Ushpitziner (for
the city Ushpitzin-Auschwitz). He was born in the
city of Rigel to his father Moshe David, a descendant
of the Maharal of Prague. He studied under Rabbi
Shmuel Aharon Rabin, and afterwards was a top
student of the great Divrei Chaim of Sanz, and was
one of the few who received ordination to issue
Halakhic rulings; he was appointed by him as a
rabbinical judge in the city of Bardiyuv while he was
still in his 20's. He authored many books, including
Responsa Knaf Renana and Urah Shachar, but many
of them were lost during the Holocaust.

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the following were printed: A homiletic exposition

on Parashot Dvarim and VaEtchanan, other similar
essays, Hiluka D'Rabanan, collected novellae.

The book has a seal of the rabbi-author when he

headed the Rabbinical Court in Auschwitz, and an
ownership seal of R. Menashe Eichenstein, author of
Alfei Menashe and Torat Asham - a renowned Torah
genius, who headed the Rabbinical Court in Reishe
and was the son-in-law of the Rebbe, author of the
Ateret Yehoshua of Zhikov.
At the end of the book are two letters in his
handwriting that were sent from Zhikov in 1890 to
"my rabbi and grandfather R. Moshe Federbush."
There are several hand-written copies of each letter.
60 pages
Condition: Moderate. The covers are almost detached,
and half the binding-spine is missing. The margins
of the first page are worn out.
Opening Price: $80

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on the Shulchan Arukh. When the Yeshiva head died,

Rabbi Uri left to learn under Rabbeinu Avraham
Avli Gumbiner, the Magen Avraham, in Kalisch. He
married the daughter of Rabbi Aharon Tzvi Hirsch
Katz from Zaumschetz (who is signed on one of the
certificates of the Council of Four Lands from the
year 1689).
After his marriage, his father appointed him as Rosh
Yeshiva for "regular" (non-Kabbalah) Torah studies,
while his father taught the Kabbalah studies. After his
father died, he took his place, and was also accepted
by his generation as a great and pious Tzaddik and
wonder-worker a "Baal Shem.
Rabbi Uri lived in Zaumschetz, and very likely filled
his father's place as the leader of the hidden pious
ones. From him, the job was passed down to his son,
Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem the second. He died before the
year 1725.
Barely a remnant of his Torah teachings has survived.
One pearl of his teachings was printed in the work
Mif'alot Elokim, together with Torah teachings of his
The book was published with the consent of his son,
Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem the second, who had a unique
path in service of G-d and ethics, and left many
students but he chose a different path than his
grandfather Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem the first, in that he
very much kept himself hidden and stayed far from
official positions.
The book also has additional signatures.
434 pages.


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Condition: Very good. Tiny spots of moth damage

on the first page. Non-original cover. Some damaged
spots on the title page, most of which was refurbished.
Opening Price: $800

319. Siach Sarfei Kodesh, Lodzh, 1928-1931.

First Edition, Glosses of Rabbi Tzvi Moskowitz of
Four volumes of Siach Sarfei Kodesh, a basic work
of the talks and practices of the great Peshischa and
Kotzk Rebbes of Poland. By Rabbi Yoetz Kim Kadish
Rakatz of Pristik.
The first part belonged to Rabbi Tzvi Moskowitz of
Margaretin, who wrote some glosses in the margins.
Rabbi Moskowitz was a prolific writer, publishing
many books on Aggadah, including Shaarei Limud,
Brachah Meshuleshet, and Sichat Chulin shel Talmidei
Chachamim. He was also the editor of several Torah
133; 143; 144; 121 pages
Condition: Excellent. The first part is still with its
original cover.
Opening Price: $50

320. Maharam Schiff, Chidushei Halakhot ca.1810.

Belonged to the Rebbe Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira
from Drohivitch
Maharam Schiff on the Babylonian Talmud, Parts I
and II, ca. 1810
In several places in the book are found seals of the
Rebbe (Rebbe) "Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira,

Drachavitch (Galicia)."
The Rebbe from Drohovitch (1864-1924) was born
in Sadigura and was named after his grandfather,
the Holy Gaon from Moglintze, and was descended
from the Maggid of Kuznitch and Rabbi Elimelech
of Lizhensk. His mother was the daughter of the
Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Yaakov from Sadigura, son of
Rabbi Yisrael of Rozhin. He was the first Rebbe of the
Rozhin line who worked on behalf of Aliyah to the
Land of Israel. He founded the Yishuv Eretz Yisrael
Company and made Aliyah to the Holy Land with his
family in 1922.
His admirers called him HaYehudi HaTov, the Good
Jew. Throughout his life he preached for unity within
Israel, and even wrote a book on this topic, entitled
The Peace and the Unity. After his death his son,
Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Shapira, became the Rebbe
in his place.
The great HaRav Kook praised him effusively,
writing: "Among the righteous men of that period,
he was practically the only one for whom his holy
senses longed like the sea for its waves to bring Jews
back to Torah With longing eyes, he was bound
with anticipation of salvation and the sprouting of
the light of redemption."
It is not clear how this book was published: It is either
a rare edition that does not appear in catalogues, or a
book rebound from several previous known editions.
Its pages are blue.
The Tractates in the volume are: Beitzah, Ktuvot,
Gittin, Bava Metzia, Hullin, Shabbat, Bava Kama,
Bava Batra, Sanhedrin and Zevachim. Afterwards

318. Michlal Yofi, Amsterdam, 1684. With the

signature of the holy Rabbi Uri Baal-Shem, one of
the leading members of the Group of the Hidden
Tzaddikim (Pious Ones). Most rare!
The title Michlal Yofi is a name of Jerusalem meaning
"the perfection of beauty." The book explains
difficult words and passages in the Bible, written by
Rabbi Shlomo Ibn-Melekh. Includes Leket Shikh'cha
by Rabbi Yaakov Ibn-Dana.
Two parts, in Hebrew and Latin, with an introduction
in Latin by Rabbi Yaakov Ibn-Dana in honor of the
Roman government, approbations by Christian
scholars, and poems. At the beginning of the book
appears an open letter in Latin by Rabbi Yaakov IbnDana to the Christian scholars of the Belgian districts.
Atop the title page appears an ancient signature: "To
G-d is the world and all that is in it Uri son of Rabbi
Yoel" This is the handwriting of the great, pious,
and holy tzaddik Rabbi Uri "Baal Shem" Heilperin,
son of the holy and concealed Kabbalist Rabbi Yoel
Baal-Shem from Zaumshetz. He was the father of the
Kabbalist Rabbi Yoel Baal-Shem the second.

1. The rarity of the name Uri ben R' Yoel.

2. It is clear from the signature and from the honorific
titles in it that both the signatory and his father were
3. The Kedem Catalogue of August 2013 states:
"The title page of the work Brit Menucha has two
lines with dense handwriting that say: 'This book
of the renowned and great Gaon, his honor and our
teacher and rabbi [Yoel] Av Beit Din of the Lvov area.'
Another notation in more expansive handwriting in
the center of the title page says: 'Uri Feivel Baal Shem
n"y [may his light shine] Heilb[rin].'"
Lvov was the location of Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem's
rabbinate. Uri Baal Shem is the name of his son, and
Heilbrin [ = Heilprin] is their family name.
In the above catalogue, the editors noted that it is
likely that the notation "Uri Feivel" relates to the son
of Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem from Zamuschetz.
And behold, Rabbi Yoel's notation in Brit Menucha is
identical to the handwriting of the signature in the
book before us! This shows that actually, Rabbi Yoel's
notation in Brit Menucha is that which is written in
the handwriting of his son, Rabbi Uri.

This item is especially rare and important: We

barely have any remnants of the holy Kabbalists, the
Baalei Shem, who lived and were active in the years
before the sprouting of Hassidism and from whom
Hassidism sprouted.

It is therefore logical that Rabbi Uri himself wrote

the sentence: "This book of the renowned and great
Gaon" and that later, when he inherited the book
after his father died, another person wrote the words
"Uri Feivel Baal Shem."

The following show with near certainty that the

signature in this work is actually from Rabbi Uri

In any event, we see from the book Brit Menucha

that Rabbi Uri, too, was popularly called "Baal Shem,"

as were his father, Rabbi Yoel the first, and his son,
Rabbi Yoel the second.
Before us is a most rare item, one of its kind, that
has never been seen in public auctions: A signature
in the holy handwriting of Rabbi Ur Baal Shem from
In the 1600's, several holy Kabbalists became known
as "Baalei Shem." The first one was Rabbi Eliyahu
Baal Shem, and afterwards he was succeeded by the
Kabbalist and wonder-worker Rabbi Yoel Heilperin
from Zaumschetz, known as Rabbi Yoel Baal
Shem, the teacher of Rabbi Adam Baal Shem, who according to Hassidic tradition was the one who
taught Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov (the famous
Besht) the secrets of the Torah and the methodology
that he received from hidden Tzaddikim to bring the
"simple people" close to Torah and observance via
Torah stories and to thus arouse their hearts and light
the spark in their soul!

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Rabbi Yoel Baal Shem, together with his greatness

in Kabbalah, was also a giant in the revealed facets
of Torah and Halakha. He served in the Rabbinate of
large and important communities, and was one of
the heads of the Council of the Four Lands. Towards
the end of his life he was crowned as Rabbi of the
large city of Lvov. He passed away in 1714, and he is
buried in Austraah, Ukraine.
His son, Rabbi Uri, displayed his father's traits even as
a boy. He learned from and served the great scholars
of the generation. At first he left his home in order
to learn Torah in Ostraah, in the Yeshiva of the Taz,
Rabbeinu David HaLevy, author of the Turei Zahav

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This copy is rare because in most copies of this
edition, pages 111-117 do not appear. These pages
contain supplemental material for another work of
the author (Sh'yarei Erekh HaShulchan, Orach Chaim).
The title page has several signatures of "Goel Acharon,
a"h (= may he rest in peace), Avraham Entebbe s"t (=
Pure Sephardi)."
The famous Entebbe family, which left Spain during
the expulsion of Spanish Jewry, established itself
along the Syrian-Turkish border. Rabbi Avraham
(the first) served as the chief rabbi of the Haleb
congregation. The family sprouted generation after
generation of rabbis, including Rabbi Abraham,
who is the likely signatory here and was among
the leading Kabbalist rabbis in Yeshivat Rehovot
HaNahar in Jerusalem. His family members would
sign "Goel Acharon the last Redeemer" after the
miracle that occurred to the family during the
infamous Damascus blood libel.
Additional ownership signatures of Alter son of R.
Yaakov, ritual slaughterer, and A. Resnik, Jerusalem,
119 pages.
Condition: Very good. Not the original cover.
Opening Price: $40

315. Marpeh Lanefesh Kuntres D'Aguna, Rabbi

Rafael Maman. Jerusalem, 1894. Only edition.
Dedication from the author's grandson to Rabbi
Chaim Moshe Elyashar
This is the first part of a learned work dealing with
matters of aginut (the situation of women who are
having difficulties receiving a divorce). Other parts
were not published. At the end of the book is a
homiletic sermon delivered by the author's grandson.
Approbation by Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar (the
Yisa Brachah), who also helped in publishing the
book, and an introduction by the author's grandson.
Rabbi Rafael Maman immigrated to the Land from
Morocco as a youth. He was a Rabbi in Tiberias and
47 pages.
Condition: Moderate. The covers are detached from
the spine.
Opening Price: $100

316. Minchat Cohen, Rabbi Yosef Chaim HaCohen.

Jerusalem, 1911. First edition. Author's hand-written
inscription to R. Chaim Elyashar
This is the second part of a book comprising chapters
called maarchot and paragraphs called klalim,
dealing with various Halakhic topics in alphabetical
order. The book has an adorned title page, a page of
dedications for contributors to the publication, and
approbations from great contemporary Jerusalem
rabbis (Rabbis Yaakov Shaul Elyashar, Eliyahu David
Rabinovitch-Teomim, Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini,

and others), and an introduction by the author.

On the back of the cover a page is glued a dedication
by the author, in his handwriting, to Rabbi Chaim
Elyashar, the son of the Rishon LeTzion, Rabbi
Yaakov Shaul Elyashar (1845-1924).
Rabbi Yosef Chaim HaCohen (1851-1921) was born in
Mogador in Morocco, and moved to Jerusalem at age
13. In addition to being a shadar (fundraiser) in the
Orient for Holy Land institutions, he headed Yeshivat
Tuvai Yisba'u and was chosen in 1900 to head the
Mughrabi Committee. After the passing of the Rishon
LeTzion Rabbi Nachman Batito, he became the Rabbi
of the Congregation of Moroccan Jews.
134 pages.
Condition: Good, front cover is partially detached.
Opening Price: $120

317. Kaf HaYarech, Explaining the Nikur Method as

Practiced in the Island of Jerba. 1948. With author's
A pamphlet written by Rabbi Moshe Farajun in which
he summarizes the nikur method according to Jerba
custom. (Nikur, or de-veining, is the removal of
certain forbidden veins and fats from cattle.)
The book contains approbations from the Chief
Rabbis of Jerba, and from the Rishon LeTzion Rabbi
Yitzchak Nissim.
47 pages.
Condition: Very good. Slightly torn on the side of the
Opening Price: $40


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The volume has the seal of Rabbi Shlomo Fischer

(1851-1932), who learned in the Yeshiva of the Ktav
Sofer. He served as Rabbi of Munich, and of Karlsberg
from 1892 until his death.
154 pages.
Condition: Moderate. The cover is falling apart, and
the spine is missing.
Opening Price: $40

Sephardic Rabbis
312. Oneg LaShabbat Jerusalem 1913. With the
author's dedication
The author, Rabbi Matitya Gerji (1842-1917), was a
Halakhic decisor, Bible and Mishna commentator, and
head of the Harat Jewish community in Afghanistan.
He made Aliyah by foot to the Holy Land with his
family in 1906, and settled in Jerusalem.
The book includes three parts: Short commentary
and homiletics on 1) the Torah, 2) Psalms, and on 3)
Talmud and Kabbalah all by several Torah giants,
especially the Chida and Rav Emanuel Chai Riki. It
includes: "Toldot [the History of] the holy Rav the
Chida, may his memory be for a blessing."
The book received approbations from all the Sephardi
Torah giants of Jerusalem.
On the back of the title page is a dedication in the
author's handwriting: "This book is given by the

wealthy man to the Shaar Shalom synagogue of

the Yemenites that they should study it every
Sabbath and say a Mi Sheberach prayer for the
above-mentioned donor."
Some 500 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $40

313. Naavah Kodesh, Levorno, 1872. First edition.

With a dedication by the author Rabbi Chaim
HaCohen to Rabbi Moshe Maimon
Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim) with translations in
Aramaic and Judeo-Arabic, and two commentaries:
Nekudot HaKesef by Rabbi Chaim HaCohen, and
Torei Zahav, by his grandfather, Rabbi Tzemach
Approbations by Rabbi Yaakov Skali of Safed, and by
Rabbi Avraham HaCohen of Jerba.
A particularly interesting introduction by the author.
The book also has a chapter entitled Divrei Shir,
detailing the laws and importance of reading Shir
Rabbi Tzemach HaCohen lived in the town of Hadigat
on the Tunisian island of Jerba. He authored several
books and dedicated his life to the study of Torah.
His grandson Rabbi Chaim HaCohen (d. 1905) was
born in Jerba and learned Torah from the scholars
there, becoming an expert in both Kabbalah and
revealed Torah. He studied Torah in Tripoli under
Rabbi Shaul HaCohen and Rabbi Avraham HaCohen,

and became a dayan in the court of Rabbi Avraham

Chaim Adazi. He published 19 books, including
Mitzvot LaMelekh and Lev Shome'a.
At the beginning of this book is a dedication
handwritten by the author Rabbi Chaim HaCohen
to his friend Rabbi Moshe (Bishi) Maimon (d. 1928),
author of Divrei Moshe, Yashir Moshe and HaMiluim
L'Moshe, and rabbi of Gabs in Tunisia. Known as
a great tzaddik (pious man). It is told that when his
body was brought to Israel for reburial, it was seen to
be whole and complete.
On the title page and on page 2 are signatures that
have not yet been researched.

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on the Shulchan Arukh Orach Chaim by my holy

grandfather the Chatam Sofer, which until now we
were not privileged to see."

104 pages.
Condition: Good. Tears on three pages.
Opening Price: $100

314. Hukkat HaPesach on the Shulchan Arukh, by

Rabbi Yitzchak Taib. First edition, Levorno, 1853.
With the signature of Rabbi Avraham Entebbe
The book quotes sections of the Shulchan Arukh with
the commentary of Rabbi Yitzchak Taib.
Rabbi Yitzchak Bar Binyamin Taib (d. 1830) lived in
Tunisia some two centuries ago. He studied Torah
with Rabbi Yosef Zarka, and was a tremendous
Torah scholar. Many stories are told about his muchadmired personality and the wondrous deeds he
brought about. He served as a rabbinical judge in
Tunis and was the leading rabbi in Tunisia until his
passing. He authored the books Erekh HaShulchan,
Vavei HaAmudim, Chukat HaPesach, and Vayizra

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On the title page is the insignia of Rabbi Meir

(Maharam) Shapira (1887-1933), the famous founder
of the Daf Yomi a leading rabbi in Poland and in the
Agudath Yisrael movement, and founder of Yeshivat
Chakhmei Lublin. When he founded this glorious
Yeshiva, which was something of a trend-setter, he
also planned to found the largest Torah library in the
world. He sent letters to Jews all over the world asking
for donations of Torah works, and even traveled to
various countries to collect books. The Nazis publicly
burnt most of the books, and only a small portion of
the giant library survived.
This volume is one of the books that survived
donated by Rabbi Shapira himself to the library that
he established.

Condition: Very good. The 4th volume is missing the

title page. A few pages at the ends of some of the
volumes are stuck together.
Opening Price: $80

310. Mishnayot Seder Taharot, with commentary

by R. Yitzchak Isaac Safrin of Kumarna Lemberg
1862 with seals by great Torah luminaries including
R. Feivel Shlesinger, student of the Ktav Sofer

Translated into German by Mendel Shtern.

Mishnayot from Order "Taharot" with the

commentaries of Bartenoro, Tosfot Yom Tov, Maaseh
Oreg, Atzei Eden, and Tosefta with the Pnei Zaken
commentary. The holy scholar Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac
Safrin (1806 1874), Rebbe of Kumarna, added his
own commentaries Maaseh Oreg and Pnei Zaken
to the book. Rabbi Safrin was the second Rebbe
in the Kumarna dynasty; his father R. Alexander
Sender, founder of the Hassidic group, was Rabbi
in Ziditshov and Kumarna, and authored Torat
Cohanim, Netiv Mitzvotecha, and more. He was an
expert in both revealed and Kabbalistic aspects of
Torah, and became famous as a wonder-worker.

The books have the signature of the Rabbanit Beila

Kressil Pressberger, daughter of Rabbi Aharon
Zinger, the Av Beit Din of Matersdorf, and wife of
Rabbi Yosef Pressberger, Av Beit Din of Matersdorf
and author of Tiferet Yosef.

On the title page there are a number of hand-written

notations by students of the Satmar Yeshiva "Yitav
Lev" and some seals: Rabbi "Feivel Shlesinger, rabbi
in Ner Topoltshen", and a seal of his son who inherited
the seat of the Rabbinate, "Nachum Shlesinger, rabbi

Condition: Very good. The title page is slightly torn.

Opening Price: $120

309. A set of machzorim, holiday prayerbooks. Pesht,

1877. With insignias of Rabbi Yisrael Twissig, and
the signature of his mother-in-law the Rabbanit Beila
Kressil Pressberger
The set includes seven machzorim: Yom Kippur (2
volumes), Sukkot (2 volumes), Pesach (2 volumes),
and Shavuot (one volume).


Seals of her son-in-law Rabbi Yisrael Twissig are

also found in the Machzorim. He was known as the
Beit Yisrael of Matersdorf, and served for many years
as Rabbi of Batei Ungarin in Meah She'arim and as a
Halakhic authority in the Eda HaHaredit.

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of the holy community of Ner Topoltshen."

Rabbi Kalev Feivel Shlesinger (1828-1911) was
born in Slovakia (then in Hungary), and was one of
the leading students of the Ktav Sofer. He showed
interest in secular studies (languages and history). In
1860, he was appointed Chief Rabbi of Topolechni
and established a very successful Yeshiva there.
Because of his secular-studies background, he was
elected to represent the hareidi Jewish community in
the Hungarian parliament. His great merit was that
when many Jewish communities were split along
Orthodox and Reform/Neolog lines, his community
remained united behind him. He authored Bar Nash
and responsa in his father-in-law's book Avnei
Additional seals appear of Rabbi Yaakov Sheinfeld
and Rabbi Yosef Shteiner, and another notation:
"Was given to me by inheritance from R' Kalev ben
Shonfeld, of blessed memory." "Yaakov Leib Berger."
"Fishel Sofer."
296 pages.
Condition: Good. The covers of the book are worn,
and the back cover is detached. Stains on the first
Opening Price: $200

311. Hatam Sofer. Munkatsch, 1878. First edition.

Seal of Rabbi Shlomo Fischer, Av Beit Din of
Authored by Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld
In this volume were printed for the first time "glosses


The book has his seals, and this handwritten notation:

"A book of , famed [in] the world and distant islands,
the great winged eagle, as knowledgeable as Sinai
and able to uproot mountains and grind them
together with logical reasoning, the lion of the group,
Rashkeb'hag [rabbi of the entire Exile], performs
many charitable acts for his people, His Glorious
Torah, Rabbi Moshe Nachum Yerushamski, Av Beit
Din of Kieltzi and author of responsa Be'er Moshe,
Birkat Moshe, and Leshed HaShemen on the Rambam.
Written by Binyamin Yerushalmski, Kieltzie, Monday
the 9th of Shevat, 1912."

Condition: Good

Condition: Good. The front and back cover, and the

first and last pages, are slightly separated from the

Ownership notation of Rabbi Yehoshua Kaniel (18961970), Rabbi of Haifa, and among the top students of
HaRav Kook .There is also a seal of Rabbi Shmuel
Barukh Shulman (1905-1972). He was the Rabbi of
the Sanhedria neighborhood of Jerusalem, and wrote
much about the Rabbis of Jerusalem, especially
HaRav Kook.

B. The Commentaries of Ibra, with the seal of the

author, Rabbi Yosef Eilyahu Henkin.
Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (1881-1973) was one
of the greatest 20th-century Halakhic authorities
in the United States. The head of the Ezras Torah
organization of the Agudath HaRabbonim, Rav
Henkin was a top student of Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer.
He was especially expert in the field of marriage and
divorce, in which he was considered the "final word."
At the beginning and end of the book are the
personal seals of the author. On the title page there
is another seal, dedicating the book to his son: "In
memory of the soul of my beloved son Chaim Shimi
a"h, a student in the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Yeshiva
(Yeshiva University), who was plucked in the prime
of his youth at age 17 and a half, on the 23rd day of

Cover falling apart, cracked and damaged.

C. Sefer Avodah Tamah v'hu Seder Maamadot.
Printer: Yisrael Dov Frumkin, Jerusalem, 1902. Only
edition. Insignia of Rabbi Yehoshua Kaniel.
The Maamadot prayers for the days of the week,
including passages from the Torah, Mishna and
Gemara; whoever recites them is "guaranteed a
share in the World to Come." Including Mishnayot
customarily studied on the day of passing.

Eisenshtat (1813-1868), was one of the greatest

Halakhic decisors in Russia, known for his work
Pitchei Teshuvah, in which he collected Halakhic
rulings from the responsa literature and arranged
them according to the order of the Shulchan Arukh.
A. Gvurot Ari, a commentary on Tractate Taanit by
the author of the Shaagat Aryeh. Vilna, 1862. First
edition. Rabbi Aryeh Leib Ginsberg (1695-1785),
author of the famous Shaagat Aryeh, was the Av Beit
Din of Mitz, famous for his sharp intellect.
B. Nachalat David, by Rabbi David Tabil of Minsk.
Vilna, 1864. First edition. Responsa and novellae
on Tractates Bava Kama and Bava Metzia. With the
Yad Shaul pamphlet by Rabbi Shaul Chaim HaLevi
Horowitz, son-in-law of the Nachalat David.

48 pages

Rabbi David Tabil was among the top students of

Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and served as the Rabbi
of Minsk. His most famous work was the Nachalat
David, still considered today in the world of Yeshivot
as the foundation stone for learning Tractates Bava
Kama and Bava Metzia.

Condition: Good. The covers are very loosely

connected to the spine, tears at the edges of the
covers, moth damage on the first pages.

Condition: Very good. New cover. Tears on the first

page (on which are found the ownership notations)
and on the next few pages.

Opening Price: $30

Opening Price: $150

307. Gvurot Ari, Vilna 1862, with Nachalat David,

Vilna 1864. Seals of Rabbi Naftali Eisenshtat

308. Haktav V'hakabalah, Frankfurt-de-Maine,

1780. With an insignia of Rabbi Meir Shapira of

A volume of two books with ownership seals of the

Tzaddik Rabbi Naftali Eisenshtat, and a handwritten
notation testifying to the ownership.






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Moshe, Birkat Moshe, and more.

Part II of a commentary on the Torah authored by

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Meklenberg.

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leader Maharsham, and studied in his house and

under his tutelage. He was the head of the Rabbinical
Court there in Berzen. After the Maharsham died,
he returned to Hungary and headed the Rabbinical
Court in Drogmirsht, where he founded his Yeshiva,
Daat Torah. As a Hassid, he traveled to Rabbi Chaim
of Otinia. In 1904 he was forced into a ghetto, from
where he was sent to Auschwitz. On the train to the
death camp he taught those with him the concept of
self-sacrifice with love and acceptance of the yoke
of Heaven. He was murdered on the 26th of Iyar,
Condition: Good. The cover has some moth damage
and is detached.
Opening Price: $150

Books with Seals

303. Nefesh HaChaim, Vilna 1837. With the seal of
Rabbi Moshe Nachum Valenstein. First edition as a
complete book
This is the second edition of Nefesh HaChaim, the
famous work of the renowned Rabbi Chaim of
Volozhin, and the first edition printed as a book.
Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin (1749-1821) was one of the
leading students of of Vilna, and the founder of the
Volozhin Yeshiva.
The book has the insignia of Rabbi Moshe Nachum
Valenstein (1841-1922), one of the leaders of the
Old Yishuv. He founded the Badatz Court of the Eda
HaHaredit in Jerusalem and was its Av Beit Din.
The book also has ownership notations of other


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family members from previous generations: "Shimon

Valenstein," "Yakev Vallenstein," "Volfe," "Moshe
Nachym" (perhaps the above-mentioned Gaon).

305. Maaseh Ish, Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar, the

Yisa Brachah. Jerusalem, 1892. First and only edition.
With insignia of Rabbi Eliyahu Kletzkin of Lublin

126 pages

Responsa by the Rishon LeTzion, Rabbi Yaakov

Shaul Elyashar, the Yisa Brachah, (1817-1906), the
Sephardic Rabbi of Jerusalem.This volume includes
the book Derekh Ish of homiletic essays. It is a
singular edition; in recent years, a photo-copied
edition was printed.

Condition: Very good. Isolated spots of moth damage.

The cover is slightly dissembled.
Opening Price: $40

304. Responsa Chakham Tzvi Sedilikov, 1825.

Insignia of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Dayan
On the title page is a faded seal of Rabbi Aryeh Leib
Hershler (1850-1917), known as R' Leib Dayan. He
was a well-known dayan (religious court judge) in
Jerusalem of the Old Yishuv some 100 years ago,
serving in this capacity in the court of Rabbi Shmuel
Salant for 25 years. He established the Beit Yisrael
neighborhood, and was known for his cleverness
and resourcefulness, thanks to which he often served
as an arbitrator in public and private disputes, both
in Jerusalem and elsewhere. R' Leib Dayan even
served as a judge in an Ottoman court, together
with other clergy, and in this capacity served as the
representative of the Yishuv vis--vis the Ottoman
authorities. He died in Jerusalem during the First
World War, a casualty of the period.
57 pages.
Condition: Moderate. Moth damage in some places.
Marred title page. New cover.
Opening Price: $50

The questions sent to the Rav, and the answers he

provided, shed light on various important issues and
topics of the day, both in Jerusalem and abroad.
The Title page has a seal of Rabbi Eliyahu Kletzkin
(1852-1932), the Rabbi of Lublin. At the end of his
life he was among the leading Rabbis of Jerusalem,
where he headed Yeshivat Ohel Moshe.
Condition: Very good. The title page is slightly
damaged. New cover.
Opening Price: $90

306. Three books from the libraries of Torah giants

A. Medrash Yaavetz. Leeds, England, 1917. A
copy from the library of Rabbi Moshe Nachum
A book of Halakhah based on Parashat B'reshit, by
Rabbi Yaakov Ben-Tzion Mendelson (d. 1941). He
was Rabbi of several communities in England.
The copy before us belonged to Rabbi Moshe
Nachum Yerushalmski (1855-1916), Av Beit Din of
Kiltz, a scholar and Halakhic decisor, among the
Torah giants of his generation, and author of Be'er

Condition: Excellent. New cover. The two last pages

(from the indices) are missing.
Opening Price: $180

301. Shaarei Dura Zaslev, Meidan 1807 First

edition with glosses by the Maharshal, with an
approbation by R' Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev.
A special copy from the library of the great scholar
Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Zilberberg
Shaarei Dura is a famous and fundamental Halakhic
work by Rabbeinu Yitzchak of Dura (Duren) in
Germany in the 13th century. It deals with the laws of
forbidden foods, as well as purity, and many Torah
giants wrote glosses on it. This edition of the work
includes, for the first time, the glosses of the famous
Maharshal inside the book; as the publisher proudly
writes on the title page, "until now the Maharshal's
glosses were in a volume by itself, so rare that not
even one could be found in a city." The book is
adorned with the approbation of the famed saintly R'
Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, and the title page states
that it was printed at his directive.
On the cover page is written: "I bought this from
the estate of our esteemed teacher, the joy of our
heart, the great Moharish, author of Shaarei Simcha
Motzaei Shabbat, Sh'vat 28 1878, Chaim Yaakov
The book had belonged to the great scholar Rabbi
Yaakov Simcha Rafish of Kempna (d. 1877), author
of Shaarei Simcha on Talmudic passages and
Shulchan Arukh Yoreah Deah, and a famous Torah

scholar in his generation. After he died, R. Chaim

Yaakov Naftali Zilberberg (1850-1930) purchased the
book. He was a leading Torah giant of his generation,
a Halakhic decisor in Warsaw, and author of many
books. He was a student of students of Rabbi Akiva
Eger, and a student of R. Yisrael Salanter and the
Beit HaLevy. On the other hand, he often traveled to
leading Hassidic Rebbes R. Avraham of Tchekhnov
and the Sfat Emet. He was a confidante of the Netziv
of Volozhin and the Chafetz Chaim. His father, the
great scholar R. Avraham Binyamin Zilberberg,
author of Zayit Raanan and Tiferet Yerushalayim,
was the student of the author of Shaarei Simcha and
published his works, and this is apparently how this
copy reached his son.

Condition: Fair. Blue paper, very small moth holes on

all the pages. Original cover with moth holes.
Opening Price: $60

302. Imrei Bina on Shulchan Arukh Yoreh De'ah,

by Rabbi Yisrael Matityahu Orbach. First edition,
Lemberg 1880. With seal, notes and glosses throughout
the book by the author and his son Rabbi David Tzvi
This important Halakhic work is an exposition on
the commentaries of the Taz and Shach on the laws
of Yoreh De'ah, written in the style of the Machatzit
HaShekel. The book received wide acclaim
immediately upon publication, and was even illegally
copied and published under the name "Mordechai
Natan HaCohen Schwartz" in Munkatch, a year after

its first publication.

Rabbi Yisrael Matityahu Orbach (1839-1901),
acclaimed in his time as great Torah scholar, served
in the rabbinate and on rabbinical courts in several
cities, including Tzieshenov, Busk, and ultimately
Gvedzitch. He wrote many books, including Alfei
Yisrael, Nezer Yisrael, Mikra Kodesh, and Shmirat
HaNefesh. His son, Rabbi David Tzvi, was named
after R. Matityahu's grandfather, the father-in-law
of R. Natan of Breslev. The Orbachs are a famous
rabbinical family whose members have been
interwoven into Ashkenazi Jewry history for 500
years; they are said to descend from the Rama, Rabbi
Moshe Isserles, co-author of the Shulchan Arukh.

Religious Books |

92; 80 pages

The book belonged to the author himself, who added

glosses after it was printed. His seal is on the title
page. Afterwards the book was passed on to his son R.
David Tzvi, and then to other family members. There
are signatures by R. Yisrael Matityahu inside the
cover from 1888, and his son's ownership notations
from when R. Yisrael Matityahu was in Busk.
There is also a signature of "Tzvi Hirsch Orbach" and
an owner's seal "Yosef Shapira Hermannshtadt" that
appears in several places in the book. It was purchased
from Yosef Shapira by Rabbi Moshe Yisrael Feldman;
on the title page is hand-written as follows: "This
Imrei Bina I purchased from Yosef Shapira in 5692
[1932] for 40 Lei Moshe Yisrael Feldman." There is
also another notation in his handwriting.
Rabbi Moshe Yisrael Feldman was the son of Rabbi
Ephraim Feldman of Bitshkov, the author of Olelot
Ephraim. He married the daughter of the generation-

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Rabbi Zevulun Leib Barit (his last name is an acronym

for 'son of R. Yom Tov Lipa') (1835-1903), one of the
top scholars of his generation, was the head of the
Rabbinical Court in Polongian in the Kovna District
and other communities. He was close to the Mussar
movement and the rabbis of Lithuania and was
also a supporter of Jewish settlement in the Land
of Israel. In 1870 he corresponded with Rav Tzvi
Hirsch Kalischer. He published articles in 'HaMelitz'
and in 'HaLevanon'. His famous approbation for
settlement in the Land was included in the 1892 work
Shivat Tzion, a compilation of tens of letters from
contemporary Torah giants in praise of dwelling in
the Land of Israel.

66 pages.

Rav Dov Moshe Namiat of Kovna authored the work

Divrei Moshe on the Babylonian Talmud (Vilna 1902)
which received approbations from great Torah

Blue paper.

Opening Price: $60

B. Chidushei Moharmaz. Warsaw, 1858. First edition.

A commentary on Rabbeinu Yehonatan of Loniel to
Tractate Eruvin and glosses on Shulchan Arukh Orach
Chaim. The author is Rabbi Moshe Zev Metiktin (died
At the end of the book is a seal by Rabbi Leinman.
Hadnwritten on the last page is, "This belongs to the
Great Light, our Teacher Yisrael David in the city"
27 pages.

Condition: Good. The cover is missing. Minor moth

damage, mainly at the end of the book.
Opening Price: $60

298. Hagahot Rabbi Akiva Eger, and Chidushei

Moharmaz (bound together). First editions. With
signature of Rabbi Yisrael David Leinman

299. Imrei Chemed, Vilna 1902 - with the signature of

R. Yisrael Abba Citrun, head of the Rabbinical Court
of Petach Tikva

A. Hagahot Rabbi Akiva Eger on Shulchan Arukh

Yoreh Deah. Berlin, 1862. First edition.

Author: Rabbi Meir Livan of Wilica, Vilna District

Includes a biography of Rabbi Akiva Eger.

The title page has two seals of Rabbi Yisrael David
Leinman, a member of the Rabbis Union in Poland.
He was the last rabbi of Sohedeniov. When World War
II broke out, not a few local Jews tried to run away to
the east. Among them was also Rabbi Leinman, who
was caught and murdered by the Germans.


Condition: Good. The title page and first pages are

torn on the margins.

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A book of homiletic dispositions (drashot) "that

I innovatively composed on my own and others
that I saw in other works of homiletics, new and
old." It includes two sections, one on the High Holy
Days and the other on Sabbath and holidays. At
the end of the book appear words in memory of
great contemporary Torah scholars who had died,
including Rabbi Yitzchak Elchonon Spektor, Rabbi
Yehoshua Leib Diskin, and Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever.

The book belonged to the saintly Rabbi Yisrael

Abba Citrun (Kitruni) (1881-1927), son-in-law of the
famous Rogatchover Gaon, R. Yosef Rozin. Rabbi
Citrun became Rabbi of the moshava Petach Tikva,
after turning down prestigious offers from abroad;
he chose to ascend to Zion and live in a pioneering
On the title page is a seal and signature in his handwriting, and on the first page he even wrote a short
comment in his hand-writing.
Condition: Very good. Renewed cover. Moth holes on
the last pages.
Opening Price: $60

300. Magen Giborim to the Tur/Shulchan Arukh on

Orach Chaim (two parts). Zalkova 1839. First edition.
signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Bachrach
Magen Giborim, comprised of two commentaries
on the Shulchan Arukh: A longer one called Shiltei
HaGiborim and a shorter one named Elef HaMagen.
They were written by two Rabbinical scholars and
brothers-in-law: R. Mordechai Zev Segal Itinga, and R.
Yosef Sha'ul Segal Natanson, head of the Rabbinical
court in Lvov.
This is an extraordinary book that was jointly written
by the two brothers-in-law, who agreed on every
point and even wrote in plural form.
A signature and seal by R. Yitzchak Isaac Bachrach
from Amdor [today Indor in Belarussia, near
Lithuania], grandson of R. Yitzchak Isaac Bachrach,
author of Nimukei HaGriv and the copier of his book.

A book of responsa by Rabbi Yosef MiTrani (15681639), one of the great Halakhic decisors, Chakham
Bashi of Turkey and a rabbi in Safed. Son of the
famed Mabit.
The book has a faded signature of Rabbi Shlomo
Berman, and a gloss in his handwriting on page 39.
Rabbi Shlomo Berman (1930-2004) was one of the
heads of Yeshivat Ponevezh, son-in-law of Rabbi
Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler.
Condition: Good. Title page is damaged. The last
pages are refurbished, with some damage to the text.
The pages are stained. The cover is not the original
Opening Price: $100

295. Michtav Me'Eliyahu, Laws of Gittin, Rabbi

Eliyahu Alfandari. Constandina (Constantinople),
1723. First edition. With signature of Rabbi Shmuel
Rabbi Eliyahu Alfandari (d. 1717) was a student
of Rabbi Moshe Benbenishti, member of the
Constantinople Beit Din and ruled in matters of
divorces and agunot (women facing difficulties
receiving a divorce). This book and another one,
Seder Eliyahu Rabba v'Zuta, deal with these laws.
A handwritten notation appears in the book: "This
book belongs to the respected great light holy
illumination our teacher and rabbi Shmuel Weiss,
Av Beit in of Vengov."

Rabbi Shmuel Weiss (1858-1919), Av Beit Din of

Vengrov, Poland, author of Minchat Shmuel and
Divrei Shmuel, wrote many compositions in all areas
of Torah.
On the title page appears another signature: "To G-d
is the entire world: Shlomo Zalman son of the great
Gaon Aryeh."
214 pages, and another included pamphlet of 15
Condition: Very good. A few stains on the upper
margins of the pages. Cover - not original, dissembled.
Opening Price: $150

296. Limudei Chemed, Budapest, 1894. With

signature of Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar, the Yisa
On the title page, written in Rabbi Yaakov Shaul
Elyashar's handwriting, is: "This book Yisa
Brachah I received it from the pleasant youth"
Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar (1817-1906) was one
of the leading rabbis of his generation. Known by his
acronym Yisa Brachah, he was the Rishon LeTzion
for the Holy Land from 1893 until his death.
Condition: Good. The cover is detached.
Opening Price: $150

297. Three books with the signature of Rabbi Zevulun

Barit and his son-in-law
Three books with the signatures of Rabbi Zevulun
Barit and his son-in-law Rabbi Dov Moshe Namiat

a. Ohel Yaakov, by Rabbi Yaakov Krantz, the Maggid

of Dubnow, Commentary to the Book of B'reshit.
First edition, Josefov (Poland), 1830
Rabbi Zevulun Barit's signature and ownership seal
appear in several places in the book.
115 pages, and another 12 pages of indices. Blue
Condition: Good. A small amount of stains throughout
the book. The cover is in poor condition, the title
page is missing, as are some pages of approbations
and four pages at the beginning and seven pages of
indices at the end.

Religious Books |

294. Responsa of Mahari MiTrani, Frth, 1768.

Signature of Rabbi Shlomo Berman

b. Medrash Mishlei Rabati, a commentary on the Book

of Proverbs. Rabbi Yitzchak ben Rav Shimshon. 1861
Ownership signature of Rabbi Zevulun Barit and his
son-in-law Rabbi Moshe Dov Namiat, and also of
another rabbi at the end of the book.
30 pages.
Condition: Good. A few tears in the margins of some
of the pages.
c. Maamr Haskel, a commentary on a liturgical poem
for Shavuot by the Raavan (author of Even HaEzer).
Licke, 1862
According to the notation on the back cover, it
belonged to Rabbi Zevulun Barit, and another
signature and ownership seal was added of his sonin-law Rabbi Moshe Dov Namiat.
77 pages
Condition: Good, the cover is dismantled.

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The book is divided into two parts: Orach Chaim (111

pages), and Yoreh Deah (144 pages). On the margins
of some of the pages are hand-written notes.
On the title page is a seal and signature of the great
scholar R. Yehoshua Lefkovitz, the last rabbi of
Komarno before the Holocaust, and a hand-written
ownership notation. Rabbi Lefkovitz studied in
his youth in the Yeshiva of R. Shmuel Rosenberg
in Unsdorf, and from there he proceeded to study
in the Yeshiva of Rabbi Akiva Sofer in Pressburg.
He received rabbinical ordination by his teacher
Rabbi Akiva Sofer and by the Rebbe of Munkatch.
He became the rabbi of Komarno and established a
Yeshiva there.
Condition: Moderate. The front and back covers are
detached, as is the title page. Many moth holes on the
first pages.
Opening Price: $30

292. Ahavat Yehonatan, by R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz.

Two parts. Hamburg 1765. First edition. Ownership
seal of the Ridbaz
Part I Commentary on the weekly Haftarot, by Rabbi
Yehonatan Eybeschutz
Part II Alon Bachut commentary by R. Yehonatan
Eybeschutz on the Seven Haftarot of Consolation and
the Haftarot of the Festivals.
The holy Gaon R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz (16901764) was born in Krakow. A giant in both Halakhah
and Kabbalah, and one of the greatest rabbis of
the Acharonim period. His father was Rabbi of


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Eybeschutz and was a descendant of the Arizal. R.

Yehonatan was a Rosh Yeshiva and Dayan in Prague,
and was Rabbi of the "Three Communities:" Altona,
Hamburg and Wandsbek. He published in his lifetime
his word Kreti U'Pleti on the Shulchan Arukh. This
bookAhavat Yehonatan is the first printing of the
work, published a year after his death.
On the inside cover is hand-written: "This book
Ahavat Yehonatan belongs to the true Gaon sua"h p"h
(as erudite as Sinai [where the Torah was given] and
the strong hammer [in Torah study] etc., our teacher
and Rabbi Yaakov David, shlita, Halakhic decisor in
the city of Obroisk."
This is a reference to the Ridbaz, Rabbi Yaakov
David Wilovsky (1845-1914), born in Kobrin. Known
in his youth as a prodigy, he was appointed Rabbi
of Ezablin at age 23. Six years later, he served as a
darshan (homiletic preacher) in Vilna, and in 1876,
as Rabbi in Obroisk. He published several books on
Halakhah and commentaries on the Babylonian and
Jerusalem Talmuds. He was rabbinical court head
in Slutzk, then moved to Chicago and served as a
leading rabbi in the U.S.
In 1905 he made Aliyah to the Holy Land and
founded a large Yeshiva in Safed. He was considered
one of the leading Halakhic decisors in the Land.
He was known for his opposition to the Shemitta
dispensation (Heter Mechirah), about which he wrote
hisKuntres HaShemittah; he attempted to help the
farmers during Shemittah by founding the Keren
HaShemittah fund.
Additional ownership notes at the end of the book.

93; 56 pages
Condition: Good. The cover (original) is in very bad
condition. The book is falling apart.
Opening Price: $80

293. Beit Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Lorberboim of

Lisa. Koenigsburg, 1860. With signature of Rabbi
Mordechai Yitzchak Rabinowitz, Rabbinical Court
head in Salant
This book was written by Rabbi Yaakov of Lisa
(1770-1832), author of the classic works Havat Daat
and Netivot HaMishpat. Two parts: Novellae on
Tractate Ketuvot, and commentaries on the Laws of
Marriage Contracts in Shulchan Arukh Even HaEzer.
The book has a seal, signature, and ownership
notation of Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchak Isaac
Rabinowitz (1856-1920), rabbi of the cities Ligum,
Memel and Salant in Lithuania. He was the student
of Rabbis Yisrael Salanter, Meir Michal Rabinowitz
(author of HaMeir LaOlam), and Yerucham Yehuda
Perlman, known as the Gadol of Minsk. He wrote
Shemen LaMincha, Responsa Daat Mordechai, and
The signature is from when he was Rabbi in Ligum,
and the seal is from when he was Rabbi in Memel.
The book has two corrections in his handwriting.
66, 40 pages
Condition: Good
Opening Price: $50

In the inner cover is written, "From the estate of R'

Shlomenyu Friedman of Sadigura." Rabbi Shlomo
Chaim Friedman (1887-1972) was the President of
the Mizrachi in Austria until he immigrated to the
Land of Israel and was appointed Rebbe. He acted
spiritedly on behalf of the Yishuv in the Land of
Israel and for Jewish orphans in Europe.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $70

Books with Autographs

288. Birkat David, Zalkava, 1766. Singular edition.
Signatures of Rabbi Chaim Berlin
"Sefer Birkat David to resolve all the questions of
the Bach, Taz, and Magen Avraham on the Shulchan
Arukh and the Rama, by Rabbi David ben Rabbi
Natan of Razvodov, Av Beit Din in Yagalintza and
Alashkavitz." There was only one edition; in recent
years, a photo-copied edition was published.
The book was owned by Rabbi Chaim Berlin, and in
some pages of the book, he wrote "Chaim" in blockletter handwriting on top, and "Berlin" on the pages
afterwards. On the first page he wrote, "Zalkava
Rabbi Chaim Berlin (1732-1913), son of the Netziv of
Volozhin and one of the most renowned scholars of
his generation. He was Rabbi of Moscow, and, at the
end his life, of Jerusalem.

88 pages.
Condition: Very good. The title page, two pages
of approbations and the introductory page of the
author are missing. Some of the pages have been
professionally refurbished. Slight moth damage.
New cover.
Opening Price: $150

289. Pri Chadash, with Even HaOzer, Prague 1785

This edition includes two important Halakhic works
together: Pri Chadash on Orach Chaim by Rabbi
Chizkiya De Silva, and Even HaOzer by Rabbi Ozer
ben Meir, head of the Klimentov Av Beit Din. This
is the first complete edition of the Pri Chadash on
Orach Chaim.
Handwritten on the title page: "I bought this with my
own money to honor my Creator and others have
no share in it David Pick from Breslaw." This is
apparently a Torah scholar from the family of Rabbi
Yeshaya Pick (Berlin) of Breslaw. Other ownership
notations are present.
Another signature: "Mordechai Ulman" likely of
Rabbi Mordechai Ulman, son of Rabbi Avraham
Ulman, Rabbinical head of Lakenbach (1791-1849),
one of the great contemporary rabbis of Hungary,
who was close with the Chatam Sofer and his son the
Ktav Sofer.
93 pages
Condition: Good. Not the original cover.
Opening Price: $80

290. Maharsha with Chokhmat Shlomo (Maharshal).

Amsterdam 1755. Signature of Rabbi Zev Wolf
Interesting notations on the title page, including the
signature of Rabbi Zev Wolf Chajes (Chayot), son of
the renowned Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Chajes and a student
of the Chatam Sofer. He was a great Torah scholar
and eminent researcher, who published articles on
the history of the Rishonim in various journals. A
responsum to him is included in the Chatam Sofer's
responsa on Even HaEzer.
Ownership notations on the title page and first and
last pages of the book.

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editions published the same year in Sedilekov, there

are 74 pages.

300 pages.
Condition: Very good. Original cover, with slight
moth damage. The first pages are a bit dissembled,
with moth damage.
Opening Price: $200

291. Responsa of Maharam Schick. Siget, 1904. With

the signature of Rabbi Yehoshua Lefkovitz
The book contains 345 Halakhic queries and
responses by the Maharam Schick on Orach Chaim
and Yoreah Deah of the Shulchan Arukh.
The Maharam Schick (1807-1879) was born in
Hungary (in what is now part of Slovakia), and
was a student of the Chatam Sofer and a rabbi and
Yeshiva dean in Yeirgin and Hust. Like his teacher,
he fought against the Reform movement. He wrote
commentaries on the Torah, the Talmud, and on the
613 commandments.

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of Raizini, Volkovisk and Tiktin, and in the city of

Svallak [towards the end of his life], when his book
Binyan Olam was printed. In accordance with the
Vilna Gaon, he explained the writings of the Arizal
not literally but as an allegory, as the Ramchal did.
At the beginning of the book we find this handwritten
notation: "This book is sent as a gift from the
esteemed Rabbi the author in honor of the learned
Rabbi Yitzchak Grieshberg from Trienstina."
Another similar notation appears elsewhere as well.
The book was sent as a gift from the author, at the
end of his days, to his friend Rabbi Yitzchak Leib
Grossberg, author of Shai LaMora and Rabbi of the
Tresina community. Rabbi Yitzchak Leib, known for
his piety, merited to live a very long life. When he
was a youth, Rabbi Akiva Eger the Rabbi of all Israel
honored him in his synagogue every week with
g'lilah, rolling the Torah scroll. Rabbi Yitzchak Leib
also merited to study Torah from the Or Same'ach,
Rabbi Meir Simcha HaCohen of Dvinsk.

A. Maharsha with his son-in-law's Mahadura Batra

Throughout the book are short glosses, and a table of
contents at the end, all apparently in the handwriting
of Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Klein.
Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Klein (1853-1927) was a student
of the Ktav Sofer and of Rabbi Avraham Karpelis
from Girba. His father-in-law was R' Moshe Hertzfeld
of Silash. In 1975 he became Av Beit Din in Silash.
He wrote Responsa Be'erot Avraham and left behind
many unpublished manuscripts.
Inside the book is a paper with part of a letter sent
by a Jew who had been exiled from Jerusalem. The
letter, from 1916, during World War I, asks Rabbi
Klein for monetary aid, for a second time, for his
family that remained in the Holy Land. In addition,
there is also part of a postcard, written in Hungarian,
that was sent to the Rabbi when he was in Silash.

On the title page is hand-written, "R. Yitzchak b"r

[son of] Alexander" the name of the author. It is
likely that this is his handwriting.

The book has ownership seals of Prof. Rabbi Shmuel

Klein. He apparently inherited the book from his
father, with the correspondence fragments inside.

Learned glosses appear throughout the work; the

one on page 55 is in different handwriting than the

Prof. Rabbi Klein (1886-1940) was a noted researcher

in Land of Israel geography, who combined greatness
in both Torah and the sciences. He received rabbinic
ordination in the Beit Medrah for Rabbis in Berlin,
while studying philosophy at the University of Berlin
and afterwards in Heidelberg, where he received his
doctorate. He was the Av Beit Din in Tulce, Bosnia,
and afterwards in Novo-Zimaki. When Hebrew
University was founded in 1925, he was appointed

Condition: Very good. Cover is slightly worn, but has

been refurbished.
Opening Price: $200


286. Lot: Three books, one of which has handwritten

notations by Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Klein

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Professor and Head of the Holy Land Studies Institute.

272, 47 pages
Condition: Very good. The title page is slightly
B. Responsa Nachalat David, Part I. Vilna, 1864. First
by Rabbi David Tabil of Minsk, one of the great Torah
scholars of his generations whose works are studied
in Yeshivot even today. He was a top student of
Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and Rabbi of the large city
of Minsk in Belarus.
116 pages.
Condition: Good. Few moth holes. Original cover,
slightly damaged.
C. Chidushei HaRim to Tractate Gittin and Even
HaEzer Hilkhot Kiddushin, including his novellae on
the Torah. Warsaw, 1891. Second edition.
83, 39 pages. Page 37 is printed out of place.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

287. Yesh Nochalin, Sedilekov, 1835. From the library

of the Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Friedman of Sadigura
Authored by Rabbi Avraham HaLevy Horovitz, father
of the holy Sh'lah. An ethical work that he wrote to
his sons as a will. It also includes the will of Rabbi
Sheftel son of the Sh'lah, and Orchot Chaim by
Rabbeinu Asher.
Rare edition, with 68 pages. In other, more common

Part II of a book of homiletic essays on various

topics, with a last pamphlet named Mitzpeh Shaul.
The book was edited and published by his son-in-law
Rabbi Shaul Chaim HaLevi Horowitz of Dobrovna
(1828-1916), who immigrated to the Holy Land in
1883 and was considered one of the leading rabbis
of Jerusalem, Rabbi of Meah She'arim and founder
of the Yeshiva there. He was known for his great
acts of kindness and his efforts with the leaders of
Jerusalem to expand the Jewish presence past the
city walls and revive the desolate areas of our Land.
A unique style of dedication: On the original cover
is glued a page in the form of a heart, upon which
Rabbi Shaul Chaim wrote: "With G-d's help. To The
Rabbi of Jerusalem, the Yisa Bracha, our Rabbi and
Teacher Yaakov Shaul who is called the Bechor
[first-born] Elyashar, may G-d protect and redeem
him." The dedication is written in Sephardic-style
writing, in honor of the recipient.
Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar (1817-1906), known
by the acronym the Yisa Bracha, was the Rishon
LeTzion between 1893 and 1906.
Ownership stamp: Rabbi Rachamim ben Shlomo
Meyuchas, a relative of the Elyashar family, was
sent abroad as a shadar (fundraising emissary) for
Yeshivat Porat Yosef in Jerusalem.
118 pages
Condition: Very good. The spine was refurbished, a
few rips at the edges of the pages.
Opening Price: $70

Books from the Libraries of Great Torah

284. Pirchi Kehunah, Amsterdam, 1709. One-time
edition. Purchased from the library of Rabbi Shlomo
Ayllon when he was suspected of Sabbateanism
The book Pirchi Kehunah is a collection of novellae
on the Babylonian Talmud by Rabbi Aharon Pirchiya,
one of the Rabbis of Saloniki and author of the
Parach Mateh Aharon responsa (Amsterdam, 1703).
He was very wealthy and his visage was like that of
an "angel of G-d." The book also includes novellae
from Rabbi Aharon ben Yosef Shushan, another
Rabbi of Saloniki, where R. Aharon studied. It has
approbations from Rabbis of Amsterdam and from
Rabbi Naftali HaCohen from Posna, Av Beit Din in
The copy before us is especially unique. It belonged
to the great scholar Rabbi Shlomo Ayllon (ca.16621728). Interestingly, an approbation from him himself
appears in the book. Similarly, the copyeditor of
the book, Rabbi Rafael Abash, was Rabbi Shlomo's
student, and in the end of the book he mentions his
teacher Rabbi Ayllon.
Atop the title page: "This fine book I purchased in
a sale of books from the scholar and Av Beit Din
Rabbi Shlomo Ayllon of holy blessed memory [?]
for Yehuda Leib." Rabbi Ayllon apparently sold his
celebrated library when he was suspected of being a
Rabbi Shlomo Ayllon was a Spanish-Portuges
chakham [rabbi] of the Sephardic congregations

in London and Amsterdam, and one of the famous

followers of Nathan of Gaza, who became famous
as a prophet for Shabbtai Zevi. Though no basis was
found for the Sabbatean suspicions against him in
London, he was forced to leave in 1700 and move to
Amsterdam, where he served as Av Beit Din [when
the book was printed]. In Amsterdam, too, Rabbi
Shlomo was involved in a controversy with the
Chakham Tzvi and Rabbi Moshe Hagiz regarding
the excommunication that they wished to impose
on Sabbatean spokesman Cordozo and Hayoun; he
objected. A great storm of dispute arose in the city,
and when the Portugese philanthropists gave their
support to Rabbi Ayllon, Rabbis Hagiz and Ashkenazi
were forced to leave the city.

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Acharonim. He was Rabbi of Minsk in Belarus.

175 pages.
Condition: Good. Some of the pages are missing. The
original cover is torn and dissembled.
Opening Price: $160

285. Binyan Olam, by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Haber.

Warsaw, 1851. Given by the author to his friend
Rabbi Yitzchak Lebi Grossberg. With hand-written
scholarly glosses
Responsa on matters included in Shulchan Arukh
Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah. First edition.
Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Haber (1788-1853) was a great
Torah scholar in both revealed and hidden (Kabbalah)
Torah. He studied as a youth under Rabbi Menachem
Mendel of Shklov, a student of the Vilan Gaon, and
was therefore called a "third-generation mouth of the
Vilna Gaon." He served as Rabbi in the congregations

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281. Four books by Rav Moshe Avigdor Amiel, with

dedications in his handwriting
A. Hegyonot El Ami, Part II, B'reshit. Jerusalem, 1936
The title page has a dedication: "For a heart-felt
memento for the honorable Mr. Shlomo Yosef
Ganochovsky, from his friend, the author."
R' Shlomo Yosef Ganochovsky lived in Grieva in
the Lomzha district of Poland. He was a great Torah
scholar and a respected businessman in his city. He
was one of the original lovers of Zion, and founder of
the El HaMekorot publishing house. His son, Knesset
Member Eliyahu Moshe Ganichovsky, was a student
of Rav Amiel.
294 pages.
Condition: Good. Stains on the page-corners. Loose
B. HaTzedek HaSotziali v'HaTzedek HaMishpati
v'HaMusari Shelanu (Our Social Justice and Legal/
Ethical Justice). Tel Aviv, 1936.
With an introduction by the noted writer Dr. Avraham
Ovadiah (Gustdiner).
132 pages
Condition: Very good.
C. Shabbat Malketa (The Sabbath Queen). 1937
A collection of essays and speeches regarding
the Sabbath that Rabbi Amiel wrote in various
newspapers. This collection was published in
commemoration of a month-long public campaign
in honor of the Sabbath in 1937.


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48 pages

Talmudic study.

Condition: Moderate. The pamphlet is slightly falling


Opening Price: $50

D. HaMidot L'Cheker HaHalakha (Standards and

Procedures for Halakhic Research). 1939
On the title page is Rav Amiel's hand-written
dedication: "For everlasting remembrance to the
great and well-known scholar, our master and
teacher, Rabbi Tuviah Yehuda Tabyumi, from the
author." On page 3 is a seal of Rav Tabyumi.
Rav Tuviah Yehuda Tabyumi (1882-1953) was a
great scholar who studied under the Avnei Nezer in
Sokhatchov. For 26 years he was rabbi of Sokhotchin,
Poland. He was a follower of the Grand Gerrer Rabbi,
and made Aliyah in 1926. He wrote a work called
Eretz Tovah. He did not have an official capacity in
the Holy Land, because, as he wrote, "I am disgusted
with this worthless bread [based on Number 21:5]."
333 pages.
Condition: Excellent. New cover.
The Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel (1882-1945), born
in Russia, was one of the leading Torah giants of
his generation and Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv (from
1936). He was a leader in the Mizrachi movement. He
studied in Yeshivat Telze and then in Yeshivat Brisk.
He was given rabbinical ordination by the rabbis of
Dvinsk the Rogatchover and Rav Meir Simcha (the
Or Same'ach) and by Rav Shlomo HaCohen of Vilna.
He served as Rabbi in Shvintzian (Swieciany), Grieva,
and Antwerp. In Tel Aviv he established Yeshivat
HaYishuva HaChadash and other institutions for

282. Yashev Rucho, edited by the Kabbalist Rabbi

Riaz Margaliyot. 1931. First edition, with dedication
by the author
The work Yashev Rucho is a Kabbalistic work that
deals with rectifying widows and how to release a
widow from her late husband's spirit and give her
blessing for her new path. It was written by Rabbi
Sar-Shalom Mizrachi Didia Sharabi.
The editor, Rav Yeshayahu Asher Zelig Margaliyot
(18941969), was a renowned Torah scholar in
Jerusalem and authored many books. He was close
with the Saba Kadisha Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandri
and with the Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Shaul HaCohen
On the title page of the book is a handwritten
dedication by Rav Margaliyot to "the great Gaon,
Rabbi and tzaddik my friend Rav Yosef Levi, shlita."
16 pages.
Condition: Good. Missing a cover, and the pages are
attached loosely.
Opening Price: $40

283. Nachalat David, by Rabbi David Tabil. Vilna,

1882. Dedication by the editor to Rabbi Yaakov Shaul
Elyashar, known as the Yisa Bracha
First edition of the work Nachalat David by the great
scholar Rabbi David Tabil (1794-1861), student of
Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and one of the greatest

First edition, apparently the only one.

Approx. 70 pages.
Attached at the end of the book is a note with Torah
notations, in unidentified handwriting.
Condition: Good. The cover is dissembled.
C. Ateret Tzvi. Warsaw, 1890
Commentary on the Haftarot, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib
b'HaRav Tzvi Hirsch Flato, born in Valkovsky.
Approx. 60 pages.
Condition: Fair.
Opening Price: $40

278. Medrash Chaserot v'Yeterot, Jerusalem, 1899.

With a dedication by the author Rabbi Sh. A.
Vertheimer to Rabbi Shlomo HaLevy Bamberger, Av
Beit Din in Zenheim
An ancient Medrash on the words spelled with extra
or missing letters in the Torah. Edited by the famous
researcher Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Vertheimer.
On the title page is a dedication by the publisher
to Rabbi Shlomo HaLevy Bamberger (18351918), a great scholar and author, Rabbi in several
communities and Av Beit Din in Zenheim (Alsace).
The dedication reads, "This gift is sent to my friend
in soul and heart, the righteous rabbi and teacher
Shlomo B"b [Bamberger], may his light shine, Av Beit
Din in Zenheim, from me, the publisher."
70 pages.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $80

277. Eshet Chayil, London, 1934. Dedication by the

author, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Farber
Pamphlet with explanations, ideas and thoughts on
the verses of the famous Eshet Chayil chapter of
Proverbs. Authored by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Farber of
London, with his personal dedication to the "Elder
Rabbi R' Yosef HaCohen." On the title page is a seal
of Rabbi Moshe Mond, Av Beit Din in Yakalaiov and
one of the leading Belzer Chassidim.
Condition: Very good. The cover is slightly torn-off
and damaged.
Opening Price: $40

279. Sdei Chemed, Warsaw 1891. First edition. With

dedication by the author
The author, Rabbi Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini
(1833-1905), one of the greatest of the Sages of the
Acharonim period, is often known by the name
of this classic work of his. He was the Rabbi of
Karasu-Bazar (Bilohirsk) in the Crimean Peninsula,
and later immigrated to the Holy Land and lived in
Hevron, where he completed his masterpiece, the
encyclopedic Sdei Chemed. He served as Rabbi of
Hevron until his death.

The book before us has a dedication in the author's

handwriting to his friend and one of the sponsors of
the book: "To the precious and honored Rabbi, my
friend, our teacher Shlomo Shu"b Basuass, son-inlaw of my dear friend Rabbi Michal Chefetz Shu"b."
An insignia from his days as Rabbi of Karas-Bazar
appears there.
Condition: Moderate, the front cover and first pages
are detached from the book. Some pages are torn.
Opening Price: $40

280. Lev Aryeh, by Rabbi Aryeh HaLevi Karlin. Tel

Aviv, 1938. First edition, with a dedication by the

Religious Books |

On the opening page appears a handwritten

dedication by the publisher, the author's son, Rabbi
Yosef Weiss.

The book deals with various Halakhic matters,

quoting scholars of the Rishonim and Acharonim
periods, and including response from contemporary
Torah giants.
Rabbi Aryeh Karlin (1874-1957) was a rabbi and
researcher of Jewish Law. Among his works are Torat
Even HaEzer, Torat Choshen Mishpat, a commentary
on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah (Rambam LaAm),
and many articles in Torah journals.
The book includes a dedication by the author to
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Elyashar, a leading Jerusalemite
scholar and public figure whose two grandfathers
Rabbi Rafael Meir Panigel and the Yisa Bracha (Rabbi
Yaakov Shaul Elyashar) both served as Rishon
LeTzion; he authored Vayosef Shaul.
Condition: Good; the spine of the book is torn.
Opening Price: $50

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Religious Books |

274. Tov Yigal, by Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal,

with Siach Yitzchak by Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss, Av Beit
Din in Verba-Bradiov, 1926. Singular edition. With a
dedication by the author Rabbi Weiss

off by mistake by the binder.]

A book of faith-strengthening, by Rabbi Yisachar

Shlomo Teichtal, author of Em HaBanim Smechah.

Opening Price: $80

At the end of the book a separate work is printed

and attached: Responsa and homiletic lectures by
Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss, Av Beit Din of Verba. It has
an approbation by the Rebbe of Ostrovtza, Rabbi
Yechiel Meir HaLevy.
The Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal (1885-1945)
was the Rabbi of Fishtian in the Slovakian part of
Czechoslovakia. The events of the Holocaust changed
his approach towards Aliyah and building the Land
of Israel, and he became a great supporter thereof,
as he explained in his work Em HaBanim Smechah,
filled with hundreds of Torah sources. He was unique
in this respect among the hareidi, anti-Zionist world
before and during the Holocaust years.
Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss, Av Beit Din in Kadelburg.
Beginning after the First World War, he took this
position in Verboi in western Slovakia. He was a top
student of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, the author of
Shevet Sofer and Rabbi of Pressburg. He authored
many books. Was killed in the Holocaust with his
family in 1944.
On the title page appears a long and interesting
dedication to an important Torah scholar, in Rabbi
Weiss' handwriting, together with a blessing for a full
recovery: "May the merits of your brother the great
scholar stand for you" [the lines were slightly cut


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86; 51 pages
Condition: Very Good.

275. MiNachal BaDerekh supplement to the

pamphlet Al Geulat Yisrael, by the artist Rafael
Avraham Shalem. Jerusalem, 1942. Dedication by the
author to Rabbi Dr. Akiva Barukh Posner
This book includes the original pamphlet published
by the Rosh (Rafael Avraham Posner) in 1948, before
the establishment of the State of Israel, under the
name Al Geulat Yisrael, regarding the determination
that the year 5708 (1948) would be the year of
Redemption according to the signs in the Book of
Daniel. In the expanded edition before us, the author
added some 100 pages of unique Torah novellae
and Medrashim on the Redemption, Shabbat, and
love of Torah and righteous men. The purpose of
the book is to "connect right and left to the source of
Israel." The book also includes dreams regarding the
Redemption, a drawing of the Vision of Redemption
as dreamt by the author, and interesting historic
accounts from the time of the establishment of the
State and the wars of Israel.
Throughout the book are impressive famous
drawings and illustrations by the artist/author. A
picture of the author appears at the beginning of the
The author was a very unique personality of great
interest in the Jewish community of that period. Born

in 1888, he was one of the first new immigrants to

the Holy Land from Saloniki in his generation. He
was a very gifted artist, and taught in Betzalel in the
second decade of the 20th century.
The copy before us has a dedication from the author
to Rabbi Dr. Akiva Barukh Posner (1890-1962), the last
rabbi of Kiel, Germany. He was the senior librarian
in the Central Torah Library of Hechal Shlomo in
Jerusalem. The dedication is in the author's beautiful
handwriting, and with his signature.
120 pages.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $25

276. Three holy books

A. Chut HaMeshulash, by the trio Rabbi Yisrael of
Salant, his father, and his son. Jerusalem, 1904. First
The book has approbations from Rabbi Shmuel
Salant and the Aderet, of Jerusalem.
The book has a handwritten signature and a seal
of Rabbi Yehoshua Dov Grodzetsky, the head of
Yeshivat Bialystok and author of Kodshei Yehoshua.
approx. 80 pages
Condition: Fair.
B. Toldot Yitzchak, Part II. Munkatch-Siget, 1904.
By Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss (1824-1894), Rabbi of
Svaliava and Munkatch, author of Imrei Yitzchak and
Beit Yitzchak.

At the beginning of the book is a dedication: "A

gift from the author to the honored Rabbi Pinchas
Hamburger" one of the builders of Jerusalem.
Printed on back of the title page is an instruction to
see page 4 for the necessary corrections. Atop these
lines the author affixed a note on all the copies
that he printed in his handwriting, stating, "There
is no longer any need to see the corrections table,
because all the corrections have already been made
inside." And in fact, throughout the book there are
corrections in clean, nice handwriting some of
them lengthy. Almost all of them were written in
handwriting in all the copies, though we found some
differences between the copies that we saw, as well
as corrections that likely appear only in this copy!
53 pages.
Condition: Good. Small moth holes on the cover and
the last pages.
Opening Price: $40

272. Sefer HaShorashim of the Radak, New York

1948. Signature and glosses by the Kabbalist Rabbi
Moshe Yair Weinstock
Sefer HaShorashim by Rabbi David ben Yosef Kimchi
(the Radak), New York 1948 (photocopied edition
from the Berlin printing of 1846).
In the book is the signature of the great righteous
Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock, and very
many glosses in his handwriting.

Rabbi Ben-Tzion Moshe Yair Weinstock (18991982), one of the greatest Kabbalists of the previous
generation, authored tens of books on Kabbalah
and Hassidut. He was one of the top students of the
"Sulam", Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag.
419 pages. 20 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

Books with Dedications by the Authors

273. Minchat Yerushalayim, Rabbi Pinchas Epstein.
Jerusalem 1914-1923 [the printing was stopped because
of World War, and resumed nine years later!]. With
a dedication from the author to Rabbi Chizkiya Yosef
Part I named Mincha Chareva commentaries and
novella on Tractate Sotah. The author (d. 1970) was
a dayan and head of the Eda HaHaredit Rabbinical
The book was printed in two stages, several years
apart, as recounted in the book's introduction,
because of World War I. It can be clearly seen that the
beginning of the book was printed differently than
the rest of it. From page 33 and onward were printed
in 1923, and on the top of that page is printed: "After
a recess of eight years, I hereby give thanks to G-d
Who has given me life and allowed me to reach this
day Chanukah 5682 to resume the printing."
The book was printed when the author was yet
young, when he studied in Yeshivat Torat Chaim

in the Old City of Jerusalem. It received warm and

enthusiastic approbations from leading Jerusalem
scholars, especially the renowned Rabbi Yosef
Chaim Sonnenfeld who wrote an extraordinary
warm and long approbation and the Ridbaz, who
described the author as "the best of the best of the
Holy City one of the top scholars in our generation."
All this, when the author was only approximately 30
years old. There are also approbations from Rabbi
Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin, Rabbi Meir Arik of Turna,
his teacher Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Sender Shapira,
and from the latter's son, author of Dvar Avraham.
All of them praised the author's Torah erudition very

Religious Books |

Chaye Olam."

Print: Tzuckerman
At the beginning of the book is a dedication from
the author to Rabbi Chizkiya Yosef Mishkovsky
(president of the Union of Polish Refugee Rabbis, Av
Beit Din in Kerinki, one of the heads of the Rescue
Board and of the Board of Yeshivot in Poland and the
Land of Israel. Son-in-law of Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer.
Was close to the Chafetz Chaim and Rabbi Chaim
Ozer Grodzinsky, and served as their emissary for
many issues of contemporary importance), and a
seal from Rabbi C.Y. Mishkovsky and the seal of his
son Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Mishkovsky, Rabbi of Kfar
180 pages.
Condition: Very good. Refurbished cover. A rip in
one page.
Opening Price: $70

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Religious Books |

268. Noda B'Yehuda, First edition, 1776, with glosses

by Torah giants including Rabbi Yosef Zecharia Stern

269. Tziun L'Nefesh Chayah Yozefof 1856 Glosses

handwritten by Rabbi Moshe Cleares

This is a very famous work by one of the top Halakhic

decisors and the renowned Rabbi of Prague, Rabbi
Yechezkel Landau (1714-1793), who is known as the
Noda B'Yehuda after this work. This first edition was
published in his lifetime.

Tzion L'Nefesh Chayah on Tractates B'rachot,

P'sachim and Beitzah, by Rabbi Yechezkel Landau,
known as the Noda B'Yehuda.

The title page has evidence of the purchase of the

book in the holy handwriting of the Kabbalist Rabbi
Elazare Perles (Altschuler), editor of Kabbalist works
from Prague: "This book was purchased by the
renowned officer our teacher and rabbi I testify
to this, Elazar Perles, the small."
Throughout the book are long scholarly notes handwritten by various unidentified rabbis and by Rabbi
Yosef Zecharia Stern, with his signature.
Rabbi Yosef Zecharia Stern (1831-1903) was a Rabbi
in Shavel in Lithuania. He was one of the most
important rabbis of his time, and authored Responsa
Zekher Yehoseph. His knowledge was vast, including
Hebrew grammar, Bible, and Jewish history. Greatly
admired, many rabbis of all streams corresponded
with him. He was a relative of Rav Kook. He supported
Zionist ideas and favored Hebrew becoming a
spoken language. He fought against the Haskalah,
and against its advocates Moshe Leib Lilienblum and
Yehuda Leib Gordon.
87, 9; 158 pages.
Condition: Very good, new cover, stains and a small
amount of moth holes.
Opening Price: $350


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The book has the seal of the Rabbi of Tiberias, Rabbi

Moshe Cleares (1876-1934), and tens of short wordcorrection glosses in his handwriting.
Condition: Good. Cover not original. Few moth holes.
Some pages missing at the end of the book.
Opening Price: $90

270. Shlom Yerushalayim (book) and Binyan HaBayit

D'LeAtid (pamphlet), by Rabbi Shalom Friedman.
Bnei Brak, 1967. With handwritten notes by Rabbi
Yisrael Veltz
This is a collection of various laws having to do with
the sanctity of Jerusalem and the holy Temple, the
cities of Judea and the Machpelah Cave, as well as a
long essay on the Third Holy Temple. Rabbi Shalom
Friedman, who edited many books on various topics,
was a grandson of Rav Shlomo Gantzfried, the author
of the Kitzur Shulchan Arukh. The book has two
approbations, from Rabbi Elazar Menacham Man
Shach and Rabbi Yisrael Veltz.
This book belonged to the personal library of Rabbi
Veltz, who wrote scholarly glosses in several places
in the book. In addition, a two-page letter is appended
to the book, in the author's handwriting, that was
sent to Rav Veltz before the book was published. The
letter is a scholarly Torah discourse, and the writer

hints that he wishes to receive an approbation for the

book, as in fact occurred. After Rav Veltz received
a copy of the book, he placed the letter between its
At the end of the book are found maps of the Land of
Israel, including one that folds.
Rabbi Yisrael Veltz (1887-1974), one of the leading
Hungarian rabbis, served as Rabbi of Pest (part of
Budapest). His son and son-in-law were murdered
in the Holocaust; he survived and moved to Israel,
where he settled in the Rabbis' Complex in Romema,
Jerusalem. His many Halakhic rulings were published
in his Responsa Divrei Yisrael and other works.
112 pages.
Condition: Good. Some of the pages are detached
from the book.
Opening Price: $60

271. Zikhron Dvarim - Jerusalem 1894 with handwritten corrections by the author. Singular edition
This book is a collection of ethical teachings by
Chazal (the Sages of blessed memory) regarding how
one should behave.
The author, Rabbi Pinchas Aharon Niminsky, was a
well-respected Jerusalem resident who gave very
generously of his own wealth to the Yishuv. He was
a founder of Yeshivat Chaye Olam and an active
supporter of the Shaarei Tzedek hospital.
The title page says that the profits from the book will
be dedicated to the author's charity enterprise: "The
courtyard of the Talmud Torah and that of Yeshivat

Many books and pamphlets were published in his

memory. The writings and works of R. Yosef were
very important for the descendants of the students of
the Vilna Gaon. They formed the foundation for the
enterprise of building the Land and of bringing the
Redemption for many years.
It is rare to find signatures of R. Yosef Rivlin, and they
are generally found only on financial documents.
This item is very singular and rare: A holy work
from which he himself studied, providing us with
a glimpse into the scholarly Torah works of the top
builder of Jerusalem.
Opening Price: $100

Books with Glosses

266. Machzor (Prayer Book) for Rosh Ha'Shanah
Redelheim 1832 copy of Rabbi Asher Lemil
BAHARAN, Builder of Jerusalem
"Prayer book for the first day of Rosh Ha'Shana,
precise and clearly interpreted and translated to
Ashkenazic". With the Ashkenazi Seder Nesiat
Eighth edition of the famous Redelheim prayer book
edited by Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim.
Ownership signatures of Rabbi Asher Lemil
BAHARAN (1860-1943), the son of Rabbi Nachum

Rabbi Nachum immigrated to Israel with his two

brothers after the three of them had dreamt one night
that they must immigrate to Israel. Rabbi Asher's
mother was the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Maggid
Rivlin, the leader of the Ashkenazim in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Asher himself was a pious man and one of the
builders of the first neighborhoods outside the walls
of the Old City of Jerusalem.
92, 12 pp.
Condition: Very Good. Original cover with little moth

Dodi the words "arise from the dust" are placed in

parenthesis and instead he wrote, "Adorn yourself, o
Throughout the siddur notes are affixed on which are
handsomely handwritten prayers and selections from
the Zohar. On one note are the wedding blessings and
brief relevant laws; the owner apparently conducted
weddings and carried the note with him.
On the inner cover is glued a page (somewhat
ruined) from the Vienna 1507 edition of Sefer Me'irat
Einayim, printed by Daniel Bombirgi.

Opening Price: $100

Owner's signature is written in Yemenite script.

267. Siddur Nehora HaShalem - The Complete

Nehora Prayerbook. Vienna, 1879. With additional
prayers, as well as Divrei David, and Divine Name
combinations in handwritten form. An important copy

The Siddur was printed originally in two parts bound

together. Part I: Prayers for weekdays and Sabbath.
Part II: Yom Kippur Katan (New Month prayers),
Festivals, High Holidays, Hoshanot, Selichot, Yotzrot,
Psalms, and Maamadot.

The Siddur Nehora HaShalem with the commentaries

of the Yaavetz and Derekh HaChaim, by Rabbi
Yaakov Lorberbaum. Sephardic liturgy. Edited by
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Netter, who died the year the
Siddur was published.

At the end of the volume are printed the Kinot for

Tisha B'Av with a separate title page (the edition is
not registered bibliographically!).

This work has many lengthy hand-written comments

and notations on various topics of Kabbalah,
including Divine Name combinations. The writer
was apparently a Yemenite Kabbalist. An interesting
detail is that on the title page, he foresees the time of
the Resurrection of the Dead for the year 5760 (2000
C.E.), and he alludes esoterically to other points.
Throughout the Siddur are written glosses and
comments; for instance, in the Sabbath song Lekha

In sum: A very important work, with important

glosses and notations that have not yet been suitably

Religious Books |

Israel. He composed liturgical songs based on deep

concepts of Torah and Redemption, which Rav Kook
said were "rare genius and art, a well-spring of ideas
and wondrous allusions."

Rare edition. Not found in the National Library.

[1], 231, [3], 214-234; 172, 7, [2]; [1], 54, [1], 24 pages.
Condition: Good. The cover is worn and damaged.
The pages are worn. A few are torn.
Opening Price: $100

2015 " |


Religious Books |

Books with Seals and Autographs

Rabbis of Jerusalem
264. Tractate Sanhedrin and two others, with scholarly
glosses by the saintly scholar Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
Baharan, a builder of Jerusalem
Tractates Sanhedrin, Horayot and Eduyot. Warsaw,
1862. With seals of Rav Shlomo Zalman Baharan,
zatzal, one of the greatest builders of Jerusalem.
The volume has pink-ink seals that read "Shlomo
Zalman Baharan [= ben HaRav Nachum] z"l Loewy."
Throughout the volume appear scholarly glosses in
his holy handwriting.
At the end of the volume there is a seal and a handwritten note indicating that the book belongs to the
"Beit HaMedrash Oholei Yaakov of the Perushim."
The righteous scholar Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
Baharan Loewy (1836-1910) was the first-born son
of the Tzaddik Rabbi Nachum MeShadik. In 1844,
he moved to Jerusalem, where he was one of the
leading rabbis. He was involved in building new
Jerusalem neighborhoods, including Nachalat Shiva,
Shaarei Chesed, and Me'ah She'arim, whose Official
Regulations he wrote. He was among the founders
of Petach Tikvah as well. He had hundreds of Torah
students, including some who became great Torah
luminaries, such as his brother Rabbi David Baharan
and Rabbi Gershon Lapidot. He served for a short
while as a judge on the Rabbinical Court of the
Maharil Diskin.
Condition: Very good. New cover. The first title page
and the first page of Tr. Sanhedrin are missing. Some
of the pages have minor tears. Minor moth damage
on some of the last pages.
Opening Price: $100


3 |

265. Kreti U'Pleti (1860), with Tosefet Kedushah

(1873) Seals and Notes by Rabbi Yosef Rivlin,
leader of the builders of Jerusalem.

court of the Capolia community." Eidkunen (East

Prussia), 1873. Singular edition.
[2], 154, [2] pages

Two books bound together, with seals and notes

by Rabbi Yosef Rivlin, leader of the builders of

The author, R. Yom Tov Lipman (1816-1879), is

known for his Responsa Oneg Yom Tov.

A. Kreti U'Pleti, by R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz, together

with Tiferet Yisrael (with a special title page) by his
grandson R. Yisrael Eibeschutz. Lemberg, 1860.

On the last page of the book are additional financial

calculations notations of numbers, without
meaning. Apparently in the handwriting of R. Yosef

This book went from R. Yosef (Yoshe) Rivlin

during his lifetime to his friend R. Yosef Binyamin
of Slonim, one of the builders of the Beit Yaakov
neighborhood in Jeusalem. After the latter died, as
described in handwriting on the book's title page, the
book was donated by his widow "the honored Chava,
to the Beit Yehuda Beit Medrash in Beit Yaakov." This
neighborhood was built in 1877 by several Torah
scholars, including R. Yosef Rivlin.
At the beginning of the book are various notes,
apparently in R. Yosef Rivlin's handwriting, in
Hebrew and another language. Among them is a
financial calculation: "I gave 218 to R.A. Sh.; 109 I
took for myself; [total:] 327 grush."
Condition: Moderate. Large moth holes. The first
page, on which are the hand-written notes, is torn.
On the title page is the seal of the Beit Yehuda
synagogue. Original cover, torn and falling apart.
B. "Sefer Tosefet Kedushah, that is the Sefer Tosfot
Yom Tov on the Talmudic Tractates with Rashi and
Tosfot, and on Rav Alfasi to Nashim and Nezikin, by
Our Teacher Yom Tom Lipman, head of the rabbinical

Condition: Moderate. Large moth holes. Tears in the

title page. Individual pages are missing at the end.
Original cover, torn and falling apart.
The saintly Kabbalist R. Yosef (Yoshe) Rivlin
(1836-1896) was one of the leaders of the Jewish
community in the Land of Israel from 1866-1896.
He founded the Vaad HaClali Knesset Yisrael, the
leading public institution, heading it for 30 years
and accomplishing much for the Jewish community
in the Land and for the building of the Land. He did
so when the first Jews left the Old City for the new
Jerusalem neighborhoods, and also by founding the
first moshavot. His great dedication stemmed from
his adherence to the approach of the Vilna Goan and
students regarding the ketz hameguleh, the Signs of
Redemption indicated by the resettling of the Land.
R. Yosef Rivlin was a very impressive figure: A giant
in both Kabbalist and regular (revealed) Torah, a man
of many talents who combined both materialistic and
spiritual pursuits, in both deeds and ideas. R. Shmuel
Salant called him "the supporting pillar" of the old
Yishuv, i.e., the Jewish community in the Land of

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| Mullah Or Shraga

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" | 2015

$50,000 :

Mullah Or Shraga |

of spelling mistakes and sometimes, titles are added to what is written (for
instance, on page 101 "Ta'am Kilayim" (the reason for Kilayim).
Throughout the book, there are dozens of comments in a different handwriting,
referring to what is written in the book. The writer drew a line above the words
which the comment refers to. On page 22, he wrote a comment referring to the
words of Mullah Or Shraga. A comparison of the handwriting revealed that it is
the handwriting of Mullah Or Shraga'a grandson.
On several pages (27, 75) there are comments in a third handwriting. One of
them is signed: "Katan Yosef" (the small Yosef) (Mullah Or Shraga's grandson
and the rabbi of the Jewish community in Yazd).
One page that had been torn from the book was completed in nice handwriting.
It is difficult to determine whether the handwriting is of Mullah Or Shraga or
of one of his descendants.
On the inner page of the cover, there is a lyric dedication in nice handwriting
in honor of the Babylonian rabbinical judges. Probably, the book was given to
them as a gift by one of the descendants of the family.

Opening Price: $50,000

3 |

Benjamin Richler

Mullah Or Shraga left only two missives about public matters. Until now, nothing
was known about new interpretations of the Torah in his handwriting. Yet, now,
a manuscript has been discovered which is full of his new interpretations.


The book contains kabbalist interpretations of the Torah and Passover Haggada,
340 years old, which was used by Mullah Or Shraga. At the margins of almost
all the pages there are new interpretations handwritten and signed by the Rabbi.

Description of the book:

This identification was unambiguously verified by Prof. Binyamin Richler,

an expert in Jewish manuscripts, the former manager of the department for
microfilmed manuscripts at the National Library in Jerusalem.
Prof. Binyamin Richler's opinion:
Sefer Ma'amar Mordecai (Dyhernfurth, 1719, 117 folios, 2 columns on each page)
includes kabbalistic homilies on the Pentateuch and the Passover Haggadah.
This copy belonged to the eminent and saintly kabbalist Rabbi Or Sheraga of
Yezd in Persia (died in 1794). Rabbi Or Sheraga was one of the most revered
figures of Iranian Jewry and until recent times Iranian Jews paid homage to him
at his tomb. With the exception of these glosses no other writings of his survive
except for two letters he wrote which were copied by scribes and signed by him.
This volume includes glosses and additions by the Rabbi on the wide margins
of the book. The great majority of the glosses were written by and signed by
Rabbi Or Sheraga in his own hand. The signatures are identical to the signature
in the above-mentioned letters and the script of the glosses is identical to that
of the signatures as well, and there can be no doubt that they were written by
the esteemed kabbalist himself. The glosses were written on the margins of
the homilies on the Pentateuch, that form the greater part of the book. Some
of the glosses are brief, but most are quite long, often written along the entire
wide margins. On folios 56-75 on which the commentary on the Haggadah was
printed there are only a few glosses (on folios 56r, 59v and 60r).
These glosses are a unique opportunity to understand the teachings, wide
knowledge of sources and thought of this revered figure.

January 2015

Ma'amar Mordechai by Rabbi Mordechai ben Rabbi Yehuda Leib Holisch of

Leviv, a genius in Torah and Kabbala.
The book includes nice Drushim on the Torah according to the Parashot as well
as commentary on the Passover Haggada named 'Chidushei Haggada'.
Printed in Dyhernfurth 1719.
122 pp. (several pages that were missing were completed in handwriting)
Description of handwritten comments:
The title pages, margins and covers are full with notes, kabbalist comments,
commentary, signatures and stamps of Mullah Or Shraga. Additional
commentary and signatures are of his descendants, who were also great Torah
scholars. Most of the commentary is in Mullah Or Shraga'a handwriting and
beside most of it, he signed in his handwriting "Ha'Tzair Or Shraga" (the young
Or Shraga). There are also various handwritten lists, such as a form certifying
a Shchita.

Mullah Or Shraga |

community: Yosef Shraga, From Yazd to the Land of Israel, Jerusalem 1987.

On the title pages and the first page of a new part of the book (for instance,
page 35 the Book of Exodus, page 52 the Book of Leviticus and so on) there are
about five stamps, all of descendants of the Mullah.
The nature of the commentary, lists and signatures:
Most of them refer directly to what is written in the book. Some of the comments
are unrelated to what is written in the book. Among these, are words of Mussar
and guidance, implications, acronyms, names and talismans (for example,
on page 88, there are combinations of names intended for good health). The
comments are long and full of biblical discourse. There are also corrections

2015 " |


New Interpretations in
the Handwriting of the
Kabbalist Mullah Or Shraga
343. Ma'amar Mordechai Dyhernfurth 1719 with
comments and new interpretations handwritten by
Mullah Or Shraga Only one in the world!
We have only little information about the history of
this miracle-maker; yet many stories have remained.
He was a holy man who did many miracles.
The rabbi was born in Yazd at the beginning of the
18th century. The title "Mullah" was given to him due
to his great wisdom. The people of Yazd used to call
him "Mullah Or Ha'Rishon" (First Light Mullah) yet
he, in his modesty, used to day I am only "Shraga"
(small light).
Mullah Or Shraga was admired among the Jews
of Persia, Yazd and Meshed and even among the
gentiles he was known as a pious, holy miraclemaker. According to tradition, he used to study every
day with the Prophet Eliyahu. The Ba'al Shem Tov,
who lived at the same time, said about him: "I have
a soul mate who lives far away named Or Shraga",
although he never met him.
His arrival in Yazd is also related to his great strength
as a miracle-maker. At first, he lived in Isfahan. The
governor of the town persecuted the Jews and ordered
to execute ten of the town's rabbis. Seven of them
died on Kiddush Ha'Shem. Yet three, miraculously


3 |

escaped. The three were Mullah Or Shraga, Mullah

Darius and Mullah Moshe. Each of them escaped to
a different city; yet they continued to study together,
each time at a different city, with the other two
getting there miraculously by the Holy Names.
Mullah Or Shraga's arrival at Yazd improved the
prestige of the community. The city became a center
of Torah and Torah scholars. Many students left the
city to teach Torah in other Persian towns and cities.
Thus, the city received the name "Little Jerusalem" by
the Persian Jews. It was also called "Dar el Ibrahim",
that is "the Eye of Faith". Mullah Or Shraga sanctified
the name of God among the gentiles and it is told that
the Shah himself came to seek his help and blessing.
The Rabbi died in 1794. His grave, at the outskirts of
the city, became a place of pilgrimage for the people
and is considered holy even among the Muslims. A
Moslem, whose wife became pregnant after praying

beside the grave, built a magnificent building on it.

During his memorial, the people of the town sing the
song composed by his son, Shmuel.
He left many followers, Torah scholars and Kabbalists:
his sons Rabbi Shmuel and Rabbi Yitzchak, his
grandson Mullah Yitzchak, and his great-grandson
Mullah Moshe ben Rabbi Rabbi Yitzchak and his son,
Rabbi Refael.
More about his biography: Chanina Mizrachi,
The Jews of Persia, 1959. And about him and the

| Mullah Or Shraga

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.347 - " - -
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| Mullah Or Shraga

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.346 - " - -
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| 3


The author: Rabbi Abdalla Somech. Adjudications

on the 'Shulchan Aruch' Yere Dea'h and at the end of
the book, responsa on the four parts of the Sulchan
Aruch, part A.
On the title page, the signature of "Moshe ben
Chacham Refael", the grandson of Mullah Or
Shraga, and his stamp. On the first pages there is a
handwritten index and throughout the book, there
are handwritten titles.

Mullah Or Shraga |

347. Zivchei Tzedek Bagdad 1899 First edition

with an index handwritten by Rabbi Moshe ben Refael

On the title page, a nice embossment of the Temple

Mount and the Temple.
A detailed description of the book: S. Ha'Levi, Sifrei
Yerushalayim Ha'Rishonim, Jerusalem 1976, 11-12.
Condition: Very Good. The cover is worn out
(probably the original).
Opening Price: $70

448 pp.
Condition: excellent. The cover is a little worn out
and loose.
Opening Price: $50

348. Moadei Hashem Ve'Kriei Moed part B Yisrael

Beck Print, Jerusalem 1843 Most rare with a
handwritten comment by Mullah Menashe Shraga
Prayer book for Sukkot and Hoshana Rabba, Moadei
Hashem and Kriei Moed (part B, the Sephardic
version), printed by Yisrael Beck in Jerusalem.
Ownership signature of "Rabbi Menashe ben Rabbi
Refael Shraga" (the grandson of Mullah Or Shraga).
On page 108, a poem by the proofreader. On the
last page, a poem that starts with "Ya Ribon Elem
Kashum" At the head of the rhymes: Yisrael Madpis
(Beck) (the printer).

2015 " |


Mullah Or Shraga |

Books with comments of the grandsons of Mullah Or Shraga

344. Vezot Li'yehuda Zoltzbach 1776 First
Edition Most Rare with comments of Rabbis, the
grandsons of Mullah Or Shraga

comments. There is also a handwritten note added

to the book.

The author: Rabbi Yehuda Ayash (1688-1748), one of

the greatest rabbis and adjudicators in Algeria and
the Eastern Jewry in general.

Condition: Good. 7 pages are missing from part 1.

The cover is in fair condition.

At the head of the book there are two signatures

in Sephardic writing: "Rabbi Chaim Moshe Mullah
Refael" and "Moshe Mullah Refael", a stamp of "Moshe
ben Rabbi Yitzchak, Neched (grandson) Ha'Maor
Shraga", a stamp pf "Moshe ben Rabbi Refael Peretz"
ans some references to passages in the book.

Opening Price: $100

191 pp.

345. Dvarim Achadim with Achorei Tar'a Livorno

1788 First and rare edition with comments and
stamps of Rabbis, the grandsons of Mullah Or Shraga
dedication by Rabbi Yosef Refael Uziel, the father of
the GARBATZ Uziel

Condition: Very Good. The cover is worn out and

stained and the spine is partially exposed.

Two parts: "The first part aggada and mussar

the second part the commentary of the MAHARM on
the Torah and commentary on Maimonides' Sefer
The book belonged to rabbis of the Shraga family, the
grandsons of the great Persian Torah Scholar, Mullah
Or Shraga. It was given as a gift to Rabbi Yitzchak
Shraga, the grandson of the Or Shraga and the author
of 'Chok le'Yitzchak' and then passed on to his son,
Rabbi Moshe, and then to his son, Rabbi Refael.
In the inner cover there are notes, signatures and
stamps of the family members. One stamp: "Refael
ben Ha'Chacham Moshe Neched Le'Hamaor" (Refael
son of the scholar Moshe, grandson of Ha'maor).
An additional stamp of "Moshe ben rabbi Yitzchak,
neched (grandson) Ha'maor Shraga" and another
stamp of an additional fa,ily member.
On the first page there us a warm dedication to "the
wise and lucid the excellent rabbinical judge
Yitzchak Katzin[?]" (In the second part of the
book there is a comment of his with his signature).
On the inner page of the cover there are handwritten
kabbalist comments. On page 25, a stamp and
signature and in several other places, handwritten


3 |

78; 48 pp.

The author: Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai (the

CHIDA) (1724-1806), an adjudicator, kabbalist,
SHADAR, bibliography and historian. A fertile author
who wrote about 122 compositions in the fields of
Halacha, Aggada, Kabbala and history.
"Drashot for the holidays on the Torah and the
Sages, which were said in the Yeshiva of Rabbi
Eliezer Chai Shealtiel Rikanaty"
To the book is added the essay 'Achorei Tar'a',
commentary on the book 'Sha'ar Yosef' on Horayot
tractate written by the author in his youth.
On the title page there is a nice, handwritten
dedication to Rabbi Mullah Moshe, son of Rabbi
mullah Yiztchak, grandson of Mullah Or Shraga. The
dedication was written by Rabbi Yosef Refael Uziel,
the president of the rabbinical court of the Sephardic
community in Jerusalem, the father of Rabbi Ben
Zion Meir Chai Uziel, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel.

Opening Price: $200

346. Rosh David Mantova 1776 First edition

Rare with signatures and stamps of Rabbi Yitzchak
ben Rabbi Moshe and Rabbi Moshe Refael Peretz of
the Shraga family
First edition of the book 'Rosh David' by the CHIDA.
On the page before the title page, many handwritten
kabbalist and Torah comments. On the title page
there is an interesting signature and dedication with
several stamps of "rabbi Yitzchak ben Rabbi Moshe"
and "Rabbi Refael ben Rabbi Yitzchak" of the Shraga
167, 5, 3, 5 pp.
Condition: Excellent. The cover is worn out (the book
was re-covered with cloth), Inscription of the front
Opening Price: $200

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," -"-" | $180

" | Chabad

.365 " " ",

() - "
| $80

.366 " - "

," - " - | $40

.367 "
-" | $300

| .369 $800
" " -",
, | $40

.370 ,
," - ,"-" | $150

| 3


in different locations around the world.

Opening Price: $800

Some of the rabbis who wrote letters are senior

Chabad Chassidim such as: Rabbi Yitzchak Dubov
(1886-1977, one of the Chabad rabbis of the previous
generation, served as a rabbi in Manchester, England);
Rabbi Pinchas Moshe Katz (1910-1985, served for
many years as a member of the management of
Agudat Chassidei Chabad in the United States, head
Gabbai at the 770 and a member of the managers
council of the Tomchei Temimim yeshivot); Rabbi
Feivel Rimler (one of the first shluchim of the Rebbe
to Israel in 1956, as well as a shaliach in Brighton
Beach); Rabbi Avraham Deutsch; Rabbi Yosef
Leiberman, head of the Shomrei HaChomot Kollel;
Rabbi Yisrael Tzvi Broyda, Rabbi of the Shaarei Ora
community in Brooklyn; Rabbi Eliezer Nissenbaum;
Rabbi Dov Eidelman; Rabbi Shneur Zalman Rapoport.

369. Letter of the secretary of the Rebbe Rayatz

1932, in his handwriting, signed
Letter sent in 1932 by Rabbi Yechezkel Feigin, the
personal secretary of the Rebbe Rayatz, Rabbi Yosef
Yitzchak Schneerson (1880-1950) to Rabbi Chanoch
Hendel Havlin (1919-1967).
The letter discusses receipt of a check, proceeded by
polite formalities and blessings.
Rabbi Yechezkel Feigin (1895-1942) was the personal
secretary of the Rebbe Rayatz from 1927 until his
murder by the Nazis in the Holocaust.
Rabbi Chanoch Hendel Havlin was one of the
important Chabad Chassidim in Israel.
The letter is written on the official stationary of
Rabbi Feigin, Secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Chabad | "

Condition: Very good.

Condition: Good-Very good.

Opening Price: $150

Size: 14.5x24.5cm.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $40

370. Large collection of letters, Rabbi Shmuel

Schneerson, Chabad Jerusalem, 1960-1990
Collection of several dozen letters sent to Rabbi
Shmuel Menachem Schneerson, one of the most
senior members of the Chabad community in
Jerusalem and a member of the management of the
Kollel Chabad, relative of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Includes letters on various topics, some from rabbis

2015 " |


Chabad | "

374 pages.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $80

366. Siddur according to the nussach of the Arizal

Siddur of the Alter Rebbe, Chabad Warsaw 1867Copy of Rabbi Yosef HaLevy
This edition includes a new letter of recommendation
from Rabbi Dovberish Meislish, Av Beit Din of
A (faded) stamp of Rabbi Yosef HaLevy, the
mashgiach of the wine at the Rishon LeZion Winery.
Handwritten inscription: Brought here by Rabbi
Yosef HaLevy from the Beit Midrash Hagadol to the
Beit Midrash Chabad.
Stamps of the synagogue in Rishon LeZion.
Rabbi Yosef HaLevy (1870-1949) immigrated to Israel
from Poland in 1886. After just a few years, when
he was 19, he was appointed as rabbi of the Rishon
LeZion Winery, where he worked for decades. At the
same time,, he published essays and studies on the
subject of mitzvot hatluyot baaretz, and managed
the Talmud Torah of the community. He was the sonin-law of Rabbi Naftali Hertz HaLevy, the first rabbi
of Jaffa.
At the end of the book (page 153), there is an elegant
stamp of Eliezer son of Rabbi Zeev, shochet in
Constantinople. The last page of the book includes
a special etching, perhaps of a beautiful palace (the
Beit Hamikdash?).
154 pages.


3 |

Condition: Good. Cover and title page are

disconnected. The cover has significant moth
damage. A few pages are loose. The rest of the pages
are in very good condition.


Opening Price: $40

C. Chaim Gravitzer, Dr. Fischel Schneerson. Tel Aviv,


367. Set of books, Ohel Rachel and Sefer Hatzeetzaim

A. Ohel Rachel, New York, 1980. Two volumes.
Author: Rabbi Chaim Lieberman (1892-1991), an
esteemed researcher of Chassidut, bibliographer
and the personal secretary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak
Schneerson. The book Ohel Rachel (Rachel is an
acronym of his name and the name of his fiance,
who was murdered) is a collection of essays printed
in various journals. His studies dealt with the history
of the Hebrew printing press, Yiddish literature,
identification of the authors of various religious
books, the Chassidic movement, bibliographic
studies and related topics. The first volume includes
his essays in Hebrew, and the second is in Yiddish
(with the exception of the last section).
582;568 pages.
Condition: Very good
B. Sefer Hatzeetzaim. Jerusalem 1980. Rare (a limited
number of copies were printed).
The family tree of the descendents of the Alter
Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, including an
introduction to his method, a biography, words of
Torah and stories of Chabad personalities throughout
the generations. Written by Rabbi Shmuel Elazar

[9], 554 pages. Illustrations, portraits and facsimilies.

Condition: Excellent.

484 pages.
Condition: Very good. Tear on the last page.
Opening Price: $300

368. Letters signed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, to the
mashpia, Rabbi Pinchas Leibush Hertzl
Two letters signed by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem
Mendel Schneerson of Lubavitch:
A. Letter dated February 18, 1960 to Rabbi Pinchas
Leibush on occasion of his son Mordechai Yehudas
Bar Mitzva, and a blessing of success in spreading
B. A letter dated September 16, 1967 to Rabbi
Mordechai Yehuda son of Rabbi Pinchas Leibush:
blessings on occasion of his engagement, and at the
edge of the letter encouragement to study Chumash,
Tehillim and Tanya every day.
Rabbi Pinchas Leibush Herzl (1923-2015) was one
of the oldest Chabad Chassidim in Isrel. He was the
mashpia at the Chabad Baal HaTanya synagogue in
Letters are printed on air mail stationary.

Likutei Amarim Tanya by the Alter Rebbe. With

the signature of Akiva Yosef Rabbi Akiva Yosef
Schlesinger, as well as faded stamps, apparently his
as well.
Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger (1837-1922), a
Hungarian rabbi who immigrated to Jerusalem, was
a very impressive figure. He fought the Neologs and
the Enlightenment movement, supported settlement
of the land of Israel and agriculture, believed in the
establishment of factories and security forces, and
was one of the first to take practical steps to purchase
land and develop agriculture in Israel.
65 pages.

362. Kitzur Tanya Jerusalem 1924

By Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Brodna (1850-1936), rabbi
of the Chassidim in Kopishak. At the end of his life,
he immigrated to Israel. He wrote several books,
including Birkat Avraham and Chayei Moshe.
The National Library website notes that this book
is the same as a book discovered later, of Rabbi
Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, the Tzemach
Tzedek, and that Rabbi Avraham Tzvi didnt mention
the real author at all. But this is a mistake: both
books are indeed very similar, and the author even
mentions in his introduction that he is following in
the footsteps of the Tzemach Tzedek. However, this
is not a forgery or a copy, but rather a similar book.
[4], 100 pages.

Condition: Fair. No cover. Moth damage. Last pages

are disconnected.

Condition: Good. Tears at the edges of the pages. The

front cover is missing. The back cover and the last
pages are loose.

Opening Price: $80

Opening Price: $50

361. Likutei Torah Alter Rebbe Vilna 1885

363. Boneh Yerushalayim Jerusalem 1926 Single

edition Rare

Likutei Torah by the Alter Rebbe on the books of

Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim and Shir HaShirim.
Yehuda Leib Metz Printing, Vilna, 1885.
List of owners at the end of the book.
54;96;100;51 pages.
Condition: Very good. The two title pages are
disconnected. Old cover, perhaps not original.
Opening Price: $50

Short essays which were copied from a handwritten

book attributed to the Rebbe Schneur Zalman of
Liadiorganized to be printed by Rabbi Chaim Eliezer
HaCohen son of Rabbi Dovber Bikowskythe author
found many volumes which were handwritten, which
were brought here dozens of years ago by the first,
well known Chassidim who immigrated to Israel
(from the publishers introduction).
The publisher is Rabbi Chaim Eliezer HaCohen

Bikowsky, of the Kapost Chassidim, a publisher of

Chabad books. At first, Chabad Chassidim avoided
using the books he published due to his comments
against the Rebbe Rashab, but later, at the Rebbes
orders, his books were again used.

Chabad | "

360. Likutei Amarim Tanya Lemberg 1864

with the signature and stamp of Rabbi Akiva Yosef
Schlesinger Rare

Printed in a facsimile edition in New York in 1988.

180 pages.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

364. 23 Issues of the magazine

VHaKdusha, Chabad 1941-1944


HaKriah VHaKdusha a Yiddish language magazine

printed between 1941-1945 by Kehot Publishers.
Essays and letters by the Rebbe Rayatz were published
in the issues, as well as essays about the holidays. The
only column which was written in Hebrew was called
Sichat Chullin BTahara (mundane conversation in
purity). In some of the issues, a few pages were even
printed in English.
Condition: Good. In some of the issues, the pages are
disconnected and stained, but readable.
Opening Price: $80

365. Kitvei Kodesh Divrei Elokim Chaim by the Rebbe

Rashab. Typewriter (stencil) Jerusalem 1954 Rare
Essays from the years 1906, 1907, 1908. Printed in
Jerusalem, 1954.
The Rashab, Rabbi Shalom Ber Schneerson (18611920) was the fifth Rebbe in the Chabad dynasty.

2015 " |


Chabad | "

Dedication from Rabbi Elchanan Dov Shainberg,

head of the Beit Midrash for excelling students in
Jerusalem, in addition to the signature of the owner
at the end of the book.
83 pages.
Condition: Good. Some pages slightly disconnected
from the book.
C. Laws of washing hands for a meal and laws of
brachot hanehenin. Warsaw, 1936.
14 pages.
Bound with the book Otiyot Machkimot, by Rabbi
Yaakov Moshe Gefen, about the history of the Mesora
and the rules of the Talmud.
50 pages.
With a few signatures of owners (including one:
Shlomo Zev Mayer) and a handwritten note of a
few lines on the last page.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

357. Laws of washing hands for a meal and laws of

brachot hanehenin, Alter Rebbe Warsaw 1844
22 pages.
Condition: Good. Missing the cover.
Opening Price: $40


3 |

358. Chanoch LaNaar, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Naeh

Warsaw 1912 Sole edition Dedication from the
Book about the laws of Tefillin, and a Bar Mitzva
speech translated into Bukharan. The first work
by Rabbi Avraham Chaim Naeh, written when he
was just 21 years old. The book includes letters
of recommendation from great rabbis in Israel,
includes: the Ridbaz, Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Rabbi
Eliyahu Moshe Panigel, and the rabbis of the Badatz
of the Chassidim in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Avraham Chaim Mendelov (Naeh) (1890-1954)
was born in Hebron to a family of Chabad Chassidim.
At the age of 20, he traveled to Lubavitch and learned
from the Rebbe Rashab. At the age of 21, he arrived in
Bucharest as a messenger, stayed in Samarkand for
two years, and then returned to Israel. In Bucharest,
he was called Avraham Chaim Mendelov (after his
father, Mendel), and he wore the traditional garb
of the Bukharan Jews. He became very famous in
Bucharest, viewed as a holy man who could perform
miracles. During World War I, he was exiled to Egypt.
When he returned to Israel, he served as the rabbi of
the Bukharan Quarter in Jerusalem for many years.
He was one of the greatest authorities in Jerusalem,
and a very important Chabad Chassid.

Condition: Good. Front and back covers, with the

final pages, are disconnected from the book.
Opening Price: $100

359. Iggrot Tzafon Vilna 1890 First edition in a

Hebrew translation with the stamp of Rabbi Shaul
David Zislin, Chairman of Agudat Chassidei Chabad
By Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch, Rabbi of the
Orthodox Jews of Germany. Of this edition, only
1,500 copies were printed.
Contains the stamp of Rabbi Shaul Dov Zislin (18811964) from the period when he served as the rabbi
of Ursha, where he was appointed as the rabbi at
the recommendation of the Rebbe Rayatz. After
he moved to Israel, he was the founder and first
chairman of the Agudat Chassidei Chabad in Israel
between the years 1941-1964.
Hebrew and Jewish-German, on facing pages. With
the translators additions: introduction, history of
the author and more. With a letter of response by
the author to one of his opponents, translated into
244 pages.

At the beginning of the book, there is a dedication

by the author in his handwriting, to the important
Simcha HaCohen Molkandof of Samarkand.

Condition: Good. There is a small amount of

handwriting in the inner cover and on the first and
last pages. Stamps from the Chabad library. Front
title page is missing, but the title page of the book
itself (Iggrot Tzafon) is included.

56 pages.

Opening Price: $60

A. Ateret Rosh, the Mitteler Rebbe, Johannesburg

1858. Second edition.
Book by the Mitteler Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Dovber
Schneuri (1773-1827), son of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi
Schneur Zalman of Liadi.
The book includes essays based on Chassidut
and Kabbalah about Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur,
especially focusing on Malchuyot, Zichronot and
Shofarot. It also includes a lecture for Shabbat Shuva.
The custom of Chabad is to study the entire every
year during the Yamim Noraim, as directed by the
Rebbe Rashab.
The title page reads Kopust 1821 in order to give
the impression that this is the first edition, but in
fact, this is the second edition. The title pages, as well
as the last two pages, are different than the original
edition. The printing location (Johannesburg) and
name of the printer appear at the end of the book.
In almost all of the copies of this book, these details
were omitted!
The signature of Rabbi Shmuel Natan Wein. Inside
the front cover is a long list, apparently in his
handwriting, entitled Hints of Moshiach in 1939,
Tel Aviv, followed by a long essay in close, neat
handwriting of gematriyot (numerical values) and
hints proving that the coming of the Moshiach is
hinted to in several places in the book of Bereshit.

On page 12, there is a note written on the side of the

page, signed by Pinchas HaLevy, 1932.
70 pages.
B. Masechta Atzilut, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Chaver.
Johannesburg, 1864. First edition.
A brayta of the wisdom of the Kabbalah of the early
sages at the time of King David, with a commentary
called Ginzei Meromim by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac
Chaver (1789-1852), a genius in the Torah and
Kabbalah, and rabbi of several towns in Lithuania.
He was the main student of Rabbi Menachem Mendel
of Shklov, the student of the Vilna Gaon third in the
chain from the Vilna Gaon. This is the first edition of
his commentary Ginzei Meromim.
48 pages.
It is interesting that a Chassidic work was bound
together with a book from the school of thought of
the Vilna Gaon.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $40

355. Likutei Torah - volume presented to Rabbi Asher

Yechezkel Horowitz from the Maharid of ChabadLiadi
Likutei Torah of the Alter Rebbe on Vayikra,
Bamidbar, Devarim. Vilna, 1885. At the top of the
title page of the Bamidbar section, a handwritten
message reads: Gift presented from the Rebbe,
my ancestor, of Liadi [?] to Rabbi Asher Yechezkel
HaLevy Horowitz in Tzefat.

Rabbi Asher Yechezkel Horowitz (passed away in

1920) was the grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek of
Lubavitch and one of the founders of the Chabad
community in Tzefat.
The title page says that he received the book as a gift
from the Rebbe, my ancestor, of Liadi, which was
Rabbi Yitzchak Dober Schneerson (Maharid) (18351910), one of the most important Chabad Rebbes,
who served as Rebbe in the city of the Alter Rebbe.
He was the grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek, and his

Chabad | "

354. Ateret Rosh, the Mitteler Rebbe bound together

with Masechta Atzilut Johannesburg (1858) with
a long handwritten list regarding the coming of the

Condition: Fair. Missing the cover and some of the

pages. A few pages are torn and the restoration done
is not very high quality. The missing text was added
in handwriting, perhaps of Rabbi Horowitz.
Opening Price: $50

356. Three editions of Laws of Brachot Hanehenin by

the Alter Rebbe
A. Laws of washing hands for a meal and laws of
brachot hanehenin, with Likutei Maharit. Piotrkov,
Signature of owners.
85 pages.
Condition: Very good. No cover.
B. Laws of washing hands for a meal and laws of
brachot hanehenin, with Likutei Maharit. Lodz, 1928.
Letters of recommendation from Rabbi Chaim Berlin
and the Chemdat Shlomo of Vilna. Rare edition, not
found in the National Library.

2015 " |


Chabad | "

Chassidut Chabad

repeats his teachings).

Until 1981, the Lubavitcher Rebbe would accept

private visits, which were known as yechidus. When
the number of people interested in visits increased
to the extent that it was impossible to accept them
all privately, the yechidus was stopped, except for in
special cases, and instead, a general yechidus for the
public was offered at set times.

A sticker with the Rebbes picture is attached to the

Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

350. Dollar Bill from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 1991

352. Silver coin. Chabad, Welcome the Moshiach

This coin was minted at the beginning of 1994, just
a few months after the passing of the Lubavitcher
Rebbe during the period when the Messianic
discussions within Chabad began.
One side of the coin says: Long live the Rebbe King
Moshiach Forever, The bright, great day, 11th of
Nissan 1902, eternal life, nonstophe will redeem us.

In 1986, the Rebbe began to accept visitors in a unique

way that was almost unprecedented then: every
Sunday, the Rebbe would stand in the room near his
office and for hours on end, gave out dollar bills to
each visitor. The purpose was for the visitor to then
give them (or their value) to charity and continue the
act of kindness to another person. The opportunity
was also used by the visitors to request a blessing,
ask for advice and give the Rebbe books.

A sticker with the Rebbes picture is attached to the


351. Welcoming reception for the Lubavitcher Rebbe,

the Rayatz Jerusalem 1929 Very Rare

Condition: Very good.

Many people would visit the Rebbe at these times:

Chabad Chassidim and other religious Jews, regular
people, officials, Knesset members, politicians,
influential academic figures, journalists both Jews
and non-Jews alike.

Huge poster printed by the management of the Torat

Emet Yeshiva (of Chabad) on occasion of the famous
visit of the Rayatz in Israel.

Religious Books

The name of the recipient of the dollar bill was

usually written on the bill, as well as the date it was
received, and keeping it was considered to be a
valuable segula.
349. Dollar Bill from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Given to
Rabbi Moshe Levertov, 1989
Dollar bill with the name of Rabbi Moshe Levertov,
a famous Chabad chassid from the previous
generation, and one of the Rebbes chozers (orally

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $50

On the other side of the coin, there is a picture of

the 770 building, and the words: Beit Moshiach 770,
At At Kumt Moshiach, Welcome Moshiach and other
Weight: 26 grams.

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson (1880-1950),

the sixth Rebbe in the Chabad Lubavitch dynasty,
headed the Chassidut from 1920 until his death. His
visit in Israel was very significant for the Jews living
in Israel at that time.
Size: 47x64cm.
Condition: Very good. Small cuts due to the fold.
Opening Price: $180

Opening Price: $30

353. Responsa of Rabbi Yosef Kolon Sudilkov 1834

Stamped by Rabbi Alexander Yudasin
Rabbi Alexander Yudasin was one of the most
important Chabad rabbis in Israel, rabbi of the
Chassidic community in Jaffa for almost fifty years,
a member of the Beit Din and author of works on the
Talmud and the Tanya. He passed away in 1983.
[7], 62 65-98 pages (pagination is faulty)
Name of the book and printing location in red ink.
Condition: Excellent. Cover is not original. Small tear
on the title page.
Opening Price: $100


3 |

| Posters

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.373 -

.371 -
- "

" -
" ' - ,

" "
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" . , ,

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" , ,
"" : ,
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$90 :

.372 '
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: . .
$50 :

() ("-") .
, .
. .
18X35 :".
: .
$25 :

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" , "
30X44 :".

.374 " -

" . ".

$120 :

" "" : "

" " "

.376 " ' ' -

" . " , " ' '.
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( ) " , ,
" . "
" .
35X23 :".
$80 :


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" | 2015

" .375 " - " " -

" -

" "
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" : ' " 3"
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" ' ' . ' '.
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25X48 :".


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$50 :

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" .
- .

.377 ."
" "
, " "
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" . "
" : ...
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51x32 :"
, ,.
$50 :

.378 '
" " ,

, ,
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. 52 :
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.379 , -
- 20-
'' ,
45X37 :".
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$350 :

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14X9.5 :".
$120 :

.381 - , 20-
( )" :! ,
... - "".
, .
" .
. , .20-
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38X50 :".

| Posters

' .382' - , 20-

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$30 :

.383 " -
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: . .

36X47.5 :".

64X 41 :".

$40 :

$80 :

| 3


| Posters
.371 -
- " | $90

" .375 " - " "

- " - | $120


" | 2015

' (") | $50

.373 -
| $25

.376 " '

' - | $50

." | $50

.374 "
- | $80

' ' | $50

| Posters

.379 , -
- 20- | $350

' .382' - , $30 | 20-

.381 - , $40 | 20-

' .380' - $120 | 20-

.383 " -
- "18- '
- - " | $80

| 3


Special work of art for a synagogue. At the center,

there are two Menorah shapes with the verses of
Lamnatzeach and Shir LaMaalot, as well as a hand
holding a quill and writing the Ten Commandments,
surrounded by additional verses.
Size: 37x45cm.
Condition: Good. A few small tears.
Opening price: $350

380. Lamnatzeach on parchment Early 20th century

The chapter of Tehillim, Lamnatzeach, on parchment,
incorporating the first letters of Ana BeKoach
and the first letters and last letters of the verses of
The Kabbalistic sages wrote that reading
Lamnatzeach from parchment is a great segula. They
said that this could cause the prevention of harsh
decrees, protection from bad incidents, finding favor
in the eyes of others, protection on a journey and
Size: 9.5x14cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening price: $120

381. Yarzheit page Germany, early 20th century

Yarzheit page (anniversary of a death). Oh! I will
remember the bitter day every year, I will mourn as I

remember this dayto commemorate the yarzheit of

my mother, of blessed memory. Drawing of a man
and a woman standing next to a gravesite, wiping
their tears with a handkerchief. Drawings of the tomb
of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Rachels Tomb.
Colorful lithograph print. Germany, early 20th
Condition: Very good. Small tears at the top.
Size: 47.5x36cm.
Opening price: $40

382. Colorful Mizrach Germany, Early 20th century

Vibrant, colorful Mizrach.
At the bottom, there is a special drawing of people
praying next to the Western Wall, many figures from
the Tanach as well as verses of belief and hope for
the rebuilding of Jerusalem. There is also a drawing
of the symbols of the 12 tribes.
Size: 50x38cm.
Condition: Very good. Lightly torn at the corner.
Opening price: $30

383. Large lithograph Likrat Shabbat from the

lives of the Spanish immigrants in Salonika at the
end of the 18th century by artist Refael Avraham
Shalem Monzon Printing Jerusalem 1937

apparently only printed in 1937.

Refael Avraham Shalem (nicknamed ROSH) was
born in Salonika in 1888. He was one of the first
immigrants to Israel from Salonika, and in this
lithograph, he recalls the customs of his community.
He was talented artist who studied at Bezalel during
the early 20th century. He designed lithographs and
unique art pieces made of metal. He worked as an
engineer and prepared architectural plans for the
third Beit Hamikdash (printed in 1967).

Posters |

379. Lamnatzeach and Shir LaMaalot Menorahs,

and the Ten Commandments Drawing. Unique,
handmade Early 20th century Rare

This poster describes the life of the Spanish

immigrants who settled in Salonika after the Spanish
Inquisition in 1492, transforming the city into a
spiritual and cultural center from the 16th century
until the 18th century. The poster depicts a woman
lighting the Ner Tamid on Friday afternoon in the
synagogue, assisted by her son. A Torah scholar
engrossed in study sits on the floor of the synagogue.
(See item number 275 in this catalogue for a book
written by the ROSH).
Condition: Beautiful overall. A few tears in the corner
and on the side which were restored. Water stains.
Size: 41x64cm.
Opening price: $80

Poster designed by famous Bezalel artist Refael

Avraham Shalem, printed by Monzon Printing in
Jerusalems Old City. Lithograph print with gold ink.
The drawing includes the date of 1936, but it was

2015 " |


Posters |

375. Deep Mourning Eulogy for Rebbe Yissachar

Dov of Belz Jerusalem 1927 Very rare
Invitation to a eulogy organized by the Galicia
Kollel, where the Rebbe of Belz was president.
Deep mourning over the holy, righteousRabbi
Yissachar Dov Rokach of Belzeulogizing him will
be Rabbi Menachem Mordechai Frankel Teomim, at
the Zichron Menachem Beit Midrash located in the
building of the generous Menachem Mendel Rand.
All of Israel will mourn the tragedy
Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokach (1851-1927) was the
rabbi of the town of Belz in Galicia and the third
Rebbe in the Belz dynasty. He was known as the
head of the Rebbes in Galicia and one of the greatest
scholars of his generation.
Size: 44x30 cm.
Condition: Fair. Tears.
Opening price: $120

376. Welcoming reception for the Rebbe of Deyzh,

author of Zichron Yaakov 1920s Rare
Under the title A Sage Comes to Town Honor the
Torah, the Zibenbirgen Kollel (a region in Romania
Transylvania) invites the public to welcome the
president of the Kollel: On Wednesday, the 26th
of Iyar at 3 in the afternoon, at the gate of our city,
the great Rabbidescendant of the great family, the
Rebbe Yaakov Elimelech Panet, Rabbi and Av Beit
Din of Deyzh and the Galil, and head of the great
Yeshiva therepresident of the Zibenbirgen and
Siladi Kollel in the Holy Land.


3 |

The name of the Rebbe is printed in gold letters.

Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Panet was the fifth and last
in the dynasty of Rebbes, descendents of the Mareh
Yechezkel. Author of the book Zichron Yaakov. In
the Holocaust, he refused to leave his community,
and was murdered in Auschwitz on June 5, 1944.
Size: 48x25cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening price: $50

377. Poster Jerusalem Rabbis against the Separate

Shechita, 1926
Especially large poster of a Notice and Warning
printed by Batei Din of the Prushim and Chassidim
in Jerusalem regarding the separate shechita
an affair which stirred Jerusalem for many years
(beginning in 1920).
The zealots of Jerusalem, let by Rabbi Yosef Chaim
Sonnenfeld, established a separate shechita system,
thereby threatening the regular shechita system of
the Batei Din, led by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook.
The great rabbis in Israel and overseas had to express
their opinions on the controversy, and the vast
majority of them were in favor of the regular Batei
Din and against the separation initiative.
The poster reads: We worked very hard to quiet the
argumentsand they are insisting on destroying
instead of building We are obligated to announce
the prohibition of this shechitainfringement on the
regular shochets who are considered dependable
There are quotes from some of the greatest Achronim

regarding the severity of infringing upon the existing

shochets businesses and the dangers involved in
separating the shechita.
Size: 51x32 cm.
Condition: Good. Small tear, folding marks.
Opening price: $50

378. Poster of Speeches by Great Rabbis as part of

The Week for Shabbat Rare
A large poster entitled And the Children of Israel shall
observe the Shabbat, with a list of rabbis who will be
giving speeches at synagogues and yeshivot in all of
the neighborhoods in Jerusalem on Shabbat Parashat
Yitro, before the Torah reading, on the importance
of keeping Shabbat. This was part of The Week for
Shabbat: a week of support for Shabbat observance.
Among the 52 rabbis listed on the poster are: the
Chief Rabbis of that time, Rabbi Herzog and Rabbi
Uziel, Rabbi Frank, Rabbi Elyaashiv, Rabbi Shalom
Shvadron, Rabbi Auerbach, Rabbi Aryeh Levin and
What is interesting about this list of rabbis on the
poster is that it includes all of the neighborhoods
of Jerusalem and their rabbis, from Meah Shearim
to Rechavia, regardless of the ideological or sect
differences. This is an expression of the unity
between all of the groups on behalf of Shabbat
Apparently from the beginning of the 1950s.
Condition: Very good. Folding marks.
Opening price: $50

Posters and Flyers, Mizrach, Shiviti

371. 42.145.21 Flyer of a ruling against voting rights
for women Agudat Yisrael Jerusalem 1926
In 1919, the Union of Hebrew Women for Equal Rights
in Israel was established, led by Sara Azaryahu, with
the goal of promoting the involvement of women in
public life and the granting of voting rights to women
at the voters meeting in 1921. The general public, led
by the rabbis in Israel, viewed this as an attempt to
follow the trend of the ever-changing world culture
and opposed to natural Jewish modesty and healthy
family structure. The great rabbis in Israel, led by
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, as well as the great
rabbis of that generation overseas, expressed their
clear opposition.
This is a flyer from 1926 Ruling from our rabbis
in exile, quoting the opinions of the great rabbis of
the generation the Chafetz Chaim, Ohr Sameach,
Rogochover, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer and Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Zach because according to our
Torah, women have no right to vote or to be elected.
The flyer was printed by the Kol Yisrael newspaper
of Agudat Yisrael in Jerusalem, whose editor was
Rabbi Refael Katzenelbogen, and attached to the
newspaper issue of October 28, 1925.
Condition: Good Very good. Several folding marks.
No tears.
Opening price: $90

372. Prayers with Cantor Zevulun Kwartin at the

Hurva Synagogue (1928)
Flyer about Yom Kippur Kattan prayers at the
Hurva Synagogue of Rabbi Yehuda HaChassid on
Wednesday, the day before Rosh Chodesh Nissan
(1928). Since we expect extreme crowding inside
the synagogue and outside of it, police officers and
many ushers will be at the site and will enforce the
law toward anyone who disturbs the peace. Those in
attendance are requested to please take their places
to uphold the honor of the synagogue and their own
honorticket sales are almost ending and will soon
run out.
Condition: Good. Tears mainly at the top of the flyer.
Opening price: $50

373. Concert by a Flutist in Jerusalem Special and

Concert, old Jerusalem style A pleasant surprise for
the public there will soon be a large flute concert
by the musician Mr. Yehuda Harrison, student of
the greatest professor in Europe, Jacques van-Lier.
Additional details to come in special flyers.
(Yisrael) Yehuda Harrison (1897-1948) was born in
Jerusalem. As a child, his musical talent was evident,
and he excelled in playing wind instruments. When
the new police force was established by the British
government, he was one of the first to join the police
orchestra in Jerusalem. He also studied at the music
academy in Vienna, and returned as a certified
musician and perfect flutist. He fell during his

military service in the War of Independence.

Size: 35x18cm.
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $25

Posters |


374. Two announcements of a welcoming reception

for the Rebbe of Trisk London - Rare
A. Honor the Torah
Flyer from the organizing committee: The religious
community in the holy city is requested to welcome
the Rebbe in their masses; considered the greatest
personality in the world of religious Judaism (!)
Condition: Excellent.
B. A Sage Comes to Town, Flyer from the Talmud
Torah and Yeshiva Chayei Olam.
Tonight at 7, the honorable president of our institute
in Britain will arrive at the gates of Jerusalem.
Condition: Good.
Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Twersky (1884-1980), great
grandson of Rabbi Avraham of Trisk (the Maggid of
Trisk), founder of the Trisk dynasty, was the fourth
Rebbe. From the year 1924, he lived in London, and
in 1964, he moved to Israel and settled in Bnei Brak.
Size: 23x35cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening price: $80

2015 " |


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" . '
" ("-") ,
." .
, ,
, - .

" . .
" " .

.384 - - -
, ' '.
'' .
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17X25 :".
: .
200$ :

.385 ' ' -

" -

, ,

. " ,
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" . " :
" .

' '".


" ,
, .
. ' '
, .

, "
" , ,
. , ,
. (.)1903
72X64 :".

| Synagogues

: . ,
$600 :

, .
: . .
$100 :

, - -
- 1903 -
1903- -
( ,)1932-1860
. 1907-
22 .
. ,
, .
. , ,

. , .,
" . !
' ' ' '
. ,
' ' . ",
" , "
" " ,
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" .
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| 3


| Synagogues

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. " ,

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. ' '

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10" ," .

. , ".

. " " ( ) ,

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, " ".
" "
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" " " - " "
"" . .
35X48 :".
. ," , ' '.
25X35 :".
. ," , ' ' .
25X32 :".
. :


23X15 :".

$60 :

' .388 ' , ,

, ,

" ," ," ," . ,
( , )
( , , " ) .
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, .

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" | 2015

$30 :


. , ," .
" '
' ' ' , "
. '
' ,
: . .
$25 :

| Synagogues

.384 - -
- | $200

.385 ' '

- " | $100

, -
- 1903 - - | $600

| $60

' .388 ' ,

, ,,
| $30

.389 | $25

| 3


because there are no friends, and also Torah-andwork is not to be found."

389. Birkat Ha'Levana (Blessing of the New Moon)


With candle-lighting times.

Condition: Good-Excellent.

Size: 25x35 cm.

Opening Price: $60

A hardcover booklet of the blessing of the new

moon with a request for a donation to the Torah
Fund of Agudat Yisrael. Hamburg, Germany,
approximately 1940.

E. Five receipts:

Yeshivat Tiferet Tzvi, 1954; Yeshiva Hechal

HaTalmud, 1954; The General Orphans School of
the Sephardic Congregation, 1954; General Home
for Elderly Men and Women in Safed, 1942; and The
Great Yeshiva of Petach Tikva, the Center of the New
Yishuv in the Land of Israel, 1936.
F. A letter of request for a donation towards the library of
the "Association for the Rational Jews" in Yiddish.
G. A receipt from the "United Institutions in the Holy City
of Tiberias," Cheshvan (November) 1944.

Printed signatures of R. Asher Zev Verner, R.

Avraham Veinberg (the Slonimer Rebbe), and R.
David Mintzberg.
Size: 15x23 cm.
H. A certificate of "Keren HaElef" (The Thousand Fund)
of the Yosef Tzvi Foundation on behalf of the association
of students of R. Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky.

A colorful certificate denoting the sum of 10 Land of

Israel lirot, from Rabbi Menachem Galandauer.
I. Postcard, Cheshvan (November) 1944

From Y. Zaltz of Safed to the youth Pinchas Vaknin,

son of the renowned Rabbi Meir Vaknin, the Chief
Rabbi of Tiberias. The sender asks if it can be
arranged that he come to Tiberias to work and learn
because "here [in Safed] it is impossible to learn

388. Ledger Books of the "Rechovot HaBucharim

Society". Rafael Galivof. Jerusalem, various years
Four pamphlet/notebooks published by the Rechovot
HaBucharim society in the years 1926, 1931, 1942,
and 1945. Written by the society's secretary, Rafael
Galivof. The booklets contain a very detailed and
organized accounting of the various amounts of
income to the society, such as donations, sale of
books, and more, as well as expenses, such as charity,
rent, support for Torah scholars, and more. There are
also pages in memory of important personalities in
the community.
A fifth pamphlet, "Account of Income and Expenses"
of the Medrash Shlomo Synagogue in Tel Aviv, was
also written by Rafael Galivof. Jerusalem, 1945.
Rafael Galivof was a local functionary/activist,
as well as a journalist and translator. He served as
secretary of the "Maskil El Dal" society and a founder
of the "Arucha U'Marpeh" medical organization of the
congregation. From 1923 and on he was the secretary
of the Bucharim congregations. The pamphlets were
printed by various printing houses.

In September 1943, the great conference of Agudat

Yisrael took place, headed by the Chafetz Chaim,
Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky and the Rebbe of
Gur. One the decisions that had been made was
the founding of 'Keren Ha'Torah' (Torah Fund) to
financially help the Torah institutions due to the
difficult situation after World War II.

Synagogues |

D. Wall calendar for the year 5709 (1949), Yeshivat

Novardhok Beit Yosef in Jerusalem.

Before us is an early publication printed by the

4 pp.
Condition: Good. Two corners are slightly torn.
Opening Price: $25

47, 108, 16, 40, 16 pages.

Condition: Fair-Very Good.
Opening Price: $30

2015 " |


Synagogues |

designing the Szeged synagogue, Baumhorn reached

the pinnacle of his artistic career. From the outside,
it looks like a luxurious palace, and its interior is also
most splendorous. The inner dome (nearly 50 meters
high), together with the murals and illustrated verses,
provide a unique ambience of eminence and glory.
The Szeged synagogue survived difficult periods,
and still today stands in its glory, with the chandelier
still hanging from the ceiling. Many visitors crowd
daily around the gates of the synagogue to see the
luxurious structure. The elders of the congregation,
together with the many Jewish tourists, conduct
prayer services there on Sabbaths and holidays.
From the center of the ceiling a large chandelier
drapes down. The sketch offered here is of that very
chandelier. The sketch is on a large slide, and includes
the inscription: "Plans of the Szeged Synagogue," a
notation of the lamp, a view of the lamp from below
it and of its location in the expanse of the synagogue,
and various notes and calculations by the architect.
His name is printed and signed, next to another
(unidentified) signature. The year of the design
1903 is handwritten on the back of the slide.
Condition: Very good. A small amount of ageing
stains, a small amount of tears on the margins, and a
small amount of written notations on the slide.
Opening Price: $600

387. Announcements and receipts from Torah

institutions in the Land of Israel/Palestine
A. "Sacred Lottery," of the Knesset Yisrael community and
Yeshivat Bar Yochai. Meron, 1910. A rare and historic item!


3 |

A voucher from the "Sacred Lottery" on behalf of the

builders of the community "Knesset Yisrael" in the
Meron area of the Galilee. The voucher was given to
donors to the cause of building the community and
its Torah institution, Yeshivat Bar Yochai. The area
in question was a large plot of land just north of and
adjacent to the gravesite of R. Shimon bar Yochai.
The voucher states that each lottery winner will
receive one of 12 houses in the new colony, "near the
gravesite of our great master, the Divine Tanna Rav
Shimon bar Yochai, and his son Rav Elazar, and all the
other sacred ones next to him, may their memories
protect us, with a share in the [facilities that provide]
public needs in the above holy estate: the new Beit
Medrash and bath-house, and bakery, and water pits,
and a building for hospitality."
Detailed on the voucher are the procedure of the
lottery, the number of participants, and the cost of
a ticket (as a donation to the construction of the
In or around the year 1900, the new community
and its Yeshiva were founded. The founders of the
community were residents of Safed. One of the
reasons they built the new town was for the benefit
of those who frequented the holy gravesite: "It is
important and good for our brothers of Israel who
come to this site on the anniversary of R. Shimon
bar Yochai's death on Lag Baomer, and on days of
mercy and Divine will to come and find a place to
rest and eat and drink a little and have some warm,
cooked food. Before this new town was founded,
visitors would wander around without any of that
which is needed for those who are weak." So wrote

the renowned Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld in a

letter on behalf of the builders.
The seals of the three organizers/founders appear on
the voucher: R. "Avraham Brandwein," R. "Yehoshua
ben R. Lipa Bein from Warsaw, in Meron near Safed,"
and R. "Aharon Reisman, author of Birkat Rosh, and
a descendant of Rashi, may his memory protect us."
Atop the voucher are drawings of the holy city of
The voucher is not detached from its tab.
The proceedings of the lottery and the prizes are
detailed on the second page.
B. Wall calendars for the years 5706 and 5707 (1946 and
1947), printed by Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav Kook.

Atop each calendar is a photo of the founder of

the Yeshiva, HaRav A.I. Kook. Aside the photo is a
reproduction of Rav Kook's handwritten blessing
"to all supporters of our great enterprise, the Central
Universal Yeshiva." On the sides of the calendar
appears Megged Yerachim short "sayings of the
month" written by Rav Kook. The Yeshiva was
housed at the time in Beit HaRav Kook in downtown
Size: 35x48 cm.
C. Wall calendar for the year 5704 (1944), Yeshivat Etz

With a picture of the students and Rabbi Shmuel

Salant, and details about the Yeshiva and its
budgetary allocations.
Size: 25x35 cm.

The "Tiferet Yisrael" Synagogue

of Jerusalem Day (Iyar 28) in 2014.

The Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue (also known as the

Nissan Beck Synagogue) was prominently located
in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem,
not far from the site of today's Yeshivat HaKotel. It
was established by the Hassidic groups of the Old
Yishuv, especially those of Rozhin and Sadigura. It
was named after Rabbi Yisrael of Rozhin, who raised
the funds for the purchase of the land on which the
synagogue was built. The Rebbe of Rozhin explained
the importance of the synagogue by saying that
when the Holy Temple stood, the prayers of every
Jew would pass through and arise from the Temple
but now, during the Exile, the prayers will pass
through the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue.

Items connected with the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue

are most rare!

The synagogue was dedicated in 1872. The driving

spirit behind its construction was Reb Nissan Beck
(1815-1890), a communal leader in Jerusalem and
one of the heads of the Hassidic groups there. Beck
was the chief gabbai [sexton] of the synagogue until
the day he died.
The Tiferet Yisrael synagogue rose to a very great
height, and became a symbol of Jerusalem and its
skyline. The building also housed a bath-house
and mikveh, a place for guests, a Beit Medrash and
Talmud Torah, and the prayer hall itself on the top
The synagogue was destroyed by the Jordanians
immediately after they conquered the Old City
in 1948. Three years ago, the District Planning
Committee approved plans for its rebuilding, and the
foundation stone for the project was laid on the eve

384. Bronze Embossment Tiferet Yisrael Betzalel,

Palestine. Rare
An embossment of the Old City; in its center stands
the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue. It shows the horizon
from the direction of the Hurva Synagogue.
As could be expected, works of art and pictures of
ancient Jerusalem at the time centered around the
Hurva, which generally appeared most prominently
in the works of art. It is likely that this is the only
work that displays the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue.
This item provides a rare opportunity to touch the
glory of the ruined synagogue.
Catalogue: 4B-10

this synagogue, as is known." The call states: "We

ask your honors to aid us in raising up the ruins of
this 'little Temple.'" To this end, the directors asked
to "make a special Mi Sheberach prayer this Sabbath,
Parashat Haazinu, for all worshipers who give a
donation towards the repair of the Tiferet Yisrael
The above earthquake was the largest one of that
period, and caused many casualties and great damage
across the country. In the Old City, too, many homes
and public buildings were destroyed - including the
Tiferet Yisrael synagogue, whose repair took much

Synagogues |


On the margin of the page is an official synagogue

seal, containing a picture of the synagogue.
Condition: Very good. Small tears in a bottom corner.
Opening Price: $100

Size: 25x17 cm.

Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $200

385. A call for the reconstruction of the Tiferet Yisrael

synagogue, following the earthquake in 1928. Rare
A printed page with a call on behalf of the gabbaim
[sextons] of the large synagogue of the Hassidim
in the Old City of Jerusalem known as the Tiferet
Yisrael synagogue addressed to the sextons and
directors of the Jerusalem synagogues. The page
was printed in Tishrei (autumn) 1928, two months
after the earthquake that "caused great damage to

386. Original sketch of the main chandelier of the

Great Synagogue in Szeged, Hungary the 4th-largest
synagogue in the world. 1903 Adorned - Signature of
the Jewish architect
The synagogue in Szeged was designed in 1903 by
the Hungarian-Jewish architect Lipot Baumhorn
(18601932). Of the 22 synagogues he designed (as
engraved on his gravestone), it is considered the
largest and most beautiful. Built in 1907, it served
Szeged's large Neolog community.
Baumhorn also designed the synagogue's holy
articles, including the central chandelier. In

2015 " |


.390 70- , ,

14 .398 - 1 , " ,

.406 " " ,-50 ,

100- , G

$50 :

$100 :

$40 :

13 .391 , , ,
, XF

3 .399 - 5 , " , F

4 .407

$50 :

500 . , .G

2 .400 - 1 , 5- ",

. , .F
5 . , .G

$30 :

10 . , .VF

.401 , ," 1948

$100 :

100 . , , .F

4 .408

50 . ,- , .XF

500 . , .G

100 . ,- , .XF

. , .F

250 . ,- , .VF

5 . , .G

$100 :

10 . , .VF

5 .402 250 ,- , F-XF

$100 :

$100 :

.409 ,1952 ,
50 " , ,+VF

30$ :

.392 500- ,
, F-XF
150$ :

.393 400- ,
, , F-XF
$150 :

.394 180- ,
, , , F-XF
$80 :

4 .395 - 500 , 5 ,1 ,10-

" , VF
$300 :

3 .396 - 500 , 1 , 5-
" , F-VF
$100 :

3 .397 - 500 , 1 , 5-
" , F
$70 :

.403 " " ,-50 ,

100- , F

500 10 ,5 ,1 , 50- ".

$25 :

$1500 :

.404 " " ,-50 ,

100- , XF

6 .410 10 , " , ,

$30 :

$300 :

.405 " ",

- 50 , 100- , G-F

5 .411 , , G

| Banknotes and Coins

$25 :

$30 :

| 3


| Banknotes and Coins

.412 , ,
1955 ,
9 . 50 ( 2 7 , ).
77 . 10 ( 25 52 , ).
18 . 5.
. .
5 . 500.
$150 :

.413 , 1960-1958 ,
160 . ( 10
28 . ( , ,).
10 . 5 .
4 . 10 .
106 . 50 .
$80 :

.414 , 1968 ,

.415 , 1975-1973 ,

8 . 200" ( 4 4 ,).

15 . 5 .


89 . 10 .

$300 :


.420 ' ()

$30 :

.416 1984-1978 ,
2 . .
9 . 5 .
29 . 10 .
68 . 50 .
61 . 100.
$30 :

4 .417 50 4
$50 :

8 .418 100 '

$50 :

4 . 5.
20 . 10.
76 . 50.


.419 , '1998-1986 ,
46 . 1" ".
18 . 5" .

' ,
, .
, ,
. ,
, , '
50 2 ,1 , 5- ,
$150 :

7 .421 , 1943 ,
, ,10 ,5 ,2 ,1
50 ,20 100- .
. ,
1.1.1943- '
( .)Bank der juedischen Selbst-verwaltung

25 . 100 ( , ,

36 . 10" .


14 . 20" .

$80 :

15 . 100" ( 1 5 , 9 ,

$100 :

" | 2015

5 1949
. ,

, .
, ".
,- .
''" ,
" , .
$25 :

.423 20,Liberty Head double eagle ,
1900 ,
. - $20
, 13
" " (.)E pluribus unum
34" , 33.44 .
90% 21.6 10%- .

46 .
"."in G-d we trust

: , .
" : " .
. : ,
" "" , " . .
: , " " .

34" , 33.44 . 90%

21.6 10%- .

: .

.424 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1908 , +VF

,1887 .35065221

$900 :

22 :".
7 :.

.425 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1914 , VF-XF

$150 :

$900 :

.432 , , ,

.426 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1923 , +VF

."CICERO" : " ."".T.R :

$900 :

.427 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1924 , +VF

( 43-106") , , ,
, .
32.5 :.

| Banknotes and Coins

13 .422 5 " "

'' '..' , '' -

, ."Double Eagle"-

.431 , , ,
1981 ,

$900 :

$900 :

.428 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1924 , +VF
$900 :

.429 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1924 , +VF

$900 :

$900 :

1904 "

( )1907-1848 , 1908

.430 20 ,Double Eagle ,

,1925 , VF-XF
$900 :

| 3


| Banknotes and Coins

.390 70- ,
, $50 | F-XF

13 .391 , ,
, ,
30$ | XF

.392 500-,
, 150$ | F-XF

3 .397 -500 ,
1 , 5- " , $70 | F

.394 180- ,
, ,
, $80 | F-XF
4 .395 -500 ,
5 ,1 , 10- " , $300 | VF


" | 2015

.393 400- ,
, $150 | F-XF

3 .396 -
500 , 1 , 5-
" , $100 | F-VF

2 .400 -,
1 5- " , $30 | F

.401 , ," 1948


5 .402 250 ,-,

$100 | F-XF

3 .399 -5 ,
" , $50 | F

.403 "
" ,- 50 , 100-,
$25 | F

.404 " " ,-

50 , 100- , $30 | XF

.405 "
" ,- 50 ,100-
, $30 | G-F

| Banknotes and Coins

14 .398 -1 ,
" , $100 | F

.406 " ",

- 50 , 100- , $40 | G

| 3


| Banknotes and Coins

4 .407 | $100

6 .410 10 , " ,
, $300 | F-VF

4 .408 | $100

.409 ,1952 , ,+VF

| $1500

5 .411 , ,
$25 | G

.412 ,
, $150 | 1955 ,


" | 2015

.413 , $80 | 1960-1958 ,

.415 , ,
$30 | 1975-1973

| Banknotes and Coins

.414 , ,
$80 | 1968

.416 $30 | 1984-1978 ,

4 .417 50 4
$50 | VF

13 .422 5 "
" '' '..' ,
8 .418 100 '
$50 | +VF-XF
.419 , '$300 | 1998-1986 ,

' () | $150

7 .421 , $100 | 1943 ,

| 3


| Banknotes and Coins

.422 '' - | $25

.423 20Liberty Head ,
,double eagle $900 | 1900 ,

.424 20,Double Eagle ,

,1908 , $900 | +VF


" | 2015

.425 20,Double Eagle ,

,1914 , $900 | VF-XF

.428 20,Double Eagle ,

,1924 , $900 | +VF

.429 20,Double Eagle ,

,1924 , $900 | +VF

| Banknotes and Coins

.426 20,Double Eagle ,

,1923 , $900 | +VF

.427 20,Double Eagle ,

,1924 , $900 | +VF

.430 20,Double Eagle ,

,1925 , $900 | VF-XF

| 3


| Banknotes and Coins

.431 , ,,
$150 | 1981 ,

.432 , ,
, | $900


" | 2015

Banknotes and Coins |

424. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1908, VF+

431. Marriage, Official Gold Medal, Numbered,

Israel Coins & Medal Corp, 1981

Opening Price: $900

Obverse: stylish canopy, cup and Ketubah. At the

center a Hebrew inscription: "Ahava Ve'Achva
Ve'Shalom Ve'Reut", and above it the translation
FRIENDSHIP". Reverse: an ancient wedding ring and
the inscriptions "Binyan Adei Ad", "Sheva Berachot"
and their translation to English: "AN EVERLASTING
emblem of Israel and the words "Medinat Israel" in
Hebrew and English.

425. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1914, VF-XF
Opening Price: $900

426. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1923, VF+
Opening Price: $900

427. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1924, VF+
Opening Price: $900

428. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1924, VF+

Design: Bezion Rottman.

Medal no. 1887, catalogue number 35065221.
Diameter: 22 mm.
Weight: 7 gram.
Opening Price: $150

Opening Price: $900

429. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1924, VF+

432. Gold Medal, Private issuing, work of an artist,

the image of Cicero

Opening Price: $900

Inscription in Latin: "CICERO". Signed by the artist:


430. Gold coin of 20 dollar, Double Eagle, USA,

1925, VF-XF

Marcus Tullius Cicero (43-106 B.C.) Roman orator,

statesman, author and philosopher. He is considered
an artist of Latin prose.

Opening Price: $900

Weight: 32.5 gram.

Opening Price: $900


3 |

These bills were issued by the Judenrat at Lodz

Ghetto, headed by Chaim Rumkowski, for internal
use in the ghetto.

deposited in fictive accounts of the Theresienstadt

Jews; actually, the money could not be withdrawn
from the accounts.
Condition: Very Good.

Runkowski's signature appears on the bills.

Opening Price: $100

Chaim Mordechai Rumkowski supported the method

of collaboration with Germans and devoted work of
the Jews in the possible workplaces. He believed that
if the Jews constituted a productive working force,
their extinction could be delayed.

422. 13 Cardboard Tokens of 5 Prutah "Good for a

Ride" with the companies 'Dan' and 'Eshed' and a
ticket for travelling with 'Ha'Ma'avir' company the
first years of the State

The name Litzmannstadt that is written on the bills

was given to Lodz according to Hitler's directive in
April 1940 in honor of the German General Litzmann
who was killed in the area during World War I.
The nominal value of the bills is 50 Pfennig, 1, 2, and
5 German Mark and two bills of 20 German Mark.
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $150

421. 7 Banknotes, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943

These banknotes were printed by the bank of the
Ghetto. Their nominal value is 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and
100 Krona. An illustration of Moses holding the
Tablets of stone is printed on the banknotes. The
banknotes are signed by Ya'akov Edelstein, the head
of the Council of Elders of the Ghetto at the time. As
part of the Germans' aim to present Theresienstadt
Ghetto as a regular civil city, a fictive bank was
established on 1.1.1943 named "The Bank of the
Jewish Self-Administration" (Bank der Juedischen
Selbst-Verwaltung). The money was issued and

During the years 1953-1955 there was a severe

shortage of metal coins whose value was less than
10 Prutah; the small coins of 1 and 5 Prutah which
were minted in 1949 were used up and disappeared
or were not enough for the growing population. The
transportation companies, who especially needed
small change, issued these tokens during the fifties.
The value of the tickets that were not used as tokens
was donated to Magen David Adom.
Condition: Fair-Very Good.
To these are added a travel ticket of 'Ha'Ma'avir'
Company, "Travel Ticket worth 1 Mil", in good
Opening Price: $25

Gold Coins
423. Gold Coin of 20 Dollar, Liberty Head Double
Eagle, USA, 1900
The minting of gold coins began in 1849, during the
Gold Rush in California, for fear that the regular coins
will lose their nominal value. The nominal value of

this coin is $20 the price of the weight of the gold

in the coin when its minting began.
The face of Lady Liberty appears on the coin,
surrounded by 13 stars which symbolize the 13 states
of the USA when it was founded. On the reverse side
there is an image of an eagle similar to that of the
American motto "E Pluribus Unum".
Diameter: 23 mm.
Weight: 33.44 gram.
The composition of the coins is 90% 21.6 karat gold
and 10% copper alloy.
Opening Price: $900

In 1904, the president Theodore Roosevelt decided to

beautify the official coins. He turned to the sculptor Augustus
Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907) and asked him to redesign the
coin. In 1908, the design was changed. Instead of the face of
Lady Liberty, her full figure was minted on the coin and the
name of the coin was changed to "Double Eagle".

Banknotes and Coins |

420. 6 Money Bills from Lodz Ghetto (Litzmannstadt)

The coin now depicted the figure of Lady Liberty holding a

torch and an olive branch on the background of the rising
sun with 46 stars around her. On the reverse side there is an
eagle and the caption "In G-d We Trust".
Diameter of coins: 23 mm.
Weight of coins: 33.44 gram.
The composition of the coins is 90% 21.6 karat gold and
10% copper alloy.

2015 " |


Banknotes and Coins |

409. Series of Banknotes of Bank Leumi LeIsrael,

1952, VF+, most rare

B. 28 Banknotes of 1 Lira, Fisherman (red, black and

brown numbering).

416. Shekel Series, 1978-1984

500 Prutah, 1, 5, 10 and 50 Palestine Lira.

C. 10 Banknotes of 5 Lirot, worker.

B. 9 Banknotes of 5 Shekel, Weizmann.

Opening Price: $1500

D. 4 Banknotes of 10 Lirot, scientist.

C. 29 Banknotes of 10 Shekel, Herzl.

410. 6 Banknotes, 10 Palestine Lira, Bank Leumi

LeIsrael, F-VF

E. 106 Banknotes of 50 Lirot, boy and girl.

D. 68 Banknotes of 50 Shekel, Ben Gurion.


Opening Price: $300

E. 61 Banknotes of 100 Shekel.

Opening Price: $80

Opening Price: $30

411. 5 Lirot, Bank Leumi LeIsrael, G

414. Series of Banknotes of the Bank of Israel, Series

C, 1968

Opening Price: $25

A. 4 Banknotes of 5 Lirot.

417. 4 banknotes of 50 Shekel, Ben Gurion, 4 black

stripes, VF

B. 20 Banknotes of 10 Lirot.

Opening Price: $50

412. Series of Israeli Lira banknotes, Landscape

Series, Bank of Israel, 1955
A. 9 Banknotes of 50 Lirot (2 red numbering, 7 black

D. 25 Banknotes of 100 Lirot (colors: large black,

small black, red and brown).

B. 77 Banknotes of 10 Lirot (25 red numbering, 52

black numbering).


C. 18 Banknotes of 5 Lirot.

Opening Price: $80

D. 1 banknote of 1 Lira.

415. Series of Banknotes of the Bank of Israel, Series

D, 1973-1975

E. 5 Banknotes of 500 Prutah.

A. 15 Banknotes of 5 Lirot, Henrietta Szold.


B. 89 Banknotes of 10 Lirot, Montefiore.

Opening Price: $150

413. Series of Banknotes of the Bank of Israel, Series

B, 1958-1960
A. 160 Banknotes of half a Lira, soldier (among them
10 banknotes of consecutive numbers, AU).


C. 76 Banknotes of 50 Lirot.

3 |

Opening Price: $30

A. 2 Banknotes of 1 Shekel, Montefiore.

418. 8 Banknotes of 100 Shekel, brown stripes,

Jabotinsky VF-VF+
Opening Price: $50

419. Series of New Shekel, Series A, 1986-1998

A. 46 banknotes of 1 NIS, Maimonides.
B. 18 Banknotes of 5 NIS, Eshkol.
C. 36 Banknotes of 10 NIS, Golda.
D. 14 banknotes of 20 NIS, Sharet.
E. 15 Banknotes of 100 NIS Ben Zvi (1 Bruno, 5
Frankel, 9 one signature Mandelbaum).
F. 8 Banknotes of 200 NIS (4 Bruno, 4 Frankel)
Opening Price: $300

390. Approximately 70 Egyptian coins, impressive and

rare collection, F-XF

397. 3 banknotes of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, 500

Mil, 1, and 5 Palestine Lira, F

404. Two "Legal Currency Proposal" Banknotes,

Eshkol-Ne'eman, 50 and 100 Prutah, XF

Opening Price: $50

Opening Price: $70

Opening Price: $30

391. 13 lapel pins, Russian, World Chess Champions,

original packaging, XF

398. 14 banknotes of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, 1,

Palestine Lira, Various conditions, most of them F

405. Two sets of two "Legal Currency Proposal"

Banknotes, Eshkol-Ne'eman, 50 and 100 Prutah, F-G

Opening Price: $30

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $30

392. Worldwide collection of about 500 coins, large,

interesting collection, F-XF

399. 3 banknotes of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, 5

Palestine Lira, F

406. Two "Legal Currency Proposal" Banknotes,

Kaplan-Zagagi, 50 and 100 Prutah, G

Opening Price: $150

Opening Price: $50

Opening Price: $40

393. Collection of about 400 coins from all over the

world, some made of silver, interesting and impressive
collection, F-XF

400. 2 banknotes of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, 1 and

5 Palestine Lira, F

407. 4 Banknotes of Bank Leumi LeIsrael

Opening Price: $30

Opening Price: $150

394. Collection of about 180 coins from all over the

world, some made of silver, some Mandate, variegated
collection, F-XF

B. Lira, F.

401. The Paper-Money Series, Mil, 1948

C. 5 Lirot, G.

A. 100 Mil, Kaplan, F.

D. 10 Lirot, VF

B. 50 Prutah, Eshkol-Ne'eman, XF.

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $80

C. 100 Prutah, Eshkol-Ne'eman, XF.


D. 250 Prutah, Eshol-Ne'eman, VF.

395. 4 banknotes of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, 500

Mil, 1, 5, and 10 Palestine Lira, VF

A. 500 Prutah, G.

Opening Price: $100

Banknotes and Coins |

Banknotes and Coins

408. 4 Banknotes of Bank Leumi LeIsrael

E. 500 Prutah, G.
F. Lira, F.

402. 5 Banknotes 250 Prutah, Eshkol-Ne'eman, F-XF

G. 5 Lirot, G.

Opening Price: $300

Opening Price: $100

H. 10 Lirot, VF

396. 3 banknotes of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, 500

Mil, 1, and 5 Palestine Lira, F-VF

403. Two "Legal Currency Proposal" Banknotes,

Eshkol-Ne'eman, 50 and 100 Prutah, F

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $25

2015 " |


,1962 ,
, .

, ,
," : ".
, " : ."...
- , " : - ,
6 :".
: . .
$300 :

.434 ,
," ( ,)1882"
" ,
." : , /
" . :
, .
" : . /
: " , " "
( ,.)1971 ,
2.8 :".
: .

.435 , ,1945-1860

: .

: . .

$30 :

$30 :

.439 , ,1898 ,

.436 , ' ,'999

, ,


. , ' ,'999 30 ,
.1978 ,

" : ...
" , -

. , ' 70 ,'999 ,

.1979 , 96 :.

62 :".
:- .

. , ' ,'999
. 100 :.

$500 :

$180 :

.440 ,

.437 350 ,

" : ".

, " " .
"Years of Jewish Life In America 350", :
.1790 ,

: .
$180 :

.441 12 ,1960 ,

.2005.36.1 :

100 : ,"
,".1960 ,

77 :".

" : ,"-"( 1954 , ).

: .

$50 :

$80 :

.438 , ," ,

.442 , , ,
, , ,20-

" " , :
" ,5696 ," .
" : "".


250 :.

| Medals and Pins

$240 :

$200 :

| 3


| Medals and Pins

.443 , , ,
" , .
, ,
1929 '' , .
' ' ,'' ,
: .
$25 :

,1962 , | $300

.435 , ,1945-1860
| $30


" | 2015

.436 , ','999
, ,
| $180

,1882 , | $200

.437 350 ,
$50 | 2004-1654

.441 12 ,$80 | 1960 ,

.442 , , ,
, , ,20- | $240

| Medals and Pins

.438 , ,",
, | $30

.439 , ,,
$500 | 1898

.440 , | $180

.443 , ,
, | $25

| 3


Condition: Very Good.

Three pins of the Jewish National Fund: Herzl, 19071954 (various sizes).

Opening Price: $30

Varying conditions.

439. Medal, the Second Zionist Congress, Paris, 1898

Medal issued in honor of the second Zionist congress
which took place in Basel, Switzerland, 1898.
On one side the inscription: "Hine Ani Lokeach et
Bnei Yisrael Mebein Ha'Goyim Ve'Hevetu Otam
el Admatam" ("I will take the children of Israel from
among the nations and bring them into their own
land"). On the reverse side, an allegoric embossment
of a family looking at a woman who is pointing to
the rising sun.
Diameter: 62 mm.
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $500

440. Two pins, stamped silver

Two rectangular lapel pins designed with decorations.
At the center of one of them, an embossment of the
Tomb of Rachel and on the other, a bearded Jew
pointing at the land and the inscription: "Zot Hi
Ha'Aretz" ("This is the land").
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $180

441. Collection of 12 pins, Herzl, 1960

Nine identical pins: 100 years to Herzl's birth, 12th
anniversary of Israel, 1960.

Medals and Pins |

Talmud Torah".

Opening Price: $80

442. Pendant, Moses Montefiore, Star of David, If

I forget thee Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its
cunning, Jerusalem, beginning of the 20th century,
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $240

443. Pin of Gordonia Youth Movement, Achieve,

Palestine, Rare
Gordonia was a Zionist youth movement which was
founded in Galicia and supported the values of A.D.
Gordon, philosopher and mentor of the Aliyot.
The goals of the movement were to build the Land
of Israel, to educate, to establish a working nation in
the Land of Israel, to revive the Hebrew culture and
self-work. The movement was headed by Pinchas
Lavon. It had branches throughout Europeas well as
the USA and Tunisia. It encouraged immigration to
Israel and many of its members indeed immigrated
in 1929 as part of 'Ha'Chalutz' Movement and built
many settlements.
On this pin appears an embossment of the symbol
'Fleur de Lis', the 'lily', around it a sickle and under it
the slogan of the movement "Achieve".
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $30

2015 " |


Medals and Pins |

Medals and Pins

433. Official silver medal to mark the launching of an
Israeli missile into space, 1962, Rare
In 1961, Israel successfully launched a missile for
atmospheric exploration, which was designed, built
and launched by a team of Israel scientists and
technicians. With the launching of the missile, Israel
entered as the seventh member of the exclusive club
of countries that launched missiles into space.
On the medal, designed by Ya'akov Tzim, a stylish
illustration of Earth. From the launching facility, a
missile rises to the stars and the verse: "There shall
come a star out of Jacob".
On the reverse side of the medal there is the emblem
of Israel and an English inscription: "Presented to"
with place to mint the name of the medal's receiver.
On the bottom there us the signature of David Ben
Gurion in Hebrew and an inscription in English:
"David Ben Gurion, Prime Minister".
'935' Silver.

of peace and memory indications, 1979/ Weight: 96

C. Reuben Rubin, '999' Silver, on one side Rubin's
portrait and on the reverse side an embossment of a
tree and images taken from one of Rubin's drawings.
Weight: 100 grams.
Opening Price: $180

437. Medal, 350 Years of Jewish life in America


Condition: Very Good.

Bronze medal with an embossment of Jewish

immigrants with the USA flag in the horizon and the
verse "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land" in
Hebrew and English. On the reverse side appears the
inscription: "350 Years of Jewish Life in America"
and a quote from George Washington's famous
words to the Jewish community in Newport, 1790.

Opening Price: $200

Catalogue number: 2005.36.1

See: "Feuchtwanger Collection, Jewish Tradition and

Art" Catalogue by Dr. Yesha'ayahu Shachar (Israel
Museum Publication, Jerusalem, 1971).
Diameter: 2.8 cm.

Weight: 250 grams.

Diameter: 6 cm.

435. Lapel pin. Henrietta Szold 1860-1945. Meir Gur


Condition: Very Good. Several small scratches.

Condition: Very Good. Without the pin on the back.

Condition: Very Good.

Opening Price: $30

Opening Price: $50

434. Copper medal to mark the founding of the

Moshava Rishon Le'Zion, 1882, Rare

436. Three numbered medals, '999' Silver, Israeli

artists, artist's signature, the seventies

438. Two lapel pins, Jewish Companies, USA, the

thirties, Rare

The medal was made in the same year the Moshava

was founded, 1882.

A. Ya'akov Agam, '999' Silver, Star of David of love,

30th anniversary of Israel, 1978.

On one side of the medal there is the landscape of

the Moshava, with the indication of the year under
it. Around the illustration: "Rishon Le'Zion Hine

B. Yigal Tumarkin, '999' silver, 70th anniversary of Tel

Aviv, on one side the Holocaust Monument designed
by Tumarkin and on the reverse side, an embossment

One pin with the inscription "Tomchei Shabbat"

(Sabbath Supporters) and around it the English
inscription: "Tomchei Sabbath Gemilath hesed Org.
5696, Boston, Mass". The second pin with a Star of
David and a Yiddish inscription: "Purim Concert

Opening Price: $300


Hinam, Ve'Liyerushalayim Mevaser Eten / Colonia

Rishon Le'Zion" ("A harbinger to Zion will I give
and to Jerusalem a messenger of good tidings / the
colony Rishon Le'Zion"). On the reverse side there
is the Star of David and two gates: on the right
side, a Jew sowing the land and on the left, Jews
beside the Western Wall. Around the illustration
is the inscription: "Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim
Tishchach Yemini. Mi Yiten MeZion Yeshuat Yisrael"
("If I forget thee Jerusalem, let my right hand forget
its cunning. Oh that the salvation of Israel were to
come out of Zion")

3 |

Diameter: 77 mm.

| Means of Payment

.444 , 200- ,

: , ,",
, ,'
, ,
, , .
: ,- .
$200 :

.445 5 ,
'' ,
" . 5
4 , 5 ,
: .
$100 :

.446 , " 1 , 2-,

: .
$50 :

.447 ' ,' ,

1947 ,
8 .
500-1 (").
: .
$100 :


.450 ,

- . :

. " ," . "

:" "".

. , 1910( .).
" . " ( ) . ,

. " " . "

' '

" . ,
" , .

. ,

. -
. ' ("-
") , . , ,
. ," .'
" .
, , .


. . .
." (.)1915
. , , , , .
, .
. , . .
: . .
$120 :

, ,
.449 ,
. " :
" " ,.! " ( )1890.
. " ( )
, .
. , " ' " ,
" " ... ."...
" " . .
"" .
. " ( ) ,
$30 :

. , . .".
" . ,
" "
" . ' [']
" . ," .
. ,
. ,
, " ,
, "
:- .
$40 :


" | 2015

( , , ).
, . ,.
. " " , " ,
( '- ,"-
") , - (
) - ( ''
. (
' ) , .1960
. 1941- ' '
' ' ( .
) .
. .
. '
, ."" .
:- .
$30 :

.452 , , ,
55 , , , ,
: ;
" ;1947 , "
( ) .,
; ;
, - , , ,

$350 :

.453 43 , , , ,

' . ' - , ,1901 ,
( ,1911-1832
, 18- ").
. ("-
" , ,

. - ( - ),
- ("-" . ),
" ,
" .".
, ' '
" ".
. ," ,
. " ,".
, .
25$ :

. ' ' ,1938 ,

'' , .

.456 -

: .

. ,

$300 :

21 , .

| Means of Payment

.451 , , -,

: .

.455 , ,,

. 800 " ,
" , .
. ( )
,' ".

;1960 ,
,"; , ;
, " ;
;1955 ,890
,; ,


: .

: .

$25 :

$30 :

- .
, ".

| 3


| Means of Payment

- , 25 .
: , .

, ') .
250" , 320",
30%- .
'' ,


: .

:- .

. , - - .
10-8 1950 ..

$30 :

$70 :

, ''.

.458 '' ,
''1926 ,

: .

- , 30 " .
- ".
80-" 30-" .
, ,

, .

$70 :

.460 , '',

3 '' ,
'' .
'' .
12-11 . 60-50 .
' ' 1.
:- .
$50 :

: .

.461 ' ',


.459 , ,

' ,
. .
, .

$70 :

. - , , .1940 ,
- , .

" -

: .
$50 :

.462 , ,

. , - ,
. " " ,
. - ,
250 ,200 500-.
. " " ''
.1960 ,
: .
60$ :

.464 ,
.1 ,
, 1 10-
.2 1.
: .
$30 :

.465 , ' ',

' '' ,' '' ,

:- .
$40 :


" | 2015

. 20 ,
" . " ,
. ,23-" .1951
: .
$30 :

| Means of Payment

.466 , ,

: , .
$50 :

.469 ,,
' ,
. ,1924 ,
'' .
. ,1933.
. ,1938'.
- , .

.467 -

: . .

- , , ,
, . '' .

$80 :

: .
$50 :

.468 , , ,"
.'' -
- .

" :"" ,"" ,
"" , """ , :
( )",
"" , -
- .19-

| 3


| Means of Payment

.444 , 200- ,
| $200

.448 | $120


" | 2015

5 , | $100

.449 , | $30

.446 , ",
1 2- , | $50

.450 ,
| $40

.447 ' ,'

, $100 | 1947 ,

.451 , , -,
| $30

.455 , ,
, | 25$

.456 - | $30

| Means of Payment

.452 , , ,
, | $350

.453 43 , ,,
, ,

| $300

, | $70

| $25

| 3


| Means of Payment

'' ,
''$70 | 1926 ,

.459 , , | $70

.462 ,
, | $30


" | 2015

.460 ,
'' , | $50

.463 | 60$

.461 ' ',

, | $50

.464 , | $30

.467 - | $50
.466 ,,
$30 | 23-

.468 , ,
," | $50

| Means of Payment

.465 ,
' '' , '' ,' '',
| $40

.469 ,,
' , | $80

| 3


A. Three travel tickets, Tel Aviv Tel Litvinsky,

1950s. Two tickets are printed no payment and
another one is for 180 pruta.
B. Three travel tickets for a Kfar Saba Tel Aviv line,
face values: 200, 250 and 500 pruta.
C. Card Packages and Deliveries Service of the
Barclo taxi company, Tel Aviv 1960.

466. Two interesting receipts, Palestine, and an

entrance ticket to the 23rd Zionist Congress
A. Receipt for 20 mil for a donation to the fund for
the construction of the central synagogue, Hadar
HaCarmel committee.
B. The reward for fasting is charity Receipt for a 5
mil donation to the yishuv fund.
C. Entrance ticket to the 23rd Zionist Congress, 1951.

country, the number of representatives which that

country could send to the Congress was determined.
Each person who bought a Zionist Shekel was given
a receipt. Many receipts with various designs were
created in Israel and in other countries.
On this Zionist Shekel, the following words appear:
the Shekel, Herzl, Hebrew State, Vienna 1896,
The Zionist goal: To guarantee by the law of nations
a Jewish homeland in the land of Israel (Basel plan).
There is also a Voted stamp, confirming that the
owner of the Shekel Pinchas HaSfaradi of Kfar
Giladi, participated in the elections for the 19th
Zionist Congress.

Condition: Very good.

Condition: Very good.

Opening price: $30

Opening price: $30

464. Community ransom collection, 1930s

467. Four travel tickets Judea and Samaria

1. Two receipt slips for payment of the community

ransom, attached to the regular travel tickets, totaling
1 mil per single travel ticket and 10 mil for a bus pass.

Travel tickets from Arab companies Hebron,

Kalandia, Beit Hanina, Palestine, 1940s. As well as an
Egged bus ticket to Gaza.

2. A stamp totaling 1 mil.


Opening price: $50

Condition: Very good.

Condition: Very good.

Opening price: $30

Opening price: $50

469. Three Zionist Shekels Israel, Latvia,

Czechoslovakia, 1920-1930s

465. Five tickets and passes, from various companies:

Drom Yehuda, Ichud Regev, HaMaavir, Dan, 1940s

Zionist Shekel

One of the bus passes, issued by HaMaavir, depicts

an illustration of the bus marking the seats and the
standing spots.
Condition: Good-Very good.
Opening price: $40

468. Zionist Shekel, elections for the Zionist Congress,

Kfar Giladi, 1935
The Zionist Shekel was printed by the World Zionist
Organization. It was symbolic and could be converted
into the local currency in each country. Those who
purchased a Zionist Shekel were granted the right
to choose representatives at the Zionist Congress.
According to the number of Shekels sold in each

Condition: Very good, a few small stains and filing

Means of Payment |

463. Collection of means of payment transportation

A. Zionist Shekel from 1924, designed by Josef Budko,

one of the managers of the New Bezalel School of
B. Zionist Shekel from 1933, Latvia.
C. Zionist Shekel from 1938, Czechoslovakia.
On the back sides of the Zionist Shekels, there is an
explanation in Hebrew, Yiddish and English.
Condition: Very good. A few stains.
Opening price: $80

2015 " |


Means of Payment |

in Haifa, 1932.
H. Invitation to a wedding at Lifshitz Hotel in Tel
Aviv, 1931.

Jerusalem. On tickets from earlier years, there is only

an address for the Jerusalem office.

460. Collection of colored travel tickets, HaMaavir

company, Palestine


3 bus passes from the HaMaavir company, one of

the founding companies of the Dan transportation
company. On one of the bus passes, there is an
advertisement for quality beer from Hamozeg caf
in Tel Aviv.

Condition: Very good.

Condition: Very good.

Opening price: $30

Opening price: $70

Means of Payment Transportation

459. Collection of Travel Tickets, Egged, Palestine

457. Travel ticket of the Union of Hebrew Drivers in

Israel, 1920s

A. Two-way ticket, with an added, high security tax,

Egged, 1940. Tel Aviv Jerusalem, large format.

Jerusalem Tel Aviv, face value: 25 Egyptian grush.

In the 1940s, the Hagana needed additional income

aside from donations, and the various different types
of transportation became one of the effective means
of income for the organization. It is possible that the
additional payment on this ticket was for security
reasons (see the comprehensive study by Zvi Shtal in
his book, History of Public Transportation in Israel
through Travel Tickets, Chapter 6). Although the
regular cost of a ticket was 250 Israeli mil, the ticket
is stamped with the new price of 320 Israeli mil, 30%
more than the regular price. For obvious reasons, this
additional charge could not be called a proper tax
during those years; therefore, it was charged with no

Condition: Good; torn at the edge of the receipt.

Opening price: $70

458. Special travel ticket of the Kadima company,

one of the four companies that founded Egged. 1926
Tel Aviv Jerusalem, face value: 30 Egyptian grush.
Automobile service to all parts of the land of Israel
and Syria.
The price of the trip decreased during those years
from 80 Egyptian grush to 30 Egyptian grush. The
reason for this drop, aside for the competition with
the train and other companies, was apparently the
quantitative increase in the number of travelers,
which enabled expanding the companys services
to include destinations all over the country, even to
Syria, as the ticket states.
From this ticket, we can also learn about the opening
of the branch in Tel Aviv, in addition to the branch in

Condition: Very good.

B. Collection of Egged tickets, Tiberias- Hamei
Tiberias -Kiryat Shmuel route. Face values 8-10 mil.
Approximately 1950.

Each pass is valid for 11-12 trips. Face values: 50-60

mil. On one of the passes, there is a travelers note
addition of 1 mil.
Condition: Good-Very good.
Opening price: $50

461. Collection of travel tickets, Har HaCarmel

VAchuza company, Khayat family, Palestine
Six travel tickets from Vehicle Service Company of
Har HaCarmel and Achuza, which was managed by
two members of the famous Khayat family of Haifa.
Destinations in the Haifa and Carmel region. One of
the tickets was used to travel to the Khayat Beach,
which was also owned by the family.
Face values: 5-25 mil.
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $50

462. Two interesting travel tickets, 1930s, Palestine

Condition: Very good.

Emek Hayarden services, and a cooperative drivers

group for public urban services from Kiryat Shmuel
to Hamei Tiberias.

Opening price: $40

Condition: GoodVery good.

Special logo, different than the familiar Egged logo.

Opening price: $30


3 |

A. Palestine Tours a tour guide in Jaffa, Palestine,
1901, by Rola Floyd (1832-1911, member of the
American moshava in Jaffa and one of the first tour
guides in Israel. He gave guided tours to Ulysses
Grant, later the 18th president of the United States).
B. Business card of Professor Shmuel Hugo Bergman
(1884-1975, Israeli philosopher, one of the most
prominent Zionist thinkers and the first rector of
Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
C. Advertisement in Arabic for the film Emek
Haamakim, 1938, screened at the Rex Cinema in
Jerusalem, on what is today Shlomzion Hamalka
Plus many other items.
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $300

454. Collection of paper items from pre-State days

through the 1960s
21 paper and printed items from pre-State days
through the 1960s. Including:
An official envelope of the Knesset, sent by
Knesset member Aaron Yaakov Greenberg to Uri
Zvi Greenberg, 1960; voters card for the Hebrew
Community Committee in Jerusalem, 1932; juice

labels, Mitzi Company; passage license to the West

Bank, signed by General Uzi Narkis; invitation to
a ceremony of Paratroopers Battalion 890, 1955;
receipts of the United National Committee of
the Jewish National Fund; Supporters of Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Warsaw; invitation from
Professor Cecil Roth, and many other interesting
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $25

455. Three interesting invitations, Hebrew and

French, Jerusalem 1930s
A. Invitation to the wedding of David Don-Yechye
(from the famous Don-Yechye family), son of Rabbi
Ben Zion Don-Yechye (1869-1941, perished in the
Holocaust), rabbi of the city of Ludza, Lithuania. The
bride was Batya Zissel, daughter of Rabbi Eliyahu
Mordechai Eisenstein, the assistant of Rabbi Shmuel
Salant. 1935.
David Don-Yechye immigrated to Israel in the 1920s.
At first, he worked in construction with the pioneers.
He went on to study at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav for
about ten years and was close to Rabbi Avraham
Yitzchak Kook.
B. Two invitations to the same wedding, 1932, one
in Hebrew and the second in French. The grooms
parents are listed as residents of Shushan HaBira,
Condition: Very good; writing on one of the
Opening price: $25

456. Eight rare invitations, 1930s, Jerusalem, Tel

Aviv, Haifa, Tiberias. Including an invitation to a
wedding at Mishmar Hayarden, which fell in the War
of Independence, and the groom and his parents were
taken into captivity
A. Ornate invitation to a wedding on December 2,
1932, in the Old City of Jerusalem (the brides parents
do not appear on it; instead, the uncle and aunt of the
bride are mentioned).
B. Invitation to a wedding on Chabad Street in
Jerusalems Old City.
C. Invitation to the wedding of Yitzchak Blashnishkov
(son of Yehoshua and Rachel) in Mishmar Hayarden,
June 14, 1932.
Later, the groom and his parents were taken into
captivity by Syria during the War of Independence.
Mishmar Hayarden was destroyed during the war,
and the mother of the groom didnt want to leave
her husband and son who were taken captive (at the
beginning of February 1949, the Blashnishkov couple
were released as a gesture of goodwill; their son was
apparently only released in July of that same year).

Means of Payment |

453. Collection of 43 postcards, membership cards,

invitations, advertisements, business cards and means
of payment, especially from everyday life in Israel
under the British Mandate

E. Invitation to the opening meeting of the founding

convention of the National Workers Union of Israel,
Jerusalem 1934.
F. Entrance ticket to the celebration on the occasion
of 800 years since the passing of the Rambam
in Tiberias, Pesach 1935, sponsored by the Vaad
G. Invitation to a cornerstone laying ceremony of the
committee for the construction of an old age home

2015 " |


Means of Payment |

to be placed in the voting box by those who opposed

voting rights for women. Rare!
C. Israeli Auditorium Entrance ticket to a concert
at the Zion Theater in Jerusalem. Stamped by
Hanina Karchevsky (1877-1925), conductor of the
performance. A composer, teacher and conductor, he
was one of the fathers of Hebrew music. The show
took place during the last year of his life, 1925. On
April 1, 1925, Hebrew University of Jerusalem was
inaugurated. That same morning, at 9:00 AM, this
show took place at the Zion Theater. At the end of the
show, he traveled to the famous celebratory event of
the university inauguration, where he conducted the
choir that sang at the event. He can be seen in the
photographs from the event, alongside the honorable
D. Chanoch LaNaar Company, Jerusalem. Signature
of the gabbai. 1942.
E. Payment ticket of the Womens Committee for the
Rebbetzin Raiza Rivka Kook Fund affiliated with the
Yeshiva Mercazit Olamit. Wishes for a happy new
year! For the benefit of the restaurant of the Mercaz
Harav Yeshiva, the great undertaking of Rabbi
Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook.
F. Entrance ticket to a concert by the famous cantor
Yosef [Yossele] Rosenblatt. Edison Theater, 1933. On
behalf of the Assistance Committee for the Jews of
Russia in Jerusalem.
G. Receipt from the National Committee for the Jews
of Israel, for a delivery of food packages to Russia.
Signed by the National Committee for the Jews of
Israel, Department of Assistance to Russian and


3 |

Ukrainian Jews.

author, Avigdor Hameiri. Apparently from the 1920s.

H. Invitation to the final event of the Rabbi Avraham

Yitzchak Kook Exhibition at Beit Harav Kook,
Jerusalem 1945, on occasion of 10 years since his
passing. Attended by Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap
and Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen Fishman Maimon.

E. Entrance ticket to a concert by the cantor Yosef

Morgenstern of Vienna, who was staying in Israel,
1923. For the benefit of the institute of the Ezrat
Nashim group.

Condition: Good-Very good.

Opening price: $40

451. Collection of postcards, tickets, means of

payment Jerusalem, Palestine
Nine rare paper items (postcards, tickets, means of
payment). 1920-1940. Jerusalem, Palestine.
Included in the collection:
A. Invitation the Elisheva Ball, Jerusalem 1928, in
honor of the singer Elisheva (1888-1949), with Moshe
Yaakov Ben-Gavriel (Austrian-Jewish author and
journalist) and Shabtai Don-Yechye (Editor of the
HaTzofeh newspaper and Knesset member in the
Sixth Knesset).
B. Entrance ticket to a show by Harry Belafonte
(world famous Jamaican musician), Jerusalem 1960.
C. Entrance ticket from 1941 for HaBima Youth Club
to a play by the HaBima Theater Jerusalem and
Rome (a play by N. Bistritzki about the destruction
of the second Beit HaMikdash). On the back of the
ticket, there is a handwritten list of the names of the
characters in the play.
D. Entrance ticket to a gala event in honor of the

Condition: Good-Very good.

Opening price: $30

452. Large collection of postcards, means of payment,

invitations and autographs, from the Mandate period
and the early years of the State of Israel important
55 postcards, means of payment, invitations,
greetings, business cards and autographs, which shed
light upon the daily life in Israel under the British
Mandate and the first decades of the State of Israel.
Including: interesting postcards of Palestine; entrance
ticket to the investigation committee meetings of the
United Nations for Israel, 1947; envelope with a Dr.
Chaim Weitzmann stamp (first president of Israel),
with the original autograph of V. Vind, the artist who
created the stamp; advertisements, greeting cards
and envelopes signed by Shimon Peres, Chaim BarLev, Ehud Olmert, Menachem Begin and Raful, and
many other items.
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $350

444. Collection of means of payment, approximately

200 items, pre-State and early State period

447. Set of eight means of payment, kibbutz money

from Kibbutz Gvat, 1947

Album with hundreds of special, varied items from

the pre-State of Israel period and its early years.

8 payment coupons used as internal money at

Kibbutz Gvat. Face value between 1-500 Israeli mil.

Examples of items: travel tickets from various

companies, a Zionist Shekel, Jewish National Fund,
army, travel ticket for the train from Alexandria
to Israel, checks decorated with Israeli landscapes,
various certificates/documents, entrance tickets
to various events, food stamps, and many more
assorted items.

Condition: Very good.

Condition: Varying, Good Very good.

Opening price: $200

445. Four Magen David Adom coupon, Jerusalem, 5

In the early 1950s, Magen David Adom issued
coupons, which could be used as payment at several
Shekem stores and travel companies. Each such
coupon was sold for a price of 5 prutot, and after
they were used, the businesses would redeem them
from the company.

Opening price: $100

448. Collection of means of payment

Sixteen means of payment, including:
A. Receipt for tax (approximately 1910) from the City
Committee for the Jews of Jaffa.
B. Zaro LeTzedaka (two identical, connected
stamps). Jerusalem, 1940s.

D. Tickets for receiving kerosene, butter, eggs, ice

and more. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1950s.

450. Collection of means of payment and interesting

paper items, Palestine

E. Receipt from the Ramat Gan Amphitheater.

A. Envelope sent to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook,

1934. His son, Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, added in his
handwriting: 28th of Tishrei, 94.

F. Six anchoring levy stamps, Tzefat. 1940-1950s.

Condition: Very good.

Tickets, Orders

Condition: Very good.

D. Receipt from 1916 (World War I) signed by the

recipient, Zelda Segal.
Opening price: $30

Condition: Very good. Some are used.

446. Two means of payment, Drom Yehuda Ltd., 1

and 2 pruta, 1950s

C. Vaad HaKlali, receipt from April 1930, for C.I.

HaCohen Halperin: Please bake and give to the
bearer of this letterthree oka of matza The
Matzot Halperin factory was located in the Knesset
Yisrael neighborhood for many years. It received its
kashrut certification from Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak
Kook, and later from Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank. The
factory still operates today. A few years ago, it was
bought by the Berman company and transferred to
Atarot. There are three copies of this receipt.

C. Distribution of flour to orphans from money

which arrived from Vienna. Tzefat. Stamp of the
official includes Romania. 1915.

This collection includes four different colored

coupons, each worth 5 pruotot, which were used for
traveling with the Hamekasher company.
Opening price: $100

B. Receipt from 1918 (end of World War I) from the

Vaad HaKlali (General Committee), signed by Chaya

Opening price: $120

449. Collection of items from Jerusalem, Palestine

A. Golden notary imprint: Knesset Yisrael Company
for the construction of shelters for the poor in
Jerusalem. Rare! Approximately 1890.

Means of Payment |

Means of Payment

Condition: Excellent

B. Card: I am against voting rights for women. In

1919, the Union of Hebrew Women for Equal Rights
in Israel was established with the goal of promoting
the involvement of women in public life and the
granting of voting rights to women at the voters
meeting in 1921. Much of the general public, led
by most of the rabbis in Israel and overseas, were
against the idea. It is possible that this slip was meant

Opening price: $50

2015 " |


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| Zionism and the State of Israel

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| Zionism and the State of Israel

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$400 :

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29X17 :".
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| Zionism and the State of Israel

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| Zionism and the State of Israel

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.30.7.1978 ,
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13 , .
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, .
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, ' " ( ,)22.3.1976
( )1926 ,
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, " " ( .)11.3.1980

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| Zionism and the State of Israel

" " " 1887 .".

" 26 .1930' .67 : .

. . . " :".1930 .
: .
$25 :

. '' .1933 ,
, , ''
'' , '' .

, .
, .
'' .
. ' ' , ,"
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. .
1913 .
: .
$60 :

.483 ,
. ( :) ,
" ,
. [" :] " ,
..1947 .
: . .
. .'

| 3


| Zionism and the State of Israel

.471 ,
| $80

" .470 " - "

[] - , | $30

.473 " , ,
, $50 | 1948 -
.475 -
,'' ,
- !!! | $800


.472 - $50 | 1947 -

" | 2015

.476 -" , 25 ,

! | $400

.481 | $60

.482 | $60

| Zionism and the State of Israel

.477 - ,
" - | $40

.478 '

' ' | $50

.479 ' ,
- " | $40

.480 6 - ,
| $60

.483 , | $25

| 3


Zvulun Hamer (1036-1998), MK, minister of Aid,

Minister of Relegion and Minister of Education,
Culture and Sports.
G. A letter from Moshe NIssim, Minister of Finance to
chairman of the merchants, dated 19.3.1989, printed
on official stationary and signed by him.
Moshe Nissim. (born 1935) served as MK, and Minister
of Finance, Minister of Justice, Minister of Trade and

name of group, addresses the offices of "Gazit" in

Tel aviv, and reports the first gathering of literature
that appeared in Hebrew in Lithuania by the name
of "Pa'am" a continuation of the editions of "Petach"
that aldo appeared in Lithuania.
The ditor was Shimon Gans, who wrote the letter.
E. A Postcard from the offices of the newspaper
"HaTzfira", Warsaw, to Dr. Zagorodski (the writer
Yisrael Chaim Zagorodski, that wrote steadily in
"HaTzfira") dated 1914. The writer lived in Israel, and
the letter lets him know Anglo-Palestine bank.

Opening price: $60

F. An Interesting postcard with a picture of a lion

from the zoo of Dusseldorf. A letter in Yiddish from
Dusseldorf to Galicia.

482. Interesting postcards

Condition: Very good.

A. A letter in Yiddish from A.Y. Epstien of Minsk.

Addressed to George Hiller of Keningsberg. The letter
discusses trade. Dated 1889.

Opening price: $60

Condition: Good-very good.

B. A postcard from Shmuel Baruch Chemilevski. Sent

from Griva. A long letter dealing with trade issues
in rabbinic Hebrew. Addressed "The Rabbinic Nagid,
most honorable Hirtz Birger", dated 1887.
C. A postcard from Vizhnitz, Romania, from the
Yeshiva of "Beit Yisrael Damesek Eliezer" dated
1937. Addressed the offices of "Kol Yisrael". In the
letter is mentioned Rabbi Eliezer Hager Shlit"a, head
of the Yeshiva and the Rebbe of Vizhnitz, author of
the "Damesek Eliezer".
D. A postcard from Kovna from the group of authors
"Petach", dated 1933. The aithor Shimon Gans, in the

Zionism and the State of Israel |

Printed on official stationary of the Minister of

Education and Culture and signed by him.

483. Two interesting cards, chronicles of the settlement

A. A pass card that was given to Moshe Shertock
(later: Sharet) from the special committee of the Land
of Israel of the UN, that asked for public witnesses.
Handwriting: [Moshe} Shertock", seemingly in his
handwriting., Jerusalem 1947.
Condition: Excellent. Inscriptions on the back side.
B. Voting card to the Knesset Yisrael. 26th of October
1930. Number 67. Place of elections: Tel Yosef.
Printing house R.H. HaCohen. Handwriting: Voted,
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $25

2015 " |


Zionism and the State of Israel |

war Rabin was the commander of Yerushalayim area

and of the platoon "Har'el". In December 1963 he was
appointment Chief of Staff, a post he held during the
six day war. Later was the minister of defense and
twice the prime minister.
B. A letter from Yigael Yadin, as deputy prime
minister to Rabbi Shalom Div Wolfa, 30.7.1978
A letter from the deputy prime minister, Yigael Yadin,
to Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolfa, supporting summer
camps for children in Kiryat-Gat in 1978.
Yigael Yadin (1917-1984) was a man of great actions.
Chief Commander in the independence war, Israel's
second Chief of Staff, a pioneer of archeology
research (specialized in colts in the era of the second
temple, Herod the Great, and excavations at Masada),
towards the end of public service he took part in
politics to.
Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolfa (born 1948), is a Chassid of
Chabad, head of "The world center to safe the nation
and the land". Following the Rebbe's instructions he
moved to Kiryat Gat, where he headed a chain of
schools. He wrote more than forty books.

D. Studio photograph of the violinist Isaac Shtern,

signed by him, 1967.
Isaac Shtren (1920-2001) was born in Russia, and
immigrated as a baby to San Francisco. At the age
of eight started to study music ay a conservatorium.
Shtern was famous for discovering young talents
(amongst them, Itzhak Perlman) and in his recordings.
Won the Grami prize and is considered one of the
most successful violinists.
Opening price: $60

481. Signatures of ministers in the Israeli government

Seven letters printed on official stationary, signed by
seven ministers in the Israeli government.

C. Two leaflets on the violinist Itzhak Perlman, signed

by him

A. A letter from Moshe Kol, at the time deputy

treasurer of the Sochnut, addressed to Mr. Hollander,
dated 16/6/1949. Kol invites Hollander to take part
in a committee that would examine the possibility
of attaining a national loan for the purpose of
"absorption of the emigration to Israel".

1. A back page of a concert with a biography of

Perlman, signed a dedicated to "Adina", 1964

The letter is printed on official stationary of the Tel

Aviv offices of the Sochnut, and signed by Kol.

2. A clipping of a musical journal with a biography

of Perlman, signed by him, end of the 60's.

Moshe Kol, a Zionist leader (1911-1989), a member of

the Sochnut's management, MK and Minister in the
Israeli Government.

Itzhak Perlman (born 1945) from Tel Aviv, moved to

the United States at a young age to study music. In


1963 he first appeared in Krangi hall, and his name

spread out as an outstanding international musician.
Won the Grami prize and is considered of the leading
violinists of the 20th century.

3 |

B. A letter from Yosef Sapir, minister of transportation,

to the United Farmers in Tel Aviv. Dated 19/1/1953,

printed on official stationary and signed by Sapir.

Yosef Sapir (1902-1972) was the minister of health,
minister of transportation and minister of trade and
C. A letter from Yitschal Rephael, head of the
N.R.P.'s election headquarter to the members of the
headquarter summoning them to a meeting. Printed
on official stationary of the headquarters, and signed
by him.
Dr. Itzhak Rephael (1914-199) was an M.K. and
Minister of Religion from the N.R.P., won the prizes
of Rav Kook and Bialik.
D. A Letter from Shmuel Tamir, Minister of Justice,
the Minister of Interior (Yosef Burg), about a question
raised by MK Eliyahu Shpeizer. Dated 17.12.1978.
Printed on official stationary of the minister and
signed by him.
Shmuel Tamir (1923-1987) was an activist in the
E.T.L., of th e founders of the Heirut party, an MK and
Minister of Justice.
E. A letter from Aharon Yadlin, Minister of Education
to Chairman of the author's association, Yisrael
Cohen, dated 22.3.1976, regarding a public council of
culture. iPrinted on official stationary and signed by
Aharon Yadlin (born 1926) was an activist, MK and
Minister of Education. Won the Israel price.
F. A letter from Zvulun Hamer, Mimister of education
to addressed to Mordecahi Ot-Yakar, secretary
general of the Authors association, dated 11.3.1980.

Many refugees from the Nazi hell take part in the

battles, fighting for their life a second time. This
document is in Yiddish, since many have yet to
master the Hebrew language.
The document is titled "the Egyptian army is
detached from its base", and includes a report on the
assaults of the Egyptian army against the young state
of Israel. The successes of the Israeli army to block
the attacks are depicted, as is the counter attack
launched, besieging the Egyptians. Also the defeat
of the Egyptians in Beit Chanun, Beit Guvrin, and air
assaults on Magdal, Paluga, El-Arish, Gaza and IrakEl-Menashe.
Also reported the "Jewish" jet the grounded an
Egyptian spitfire!
The document ends with a declaration for victory:
"The battle has begun, the people are looking up at
us, must we not let them down, worriers commence
to victory!"
17X29 cm.
Condition: Good. A tare on the edge, not in the
Opening price: $40

478. An important letter about the chronicles of
Zionism from prof. Tosef Kluzner addressed to Mr.
Chaim Prozanski from the Zionist society "Bnei
Zion" in Warsaw
Prof. Yosef Kluzner (1874-1959) was a literature
critic, researcher and author, of the designers of the
Israeli Academy and an enthusiastic Zionist. At the
end of the 19th century, in Odessa, a central Zionist
group formed, Kluzner served a main role together
with other intellectuals. The groups supported the
new settlements in Israel. In 1919 Kluzner left Odessa
and immigrated to Israel. In Israel he was amongst
the important philosophers in Israel and founders of
the Hebrew University. In 1949 he was nominated as
a candidate to be Israel's president, from the right
This letter was written at his youth, in Warsaw, at the
age of 28, as part of his involvement in the Zionist
group. Kluzner addresses Pruzanski to assist the "Bnei
Zion" society that set agoal to help the settlements
in the land of Israel, and to the different institutes.
He proposes that the Zionist activists from Warsaw
(headed by "Bnei Zion") will gather and write a letter
to the Odessa group, to expand their support of the
settlements especially a school in Jaffa.
Chaim Pruzanski (Prushanski) was an outstanding
Jewish activist in Warsaw, and the editor of the
widespread newspaper "Moment". According to this
letter Pruzanski held an important role in the Zionist
committee in warsaw.

In the back side, Leah, Pruzanski's wife added a short

letter to her husband. Leah was active for women's
Size: 14X4.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening price: $50

479. A letter handwritten by Prof. Joseph Klausner,

with two signatures, Jerusalem, 1923
The letter is addressed to Miriam Rozenthal,
(translator, author and literature critic) and discusses
the first scene in "Shulaim BeCharavot" (foxes with
swords), a play about Bar-Cochva.
The letter is written on official stationary of "Beitar
a Zionist-political periodical for art creations and
national questions".
The periodical was published by Ben-Zion Netanyahu
and Yosef or on behalf of The Brotherhood of
Trumpeldor, and was printed in the "HaIvri" printing
house, the belonged to Yosef Werker in Jerusalem,
between 1933-34. Klausner was chief editor.

Zionism and the State of Israel |

blocked, with much blood toil and sweat, an counter

attack is launched.

Condition: Very good.

Opening price: $40

480. and the violinists Itzhak Perlman and Isaac Stern

A. Two notes, in Hebrew and English, dedicated to
"Adina" by Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin, in the 60's.
Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995) was one of the first
recruits to the Palmach and was its deputy assistant
chief of staff for operations. In the independence

2015 " |


Zionism and the State of Israel |

(since) in which each paragraph of the introduction

opened. I suggested replacing it with 'Ho'il' (whereas).
At first, he did not want even to hear my suggestion
and only after I supported it with quotes from Bialik
did he agree to telephone Ben Gurion and ask him
whether 'Heyot' or Ho'il'. Ben Gurion answered with a
single word 'Ho'il' and no more.
Sharet looked shocked and looked forwards
solemnly. To my question if he was feeling well he
answered: 'What do they want from me? I am tired
and exhausted. I do not know what more can be
added or deleted!' My attempts to encourage him
were in vain. After a while, he seemed to recover' yet
remained indifferent to the matter of the corrections.
'Do as you like, correct whatever comes to your
mind, when you dictate it to the secretary, I will
make comments if I have any'. And indeed my
corrections were accepted
With this, actually, my part in the Scroll of
Independence ended and we separated with a warm
handshake and with the greeting 'see you tomorrow
at the Declaration'".
This version of Sharet is in the State Archives and
was published in several articles.
Amazingly, the document before us is almost
completely identical to the familiar version written
by Sharet. However, in this version, there are about
ten linguistic changes. An examination of these
changes reveals that the familiar version is more
linguistically correct than the version before us.
Thus, this is Sharet's final version before his final


3 |

In other words, in the few hours left, Gur Arye

corrected the final version. The secretary typewrote
it; yet, an additional proofreading was made and Gur
Arye corrected ten slight linguistic mistakes. The
document before us is the version that the secretary
typewrote before the final proofreading.
Thus, the document before us is the document from
which the final version which was brought before
the new government on 13.5 was created.
In his article, Gur Arye recalls the end of the story:
".. I also went to the Declaration with the scroll, which
I saw myself as part of its creators, in my hands. But,
alas! When Ben Gurion started to read the declaration,
I discovered to my horror that he was reading things
that were not written at all in 'our!' scroll. Some gray
prose: "Be'Eretz Yisrael Kam Ha'Am Ha'Yehudi"
With restrained pathos, without the drama befitting
the occasion, Ben Gurion reads the Declaration and
omits any precious stone Sharet had inserted so
At the end of the ceremony I asked Sharet: 'What is
this text that Ben Gurion had just read?'
Sharet whispered in my ear, emphasizing each of his
words: 'He-has-murdered-us!' 'Us' meaning him and
me, the partner to the creation
[Ben Gurion's] version is based on that of Sharet
and almost in the same order, yet he removed from
it the fancy clothing and gave it, with the talent of an
experienced statesman, powerful simplicity."
To conclude, before us is a rare and unique
document: the draft of the Scroll of Independence

as it was phrased by Moshe Sharet, the original and

authentic version before the final proofreading,
which constituted the basis for the final version of
the Scroll of Independence that was read by Ben
Condition: Very Good.
Opening Price: $1,000

476. Official newspaper 1948, the temporary

government, the first 25 editions, including the first
one, the declaration of the state!
A bounded collection of the editions of the "official
newspaper" of Israel, right after its establishment.
Published by the temporary government. Includes
orders and announcements the government
publicized from 14th of May 1948 till the first of
October. 25 editions. Amongst them: The declaration
of independence; the law of government and justice;
the announcement of special emergency situation;
authorities of ministers; appointment of various
167 pages
Condition: Very good.
Opening price: $400

477. In combat page War of Independence, Tishrei

(October), 5709 (1948) rare document
An interesting and rare document, from the first days
of the state, in the midst of defense battles against
the Arab countries. Battle after battle the attacks are

A document sent from the Palmach headquarters

to the commander in charge of the convoys to
besieged Jerusalem (on the first few months of the
war of independence). The document was sent from
Tel Aviv on 6.4.1948 (a month before the convoys
arrival has ended).
At the bottom of the letter there's the signature
of Yitzhak Sadeh (1890-1952), Palmach's chief
commander, and a seal of the Palmach symbol.
The letter is printed on transparent paper.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

474. A few public transportation under siege -1948,

Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, with stamps, rare, and an
enlistment induction from thr national institutions

committee for emergencies).

Condition: Good. Some tares on the edges.
C. A paper of escort to vehicle number 22603, 2 Mil.
Escort to Jerusalem under siege.
D. Enlistment Induction from the committee of
drafting the settlers in Tel Aviv of the Suchnot and
the Va'ad Leumi Le'knesset Yisrael, 1943, with a
stamp of the address of the recruiting office.
Condition: Good.
Opening price: $40

From all the drafts he received, Zvi Bernzon wrote

the version that was brought to the State Council on
12.5.1948 for confirmation. However, The members
of the Council were not satisfied with the final
version and after a debate, decided that a committee
of four will write the final version. the members of
the committee were David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharet,
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Fishman (Maimon) and Aharon

The state of Israel

Moshe Sharet took it upon himself to coordinate the


475. On the way to the Scroll of Independence

original draft of the version of Moshe Sharet, the
version that was corrected by him and his assistance
and typewritten by his secretary a day before the
Declaration Most rare!!!

The following day, on the morning of 13.5, one day

before the declaration, Sharet presented the version
he had prepared. He combined Bernzons version,
which was mostly legal, with that of Shazar, which
was mostly historical. The State Council approved
Sharet's version, except for slight changes. It was
decided to present the final version again that same
day to the Council.

Condition: Good. A few marks of paint and inscription

on the back.

The scroll of independence is one of the most

important documents in the history of the Jewish
nation. The document had gone through many
changes from the beginning of its writing until the
declaration itself. Elected people worked on the
version of the declaration for three weeks from
the middle of Passover until the meeting of the State
Council on 14.5.1948.

B. A certificate to exit Jerusalem, 2nd of Tamuz, 5709,

in the independence war, stamped three times by
Itzhak Rephael (verfel) on behalf of the department
of transportation of the Jerusalem committee (central

The various versions were written simultaneously

by several important people. The initial version was
written by a group of lawyers headed by Mordechai
Baham. Then the version was corrected and changed

A. Receipt no. 996 by the department of transportation

of the Jerusalem committee, 1948, about a month
after the establishment of the state.

by other lawyers and statesmen. The changes were

legal, moral and symbolic. At the same time, the
future president, Zalman Shazar, wrote a version of

Zionism and the State of Israel |

473. A document from Palmach, Tel-Aviv to the

commander of the convoys to Jerusalem, signed by
Yitzhak Sadeh#

In order to refine the final version, Moshe Sharet

asked Moshe Gur Arye, a senior official of the Jewish
Agency, to join him. They went over the final version
and gave it to Sharet's secretary to typewrite (not
before Sharet confirmed she was trustworthy).
40 years ago, Gur Arye published an article on the
matter in which he recalled the sequence of events:
" My first comment was regarding the word 'Heyot'

2015 " |


Zionism and the State of Israel |

Zionism and the State of Israel

The Othman era, the British Mandate
470. "The new law of donating to the army", the laws
of recruiting to the Turkish army, rare
A booklet of the laws of recruiting to the Othman
army, from Turkish: Aharon Manny. On the cover
page: "Given on the year 1303 to our number", i.e. the
year 1303, Muslim calendar.
Published on WWI, when many of Jews in the land
of Israel were forcefully drafted to the Turkish army,
and many died in combat. Assumingly printed by the
In the booklet: a vast discussion about the "holy
mission" of joining the "holy army". Obviously
aimed at Muslims. A long chapter deals with
exemptions from army duty, including: The priests
of the temple of the prophet, citizen of foreign
countries (this clause was utilized by many Jews
who held citizenship of their original country, to
gain exemption). Also, a vast discussion of a quota
set for exemption of young Torah scholars from the
army, done by raffle.
24 pages.
Condition: Good. Cover page detached.
Opening price: $30

471. A few official papers of the Jewish Legion,

including a letter to David Ben Gurion
Different official papers including the official
emblem and name of the Jewish Legion "HaRishon
LeYehudah" , and a letter, on official paper, with the


3 |

logo of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, from Zeev

Peler (a soldier in the Jewish Legion that was under
the Egyptian Expeditionary Force) addressed to
"David" (seemingly David Ben Gurion, Peler's friend),
from Rafah, 1919.
A. A paper stamped with the emblem of the legion.
8X13.5 cm.
B. A paper stamped with the name "Jewish Legion"
in Hebrew, English and Yiddish (also with "in blood
and fire Yehudah fell, in blood and fire in will rise"),
without emblem.
21.5X28 cm.
C. A paper with the name of the legion in Hebrew and
English, and with the words: "Red Maden David" in
Hebrew and English.
13.5X21 cm.
D. A paper with the name of the legion in Hebrew
and English
12X20.5 cm.
The Jewish Legion "HaRishon Leyehudah" was one
of the Jewish battalions that recruited Jews to fight
for the British army in WWI. Some took part in was
against the Othman empire, including conquering
the land of Israel.
The legion's emblem was the Menorah and its slogan
"Kadima", being the first military unit that used
Jewish symbols.
E. A letter from Ze'ev Peler to David Ben Gurion,
baring the lettering "Y.M.K.A. with the Egyptian

Expeditionary Force"
13X21 cm.
Peler inquires about Ben Gurion's plans for the future
(in regards with Ben Gurions visit to the United
States, and his release from the Legion),
Ze'ev Peler was a member of the committee that
ran the unit together with important figures like
Eliyahu Golomb, Dov Hoz, Itzhak Ben Tzvi and
Yisrael Shochat. David Ben Gurion was expelled
from the Land of Israel by the Turks, and went to
the United States. There he encouraged volunteering
to the Jewish Legions. In 1918 he arrived in Egypt
and joined the 39th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers
(a battalion he initiated together with Yitschal Ben
All in good condition.
Opening price: $80

472. A few airmail postcards Aliyah and settlement

Five airmail postcards send to Jack Tiechman in
1947. Of the subjects in the letters: the establishment
of "Ein Tzurim" in Gush Etzion, the illegal Aliyah of
the boat "Europe exodus 1947, settling of Israel, Arabs
rioting in Rechovot. See more about these letters in
the beginning of this catalogue.
These letters never reached their destination. Now,
a generation later the can retell their story of those
Condition: Good.
Opening price: $50

| Postcards

.484 137 ,
, , , , ,' () ,
, , , ,
, , .
: .
$180 :

. . .1918 ,
. " :
!" ( ) ," : " (
, ) .
. .
. .1926-
. .1930
. .
. ,1915 ,
, . .
:- .
30$ :

.486 , ,1905 ,
. ( ,)25.12.1855
( )1905 .
$90 :


" | 2015

.487 , ,1898 ,
" ."1898
13.1.1898- "
" , -

, ,

$50 :

.488 15 ,
$90 :

.489 11 , ,

$60 :

.490 (-) , ,
" ( ,
, ) , ( ,

, '')
( " , ,)
(" "" ,
"" , ").
$30 :

30 ,
, ,
$40 :

| Postcards

.486 ,,1905 ,
, | $90
.484 137 ,
$180 | 20-

.487 , ,
,1898 | $50

.485 | $30

.488 15
, $90 | 20-

.490 (-) ,
, , | $30

, | $40

| 3


Postcards |

491. Forty-five happy new year postcards with Zionist

and Jewish motifs, and a large board with 30 uncut
happy new year postcards, rare
The happy new year postcards include Jewish motifs,
landscapes of the Land of Israel, the Six Day War, and
The board includes happy new year postcards
commemorating the victory of the Six Day War:
Tanks break through into the Old City of Jerusalem,
Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall, and others.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $40

2015 " |


Postcards |

484. An album with 137 postcards of the Land of
Israel, early 20th century
Postcards of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jaffa,
Nazareth, Jerash (Jordan), the Jordan River and
Tiberias, Bethany, Bethlehem and Jericho, illustrations
of Rabbis, Jewish figures in Jerusalem, Yemenis, and
a number of happy new year postcards.
Many of the postcards were mailed.
A large and diverse collection.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $180

488. Lot of 15 postcards with landscapes of the Land

of Israel, early 20th century

Postcard pictures of the couple celebrating its golden

wedding anniversary, with their names in German.
Includes the original wedding date (25 December
1855) and that of the golden wedding anniversary
(1905), and also ornaments of the Star of David and
an angel.

Opening Price: $90

Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $90

485. Lot of rare Judaica postcards

487. Postcard sent by mail, the Dreyfus Affair,

Germany, 1898

A. A postcard with a picture of the Western Wall.

Jerusalem, 1918, the end of the First World War. Rare!

Postcard "in memory of Zola's move - Paris 1898".

Mailed on 3 September 1898.

B. Postcard with a brief caption handwritten in

Yiddish: "Da Arbet ich there is no Owen!" (Where I
work and where I live), writing: "Mein Adres" (next
to a description of the building, at the bottom of
the card). The postcard includes an illustration of a
children's hospital in Vienna. No year. Apparently
mailed by a Jewish man or woman who worked at
the hospital. The postcard was printed in 1926.

On 13 January 1989 mile Zola published his famous

open letter titled "J'accuse" in his defense of Alfred
Dreyfus, a Jewish French army officer wrongfully
accused of betraying his country and delivering
military secrets to the Germans. Zola harshly
criticized the French government and armys conduct
against Dreyfus. The article had a huge impact on
public opinion, which eventually led to a retrial for
Dreyfus and ultimately his complete exoneration.

C. 1930 postcard. Family picture of the Ezra and Flor

Mizrahi grocery store. Private publication. The back
includes greetings in Hebrew for relatives.
D. Postcard with a photograph of a military chaplain
in the German army and his wife. 1915, First World
War. Includes caption in German.
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $30


486. Jewish golden wedding anniversary postcard,

Vienna, 1905, prominent gold decorations, rare and

3 |

The postcard includes pictures of Dreyfus, his lawyer

Labori, Zola, and the French officer Esterhazy the
real traitor who sold the French armys secrets to the
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

Condition: excellent.

489. Lot of 11 military postcards, Austria and

Germany, pre-First World War and War time
Lot includes illustrations and group portraits of
Austrian soldiers on the front, of the generals in the
war room, and the soldiers everyday life in between
and during the battles.
Some of the postcards were mailed and so include
interesting military stamps.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

490. Lots of good years of opening (pop-up), 1960s,

Israel, decorated
Lot includes paintings with themes from the Bible
(Moses in the basket, Samson, David and Goliath,
and the like), Jewish themes (Jewish holidays, a
synagogue, Jews at the beach during Tashlich), and
Zionist themes (IDF parade, immigration to Israel,
and settlement) accompanied by the phrases from
the scriptures ("A new light shall shine on Zion",
"Those who sow in tears shall reap with joy," "May
he gather us in peace from the four corners of the
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $30

| Philately

.492 " ,"3000

.495 " , ,

' ' - .



" ".

$50 :

. , , .

. 496 ,


. ,1987 , 20
25- .

, , ,
$50 :

. ,
. ".
" ( ,)2007-1911
28 , .1988
: .

.494 65 , ,
, ,

$30 :

( )1935 , ,
, " .

.497 25

8 "
2,999 ,
. " .
7 8 " .
: .
$70 :


: ,- .

( ).

. 493 ,

" | 2015

. 50 , " ,
( ,)2014-1927 ",

. "
," ,1967 .

$50 :

,14.4.1983 ,
. ,
$50 :

.498 , 50 , ,
1998 ,

$40 :

. 499 () 12 ,
1956 ,
12 . 12 ,
( ).
30 " :1956
'' " -
.- , .
: ''
, .
- .
() ( )1965-1895
- .
. 1926-
" .
, " -.
$30 :

| Philately

.500 , ,
: , ,
, , .
50 .
: .
$50 :
.492 " ,"3000
| $50

.496 ,
| $30
.495 " , ,
, | $50

.493 ,
| $50

.497 25
| $50

.494 ,
65 ,
, | $70

.498 , 50 ,
, ,
$40 | 1998

| 3


B. First Day Envelope, 50th anniversary of the State

of Israel, Srulik Stamp. in addition to the regular
stamp, an official silver stamp.
Opening Price: $40

499. Folder of the 12 Tribes Stamps, interesting

inscription and handwritten signature of the Minister
of the Interior Yisrael Bar Yehuda, 1956
Folder of the 12 Tribes stamps. The emblems of the
12 Tribes on a green background presented with
affinity to the Emblem of Israel (seven-branches
menorah). On the margins of the page, an inscription
from 30.8.1956: "I agree only if the word 'Israel' is
erased and branches are added to the menorah"
handwritten and signed by Y. Ber-Yehuda, Minister
of the Interior. The minister probably referred to
changes in the Emblem of Israel: erasing the word
'Israel' and adding branches to the menorah, so that
it will not look like the Emblem anymore. Perhaps,
the folders were supposed to be sent to Jewish
communities in the USSR or Eastern Europe and
erasing the name of the state was meant to avoid
the impression of governmental involvement, which
might have caused damage to the already tense
relationship between the Soviet countries.
Yisrael Bar-Yehuda (Idelson) (1895-1965) was
active in the Zionist-Socialist Party in the USSR.
Due to his Zionist activity, he was imprisoned and
exiled to North Russia; however, he was released
shortly afterwards in an exchange transaction. After
his immigration to Israel in 1926, he continued

his political and public activity. He was a Knesset

member, minister of the interior and minister of
transport. He is especially remembered due to his
instruction, in 1958, to register any person as a Jew in
the Civil Registry according to his statement, without
considering the halachic criteria. This instruction
caused a governmental crisis with the religious
parties and eventually, it was cancelled by Prime
Minister David ben Gurion.
Opening Price: $30

500. Telephone Card Album, Biblical Pictures,

Limited Edition of 50 copies
Album of eight international telephone cards
depicting biblical pictures: the Spies and the Bunch of
Grapes, Moses in the Papyrus Box, Moses descending
Mount Sinai, Joseph meeting his Brothers, Jacob's
ladder and more.

Philately |

Kippur War and head of the Mossad.

The series was issued in a limited edition of fifty

copies only.
Issued by: Kavey Zahav
Spectacular Telephone Cards!
Most rare!
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

, , .500
$50 | 50

, 12 () .499

$30 | 1956 ,

2015 " |


Philately |

492. Souvenir page "Jerusalem 3000", signed by
President Ezer Weizman and the mayor Ehud Olmert
The souvenir page was issued on the occasion of
3000 years to the conquering of Jerusalem by King
David and the establishment of The City of David. In
that year, there were public and national ceremonies
marking this special symbolic date.
The page contains three stamps that were issued to
mark the occasion and the caption "Jerusalem, The
City of David".
The page is signed by the Mayor of Jerusalem,
Ehud Olmert (the would-be prime minister) and the
President, Ezer Weizman.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

493. Album of Israeli Stamps with wakes, many

complete sets and series the sixties till the eighties
Large stamp album with hundreds of Israeli stamps
with wakes: complete series, quartets, pairs and
single, some income stamps and stamps from over
the world.
Opening Price: $50

494. Eight First Day Envelopes, 65th anniversary

of the State of Israel, Israeli Presidents Stamps,
signatures of the designer, Chaim Topol, Most Rare
Chaim Topol (born in 1935) is an Israeli actor,
producer, author and amateur painter, the winner of
the Israel Prize 2015 for life work.
These 8 stamps of the Israeli presidents were drawn


3 |

by Chaim Topol and issued in alimited edition of

2,999 sheets. All the revenues from their sale were
transferred to a holiday resort for children suffering
from incurable diseases, whom Topol is one of its
The Philatelic Service did not issue First Day
Envelopes. Rather, these were made by a private
collector for these stamps. Seven of the envelopes
were signed by Topol.

of Raban Yochanan ben Zakai, Mo'adim Le'Simcha

Stamps, 1975.
D. Envelope of Mo'adim Le'Simcha Stamps 1969.
All envelopes are signed by Teddy Kollek (19112007), the mayor of Jerusalem for 28 years, the
winner of the Israel Prize 1988. Signatures in Hebrew
and English.
Condition: Very Good.

Condition: Very Good.

Opening Price: $30

Opening Price: $70

497. First Day Envelope of the 25th anniversary of

the State of Israel Stamp designed by Ya'akov Agam,
with an artistic handwritten signature of the artist

495. Stamp Album of the Jewish National Fund,

Complete Sheets of Keren Tel Chain, Entertainment
Tax of the Zefat Municiplity, Income Stamps and
About 180 stamps.

First Day Envelope, 14.4.1983, with the signature of

the artists, the designer of the stamp Ya'akov Agam.
A special signature in two colors, Hebrew and English
name and two Stars-of-David.

Condition: Varying, Good-Very Good. The majority

of the stamps are not stamped.

Opening Price: $50

Opening Price: $50

496. Four First Day Envelopes, signed by Teddy


498. Two Silver Stamps, First Day Envelopes, 50th

anniversary of the State of Israel, one of them is
signed by the GOC Northern command and head of
the Mossad, Major-Genreal Yitzchak Chofi, 1998

A. First Day Envelope of the opening of the United

Jerusalem Post, 1967, Mosque of Omar.

The two envelopes were jointly issued by the Israel

Postal Company and the Israel Coins & Medals Corp.

B. Envelope of the Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen,

1987, stamps of the 20th anniversary of the United
Jerusalem and 25th anniversary of the United

A. First Day Envelope, 50th anniversary of the IDF,

in addition to the regular stamp, an official silver

C. Envelope of the Sephardic synagogues in memory

The envelope is signed by Yitzchak Chofi (19272014), the GOC Northern command during the Yom

| Photographs

.501 , ,19-

.503 " , ',

, 1921 ,

" , ,
,19- : ,

' . .12-

'' 14 , "
. 45 .
15.5X10.25 :" 21.5X15.7 ," 11.5X8.5 ,".
:- .
$120 :

.502 " ( ),
,1935 '

.1935 , " , ',
(.) "
' .
1933- ,
. 7-
1935 ,'
, 700,000 ,
" : .. . ,1935
, " , " , ..".
40X28 :" , ,
52X32.5" .
$250 :


" | 2015

" '
, "

' ' .
. ' " " ,
( ) .
: 26x40".

, .
" - ".
: . . .
, .
$60 :

.505 ,
3 . (.)1938

, .
, .

: .

. .

$200 :

. (.)1930

.504 " :
' '

:- .

. " "
, , " " .
. ,
() , " ( ) ,
( ,)1959-1872 , .
( ") ( ,)1943-1882
, .
:- . .
. ' ' 5000 -
. ," ".

$25 :

( )Zeppelin "
1929 .
41- , , , 40


| Photographs

. ''

- .
, .
. ,
" , , "
" . .

$50 :

.507 , ,

60- .1930-1920

, : ' '
(") ,
, (") ,
$50 :

| 3


| Photographs
.502 " ( ) ,
,1935 ' | $250

.503 " , ',

, $200 | 1921 ,

.501 ,
,19- | $120

.504 ":
' ' | $60


" | 2015

, | $25

.506 | $50

.507 ,
, | $50

Photographs |

An especially interesting book which includes

various essays about the land of Israel and Canaan.
The author also surveys the history of the land years
ago, regarding the Zionist idea and love of the land.
The account of the years ends with a short description
of Ben Yehuda - Reviver of the language.
Condition: Good. Cover is missing the spine. The
pages are slightly loose. The back cover is missing,
and in its place is a new page with a dedication.
Opening Price: $60

505. Collection of interesting photographs of

Jerusalem and Rachels Tomb, Palestine
A. Three small photographs from the early days
of the Bayit Vegan neighborhood (1938). In one of
the photographs, a group of young boys are seen
standing next to the water tower and holding a flag.
In the second photograph, the boys are seen atop the
tall water tower, and the entire tower is in view. In
the third photograph, only the boys can be seen, as
they stand atop the tower.
B. Photograph of the central postal building on Jaffa
C. Photograph of a group of young men at Rachels
Tomb (1930).
Condition: Good-Very good.
Opening Price: $25


3 |

506. Photograph of the Zeppelin above the Temple

In 1929, a special flight of the Zeppelin set out for
the east. Its highlight was the flight above the land of
Israel. Aboard the airship were about 41 politicians,
businessmen, celebrities and journalist, as well as
40 stewards and other staff members serving the
honorable guests.
When the airship reached Tel Aviv, people ascended
to every rooftop and every tower and waved their
hats and handkerchiefs at the impressive visitors.
At 7:00PM, the Zeppelin reached its final destination
Jerusalem. Like in Haifa and Tel Aviv, here they
were also warmly welcomed. From within the city, a
very intense spotlight was shone at them. The sight
was apparently very impressive, since the airships
captain, Dr. Lehman, mentioned in his journal that
from down below, we certainly must have looked
like a chariot of fire. On this journey, the airship
passed over the Temple Mont.
This is a rare photograph taken just as the Zeppelin
flew over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Opening Price: $50

507. Collection of dozens of photographs of families

in Safed, 1920s, including inscriptions and signatures
Approximately 60 photographs of families from
Safed between the years 1920-1930.
On the back sides of some of the photographs, the
event and the people in the photographs are recorded.

For example: Girls from Hagan HaIvri walking

together in a parade (1929), photograph in honor of
Yona Kalochs trip to Australia, photograph inside of
a house in one of the rooms (1929), children taking a
picture with their new shoes, and more.
Condition: Good-Excellent.
Opening Price: $50

501. Three photographs of Herzl, late 19th century,

from the original film
Three original photographs of Dr. Binyamin Zeev
Herzl, Visionary of the State, from the end of the
19th century, during three periods of his life: youth,
adulthood and final years.
The three photographs were developed using the
original film. Two of them were developed at Rex
Photo on 14 Montefiore Street in Tel Aviv, and one
was developed by photographer P. Schlesinger on
45A King David Street in Jerusalem.

reached to establish a separate organization. Before

the founding convention on September 7, 1935 in
Vienna, Jabotinsky traveled throughout Europe
to gain supporters, and succeeded in registering
700,000 voters, including some of the attendees of
the convention in Warsaw seen in this photograph.
At the bottom of the photo, there is an inscription:
Convention of the NZO, Warsaw 1935, the Presidium,
Beitar Commission, the head of Beitar, the Central
Committee of the NZO.

Size: 10.25x 15.5 cm, 15.7x21.5 cm, 8.5x11.5 cm.

Size: 28x40cm, laminated, inside of a wooden frame

of 32.5x52 cm, with a pass-partout.

Condition: Good-Very good.

Condition: Excellent.

Opening price: $120

Opening Price: $250

502. Photograph of the NZO (New Zionist

Organization) Convention, Warsaw 1935, Zeev
Jabotinsky with the leaders of the organization

503. Original photograph of the 12th Zionist Congress.

Zeev Jabotinsky, Chaim Weizmann, Menachem
Ussishkin and others, 1921

Photograph from the convention which took place

the year that the New Zionist Organization was
established 1935. In the center of the table, Zeev
Jabotinsky, head of Beitar, sits surrounded by central
figures in the organization.

Original photograph from the Zionist Congress, with

Zeev Jabotinsky and Chaim Weizmann sitting next
to each other. It was apparently the 12th Zionist

The NZO was established by Revisionist Zionists in

1935 in light of disagreements between Jabotinskys
followers and the World Zionist Organization. The
founders of the organization believed that their
leaders ideas were the fulfillment of Zionism, and
opposed the British policies in Israel and the World
Zionist Organizations attitude toward these policies.
Following the murder of Arlozorov in 1933, hostility
between the groups increased, and the decision was

The 12th Zionist Congress convened in Carlsbad,

Czechoslovakia in September 1921. This was the
first congress following World War I, the Balfour
Declaration and the institution of British sovereignty
in Israel.
The discussions were primarily dedicated to
expansion of the settlement in Israel and the
establishment of enterprises with national value.
During the conference, the proposal to establish the

Keren HaYesod (United Israel Appeal) was approved.

In addition, the purchase of land in Emek Yizrael and
settlement of that area were approved. Jabotinsky
was invited to this congress by Dr. Chaim Weizmann,
and even sat at the presidium table (as can be seen
in the photograph). At this event, Weizmann was
elected President of the World Zionist Organization.
Size: 26X40 cm, inside of a frame of 47X50 cm.
Condition: Very good.

Photographs |


Opening Price: $200

504. Two rare items of Itamar Ben Avi: A festive

photograph and his book Canaan Artzenu
A. Original photograph presented to Itamar Ben Avi
by Moshe Yitzchak Matalon, in the 1940s, on the
occasion of Ben Avis trip to the United States. In
the photograph, respected public figures are seen,
including Matalon (standing) and his wife, and Ben
Avi (sitting to his right), next to a festive table.
Moshe Yitzchak Matalon (1872-1959), born in Jaffa,
was one of the builders of Tel Aviv.
Itamar Ben Yehuda (Ben Avi) (1882-1943), son of the
reviver of the Jewish language, Eliezer Ben Yehuda,
was a Hebrew journalist and Zionist activist.
Condition: Fair Good. Stickers were placed on the
back of the photograph at a later date. A few words
in the inscription on the photo are illegible.
B. The book Canaan Artzenu 5,000 Years of Israel
on its Land Non-stop. Zion, 1932.

2015 " |


.508 ,

. ,19-
' .

, : ,
, - ,
, , , ' ,
. !

" 66
. ,
' ').

, ,19-
. :
, ,
, ,
- ,
. , ,
. :
, , .

' , ,
: .
$2000 :

.509 , ,

( ,)1954-1887
, ,
,20- ,
1910 . 70-
. .
:- .
$70 :

' .510 ' , ,,

, , ,
(' ')
( ,)1971-1907 - .. .
" , .
: ,
, , ,
, 1922-

22X12 :".
$100 :

.511 , , ,
, ,

30X30 :".
: .
$250 :

| Reliefs and Paintings

.512 , , -,
1918 ,
' ' ( ,
1897) , -.
,1918 .

. " : 1914
- ( ,)1951-1891
.20- .
20X11 :".

| 3


| Reliefs and Paintings

$140 :

$120 :

.514 , ,

' . 1910-1904
' , , , 1912- .
'' .
, .


.513 '',
, ,

' ' " . "

- ,
$200 :

.515 , , ,
,1929 , ,
- (
' , ,
( )1929.

( ,)1923 . 16
. ' ' ,

: .

$280 :

. ''
, ''.1945 ,

.516 , , ,

. '' ,
' ' ,
. ' ' ,,
' '
'' .
. 1945-
' '.
: .

14.5X10 :".

, , . :
" ' " , " :
" .
, .
" ,"
, ".
12x27 :" ( ).
: . . .
$200 :


" | 2015

| Reliefs and Paintings

.508 , | $2000

.509 ,
, | $70

| 3


| Reliefs and Paintings

' .510 ' ,

, , , ,
, | $100

'' , , , | $120


" | 2015

.511 , , ,
, , | $250

.514 , ,
, | $200

.515 , ,
, ,1929 , , | $280

.512 , ,
- 1918 , , |

.516 , ,
, | $200

Reliefs and Paintings |

516. Colored sketch of a Ketuba. Zeev Raban, Bezalel

stamp. Rare
Original sketch, decoration for a Ketuba, in two lines.
First line: Blessed are You, God, who brings joy to
Zion with her children. Second line: Your wife is
like a fruitful grapevine within your house. In the
center, there are two lines of an illustration of two
hands holding each other, and along the length of the
lines, there is a decoration of a grapevine with leaves
and colorful fruit. Underneath the lines is the stamp
of Zeev Raban, School of Industrial Artwork, Bezalel
The sketch was first done with a basic layer in pencil,
followed by the colorful layer.
Size: 27x12 cm (without the frame)
Condition: Very good. Slight creases. Small stain next
to the stamp.
Opening Price: $200


3 |

Size: 30x30 cm.

Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $250

512. Sketch of a label for a package of tea. Handmade.

Designed by Meir Gur-Aryeh, approximately 1918,
Tel Aviv
Sketch for a label for a package of tea called Joy of
Kings (tea produced by the Kichta Factory, founded
in 1897 in Odessa), designed by Meir Gur-Aryeh.
Apparently in about 1918, Tel Aviv.
The sketch, in green and gold shades, is decorated
with illustrations of flowers and an Asian king. It is
divided into a label with Russian writing and a label
with Hebrew writing. On the Hebrew label are the
words: In 1914, we received the highest prize - the
gold eagle in Rome.
Meir Gur-Aryeh (1891-1951) was one of the greatest
Israeli artists of the 20th century. He was one of the
founding influences on the Bezalel Academy of Art.
Size: 11x20 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $140

Works of Zeev Raban

a stamp of Graphica Bezalel, Jerusalem 1934.

Zeev Raban was born in Lodz, Poland. Between

1904-1910, he studied art in Lodz, Munich, Paris and
Brussels, and in 1912, immigrated to Israel. He began
to work at Bezalel Academy of Art as a teacher of
night classes. He was one of the artists who had the
greatest influence on artwork created at Bezalel. He
taught in the repousse, sculpture and sketching. By
the 1920s, Raban became the primary designer of
the school, responsible for designing models for the
various departments.

Graphica Bezalel was established in 1920s at the

Bezalel Academy of Art in Jerusalem. At first, the
company started with the stone printing department
established by the artist, Abel Pann, and managed
by Pesach Teish. In 1945, the Charpak and Katzman
families purchased the printing department and the
name of the company was changed to Graphica

His works are the classic style of Bezalels art. Until

today, his works are identified with the best of the
art renaissance in the land of Israel, and are pleasing
to the eye of the viewer.
513. Uncut folio of labels for Nur matchboxes, Zeev
Raban. Palestine, Rare
Uncut folio of labels for Nur brand matchboxes
(factory founded in 1923), designed by Zeev Raan.
The folio includes 16 labels. Printed by Graphica
Bezalel Jerusalem, which was the artistic printing
company owned by Bezalel.
Two additional items are added:
A. An invoice from the manager of the Graphica
company, which was responsible for designing the
labels, sent to the management of Nur in 1945.
B. Receipt for a delivery of matches from Nur
written on the official stationary of the Graphica
Bezalel company, handwritten and signed by the
manager, Pesach Teish. At the bottom of the letter is

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $120

514. Logo of the Levant Brewery, Zeev Raban,

stamped by Rabans art workshop. Rare
Logo of the Levant Brewery drawn by Zeev Raban.
Signed by the Industrial Art Workshop of Gur-Aryeh
and Raban, Bezalel Jerusalem.

Reliefs and Paintings |

of central and western Europe. In his paintings,

Kaufman depicts a vibrant, rich world, including
small details from the world of Jewish life, drawn
with amazing precision.

Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $200

515. Drawing on a postcard of Mendele Mocher

Sforim, Zeev Raban, 1929. Signed, Rare
Black and white drawing of Mendele Mocher Sforim
(pen name of Sholem Yankev Abramovich, one of
the most important Yiddish and Hebrew authors in
modern times, 1836-1917).
The drawing is hand-drawn on a postcard (dated
1929) and signed.
Size: 10x14.5 cm.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $280

2015 " |


Reliefs and Paintings |

Reliefs and Paintings

508. Large collection of wine labels, including
important and rare items#
A large and variegated collection of wine labels,
including: the winery in Rishon Le'Zion, the
wineries of Petach Tikva, the Templers winery in
Wilhelma-Sharona, labels of Monson Print, labels of
Ze'ev Raban, Adloyada (Purim Carnival), labels of
Jewish wine from Djerba and Morocco and other
important items. Most rare!
A total of 66 labels and a trial print of a label for
Rishon Le'Zion wine from the end of the 19th
With the beginning of the return to Zion, at the end
of the 19th century, the first wineries were founded
in the renewed Yishuv. The wineries served as an
economic lever for developing the country. The
wine bottles were exported to Jews all over the
The labels were those which promoted the sale
of the wine among the Jews abroad. The labels
depicted the lovely vineyards, the trains of camels,
the palm trees all in the oriental style in which it
was customary to depict the Land of Israel those
days for the American and European Jews. Beside
these, the Star of David had a place of honor. Thus,
the labels became lovelier with the years: from one
color to many, from simple illustrations to those of
the greatest artists in the country, headed by Raban.
The largest printing houses participated in the
printing of the labels, among them the lithography
of Monson.

The collection before us tells the wonderful story

of the relationship between wine, pioneering spirit
and art. The labels are from the end of the 19th
century, through the Ottoman period and the British

Condition: Good-Very good.

On some of the labels, the name of the importer and

the country to which the bottle was sent are printed
in small letters.

Six original woodcuts (hand printed) by the artist

Monia Lander (1907-1971), all signed by him. Placed
inside a cardboard folder. By the Katz Art Gallery,

The collection also includes wine labels from a

Jewish winery in Djerba, Tunisia and a wine label
from a Jewish winery in Morocco.
A detailed list of the items will be sent to anyone
Condition: Very Good.

3 |

510. Within Jerusalem Six original woodcuts,

Jerusalem. Munia Lander, signed, 1940s. Rare

All of the woodcuts are related to Jerusalem: a street

in the Old City, a corner in the Old City, a Jew in the
Old City, people collecting charity at the entrance to
the Western Wall, the light in the Old City and the old

Opening Price: $2,000

Munia Lander was born in Russia, immigrated to

Israel in 1922 and studied at Bezalel Academy of Art.

509. Two plaques: Relief of Joseph Opatoshu. Rare

Limited edition.

Yosef Meir Opatowski (1887-1954), known by his

pen name Joseph Opatoshu, was a Yiddish author and
journalist, one of the greatest Yiddish authors of the
20th century. He was born in Poland to a Chassidic
family, but his maskil (enlightened) father sent him
to study at Russian schools. He became famous for
his writing for the first time in 1910, published by
a Yiddish newspaper in New York. He wrote over
70 volumes of stories in Yiddish. His works were
famous and well known throughout the Yiddish
speaking Jewish world. Some of his works were also
translated into English and Hebrew.

Average size of the woodcuts: 12x22 cm.

The plaques are signed by the artist Gordon.

Many of his paintings decorated the walls of Jews

from the upper and middle classes in the cities

4.5x5.5 cm.


Opening Price: $70

Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $100

511. Two rabbis and a boy, color relief, Isidor

Kaufman, numbered lithograph. Signature on the
board. Rare
Isidor Kaufman (1853-1921) was one of the greatest
modern Jewish painters. He drew inspiration for
his works from the everyday life of Jews in Eastern

| Art and Judaica

.521 , ,

.517 ,- ,,

40 :".

" - ".

: .

, .

$120 :

675 :.

.522 , ,
, ,

13X17.5 :".

.524 , -- ,
. , ,
, ,
. .
' '
.2012 !

: . . .

, ,
" " .

.518 ," ,

, ,
.( . ),

25X16 :".

7 :".

: .

: .

$30 :

$60 :

.523 , ,

.525 , , , (
) ,

$50 :

18 :".
6.9 :.
$50 :

.519 ,/ ,
. ,
. 12
, .20-
6.5X6.5X12 :".

, .
" : " , " :".

: . .

: 16" , 7" . ()

$300 :

:- . .

.520 , sterling
" "

$60 :

: .
$25 :

. .
-- , : [].
, . .

, ,
( ).
121 :.
19 :".
: .
$100 :

.526 , +
' '935
: .
$50 :


" | 2015

" ".
6 :".
$60 :

50- ," ,1998

, .

40X41X10 :".

333 , ,
, 1,200.
" ,
, ,.

: . .
$300 :

.534 , , ,
780 :.

.528 , ,

31 :".


: .

$250 :

$600 :

.532 , , ,

.535 8 , , , ,

: . .
$50 :

" . ."" ,
" .

.529 , ,

'' 1905

, ,

, ,.
"" "" ,"" ,".
19.5X17 :".

: .
$30 :

. .
, .
2.43 :".
: .
$100 :

.536 ,

" ".

.533 , ' '925

.13- 19-
, ,

11X13 :".

, .

" : ".



, .

29 :".

$120 :

.530 , ,

$25 :

| Art and Judaica

.527 , ,,

.531 " , , , ,

( ) 3.650 :".

2.5 :".
:- .
$120 :

| 3


| Art and Judaica

.537 , ,


: . .

. ,
" : " . ().

$70 :

$90 :

.541 , , ,

150 :.

, .

.544 , ,

: .

:- .

$150 :

$100 :

.538 , ,

.542 , ,- ,
,20- "

1.5 :".
15 :" . 58 :".
: . .
$120 :

.539 ,
. , , ,
25 ." 77 , . .
. , '" ,'925" , -,
24 ." 115 , . .
. , ' ,'925 "" , 17 .
" 96 , . .
. , , ' 20 .'925",
200 . .
$400 :

.540 , , sterling,

95 :.
16 :".


" | 2015

, .

, ( -
) .
("-") ,
( ) " '
' . " ' '.

123 :.
: .
$50 :

.545 " " ,1856 ,

- " "
"' " "".
90 :.
$500 :

.546 , ,

125 :.

. ,KARSHI 925 SP ,
47- ( ).

:- .

. ,'925' , .

$700 :

. , " "" ,
" .

.543 , , ,

72 .
' ' , " ("-
") , .


. ,

220 :.

235 :.

: ,- .

15 :".

$100 :

. .'925' ,

197 :.
$80 :

- ,
. , ,
. , " . .
. .

, , ,
, .

:- ..

33 . .

40 :" .

2 . .

$40 :

. .

.550 , ,

17X8 :".

, ,
,.2004 ,
" ' ".
, .

$60 :

.553 , ,
" ,"THE HAND OF G-D (1917-
,)1840 ,
" ".
, " .

' ".


4.8 :".


: .

170X140 :".

34.5X22 :".

$480 :

2.6 :".

: . .

$50 :

:- .
, .

.551 ,

$350 :

.549 , ' ' [ ]

. " ,
- "" ,
. .

| Art and Judaica

.547 , , ,

. .

.552 ,

, .
21X6.5 :".
320 :.
$30 :

: .

| 3


| Art and Judaica

.517 ,-
, ," | $50

.521 ,
, | $120


" | 2015

.518 ,",
| $50

.522 ,,
, | $30

.519 ,/,
$300 | 20-

.523 ,,
| $60

" " | $25

.524 , --,
. , ,
, ,
| $60

.529 , , | $120

.530 , ,
| $25

.531 " , ,,
, | $250

| Art and Judaica

.525 , ,
, ( ),
| $100

.526 , .527 ,,
+ ' '935 , | $60
| $50

.528 , , ,
| $50

.532 , ,
, , | $30

| 3


| Art and Judaica

.533 , ''925
| $300

.534 , ,
, | $600

.537 , , | $150


" | 2015

.535 8 , ,,
, | $100

.538 ,,
| $120

.536 , | $120

.539 ,
| $400

.540 , ,
STERLING , | $70

| Art and Judaica

.541 , , , | $100

.543 , ,
, | $90

.544 , , | $50

.542 , ,- ,
,20- " | $700

.545 " " ,1856 , | $500

.546 , , | $100

.547 , , , | $80

| 3


| Art and Judaica

.549 , ' ' [ ]

| $40
.548 | $350

.551 ,
| $30


.550 ,
, | $50

" | 2015

.552 ,
| $60

.553 , , | $480

Art and Judaica |

552. A collection of blessing bags made of colored

cardboard, from the 1950s
A. 33 bags of congratulations to the bride and groom
with picture of a cake.
B. 2 bags of congratulations with picture of flowers.
C. Bar Mitzvah bag.
Size: 17 X 8 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

553. The Hand Of G-D, bronze, Auguste Rodin

"The Hand Of G-D", the famous sculpture by French
sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), known for his
realistic style, especially for his famous sculpture
"The Thinker".
Numbered, signed by the artist.
Weight: 4.8 kg.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $480


3 |

Size: 170 X 140 cm.

D. Silver cup, '925'.

Weight: 2.6 kg.

Weight of the three silver cups: 220 gr.

Large and spectacular!

symbols and the city of Jerusalem. Inlayed with a

silver medal of Jerusalem, circled by the verse: "From
Zion shall the Torah go forth and the word of God
from Jerusalem."

Condition: varies between good-very good.

Suitable for mounting on the side of a sukkah.

Hebrew and English, side by side in columns.

Condition: Good-Very Good. Curtain faded due to

being used for many years, and prolonged exposure
to the sun.

The Chumash includes an introduction explaining

the history of the Bible and its importance to the
people of Israel, as well as images of important
Biblical manuscripts.

Opening Price: $100

547. Cup with handle and base, stamped silver, floral

Weight: 197 gr.
Opening Price: $80

548. Embroidered curtain from the Western Wall

featuring the Temple
Fifteen generations after the Exodus, the Temple was
built, the place of Divine Presence. Even when the
temples were destroyed, a single wall survived, and
the Divine Presence never left the Western Wall. In
the ruins of exile it stood strong as before, full of life.
Before us is a curtain that covered the bimah, the
podium from which the Torah was read and prayers
were conducted at the Western Wall.
A multitude of the people of Israel poured their
hearts out in prayer on this curtain - prayers for the
individual salvation, for solving medical problems,
for a good match, for the salvation of the world, for
the gathering of the exiles, for the coming of the
Messiah and for the reestablishment of our Temple.
In the center of the curtain is an embroidered picture
of the Temple and the verse "I rejoiced with those
who said to me, Let us go to the house of the LORD.

Opening Price: $350

549. Two Matzah covers Torat Chaim Yeshivah

[the 1930s]; and a City of David Matzah Cover
A. Two Passover Matzah covers in green and pink
colors, "A relic from the general great assembly of
the Torat Chaim Yeshivah in Jerusalem, may it be
built and last", with an illustration of the Western
Wall. Likely dates to the 1930s.
Condition: Very good.
B. Matzah cover, embroidered with a large image of
the City of David. Likely dates to the 1950s.
Condition: fair-good. Contains spots.
Diameter: 40 cm each.
Opening Price: $40

550. Magnificent Chumash, ark-shaped, leather

bound, with beautiful decorations inside

209 pp.
Size: 34.5 X 22 cm.
Condition: Very good. The first few pages are
Amazing item!
Opening Price: $50

Art and Judaica |

(1719-1776), a great Kabbalist.

551. Jewish Klezmer figurine, wood carving, colorful

and beautiful
Hasidic Jew Klezmer figurine holding a violin,
carved in wood. Likely from 1960s Germany.
Size: 21 X 6.5 cm.
Weight: 320 gr.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $30

Magnificent ark-shaped Chumash, with decorations

inside Matan Arts Publishers, Israel 2004.
Brown leather binding, decorated with Jewish

2015 " |


Art and Judaica |

D. Spice box shaped as a tower, three turrets with a

door, 925 silver. 20 cm, 200 gr. Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $400

540. Havdalah spice box, three turrets, stamped

sterling silver, Mexico
Weight: 95 gr.
Height: 16 cm.
Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $70

541. Havdalah spice box, olive tree, Bezalel, Palestine

Illustrated and decorated, screw-on closure.
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $100

542. Havdalah spice box, stamped silver, AustroHungarian, early 20th century, owned by Rabbi
Mordechai Leib Winkler, head of the Jewish tribunal
of the town of Md
Spice box shaped as a tower, decorated with flags
and a small side door.
We know that approximately a hundred years ago
the box was used by the rabbinic family of Winkler
in the town of Md, Hungary (then the AustroHungarian Empire). Among the family members was
Rabbi Naftali Winkler and his son Rabbi Mordechai
Leib Winkler.
Rabbi Mordechai Winkler (1844-1931) served as


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the rabbi of Md, head of the Md Yeshiva (which

reached its peak during his time), and author of the
responsa collection Levushei Mordechai. Ordained
by the Ketav Sofer.
Weight: 125 gr.
Height: 21 cm.
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $700

543. Havdalah spice box, filigree, unique build and

style, Western Wall relief
A silver spice box, shaped as a kerosene burner - a
bin standing on three legs. The tower is decorated
with the extra fine filigree etchings. A large silver
ring at the bottom stabilizes it, and at the top is a
relief of Jews praying at the Western Wall.

545. A Zakhor we-Shamor (Remember and Keep

[the Shabbes]) Kiddush cup, 1856, Western Ukraine
A stamped silver cup situated on a three legged base,
engraved with Zakhor we-shamor (Remember and
Keep [the Shabbes]). Under the base is the inscription
N. Yoseph ben-Henzi of Stanislav, Rosh ha-Shanah,
1856. Circling the cup is a two-leaf engraving.
Stanislav is the Jewish name of the city Stanislavov
in western Ukraine (currently Ivano-Frankivsk).
A Hassidic Jewish community existed in the city,
descendants of the Rebbe Chanokh Henikh Dov Meir,
the first rabbi of Alesk (present day Olesko, western
Ukraine). He was the son in-law of Rabbi Shalom
Rokeach, the first Rebbe of Belz.
Weight: 90 gr.
Condition: Excellent.

Weight: 235 gr.

Opening Price: $500

Height: 15 cm.

546. Four Kiddush cups, three of them silver, The

Cup of Salvation

Condition: Good. Minor flaws.

Kiddush Cups

A. Silver cup, KARSHI 925 SP, with four Hamsa

reliefs, with 47 embedded colored gemstones (one
stone missing).

544. Kiddush cup, stamped silver, decorated

B. Silver cup, '925', vine grapes relief.

Opening Price: $90

Weight: 123 gr.

Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $50

C. Metal Cup, with the phrases: "I raise the cup

of salvation" and "Pishon Gihon Hidekel Perat"
embossed on the exterior.
Inside each of these three cups are engraved the 72
names of the rivers of Eden. Such cups are known
as the cup of salvation, according to the Rashash

535. Jewish Menorah, 8 branches, round, bronze,


533. Large and impressive Hanukkah Menorah,

stamped '925' silver on wood

Eight-branched lamp in the shape of an eight-pointed

star. Leaf-shaped decorations and engravings. Three
designed chains for hanging, and a base for attaching
to the ceiling.

Adorned and beautiful Hanukkah Menorah, made of

wood covered with silver.
On the upper right corner is a Shamash, and on the
upper left stands an oil jug. The center of the silver
panel is decorated by an adorned crown and two lions
holding it on both sides. On the right of the panel are
the Stone Tablets with the Ten Commandments, and
the left panel is decorated by the seven-branched
Weight (including wood): 3.650 kg.
Size: 40 X 41 X 10 cm.
Condition: Very good. One of joints connecting the
branches is too short.
Opening Price: $300

534. Silver kinetic Hanukkah Menorah, the 1950s,

Helena Schwartz
Silver Menorah signed by the artist Helena Schwartz.
Weight: 780 gr.
Height: 31 cm.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $600

Weight: 2.43 kg.

Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $100

536. A pair of candlesticks, Damascus design,
Damascus design is the inlay work of copper and
silver within a brass solid base. This technique was
prevalent in Egypt until the 13th century. In the 19th
century it came back into use and was developed by
Syrian jewelers, mostly Jews, hence the name.
The candlesticks bear the inscription: "Sabbath and
Yom-Tov candle."
Height: 29 cm.
Weight: 2.5 kg.
Condition: Good-Very Good.
Opening Price: $120

537. Miniature travel candle holders, stamped silver,

Box containing two candlesticks which are attached
by screwing them on the box itself, intended for

travel and journeys. The box is decorated and has

floral reliefs, as well as the inscription: "In honor of
the sacred Sabbath". The 1930s (estimated).
Weight: 150 gr.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $150

538. Antique Jewish Sabbath lamp for mounting,

bronze, Germany
The lamp is divided into three connecting screw-on
Weight: 1.5 kg.
Height of lamp and base: 15 cm. Height including
chain: 58 cm.
Condition: Very good. All parts accounted for.

Art and Judaica |

Hanukkah Menorahs

Opening Price: $120

Havdalah Spice Boxes

539. Four Havdalah spice boxes, stamped silver
A. Tall spice box, shaped as a tower with a door,
stamped silver, floral decorations, flag with the Star
of David. 25 cm, 77 gr. Condition: Very good.
B. Spice box shaped as a tower, 925 silver,
"HaZorfim", Austro-Hungarian style, bells and vines
decorations. 24 cm, 115 gr. Condition: Good.
C. Spice box shaped as a tower, 925 silver, "Havdalah"
caption, floral decorations. 17 cm, 96 gr. Condition:
Very good.

2015 " |


Art and Judaica |

Size: 25 X 16 cm.
Very impressive piece!
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $60

525. Large Mezuzah scroll box, stamped silver, filigree,

including scroll (apparently kosher), decorated and
Mezuzah scroll box made of filigree, stamped silver
with curly decoration (including decorations of two
crowns on either heads).
Mezuzah box includes parchment that is probably
kosher, though this has not been verified.

The inscription "Bezalel Jerusalem" appears on the


531. JNF fund donation box, porcelain, made by

Tiffanys, Israels Jubilee very rare

Height: 6 cm.

To mark the occasion of the State of Israels jubilee

in 1998, Tiffanys jewelry company was contracted
by the JNF branch in Germany to design a unique
donation box.

Condition: Excellent.
Opening Price: $60

528. 9 miniature Mezuzah scroll boxes, some made of

silver, some by Bezalel
Diverse and interesting collection.
Condition: Very good. Three are missing their back
Opening Price: $50

JNF donation boxes were typically manufactured

using plastic and various metals, and therefore this
box, made of porcelain, is quite unique.

Weight: 121 gr.


The box boasts illustrations of the Western Wall and

the settlement and agriculture of the Land of Israel.

Height: 19 cm.

529. Herzl relief, old Bezalel, Palestine

Condition: Excellent.

Condition: Very good.

Copper relief of Theodor Herzl set on a thick wooden

base, surrounded by a metal frame. Bezalel, Palestine.

Opening Price: $250

Opening Price: $100

526. Mold for making miniature Mezuzal scroll box,

cast print + Mezuzah scroll box made of 935 silver,
using this mold

Beneath the relief are the captions "Dr. Herzl",

"Bezalel", "Jerusalem".
Size: 19.5 X 17 cm.

Condition: Very good.

Status: Fair-good.

Opening Price: $50

Opening Price: $120

527. Two miniature Mezuzah scroll boxes, Bezalel,

open, decorated

530. Herzl relief, copper, 1950s

Mezuzah scroll boxes with curly decorations,

including decorations of two crowns on either the
heads of each of the boxes.

Below the figure is the caption "If you will it, it is no

Size: 11 X 13 cm.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $25


The first 333 boxes were manufactured in Japan, but

soon after, due to high demand for additional boxes,
a new series was launched containing an additional
1,200 units.

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532. Plastic belt buckle, Gymnasia Herzliya, Tel Aviv,

Palestine, rare
Plastic belt buckle bearing the inscription "G. A.
Herzliya", "Tel Aviv" and the Star of David.
The Hebrew Gymnasia in Herzliya was founded in
1905 and was the first secondary school in the world
in which all classes were held in Hebrew. The list
of graduates includes many of the pillars of Israeli
society. The first class of Gymnasia classmates
included, among others, Moshe Sharett, Eliyahu
Golomb, Dov Hoz and David Beit Halachmi.
Condition: Very good.
Opening Price: $30

517. Siddur designed as a handbag, Levine-Epstein,

Jerusalem, 1966

520. Challah knife, sterling silver handle decorated

with lions and inscription "Shabbes Kodesh"

523. Four instruments made of olive tree wood,

Bezalel, handmade

Sivlonot Korban Minhah with Rav Peninim, Sephardic


Weight: 172 gr.

Two candlesticks, cup and saucer.

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $25

The candlesticks are signed "Bezalel Jerusalem," the

rest "Jerusalem". Candlesticks and cup have a round

Weight: 675 gr.

521. Bread knife and sheath, both made of silver,


Height: Candlesticks 16 cm; Cup 7 cm. Saucer

diameter (oval): ~10 cm.

Dimensions: 13 X 17.5 cm.

Length: 40 cm.

Condition: Good-Very Good. Several small abrasions.

Condition: Very good. The siddur is in excellent

condition; leather exterior slightly worn.

Condition: Very good.

Opening Price: $60

Artistic book cover resembling a modern handbag,

made of green leather with carrying handle and

Opening Price: $50

518. Miniature metal dreidel, Ness Gadol Haya

Sham, antique and unique
Height: 18 mm.
Weight: 6.9 gr.
Condition: Good.
Opening Price: $50

519. Silver box for citron (etrog), Austria/Germany,

early 20th century
Citron (etrog) box, stamped silver. Shield decoration
and two lions on the sides, and plant decorations on
the lid. 12-rib polygon box, likely from early 20th
century Germany.

Opening Price: $120

522. Miniature Holy Ark (Aron Ha-Kodesh) for

Torah scroll, made of copper, including Torah scroll
with Trees of Life State of Israel, first years after
Black Holy Ark made of copper, with relief depicting
lions and the stone tablets. Two doors open on a
hinge. The inscription State of Israel, surrounded
by olive branches, appears on the back.
The interior includes a printed Book of Genesis,
rolled upon Trees of Life, covered by a red mantel
which includes (front) a Star of David embroidery
and the Hebrew letters Kaf-Taf (Keter Torah Crown
of Torah), and (back) an embroidery of the letter
Height: 7 cm.

Size: 6.5 X 6.5 X 12 cm.

Condition: Very good.

Condition: Excellent. Slight defect in one corner.

Opening Price: $30

Opening Price: $300

524. Protective talisman for house entrance, with the
letters Shin-Dalet-Yud (likely a Mezuzah cover)
Morocco, artist handwork, woven fabric with gold and
silver threads, large and impressive, very rare

Art and Judaica |

Art and Judaica Objects

Protective talisman for house entrance from Morocco,

artist handwork with gold and silver threads. This
style of work has been used for making Tefillin
carry bags and talismans for the home. Several were
featured in the exhibition "Jewish life in Morocco
at the Israel Museum in 2012. Extremely rare to find
such an item intended for the doorway! Was probably
intended for hanging over the mezuzah.
Shield-shaped cover. Embroidery on green cloth. At
the top of the fabric appear the letters Shin-DaletYud, and below the name of the house owner: Issa
Tzayyag [Sayag].
In the center are embroidered flowers, hearts and a
pair of birds. With fringed edges.

2015 " |


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" | 2015

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2015 " |



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