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Rochester College

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title
Physical Properties

Teacher Candidate Name

Adrienne Jackson


Lesson Summary
In this lesson the students will be able to make a 3D nature sun catcher by sorting the object they have
picked and categorizing them by physical properties.
Subject Area
Grade Level
First Grade
Higher Order Thinking Skills (Revised Blooms)
Blooms- The children will be remembering how to sort by properties. They will be understanding the ideas
and concepts of physical properties. They will be applying their knowledge to their project. They will be
analyzing the objects they have picked to be sorted. They will be evaluating the objects to critique if they
are in the right category. Then they will be creating a work of art using these ideas.
Approximate Time Needed for Lesson
45 minutes a class period for two days.
Common Core Standards and/or State of Michigan GLCEs and/or HSCEs
P.PM.E.1 Physical Properties- All objects and substances have
physical properties that can be measured.
P.PM.01.11 Demonstrate the ability to sort objects according to
observable attributes such as color, shape, size, sinking or

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

The students will be able to pick from a variety of objects and then categorizes them by physical
properties, each side of their sun catcher will have objects of the same properties, making them have four
different categories of physical properties.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question What are physical properties?
Unit Questions

How do I discover which objects have the same physical properties?

How do I then categorize them into groups?
What if an object has multiple properties?

Content Questions

Why is it important to know physical properties?

How do I discover their physical properties?

Assessment Summary
Assessment will be evaluated by having the children tell me their categorizes for their physical properties
and why those objects fit into that categorize through a presentation.

Lesson Timeline
Start of the Lesson
Review what Physical Properties
Show model of what the children

Mid-Lesson Activities
Children will have time to make
sun catchers.

End of Lesson Activities

Presentation of their sun

will be making and give

Go over all the objects they have
to choose from.
Prerequisite Skills
The children will have to have mastered what physical properties are, this lesson will be at the end of the
Instructional Procedures
Day one: Introduction- Hook- Ms. Jackson will show three objects and ask the children to give her the
physical properties. I will then write the properties on the board. This will help me evaluate to see if a
review will be needed.
Techniques and activitiesDay One: If a review is need, show a short power point on the main ideas of physical properties to help
with an elaboration of the topic. After the review show a simple demonstration of how to build the sun
catcher to help give the children a clear picture of what I expect.
I will then go over the process:
Cut out squares to make a 3D box. Make a 6 fames with clear sticky wrap. Pick objects like flowers, leafs,
bark, grass, etc. to categorize.
Have them paint/color box.
This will give them a hands on approach to show their understanding of what physical properties are.
Day Two: Finish up projects.
Then the children will be presenting their sun catchers to the class and explain their categories to the
class for their evaluation.
Closure1. Design a hook that show the children what they will be doing and gain their attention.
2. If review is needed go over key information they will need to complete assignment through a power
3. Show model and object that they can categories.
4. Give the children time to create their projects.
5. Then have them explain their sun catcher to class for their evaluation.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Special Needs: I will have the students work with a higher achieving
Special Needs Student
student for help.
They only have to do a 2D sun catcher picking only one category.
Have them work with a lower level student to help them out.
Gifted/Talented Student
Have them do 12 categories by splitting the sides into two.
Technology Hardware (Check off all equipment needed)
Laser Disk
Computer (s)
Digital Camera
Projection System
DVD Player
Internet Connection

Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equipment
Interactive Responders

Technology Software (Check off all software needed)

Image Processing
Desktop Publishing
Internet Web Browser
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM

Web Page Development

Word Processing
Smart notebook software

Printed Materials

Natural objects to be sorted, flowers, seeds, rocks, bark, leaves, grass,

Internet Resources
Other Resources

etc. cardboard, clear wrap, glue, paint, makers, crayons.


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