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His reasoning, as explained to me and Commissioner Jolivette, was that the two were not attorneys and they

had received too many salary increases in too short of a time period.

One year ago Commissioner Dixon insisted on cutting the salaries of two employees, . Mrs. Joy Campbd~ and Ms. Rhonda Freeze.

Mrs. Campbell is our assistant H R Director and Mrs. Freeze is Director of Records and Archives.

Mrs. Campbell was cut from $92,771 annually to $79.000annualy. Ms. Freeeze was cut from $85,772 annually to $69,899 annually.

It was my understanding at that time that there were going to be more salary cuts throughout Butler County and this was just the beginning.

Commissioner Dixon even stated at a one of our public meetings that it was. his intention that there would be more salary cuts.

I repeatedly suggested others who should be cut to be fair to Mrs. Campbell and Ms. Freeze. I could never get support in regard to any more salary cuts.

A check of the salary history of other employees show there were many who received larger salary increases in the same or shorter time frame.

Without going into all the names and information I will use one, like and similar, example.

Mr. James Davis the H R Manager for water and sewer was hired in 1992 at $26,153 annually and by·2008 when we instituted a hiring and wage increase freeze, Mr. Davis salary is $100,202 annually. He has not had any salary cuts.

Mrs. Campbell started in 1994 at $20,800 annually and rose to $$92,771 by 2008. Mrs.

CampbelI feceive-d-apromotionandeamed-aBacneIoroegree in Hl\dliflng thaf penod~--- ---._.


Mrs. Campbell has been a member of the Ohio Public Employee Labor Relations Association since 1995 and served as President of that association for 2 years.

All of Mrs. Campbell's salary comes from Workers Compo Funds. None of her salary comes from the General Fund. I am making a motion that we restore these two employees to their original salary with back pay for lost wages--------------.

- -- ----- Relations Association.

In 2002 James Davis HR Manager for Water and Sewer proposed a new pay plan for water and sewer department, known as Environmental Services employees.


The union turned down this pay plan. They reportedly choose to stay with their "step increases" plan. They reportedly did not trust the performance based plan, because of the possibility of favoritism and for politics becoming a factor affecting salaries/

The 2002 plan costs the county an additional $227,062 per year.

Several high-end employees received salary increases of 51 % to 63% as a result from 2002 to 2008.

Mr. James Davis received a 49.1 % increase for himself.

That took him from $67,215 in 2002 to $100,212 by 2008.

RESOLUTION NO. 02-1 -110

Resolved By the Board of County Commissioners of Butler County, Ohio, That

A three percent (3%) cost of living wage increase is hereby approved for all non-collective bargaining unit County employees effective retroactive to January 12,2002; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a three percent (3%) cost of living wage-increase is hereby approved for non-collective bargaining employees of the Butler County Department of Environmental Services effective retroactive to January 12,2002; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, effective retroactive to January 12,2002, the salaries and wages designated below are approved for the following employees of the Butler County Department of Environmental Services:


Non-Bargaining Unit Employees:

Justin Alcorn Customer Service Technician Supervisor

Sharon Barnett Billing system Coordinator

illiam Bishop Water Line Maintenance Mana er

Q §. Biweekly
91-6 1,637.48 51."
94-9 2,519.09
94-4 2 070.51
94-6 2,239.46 Angela Boyd Office and Communications Manager

James Bradford Wastewater Collection Manager 94-7 2,329.04

Dennis Cook Staff Engineer 9_3_"_9~~~2_,269_.-45 +

Robert L. Copeland, Jr. Staff Engineer 93-9 2,269.45

Brian M. Custer _ _g_~:t,~gi~ __ , .. _. ._ _ -- --_._ .. __ .. "._._._ .. _ .. __ ,_., .. __ .. _22,~_-2:..~.:,!!_,,i 0 ~..21.:.(.j t/

Kathy Davenport Public Relations Coordinator '\ n i}"r.'I~' 91-R 1,966.49 iI'7 "l5', .1 ,j LI1.,

James Davis, Jr. Human Resources Manager _- 95-7 2,585.24 ~ ~ ~~

-'Lisa'''Dragoo 'l'raining Coordinator c_ 91-8 1,771.09 /tTl:> 'XiGJ..'4

Michael Foley Chief Engineer 97-9 3,445.19

Julia Frazi ebrl , .. ._~~~or.a~.:~.~?:'-~aa~~~: .. ------_---.-- ... --_, ._.~4-=.?--~3..~-.~-&.Q.s..5.s.. Dl-J .:l'1 ,) ~

James A. Ham a.n , Jr. Recor s Coor lona",or. ,,3-4 1,865.32 7f52.t:d;''J:]'

Angela Howard Administrative Specialist 91-4 1.513.94 ~

ConstanceM.Kepner Staff Engineer 93-5 1,939.94 ~ 'll"lt.! 7;;\-/1>

Robert B. Leventry Engineering & Planning Division Head 97-9 3,445.19 l>"lS 7-"

'Mark Lykins Personal computer Systems Coordinator 94-5 2,153.33 illd-Ljl:lJ8

Veda Marsh Utility Accounts Manager 94-9 2,519.09

James E. Molinsky Special Projects Coordinator 91-9 1,841.94

Mary L. Moore Environmental Division Head 97-5 2,944.96

James Anthony Parrott Director Step 6 3,890.45 155.62 09/20/02

Jean Ponder _. __ . . __ S.end.ces __ Administrator. --.-- --.--. ---96-8· 2·,-984 .. ; 40

Ronald Ray Staff Engineer 9.3..:.9 __ 2.,.2.6_9_A_5 -,-_-:::::~

lichard Roemer Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance Mgr 94-9 2,519.09 l.:>S l}'le..!> L/ .1!1D?

Denise Sharma Staff Environmentalist 91-5 1,574.50 s 133.5 ./> 1..

Martha Addy Shelby Engineering & Construction Manager 96-9 3,103.77

Bob J. Shelley SoITiIW'~b-isEncE coordIna-fo'r 94 - 2 1, 914 .

Katie Smiddy Staff Accountant 2,269.45

Carl Smith Staff_Engineer ·2,'338-.65 .

_Ralph Statzer Comp_tr.o.l.ler__ '2,8-6'9 .6x

Water Reclamation Manager Business Division Head

95-9 97-9

2,796.19 3,445.19

Jack Thornsberry Operations Division Head 97-9 3,445.19

Bob E. Tisch Instrumentation Manager 94-7 2-1,4'1 Q4

Susan Vance Technical Services Superintendent 96-9 3,103.77

Elden Ward, Jr. Customer Service Coordinator 92-9 2,044.55

Sharma Young

Litter Prevention & Recycling

suzanne Stephenson Program Manager

Mary Jo B. Lahrmann Environmental Educator

Joseph Bowling

Litter Crew Supervisor

94-6 91-6 H-21 G

2,239.46 1,637.48

12.73 per hour

2002 2008 %
Elden Ward, Jr 53158.30 86809.32 63.3
Bob E. Tish 60555.04 96538.34 59.1
Katie Smiddy 59005.70 78206.70 32.5
William Bishop 53833.26 81335.02 51.1
Martha Shelby 80698.02 100212.72 24.2
Brian Custer 50438.44 96358.38 91.0
Jack Thornsbury 89574.94 111236.12 24.2
Justin Alcorn 42574.48 63474.25 49.1
Angela Faris 58225.96 86809.32 49.1
Hired 06/94 15896.66 , ) 86809.32 266.28
James Davis 67215.24 100212.84 49.1
Hired 12/91 26153.40 100212.84 283.17 Flora Butler


48010.30 63.1

Donna Everson Hired 07/96


74098.44 200.0

Gina Rosmarin Hired 09/96

30661.02 16649.36

49930.40 62.8

49930.40 200.0

DavidFehr Hired 07/95


74098.44 200.0

Run/ftt/oIlNumher 09"03-036'

Butler COflflty Obio Commissioners Ruolulfn/l Ma/lall~/ft System

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Resolution No. 09-03-0369

Resolved By the Board of County Commissioners of Butler County, Ohio, That

The salary of the following employees shall be reduced as follows:

Laura J_ Campbell, Assistant Director for Human Resources, be paid at the biweekly rate of $3,073.07, ($79,900_00 annually) effective February 28, 2009.

Rhonda Freeze, Records Manager, be paid at the biweekly rate of$2,688,46, ($69,900.00 annually) effective February 28, 2009.

These reductions will be taken in three equal increments with the first reduction effective February 28, 2009, the second reduction four months from this date and the last reduction occurring eight months from this date.

J Numher 0'-03-036'

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Resolution No. 09-03-0369

Requestor : Cheryl Hahn Request Date: February 24,2009

Commissioner Furmon moved for the adoption of the foregoing resolution.

Commissioner Jolivette seconded the motion and upon call of the roll

the vote resulted as follows:

Commissioner Dixon Yea
Commissioner Jolivette Ye-a
Commissioner Furmon Yea Adopted: March 02, 2009

Allest: All. *





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Page 10f1

Chuck Furmon - Confidential Request - Attorney Client Privilege applies

From: Bruce Jewett

To: Roger Gates

Date: 2/3/2010 2:48 PM

Subject: Confidential Request - Attorney Client Privilege applies


Please advise how I can obtain a confidential assessment of the County's compliance with it's obligations under the Equal Employment Opportunities Act, and any other applicable state or federal obligations designed to ensure non-discriminatory practices by any department of county, especially any department that reports to the Commissioners.

The Commissioners are genuinely committed to full compliance with the letter and spirit of any such requirements, but I wouldn't want the fact that we engaged in any such study to ever be used AGAINST us.

can we contract for such a study and somehow keep the fact of that contract confidential, given Sunshine Law requirements?

As always, your assistance is appreciated.




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Rcsolutio« Number 09.·02~OI9?~

Butler COUllty Ohio Commissioners Resolution MllIltIgemellt S.vslem

Adopted February 02, 2009

Resolution Number 1J9-IJJ-O/97

Butler Cou1Ily Ohio Commisskmers Prillted February 01.1010 } 1:54:11 AJvI

(Page) oJ2)

Resolution No. 09-02-0197

Resolved By the Board of County Commissioners of Butler County, Ohio, That

WHEREAS, in order to reduce expenditures because of the financial shortfall facing Butler County, it is necessary for offices to reduce general fund requests for 2009 by at least 10%;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Butler County, Ohio, That the following, unclassified department heads shall have their salary reduced by five percent (5%) on a temporary.basis for fiscal year 2009, effective February 1; 2009:

Timothy R_ Williams, County Administrator

Douglas E. Duckett, Personnel Director & Labor Counsel Brian T. Coughlin, Director of Economic Development Michael F. Juengling, Director of Department of Development Cynthia Brown, CSEA Director

Bruce E. Jewett, Director of Job & Family Services

Michael A. Fox, Children Services Executive Director (following expiration of current contract

on January 31, 2009)

Susan E. Vance, Director of Water & Sewer Department

Robert Leventry, Deputy Director of Water & Sewer Department

-~ _ .... _.

Referellce Number 16398743.41/

I' ._

Butler COUII(V Ohio COII/missioilers Resolution Mwwgemellt System

At/opted February 02. 10()9

Resolution No. 09-02-0197

Requestor : Cheryl Hahn Request Date: January 07, 2009

Commissioner Furmon moved for the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Commissioner Jolivette seconded the motion and upon call of the roll

the vote resulted as follows:

Commissioner Dixon Yea

~ -----,C_Qlnmis_s_iQner_lQliy_e_tte,------- ~ye_a. _

Commissioner Furmon Yea

Adopted: February 02, 2009

ReJeruce Number 16398743.41/

Butler COUII{V Oltio Commissioners Printed Feb"um:v 01.1010 11:54:21 AM



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