Frame Innovation

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Deg Ts, Tee (Tana adr, Pleo Be Mi cae, Pein lip 001 Avs eg Can 20:2 ‘Tieden nD Made Rp li 2015 naan: a eer ry Ca at 204 st Dip ins alc eerie Ci a Sano Seed nso Sion Mares eta nd i Hann, 20 Ting par pie omer Des alee is and Ate Pict Joy ene gy 2018 Dae, Wn Beno Ds An non Desir laa, ran ain re eo gy Don Kes Bes 295 FRAME INNOVATION (CREATE NEW THINKING BY DESIGN es DORST ont Nets Tonto rd fe misnanadunets tte of Reiner Avge cer Nop hist maybe ina fo yy leone te mechan ans (cain poi, eng, mao age at ‘ee wu gro ning tom Ps, renal it Friston ps col ech sets ial “Tastokaneon PT Sane Mens) Te Ps Pete andbondinte ree ton ca tiling ten BD paresem ~ (Desh hv desi hry) Inco opulent Swear S261 arene’ ope) “insu degen CONTENTS sles Foreword Adknowledgmens Prfae ‘Weare nat sling ouproblens anjnore 1 ‘Thechallngss 9 oviegtanerd 18 PIONEERS. 25 ‘The Dusgring Out Came center 50 Learning tom the poncers 37 LESSONS PRON DESION «1 Fourquestions about desi 41 “An anatomy of design paces 55 “TE FRAME CREATION MODEL se saces 80 Patras 97 {THI PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF FRAME CREATION ‘Thepeingesoffamecraton 99 Frame reaon acces 109 ‘THE OPEN, COMPLEX, DYNAMIC, AND NETWORKED ORGARTZATION. 121 Dinginevaion 12, owerd fame vaio 126 {THE THREE CHALLENGES OF FRAME INNOVATION 155 Sceingatreny 154 Thinkingdernty 185 Doigarenly 145 aking theppen 151 Appendix npr Designer at Wonk 177 Append? ses “Searching” o"euing’? 165 AppendixS. More Rasen leNesdad 187 Append tspeaton 189 eteences 198 Ingen 201 SERIES FOREWORD As professions design relat young The practice of degn predates profesions. nat,thepactie a desgn—mealing things serve wal fl akg tol predate the man rac. Making ols ae ofthe at tes that made oman nthe is lace Desig inthe mat enc senso the wd Degan owe 25 milion yeas go when Hin hails anatued the few tol Haman Beings mere ‘esining wel ele we Beran tow pig Fur handed hans Yes ‘go, Devan to martare apes By ot hasan yeas ag, we Pat ‘red upto spelled ls ‘an design nd architectore came loge howard yar ag nes waa, interne arcitectre and urate design probaly emerged with "hm as another ve thausand ets before raphe desig ae yea {gutter tain Sue with he demlopment oF esr. Aer ht igs lekedup sex ‘Algae ad ences te designed The ure desig conser as n,n a bette stan, and acto create that improved staton— sesbckto our reuman estos Making tos helped so beome what ‘reare-desi oped to make wshiman. Taday the wd “design” means many things. The cmon facta inking ‘hem is sevie and esigersare engage in aber pfesion in which he ress ofthe work meet aman neds. ‘Designs at of roe Te word “eg entered the neh an snag inthe stats cer a eb, wth te fn wen cation of he ‘ete tothe year SH, Merion WebtorCleate Dison dies tse ‘ve “design as "to cones nd pln out nthe mind a hae asa spectle Pape; to devise ora spel anton end" Reated to these definitions Ee act of ring with am rps the nature ofthe dain a la ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘Tis bok ste culmination of many yer of design practice a design esearch nclsecolbratin with nny flendsandelleagues 9 eater ‘have oon ver fotunate co have met ota dese, desi earch ‘rand cig ects, pd fave the oppor o work ith theo nthe common ques for undertning design ad developing the elt. amt ‘ery ate ote gency, dance lp, a ess. ‘These acknowledgments inde coleagues fom TU Del en ig Nor ‘et He eter, Frio, Rinne, Reno, Res, Pl, Pt nd many hen), ‘Tuten meu, ee, Cite, Ad Vea, Atha, amr, bo, andaga many cthes)andthe der ealeages that ave welcomed mst UIS (@oups, Se Des, ai Lise Ha! Ail.) The Youre Deseo lane beet a constant nrc finan Fr Oe vey yea hase toi Ta, Dennis and the many desigers met hog her. Pear ‘thnks soul oto ay cunt coleages atthe Design Inwation research ‘enerin Sey am grat for the spp the Designing Dut hime center as ceed fom my niventin—the Unter of Tectgy,Syney, and hose Univesity of Tecnologyand rom the New Suth Winks Depart setts, Plc an tome Geers wellas fem muertos oct partes and stents who hve colbeted wih ut ver he year As ‘ul thans should goto peopl who ve ben patty ingen metal I sould sein the developmen: ofthe fae cretion approaeh Pei Suva Dick Rie, Doulas Toki nd Wem ooo. Throeh many ineping cameos, hey hive narned the tags that have slo) formed io the approaches and mel tat haven landed on these pages ‘Te Dru yas community has ben an important sure of ssterance and ‘raion or he years (ak you, Fann Andrew, and even). would eto thank Pls Crib for conesting my Engh, Clady te rae fr gst wrk om he Sues, ad the MIT Pes eto em or ‘nr professionals an suport Xen Freda thnk youso mah Your acorns nthe wring procs. An 0 eon pesonl me: Pau eo, pater year hanks ts you—for your patience a or ore ‘ogee Ths ae fr you PREFACE Weare tng in unas ines, ery ay we re chang to avian Incesigly comple at die weld Thi ste ot oly or wa ‘snc pate and prtessonal ves, but ao fr the rgntatins we fete an re arto: Pui orgnizatons nd compan eae lees ‘he ard way thatthe problems foe urn cannot be eae in he wy se spooschd robles inthe pst But the layed network nate, ‘tat do we o 47 How can we Ceate poses and deal wlth he new cal Jengesthat he words puting before ws? ‘Asan answer this question his book nodes acating new c= te for eating eg apport ely ba problems Fame eeaton Is deep and thought approach fo achieving adel inevation tat was | cori developed in the races of exper desgners These expert dese chive sway ees Brow fo “sing the unable” eating ne ac ins whe others se noe, for Bing new potas wee aes se only poems Bot wha, then he secre? Tes haveaspeappeoach toprobiems cle" ction Inthsbonk the fmecreston proach is uotuced vetted and then modeled so that can ued iy es slnas nother els, eon the deslning disp. "heb orgie a fll fin, wl eden the at of todays pons and ert what make these rer so hrd tse (Cea earning fom te practices of plneeingomarizaons (caper 2) and more than ity years of dean research frat 3), he back balls up 02 nibestep eel a the frame cretion process chapter 4 The pin ‘nes ar proces bein these eps are aie (ape 5) an then the fous swerve to nplementtin of he rae retin appeoue, sto and eth for fe nova are failed hae 6a 8 Rehr a onsiting strat how-to man for ae inmotion, tes tol an rnethade other cul be compared to ado youself guide dep under ncn of he alles and practic frame eration wl tthe pact ‘ine to develops oer own approach aeleing dal ianwstin. "tok eat be rea ie several ways Chute cota he cote mae te fame ceaton appt, ad the ete cae eds state ewe ‘na oy std and prorat mann The caer text cates & mich Aeeperudestandngot the why and" haw" andespalashow tame eon Practice can aay eaten our cutee apres for ceting innovation, ‘Over the years fying desis and experimenting wth me craton, "have become convince tht hii anime lable ew peach to sesling prcblens, and eat he nev hing thats oray edd tl athe ney pen compe, yan al near mate foxy sw Sine and Endboven, 2014 pF 1 CHALLENGES [WE ARE NOT SOLVING OUR PROBLEMS ANYMORE on tthe es th aig Ie pt ie de netble atra istes| and the usual os, whut saves ut nthe ae i ens suecsion of repnreshowing smc robe we he desing wh he compe ses ‘of eomternporary fe There Ses tobe 1 way ot Companies ar oer rent erganzatians like te sept up na eomady of eras, and a wold of mse opporuntis les mien the background Soll Hans Boutelier a cated caren predicament tad wil eve ity erating a og ia We ha ‘ean ves td opens se ae asain es a oe icy ols men. Tee ong oa» tn ‘Gen Aiea ete ig assem win dtl ‘tee sins cama eth ple oa ws oe he oan ha tbe ta pd pats th ee, ‘ene ed poy We hee ple of ak nape ab ie mange Pn We oun te pel yt tery, poly Sem. ‘ted pears inate conta ae 3015) ‘This no cease we ae pitty an orn, bt base ese cots being wpe up by today’s robles. ae tia, hi ceutythe esl of he emergnce of ely new specs of problem: robles tha ares open, comple, nai, an network hat tey ser eset hep tying oak thee problens the way we sel tT sted ‘outns jus dot work any Thee new fps of problems eq nal calyaferec response. tn wearing or erative wast ace these open, cme, dyna netted poblens, leading innoxators in irentls have ines In been turing 0 "sign fo ep. Tes nial, companies, ‘tonsa goverment ae lntereste a design becaee eee designe det with the ne types of problems in thelr profesional Hed without 90 tush tole Under he ago "design thinking asinese nd busines ‘choottteseckng insta om desg-ased easels (rove 200; ergant 2008; Cartoplo 201; Platine, Men and Weinberg 203). Yet, secant experience has shown that tis not easy tn eet transpose these Jesons rom design into ter dons, The pplication ef see elds tricks and ecu elkhough Mherating and ingping, dee’ ten ead to the rests we relly nee, [wil argue tat hiss Baus che tres In evign hiking? may feces othe designe’ bites in generating ‘elution ether than onthe hy ally of expect digest est no soproaches a problem sturtins raming-The eatin of pe “aes ‘tw approach problem situation sth key and special element of sign sr problem-roing practices (Whtbeck 199, Wile tis ming of o> lems i nveslbunan ality (Gardner 1985, 2005 an thus cannot be med tobe spe othe design professions tis parcel imporant ‘indo, sna to he design poesians We wl in Ut expert devin Prariloners have developed nique, sophististed mulilyered practices for erating new frames. After taking a er close look a the way these chloe wth the creation af te utes. ‘Nom abducts patlensabing based on experience 222 | + HOW | ste OUTCOME ‘nana abducin,we note es, the vie we vant ah ough ‘he deste outcome an also the “how apater of reatonship tht wil Ielp ach the vate we ek The mising element “wht” an obec 3 sericea pte which lads ob eae, Fr example ed with an desinbl austin of e-eht lence in King ros, ween choot to wore within the etaiishd patter of eltnships fo eine reduetion and ‘endmere plc ato the area nth neh ofthe oring Or we could = st hia the sane atem™ser upa rang progam far seat perenne Ini they lean o sot possible atfendes nore ull. This often wt wed cet solon within a Gee pater fenton. inhi pe of "euio the degree of inevaon wl ented bec the probly ing process does question the "hoa theelae exudes the ection of pe sono Nolen the easing patter eindonvetonl| prclen-sving—using the edad tested porters of elatoships a each {olton And this shool! nt be dsnived often the ates felt Ships tat ave been developed over many Years a eben sey er a ae thanadequt dea ith the pele sation at hand Bat ometies {histpe of ote reasoning dese lea to the dese vl anyone and ‘weil ive to think about the problem acs That brings ote sand ‘op of rate rekon dein aden Desig abduct nbnoms eed apres feet eration 222 + PP) two OUTCOME In desig action the ating point is that ely ww someting abet the mur ofthe one, the died vale we want eles So the cha lenge st fgure twit” eement tet, while tee ae Eo orshosen "how a pater of eatorsip” fat we cn tt wo lead othe desi ounce. Ths we hve to ceateocheoseboth ao” anda “pater of lnshipsAs these are que depenentonane aot they shuld be ‘evel in parle. Tis dbl reste step requires desigprs to dese ropoalforboth he "wht and te "bon anes the neonate, ‘Ae example can ep to aly Ue aifrece betwen the tO NE con: say tat the outs wo watt abv ie ener ash en ‘oming to wn in heroin In noel aba, we woul io aleady no the ho” ay that eso be eve thrugh fea We might ven havea propose method of beving cafe (rgin, seeing, sing steam) so een start developing "what engineering the machine to make ‘te cfee ors In erg tna onthe ther han, we woud ony kDow ‘he goa quid rs of energy efi wot) Dt ot know hw to achew cei efor cote, we wold sl ned 0 chose a bring meee, tse eg ora aching snd hen dg eet woul do thee ‘eitquek enough? Ii econoralsitenvronmently OK. tno ote ‘coffee nachnes wea think of wl sty the criteria we mist ned sat ‘exsening other ways fren the rea sh “sum ap: this comparonesablaes the csienpofesons a hang f- lnentlly erly an ltt ae prdorsnanty bard on analyse {@eduetior, duction and oble-soing (nal dbctin. ate ‘neti nots cearcutas tay see his loans heel worl, din peice ine mix of ina Kind of tingle Ing inet an deductive reasoning an nara abdcion—tat ae eho fundamental bling lads of onsensonal possi. Bat tae i realfuntaental eee, tothe naira dein action at et the lesign pie apt om the oe ities Te heart the tn tio between design and convenonol probes etn seedy ‘he Kings Crs statin, and led ote introduction of ew ements he ae (ach a sgnae Kings rss gides, pbc alt, We can ony lean whether the metaphor of the ase etal” il by plement Inger new elements ht fof ths are, nd cbservig wheter te esi utane ofa move pce a ese lege prone nite he te chee Ui ts texte theproposed ame sf oe vey forward rir ecrch ntodesin rte (append 2) has shove that des indeed spend ala of tine reasoning rom dese ators i fame to sl design sltion, and o back agin to reing the prem when ‘hey supe the dig sean inadequate. This aang pater ed to the shove netoned phenomenon of desget plying aoa wth ess, ‘asa up poses (ropes or fame, eltnships and solrions ha rin ok ke cies playa andi proce et in ing ei paces iy it wd thnk trough many pone, busing op ‘run tt wha ames mighwoo nthe poet sso bore ‘they pusue one in gate depth We have see inte ease ues of chap ter 2h designers natural thin beyond the rent omen ten ch the sues af the abe stakeholes sin he integrated ving ese td. Designers elie that ef prax complete contrary alin cersin psetined coment State o oe fri rm prada at ‘tioned on the invesigaton otha conten explore arumpions "tat undeidhe prndox ‘Tas sa pots of hiking around the paradox rater han content head-on The ston is ot within te core pardon el (hh isto in Soe dees) bat inthe ed area ales and themes i the eotest sanoanding the parade: Te ihe tis conten the mre cance that ffl ves cane oud nove fran, Tus, ver same properties pa Ten stuston hat ares challenging co conventional protiensoving—the epencompoy, etre and dane atee af conteagray poles hat ‘was mentioned in chapter aly rove eh fll of oppor or reople ith designe bea of mid. They ned tisha oceate sD pea om which solitons are posi In resting Fa, e+ noel andor which 3 probles an Ye sobre «design pace wl sy: spon me thi pati pat ter of reatonship (a Kings Cos, the atten was "mas esta) ad seeitwe can chee the outromes we ae ming. As Fstln once ad 'A probes esneverbe saved rom th contest inwhihit ares” Apart fe he us colar of hs ststeret ithe sue cule saved in tal ont, it would probably over have egstered as poten) theres some stom here asthe saterent highs the need fora problem ser tak the coment in we the pb as oma. By oli a ode conte, tbe designs in thas aes could ome the sues before them i ‘so at mde the pole stustion men tation, AN ANATONY OF DESIGN PRACTICES esge saver boa ln ths book we are stocking fr tase eemens desig prac that ae potently sf for desing wit pes, complex, ‘wee ae anton of dtp. Below, the corer af design ati ties figure.) andthe lees inde hiking gue 32) ae se to iy ot ‘og arin a dein practices, ist al desi practices are shaped rod ve generates, sat tng wth (1) the fat o entiation, of he sues na problem ae, whch arte fen tare na new manner.) Te presen af rb Tes and solitons (n wor sethe, and sopiteatd lain teh gues) allows he designe o develop i or heres in cnveeton with these reesenatins. Desa tend to use mule representations in Drllel where each representation highlights cern sit estes of the soliton thats nderdevelpmet. (5) The moves or design steps tan, In ‘manigulaing the pebien and ceting slates ean bene prt of the designer's repertoire, oni with common des praties. 10 sep desi projet ontrack, here a alnast ainsi sng on nly om in the poet this ration neces haa frm ad FORMULATING REPRESENTING MOVING EVALUATING ERIC S quaLGe™ spunea MANAGING ‘Theepece fe ats ie son sa Do 20, abject natura the evans can be much more formal and aj ve (5) tl design pj aea chalet manage beens they area i ture of roblen-sving oes, ete Kee, ada arsng ce ‘hari deve by reletion on action, Management alleges re exerted et resin connaos x: asthe paste design NAIVE NOVICE ADVANCED BEGINNER COMPETENT EXPERT MASTER VISIONARY ‘Theo sip netics iting arte an Da 205) ‘One can ao cous seven genera el of dein experi Lawson Dos 209; based on Dees 192, 200) (ated dane ye uy popl in every it irfen based on choosing fom ef design ota or erating copying neater desig (2) Te nv eores wat gps, and gts to ko del ba seis acti tat az orgie rma pres The nae explores oer wo cover the ales of te same The athoce eae engines tat sgn poems te ight Inala stited. A hie lee, design problems reconsidered be les amenae 2 the use of anda solutions than they were atthe never tee The aguston of langue for acing and tang ig dst ules thi state oper rom te previous ones) Acomptn designer Irone who ean handle nd undertud al he como sation whieh ec wishin deg ol, Where the desler jn the eater ager dein- ‘pers development as essently rating Yo he problem sition, a ‘ompetent designer atively sees te development af the design poem. Aare the delger has much ore on allowing sig patie to Aevelopdepth verte coure of eral ros () The experts nfo an pon or eof aus at expel ough hs ore design work TS lev of design acces dace an impli econ ofstustions| {nda let. rspoes (6) Mast deer Rave akan eee ei ‘les of onosation tat questions the exis way hatte expe ‘otk and aes eben th id Such ws pbb hough Pals eflecte apes Levent) footers to stay.) The work sf aviaonary exe aed tedefning his or her design elise levexps thea ideasin des ones, eshbns an publetons ne thn ihe lg "Moe igor, thse seven Ives of eaperize represent seven ile ext wey of design hiking: hae-tve aie deg) comenton ied (ove designer stations advanced Degen), satay bse con ete designe experience-based he expert deeloping ney schemata he ‘ase and free sony inva refining the Bel ach of thes ‘even Ive of design pace came th sown methods, sown atl shill apts on mode orefleton, "the an spac odsen pacts can bese a 3 mat in which the ie categorie of sg avy re ose with the evel of exe ‘to ae athe ati can ach be approached in a east seen Aire see) And mtr old be made fr every design ili, fom eh fect to product eg, vl ermmaniaton desig, fon, simation, ‘dso an Dein x age and ih ld lof peofessons tht ald many i ferent practi Oto tvs epee of design pats, we wil main} ‘eat 2 the “oemalaing” activity st has suc inthe ea nay of atoning pater as being haere to desig. To am othe best at design race ater, we wl fs on the more advanced ees of agnexprtise—the espe andthe master in oder ea anthers hw we can mere fective deal wt the pen cone, netwoe an sense Preble stations we fd ours in toy. FIVE LESSONS FROM DESIGN With this focus nmin, we can now veo to dete five ey design ie The rth fe esos fom design practice ht we mst er of we watt dea with open comple, rami, and eta probe sia ‘ons These ve pci) eee, 2) developing pub uations, (6) handling ames, exploring teres, nd) ostening 2 discouse—ee he bang Hock forthe frame resto mod ha wl be toed he et hap. 1 coevowTion I exert design rai, esearch has shown tt the design problem i ot hd ear the seach Beis for a sais olation cance per ‘sgn s more a matter of developing a reining both the fomulton of 2 problem and ideas for aston once, na procs calle cevoltan (@urs and Css 2001. Coen te a cant ton faa ‘sytem elation psig ack nd foc ete the fo concep! ean "sices"—the proba space und the solo acer, Po, ad Boulanger 198, n doings, the designers seeing to generat matching oblen-sluion pale Roughly spesing, wht happens tht chink or se, ‘ofeoherent infomation nes om he role stutan and prs the cys talzationof core sluton ate “riary generat) Tiscore soon ea intr changes the designe’ ew ofthe poe ston, Dele than etn he problen and eck whether the nee dfn el te the care solution ie, Unie she poplar perception, the creative event 8 sgn sr so uch cretve ea rom problem o slat: the eat We, the ight tab moment Rater, erative event ese wen a brie lt betwen the poblem pace and the olton pce bythe dentcaton fey ‘once. Empl earch confi hat expr deg olen a pete of ‘sora ini problem ane solution spaesze sale wl emporar lip due an emergent ge bch enti, ames aoe a0 hing Statesoexpert and master designers set that his riming iy is ei to hgh vl Gesian a an be deced a the ments when thre ea sini beween view f the probes anda possible ston, ‘nee pon ad ohton together nicely there ako a usa ale qui «wna emerges ha single and coherent en at ite ‘tes the Somsnde tht hd ocuped the inital aay peblem arena Ts Temanent of complete design elation, tse the abandoned experatins, sores and cs fhe pst ons dys, meee al daspear ito a neat {olution ie. To aie Witgenein, fet an his creative pace a osopber eae ining cnt hy. i he aly esha te pap pe Ie sa oni agp: el coe toe te me oping spy when wane gee 65 FSS emp wed) {2 DEVELOPING PROBLEM SITUATIONS Design prac can be described val the coevoluton of paler and selon exper sesign practices have as much odo with refonultig he problem swith the generation of sable slons. Ae ema enti he "exgnthnng move whieh foiveron the aby desert eee ‘te soathons might eles aay evant o earn ra pe desig fm we nes fallow thir example ed sit our aero to he sud of eble relted owlessl and srtegie. An he comtoatin mal, sete oe inl te bean base ehvrl sta in a abratorseting Does 1997) whee designers dealt wth simple design tak (eee append Ths rsd an Inporeisted ew of ein ati, 2 the ‘Sutin and econ force the designers to de anes ery ‘ove to the given problem sation. At we wl, more signa ean Ingof the poste tappens during fee-taw dese ete, where exper sige eet deel he problem statin et. The poy of Seveloping ble tions mally ste the sop of design pacts tn we Rave considered the dese eueome desired fuctlnaty ot vale) to be unable in desing design suction Bat expr sin rate sows tht even the desir oateome can tate wt he aden ‘tne fame enabling designer muh more teed step an om the Inka roe. Research on expe raph desig as shown hat they we rte of practices to develo problem situations, psi te intended ‘utcores of he det ject tn pd Dw 201, The designer tas has to manewer rom statin whete he she fen inthe role of teh ‘an’ he client rows exactly whats med which the deiner then cares ‘ou otha of “tat” he een ew aded at 0 Wt reed to achive tran expe” te centhase parlly fomed end thedsigner mast use hs cher exper to negotiate a wortable fomaton| ofthe ih Fora rip desis, the pee made of wang iat ‘ot olatoatz” where the een and he desgnermtuly wok on fing {he poe in ems oft ble aston pes. rom the interview dats, we find tat dese we abetraton, oF 32 ‘epi athe ature conert in which the desi ha fanny | ‘les rem 2 problem slg aproch to one ta lo for he neg tin fnew ames Heer and van Dik 2011) These re eee ways of ering fing convertion vay fom pcos to explain of deeper stato! vale, Desires ase metaphor, contest eng and conjecture to "desu the problem situation slong wth hel ente ‘wallow reaming torr. "Mood board” dscusons eanetute one mtd dlsigne use to ivokemetapors aaa. Tete mond Bods at In crexing a soe open cnesation about poet, a they ue atta lnages thd not immeiately retreat solos. Th inerewed signers cite contra engagement through questioning ed exon ‘hestuton wih ecient a ay rate Refrigerated by ‘exploring abated conjectured view of te sation. Ofer mail an Jectues ae posed and ee Kee net vag in play convecatons: "aling things through what we mig explore” Aste mst iguana esto retaning designs te th cet fation oni a othe roe following pobiem Solvay ment mad! of dxgn wre te cen ‘amet imagine the designer aking a moe state ol) and vestance 1 Journey (ee te cent ste ned fr ick nt plies they luck the neo escurees o ape up ee ble stun) te fel ot roduc del, Hobe enlvan 201) have develope formal apeoach tosh the defini oft robin by iii ft context. Test step ftir model imles italy oghing the assamgions ttle behind the nal bl. To be able to cet newness, Se designer hast ow the ‘thoust process ht led tothe design of euet products and to the erent probe station. The designer he roceds by qustonng the lngotanee thos tndamental vases and tei caret tt, Te nt 0 ce sean nage ofthe ue cntet 8 wl develop, Once hss bren sre phe prope desig roe can beg ceating an outcome that li the fie context Thelen orgalztion, which as Ben sina in ering the fre conte, wl the propose eg niga this feah content ther than he gia nhs ew mals teaser to ace ue rata esis. An eampeo uch a projet te devon! of home Tie es or mie fe Faisare naar Te na et wie wh he naa contro re oe in mid she sales vomin teh, dbl a org or es am, an ye ony there when you ely need to do some work Soa de ed to be sal, lesbian ae lever trae posites. Yer these ae all asp ins, bas on avery parla vew of hat wrk swan he potion ‘of outcomes) ath rol of ween peoples Ie (a ne-o- ve aty Inaovety where “Hronedge work becoming mare imporart and whee eple at ensoraged wot home avi the shout commute othe bile, the natura "wor" ad the ates supped by shane ae ae ‘hanging dasa, Kody work sno ont abou prods, bat tbo aout ington and reflection. Inston aed reflection are nt in ‘te oral week ar, an the tend tobe highly connected nd soa stv. Ths teat othe small dasy home ce” oom a the bck the bot obuly nota good: pao and ellen needa mach ‘cher enonnent ote fer stg the problem define nhs we, th design developed ap interacie itcen tablet kes ete agin the howe Ths tae provides intense connect th the poet ing gtal doen ying boa, in ew forint and efetion. They ‘abe to appear qc when the be srequed fer ote purposes ‘nba back when acamplete gal verkngenvrnment when need Remerer that heat was nia sesing a chexp de eg: tng ‘he ve of what wb nthe fue as creat ne context ore roc a! opened ip tush more teresing ees. The iterace ‘ches able, whch wd have ben cary ea she ld one seco yrs puta, lege loa wihin tee contest ‘des exploring he ft cate, the aber majo sttegy tat exe sme we to develop the problem tuations aston. This invokes ‘sablahing» cmp new conten ater abstracting rom the eazent ons, ‘ig back tothe oe vert mast be atand. We wil nt del cn this foe hers art ioded and explained ating nthe renaning espa of hiebook Tis peur typeof

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