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Retired C-T photographer

John Guglielmi looks over

some flags that go on
veterans graves.
Donna Cronk / C-T photo

Longtime C-T photographer reinvents himself helping vets


But as cherished as those memories are, so are those of covern December 2008, John Guging everyday Hoosiers. Guglielmi
lielmi, often known throughstill has local folks mention all
out Henry County simply as
the time the photos made while
John G., retired from The
at the newspaper. Some of his
Courier-Times after a 40-year
favorite subjects include annual
career as a photojournalist.
visits with the late Max Hiatt, a
During four decades, his career Mooreland farmer who predicted
spanned working in the White
winter weather, Rutherfords
House photo lab during LBJs
maple-syrup camp, basketball
administration, photo stints in
state championships in Indy
New York, Evansville and finally, before class basketball and
New Castle. Memories abound
covering the Indy 500.
from photographing such bigLife in the mansion
wigs as Bob Hope, James Garner, Henry Kissinger and the late
Yet all said, working in the
singer Karen Carpenter, to name White House was a career topa few, along with being sent up
per. The stint came after serving
to the mansion to assist Lady
in the U.S. Air Force. A military
Bird Johnson and daughters with buddy got him on staff in the
photo needs.
photo lab. He was once called to

Friday, October 16, 2015 | 175th Anniversary

page 44

the mansion (White House living quarters) to take pictures of

Lady Bird Johnson. While there,
daughter Linda came in and
talked about how people around
the country were sending her
wedding gifts, including a broom
that came from the Midwest.
Lady Bird reminded her daughter to be sure and send a nice
thank-you note.
He photographed Mrs. Johnson on the balcony overlooking
the Jefferson Memorial, a view
that she especially enjoyed. He
also took a ride on the presidential helicopter in what was a routine practice flight around D.C.,
and helped walk the Johnson
dogs. However, on a more somber note, he was in D.C. the day
Martin Luther King was
New Castle, Ind.

murdered and watched as

smoke rose above the city from
unrest in the aftermath.
Of President Johnson, Guglielmi recalls, When he walked
into a room you knew who was
in charge.
Along lifes way, Guglielmi, a
Philadelphia native, ended up in
New Castle with his Hoosier
wife, Pat. The two still live here
and are involved in the community. Pat retired as administrative assistant in the Henry
County Health Department.
Their daughter Christine Tungate also lives here with her
family, including daughter Ella,
10. Tungate works part time at
Riley Elementary School.
Younger daughter Lynne Barbour and her family live in
North Carolina. Barbour is
director of conference and
guest services at North Carolina
State. She and her husband
have two children, Brantley, 5,
and Georgia, 1.
When he retired as chief C-T
photographer in 2008, Guglielmi says, I thought Id just piddle around the house and take
some trips. And he did just
that for a few years.




Photo provided

John Guglielmi takes a call early in his newspaper career.

A new career
In 2011, the part-time job as
Henry County veterans service
officer became available and
hes been at it ever since. Guglielmi is eager to talk about his
work and how various programs
can put money into veterans or
their survivors pockets, as well
as how he can help find and
fund services they may need.
The office is at 101 S. Main
St., Room 114, in the Henry
County Courthouse and is open
7 a.m. to noon Tuesdays-Fridays. Guglielmi says the job
combines elements of medical
research with law to determine
clients claims and see if they
are eligible for services of many
kinds. If any veteran or veterans family has a concern or
New Castle, Ind.

friendly disposition and high

John G. was a professional a journalist and photographer,
she says. His work was balanced reporting as well as capturing the essence of life and
activity in New Castle and
Looking back, what he loved
Henry County in pictures.
most about being a newspaper
She will always remember
photographer was that the job
him, she says, as an award-wintook him out of the office to
ning journalist. At 71, Guglielcover the lives of all kinds of
mi still knows his way around a
people and all the different
camera and he enjoys writing as
individuals you meet. Some are
well. He continues accepting
characters and the life stories
freelance assignments in addiyou hear about.
tion to his courthouse job. He
Beverly Matthews, president
says if he wasnt working, hed
of the Henry County Commuprobably be back in college taknity Foundation, recalls Guging classes. I love to learn diflielmis work, along with his
ferent things, he says.
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175th Anniversary | Friday, October 16, 2015
question, he encourages them to
call him at 529-4305.
Guglielmi finds it satisfying
when he can help resolve an
issue. Thats the neat part
about it, he says.

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