Cline Allie Fall2015 Healthyactiveminilesson

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Health and Active Mini Lesson

Allie Cline
Arizona State University
PPE 310
Professor Miller Ed. D.
18 October 2015

Author Note: This paper can also be found at


Name of Activity: Analyzing Images for Mood, Tone, and Ideas Walk
Grade Level: 9th Grade
Objective: The students will be able to analyze images for mood and tone by connecting words
to meanings in the images.
This activity is modified to allow the students to be active and move about the classroom instead
of sitting in their seats.
Sub-objective: The students will be able to comprehend how to analyze for mood and tone and
be able to apply it to writing.
Activity Directions:

4 images will be displayed in every corner of the room.

The students will be given a graphic organizer. The graphic organizer will have a list of

10 mood, tone, and idea words.

The students will take their organizer around the classroom, to the images. They will find
a word in the first column that fits with that image, they will write in the second column
how that image conveys that word. They will do this activity for 10 minutes.
o The teacher will walk around the room to check for understanding, and ensure the

students are on task.

Once the activity is completed, the class will discuss the students findings
The students will then think about and write how they use what they learned for
analyzing writing.


Students may not run.

Backpacks must be under the desk so they do not pose a tripping hazard.



Students will be given 10 minutes to complete the activity. Once the timer goes off, all

students will return to their seats.

If the volume gets above a conversational tone students will get one warning. On the

second warning, students will return to their seats and complete the activity as originally
Physical disabilities: These students will be allowed to maintain their seating, and will be
given a handout of the images at their seats;
Intellectual disabilities: These students will be walking around with other students and
will be able to talk about what they see in the images to write them down. The teacher will
circulate the room to ensure all students are on task, and these students are able to complete the
work as needed.
Materials Needed:

Printed pictures


Activity name: Quick-write Response

Grade Level: 9th Grade
Objective: The students will be able evaluate the importance of vaccines by assessing an image.
Sub-objective: The students will be able to make inferences and connections to real-world
This activity is modified to incorporate a healthy topic. It originally was created to have the
students to make their own meaning, but giving them a focus proves better as an introduction to
making meaning.

Students will have just viewed images, one image titled: Mourning Picture will allowed
students to make the inference that the image was about the loss of a little girl in the

The students will be given some connecting information that explains the picture is from

the 1700s, and the cause of death of the girl was Tuberculosis.
The students will then be taught that Tuberculosis does not affect as many people today

because medicine has created a vaccine for it.

The students will then be given a prompt to write in their journals:
o Explain how vaccines could have saved the girl from the image. What do you
think the picture may have looked like if there was a vaccine for the girl? Explain

why it is important for you to get a vaccine.

The students will have five minutes to complete the quick write response.
Students will be called on and asked to share their answers.


Students will be given a prompt.

Students will have a timer set for five minutes.
Students will be given a check for understanding before given the assignment.
Once time is up the students will put their pencils down and look up at me.
No students will be up out of their seats during this time.


Physical disabilities: Students with physical disabilities should be able to complete this
assignment. If a student cannot write, they may verbally give their answer.
Intellectual disabilities: These students will not be expected to write as much as the other
students and they will be provided with examples of other vaccines.



The first activity worked well for five out of six classes. The students had some great
observations of what the mood and tone was in the images, and some were able to make some
inferences that were surprising for their grade level. One class was entirely too noisy, and did not
take the activity seriously. It had to be completed individually. The second activity also worked
for the students, they understood the assignment directions, and prompt given to them. It was
new learning because they had never heard of tuberculosis before. The information about
vaccines that was provided to the students was a little too vague for the students to really
understand because most of their answers did not show complex thinking about vaccines, and so
next time the students would need a half to a full lesson.
The students were well behaved and on task for both lessons. Instructions were clear and
concise, and checks for understanding were completed. The teacher circled the classroom as
students were completing the first activity to offer clarification and checks for understanding.
This kept the students on task. The teacher walked the rows for the second assignment to ensure
the students were writing in their journals. If the students were not writing, the teacher tried to
get the students on task by offering them suggestions of what to write.
Students names were only used after the teacher asked for their names. It is hard to
remember six periods of students names when they are only seen once a week. It will be easier
when they are observed every day. The students did get going right away on their activities.
When the students know that they have a time limit, they tend to get things done. Some of the
SPED students take a while to get going, but they are allotted a little extra time. The students
were given positive praise, such as, That is a very good observation, you nailed that one, and
you are doing great keep it up as the teacher was circulating the room. The mentor teacher liked


the picture analysis activity. She said that the health activity was great, and there was not
much that could have been done to improve it. She does not understand how health related topics
are supposed to be taught within the lesson, and does not suggest it is done once the student
teacher is in her own classroom one day.
of Sample


Exemplary (10)

Proficient (7)

Instructional plans include:

All modifications are grade/subject
Safety issues for physical activity break
are well thought out and described in
detail and highlighted appropriately.
Classroom management techniques for
a physical activity break are clearly
defined and highlighted appropriately.
There is evidence that the plan provides
regular opportunities to accommodate
students with physical and cognitive
disabilities in the physical activity
break and are highlighted appropriately.
Both a Health Topic and a Physical
Activity Mini Lesson were completed

Instructional plans include:

Most modifications are grade/subject
Safety issues for physical activity break are
somewhat well thought out and described in
detail and not highlighted appropriately.
Classroom management techniques for a
physical activity break are somewhat defined
There is evidence that the plan provides some
opportunities to accommodate students with
physical and cognitive disabilities in the
physical activity break, or only address one
type of disability
2 Mini Lessons were used, however they were
both were either Health or Physical Activity



Self-reflection was well thought out

and included at least 5 specific
examples from the teaching experience
on: managing classroom behavior,
teacher movement, response latency,
using student names, and providing
positive praise.
Self-reflection was the appropriate
length for the assignment (1-2 pages).
Document was saved with last name,
course # and assignment number.
Rubric was attached at the end of the
Assignment was written in third person,
APA, including title page.

Self-reflection was somewhat thought out and

included 3 specific examples from the teaching
experience on: managing classroom behavior,
teacher movement, response latency, using
student names, and providing positive praise.
Self-reflection was the appropriate length for
the assignment (1-2 pages).
Document was saved with only 1 or 2 of the
following criteria last name, course # and
assignment number.
Rubric was attached but not at the end of the
Assignment was in a question and answer
format, in APA and included a title page.

PPE 310 Evaluation Rubric for Modification of a Sample Physical Activity Break


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