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October 14, 2015

Student - Parent - Teacher Conference

Sign Ups
Dear 1st Grade Parents,
You are invited to sign up for Hale Kula Elementary - 2015 Student/Parent/Teacher
CONFERENCE DATES: October 26 - 30
PLACE: Room J1
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, October 19, 2015
J1 ENTRY CODE: U6L1112403
Pick a time slot that best suits your schedule and sign up by the deadline. If you do not
have internet access, please send me a note with requested times.
If you do not sign up by the deadline, we will assign a time slot for you.
Please note that students need to be present at the conference. During conference
week, October 26-30, dismissal time will be at 12:30pm.
Hope to see you!
Best Regards,
Mrs. Nakakura

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