Section B: Generation of Ideas

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A notepad with guidelines of How to

wear on a Hot weather and Do not

distributed to educate teenagers of
what they should or should not be
Some fashion tips from fashion
bloggers will also be included in the


There are pop-up advertisements when

accessing to the fashion blogs which
includes the same guidelines and
fashion tips.

A fashion show set up at Orchard Road,

Scape during the weekends.

Fashion bloggers invited and given a

specific theme to follow.

They will be walking on stage in

sequence by which audience will be
rating their dressing upon 10 based on
how conservative they wear.


A fashion critic invited to give some

comments on their dressings.

For those who are dressed

provocatively for a occasion of wedding
dinner, deduction of 5 marks given so as
to educate teenagers to dress

The 2-pronged campaign will be named as Rightfashionista: Gain Glamour.

the styles they should / should not learn from fashion bloggers.
I propose a campaign for teenagers in Singapore with the aim of educating them on
Section B: Generation of Ideas

(Larsen, 2011)
Hence, using Rightfastionista, which symbolizes the correct fashion styles and
focusing on teenagers, teenagers will have a clearer idea of what they should be
wearing and learning from fashion bloggers. Also, they are able to learn the
appropriate dressing from them, which promotes better fashion sense.
Rationale of Theme:
Gain symbolizes some lessons learnt from the fashion show, for example dressed
appropriately yet stylish.
Glam symbolizes fashion tips teenagers can follow to be glamorous.
Word Count: 250 words

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