EC2311 - MayJune 2012

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B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, May/June 2012.

Fifth Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Regulation 2008)
(Common to Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering and Instrumentation
and Control Engineering)
Time : Three hours

Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.
PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Define Modulation index

2. State Carsons rule
3. What is aliasing?
4. What is slope overload error?
5. Define entropy
6. Draw the NRZ and RZ waveform for the pulse stream 10101011
7. What is multiplexing?
8. What are the advantages of SDMA?
9. What is geosynchronous orbit?
10. State Snells law.

PART B -- (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11.(a). (i) Derive an expression for the AM wave and its power relation.


(ii) what are the advantages of SSB modulation technique? Explain any one
method of SSB generation (8)
(b) .(i) derive an expression for the narrow band FM wave.


(ii) Explain the Armstrong method of FM generation.


12 (a). (i) state and prove sampling theorem(6)

(ii)Explain the generation of PWM and PPM waves.


(b) . (i) compare PCM and DM.(4) (ii) Explain the DM and ADM


(iii) Explain the concept of BPSK and QPSK technique in data



13 (a). (i) with suitable examples, explain Shannon Fano encoding Schemes (8)
(ii) Explain Huffman coding with suitable example.


(b). (i) Draw the block diagram of a PCM communication system. Explain the
function of each block with neat sketch of input and output at each stage. (10)
(ii) Describe Bandwidth SNR trade off.
14 (a) Discuss in detail about TDMA and FDMA techniques.


(b) Discuss in detail about CDMA technique and compare its performance with
15. (a) (i) Explain the satellite link budget satellite system power budget.


(ii) Explain the uplink and down link model of satellite communication
15. (b) (i) with neat sketch explain the various blocks and its functionalities of a fiber
optic communication system.

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