Movie Review IN English 10 "TROY"

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English 10




Reviewers Details


Name of reviewer: Ivan Kenneth C. Lupac

Year Level and Section: 10-Turquoise
E-mail Address:
Contact Number: 09069000712

Movie/Film Details
Title of the Movie: Troy
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Wolfgang Petersen was born 14 March 1941 in Emdem, Prussia. He is a German
film director and screenwriter. Emdem is a small north German community near the
Dutch border, where the Ems River flows into the North Sea. From 1953 to 1960,
Petersen attended the Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums in Hamburg. In the 1960s he
was directing plays at Hamburgs Ernst Deutsch Theater. After studying theater in
Berlin and Hamburg, Petersen attended the Film and Television Academy in Berlin

Year: 2004
Runtime: 186 minutes

Film/Movie Elements
Love is a very strong weapon. Love not just in a romantic way but love for
your country and love for your family. You can do anything just make sure all the
people you love are safe.

Troy is an action film. The war, all those fighting and killing proves that it is
one. I also consider this as a romance film because the film shows what love conquer
just to be with that one person who love.

Intended Audience:
It is advisable for teenagers and adults only. The movie itself is good but it is
not really good for children would be watching this because this contains a lot of
scenes where they kill.

This is an example of historical. We all know that until now, these people are
still part of the topics students discussed nowadays. These people still have a large
impact to teenagers like me.

Awards Earned by the Film:

2005 ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards

Won Top Box Office Film James Horner

2005 Teen Choice Awards

Won Choice Movie Actor Drama/Action Adventure Brad Pitt

The setting is in the city of Troy

Diane Kruger as Helen, the queen of Sparta and wife of Menelaus.

Brad Pitt as Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis, leader of the Myrmidons. A
famous and talented warrior and the protagonist of the film.

Peter O'Toole as Priam, the king of Troy, father of Hector and Paris, uncle of

Eric Bana as Hector, the prince of Troy and the best warrior among the
Trojans. He is the elder son of Priam, brother of Paris. He is also known as "The
Tamer of Horses".

Orlando Bloom as Paris, the prince of Troy. He is the younger son of Priam,
brother of Hector, cousin of Briseis, brother-in-law of Andromache. He is the lover
of Helen.

Brian Cox as Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae, the supreme leader of the
Greek army.

Brendan Gleeson as Menelaus, the king of Sparta, younger brother of

Agamemnon and husband of Helen.

Saffron Burrows as Andromache, the princess of Troy, wife of Hector

Rose Byrne as Briseis, the priestess of Apollo, niece of Priam and cousin of
Hector and Paris, She is the lover of Achilles.

Sean Bean as Odysseus, the king of Ithaca and friend of Achilles. He is

considered the most clever of the Greeks.

Garrett Hedlund as Patroclus, the cousin and student of Achilles.

Vincent Regan as Eudoros, the general of the Myrmidon army.

John Shrapnel as Nestor, the king of Pylos and the adviser of Agamemnon.

Tyler Mane as Ajax the Great, the king of Salamis.

James Cosmo as Glaucus, the commanding general of the Trojan army.

Frankie Fitzgerald as Aeneas, a Trojan youth. Paris picks him at random to

take the Sword of Troy.

The movie started showing how greedy the king of Mycenae is. The King of
Thessaly and the king of Mycenae agreed on some things about the land. The
Thessaly lost because of the great Achilles. Meanwhile, Prince Hector of Troy and his
younger brother Paris negotiate a peace treaty with Menelaus, king of Sparta, and
celebrate the end of a long and bloody war.On the same night, Paris sleeps with
Menelaus wife Helen and smuggles her on their homebound vessel. The Trojans left
Sparta. Paris reveals Helen to Hector, who warns that their peace treaty with Sparta
is void and chastises Paris for risking a Greek inv asion of Troy. Meanwhile, the furious
Menelaus asked for his brothers help when he found out what Paris did. Agamemnon
who really wants to attack Troy, agreed. Odysseus, king of Ithaca visits Phtia to
persuade Achilles to fight. Achilles refused and later seeks counsel from his mother,
Thetis. She tells him that ifhe remains, he will live a long happy life but will not
remembered. If he goes to Troy, he will find everlasting glory and renown but will die.
Wanting to be remembered, Achilles chooses to go and takes his cousin, Patroclus
with him.
In Troy, King Priam is dismayed when Paris brings Helen home but
welcomes her as a guest. Hector begs his father to send Helen home to avert war
with the Greeks but Priam says Paris is in love with Helen and will follow her. Helen
warns Paris that Menelaus and Agamemnon will wreak havoc on Troy but Paris says
he will challenge Menelaus to combat for Helen. Achilles and the Myrmidons land
first, ransacking the temple of Apollo, and capture Briseis. Hector leads Trojan
reinforcements to the battle and confronts Achilles. As the Greek rulers celebrate the
capture of the Trojan beach, Agamemnon angers Achilles by taking Briseis and
Achilles orders

the Myrmidons to stay out of the war until Agamemnon begs

Achilles to return.
Rising Action:

The next morning the Greeks march on Troy, and Paris challenge Menelaus
to single combat, the winner talking Helen home to settle the conflict. Agamemnon
initially refuses and tells Menelaus he came for Troy not for Helen. Menelaus
convinces Agamemnon to agree to Paris challenge planning to attack Troy after Paris
is dead. Menelaus handily defeats the inexperienced Paris but is killed by an
intervening Hector after Paris cowardly retreat. A furious Agamemnon orders his
troops to attack, but are easily repelled by the Trojan force. In the aftermath of the
battle, Nestor and Odysseus persuade Agamemnon to make peace with Achilles, as
the Greeks are hopeless in the battle without him. Greek soldiers attempt to rape
Briseis but she is saved by Achilles. That night, Achilles talks to Briseis about the
gods and taunt her about becoming a priestess.
Falling Action:
While troy mourns Hectors death, Agamemnon over the truce, despite
the walls still being unbreachable. Realizing that Agamemnon would see all the
Greeks slaughtered before abandoning his ambition, Odysseusplans to infiltrate the
city by building a giant hollow wooden horse. Before the operation is launched,
Achilles makes amends with Eudorus and orders to him to lead the Myrmidons home
while he stay behind. The Greek seemingly depart and hide their ships in a nearby
cove, leaving the horse behind. The Trojans take the horse for an offering by the
Greeks to Poseidon for a safe voyage home, and assume victory, bringing the horse
into the city. Massive celebration ensue but that night, the Greeks within the Trojan
Horse, including Achilles and Odysseus, emerge and open the gates, admitting the
rest of the Greek army, which commences the sack of Troy, destroying the city. As the
Greeks overpower the few remaining Trojan soldier, capture the royal palace and
Odysseus kills Glaucus and Agamemnon kills Priam, Andromache helps Helen and
many others escape through the secret passage which Hector had shown her. Paris
gives a young boy called Aeneas the sword of Troy and instructs him to lead the
Trojan people. Paris then rejoins the fight and hears Briseis calling for help.
Achilles does not participate in the slaughter but searches for Briseis, who
is being threatened by Agamemnon. She kills Agamemnon with a concealed knife
and is saved from his guard by Achilles. Paris arrives and shoot Achilles in the heel,
and several times more before Briseis manages to stay his hand. Achilles accepts his
death as revenge for killing Hector, and urges Briseis to join Paris and escape from
the city. Achilles removes all but the first arrow and dies of his wounds just as the
soldiers arrive to see the fallen warrior with a single arrow through his heel. Funeral
rituals are performed for Achilles in the ruins of Troy the next day with Odysseus
lighting Achilles funeral pyre. As Achilles is burned on his pyre, the Trojan refugees,
including Helen, Andromache, Paris, Briseis and Aeneas are seen escaping.

Point of View:
The film uses a first person point of view. Odysseus, king of Ithaca is used by
the author as the narrator of the film.
Tone or Mood:

Greed because Agamemnon. He brought thousands of soldiers for the war

just to get what he wants without thinking of the families of these soldiers left.
They really did a good job in this film. The actors showed the right emotions.
Priam and the Trojan citizens created a good impression to their viewers because of
the soft features but strong and united personality they showed in every actions they
The movie would not be a hit if it wasnt for the good directing. The director
knows how to control the actors. He knows when to put intimidating scenes. We all
know that it is hard to direct a movie which is part of our past but he did everything
They based what theyre going to do on what the writers says. he made the
story flow smoothly and sweetly. The story is not confusing and I understand
everything clearly.
They filmed the movie clearly because every scene can easily appreciated.
The use of effects to make the film better is a good one. It shows great power.
The costumes they wore fits the movie settings. They manage to make it
realistic. They wore what there are supposed to wear. It is just awesome that the
costumes they use cans how to effort all the staffs did for this movie
The music did a really great help every time you feel intense. It adds
suspense and you become shocked because of the music.
Sound Effects:
The effects they used are splendid! They manage to make so many people
as soldier, how killing consecutively is possible and how they manage to burn the
remains of the soldier.
Movie Analysis
- In what ways is the movie relevant to society?
In what we do, we should always consider what others will feel. We may be
one manipulating ourselves, others still have the say on what you do. Because if you
do things other dont really want, you might regret everything later on. Learn how to
socialize with the people revolving around the same world you have.

- What are the movies major strengths and weaknesses?

The effects and acting are really a great one. They chose the right things
which will fit the movie they created. The movie is flawless for and I dont think they
created something which will serve as their weakness.
- Does the film reinforce counter any negative stereotypes about devalued people?
The greediness of Agamemnon. He uses his power just to colonize all of the
countries he thinks are nice. He will not be contented unless he rules the world.
- What was the particular idea behind the movie, a key moment of the story, an
impressive character in the movie, or any other feature of the story that fascinated
The moment they are about to attack, It was just shocked because there are too
many people and I dont think they pay for all those people
- Do you agree or disagree with the message the movie conveys?
Yes of course. Loves is everything. The sacrifice Paris did just to make sure
Menelaus cant get Helen is a brave one. how priam supports everything they have in
that place, even how they protect their peoples a brave.

- Did the screenplay author, the director, and the actors do a great job?
Of course they did. The movie as I said is flawless. It only means that the movie
will not be that good if they didnt do their parts well. They created a movie that
makes as think what would happen to you if ever we are in that time, in the same
- How could the movie be improved?
I dont really think they need to improve the movie. I dont really like watching
movies but I did appreciate this form of art they just did.
- Who would benefit from watching this movie?
The audience who will be watching this will surely be benefited. They will learn
something behind those revenges they do because of so much anger that they let to
be a part of their lives and they let it reside in their hearts. Students will also learn a
lot of things about what happening in the Greek mythology which we consider as a
part of our past already.
- What is the major lesson to learn from this movie?
Do not let yourself stay on what happened in the past. Move on and start
forgiving. This one is for Menelaus who died just because he wants to save the pride.

If you will let yourself stay on the past, your action in the present will hunt you down
forever and you will regret these actions on the future.
- How did the movie affect you?
I feel so sad when Hector is already saying goodbye to his wife. I feel very
irritated because of Agamemnons greediness. Another feeling is because of Patroclus
who made me annoyed of his presence. In short, I can feel the emotions they are
going to use.
- Would you recommend seeing this film?
Anyone can watch film because it doesnt just show what happened in that era
bet also because you can learn many lessons from this film. Lessons like love
conquers all that will be usable for the next batch of students.
I am giving this movie, two thumbs up! This movie is really a great art. I have
watched different movies which are good and I did appreciate this one. I salute the
director and the people behind this movie. They just made a film which will remain in
the mind of the audience forever. Not just because the movie is great but also
because the film is part of mythology which we believe, is part of the past.

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