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Tanaree Mind Chatyingmongkol

Mr. Abel Cadias
English 10/10:05
March 11, 2015
The Difficulty of Entering Admission to the
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science at Chulalongkorn University
Entering admission to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science at Chulalongkorn
University is difficult because there are too many enrollees but the number of students
accepted is low. The purpose of this research report is to find out the difficulty of entering
admission to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical at Chulalongkorn University. The importance of
this research report is for students who want to enter the Faculty of Pharmaceutical not only
at Chulalongkorn University but also another public and private universities, too. It also
includes alternative decision if you cannot enter the Faculty of Pharmaceutical. I researched
five references in writing this research report. First, a survey in 2014 published by Central
University Admissions System reported the statistics of enrollees. Second, an article
published by Unigang explained that numbers of universities in Thailand that open in the
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science and this website also explained number of enrollees and
accepted students between 2012 and 2013. Third, Blog Pantip showed why Thai people want
to study at Chulalongkorn University. Fourth, an article published by Pharmaceutical-journal
showed that number of pharmacists in each country. Fifth, showed jobs that
related to community pharmacists.


Pharmacy is the faculty that study about create, apply new knowledge, composition of
drugs and understand how chemical action work based on medicine. To study pharmacy is to
find better methods for cure disease and improve people health quality. Pharmacists have
responsibility in providing information, medications and advice about health to patients.
Pharmaceutical journal recorded that in USA have registered pharmacists about 275,000. In
UK they predict that in 2040 they will have oversupply pharmacists between 11,000 and
19,000. But in Japan they dont have technical pharmacist, they only have registered
salespersons who sells drugs. Europe has female pharmacists about 70% while Africa has
only 32%. Salary per month in UK starts from 20,000-35,000 pound depending location of
work place and experience. Pharmacists who have experience for more than 10 years, salary
will be up to 40,000-68,000 pound. Earn for locum pharmacists are approximately 20-23
pound per hour. Unigang reported that pharmacists get starting salary 17,000 baht per month
and the following year depends on applicants performance also the location of work place
too. Different jobs have different benefits to society but the role of pharmacists is to provide
medications as prescribed by doctors. They also give an advice to patients on how to use
medicine and explain the danger side effect of allergy to medicine. Some pharmacists go to
help developing country and give them proper treatment.
Faculty of Pharmacy at Chulalongkorn University
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science at Chulalongkorn University was founded by
King Vajiravuth (Rama XI), who assigned Prince Rangsit to establish the school of Pharmacy.
At first the school was called as Drug Preparation School. As the time goes by the Drug
Preparation School in that day was developed to become The Faculty of Pharmaceutical
science at Chulalongkorn University today. Also the school has this vision.


The Faculty of Pharmaceutical science at Chulalongkorn

University is a source of knowledge and academic resource
center, a leading pharmaceutical science institution that
contributes to the countrys sustainable development.

For those who want to enter the faculty of pharmacy they should be interested in biological
sciences, have a very good memory, high responsibility and circumspection. In Thailand,
there are 10 public universities. For example, Chulalongkorn, Mahidol, Konkhen,
Srinakharinwirot University and another two private universities that include Rangsit,
Huachew University. A survey in 2014 published by Chulalongkorn University reported that
the Faculty of Pharmaceutical science use 30% of O-NET score, 10% of GAT score, 40% of
PAT2 and 20% of 5 terms GPA to consider enrollees. The numbers of enrollees between 2013
and 2012 is decreasing about 10%. Blog Dek-d showed that average GAT score in 2014 is
131.97 of 300 points and for PAT2 is 86.72 of 300 points. OKNATION explained that almost
of the students in grade 12 who took the O-NET test, failed in every subject except health.
The important things are all of these scores have effect when the universities use to consider
accepted enrollees. The poll from CUAS showed that average score of accepted students in
Chulalongkorn University is 21,591 points but for Mahidol University is about 21,163 points.
At first to attend the Faculty of Pharmaceutical science use PAT2 only 30% and GAT 20% but
it has a change in 2013 to be use PAT2 40% and GAT 10% due to science is the most
significant subject while studying pharmacy. This is why they need to make sure that students
have scientific knowledge. The reason why most of Thai students want to study at
Chulalongkorn University is already explained by Pantip website. First of all Chulalongkorn
University is the first university founded by king and almost people think that the university
founded for long time will have good popularity and reputation, too. Second, most of people
who graduated have a good work with high salary. Finally, because of location,
Chulalongkorn University is in the center of town that have BTS sky train, department store


and easy to transport that make lift will be more convenient. Also, its family tradition of
some family such as parents have graduated from Chulalongkorn university that make both of
them want their children to enter Chulalongkorn University too. The Faculty of Pharmacy has
to study for six years and after graduation, jobs that directly related to degree include
community pharmacist, hospital pharmacist and research scientist.
Alternative Decisions
If you couldnt get in to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science at Chulalongkorn
University because the average score is too high, still there are many universities that have
lower competition and average admission score than Chulalongkorn University for example
Mahidol University which is about 20,649 points; Konkhen University which is about 20,649
points and for Srinakharinwirot University is about 20,672 points. However, private
universities will have less enrollees and ratio than public universities. There are more chances
for enrollees to get in the Faculty of Pharmacy. Studying overseas is another choice if you
dont want to study Thai program. The overseas universities are requiring fewer exams than
universities in Thailand. There have another faculty that study scientific knowledge but not
specific to medicine as pharmacy and require fewer score than the Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Science; for example, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Science or
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences.
The purpose of this research report is to find out the reason why entering the faculty
of pharmacy is difficult. In conclusion, Chulalongkorn University is a prestigious University
and has good reputation. This reason makes Thai students want to enter that leads to many
processes of the test for entering and require high GPA. Also, the ratio of numbers of


enrollees and accepted enrollees is very high but in the recent year the number of enrollees
decreased. I recommend further research on how to prepare in entering the Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Science at Chulalongkorn University.

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