BBFC Certification: A 15 Can Include

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Conor Daly

BBFC Certification
The BBFC Certification stands for The British Board of Film Classification. It
is an independent company which is created/originated by the film
industry. It is used the classify films on how old someone must be to be
able to watch this film on their own. There is many classifications to class
a film, there are U, PG, 12,12A which is 12 with a parent, 15, 18 and R18.
It is decided by what scenes are in the film and how they are displayed.
For example a 12 film would not be allowed to have nudity in the film so
they must make the film at least a 15.

A 15 Can Include:
- Strong violence
- Frequent strong language
- Portrayals of sexual activity
- Strong verbal references to sex
- Nudity
- Discriminatory behaviour or language
- Drug taking
- Horror type films
Strong Language The BBFC state that in a 15 rated film there could be
quite a lot of strong language. They did not state a limit on the amount of
uses of strong language however the director should still take into account
its still a 15. Although some of the strongest words are not allowed to be
spoken as frequently. For example the word C***.
Sexual Content BBFC state that sexual activity can be portrayed,
however it cannot be in such graphic detail. Although the scenes may be

Conor Daly

lengthy. There can be strong references although they must have some
sort of context to it.
Discrimination and/or Offensive Language In a 15 rated film there
may be racist, homophobic or other types of discrimination in the film
however they do make sure that in the film they dont encourage this type
of behaviour to the audience.
Strong Violence BBFC state that there may be violence scenes although
the director must make sure it does not give the impression that inflicting
pain or injury is a good thing. Also it must not show during the film where
to easily obtain these sort of weapons.

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