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Toms Jess Plaza Martn

Groupe 4

164 words

Life is Beautiful was directed by Roberto Benigni. It star Roberto Benigni as Guido
Orefice. The film won over 50 awards, included three Oscars and the Grand Prix at the
Cannes Film Festival.
The film is set in 1997 in Arezzo, an ilalian village. It was filmed on location in Arezzo,
Montevarchi and Terni.
The film is about Guido Orefice, a funny and charismatic young Italian of Jewish origin
whose intention is to open a bookstore. There he meets Dora and, despite of she is
engaged with a fascist military, she marries with him and they have a son. Then The
Second World War broke out and they were placed in a extermination camp, where
Guido will do the imposible to make your child believe that the terrible situation they
are experiencing is just a game.
I recommend Life is Beautiful because its the most amazing films produced in the
world and the history which relates is beautiful and thrilling.

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