Filming Journal

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Date: 16th March (Afternoon)

Today we started filiming, we filmed Tobi for our beginning scene.

Our main focus was on the setting and how it related to the character
we were portraying (Danielle). After we finished setting up, which took a while
just to make sure everything was perfect, we started filiming and no errors occured.
It came to our attention when we went to the editing suite that many errors had
eg. when attempting shallow focus the image in focus was extremely blurry & the
positioning was not accurate. This was a major problem for us so we had to decide
we should re-film or cut the errors out. We decided to cut the errors out, however if
we have
time to re-film this scene we will do so after the rest of our sequence is done.

Date: 19th March (Afternoon)

As planned, we filmed on this day, however one of the

cast was unable to participate due to personal reasons so
we chose to take it upon ourselves to play the role,
simply because we could move swiftly with our filming time
as planned.

We came across a problem whilst filming; the sunlight was

reflecting on one of our props that we needed the audience
to see clearly. Thankfully we managed to overcome this by using
a door to block out the light so the prop could be used properly

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