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Large Assembly Best Practices

Siemens PLM Software

2008. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved

Siemens PLM Software

Large Assembly Design Challenge

Designing systems, assemblies, and parts to meet the

requirements of complex products,
in the face of

large data sets: The term "large" assembly is a

relative one. Large assemblies for some may be
1,000 parts while for others 10,000 or 100,000+
complex geometry: Nurb surface data
constantly-changing data
large, distributed teams designing
in same assembly space

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Large assembly handling in NX

NX contains leading-edge tools and
techniques to facilitate working on large

NX has a long and successful history of providing

solutions for such industries as aerospace,
automotive, heavy machinery, shipbuilding, etc.
where large assembly requirements are a key

(1) Load Performance and Capacity: Reduce the amount of data per component loaded
(2) Simplification of assembly data : Reduce the complexity of components loaded
(3) Context control: Reduce the number of components loaded
(4) Visualization settings and Memory utilization: Utilize memory more efficiently.

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Load Performance and Capacity

Load Options
What are they?

A set of options that allow you to control how much

and in what form component data is loaded

Important Properties

Lots of settings including:

Load Method - the location of the data
Load Components all components, no components
or use component filters
Partial Loading display data only
Determine action that should taken if a component
cannot be loaded
Save and restore specific configurations
Accessible from the Open dialog box


Using Load Options effectively is one of the most

important ways to improving large assembly

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Load Options: Selective Loading


Only load the components that you need to see to do your job


Faster load times

Less memory used


Load with no components

Open components using:

Assembly Navigator
Component filtering

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Load Options : Lightweight Creation

Faceting tolerance

Faceting tolerance affects

smoothness, performance,
& memory usage

Default value: calculated per body,

based on bounding box size

User-specified value:

Per body:

Per session: AssembliesSite

Standards in Customer Defaults

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Load Performance and Capacity

Reference sets
What are they?

Named sections or partitions of a NX part created in

the Assemblies application
Lets you control the amount of data that is loaded
from each component and viewed in the context of an

Important Properties

Two types:
Automatic - managed by the system (Empty, Entire
part, Model and Simplified)
User defined - created and modified for your own
purposes (Ex: Mate, Simple, Draft)


A well-managed reference set strategy can lead to:

Faster load times
Reduced memory usage
Less cluttered graphics displays

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Occasional Piece Part Ref Sets

MODEL ref set plus mating geometry
Simplified geometry
Entire Part

Model Reference Set

Simple Reference Set


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Avoiding & Coping With Assy-Level Ref Sets

Possible Exceptions and Alternative Approaches

1. Use layers to hide unwanted geometry
2. Use assembly-level reference sets with
Add New Components Automatically switch (NX 3)

Hide Some Components

Customer Default

User wants to show only a subset of child components

Show different variants
LH & RH assemblies

Create Ref Set Option

Arrangement-specific component suppression

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Simplification of assembly data

The goal with simplification is to:

Provide a method of hiding proprietary data
Reduce assembly complexity
Improve load performance

There are several methods to simplify geometry in NX:

Assembly Level

Assembly Envelope (Wrap & Linked Exterior


Simplify Assembly Wizard

Simple Reference Set

Faceted Representation

Component Level

Simplify Body

Extract Geometry (Timestamp)

Wrap Geometry


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Assembly Envelopes
What are they?

Tools for reducing assembly complexity as well as

hiding proprietary data. Essentially, they create
geometry at the assembly level that can take the
place of subcomponents

Important Properties

Use automatic reference set to specify display of

Two forms:
Wrap Assembly provides coarse boundaries and
gives a shrink-wrapped appearance
Linked Exterior - makes an exact copy of external
faces and maintains the form of the original


Useful when only an approximation of an assembly is

required (Wrap)
Provides a method of improving load performance by
reducing assembly complexity
Provides a method of hiding proprietary data

Wrap Assembly

Linked Exterior

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Simplify Assembly Wizard

Simplification Assembly Level
What is this?

A dedicated wizard user interface that guides you

through the process of simplifying an assembly into a
solid that represents the assembly

Important Properties

The goal to unite all the bodies in the assembly and

remove the interior faces
All bodies are linked into the work part
Covering bodies are used to plug holes and fill gaps
until all the bodies are united into one and the interior
faces are completely isolated from the exterior faces
The result is a single lightweight and airtight solid


Helps reduce load times at the expense of geometric

Preserves complex exterior details while removing
interior details

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Context Control
Assembly Context Control deals with display, selection & filtering techniques
Assembly context is the set of components you want loaded and visible at a
particular juncture
The assembly context control functions in NX are key to quickly finding,
returning to, and understanding the environment of a specific area to be
worked on
Filtering Techniques
Find Component
Open by Proximity
Product Outlines

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Context Control
Filtering Techniques
As your assembly becomes larger and more complex, there is an increasing
need for you to control the component parts that you work with and see
Large assemblies depend on filters and other techniques to efficiently navigate
throughout large amounts of data
There are several methods in NX to filter data including:
Component Groups (Filters)
Filtered Assembly Navigator

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Find Component
What is it?

The Find Component tool sets context by letting you

perform a search for a component based on any
global property

Important Properties

Scope criteria:
By Name
By State
By Attribute
From List
By Size - based on the component's bounding
The Status line shows the number of components
that are selected in the current contexts


Allows you to locate one or more components quickly

in order to establish context control

Find Selected
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Filtering Techniques
Component Groups
What are they?

A set of tools used to set, save and restore logical

subsets of assemblies for assembly context

Important Properties

Attribute Search

Primarily used for loading and unloading of data

Two categories:
Functional - use assembly data
Attribute, Zone & Proximity
Organizing combinations of functional filters
Match All of, Match any of & Exclude from
Can be saved permanently or temporarily


Provide productivity through performance - you only

load what you need
Visual clarity - you only see what you want to see
Intelligent component selection

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Filtering Techniques
What are they?

A method of defining and naming regions of space

within an assembly that can be used for filtering

Important Properties

Can be defined by auto-generating entire assembly or

explicitly sizing
Two Types: Box Zones & Plane Zones
Zones filter components based on a components
bounding box or True Shape filter
Options to select:


Box: Inside, Interferes, Outside

Plane: Above, Intersects, Below

Defined and stored at the assembly level


Provide a useful way of partitioning an assembly

model into meaningful regions
Very useful for volume comparisons

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Filtering techniques
Open by Proximity
What is it?

A tool that simplifies the process of loading a set of

components that are located in a small region of a
large assembly
Loads all components within a specified distance of
the bounding box of a selected component

Use Cases

When you wish to load large components in the

vicinity of the work part for overview purposes
When you wish to do a "lightweight" or solid load of
nearby components to understand your design

Important Properties

Optional True Shape Filtering

accuracy vs. time


Simplifies the process of loading a set of components

that are located in a small region of a larger assembly
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Enabling True Shape Filtering

Setting up tso file generation

Set customer defaults for true shape (tso) file generation

(see on-line help for guidelines)

If necessary, refile existing parts

with option -ts

Creates tso file without re-saving part

Existing users need to ensure

they have set the save option
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Filtering Techniques
Bookmarks and Product Outline
What are they?

Product Outline

Bookmarks allows you to record, communicate

and restore the working context from one NX
session to another
Important Properties

Ghost image of assembly that

can be switched on and off

Allows you to duplicate a current assembly

state in a later NX session
Record options include:
which component groups are applied
what are the active Load Options
which components are loaded
User specific workflows native & NX

Allows you to quickly reestablish a desired

working context from one session to another
Provides a method of context sharing between
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Visualization settings and Memory utilization

Visual Settings

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Visual Performance Preferences

Large Model Settings
What are they?

A number of preferences that can dramatically improve

graphics performance/speed
Important Properties

These viewing dynamics preferences are applicable on

rotate, pan, zoom and navigate operations

This greatly reduces the amount of memory needed to

change view orientation in the graphics display

Large Model

Fixed Frame Rate - this will allow the system to display a

box of the component/body on repositioning of the
geometry in the graphics window

View Frustum Culling allows the system to disregard

objects outside of the viewing area

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Changing body color, translucency, or partial
o Make the component the Displayed Part before
changing anything or in an assembly. Also, make sure
only the component (not the body or any portion of it) is
Controlling Updates:
o In a large assembly, you can save time by delaying
interpart updates and then updating at your convenience
Saving in Wireframe vs. Shaded
o Part files saved with shaded display active will take
longer to load and use more memory
o Tests show that a shaded model can take up to 5 times
longer to load than the same model in wireframe
Shaded Mode vs. Partially Shaded Mode
o A less memory intensive option to fully shading
o This means that only bodies/components designated
are shaded when this mode is active
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Hardware Recommendations
Large Assembly Focus
With the rapid changes in hardware and software, any quantitative
recommendations become obsolete within months
The best recommendation (as an NX customer or any other CAD user) is for
you to monitor technologic advances specifically in the following areas:
Physical memory (#1)
Graphics card speeds and capabilities (#2)
CPU speed
Disk access speed and capacity
Server and network speeds

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Check system configuration as per standards

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Hardware Recommendations
Large Assembly Focus
Tuning graphics card
Windows Desktop
Display Properties Advanced
select graphics card Control Panel.
Under application or global presets
Select NX.

Start NX
Preferences Visualization
Evaluate Graphics Performance.
Exit NX
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Large Assembly Drawings

The creation and update of large assembly drawings is computationally expensive by
In particular, the creation of hidden line renderings of views
As well as requiring all relevant components to be loaded into the session, the hidden
line calculation itself demands significant memory and processor resource
NX provides techniques for making the process more efficient by reducing the amount
of data that typically needs to be loaded to create or annotate a drawing and its views

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Large Assembly Drawings Topics

Master Model Strategy
Delaying View Updates
Associative Extracted Edge Views

Faceted Representation Views

Predefined Drawing Templates

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Master Model Strategy

What is this?

Instead of creating the drawing in the assembly itself,

the master model strategy takes advantage of a nonmaster document that references the master

Important Properties

Create through File>New dialog box


Promotes concurrent engineering, by enabling a user

to modify the drawing without locking the master
assembly - Drafting and modeling changes can
happen in parallel

Separates annotation data from the master assembly

- which means you can load the master assembly
without needing to load the drawing data into the
session - this speeds up the loading process and
reduces memory consumption

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Delaying View Updates

What is this?

A major contributor to performance and memory

usage issues with large assembly drawings is the
amount of resource required to update views (in
particular, the hidden line renderings)
The Delay View Update option allows you to minimize
view updates

Important Properties

Updates can be initiated explicitly at a more

convenient time or by using a UG/Open program
View updates can also be delayed on a per-view


Improves performance and memory usage by

reducing the amount of resource required to update
Prevents hidden line recalculations when the
assembly changes

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Associative Extracted Edge Views

What are they?

An alternative way to display model geometry in a

drawing view by creating a set of associatively
extracted edges
Instead of the model being directly visible in the
drawing views, the system displays a 3D
representation of the model's visible edges

Important Properties

Supports Concurrent Engineering

Associative or Non-Associative methods
The components only need to be loaded when a
drawing update is performed


Improves performance by allowing simple annotation,

view edits, and the creation of detail views can be
made on large assemblies without the assembly
components being completely loaded

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Faceted Representation Views

What are they?

Renderings of a faceted representation of the


Important Properties

Can be used for dimensioning

List others
Update drawing view at a more convenient time


Facilitates the quick update and hidden line display of

a drawing of a large assembly
Using faceted representations when creating drawing
views can dramatically improve the performance and
memory utilization of assemblies drawings

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Predefined Drawing Templates

What are they?

A capability that results in automatic drawing view

creation by creating a new master model drawing
from a modeling view

Important Properties

The template contains empty drawing views that are

not linked to a model
Drag and drop a model / assembly onto the template
and the views populate with the model Drawing
Templates can include the following:

Drawing Borders
Imported Views
Section Views
Exploded Views
Automatic Ballooning
Applies dimensions and annotation
Populate Parts List and Tables


Saves considerable time by eliminating repetitive

tasks creating a standard layouts of component parts
/ assemblies
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