Airline Consolidation

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The geneaology of U.S.

Airways 1948 - 2015

All American A/W
Turner A/L [1940]

Allegheny [1952]



US Air [1979]


US Airways [1996]

Lake Central A/L

Robinson A/L

Mohawk A/L

Piedmont A/L [1948]

America West [1983]

U.S. Airways flew i t's last flight on Saturday, October 17, 2015 and completed integration with American Airlines. U.S Airways
itself was the result of a consolidation of five separate airlines operating under a total of ten separate names, depending upon
the year.
Equipment operated ranged from the Fairchild F-24 [Robinson] to the B-747. [America West] The final flight was an Airbus
A321 - which would have likely brought a tear to the eyes of the five original founders.

It's a bittersweet time for Aviation afficiandos, as the five originial carriers represented - and were proud of their regions - from
Indianapolis [Turner] to Albany [Mohawk] to the Carolinas. [Piedmont]


American A/L

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