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National Strength & Conditioning Association Journal /olume 14, Number 3 Optimum Athletic Performance 1992 ‘Through Total Conditioning Sports Performance Series: Telemark Turn rT Track and Field: ee Seo Preseason preparation for the collegiate shot putter Lary W. dude PhD..C8.C8. ‘tsbtant Track ose Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana i & fet puters must acaure great Saptember through November: the prepare the athletes for more spe- Strength, power, aly. lex strength-power phase, October Line higher inenaty coe filty and shill to be successful. and December: and danuary and “Each “trafsien, “onion is ‘While throwing the shot i the sin February are a peaking and Tair designed 45°he'ngy Seasons Plest ofall throwing techniques, tenance phase, with the indoor mictacycle, A crop ieee Imastering this manewer takes season climaxing at the end of four mevecycis formes renee ye2p of reparation, “An ontimal February and the beginning cf de, Exchonaeyi eee, Reigmonee ms tht hls he Mor Tne sheng phase bud on, he previous one and ‘esult ofa earfuly planned pro- i tepeated in mit March and Apr three fe Tous urself gram integrating several compo- and peaking and maintenance re macrogycle ALISO. wwe man nents of tring, ching aspects done again in May and June to cles Toba the tre on of Slurp iting, power iting prepare for cutdoor conference fist macrocyl extents drone and bodybuilding, as well as run- and national champonships. The the indoor season and ts eed ping. jumping and throwing. months of July and August are extend theecghr tre nancies Improvement often comes from consieted the acne ren or tans fattonals. The seserson econ Careful attention to detail. This tion phase in preparation forall” s simlar ta the lle held ee acl outlines the approach to but has less emphasis on aerobic Dreseason preparation used by Fall Preparation Phase ctvity and more emphasis on Indiana State University (ISU) "The primary objective ofthe fall strength unl Technine teen throwers. including 17.34-meter preparation program i to ensure ment "The phvahal venta oe fallegiate shot putter Christy peak performance In ey compet. perlodized for ihe yoo neat. Barrett, who competed at the tions. ISU throwers are tained as Strength raining, mea Gel 1991 World Universty Gomes, complete athletes and this is throws, running plyomesres, or ‘Track and field is unique when reflected in they practice regimen. eile and set tat nes Sompared to other sports teeause To understand the preseason pro the season is geared foward peak- gram al ISU, different training Strength-Power Phase ing for three or four Important phases must be understood. Out "The Strength poner phase contests or meets. This makes preseason conditioning program begins in Navernbos sed any Beriodivation ofthe taining pro- assumes that the athletes will demanding ‘In ihe pines, ut Sram essen A shot puters col return with fimess levels ranging {y" Is reduced end aca Endo year is broken into the fol from sedentary to fairy actne Al fhereased, For monn he tes lowing taining phases: the pre. Indiana State the wear begins with ing ila, the renclaler ste ‘Season conditoning program from lew intensity and high vokume 10 reploced by an eet nats Nation Strength nd Conditioning Ateocttion Journal 2» Volume 14, Number 3, 1992 vegetables, breads. cereals, lean oat, sh, pou and rf diy products. ‘To avoid excess fat in Thi food, thts should ft the Bimount of fied foods, nigh 1 Chips and crackers, saad dressing butler, margarine, ols and high esses Protein Protein is the least desirable energy source lor volleyball ath fetes. 110 percent of total clones consumed i protein, hats enough to provide adequate aming ace 0 repai, aintain and ald muscle tissue’ High-proteln diets do not increase the capocty to buld mus fle rssue, ur ean pyoue excess Calories that will increase bos fat, "The same fs true for protein and amino acd supplements. I fi athlete requests protein sup plementation, consult trainer, Feaistered dieian or healthcare professional for advice, High protein diets can be harmful and Hydration ‘Long matches and practice ses sions in 2 warm, humid gyn can ccally real in dehydration, Wis important for athletes and coach {fo provent dehydration, rather than simply weat the suropions Aletes should be encouraged to Grink at least 8 cups of water ally and 2 to. cupe prior to practice oF competition," Fiteen Minutes before an event, another up should be consumed. During 2 elowely intense psical at ty, drinking about one half cup very fifteen minutes is recon tended. Upon completion of the Session, athletes should drink at Teast 2 cups of fluid for every pound lost during the event (2 ‘The’ post-game snack can include carbohydrate drinks, which pro- ‘ide needed Tid, carzohiydrates and electrolytes. Electrolytes isodium, potas and chloride) fate nnerale essential to maintaine ing fsa alance throughout the Volume 14, Number 3, 1992 body. Electrolyte replacement may be necessary after intense texercize or in case of dehydte Vitamins and Minerals Avbalanced diet will provide most vitamins and- minerals Fequired by volleyball athletes, ‘They must understand that con suming exta vitamins and miner fi ual not increase their eneray level or enhance performance Female athletes need to be partic Uri aware of their calla and fron intake. Supplementation tnight be necessary if clea and iron levels are consistent ow. Pregame, Postgame nd On- {he-ond Meals Pregame meals can previt tung dg he etree CSS rt real age fata ela four blr the een ‘The mea Should conus of food that te Sick gee, uc a carol tert aos a “Rn fod ‘Cen fos aug ‘edo ni ao ope ‘Mona Paes ulin, bia chicky sacs, kit pm Sean trac tad pts and spaghett are pone choices Sacks rch a fat hacen topes cracker poem, if ia trate Che cee today Sane aha ay pre fea sal uch rt warp oF Sots ones npr rel hog Ses ening stot areata ch we Tow ara companion Education ‘An abundance of fran bas ‘been uritten nthe last decade on sports nutrition. Unfortunately reccarch has shown that ustion Invornaion isnot reaching the a letes "Couches and talners cccipy key roles in edscating athletes on Gletary choices ‘The inchason of ‘utriton information in voleyball {ining programs can help accom pth many goals. The most obvias fal to Increae the potential for peak performance and secondary. {0 tnfvence heat Hest changes among sthctes © The NSCA wishes 10. thank Gatorade for providing is sup port and resources in the develop ‘ment of the Sports Nutrition sec tion of the NSCA Journal” We ‘value Gatorade’e constant en ‘deavor to provide quelity inform tonto our readers References oie fond woning sor alley [am Peg 8:0 smal 8 med) ng “The Seng & Speed Sour Track and Field: Preseason preparation for the collegiate shot putter Larry W. Judge, Ph.D. CS.CS. Assistant Track Coach Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana hot puters must acquire great September dough November: the ength, power, sai, Hex strenath-power phase, October ity and shalt be successful, ged Decermbers and January and While throwing the shot i the sin- Fetninny aren peaking and main les of sll throwing techniques, tenance phase, with the Indoor Inastering this maneuver takes season climaxing at the end of ears of pteparation An optimal February and the beginning of Derlormanee inthe shot puts the March Ihe strength power prose {Raul of scarellly planned pro is repeated mil March and Ape ‘ram integrating several compo. and peaking and maintenance are ents of taining inching aspects done again in May and June to Sr Obmpie hing, bower liling prepare for ouldoor conference aint bodybuilding, a3 wll a5 run’ nd ational championships. The hing, jumping and throwing. months of July and August are Improvement aften comes from considered the acne rest or anst fare attention to detail This ton phase in preparation for fall, trticle outlines the approach to Drescason preparation used by Fall Preparation Phase Indiana State University (ISU) The primary objective ofthe fall rowers, including 1734-meter preparation prosfam is to ensure follegiate shat putter Christy peak performance in key compet Barrett, who competed at the fons." ISU throwers are trained as 1991 World University Games complete athletes and this is Track end fied is que when reflected in their practice regimen. compared to other spor becouse ‘To understand the preseason pro the season is geared toward peaks gram at ISU, different taining ing for yee or four important phases must be undersiood. Our rests or meets. Thi makes preseason conditioning program. terodkeation of the taining pro: sssumes that the athletes will fram essemal A shot puters cal- fetus with finess levels ranging ‘dar year ts broken info the fol from sedentary to lily active ing taining phases. the pre Irdiana State, the year begins with ‘nts conitoning program from lw Intensity high wolume °o prepare the athletes for mone spe ‘ie, higher intensity Work Each training session is designed to lt into a one week rmicrocucle A group of lhvee tc Tour microeydles forms a mesocy cle. Fach mesocyce is designed fo build on te previous one ard three to Your mesocyces i the mocrocyce.ATISU, fvo macrocy tes form the annval plat The fist macrocucle extends through the indoor season and the second extends through the outdoor vationals. The preseason program {Esimiar tothe other eld vests but hat less emphasis on aerobic sctivily and mere emphasi 0 Strength and tech nent. The physical Periodized forthe year Include rength training. medicine ball thvows, running. phometrcs, ch cite and shot pu eos ‘Strength-Power Phase "The strength power phase begins in November and # very demanding. In this phase, quant Wwe reduced ond quality 8 increased. For mari of te throw ing drils, the regulation shot replaced by an overweight imple ‘Table 1, Preseason Conditioning Exercises Stowe, ter ap and peo he Set rst ‘Ris pesmad wth art este etd 10.5 cand al pea ty on icy Racine eh ee 1, tere vt ay — rot om oe ak eek an SPS pc unteh— bel ams endl et! ack ard at ‘eral tee ‘EShlerd ySach — cap bande en ada! ve os hl a hia a pie pa Segmented de 2, ary ry onc with oe xed. pater Fletch wed ou Rad Reet gc gr iepenear «5 Std ut east olen pe lec nr a Seger yy ae SEE pec ad ang sare» ence wh beth han, Gs sda ed ncn ras rein oe Genera Strength Creat eet 5 ve a8 Medicina Hal (10 epetton of a) Sete ow anes ‘Shot fps hoes ‘Sates inl eons Phometre Eats te hot 23 Stool tna 180° 360) 32 som ape 8 burke ope 8 bere Peep 2 Samp ape erat To scat reir pnp se 10, hor to ‘eek dad omp Ser SEE ie Sorin set a mcm em tin. Webelay og besser 15 meee 2 5460 men Ba ie orgs ore on 2 500m ment to bul strength. ‘The inten Sy ofthe medicine ball and pio metric exercises are increased, Fepetitions are lowered and the number of exercies in decreased ‘The emphasis on aout strength and poter development Peaking and Maintenance Phase ‘An In-season peaking phase is the same for the indoor and out floor seasons.” There ts mini peal at the end ofeach week wth fhe major peak atthe end af the Volume 14, Number 3,192 phase. A upical week consists of Feawy throwing and weight ling cary In the woo, with low repet tions (3.5), base exercises fench, Sua, lean) at high intent (80. 90 percent of 1 RM, ‘During the eaty indoor and ut door seasons emphasis Is on Strength development. ‘The middle ofthe week consists of hgh iting, Used for nerve stimulation, and Tight throwing. “The end of the week sued for rest. ‘Chose to the knportant compet tions the work load is decreased “Two weeks prior to an important competition, heavy squats are ds- Continued and the hiting and throwing Is Bght and fast, Miniransition Phase Between the indoor and out door seasons, a three: to four leek strengih-power stage is Used to rebuild the base. This tiho relered to. as a mints fion phase that i used to facil late phisological and paycholog- {eal restoration. The fiting and {raining volumes are Increased onal Strength and and intensity is decreased Medicine bal exercises, piyomet fies and a general strength crit are done briveekly. ‘The athlete [Shen ready to enier the in sea son peaking phase for the out oor season ‘The Preseason Program in the fall the development of ssrength and endurance specie to vowing enphasiand. Preseason ‘weight iting is considered huper= ttophy or bod sige. The emphasis i= on building “on fedurance base ithe weightraom {or future heaw lung. Repetition: should be high (8-10), bu the aly Tetes should be encouraged to Increase repetition maximums Workouts wil be based on a per centage of repetitions moximm, Eight sets per body part are per: formed with two to three minstes rest between sets Lifting sg ‘ested four to sx days per week with each body part worked bie vest "Throwers also need to perfonm ‘general condoning acts that Enproue strength and coordination through body welght activities. General conditioning for throwers Improves overall ness and should remain fay specie to anacrobic Bales. Aerobie conditioning wil fot be emphasized bu ull lade Sn 800'meter werm-up rn, 2 gen tral strength cet done Deneck, 8 jump rope circu, and an 800 tneter cool down. Each workout Should Include @ partner fxd foutine, form-tunning drills and ‘abdominal exereses to enhance postural strength. A general Etrength circuit consisting of five body weight exercises performed rujce @ week, plus meticine ball ‘exercises and plyometrics, ae per formed on days opposte the gener alstrength ciecuit, Long sprints (180-200 mater) are dane twice a Week and short sprints (30-100 ‘meters are dane on apposte das, Conditioning Asoclation Journal Preseason throwing includes epee sett degre to ex Ish paems and pathy fo work from. Drs ae employed in each of the throwing evens, sessing prop {body postions. Each throw can be broken dou into parts ar each Prt dil ether empty handed {Ss bn plement This isan excel Jent ime of year to teach the proper node! to thietes 0 they ean were fn proper technique and change bedThebits. The following fe an ‘example of «one-week microti Monday. Warmup ext, form dil pvometnes, technique Jang sprints, weights, cool dou TTucsdoy. Warm-up, fest. strength ‘cltcult, technique, medicine ball, short sprints ‘Weights, cook dain. Wednesday.” Warmup, flexi ty, jump rope circu, individual technique work, weights, cook oun “Thursday. Warm-up, Bex, strength circult, technique fadisine ball, short eprinte, ‘heights, cookdoun Friday. Warm-up flexibly form des, pisometes, technique ong spins. weights, cool dou. ‘Saturday. Warmup, Heit wight, ‘Sunday. 10 to 15-minute easy "Each component of the pesos. son program is explained in deta inthe folowing section, flowed by fan example of how each aspect can be integrated ino the progam. Warm-up Sieady running for five to. 10 minutes, followed by flexibility, form runing and acedleration runs should be an integra part of the preseason preparation phase, At ISU 355 sete of abdominals are performed daily 98 part of the ‘Warmvup. The 800:meter warmup ‘snd condom ran, strength cet {nd high-repetion weight Biting Wil help’ Build preseason ‘endurance. Endurance specific 0 throwers needed to prevent in cular fatigue, which can inhibit Inotor lamin Ging lot rai ing sessions: As more Intense preparation and competion phae fallow, some elements of the Warmup can be rediced to to days per week. The warm-up ard cooldown runs should continue throughout the season Flexibility ‘Stetching must be incorporated ino the taining as part of the armmup and shoud fellow ight Jogging This aspect of traning is fssental for athletes, 99 allows fal freedom of movement about al joints ad enhances musle sash ty. Boxy should be done with = Poriner.. Gradual “stretch and Fold” methods should be used to longate the elastic elements. Stretching shoul ao be dane afer ‘ach taining Sesion to take advan tage of musele spindle fatigue, pre Tendon oles General Strength Circuit “The general srenglh creat com sists of body welght exercises ‘grouped to fren a ciclo siress the aerobic sytem, bd strength fad enhance coordination and body ‘Athletes must be able to move their body weight eificienty. (ten, athletes have rouble manipe tating thei body weight because they limit their training to free ‘waghis. The general strength = it cases neuromuscular adapta Sons that improve cootdinaton end body awareness “The exercises in the stength c= cuit include push-ups, clap push Us, crunches, leg tosses, ke sis Sor, chin-ups, back hyperexten sions and dips! An example of a Suggested preseason circuit is in Table 1. ‘The repetions for each ceserese should start at 20-25 for Volume 14, Number 3, 1992 ‘Table 2, Weight liting September Hypertrophy Phase Moody Toe i Gets Toe Amal on Sc ee eran Beehite poconan) Siig dal felew Sf toaster Rae 3a = Bethan Area il 0 ice Barebone agen, 3810 Bessa tegen 30 Feehan 10 week 1 NIRS 2 3he gos $10 Sow 3 Et gs 2utb ope 4S ARIO 08 TE10 Teteontrsom ms crt or Chas tite eps mac Week 1 Sa5 7% 4x5 BH BS Be RS oe SOG fe 255 ost EES Be TE tow Leger a oie rate 10 Burka ow 3x8 Protea Bint on ‘Setup Be aes we espe Po ‘Gino 8 en Chow xs Dhar cu 310 abdominal exteses and 15:20 for muscle groups. ‘These drills are Uipperbody exercees, These should particulary useful for developing telodusted to ft the athlete, and as balisiestength In the turk, back Fitness improves, the athlete can and shoulder gitdle. Athletes perform more reptitons Or fepeat_ shoul pai up and follow the exer the creut ‘hes lt i Table 1. Ten epet- ‘ons shouldbe performed in each Medicine Ball exercise and as the alhletes “Tis waning consis of a wroup progress. the numberof repetitions ‘of exercises uth a Zhilogram bal Should be increased or a heavier that strengthens the abgominols ball used land forsa. These exercises help improve flexibly, strength and Plyometeies foordination, and can be valuable One ofthe objectives in taining im adding an increased load to all for power {fo involve as many Volume 1, Number 3, 1992 2 ‘motor unis (musce fibers) as poss bein 2 quick, explosive contrac on." Phyomeries involves stra ‘peous voluntary and involuntary ‘muscle contractions. Thesclove, ‘more motor unis are caled upon Suring'2 single contraction of this type than would be used in either ‘comraction alone Plyometrics is Sn eccentric contraction followed immedioely by 9 eoncentec com traction that helps tain the fast tunteh fibers speeiic to throwing Piyometres, including box imps, depth jumps, hurdle hops and Conditioning soit Sournal ‘xt Sengv Powe Prise Monday Ser Boutn biennale Silo pcos grr 10.4.6 ‘Tarndoy ie Sei or gecotce Tine tegen 36 iepon se Cheese Wek 1 TSE 2 425 om Poca fo cs oe 100 many wpes of bounding drills ‘Should be perfomad in moderation ‘nly tue a week inthe preseason and once a weck ding the season, omnes should not be performed byathletes uth ochopeie ines, ‘Strength Training ‘Strenath the has for all other specs of taining, A’'stonger ats lete can perlorm beter technically and achieve higher levels of pe feemance, Stenath training must be 2 maior element isthe raring of Secewhl threer and must be a Parana err at tte SBM Table 2. Weight liting-September Hypertrophy Phase (continued) Tuesday Backend Be ore Beet ae pce Serge x5 Inypertrophy phase in September (Table 2). This sdoukt encompass 23 wide variety of exercises and Involve all musele groups. These exercises should lnlude the closie power lifts and Olympic lis, but ‘must ao inch supplementary or Sport exereises mare specie to Shvowing evens. Allemate bight and avy Wotkouts an Work each body part bsweoky Base each workeut fava percentage of repetition mak Te Aol at See ca ipa imum forthe panicuar mesoeyle In September, perform sets of 10, repetitions in October op to ts Of 5 repetiions and in November mow to sets of 8 The jump from 10% 5 rept bas prow to be very elfecve as 2 means of ging Strength becouse the sudden ocrese in Wane ad ein te sity shocks the system. This wil help promote faster gains in the taining intensity of the throwing, Sets of 5 also prepare the athe bande hosier fos for sts of 8 November. Lifting should be per: Table 3. Training the Shot Put Preseason) “Ald eprom wth ese ee nf ‘Tran te Shot Pon) eer fete Shea hn Bar we ‘tng Tee Be & Bie & ae bl Gates & he a & Be a be o. hes eet fy ta aby wh eo Ca Colgate Cotte ih Sta Orr tte oe “ ie ae ist Fon Be & Be & ee & We & Stone he Bee Bee ib ® Bee ae Be Db bb i 2h @ ss Be 36 8 ie ® Bb bb gb ae je ® ie & Bem de Gis th ee ae nyse fee tty ‘Table 4. Explanation of Throwing Sequence Drills owing De Progression (Ge) Wh Fi, Sind ath ot of ig ith ot fet at hte adh she sil nce a a sip ten sto sp nd eas San” Won fp dos up a igo gree i si oot Pah Stand tt lh wth ot et te rd te Se he neck anda he heer Sek iin ee ltr eas athe ke eng whe ew up od ‘amb down "The font uth 8 dene the ey. a a us ‘os on igh spd Sending Tow #1 io aro so ata ad 4 454 ‘etn Eeehaas an proton thot Wek po SerGi% Eres Won nes Sep we ey “Slanaing hou #2. St ra pei tc pnw tice Berto lhe my tanh Ener ch sete acy Ripe dan’ Yulee” Aga wear to nl eee de in rec Te tt 15 2 ds nwt he rene. The ‘hene/ aac doe wa ew eae opp ae ad Ge fal cg Thee dane se ed ort when enews Seaton ont ye one wk Ro a wah oh formed six days per week during the summer, September and October; Tour days, per week November January, and thee days per week during the competitive ‘Throwing Implements Th the preseason preparation phase, the athlete should work with heavy shots to bulld throwing strength. ‘This Servs asthe final Ingredient in ur fall preparation phase and isthe ky To ucees ath the dynamic glide. A ladder type System is used, stating hea and ‘moving to a lighter implement as the athlete thes and technique dete Hlorates. This workout helps improve power apd makes up for

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