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Mastery Astronomy Assign 3-Chapters 4&5

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1. The light from Polaris travels through space in the form of

_______ energy.
2. Rapidly moving comets have more _____ energy than
slowly moving ones.
3. An apple contains ______ energy that your body can
convert into other forms energy.
4. Nuclear fusion in stars converts some of the _____-energy
of hydrogen nuclei into light and heat.
5. Due to its much higher density, water heated to 80
degrees (Celsius) contains more ______ energy than air at the
same temperature.
6. An asteroid that is moving farther from the Sun is gaining
______________ energy.: 1. radiative
2. kinetic
3. chemical potential
4. mass
5. thermal
6. gravitational potential



Compared to an atom as a whole, an atomic nucleus:: is very

tiny but has most of the mass.
Compared to its angular momentum when it is farthest from
the Sun, Earth's angular momentum when it is nearest to
the Sun is: the same.




Compared to red light, blue light has higher frequency and:

higher energy and shorter wavelength.
Consider Earth and the Moon. As you should now realize,
the gravitational force that Earth exerts on the Moon is
equal and opposite to that which the Moon exerts on Earth.
Therefore, according to Newton's second law of motion
__________.: the Moon has a larger acceleration than Earth,
because it has a smaller mass
The diagrams below are the same as those from Part A. This
time, rank the atoms based on the wavelength of the
photon emitted as the electrons change energy levels, from
longest to shortest.:

According to the laws of thermal radiation, hotter objects

emit photons with _________.: a shorter average wavelength
According to the universal law of gravitation, if you triple
the distance between two objects, then the gravitational
force between them _________.: decreases by a factor of 9
The animation shows a collapsing cloud of interstellar gas,
which is held together by the mutual gravitational
attraction of all the atoms and molecules that make up the
cloud. As the cloud collapses, the overall force of gravity
drawing the cloud inward __________ because __________.:
*(Blank 1) gradually becomes stronger
*(Blank 2) the strength of gravity follows an inverse square law
with distance


The diagrams below each show the motion of a distant star

relative to Earth (not to scale). The red arrows indicate the
speed and direction of the star's motion: Longer arrows
mean faster speed. Rank the stars based on the Doppler
shift that we would detect on Earth, from largest blueshift,
through no shift, to largest redshift.:

As the cloud shrinks in size, its central temperature __________

as a result of __________.: *(Blank 1) increases
*(Blank 2) gravitational potential energy being converted to
thermal energy
As the cloud shrinks in size, its rate of rotation __________
because __________.: *(Blank 1) speeds up
*(Blank 2) its total angular momentum is conserved
The circles in the diagrams below represent energy levels in
an atom, and the arrows show electron (blue dot)
transitions from one energy level to another. (The spacing
between circles represents differences in energy: A larger
spacing means a greater difference in energy.) Assuming
that the transitions occur as photons are emitted, rank the
atoms based on the photon energy, from highest to


The diagrams below show the same set of energy levels as in

Parts A and B, but with a different set of electron
transitions (notice that the arrows are now different).
Assuming that these electron transitions were caused by
the absorption of a photon, rank the atoms based on the
energy of the absorbed photon, from highest to lowest.:



Each diagram below shows a pair of spectra with a set of

spectral lines. The top spectrum always shows the lines as
they appear in a spectrum created in a laboratory on Earth
("Lab") and the bottom spectrum shows the same set of
lines from a distant star. The left (blue/violet) end of each
spectrum corresponds to shorter wavelengths and the right
(red) end to longer wavelengths. Rank the five stars based
on the Doppler shifts of their spectra, from largest
blueshift, through no shift, to largest redshift.:

The following diagrams are the same as those from Part A.

Again considering only the two objects shown in each pair,
this time rank the strength, from strongest to weakest, of
the gravitational force acting on the object on the right.:






The following diagrams are the same as those from Part A.

This time, rank the pairs from left to right based on the size
of the acceleration the asteroid on the left would have due
to the gravitational force exerted on it by the object on the
right, from largest to smallest.:



The following five diagrams show pairs of astronomical

objects that are all separated by the same distance d.
Assume the asteroids are all identical and relatively small,
just a few kilometers across. Considering only the two
objects shown in each pair, rank the strength, from
strongest to weakest, of the gravitational force acting on
the asteroid on the left.:

The gravitational potential energy of a contracting

interstellar cloud: gradually transforms into other forms of
An important line of hydrogen occurs at a rest wavelength
(as measured in a laboratory) of 656 nm (a nanometer (nm)
is a billionth of a meter). Each diagram below has this line
labeled with its wavelength in the spectrum of a distant
star. Rank the motion of the stars along our line of sight
(radial motion) based on their speed and direction, from
moving fastest toward Earth, through zero (not moving
toward or away from Earth), to moving fastest away from

The light blue region represents tidal bulges. In what way

are these bulges drawn inaccurately?: They should be much
smaller compared to Earth.
Listed following are various physical situations that
describe how light interacts with matter. Match these to
the appropriate category.: Transmission:
*visible light meets clear glass
*cell phone signals pass through walls
*blue light hits a red sweatshirt
*visible light does not pass through a black wall
Reflection or Scattering:
*red light hits a red sweatshirt
*white light hits a white piece of paper
light comes from a light bulb
*light comes from your computer screen
Match the words in the left-hand column to the
appropriate blank in the sentences in the right-hand
column. Use each word only once.: Q&A Below


represents how the Moon causes tides on Earth; the

diagram looks down from above the North Pole, so the
numbers 1 through 4 label points along Earth's equator.:









The set of spectral lines that we see in a star's spectrum

depends on the star's:: chemical composition
Shown following are five different colors of visible light
that travel to Earth from the Sun. Rank these colors of
visible light from left to right based on the altitude in the
atmosphere where they are completely absorbed, from
highest to lowest (Earth's surface). If two (or more) of the
choices reach the surface, rank them as equal by dragging
one on top of the other(s).:

Shown following are six different types of light that travel

to Earth from the Sun. Rank these types of light from left to
right based on the altitude in the atmosphere where they
are completely absorbed, from highest to lowest (Earth's
surface). If two (or more) of the choices reach the same
altitude or the surface, rank them as equal by dragging one
on top of the other(s).:

A star whose spectrum peaks in the infrared is:: cooler than

our Sun.

Suppose that the Sun were to collapse from its current

radius of about 700,000 km to a radius of only about 6000
km (about the radius of Earth). What would you expect to
happen as a result?: A tremendous amount of gravitational
potential energy would be converted into other forms of energy
and the Sun would spin much more rapidly.
Suppose that two asteroids are orbiting the Sun on nearly
identical orbits, and they happen to pass close enough to
each other to have their orbits altered by this gravitational
encounter. If one of the asteroids ends up moving to an
orbit that is closer to the Sun, what happens to the other
asteroid?: It will end up on an orbit that is farther from the Sun.
What do the three black arrows represent?: the Moon's
gravitational force at different points on Earth
What time is it at point 1?: cannot be determined from the
information in the figure.


Where is it high tide?: points 1 and 3


Where is it low tide?: points 2 and 4



Which forms of light are lower in energy and frequency

than the light that our eyes can see?: infrared and radio
Why is a sunflower yellow?: It reflects yellow light.
Why is Newton's version of Kepler's third law so useful to
astronomers?: It can be used to determine the masses of many
distant objects.

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