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Test Paper

Characterize Henry VIII. Was he cruel?


Why did Pocahontas save the leader of the English people?


What were wagon trains?


What dangers did the wagon trains encounter?.................30 points

2. Change the following sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:
30 points
a. When is the party going to start?, he asked.
b. My daughter waits for me every day when I finish work, to drive me home, he
c. I have never seen such a beautiful castle, she said
d. Invite Jane to dance if she likes to! he asked me.
e. What shall I do with your ticket? he asked

III. Give antonyms for the following words:

20 points


Test Paper
1. What Henrys wife impressed you the most and why?

2. Who led the group of English in North America? What were they looking for?

3. Why did people travel in wagon trains?

4. What dangers did the wagon trains

encounter?.................................................................30 points

II. Give antonyms for the following words:.20 points


III. Change the reported speech:

30 points
1. Can you come to my party? David asked
2. Did you enjoy our trip? Connie asked
3. I am going to move to Ohio, Bruce said
4. We shall have a fantastic holiday in the mountain
next week, said the boys.

5. The shop assistant said Try these leather shoes on,


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