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Whats Your Dream?

Most people today dream of two things: to be financially

secure and to have a career or business they love. These two
dreams can be achieved together or independently, yet many
people today find themselves financially overextended and
stuck in a job they hate. ValuTeachers provides an opportunity to build a Company within a Company and achieve financial independence!
Todays Financial Crisis
Whether its getting out of debt,
saving for the future, or preparing
for the unexpected, many of todays
families face a serious financial crisis.
Theyre living paycheck to paycheck,
overloaded with debt and unable to
Whats more, the people that often
need the most financial help cant get
it. Many average families are simply ignored by the financial services industry.
ValuTeachers is special and I love it;
I love what we do for people. There is
nothing like it in the industry. It has
given me the opportunity to have a
successful second career and travel
around the world.
- Sam Reavis, NSD

Savings and Retirement Crisis

Savings & Retirement Crisis

Debt Crisis

Debt in the United States has doubled in the past

ten years. USA Today, April 29, 2005

About 103 million Americans carried balances,

averaging $9,312, on their credit cards at the end
of last year.
USA Today, July 29, 2005

Foreclosure filings reported in October 2007 were

up 94% over the same period ending in October
2006. The national foreclosure rate for the month
was one foreclosure filing for every 555 households., November 29, 2007

In a recent survey, 31% of workers said they

determined how much they would need for
retirement by simply guessing.
USA Today, March 30, 2005
48% of people in the work force think theyll
still be working at 65 or older.
Money, February 2005

In 2006, Social Security was the largest

source of income for those currently 65 and
older, accounting for 39.8% of their income
on average. Women received on average
47.8% of their income from Social Security
while men received 34% on average.
EBRI, December 12, 2007

The personal savings rate in the U.S. has

fallen to a negative percent. That means
people are spending more than they earn!
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nov. 1, 2005


spend more than

they earn
The Boston Globe, January 25, 2005

A 65 year old couple retiring today would

need to set aside $300,000 to pay healthcare
costs for a 20-year span.

More than 1.5 million people sought personal

bankruptcy protection in 2004.
Kiplingers, July 2005

As Debt Goes Up, Savings Goes Down


Looking for Solutions

People often find themselves in a
financial crisis because the business
world today provides less security than
it once did. Too many people struggle
to climb the corporate ladder, but
end up languishing in dead-end jobs
with meager pay. They put in years at
a company only to be laid off, downsized, or outsourced.







credit card
debt per U.S.



savings as a
of disposable




Does the dream of being debt free,

owning your own business and controlling your own destiny seem out of







Sources: USA Today, October 8, 2005; USA Today, July 13, 2004;
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 1, 2005



It doesnt have to be.


Where Dreams Come True

At ValuTeachers, we offer the opportunity to make your
dreams come true. You have the opportunity to go into
business for yourself, without all the risks of going at it
alone. We offer people the chance to attain those seemingly
impossible dreams of owning their own business, to take
control of their financial destiny.
ValuTeachers Crusade
ValuTeachers helps people make
and save money. While other financial
services companies often ignore average income consumers in favor of high
net-worth clients, ValuTeachers helps
families save for retirement. Our mission
is to help middle America retire with
financial dignity.

ValuTeachers has changed my life and given me

a place where I can stretch my wings and soar to
any height. The view is phenomenal and Ill never
look back to the classroom or boardroom where
I was held back because my drive was intimdating to my managers. My success has empowered
my children as well. I am no longer just a dreamer
because ValuTeachers has fulfilled many of my
- Rosette Barner-Harris, NSD

With ValuTeachers, by helping others, you help yourself. Youll learn more
about how money works and have
access to unlimited income. In todays
world of layoffs and pay freezes, you
can actually earn what you think youre
worth, and have the opportunity to own
your own business.

Who is

Some people think all companies in the Financial Services
sector are alike. However, ValuTeachers is a One of A Kind
Company that makes an extraordinary difference for school
employees across our country. ValuTeachers has over 30 years
of experience and commitment to educating school employees
on the concepts and formulas to build a secure retirement. The
basic principle to a secure retirement is taught to every client:
Pay Yourself First with IRS approved pre-tax plans such as a
403b, 457, 401k, and/or IRA. These saving opportunities have
been available to educators and non-profit employees for over
50 years, yet only 27% of eligible employees participate in a
retirement savings plan. Our Mission is crucial!
ValuTeachers, a marketing company, recruits, trains, and
builds leaders Nationally to educate the marketplace about
State Retirement Systems, Social Security, emergency savings,
the retirement income gap, and all of the critical components
necessary to secure financial dignity at retirement. ValuTeachers is Making A Difference that is unparalleled in the 403b/457

Todays Job Outlook Grim

Experts say that average white-collar
pay raises 3.5% in 2004 and 3.5%
predicted for 2005 are the lowest in
almost three decades.
Parade, March 13, 2005

Nearly half of all Americans say

theyre itching to leave their jobs.
Some 40% are eager to start new
jobs. Some 40% are eager to start
their own businesses.
Money, February 2005

Department of Labor Jobs Report

shows 2007 that was the weakest year
for jobs growth in four years., January 4, 2008

want to start
their own

Part of a 157 year LEGACY...

LSW (Life Insurance Company of the Southwest) is a Dallas, Texas based national financial services company.
LSW specializes in the design, administration, and marketing of tax-deferred retirement vehicles. One of LSWs
specialties is the 403(b) marketplace.
LSW is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Life Insurance Company, a 157 year-old insurance company
based in Montpelier, Vermont. National Life and all of its subsidiaries are jointly referred to as the National Life
Group. Together, they have over $19 billion is assets and 728,000 policyholders. Companies of the National Life
Group provide products available under Internal Revenue Code 403(b) to tailor make solutions to the needs of
403(b) policyholders.
Since LSW began writing TSAs in 1985, it has consistently been in the forefront of the 403(b) market with innovative products, leading edge representative compensation and personal service. LSW is an authorized TSA
provider for over 5,000 school districts, universities and not-for-profit organizations.

A Distribution Powerhouse
With support, ValuTeachers is poised for unprecedented
expansion. ValuTeachers is creating more new independent business owners than ever before. Our school market is growing faster
than we would have ever thought possible. However, we need
more people who want a chance to change their Destiny forever!

Build Financial Independence

Build an income that compounds
and increases yearly by 30 - 50% by
maximizing the ValuTeachers system
of building a large marketing organization. Expect a six figure income in
three years or less with twenty associates on your team, and $500,000
income with 50 associates. However, if
you are motivated and have the desire
to be extraordinary, build a team with
a hundred associates and earn a million dollars a year.
ValuTeachers has given me the opportunity to create financial security
for myself and my family. What a
great know that I get up
every morning and am in complete
control of my own future.
- Chase Christopher, SNSD

ValuTeachers Success System

ValuTeachers specializes in meeting the retirement needs of the non-profit sector, most specifically school employees. Our mission is simple yet profound. ValuTeachers is committed to helping every school employee Retire
with Financial Dignity. Our System and delivery is unique and specialized within the industry. Our service is education, education, education. We do believe that knowledge brings power and ValuTeachers has empowered over
50,000 school employees to save and accumulate money to fill their income gap at retirement. We are determined to
educate every eligible person. Our Mission Makes a Difference.

No large capital investment

required only $100 to get

Start your business part-time

No inventory to maintain

Earn income while you learn

Comprehensive training, marketing and operations support

An opportunity to reach the top

Build vested, recurring income

You can own your ValuTeachers


No business experience or degree

Huge, untapped market

Total flexibility

A Better Way to Do Business

ValuTeachers is the ideal business opportunity for todays entrepreneurs. If youve ever dreamed of owning
your own business, being your own boss, or a record career, take a closer look at ValuTeachers. Our success
system allows you the freedom to build a business as YOU choose. Just compare.

Unique Business Model

ValuTeachers provides a builders opportunity that supports growth and development of a marketing organization. ValuTeachers partners with you to recruit, train, and develop as many leaders as possible to explode
your business, your market and your income.

Leadership Training
The most crucial components to achieving success in American business today are support and a proven
system for success. ValuTeachers provides tremendous leadership, continuous training, and access to successful business leaders who will mentor you while you achieve your dreams and goals.

Retirement Income Benefit

Everyone wants financial security that will support retirement, disability, or income to a beneficiary. The
ValuTeachers system provides leaders the opportunity to build an unlimited recurring income called residual
income. Our concept pays our leaders to deliver quality product and great service year after year to our clients. The rewards for continued service are vested to you and your beneficiary for life. In addition, our Estate
Plan for builders is unparalleled in our industry.

Build a Dream Business

ValuTeachers offers the ideal business opportunity. You have
the freedom to build a business how you choose, with no
restrictions on your earnings potential. Whether you want to
earn a little extra money part-time, or own your own business.
The Part-Time Answer
At ValuTeachers, you can keep your full-time job
while starting your own business part-time. Maybe
youre looking for some extra income or just want
to see if ValuTeachers is the right opportunity for
you. No matter what your financial goals, a part-time
income at ValuTeachers can make a big difference to
your family.
Whether your dreams are big or small, ValuTeachers can help you make them come true. Take a look
at how starting part-time can help you earn extra
money each month.
As a result of my relationship with
Valuteachers, I am realizing my
dreams through a six figure income,
trips around the world, and retirement security through residual income. My wife Julie has been able to
retire, assist me in the business, and
accompany me on our travels.
- Ken Love, NSD

A. You are a Part-Time VTC doing 6 Personal apps/month.

Your Monthly Personal Business
$ 1,080
Total Annual Income
B. You are a Part-Time VTC doing 6 Personal apps/month.
You also override 8 Reps writing 32 apps/month.
Your Monthly Personal Business
$ 1,080
Your Monthly Override Business
$ 960
Total Annual Income

Build a Team
As you build your ValuTeachers business, you also have the opportunity to build your team and earn overrides.
Take a look at how you can build your business even further as a part-timer.

You are a Full-Time DMD doing 10 Personal apps/month.

You are also overriding 3 Part-Time VTC Teams for a total
of 72 apps/month.
Your Monthly Personal Business
$ 2,100
Your Monthly Override Business
$ 2,160
Your Monthly Renewals from Part-Time $ 612
Total Monthly Income
$ 4,872
Total Annual Income
$ 58,464

Transition to Full-Time Regional Leader

As you continue to build a team and expand your ValuTeachers business, you may decide to quit your regular job
and become a full-time ValuTeachers representative. When you advance to the RMD level, you also have the opportunity to earn bonuses. See how much you can earn each year as an RMD.

You are a Full-Time RMD doing 5 Personal apps/month.

You are also overriding 3 DMD Teams.
Your Monthly Personal Business
$ 1,350
Your Monthly Override Business
$ 8,280
Your Monthly Renewals
$ 1,278
Total Monthly Income
$ 10,908
Total Annual Income
$ 130,896

Build a Business and Work Toward the Estate Plan

With ValuTeachers, you have the opportunity to own your own business. As you continue to advance, your opportunity to grow is unlimited! You can advance other full-time RMDs on your team and earn more bonuses and
overrides as you build an even bigger team. See how much you can earn as you build a business and work toward the
Estate Plan.

You are an NSD managing your Team.

You are overriding 2 RMD Teams and 3 Direct DMD Teams.
Your Monthly Override Business
$ 23,340
Your Monthly Renewals
$ 4,167
Total Monthly Income
$ 27,507
Total Annual Income
$ 330,084

Your Success is Our Goal

At ValuTeachers you have a support system of destiny. Youre
in business FOR yourself but not BY yourself. Where else can
you find such a large support system devoted to helping YOU?

Where Ordinary People Do

Extraordinary Things
Whats your dream? Is it to start a
new career? Make some extra money?
Try something different? These people
started with a dream and theyve
changed their lives in the process.
ValuTeachers is a place where, with
hard work, anyone can make their
dreams come true.

Since ValuTeachers has become a part of

our lives, we not only have helped ourselves financially but we have been able
to help numerous friends and former colleagues to start down the path to financial security by providing sound, ethical
retirement education.
- Janice Hancock, DMD &
Bob Hancock, RMD

These people didnt want something for nothing. They just wanted a
chance. When they discovered ValuTeachers, they decided to go for it.
Today, they are building the kind of
security for their families that they
never dreamed possible. With commitment and hard work, so can you.

Make a Difference
Our representatives come from all walks of life. Theyre coaches and educators, health care workers and
entrepreneurs, managers and financial services professionals. But they all have two things in common: the
desire to Make a Difference and a Desire to Dream. Meet some of ValuTeachers SIX FIGURE leaders:

Ken Love, NSD

Sam Reavis, NSD

Former occupation:
Plant manager

Former occupation:
State Treasury Department

Matt Bradshaw, SNSD

Denise Smith, NSD

Chase Christopher, SNSD Etter Lee-Randall, NSD

Owen Roberts, NSD

Former occupation:

Former occupation:

Roger Walker, NSD

John Monahan, NSD

Rosette B.-Harris, NSD

Steve & Cathy Jahr, NSD Benjie MacNabb, NSD Ernestine McWherter, NSD Gary Johnson, NSD

Susan Simpson, NSD

Former occupation:

Former occupation:

Former occupation:
PTA advocate

Former occupation:
Financial services

Former occupation:
Chemical sales

Former occupation:
School superintendent

Former occupation:
Educator and coach

Former occupation:

Former occupation:
Financial analyst

Former occupation:
Corporate manager

Former occupation:


ValuTeachers is looking for people who want something better

for their lives. People who want to dream again. People who
want to control their own destiny.

Start Living Your Dream Life Today
For internal use only. Not to be distributed to the public.

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