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RITA KOMBONG.The features of Hypertensive Risk Factors in Elderly People at

Social Home of Tresna werdha Gau Mabaji, Gowa Regency.
Old age (elderly) is a natural aging process, so this change can result in
physical, mental, social economic and psychological problems. Physical
problems that are often associated with the aging is cardiovasculer including:
hypertension, angina pectoris, infarct myocardium, and cerebrovascular injuries.
In elderly, hypertension become a problem due to the presence of and main
factors for stroke, heart failure and coronary disease.
This study was aimed to obtain and to know the features of hypertensive
risk factors in elderly at PSTW Gau Mabaji Gowa regency, specifically the age,
sex, obesity, alcohol, stress, smoking and physical activity features.
This study was a descriptive study with purposive sampling. The
population were all elderly in PSTW Gau Mabaji Gowa Regency. The sample
based on inclusion criterion. The observed variables were age, sex, obesity,
smoking history, alcohol intake, genetic, stress and physical activites, and the
variables that was not observed were DM, salt intake and renal disease. Data
were obtained by direct observation and structured interview by using
The conclusion of research for old age in PSTW that is dominant in
irregular physical activites for 45 people (81,8%).
It is suggested for PSTW Gau Mabji Gowa Regency to play more attention
to the elderly health by weekly controlling the health condition for all elderly
people in PSTW and the stress factor need to be in tervened because the age,
sex and genetic factors couldnt be intervebed.

: Risk factor, hypertension, elderly people.

: 24 (1996-2006)

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