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Philosophy of Ministry

We believe in the spiritual development of children, and there are several

ways in which we, as parents and pastors can help to cultivate each childs
faith foundation.
1. I believe in providing children with a God ordained and age-appropriate
curriculum that will be used as an aid to teach biblical truths, and lessons.
My goal is that from this curriculum, children will be spiritually challenged,
and that it will create within them a posture of learning. (Hebrews 4:12)
2. I believe in fostering learning, and spiritual growth through worship,
teaching, small groups and prayer stations. (Colossians 3:16)
3. I believe in equipping childrens leaders, so that they are prepared and
able to teach in Childrens Ministry. I believe that the holy spirit leads each
teacher to help develop each childs unique faith foundation. (John 14:26)
4. I believe in equipping the primary faith influencer with the tools that they
need to be assist children in the development of their faith. Parents, as
the primary faith influencer, model the lifestyle that their children are
observing, and I believe that the primary faith influencer cultivates the
lifestyle that their child will live. (Deuteronomy 4:9)


5. I believe in the generation coming, and raising them to live their lives in
and for Christ. As a church body, I believe that we should walk along side
our children, and help them become strong leaders that walk in
confidence with God. (Ephesians 6:4)
6. I believe that primary faith influencers have been gifted with the
responsibility of raising their children in the stories of God, and cultivating
a life of discipleship. As a pastor, I am called to join and assist primary
faith influencers on this journey, as we live life together. (Deuteronomy
7. I believe in coming along side primary faith influencers as each child
experiences milestones in their life. I believe that it is imperative to place
special blessing on a child during these times in their lives, and to lift
them up to the Lord. I believe that it is important to celebrate with
children, as they pass through new and radical phases in their life.
Celebrating rites of passages is a great way to create connections
between the congregation and the child; this way children know that they
are part of a larger family. The congregation and the childs family pave
the way for a childs spiritual development, and celebrating milestones is
vital in the life of a child. (Deuteronomy 33)
8. I believe in an intergenerational atmosphere. I, as a pastor, want assist
the primary faith influencer in passing on the family tradition of knowing
Gods truth, and His word. Having faith conversations, and blessing your
children is an essential part of passing on this tradition. (Mark 10:13-14)


9. I believe that our young worshippers can learn from our adults and vice
versa. I believe that there should be several adult mentors per child. I
believe that it is essential for children to have adults in their lives that can
encourage and uplift them. I want adults to breathe life into our children.
(Matthew 18:2-6)

As the church, I believe that we should be a family of families. Our goal

is to create a safe place where families can live life together, we want to
create a place where we find a perfect God in the midst of our
imperfections. (Isaiah 6:11)

As the church, I believe in equipping families who are called to adopt or

foster children. As the family of God, it is our responsibility to encourage

and support these families. It is our privilege to welcome orphans and
foster care children into the family of God. (John 14:18-20)


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