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Vocal Warm Ups
DURATION: 15 to 20 Minutes Daily and before rehearsals and Ministering.
1. Opening up the Voice:
a. Yawn 5 times & gentle cough 5 times
b. Lip roll without range
c. Head rock (side to side like you have bouncy hair)
d. Lip roll and head rock simultaneous without range
e. Lip roll and head rock simultaneous with range high to low then low to high
f. Lift shoulders then drop and immediately do lip roll low to high
g. Stoop and do lip roll with range low to high then high to low
2. Increasing Vocal Range:
a. Lip rolls on scales low to high then high to low
3. Improving Vocal Tone:
a. Yah-Yah on scales low to high then high to low
b. Uh-Uh on scales low to high then high to low
4. Strengthening the Voice:
a. VOCAL FRY: A crackling voice using the letter M on a range up to down
and down to up.

Helpful Tips:

Always cough gentle when clearing throat, never cough harshly

Massage neck front and back in an upward motion
Always keep a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated
Exercise regularly and eat healthy
To clear phlegm: Mix 1 cup warm water and 2tsp salt and gargle do not swallow

6. Do not get nervous. It will close up your vocals and you will have to do warm ups
7. Honey coats the throat and gives a smoother sound
8. Try not to eat 1 to 2 hours before singing
9. Always keep body, throat and neck areas relaxed even when singing

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