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Dear Member , Our CPBS has been taken over and controlled by a Clique (just a small handful) who run things like a Mafia . Secrecy and collaboration has empowered this Clifden Clique to push their weight around , lean on people , and use the Society for their own personal gain and they have removed the CPBS from all it’s original goals to Promote and Preserve the Connemara Pony. The Political power and connections of this gang cannot be underestimated and it is imperative that they do not continue unchallenged. Transparency and accountability has been the first casualty and the CPBS has lost ownership of The Showgrounds and all the enhancement expenditure developing it over the years . I have tried when the funding was available to improve facilities for Clifden. I was suspended for attempting to hold these Council Members responsible for a Bank Loan of 100,000 Euro in 2014 which they tried to draw down on behalf of the CPBS. without any plans or payback proposals for this money. Thave been refused access to the Financial records to identify inflated Printing & Stationery Costs over the years at almost 60,000 Euro. I questioned Salary increases of 34,000 Euro when the Office Staff confirmed they received no such increases. I have queried massive sums allegedly paid for Therapeutic Assistance to Disabled Children as a Charitable Activity in which we have no involvement. Ihave been opposed for trying to mitigate with Breeders and avoid Court Settlements. We have no say , we cannot pick Judges or Inspectors as this is all confined to the Inner Circle It is important that I be re elected to complete very serious unfinished business and a major clearance is required and I am supported by Noel Brett, Michael Laffey, Kevin Bolger, Padraig Keaney. I need your vote and would appreciate your help. Thank You, Frank Quinn , Ardrahan , Co Galway

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