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Presentation National School,

Co. Cork.
Tel. 029/70957
Roll No. 02278 I

20th Oct. 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you may be aware the current term of the Board of Management will expire on
30/11/2015 and a new Board of Management takes up office on 01/12/2015.
Two parents of children enrolled in the school (one being a mother and other a
father) must be elected by the general body of parents of children enrolled in the
school. In order to obtain nominations we are first writing to each parent to obtain
consent for the circulation of each parents name and personal details to all other
parents. Please find attached Consent Form.
If you are interested in being nominated as a parent nominee to the new Board of
Management please complete sign and date the consent form. The new Board will
serve for four years from December 1st 2015 - November 30th 2019. If you are
prepared to serve this four year term, attend meetings, be part of a co-operative
responsible for the management of the school as parent nominee please complete,
and sign attached form and return to school by Friday Oct. 24th so that the school
may furnish your details to other parents. Only tick box if you are happy for the
information that relates to that box to be supplied to other parents. If your
spouse/partner (being a parent in the school) wishes to be nominated/she/he must
furnish the school with a separate consent form
Only return form if you are interested in being nominated for position of parent on
new Board of Management
Mise, le meas,
Sr. Noreen Quilter

Roll no. 02278 I

Principal: Joan OMahony



that I am willing to stand for election. For the purpose of the nomination/election of
a parent nominee to the Board of Management I authorise__________________to
circulate to all other parents in the school
Please tick as appropriate
My name

My mobile telephone number (if so insert same)

My telephone landline number (if so insert same)

The class level (e.g. 1st class, infants etc.) attended by my children


day of

Roll no. 02278 I


Principal: Joan OMahony

Roll no. 02278 I

Principal: Joan OMahony

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