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Yesenia Contreras

RWS 1301
Email Memo
October 1st 2015
Second Submission
Subject: SeaWorld Animal Brutality
Dear public audiences who attend SeaWorld,
Are you aware of what happens to the marine animals or the affects of being an animal in
captivity? Have you looked into the eyes of these animals or even tried to see what its
like to be in their position? Or is it just an amusement park for your family to visit for
fun? These animals are being stripped of their own right of human nature. The walruses,
dolphins, sea lions, and orcas are greatly affected mentally, physically, and emotionally,
something SeaWorld shields with amusement. The orcas and dolphins live by a family
based lifestyle living in pods for mostly their entire life but being in captivity forces them
to act as if they are apart of a family when in reality they are not. The orcas and dolphins
are forced, having different characteristics and calls. These animals in captivity begin to
view each other as a tool to being rewarded, they depend on each other to do the correct
action but if one confuses the action they are not only punished by the trainers but by the
animals, leaving teeth marks, and causing deep blood cuts that can even been seen by the
human eye. It causes bullying and aggressiveness between the animals. Does that sound
family orientated to you?
These animals are born to swim the depths of the ocean do you think a 40 foot deep pool
amounts to that? Imagine being in a jail cell for the rest of your life for something you
were framed with, you have no voice, no control in changing your living situation, just
like these animals dont have a choice. The enclosure has a much more bigly affect then
is realized. Being in captivity results in unhealthy animals, dolphins having skin
conditions, physiological stress for orcas, in one incident a whale named Hugo committed
suicide by bashing his head into the wall repeatedly giving him a brain aneurysm. These
animals are being deprived of what they were born to survive with, their lifespans are
being cut in half and nothing is being done to stop it.
As an agency representing the rights of these animals we ask for your attention,
awareness, and call of action. In order to bring more attention to these animals you can
participate with the following agencies; PETA; People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals is an organization where you can make your stand. PETA focuses on animals
affected in factory farms, clothing trade, laboratories, and in the entertainment industry.
Their mission statement is Animals are not ours, to eat, wear, experiment on, use for
entertainment, or abuse in any other way. With this organization you can make a
difference by signing a petition and understanding why SeaWorld should be shut down.
The Orca Project is a non-profit corporation that collaborates with the worlds top marine
mammal experts. They are committed to providing the public with what the marine
mammal captivity/entertainment industry actually is. They also have a blog and website

where ideas and information can be shared to raise awareness about the captivity and
exploitation of orcas.
Now it is your turn to help. You can begin by telling your friends and family about what
is happening to these animals, contact congressman and elected officials to not support
Marine Mammal Captivity, take the pledge to not indulge in any marine parks or events
that would continue to fund these parks. These animals need a voice to be set free, help
them live the life they deserve.
Thank you for your time.

Works Cited:
"SeaWorld Of Hurt: Where Happiness Tanks." SeaWorld of Hurt. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The Animal Rights Organization."
PETA. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
How to Help. (2010, October 22). Retrieved October 2, 2015.

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